you know what, logic and pragmatism are all fine and good, but dammit, we have a menageria, and Yss as my witness, i will not see it go to waste.
[X] Gotta catch em' all
-[X] Purchase 2 Ankhegs (Breeding pair, 360 SC)
-[X] Purchase 2 Ceru (Breeding pair, 1180 SC)
-[X] Purchase 1 Istaheq (male, 900 SC)
Total: 2440 SC
-Ankhegs: not very expensive, will look great in the menagerie, the pech might have use for them, if not, acid farms are still likely to be profitable or provide some sort of alchemy bonus. also, a more personal reason, we will either buy them now or we are unlikely to ever find a reason to come for them again.
-Ceru: reading on their lore, Breeding pairs are exceedingly expensive, likely a one time find, most ceru are sterile and most vender would rather destroy their herd than lose their exclusivity, this here is a very rare find indeed. about their intelligence, they are smart, sure, but they were created with the express purpose of serving mages, they are likely like the servitors in that regards, anything that doesnt help their masters was likely bred out of the line long long time ago, i doubt they will show much desire to leave once in our posession. I want these little guys for our towers, with some luck we can breed a few dozens of them in a few years.
@DragonParadox will our mages be able to take them as familiars without the improved familiar feat?
- The horse: Waymar wants him, if all he wants is something to show to his parents when he is knighted, then he can use it for that and then upgrade to a Griffin. Meanwhile, we can breed it and see if any useful traits are carried over to the foals. we can give it to our dothraki to give them some kind of mount bonus in a few years once waymar doesnt need it anymore.