Narrative is the most rare of commodities for us, this is self-evident, especially now that DP has largely given up on trying to lock us to adventurer standards back when the whole deal with the Iron Bank was in the works. In that light, it is likely we'll soon enough have more funds than we'll ever have the time to spend, simply due to the constraints of how the system works.
In short, narrative is the true currency of this quest, and most quests, really. In that light,
[X] Plan Narrative
-[X] 1 Istaheq (Male) - 900 SC
-[X] 2 Ceru (Male, Female) - 1180 SC
-[X] 2 Ankheg (Male, Female) - 360 SC
--[X] Mention to Waymar that you've something else entirely in mind for him, a creature straight out of legends.
If Waymar doesn't read legends as GRIFFIN KING, I shall be disappoint, as I'd rather we gift the Istaheq to Rhango, so that he might breed the stallion with prize Dothraki mares for that sweet, sweet narrative.