Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Intrigue Options:
[x] A dozen centuries of tax ledgers and records don't just vanish. And I may have found them. Let's go raid a tomb.
[x] Count Petr is definitely tied up in the ledger theft. I can go get him for you, and bring him back in chains.
[x] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and I've got a lead: Julbach.
[x] I need a proper information network. Please fund me wandering around making friends.
[x] The Stirlandian League is a cancer eating at Stirland's economy, and it must be destroyed.
[x] The Stirlandian League is a gold mine of information, and it must be yours.

I don't see any reason to leave these last two out. I can see why we shouldn't be so brazen as to e.g. ask for funds for the underground palace, but the Stirlandian League options should arguably be on there. If our Count doesn't think they're important, he'll just pick something else, no loss. And if our count does think they're important, and we should be handling the League while Kasmir raids the tomb for ledgers, we should include the League so Abelheim doesn't have to write-in. Making the count write-in is bad.

[X] Report: This deal's getting worse all the time!
I have no beef with it.

[X] Private report: Sensible
Of the two private proposals in the running, I prefer this one and I figure it's too late to tweak now.
Eh, plan Sensible is great as well, I went for the minimalist approach because the other info isn't really immediately relevant and he probably knows himself as he was present at the negotiations, but there's no harm in mentioning it. Discreetly mentioning our base downtown is fine as well, as long as we're not telling him we're making it a shrine to Ranald.
Discreetly mentioning our base downtown is fine as well, as long as we're not telling him we're making it a shrine to Ranald.

Thinking pretty much the same thing. The Count seems reasonable enough to respect that we have a separate base for the kind of discreet work that can't very well be done in the Elector Count's Castle, and he should know where it is so he can send a messenger to get us if it's urgent, but he shouldn't come there personally or it'll draw attention.

And then we try not to let the messenger see what's below the shack. Could perhaps use a Research Spells or Practice Enchantment action centered on securing the trapdoor next turn.
[X] Report: This deal's getting worse all the time!
[X] Private Report: Professor Lucrezio de Verezzo and Anton Kiesiner II

[X] A dozen centuries of tax ledgers and records don't just vanish. And I may have found them. Let's go raid a tomb.
[X] Count Petr is definitely tied up in the ledger theft. I can go get him for you, and bring him back in chains.
[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and I've got a lead: Julbach.
[X] I need a proper information network. Please fund me wandering around making friends.
[x] A dozen centuries of tax ledgers and records don't just vanish. And I may have found them. Let's go raid a tomb.
[x] Count Petr is definitely tied up in the ledger theft. I can go get him for you, and bring him back in chains.
[x] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and I've got a lead: Julbach.
[x] I need a proper information network. Please fund me wandering around making friends.

[X] Report: This deal's getting worse all the time!
[X] Private Report: Professor Lucrezio de Verezzo and Anton Kiesiner II
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Turn 3 - 2471
Winning plan:

[-] Report: This deal's getting worse all the time!
[-] Private Report: Professor Lucrezio de Verezzo and Anton Kiesiner II
[-] Count Petr is definitely tied up in the ledger theft. I can go get him for you, and bring him back in chains.
[-] I need a proper information network. Please fund me wandering around making friends.
[-] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, especially since he's actively trying to sabotage the hunt for him. He must be found, and I've got a lead: Julbach.
[-] A dozen centuries of tax ledgers and records don't just vanish. And I may have found them. Let's go raid a tomb.


"The investigations have been going about as well as can be expected--hardly anybody seems to know what's going on and those who do aren't talking. The good news though is that they still have to move stuff from one place to another overland, and people tend to notice big carts of stuff being moved from place to place. Managed to get a hold of their patsy, and he was rather better than average at remembering what was going on--a bunch of extremely efficient, mysterious people that scare animals with their presence alone--or at least horses, not sure if that's going to be important or not. Either way, it was definitely an enormous pile of books coming from the castle, which means it's almost certainly our missing tax codes. What's deeply unfortunate is that they decided to have him bring them to a burial mound halfway to Julbach, and that's not exactly a place where sane people hide stuff, so we're probably going to want to load for surprises when we go down there and kick in the door--and probably make sure we've got some priests on hand to boot, you don't take chances with these places.

"Speaking of Julbach, our little misinformant that we brought in? That's where he was from, and that's where he was told to come here and try to confuse us. Seems solid enough for closer inspection.

"In other news, I took the liberty of discreetly poking Count von Stolpe to see if he'd let something slip--being the one non-paying high nobleman who doesn't have an excuse for it. The good news is that he's an arrogant and cocky fellow who's all too easily led to brag, and all but admitted that he's aware that we don't have our copies of the tax records. His exact words were 'If Wurtbad believes, as they so transparently do, that I have been remiss in my tax obligations, I invite them to compare what they have received to what the feudal contract says they are owed.' In a really smug and self satisfied way. Might be a patsy, might be a collaborator--either way, it'd be poetic justice to actually whip out the proper tax codes and nail him to the wall with them.

"That about sums it up."

You couldn't help the tone of pride that crept into your voice as you gave your report, but you didn't really try, because you deserved it. Not only did you track down where the books went after they left the castle, but you also identified one of the most powerful men in the province as culpable in their removal, all in your first year.

The looks from around the table are impressed too. Wilhelmina in particular looks thankful that the end is in sight for the crisis of the absent archives, and Van Hal gives you a nod of approval. Then he sits back and looks over the papers that had been handed to him, upon which were written the options and possibilities that the council had given him for their respective fields.

"de Verezzo, see Wilhelmina later about how much we have available to speed up recruitment. An understaffed military is not an option." He shuffled around the rest of the papers, a frown of concentration on his face. "Anton, is von Stolpe well liked?"

Anton shakes his head firmly. "They're politically isolated down there, Western and Central Stirland stay out of their fights. As for those down there, he's constantly fighting with Toppenheimer over trade with the Moot, and apart from that everyone in Southern Stirland is constantly at each other's throats over who should get the Barony of Texing. Have been for as long as I can remember."

Van Hal nods thoughtfully. "That frees you up, then. Head to Siegfriedhof, present my compliments to the Knight-Commander of the Order of the Raven Knights, spent some time with him and see if you can get a read on the man. If he's willing to work with the secular military of Stirland instead of just guarding the graveyards, they could be an enormous help." He looks down again. "What next... oh yes. Schultz, I'd love to cover Eagle Castle in cannon, but we just don't have the money to spare for it right now. Put the embrasures in based on the measurements of typical great cannon, build powder rooms at strategic points, and we'll work on filling them later." Schultz looks mournful, but nods obediently. "Wilhelmina..." he continues, then stops. "Weber, what do you think the likelihood is that the archives are still at this mound?"

You hesitate before answering. "About even, I'd say. The position would be equally ideal for either long-term storage or as a landmark to leave it to be relayed elsewhere."

"Not the best odds, but not the worst either. Wilhelmina, continue watching over Wurtbad's taxes until we find out for sure whether we're going to recover those archives for you. Speaking of, Kasmir, after we get done searching the mound, you might as well stick around there and end it as a source of corruption. Consecrate the ground, cremate the dead, banish the spirits, the usual clean-up work." At last, he turns to you. "As for you, I want Count Petr in chains. I'll give you written authority to commandeer any troops necessary, but I'd rather you not give him the opportunity to turn treason into rebellion. And... Anton, who's Petr's heir?"

"His brother, Maksim."

"Weber, bring me Maksim as well. Give him the opportunity to come willingly, but bring him in chains if need be."


Van Hal seemed unsurprised when you approached him privately after the meeting asking for a private audience, and he invited you to meet with him in his office later that afternoon. So at the appointed time, you double checked your notes, gathered your thoughts, smoothed down your robes and stepped inside.

"Take a seat," he says distractedly as his quill scratches its way along the parchment. You glance around the office as you make your way towards the chair in front of his desk. He's clearly made himself at home a lot more than you have, with a massive map of the Empire covering one wall and shelves covered in trinkets, from a collection of steins from every province capital in the Empire to what looks like an elongated and fanged human skull, lining the other. And behind him, within arm's reach, a large and well-made Nuln rifle hangs below the halberd you saw him with when he first arrived at Eagle Castle. "So, Weber," he says at last, shaking you from your observances. "Why no mention of the Stirlandian League?"

[THINK FAST: Req 50, Stewardship, 97+10=107. Thought fast.]

You don't hesitate for a moment. "Both possible approaches for the League would be premature. If we wish to take over the League, we need to find my predecessor first and make sure he's not still controlling it from the shadows. And if we want to destroy it, it would be orders of magnitude easier with the tax records from the archive - if we can lay down a detailed record of every unpaid toll and evaded tariff, we could seize every asset the League owns without a murmur of protest from anyone."

Van Hal looks up from his writing, giving you a long, hard stare before nodding. "'We'," he notes, placing down his quill. "It is good of you to approach your work with that word foremost in your mind." You don't know what to say in response to that, so you don't. "It has long been a personal belief of mine that no man is without flaw, and that it is the man whose flaw you cannot find that you must be most careful of. Because for them to hide it so carefully usually means that the secret is a terrible one." He reaches down to his hip and takes a flask, sipping at it while regarding you thoughtfully. "I wonder whether being bound to the winds of magic counts as that flaw for you, or whether I should look deeper for what's wrong with you."

You can't help a surge of irritation that goes through you. "I've never considered it a flaw," you shoot back.

"Neither have I," he responds frankly. "Strange choice of career for it, I know. But I've always focused on burning the necromancers, and not on those wielding the other colours of magic."

"Necromancy isn't a colour in its own right," you respond instantly, still unable to help yourself. The Colleges were very sure to hammer home this particular point. "It's Shyish tainted with Dhar, not a true colour."

He raises an eyebrow. "The distinction is a lot clearer when you can actually see and feel the Winds, I've heard."

"It is." You're not sure where this conversation is going now, so you just hang on and go with the ride. "All the colours of magic, even Shyish, have a natural, almost pure feel to them. They're... I suppose you could think of them as being a clear, vibrant colour, shining like stained glass. But Dhar is when that magic has rotted away, and the colour is gone, replaced by a putrid brown. It's not just ugly, it's ugly that exists only at the expense of beauty."

"I've never heard it put like that before," he notes. Then he smiles. "Well, I suppose you had something in mind other than discussing colour theory. What did you want to talk to me about?"

It takes you a moment to regather your thoughts, but luckily you had prepared what you were going to say ahead of time. "I've come across two pieces of information that might be of interest. First is that Professor Lucrezio was perpetrating a massive embezzling scheme at the University of Altdorf while cooking the University's enrollment ledgers. The affair was covered up by the Emperor's own spymaster, and sent here as his plant. I doubt that he'd try the same trick here as he knows he's being watched, and this of course doesn't impact his competence, but it's something to keep in mind -- with all due discretion of course."

Van Hal grimaces in distaste. "That explains it. I thought he didn't seem the type to leave academia willingly." He took another drink of his flask. "I've no secrets from the Emperor, of course, and if he wants eyes here that's his perogative, but..." He frowns, then shakes his head. "I'll think on it. You said two pieces, what's the other?"

"Anton Kiesinger -- he's wholly unsuited for the darker side of Imperial politics."

He nods in agreement. "That was my read on him, too, but good to have confirmation. I badly want to open talks in Averland to present a unified front to the Sylvanian border, but the Averlanders would eat him alive."

You feel a twinge of guilt, and add, "he is a gifted conversationalist and a social butterfly, though."

He nods again. "If any other Stirlandian noble held the position, it would unbalance the entire political landscape. But nobody dislikes Anton, and more importantly, nobody's threatened by him. He's not a good candidate for the job, but he is the least bad one." He finishes the flask, then opens a drawer and drops it inside. "Is that all you had for me?" You nod. "Then off you- hmm." He gives you a long look, his fingers drumming on the desk. "Actually, if you're willing, I'd be happy to have you join me and Kasmir on raiding the mound you found."


You have six actions to spend.

[ ] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
-[ ] It'd be best all around if von Stolpe just quietly disappeared one night. Attempt to abduct him by stealth.
-[ ] Shock and awe. Bribe the guards of the castle to find somewhere else to be, then raid the castle and take him by force.
-[ ] You have the authority of the Elector Count, march right into his great hall while court is in session at the head of a column of troops!
-[ ] It seems like he has no friends in Southern Stirland. Enlist one of the other local lords (pick one)
-[ ] Like everyone else in Southern Stirland, von Stolpe wants the Barony of Texing. Maybe you could use that to lure him out of his castle.
-[ ] You've also been asked to grab von Stolpe's heir. Ask him nicely, but don't take no for an answer.
-[ ] If things go wrong, you'll want to move fast. Mobilize troops before you attempt anything against von Stolpe.

[ ] Playing at General: Using and abusing the authority to order troops
-[ ] You've got a blank cheque to mobilize troops in Southern Stirland. Maybe there's something else you want to do with them while you can (write in, will not take actions)

[ ] Backtracking and Side Operations:
-[ ] You haven't asked Anton about your predecessor - see if he knows anything useful.
-[ ] The thing you stabbed in the face is still in the cells, and now several others that were found are keeping it company. Examine them, learn from them, see if you can identify them.
-[ ] Put some time aside to interview everyone that works in the castle. If nothing else, it might make anyone that's up to anything nervous.
-[ ] Before you head off to pester von Stolpe, Van Hal has invited you to come along to the Mound. While probably dangerous, it is an excellent chance to make a good impression, and gives you the opportunity to see what is found before a few dozen soldiers tramp through it.

[ ] Laying Groundwork: You can't keep an ear out for gossip if nobody's talking to you. Go out and rekindle old connections with:
-[ ] Surrounds: The peasantry in the villages surrounding Wurtbad; Julbach, Biderhof and Tarshof.

[ ] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors, offering your help in their task and generally getting a feel for them (choose one).
[ ] Getting To Know You Whether You Like It Or Not: You've been given good reason to mistrust your fellow councillors. Perhaps you should see what they spent their time doing (choose one).
[ ] Sucking Up To The Boss: Normally you'd just go about things and report in to the Elector Count when you've got something major to report. If you instead give him regular reports and updates, it may make him more willing to trust you, and allow you to better get to know him. Opening yourself up to oversight, criticism, and potential micromanagement is a heavy price to pay, though.
[ ] Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order.
[ ] Hang Out A Shingle: Spymasters don't advertise, but wizards sometimes do. Make an official announcement that there's a wizard in residence, and see who comes out of the woodwork.
[ ] Now that you've got gold to throw around, you should stock up on spell components. They're not strictly necessary, but they do make things easier. (-personal gold)

[ ] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
-[ ] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills (choose one).
-[ ] Tutoring: One of your fellow councillors may be willing to teach you in their chosen field (choose who).
-[ ] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
-[ ] Combat Training, In The Free Market: You haven't made many heavily armed friends yet, but gold is good for that. Go out and buy some training. (-personal gold)
-[ ] You only really kept in practice with a handful of the petty and minor magics you were taught. Maybe you should brush up on the others.
-[ ] You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.

[ ] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
-[ ] Good Neighbours: The previous owner of the 'shack' is the Innkeeper for the den of iniquity you share a wall with. Recruiting her would give you an information pipeline and an early warning system.
-[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole: A wizard wielding a shovel is unnatural, but doing it yourself might be the only way to keep things secret. Clear out a new room of your Palace-Shrine by hand.
-[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
-[ ] No Place Like Home: Move in furniture, set up a chimney, put in the effort to make sure that your new home actually feels like a home and not like sleeping in an underground mud cave.
-[ ] Castle Doctrine: You don't want just anyone wandering in. Set up locks and fortify the entrances.

[ ]Research:
-[ ] This is Stirland. Time to bone up on your knowledge of the Undead.
-[ ] That damn Asp has been quiet, but maybe it's just biding it's time. Finally admit it's existence to your contacts back in the College and see if they know anything that can help.
-[ ] As a Journeywoman, the path to Magister is marked by mastering more than the two shadow spells you already know. Send to the Grey Order for the basics and work on figuring out one of the others.
-[ ] As a Journeywoman, the path to mediocrity is marked by only learning spells created by others. Your relationship with Ulgu is between you and it. (create-a-spell, write in the effects)



[ ] Ask for a lump sum of discretionary spending. (low difficulty, will only need to account for spending if your current task goes poorly)
[ ] Ask for a regular discretionary budget (moderate difficulty, success will be more expected of you)
[ ] Change tithe payment/loan payment/embezzlement (specify)

- Assume that every non-binary category has an 'other - write in' option. Voting will be in plan format, including finances.
- Van Hal has used a personal action on performing one of the tasks you gave him! This is not a sign of disapproval; it just means that you've presented multiple tasks important enough that he wants them done now. Good for getting things done; bad for personal control over events.
- If you didn't want to be talking back to your Elector Count you shouldn't have chosen Brave.
- Relation increase with Van Hal! Trait revealed: Suspicious!
- Don't forget Ranald's Blessing!
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huh... cremating the dead... @BoneyM i think you should read this regarding how some (the majority) of the Morrites think about such an act (its a heathen practice)... Fellowship of the Shroud

edit: its also a political mine-field and a great plot hook if we would like to support radicals within the Morrite faith
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When they have a habit of getting up and joining necromancer armies whenever one passes only to wander back into their burial mounds after all's said and done, they're no longer honoured dead to be treated with respect, but instead enemy combatants to be turned into ashes.

That, and they're barbarians that predate the coming of Sigmar.
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Loose action outline:
-Grab Stolpe somehow (invoke Ranald's Blessing)
-Grab Stolpe's heir
-Train Intrigue
-Interview everyone in the castle
-Secure our new home
-??? (leaning towards visit mound, magic training, or extra prep for Stolpe)

Stuff is not on fire any more, let's raise our attributes.

-Ask for small lump sum
-Embezzle less

Because our income covers the tithe and the downpayment with some to spare, and our personal wealth covers the tithe and the downpayment again if that becomes necessary, and we've just found our count is Suspicious.

huh... cremating the dead... @BoneyM i think you should read this regarding how some (the majority) of the Morrites think about such an act (its a heathen practice)... Fellowship of the Shroud
I think our Elector Count doesn't care what the Morrites think when he has a barrow to clear out.
[X] Plan Grabbing the necessary
-[X] Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
--[X] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
---[X] The Greatswords guarding the castle

Oh and since we're going to grab a noble, best brush up a bit on the combat skills.

-[X] As Per Orders: Perform your current assignment.
--[X] It'd be best all around if von Stolpe just quietly disappeared one night. Attempt to abduct him by stealth.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing on the abduction
--[X] You've also been asked to grab von Stolpe's heir. Ask him nicely, but don't take no for an answer.

-[X] Playing at General: Using and abusing the authority to order troops
--[X] Have some riders on standby to help restrain and escort the von Stolpes' home reduces the risk of an accident or escape along the way

Okay, we COULD just roll up with a lot of Greatswords, but I think if our boss wanted that he'd have told the Marshal to do that. Better to do it by stealth.
Just my personal take on it.
We bring a bunch of riders however, because even if you're a wizard keeping two trained fighters secured while you ride cross country for two days is asking for trouble.

-[X] Backtracking and Side Operations:
--[X] Before you head off to pester von Stolpe, Van Hal has invited you to come along to the Mound. While probably dangerous, it is an excellent chance to make a good impression, and gives you the opportunity to see what is found before a few dozen soldiers tramp through it.

We should make sure the Mound's loose end is wrapped up. We ARE a wizard after all, and if theres any clues we're the only way to salvage any before it's stomped flat, burned and vigorously prayed over. Its probably bloody vampires.

-[X] Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
--[X] Good Neighbours: The previous owner of the 'shack' is the Innkeeper for the den of iniquity you share a wall with. Recruiting her would give you an information pipeline and an early warning system.
--[X] Castle Doctrine: You don't want just anyone wandering in. Set up locks and fortify the entrances.

For our new place, secure it ASAP. Nobody gets into the spymaster's lair. Nobody

-[X] Ask for a regular discretionary budget (moderate difficulty, success will be more expected of you)

Considering our performance so far a discretionary budget is only reasonable.
And easier to scrape enough off to pay our school fees.
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Loose action outline:
-Grab Stolpe somehow (invoke Ranald's Blessing)
-Grab Stolpe's heir
-Train Intrigue
-Interview everyone in the castle
-Secure our new home
-??? (leaning towards visit mound, magic training, or extra prep for Stolpe)

Stuff is not on fire any more, let's raise our attributes.

-Ask for small lump sum
-Embezzle less

Because our income covers the tithe and the downpayment with some to spare, and our personal wealth covers the tithe and the downpayment again if that becomes necessary, and we've just found our count is Suspicious.

I think our Elector Count doesn't care what the Morrites think when he has a barrow to clear out.
you want to thumb your notes on one of the most powerful Faiths in the setting? either way, its a political mine-field as well as a great plot hook if we want to support radicals within the Morrite faith
You only had the Greatswords under you for last turn. Your authority to requisition troops for this turn is restricted to those stationed in Southern Stirland.

That said there's nothing stopping you from being trained by the ones stationed in Eagle Castle.
At some point we really need to start acquiring some proper subordinates there's simply to much to do for us to do it all ourselves. Also shouldn't we train our rather mediocre intrigue before we start trying to increase martial?
When they have a habit of getting up and joining necromancer armies whenever one passes only to wander back into their burial mounds after all's said and done, they're no longer honoured dead to be treated with respect, but instead enemy combatants to be turned into ashes.

That, and they're barbarians that predate the coming of Sigmar.
meh... its your quest and all, but the canon Morrites may not see it that way, otherwise they would have done that in Sylvania a long time ago. Still, there is a faction that wants to cremate the undead i.e. radical Raven Knights
You only had the Greatswords under you for last turn. Your authority to requisition troops for this turn is restricted to those stationed in Southern Stirland.

That said there's nothing stopping you from being trained by the ones stationed in Eagle Castle.
Ah okay, editing to requisition an escort of riders so we don't have to secure two wriggling men while we ride home and getting trained by the castle garrison.
We're within our rights to request that right?
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meh... its your quest and all, but the canon Morrites may not see it that way, otherwise they would have done that in Sylvania a long time ago. Still, there is a faction that wants to cremate the undead i.e. radical Raven Knights

The fundamental belief of the cult is that the dead face grave perils if they are not sent to Morr's protection with the proper rites. Most believe such souls would be seized and tortured by Khaine, Morr's jealous brother, or even devoured by the Ruinous Powers, and souls know this at an instinctive level. Thus, the spirits of the unburied dead cling to this world, remaining present as Ghosts. Burying the body, or performing the rituals over possessions, or even just a name, places the soul under Morr's protection and allows it to leave safely. Of course, active Undead often have to be driven out, but the burial rites are still important. No soul, not even that of the foulest follower of the Ruinous Powers, should be left without the protection of Morr, and Morr's care extends to all.

My read is that there's burial rites that need to be carried out, but only citizens of the Empire get the full treatment where they're lain to their eternal rest in the Gardens of Morr, and everyone else just gets burial rites said over them and then onto the pyres. Logistically it seems preposterous that mass cemeteries are permanently established in the name of Morr for hundreds of thousands or even millions of enemy dead every time an army of chaos or undead crash against the Empire.

The radicals of the Raven Knights wanting to cremate literally everyone that dies in the Empire is what makes them radicals.

Ah okay, editing to requisition an escort of riders so we don't have to secure two wriggling men while we ride home and getting trained by the castle garrison.
We're within our rights to request that right?

Yes, the Greatswords are stationed in the castle barracks and you're able to get a few of them to train you when they aren't required elsewhere.
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-[X] Playing at General: Using and abusing the authority to order troops
--[X] Have some troops in position to support your efforts to grab the von Stolpes. Some riders on standby to help restrain and escort them home reduces the risk of an accident or escape along the way
Think this looks legit? Going to bed soon, so further amendments will be a while in coming.

The fundamental belief of the cult is that the dead face grave perils if they are not sent to Morr's protection with the proper rites. Most believe such souls would be seized and tortured by Khaine, Morr's jealous brother, or even devoured by the Ruinous Powers, and souls know this at an instinctive level. Thus, the spirits of the unburied dead cling to this world, remaining present as Ghosts. Burying the body, or performing the rituals over possessions, or even just a name, places the soul under Morr's protection and allows it to leave safely. Of course, active Undead often have to be driven out, but the burial rites are still important. No soul, not even that of the foulest follower of the Ruinous Powers, should be left without the protection of Morr, and Morr's care extends to all.

My read is that there's burial rites that need to be carried out, but only citizens of the Empire get the full treatment where they're lain to their eternal rest in the Gardens of Morr, and everyone else just gets burial rites said over them and then onto the pyres. Logistically it seems preposterous that mass cemeteries are permanently established in the name of Morr for hundreds of thousands of enemy dead every time an army of chaos or undead crash against the Empire.

The radicals of the Raven Knights wanting to cremate literally everyone that dies in the Empire is what makes them radicals.
I always assumed they just made giant pyres for enemy corpses, and didn't especially make a lot of effort to get everything beyond the central heap, or to get the bodies properly burned to ash rather than to charred meat and bone.

Theres hardly enough Morr priests to oversee every battle after all, and for a lot of the nobility...well surely they wouldn't have necromancers here those things happen in uncivilized places like the next province over!
Also the sheer expense is probably a barrier as well. Effort spent disposing of bodies is effort not spent chasing stragglers, repairing the damage and generally getting back to work. Not to mention those not-so-final battles where you have other units to engage and if you stop to bury or burn everything you'd get pincered by orcs or beastmen who give zero shits.
Something I could have made clearer:

-[ ] If things go wrong, you'll want to move fast. Mobilize troops before you attempt anything against von Stolpe.
This is to personally oversee having large amounts of troops on hand in such a way that it looks natural for them to be there - training exercise, Sylvanian border patrol, whatever.

[ ] Playing at General: Using and abusing the authority to order troops
-[ ] You've got a blank cheque to mobilize troops in Southern Stirland. Maybe there's something else you want to do with them while you can (write in, will not take actions)
You can use this to do something similar to above, but instead of personally overseeing it to conceal the purpose, you're just sending orders for a whole bunch of troops to march into von Stolpe's neighbourhood with only as much subtlety as whoever is leading those troops feels like showing. That you don't dedicate any significant amount of time to it makes fine control impossible.

This isn't a criticism of veekie's plan - having a small amount of riders nearby to take and transport the Count doesn't risk tipping him off.
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