[X] Let Dany explain the metaphysics, nature and limitations of gods and man's power over his own soul, Viserys only explains our personal relation with gods as trade partners, allies and foes.
[X] Artemis1992

I think Dany can explain this one better than we can. She's been extraordinarily perceptive thus far, and Viserys has noted IC that she's saved our asses several times over regarding how we're briefing Rhaella on current events.
We could have Dany explain now how she gets her powers. She worships all the Draconic Ancestors save one.

But this would still be mother interaction so:

[X] Snowfire

You could do that but remember Dany has a rather large and scary secret as to why she is the sole worshiper of the Church of not!Tiamat. Explaining gods and her own powers without support from Viserys and without outright lying would be rather difficult for her.
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Bit behind but please tell me you guys didn't gloss on the Mantarys affair.

Somebody should know we literally saved the world.

We're not there yet at all.

Now could somebody please pick up the phone. Because I fucking called it!

This is going to be a hard one, and suggestions on the framing our welcome. The biggest thing here is that we may need to admit to our own allegiances in terms of the gods, but I'd...prefer not to. Rhaella is, after all, a woman raised in worship of the Seven if I'm not mistaken. I am very tempted to go for what @Takesis has suggested, but I...gyah. That gets into a whole other business, especially if she uses the term 'all but one'. The question then becomes which one she doesn't, and why. I really, really, really do not want to get into Taimat right now. Yes, Dany has been perceptive, but...no. No. We are not shoving this at our little sister.

Artemis' vote is a good start, but I think it needs more to it. Currently fixing up something at home, so give me a bit to get a full vote in order.
I think framing it as similar to a Hedge Knight pledging themselves to a Lord might be good as an analogy. A god can grant you many things, but ultimately has no special power over you unless you place yourself under them, and you can choose to seek a particular god's favor, but each one will have different criteria, just like different lords have different criteria for their household knights, and just how not every hedge knight can just be accepted into someone's household.
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@DragonParadox, do the Children of the Forest have any preferences on what they want their new homes to be? Do they want us to build them a forest district or something so they came make homes out of trees like they used to in the Dawn Age? Do they want a regular building? Underground tunnels?

EDIT: This would be a great reason to eventually visit Arborea to get some exotic tree saplings to then mass-produce.
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@DragonParadox, do the Children of the Forest have any preferences on what they want their new homes to be? Do they want us to build them a forest district or something so they came make homes out of trees like they used to in the Dawn Age? Do they want a regular building? Underground tunnels?

They have no real terms of comparison for what the dwelling places of men look like beyond the odd wildling hall. they would see more of the world before deciding.
They have no real terms of comparison for what the dwelling places of men look like beyond the odd wildling hall. they would see more of the world before deciding.
Fair enough. Whatever they want we're perfectly willing to accomodate them. And we were planning on making Sorcerer's Deep the greenest city on the plane anyway, so they should be fairly happy about that.
"Yes, the Red God is real, but judging by couple time we spoke to him, he is kind of an ass."
@Duesal we need to work for that godspeaker title, but i cant remember if we spoke to burny once or twice.
One more thing to remember about the current vote is that while Dany likes Rhaella and wishes her only well, she is less attached than Viserys is so if it comes down to just flatly lying to help her adjust Dany will do it more readily.

  • Would Yss accept the Dark Glass, and / or Staff of Charms to upgrade a pendragon so as to allow the next split to retain the upgrade also?
    • This would allow us some thematic use for items beyond vendor/weirwood trash.
  • Now that Lya can create Arcanums, may we put her on modifying souls?
    • Thematically it could be a step from the E-fruit to Half-Celestial horses.
    • As in, [time]+[Planar regeant]=templated creature. [/time]
    [time] [/time]
[time] [LIST] [*]For that matter, could we brute force the E-fruit by feeding it to alot of animals; Or would it require 2-7 days investment by any middling character with planar knowledge? [*]Also, could we 'lend' Pendragons to Yss which would serve the temple for X long until blessed / raised from Constructdom to full draconic snakeness? [/LIST] [USER=12941]@Azel[/USER] [USER=11357]@Artemis1992[/USER] would have been neat if Lya had had a PrC were she could have split of part of her soul /XP to possess a [Gentle Reposed] encounter. Maybe for another character, or perhaps... a loyal Arcanum. :evil:[/time]
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I think framing it as similar to a Hedge Knight pledging themselves to a Lord might be good as an analogy. A god can grant you many things, but ultimately has no special power over you unless you place yourself under them, and you can choose to seek a god's favor, but each one will have different criteria, just like different lords have different criteria for their household knights.

That's inspired. Take a bow.

@Snowfire, I could supply a bombastic speech about the struggle of man against the uncaring heavens. :ogles:

I would never dream of preventing you from speechifying, and you've been out of the game for a while here. Supply away :p

Vote construction in progress, please hold.
About the dark glass, i really want Lya to take some time to study It, i want to replicate It as It is the one permanent portal to the same plane we have seen.
[X] Artemis1992

We have Know:Religion +13 while Dany have +17, let her handle matters of theology.
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  • Would Yss accept the Dark Glass, and / or Staff of Charms to upgrade a pendragon so as to allow the next split to retain the upgrade also?
    • This would allow us some thematic use for items beyond vendor/weirwood trash.
  • Now that Lya can create Arcanums, may we put her on modifying souls?
    • Thematically it could be a step from the E-fruit to Half-Celestial horses.
    • As in, [time]+[Planar regeant]=templated creature. [/time]
    [time] [/time]
[time] [LIST] [*]For that matter, could we brute force the E-fruit by feeding it to alot of animals; Or would it require 2-7 days investment by any middling character with planar knowledge? [*]Also, could we 'lend' Pendragons to Yss which would serve the temple for X long until blessed / raised from Constructdom to full draconic snakeness? [/LIST] [USER=12941]@Azel[/USER] [USER=11357]@Artemis1992[/USER] would have been neat if Lya had had a PrC were she could have split of part of her soul /XP to possess a [Gentle Reposed] encounter. Maybe for another character, or perhaps... a loyal Arcanum. :evil:[/time]
I'm sorry but whats an E-fruit?
Other commitments keep me busy and I doubt you want a rousing speech about casting down the gods and rising Viserys in their stead. ;)

Save it for next month :p

We have Know:Religion +13 while Dany have +17, let her handle matters of theology.

The issue with this is that we kinda need to personalise this, and Dany is unlikely to do that well. Also the whole issue of...y'know...Taimat.