User Fiction

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Original Fiction

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Original Fantasy 


For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

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Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!
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For archived stories without any other posters cluttering the thread.


This is a tale of fiction. Any similarities to other such tales, or even to reality, are...
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Warning; contains fluffy WAFF, AxS Prologue - [1] Chapter 1: Snowflakes, Snowballs, and...
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Asuka, Shinji and Rei deal with their individual and collective traumas together, with a little help from their friends. For better and worse. Til death do us (not) part.
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For at the center of all things lies the soul. This truth has shaped the world that was shattered by a Second Impact, whether it is known or not. Even still, such a truth cannot fully heal the wounds of the heart and mind caused in its wake. But when a single man, forged by worlds uncounted, enters the lives of two Children with such wounds deep within them, what comes next will change the fate of not only Tokyo-3, but those that seek to save, dominate, or plunder the world. And all things...
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Kivotos is in trouble and only Sensei can help! Emotional maturity and support to the rescue! The right words at the right time! What was that? Sensei has less emotional maturity than the students? Sensei barely even speaks? Oh well... guess we're doomed then. Unless...?
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So I started writing this on a loooooooong while back. It started out as my own take on...
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A story of Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu, Yui Ikari, and people whose lives they have changed by being more aware than anyone anticipated. Includes side stories from perspective of Asuka Langley Soryu and Shinji Ikari. Story image created by Danai. Thank you!
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Shinji Ikari thought being conscripted to pilot an Evangelion was a tough assignment. Wait'll he finds himself recruited to spy on NERV, and expose the deadly secrets it holds...Welcome to CONTROL, Shinji, aka the new Agent-86--hope you don't miss it by that much!
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or: Three Pilots and a Horaki or: The German, Her Wife, Their Househusband and His Alien. The world is recovering from the Third Impact. Asuka, Hikari, Shinji and Rei are living together. They aren't always very good at it. It's not Rei's fault. Except the penguins.
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It's done. His Overlord's story is finished, free to be rewritten however his Overlord pleased. But Woz's is just beginning and he's also free to write it however he pleases. Knowing his Overlord's disposition, Woz has decided to continue his helping a certain Shinji Ikari not follow the story that has been set for him in so many timelines. "Rejoice, Shinji Ikari! For I will help you break away from your fate!" ...can this man really do that? Well, he will certainly try, even if he...
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Given the opportunity to try again, what would a troubled girl do differently?
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Asuka gets brushed off by Rei Ayanami at school. But while she sees it as odd, she does not take the refusal lying down – instead, she concocts a plan and executes it. The first part is a mostly-friendship-with-confused-feelings, lighthearted Asuka/Rei story. It happens during early days of Asuka's presence, around episodes 9. & 10. The second part is confused-feelings-heading-toward-relationship Asuka/Rei story, picking up just after the first.
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Well, this has been a long time coming. After much time brainstorming this fic and planning out...
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Hey, I heard you like Evangelion. What. A. Coincidence. I've got this AU fic here, throwing...
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About four years ago, I decided to get into fanfiction writing myself. Thing is, I had no...
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Some of you Evangelion thread regulars may have noticed that my signature sprouted the line...
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In the 24th century, a greater threat than the Dominion may be on the horizon.
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The Age of Monsters ended in Second Impact, or so everyone says. When the human race finds itself besieged by the otherworldly Angels, Shinji Ikari will accept a destiny thrust upon him and rise to protect the Earth. But is the human race worthy to inherit the world from its rightful ruler? A fusion of Evangelion, the Godzilla Mythos, and Ultraman. Rewrite of Leviathan.
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Author's note: Well...I always wanted to try my hand at a SI. we go, onto the...
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Shinji Ikari receives fatal burns when he jumps Unit 01 into an active volcano to save Asuka. For an organization with NERV's resources, though, death of the body isn't necessarily the end. Shinji's soul is salvaged and placed, sans memories, in one of Rei's clones hastily dubbed the Fourth Child. Asuka and Misato grapple with Shinji's death and the revelation that they know less about NERV's true capabilities than they ever realized. Rei gradually comes to terms with the existence of...
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Many of you will have seen a rough draft of this, which I won't link to because it contains...
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Summary: Twenty-four hours in a saner world. Inspired by Gob Hobblin's incomplete EVA Sessions: Someplace Vast and Dry AU
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The end has passed, and a storm looms over a broken world. At its edge, a Captain who cannot fully plot her course plunges in regardless, hoping to find within the storm salvation, absolution, release. She begins to no longer care which comes to her first. In the flashes of lightning, a Priest sees his gods, and hopes to draw them from beyond the clouds, down to the dying Earth he wishes to gift to them. Ascension, dominion, Unity. These are the prizes he seeks to win. Against the rain, a...
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A thread where I'll be posting my short EVA-themed comedy mashups. Feel free to post any good ones of your own.
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Strangers in Tokyo-3 is a Neon Genesis Evangelion / Master and Margarita crossover fanfiction, set in the NGE TV series continuity. It is a story of a few odd people who came to Tokyo-3 - and started to change things among the Pilots and NERV personnel.
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As some of the readers of my other thread have requested to see my other, much longer fic in...
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After their dual synchronization with Unit 02 proves to have lingering physiological and psychological consequences, Ikari Shinji and Asuka Langley Sōryū find themselves drawn together despite the flaws they see in one another. (A reboot of the core concept of my previous, abandoned work Defence in Depth.)
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Growing up in the shadow of the apocalypse, all Shinji Ikari ever wanted to do was reconnect with what little family he has left. On the cusp of his sixteenth birthday however, it would seem his father, and fate itself for that matter, have much more in mind for him.
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An updated version to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the original release.
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You know, it's times like these that I need to reevaluate what life choices I made to get me here. And by here, I mean inside of a 40-meter tall biomechanical superweapon that's the world's only real defense against abominations that don't belong in this world, while one of said abominations has it by the head and the pilot is screaming. It's pretty clear that I need to reflect on my issues, right? I mean, someone who doesn't have any issues wouldn't be here. That kid, the one who's...
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