Strategic Cyborg Evangelion [NGE AU]

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in the material that was put into him
I think this is a typo?

And what he skimmed so far
"he'd" or "he had", possibly

police could not prove premediation."

I am interested to see what Rei's planning to do. Cloning, as someone already brought up, would be the obvious one, but that carries questions on how she'd go about imprinting her consciousness onto the clone, or whether her nonhuman aspects would let her somehow divide her consciousness, or maybe transfer it into the clone if her current body were to be killed.

In the meantime, I'm always happy to see people discussing the technical minutia of fiction; Shinji providing an engineer's perspective on radical surgery absolutely scratched that itch.

EDIT: One option that occurred right after posting - she might be intending to use this laboratory setup as a surgical op, and rather than cloning herself, she's going to have herself rigged with cybernetics to make her better able to protect those she loves. Given that the main example of cyborg humans I can think of in Half-Life are, well...

Even if the Stalkers seem to be less "augmented" than "roboticized", anything which could be sourced from Combine research into modifying the human body would probably carry some rather heavy costs.
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"...did... did he..." – He forced himself to swallow before voicing words he dreaded to speak. – "...molest her?"
I see some fandom theories resurfacing here.
He had no idea how he was going to look Rei in the face again.
Ever again, maybe.
Ok, maybe I am looking too hard, and seeing here things that are not present (or not supposed to be).
After the "incident" in 53 chapter, did Rei feel in the other room the general embarrassment/regret emotions from Shinji, or he decided to reenact "I am so fucked up" scene, but with the mental image of Rei as a focus?
What did put Shinji in a wheelchair?
The Polio outbreak according to the previous chapters
I see some fandom theories resurfacing here.

Yeah, I realized Yui's phrasing could easily be interpreted as such and wanted to nip that issue in the bud.

After the "incident" in 53 chapter, did Rei feel in the other room the general embarrassment/regret emotions from Shinji, or he decided to reenact "I am so fucked up" scene, but with the mental image of Rei as a focus?

What makes you believe that?
Sorry for the long delay in replying, I was on a trip over the last weekend.

The vibes of the lab- the "Place where it all began"- give me the feeling that this is where Rei and Kaworu were created, and if you can create something through experimental processes... could you also *recreate* it given a known and viable sample?

If Rei were to input her own existing DNA into the machines to create a new super-child with her exact genetics... wouldn't that technically be cloning?