Poor Maya, so much crap she has to deal with right now. :(
She's got some big shoes to fill, and considering the circumstances, she's doing quite fine.
Though I am currently wonder what's going on with Ritsuko right now?
Currently, Ritsuko is residing in a comfortable, safe room without doorknobs where she awaits the final awakening of the Evangelions (this is from the ending of chapter 9.):
But it was too late now. Nothing really mattered anymore, anyway. Yes, she could speak up – but what would be the point? What would that bring?

She quietly slid down to the floor with her back to a console, pulled her knees under her chin, and hugged them tightly.

She knew this was all that was left to do. To wait, like this, for the newly born God to come for her.

And she knew she would not put up any resistance when that happened.

It would be utterly pointless. She knew what was coming.

And all she needed to do was to wait.

To wait for it all to end.
yes, I feel like Misato is generally impressed with Maya as a replacement and Gendo too but he preferred her to be much more under his control.
yes, I feel like Misato is generally impressed with Maya as a replacement and Gendo too but he preferred her to be much more under his control.
Pretty much. Also, Maya has it a bit easier than Ritsuko had in canon (lower damage to Units, for once); still, it is not easy. And Misato is both impressed and aware that if Ibuki breaks down, it's over - there is nobody else who could handle that department on her level of competence (Aoba and Hyoga are great technicians, but they're not scientists). So Misato props her up and reassures her every possible way to prevent a breakdown.

And yes, Gendo is somewhat surprised by Maya actually holding her ground against him; on the other hand, he should've expected that - he worked on having his hooks in Ritsuko for a while (emotional manipulation, empty promises, etc.), and never thought it would be necessary to work on Maya in that manner.