NERV! You don't have to be a psychological mess with deep trauma issues to work here, but it certainly seems to help. (Get hired, anyhow.)
Ah yes, the place where "Trauma Doctor" does not necessarily mean "a doctor specializing in traumas". The correlation between being a messed-up individual and working at NERV is clear, the question is whether it is the workplace that draws this kind of people (unlikely, as NERV certainly wants to conceal such things to maintain the illusion of stability and competence), such people are sought out for hire (not impossible, I suppose), or do people become like this after a while of working there (well...)?
And come now, Ritsuko, with everything you really know about what's going on, how long do you think they would let you live outside of Tokyo-3?
I'm actually surprised that canon does not indicate Ritsuko being under far better care of Section 2. On the other hand, there seems to be no need for that: we don't see her ever leave anywhere but for NERV-mandated operations (like Matsuhiro or the vulcano operation), and she - if this is not fanon, it's easy to confuse - seems to live at the Geofront, if not inside the NERV HQ.
Chapter 8.4.
Kyoko Soryu's morning/day/evening/night/something has been brightened by an arrival of a guest. An odd guest.


Chapter 8., part 4.

Silence fell upon the cabin; Yui took a careful look around. "You didn't invite anyone, I assume?" she asked in a whisper after a moment of listening.

"I'm… not sure", Kyoko admitted, her voice at a similar volume. "I mean, I didn't, but… was there a way to close the door?"

"None I know", Yui shook her head. "So… intruder?"

"Or maybe just an uninvited guest", Kyoko countered. "I feel no… malice."

"Hm", Yui pondered. "What's the plan?"

"Greet the guest", Kyoko smiled a careful smile.

"How?" Yui tilted her head.

"Well, as my mother taught me… if you don't know how to behave, behave politely", Kyoko winked and stood up.


The door of the cabin opens.

Rei sees figures emerge.

Rei knows those figures. They chase Rei. But they apologize to Rei. They feed Rei. Rei remembers something about flowers Rei likes. One of them wearing flowers Rei likes on her wrist.

The figures move slowly. They smile.

And they have food. Food Rei likes.

Maybe those two don't want to kill Rei?

Rei tilts her head, almost imperceptibly.

Rei is interested in those two.

Rei thinks the proper term for those two is 'ladies'.


Kyoko was doing her best to contain her fear. Evangelions did not exactly have the 'lizard brain', making them fearless on the biological level – but her human soul, her human mind, her human reflexes were all there – and the current intrusion put her on a bit of an edge. The sight she saw as she opened the door did not help, either.

The girl looked about as much as she did inside Unit-01's mindscape – except this time, her dress was impeccable, her hands and face clean. And she was standing among the rising mist, her skin pale, her hands slack along her body, her head hung low, her red eyes looking at them without blinking. She was one detail away from looking like a book example of a ghost.

Still, she was a guest – and while that guest's mental stability and integrity were somewhat questionable, Kyoko knew this was hardly a reason to avoid contact with her; it was actually one more reason to try to help her. "I made some chocolate, do you want to try it?" she tried, as she fashioned a plate full of sweets in her hands.

The girl's head's tilt increased minimally in reaction to those words.

"You know she will not answer?" Yui chimed in, her voice low. "I don't think she even can."

"No matter. Asuka barely said a word until she was two, and I always knew what she meant", Kyoko smirked. "Of course, afterwards, she couldn't keep silent…" she chuckled.

"And now, you know exactly what she means?" Yui asked with amusement and doubt, her voice still a whisper.

"When she thinks it loud enough, yes", Kyoko replied the same way. "I don't dig through Asuka's mind, you know."

"Of course", Yui agreed, not entirely convinced. "She isn't interested", she commented the blue-haired girl's lack of movement.

"She is afraid", Kyoko countered, fashioned a tree stump halfway between them and the uninvited guest, and slowly walked to it. She put the plate with varied chocolates on the stump – and retreated carefully, keeping her front to the girl at all times. "Here you are", she smiled once she was back at the cabin. "Do not be afraid."


The lady brings offerings to Rei. She wants Rei to eat.

The lady steps back. She talks about fear. She forbids fear?

No. The lady does not want fear.

The lady is kind. She does not forbid.

Rei steps forward, eyes on the two ladies. One wears flowers, the other brings food.

Rei approaches the plate.

Chocolate tastes good. Maybe the lady does not want to kill Rei. She is friendly.

The plate is empty. The ladies are looking at her.

Something must be done.

Rei turns and runs into the forest.


"I don't think this accounts for much of a success", Yui let out a sigh, her voice up from the whisper.

"She's still here", Kyoko countered. "She's still in the forest. I feel her", she elaborated in response to a quizzing look.

"I assume nothing is going to eat her?" Yui quipped.

"Not going into details, I didn't have any success creating anything more complex than plants", Kyoko replied with a sigh. "And even that is… an approximation."

"Well, as long as it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…" Yui shrugged.

"…then it can be a tree?" Kyoko chuckled.

"Somewhat. You know what I mean", Yui retorted with a smile. "What do we do now?"

"We wait for a little while, enjoy the… well, forest air, I don't think I put 'time of the day' logic into this world too well, so it's just perpetual twilight", Kyoko admitted. "I suppose I could use some–"

She interrupted as she noticed some movement at the edge of the forest. The familiar small figure emerged, her steps quick and resolute, something in her hand. She approached the stump, extended her hands with something held in them – and waited. Kyoko squinted, trying to tell what something was, but the best she could say was green with something blue.

"Does she want me to approach?" she whispered.

"Well, she's not leaving it on the plate…" Yui remarked. "Maybe you should try to walk there… slowly?"

Kyoko nodded and took a careful first step.


Rei feels happy. Rei has a way to repay the lady for the good food.

Rei waits for the large lady to approach. The lady is not that scary. Rei does not hate her, even if the lady has hair that looks a bit red.

Rei watches as the tall lady takes her steps towards her.

The lady speaks. Rei tries to comprehend. Rei knows words. But words are complicated, confusing, weird. Rei prefers emotions, dreams, sensations.

But Rei tries.


"Do you want me to take it?" Kyoko asked; she is about two steps away, and can tell that the girl is holding a small wreath made of forest foliage; there are still berries between the twigs. Berries of the kind that was supposed to be red, Kyoko noticed, but those are blue. She decided to disregard that as she focused back on the girl's face. There was, of course, no verbal reply to her question – just a small, upward gesture with the small crown.

"Do you want to put it on me?" she tried again; a small nod was a reply that came after a few long seconds. "All right", Kyoko took a very small step and carefully lowers herself to kneel on one knee. The girl took a step closer – and Kyoko felt the woven crown rest on her head. "Thank you", she smiled to the girl who was already a few steps back, sporting something that could be – charitably – called a small smile.

'She acts like a scary, neglected kid who just wants some attention', Kyoko mused. 'If Ikari is correct, she became part of the Evangelion when she was, well, looking like this… so at the age of what? Six? Seven?' she shook her head, her insides tensing. 'What a fate for a child… we had to develop ways to cope, and her… Maybe she just needs a childhood… of sorts?'

She slowly rose to a stand. 'What do little girls like? Dolls? Flowers?' her thoughts kept running. 'Wait. This is like visiting countryside grandparents to her, right? Or just going outside… And what was the best thing outside?' she asked herself, a grin crawling upon her face. 'Of course!'

Kyoko focused for a moment; while shaping random, generic, repetitive things like the trees of the forest came relatively easy to her, recreating something more complex and precise required proper attention. She could not tell how long it took her – but when she opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was the curiosity in the girl's eyes; considering how little expression she had shown, this could be easily read as fascination.

She turned to inspect her work; seeing something in her mind's eye and in the mindscape was not the same. She smiled seeing a simple, playground-like swing standing prominently next to the cottage. She chuckled as she saw Yui ogling the newest addition with confusion on her face.

"Do you want to give it a try, little one?" Kyoko asked.

The girl's head tilted minimally to the other side as she took a few steps towards the contraption – but she stopped halfway, clearly unsure.

'Could it be… no, it's impossible', Kyoko pondered the unlikely. 'Could it be that she doesn't know what this is?'

She slowly approached the swing, focused for a moment – and created another one on the same beam, one more fitting for her size. Sitting down, she put it in motion. The girl blinked, the tilt of her head deepening.

"Come closer", Kyoko invited her. "Come, sit next to me", she gestured to the empty swing.

The girl took a few careful steps, watching Kyoko's movements as she pushed herself away with her legs and made wider swings with every push – and finally settled on the seat.

Kyoko let the inertia of her swings dissipate as she watched the girl trying to replicate the pushing movement. Her "Want a hand?" was met with a confused look. "Do you want me to help you?", on the other hand, was met with a careful nod. "I'm going to move the swing. Don't worry, I'm not touching you", she reassured the girl as she extended her hand.

The red eyes tracked her movements carefully, but the girl stayed in the seat even as it started to move. Kyoko was aware that under normal circumstances, she would need to be standing behind the swing, or at least use both of her hands – but here, giving the seat a negative weight for a moment or reducing the resistance to zero was a matter of a simple thought. 'I wonder if I will ever be able to adjust to life outside', a stray thought ran through her mind. 'I'll be like those astronauts that drop things and move in a funny way… well, I'll worry about it once it happens, if ever', she concluded as she put the swing with the girl carefully into motion.


Rei is moving. This is a new way of moving.

The cold air is touching Rei's face. This feels good.

The lady is helpful. She makes Rei move in this new way.

This movement makes Rei happy.

The lady makes Rei happy.

The lady is nice.

Rei is delighted.

Rei is happy.


The rapt expression on the small face told Kyoko that she was doing something right; the girl seemed fascinated by the simple concept of just swinging back and forth. 'Gott, if she's like that about a simple swing, what was her childhood like?' Kyoko shivered. 'She's like a frightened animal, like someone who was raised in some cave, or a locked attic… What did they do to you, little one? And why?'

"Well, this certainly worked better than my approach", Yui chimed in; Kyoko realised she was standing right next to her. "I have to admit I didn't expect you to be so good with children."

"It's not exactly that", Kyoko mused, her attention returning to the girl with apparent no worry in the world; she gave her another push, strengthening the swing. Her little guest seemed to be able to take an example from her momentum-maintaining leg movements mid-swing – but at the same time, she failed to grasp how to push herself off the ground yet. "I mean… I don't know. She's no ordinary child."

"Well, yes", Yui agreed matter-of-factly. "What now?"

"Well, I don't think we are in any hurry?" Kyoko remarked. "I think I'll teach her how to swing herself… and we can go back to talking."

"You may also attach a string to the swing and make us chairs here", Yui suggested. "Or give yourself telekinetic abilities and keep pushing her."

"Fair point", Kyoko agreed. "But I'd rather not go too far. With the telekinetic powers, I mean, the chairs are a good idea. I still wonder how it'll work once we leave."

"You know it's a bit of an 'if' in it? More than 'once'?" Yui checked.

"Well, it was you who was sure it's possible", Kyoko countered, her eyebrows raised.

"Reasonably sure", Yui corrected. "But you're right, let's stick to the mundane means."

Kyoko nodded, closed her eyes, and focused for a moment; a few seconds later, the cottage had a small patio with a few comfortably looking chairs and a low table filled with cookies and chocolates. To Kyoko's surprise, the girl paid absolutely no attention to the change. 'I guess the new toy is too much fun?' she chuckled to herself.

"Do you mind if I teach you something?" she addressed the girl – but there was no reaction. 'Right. Simple words', she realized. "If you stop, I will show you something", she tried again.

The girl's head slowly turned towards her, her red eyes curious. She pulled her legs underneath the seat.

"Thank you", Kyoko smiled at her softly. For some reason, the girl's hollow expression no longer worried her; she was troubled, yes, somewhat damaged, for sure, but in the end, she was just a child. And that was something Kyoko had at least some experience with. "Now, look at me", she straightened in her seat as the girl's swing slowly stopped. "If you put your legs like that…" she started her explanation, feeling the intense gaze of the red eyes.


The NERV HQ resembled a huge anthill in its ceaseless activity; even when the night came, it became merely subdued, never stopped. It, of course, made sense, considering that the Angels could theoretically come at any time, not to mention the Units required constant watch; the same applied to numerous ongoing experiments and operations.

But right now, the resemblance went further – the NERV HQ actually resembled an anthill someone just ran through. The message that started it all was short: "NERV-02 vanished".

"So, what was the cause?" Major Katsuragi asked, doing her best to act professionally, even if the company she was in was unpleasant to her.

"The Hell we know", Doctor Akagi shrugged. "We got the recordings from the geosynchronous satellite with image and some telemetry", she activated the screen; an orbital image of the Nevada base with the superimposed countdown started from -10 seconds, concluding with destruction of the satellite a few seconds past zero time. "All we know is that Unit-04 and the entire base is gone, and that includes all personnel, material, and data that was not backed up off-site. Which may mean anything between a day's or a week's worth of information."

"Looking at the schedule, we believe it to be an accident during the experimental installation of the S2 engine that was restored in Germany", Aoba chimed with his report.

Misato Katsuragi kept registering the information, but her mind turned to something else. 'They had a pilot there, they had to. Yet another of the kids, lost pointlessly', she realised, trying to contain her emotions. 'We know what we risk, we accept that… but do they? They're just children!'

"Questions, Major?" the unpleasantly stern voice of Doctor Akagi broke her train of thoughts before it could escalate.

"Yes", Katsuragi nodded. "What about the S2 engine we had?"

"Gone", Akagi shrugged. "Our dreams of operational independence shattered. Sorry, Major", she added, eliciting several odd looks from the rest of the staff.

"That's what we get for trying to push ourselves into using something we don't understand", Katsuragi remarked.

"It's called 'progress', Major, and it has its price", Akagi countered in almost a bark. Still, she knew that her opponent had a point; the whole attempt was likely hurried – and most certainly done based on far too many assumptions. 'We work based on prayers, sometimes literally', she realised with rising dread in the back of her head and in her stomach. 'We make leaps of logic, rely on assumptions, fiddle with things we don't understand. It's just like with the Evas. Is this a warning from above? Is this a wake-up call so that we realise our hubris and revaluate our deeds, confess our sins, perform our penances? Is this–' she stopped as she realised she was driving her nails deep into her own flesh, her hands balled into fists. 'No. That way madness lies. This is no magic, no miracle. It's just young, uncertain science, but it is science', she chastised herself. "Any more questions?" she turned back to Major Katsuragi who was looking at her with visible anger.

"How does it affect us, except the obvious internal safety audit?" the Major asked tersely.

"The audit is mostly on your head, Major, but I'm sure you'll manage", Akagi replied, her voice somewhat sarcastic. "Besides that, we're getting Unit-03. We will be activating it here. Without the S2 module, of course", she raised her hand, seeing several people open their mouths in protest. "The details will be determined later."

"Who will be piloting it?" Katsuragi followed up with the question connected to her duties.

"The details will be determined later", Akagi repeated. "But if you must know, the Commander doesn't want this to disrupt our current operations, so the Marduk Institute is actively looking for the Fourth Child. Only if they fail to meet the deadline, we will use one of the current pilots", she explained.

"Why not the Dummy Plug?" Katsuragi kept inquiring.

"This option is, of course, still on the table", Akagi replied, her voice clearly annoyed. "But let's get the Unit here and run it through the all necessary tests first. Anything else?"

Several headshakes were the only replies.

"Good. Go back to your work. Maya, I'll need your help", Akagi directed.

"Yes, sempai!"

Major Misato Katsuragi left the meeting with a bad taste in her mouth. 'Great. What did they say… "to be a prophet, you just need to be a pessimist"? Not only I see heaps of overtime, but I am going to love explaining all this to my kids…' she let out a heavy sigh. 'But they deserve to know. First things first: tell them I'm going to be late. Then, I deal with the crap…' she decided as she walked the dark corridors of the NERV HQ.


Kyoko was watching the blue-haired girl swinging back and forth, far higher than most children dare on their first attempts. 'I guess she didn't live long enough to develop a conscious concept of fear…' she mused as she reached for the teapot to pour her older, more ordinary guest some tea.

"Thank you, Soryu", Yui smiled at her as she took the cup off her hands. "Now… I wanted to ask you for any ideas how we can, well, tame or at least lure out my uninvited guest, but you seem to have this covered just fine", she chuckled.

"Pure luck, Ikari", Kyoko admitted. "I mean… I just thought of what I would have liked to have in such a place. If I started to think about it more, I'd say 'puzzles and toys', especially in a more civilised place, like your mansion. And it is still valid, once she bores with this", she gestured with her head towards the swings. "Whenever it might be", she smiled.

"Well, we don't exactly tire physically, so I assume she has the same quality. And I don't think she is going to be bored any time soon", Yui observed with amusement.

"Well, it's not that she has a dinnertime, or bedtime, or anything else like that", Kyoko chuckled, trying not to think how such lack of structure would affect a child-like mind. "So… where were we?"

"Aside from discussing my troubled childhood in a cult-like family, analysing our options for the future, and planning how to achieve world domination?" Yui quipped. "I think we were discussing the differences between Units."

"Right. You were saying…?" Kyoko prompted.

"Well, I was agreeing with what you said earlier. Evangelions… differ", Yui resumed. "Unit-02 seems to be better structured, to have a more… stable brain. My Unit is… well, unique in its own ways", she let out a sigh. "It handles well, it heals fast, I can easily see out of it even if it is inactive in contrast to you being blind in yours… but it also seems to need twice the maintenance compared to yours. On the other hand, it's still quite stable in comparison to Unit-00. That one… seems to be a total mess in many aspects."

"Perhaps she's the reason", Kyoko shot the blue-haired girl a glare.

"Perhaps", Yui agreed. "But it was also, well, a prototype."

"And that is always a heavy price to pay", Kyoko agreed. "More tea, Ikari?"

"With pleasure. What is this, actually?" Yui inquired.

"A rose-tinted blend I remember my grandmother bringing from some of her odd travels", Kyoko explained. "I always associated it with adventure, with something exciting", she elaborated.

"I like it. I guess I will associate it with you", Yui smiled warmly. "It's a similar association, I must say", she winked as she took a sip.

'Be still, treacherous heart', Kyoko commanded as she suddenly felt the need to take deep breaths. 'I'm no teenager anymore!' she chastised herself as she put the teapot down. She prayed her guest did not notice the blush on her face.

A few meters away, a happy girl kept swinging, unaware of the torrent of emotions and confusion forming just next to her. She was in her own, completely new world of experiences, a world that was, at least for the moment, replacing the delirium inside her, filling her with something she did not know for a very long time – delight.


And so slowly things change. The working title of this chapter is now "Point of no return" and it might even stick.

The next part comes at some point in April and may finally reach the Bardiel fight itself (I don't know why my fanfics synchronize; MISIOFY has Bardiel fight at hand as well). If another tea party doesn't get in the way, of course.
Tea parties are important, after all. :)

Rei I coming out of this at the end with a serious taste for fancy teas and Victorian dresses is going to be a very silly possible outcome.

Ritsuko is deploying her famous level of tact and diplomacy, I see.
Chapter 8.5.
Kyoko Soryu's morning/day/evening/night continues - all the while the NERV HQ is becoming a hornet's nest.


Chapter 8., part 5.


"What's all that formality for, Akagi?" Major Katsuragi asked as she entered the doctor's office and dropped papers on her desk. "Last time I needed to deliver this amount of paper on my kids is when Asuka was formally joining the team!"

"It's the Unit-03 activation test at Matsuhiro", Doctor replied with annoyance in her voice, quickly scanning her desk before turning to face the source of the angry voice. "We'll be using the fourth as the pilot."

"The fourth?" Katsuragi glared at her. "The Fourth Child's been found? When?"

"Just yesterday", Akagi replied. "I'm surprised you don't know", she raised an eyebrow.

"Seems the Marduk Institute likes you more than it likes me", she grumbled, her expression displeased. "Even though it's me who is going to be showing the kids the ropes and dealing with the shit that hits the fan."

"Don't worry, Major, you'll get the documents tomorrow", the doctor shrugged.

"What else are you hiding from me?" Katsuragi shot her another glare. "Aside from your substance abuse habits?"

"If you have nothing constructive to say, Major, please leave and let me work", the doctor retorted. "It's not that I'm not hiding anything from you. Surely not anything you could need to do your work properly."

"Except I need to know who's the lucky kid", Katsuragi countered, rolling her eyes. "So, a name, please, if it's not too much of a problem?"

Doctor Akagi silently – even if her face spoke volumes about her current mood – conjured a file on her terminal.

"Him? Of all the people? Why?" Katsuragi shook her head, her voice surprised.

"Don't ask me, it's the Institute", Akagi shrugged. "Remember, this is top secret until the boy's confirmed."

"Yeah, sure", Katsuragi growled. "But it's me who will have to break it to him, the pilots, and the class. Asuka will be fine, this takes nothing away from her; Rei won't care, not after you moulded her into what she is; but Shinji… he's not going to take it kindly, and I don't want him to suffer."

"That's your problem, Major", Akagi shrugged again. "We need more children of this kind in order for us all to survive."

"Give up hope and ideals?" Katsuragi retorted, her voice raised. "Is that what you're saying?"

"Get real, Major", Doctor Akagi scoffed. "No saint gets far in this place. Official papers go in tomorrow, the boy gets told first, then the rest of the Pilots, but only if absolutely needed. The rest must not know before the test, and the Pilots better keep that secret, too."

"Sure, I'll swear a bunch of teenagers to secrecy", Katsuragi rolled her eyes. "Thank you for the insightful advice, doctor. I'll be waiting for the official paperwork. Make sure it's not late", she turned and headed towards the door.

"It won't be", Akagi replied, trying her best to sound dismissive.

Once the door closed behind the disgruntled Major, the doctor let out a heavy sigh. She could really use some support right now, and once upon a time, Misato Katsuragi would have been just the person she would turn to for that. But now, this venue was closed to her. She could turn to her dear assistant – but for some reason, using Maya Ibuki for emotional support felt wrong, almost dirty. The girl was innocent – and giving her even a generic glimpse in the current situation felt like corrupting her.

Having eliminated those two options, Ritsuko Akagi realized she had just two left: Gendo Ikari, or another pill of her Wundermedizin. Gendo was, of course, an option – but as the emotional support went, he was more likely to add to her problems than to resolve them, especially if he started to ask some stupid question in the wrong moment – or whisper the wrong name in any moment.

And thus, her course was set clear: take another wonder pill and engross herself in yet another day and night of work. There was a lot of work to be done, there was an activation test to prepare, and there was no one who could do this better than her. And what was even better, the computers she worked with here did not ask odd questions – and never failed to give her an answer, assuming she worked with them long enough. And if she needed a human voice, she could always contact Maya. She would never abandon her, after all.

'Even though she should have, long ago', an unwelcome thought appeared in her mind only to be brutally squashed as she opened the drawer with an angry gesture and fished the pills.

She did not need this kind of distraction right now. Not in an incoming moment of her next triumph.


Inside Unit-02

Kyoko and Yui were sitting in the front of the cottage, watching a blue-haired girl swing back and forth. Time was passing slowly for both of them, their minds oblivious to the increasing tempo of the outside world.

The girl went on, oblivious to absolutely everything, her face wearing an expression of absolute focus, her red eyes gleaming with joy.

"What do you make of her, Soryu?" Yui finally broke the silence with a low voice, clearly trying not to be heard by the girl. "Who is she to us?"

"I don't know, Ikari", Kyoko replied with a heavy sigh; she kept the same voice, but judging from the girl's face, she would ignore them even if they were speaking right next to her. "I have no idea", she confirmed. "Not an enemy, I believe. Perhaps a friend."

"An ally, maybe?" Yui probed.

"Hm", Kyoko's brow furrowed. "In attitude, yes. She seems to… well, maybe not like me, but accept me. But attitude does not make an ally. Can she communicate with her counterpart? Is there even a link?" she wondered. "You can tell me what you heard from your husband, I can tell you what Asuka wants to do, we can push our kids in the desired direction… she doesn't even speak."

"You're right", Yui nodded pensively. "But I would not dismiss that option."

"Dismiss, no", Kyoko agreed. "But I'd not put many hopes on it."

"So… what now?" Yui turned to face Kyoko. The blue-haired girl was not going anywhere, after all.

"We think what we tell our kids when they're back, and we help them beat the next threat", Kyoko stated matter-of-factly. "We may also consider how to communicate with them better, some safer way so we don't startle them or tip our hand", she mused – and Yui nodded to that. "As for her…" she smiled a small smile towards the girl. "I wonder if she would care to stay here so we can become better friends."

Yui chuckled from behind her teacup. "Do you want to adopt her?"

Kyoko turned back to the older woman, her expression both amused and bemused. "There's a rather wide spectrum between become better friends and adopt, Ikari", she retorted after a moment. "She seems happy here, maybe she'll talk when she grows more comfortable?"

"And what if she grows comfortable enough to invite us to her home?" Yui asked, her eyebrow raised.

"I remember how you described it, Ikari", Kyoko retorted. "But if she does, I might take a chance. Can't be much worse than what was here", she gestured around them, "before I tidied up."

"You do have a point", Yui agreed. "I just didn't think you were that… adventurous."

"Ikari…" Kyoko chuckled. "I braved the depths of my own psyche, aided by my Evangelion's mind, and I recovered a piece of my own soul from there. Can it get any more adventurous than that? At least in our circumstances?" she asked, her eyebrow raised in turn.

"Again, a fair point", Yui agreed with a smile. "But I'd say braving a home of a clearly broken mind ranks as not-so-far second."

"Perhaps", Kyoko agreed with a small smile, once more turning her attention to the relentlessly swinging girl. "But I'd take it."

"Exactly what I meant, Soryu", Yui smiled a warm smile, her eyes narrowing in approval. "Exactly what I meant."


Geofront, NERV Machine Depot departure station

"Where the fuck are you, Major?" Ritsuko Akagi barked in her phone, her voice impatient and angry enough to make the people around turn their heads. "You're late!"

"On my way, Doctor", an annoyed voice responded from the other side. "Had to clear things out with the kids before I left, ETA twenty minutes."

"As if you couldn't do it yesterday", Doctor Akagi grumbled. "You're endangering the schedule."

"Akagi, for fuck's sake, you're overreacting and overestimating, if I'm late by an hour – watch how you drive, you fuck! – then maybe I'd be delaying you", she explained, her irritation more evident with every statement. "I'll be there, see you in twenty", she finished, her words followed by a beep, indicating the end of the call.

Doctor Akagi closed her phone with an unadvised amount of strength, making the technician responsible for equipment wince and mentally check whether they had backup phones on their convoy inventory. "Don't you all just stand there, don't you have some work to do?" she hissed at the assembled people, took a deep breath and pulled another cigarette from a pack; a nearby guard from Section 2 pondered for a fraction of a second whether to remind her that the machine park was a non-smoking area, but decided that suffering a massive fuel explosion was preferable to being a singled-out target of the doctor's fury.


Inside Unit-02

"Do you think she will ever get bored?" Yui asked in the silence that followed yet another discussion over a hypothetical scenario.

"Say and see", Kyoko retorted with a smile. "More tea?"

"No, thank you", Yui shook her head with a similar smile. "I think I should go and give the plans some thought alone."

"Ah, of course", Kyoko nodded to that. "I'll keep an eye on her. Do you wish me to walk you home?"

"I assume nothing will eat me in this forest?" Yui quipped. "Or did you release some black bears to deter unwanted visitors?"

Kyoko pondered for a moment. "A black bear would be very out of place in a German forest, I don't think we even have bears… and if anything, it would be a brown bear. Well, it would likely eat you nonetheless", she chuckled. "But no, no animals. I think I get why you have no animals nor humans in your domain."

"Let me guess, you tried?" Yui asked with an amused expression. "And didn't like the result?"

"Something like that", Kyoko admitted with a visible twitch on her face. "I think it can be done with enough time, at least for animals, but it's just not worth it."

"That was my conclusion", Yui nodded. "All right – I'll give you a call once I have enough thoughts and plans to work with, and you do the same?"

"Sure", Kyoko agreed. "Or when our guest says something", she added with a chuckle – and almost jumped up when she felt Yui's hand suddenly capturing and squeezing her own.

"Thank you", Yui said with a warm smile. "For this chance."

Kyoko smiled in response. "I don't know how to answer to that", she admitted. "I guess–" she was stopped by a finger on her lips; that burned even more.

"Don't", Yui lowered her voice to a whisper. "We'll get to emotions later. Sorry", she reluctantly let go of the hand. "I just wanted to say… it matters to me. A lot."

Kyoko nodded slowly, silently praying that the sensors in the Cages were not detecting her state – or, more realistically, that the personnel started to write those off as expected irregularities. Her ears were red, and she could feel her cheeks flush.

Yui was either unable to see it, or she chose to ignore it; she simply took the finger away from Kyoko's lips and stood up with a happy sigh.

"Thank you, Soryu, for this wonderful day", she smiled as she walked a few steps away, turned back to face both Kyoko and her other guest, and curtsied as it was appropriate for her current attire. "And I hope to see you again soon. And you…" she turned to the swinging girl, "I hope to see you too."


Rei is happy.

This feels nice to Rei. It feels… pleasant to Rei.

The ladies watch Rei. But the ladies do not bother Rei.

The ladies do not try to strangle Rei.

The ladies are nice to Rei.

One lady is going away. Rei wonders if she will ever return.

The lady speaks to Rei. Perhaps the lady expects an answer from Rei?

But Rei cannot make the sounds the same way the ladies can.

But Rei can be nice, too!

Rei wants to be nice. Rei smiles at the lady.


The girl's head slowly turned to face Yui and the girl's expression changed. Until now, the blue-haired girl had pretty normal, if subdued expressions. But in this very moment, something has changed… and now it was Yui's turn to hope for the sensors' blindness or technicians' routine approach to alerts.

'A human being should never have this many sharp teeth' her lizard brain suddenly screamed at her conscious mind, trying to get her to run. 'A human being should never have this kind of eyes', it kept going. 'What are you, girl?' the more conscious mind wondered.

Yui forced a smile of her own – and soon the nightmarish visage vanished. The source of her fear turned back into a normal girl's focused face.

She managed to maintain enough of a composed façade as she withdrew, unwittingly noticed that Kyoko did not seem fazed by the change – or, more likely, failed to notice it. But once she reached the safety of her own domain, her first thought, aside from wondering why the girl's face suddenly looked like the bare maw of a newborn Evangelion, was: 'She's happy now, so, no she's likely no threat. But still, I must contact Soryu… soon. But not soon enough to startle her, the girl can't notice anything unusual. Gods, have mercy. Is this an ally… or our doom?'


Outside the cottage, Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu was finishing her tea. 'This was indeed a pleasant and fruitful afternoon', she concluded before deciding to do some work on the mindscape before she returned to thinking their plans over.

The blue-haired girl, completely unaware of the panic she caused, kept swinging happily back and forth, happy that she managed to respond properly to a nice lady.


This one is shorter for two reasons: you can guess what's coming next, and most story content in episodes covered here is around the kids – and thus will be reflected in the next What happened? story.

Next one should appear sometime next month.
Chapter 8.6.
Kyoko Soryu's day continues - and someone is getting nervous.


Chapter 8., part 6.

NERV Test Site 2, Matsushiro; one day before the Unit-03 test activation

Major Misato Katsuragi could not decide what was worse: Ritsuko Akagi that was yelling at anyone unfortunate to catch her attention – or Ritsuko Akagi who seemed calm but was actually ready to erupt at the slightest provocation. The problem was, of course, that both of those modes were bad – and the doctor seemed to be alternating between them, with short periods of being somewhat fine.

Right now, she seemed to have settled for the 'silent supervolcano' mode; the air transport they were waiting for was already an hour late, making the Major just as annoyed as the doctor was. Normally, she would just point out that her colleague's complaints about her being late were pointless thanks to that delay – but this was a sure way to start yet another exchange that was as fun as Evangelion manual scrubbing duty – and just as likely to leave a bad taste in the mouth.

'And the day has just begun', she sighed as she scanned the sky for the transport plane. 'I wonder what wonderful surprises this place has for us in store yet', she shook her head in annoyance.


Inside Unit-01

Yui Ikari was restless.

Granted, it was not exactly a new experience for her; there were a number of issues that made her feel so. What made it worse was the fact that there was nobody capable enough to help her with resolving them; her nearly unique nature meant there was no research to use, no data to fall on, no psychological or medical knowledge to even approach the problems she could be having. Not that she could turn to anyone anyway: none of the people that knew about her condition – not to mention her continued existence – would be helpful or even sympathetic in any way.

None except Kyoko Soryu.

Yui took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she paused in her pacing.

Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu. A scientist, a woman, a mother – and for Yui, an odd mix of several roles she could not even properly name. A companion in her strange fate, definitely. An ally in her nebulous plans of saving the world, most likely. A friend in this strangest of places, perhaps. A partner? No doubt, if she wanted to trust their recent mutual declaration.

And she really wanted to trust that. But what that partnership really meant to her, or to the woman that was wearing the body of Unit-02? The woman she left alone there, in a cabin in the woods, with something that screamed abomination

'I should talk to her. I should tell her', she decided, 'but how to do it safely? What if this… thing can hear communication, can read the thoughts? Damn it, why do we know so little about the Evangelions? We designed them! We made them!' she shook her head. 'We made them, guessing just as many things as we deduced, if not more, so much done by trial and error…' she kept musing.

She took another deep breath – and halfway through it, her eyes shot open in a realization so trivial she immediately felt stupid for not thinking about of it sooner.


NERV Test Site 2, Matsushiro, day of the activation

"Well, well, well", Doctor Ritsuko Akagi took a long, careful look at the condition reports and marked something on her pad, clearly satisfied with the results of her inspections; the people around her secretly breathed a collective breath of relief. "Why do we bother doing this test here instead of working on the base, I don't know… ah, yes, the protocol", she shrugged. "I was too careful writing those. It could go into combat as it is!"

"Really?" Major Katsuragi raised an eyebrow. "Nice", she added, her expression subdued.

"Your enthusiasm is infectious, Major", Doctor Akagi replied, her tone suddenly annoyed again, the relief in the room turning to tension in a blink of an eye. "You do know that once this chore is behind us, this Unit goes directly under your command?"

"Four Evas at my fingertips, nice", Major Katsuragi smirked. "Aren't you tempted to take them over and conquer the world?" she asked playfully.

"We protect the world, Major, not try to conquer it", the doctor snapped, her eyes narrow, her voice unpleasant. "Keep such ideas to yourself."

"Geez, Akagi, you sure sting today", the Major eyed her, her smirk erased from her face by the sudden outburst. "What did you have for breakfast today, wasp cereal? We don't do funny on the field operations anymore, even when everything is going smoothly?"

"Oh, grow up, Katsuragi", the doctor rolled her eyes. "And aren't you going to tell me why were you late yesterday? I hope you weren't telling the kids the NERV secrets first thing in the morning?"

"Nah", the Major shrugged, her tone turning mocking. "We were just talking things. You know, kids' stuff. Nothing that would interest a grown-up like you, I guess", she added before turning her attention to the monitors.

'Gods, I am so glad I had never prayed for strength, or I would've beaten her to a pulp here and now', an appropriately cheerful thought crossed Doctor Akagi's mind as her fists balled, almost cracking the pen she was holding. 'That's a level of seriousness of a woman that already commands a set of three most powerful weapons in existence. I wonder what Commander would say to that…'

"The Fourth Child has arrived", an announcement from the officer on duty broke her train of thought.

"At least someone is right on schedule", the doctor remarked at Katsuragi before turning to the technicians and ordering: "Phase one of the test activation begins. Start the countdown, sixty minutes."

Major Katsuragi was not sure whether the doctor deliberately ignored her, or simply missed the fact that she gave the most appropriate response she could muster: sticking her tongue at her erstwhile friend.


Inside Unit-02

Kyoko Soryu shook her head over the papers she was pondering over as she heard the characteristic cracking of Channel 8 coming to life. This was a surprise, a thing that rarely happened outside combat situations; most of the time, visiting each other was the expected etiquette. Still, there was no reason not to indulge her only – no, her more expected guest, she corrected herself. Giving it only a moment of thought, she fashioned an old-style phone on the table – and picked it up.

"Ikari?" she acknowledged.

"How's the weather over the cabin in the woods, Soryu?" a weirdly cheerful voice of Yui Ikari sounded in the receiver.

"It's a bit overcast over the cottage in the woods", Kyoko replied, her voice surprised. "The full sun made it a bit hard to read", she explained her weather choices, "and my other guest seems to prefer some shadows, too."

"How is she?" the voice turned a bit wary – at least as much as Kyoko could tell over the static.

"Unchanged?" Kyoko's brow furrowed. "What's wrong, Ikari?"

"Away?" the receiver asked. "Is she away?"

"Still on the swing, and the table we were sitting at is in the same spot, yes?" Kyoko confirmed, her voice betraying her growing confusion.

"Can she hear us?" the question became more direct.

"Me, perhaps", Kyoko replied after a moment of thinking. "Not that she cares", she shot the continuously swinging girl a warm look. "You, I don't think so."

"Good", the reply was accompanied by a heavy sigh of relief. "Did you see her face when I was leaving?"

"Um… not really?" the furrowing of the brow returned. "I was looking at you", Kyoko admitted, her face gaining a small blush.

"And…" the voice in the receiver suddenly sounded uncertain, "…nothing wrong happened?"

"Ikari", Kyoko let out a sigh. "Can you be straight with me for a moment?"

"When she smiles, she looks like a cross between an Evangelion and a shark", Yui blurted out, her voice sounding worried; the tone was obvious even over the distortions of the channel. "Please don't let her learn you know", she added, perfectly aware the order should be exactly the opposite and beating herself silently for not thinking this through.

"Hm", Kyoko took her furrowing brow to a level she was not even aware she was capable of as she looked carefully on the girl on the swing – and took a deep breath in an attempt to relieve the knot tied in her stomach. "I haven't seen her change like that, granted, but it makes some sense."

"Sense?" the voice on the other side of the line gained a note of confusion.

"You described her home to me, or at least some sensations as you approached it, right?" she recalled.

"Well, yes", Yui agreed. "Not that it puts me at ease. Listen, Soryu, I'm not saying you should throw her out or anything", Yui's tone steadied a bit. "But we know from experience that visiting souls can cause… physical, for lack of a better word, damage. Don't let her out of your sight, ever, or at the very least don't turn your back to her."

"It's not that I sleep, Ikari", Kyoko reassured her with a smile on her face. "I'll be careful. Thank you for the warning."

"Sorry for taking so long", Yui sounded almost guilty. "I didn't know if it was safe to talk, and me coming back immediately would be suspicious."

"Seems it is", Kyoko replied, her smile unchanging as she eyed the girl. "Don't worry about that. When can I expect you to drop by again?"

"Once I'm done with ruminations and researches, I think", the voice on the other side replied. "So… 'soon' is the most precise term I can use here."

"Of course", Kyoko chuckled. "Well, you can always call me", she added.

"Call? Are you representing this channel as a phone?" Yui inquired, her voice carrying an odd undertone, once more audible despite the distortions.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" Kyoko asked, her voice confused.

"No, no, nothing", the voice in the receiver denied unconvincingly. "Talk to you later!" sounded, followed by a click before Kyoko could reply.

With a confused expression, Kyoko put the receiver back on the old-style apparatus, checked the status of the girl once more – unchanged as expected – and returned to her calculations without much of a worry.

Inside the other war machine, Yui Ikari put an almost identical receiver back on the cradle and sunk into the comfy chair. A swarm of thoughts ran through her head, none of them either useful or even reassuring.

'Gods, I'm hopeless. Get a grip on yourself, Ikari, you should be doing things!' she chided herself – but without any useful action following that statement. 'Let's do something useful instead of the ruminating, shall we?' she finally decided, stood up – and headed to the unfinished ballroom with a determined look on her face.



Lieutenant Maya Ibuki was monitoring many things, including the state of Evangelions and the short reports coming from the secondary bases. Aside from the anticipation and worry associated with the upcoming activation reaching the final minutes of its countdown, there was little out of the ordinary.

Aware that despite that peace, diverting her attention to anywhere else than her duties would be highly unprofessional – but with nothing irregular coming from Matsushiro, she turned to internal sensors.

Her brow furrowed soon after; there was something unexpected coming from the Cages: some low-level wireless traffic.

'This is the frequency Evangelions use for communication… why would it be active right now?' she wondered. The activity did not look like a malfunction – more like a steady, low-bandwidth stream of information.

'It's impossible' she shook her head. 'The Evangelions are inert, locked down, besides, we feed them all the information they need, there should be no horizontal exchange! This must be some auxiliary protocol… but why is it executed on communication frequencies? Some legacy solution, perhaps?' she kept musing. 'I should ask sempai about that once she's back', she finally decided as she returned her attention back to Matsushiro's reports.


NERV Test Site 2, Matsushiro

"Entry plug fixed in place", came in the report; the eyes of Unit-03 lit up as the subsequent stages of activation were slowly passing.

"Graph readout is normal", a further report came in, along with "Checklist cleared up to 1350" and "No problems found in initial contact phase".

"Roger", Doctor Akagi acknowledged, her attention focused on the monitors. "Shift the operation to phase two", she ordered, her voice somewhat impersonal.

"All nerve links are normal, checklist cleared up to 2550, all harmonics are normal", the technician listed in a calm voice. "We are now exceeding the absolute border", he reported just as the crossing signal sounded – immediately followed by a sudden wail of the alarm.

"Abort the test!" Doctor Akagi exclaimed, her voice and face showing the sudden panic that was quickly overtaking her body and mind. "Break the circuit! Now!"

"No effect!" another technician replied in an equally panicked voice. "High-energy readings in the Unit body!"

"Impossible!" the doctor focused on the monitors again, dread twisting her stomach and cold sweat breaking over her body. "An Angel? How?!" she exclaimed and started typing her own abort commands–

A powerful explosion rendered all communications inactive; most of the command staff assumed the same inactive state mere less than a second later as the shockwave hit the command centre and the reinforcements, built – as the law and custom dictated – by the lowest bidder, have suddenly proven not to be proofed against Angel-caused explosions.

A dark figure emerged from the wreckage of NERV Test Site 2 and slowly started to make its way towards Tokyo-3, led by a relentless, singular drive common to all Angels.



"An explosion occurred at Matsushiro!" were a few words that turned the NERV HQ into an insane storm of activity. Reports and orders were traded back and forth as a rescue operation was being mounted and dispatched within minutes from the initial report.

But before anything beyond that could be done, a single report focused everyone's attention. "Movement of an unidentified object detected at the site", Aoba stated.

"Pattern is orange, we can't confirm it to be an Angel", Hyuga supplemented.

"Go to battle stations, Level One", Commander Ikari calmly ordered, his words quickly relayed across the whole NERV HQ.

"Launch all Eva units!" Lieutenant Ibuki commanded mere seconds later, simultaneously sending an order to all the pilots. "Dispatch immediately to intercept locations, air transport is scheduled to go in twenty!"

The well-oiled gears of the machine that was NERV started to move at an increasing speed, ensuring the Evangelions would be deployed in the way the command would order.


The loud things are wailing.

Rei feels the sparkles on her body, the needles prodding her body to act.

Rei's body calls to her.

Her time is now, her time to fight, her time to kill, her time to rip her enemies apart, her time to drink their blood and souls.

Her time is now, her time to revel in their pain and to taste their inevitable anguish.

The speaking her comes to complete her. She always does. They always ride together to fulfil their purpose.

Rei is happy when she fulfils her purpose. Rei wants to be useful. Being useful makes Rei happy.

But Rei is happy to be here, too.

But now, Rei has to leave.

Rei will try to return here.

Rei hopes the nice lady will let her come back.

Rei wants to thank the nice lady for making this fun thing for her.

Rei wants the nice lady to like her.

Rei smiles at the nice lady before she leaves this nice place.


Inside Unit-02

The powering-up signal came in as a surprise, accompanied by the alert sounding across the Cages. Kyoko stood up not sure what to do – and noticed the blue-haired girl standing up on the seat as the swing titled back. Before Kyoko could do anything, the girl smiled widely at her, leapt down – and disappeared.

'God, now I see what Ikari meant', Kyoko realized, shivers running down her spine as the picture of a face full of teeth capped by very inhuman eyes was burning into her memory, never to be forgotten. 'Still, this is no surprise… I'm really glad I don't sleep', she shook her head – and picked the phone receiver up.

"Ikari, what's going on?" she spoke the moment she realized the connection was established. "Do you see anything?"

"Unspecified, not much sans frantic activity typical for an alarm, but we're getting the kids on board as soon as they can ferry them here", Yui replied. "They're readying the plugs, so, alarms considered, my guess is we're getting launched in combat mode."

"An Angel?" Kyoko checked, almost sure it was the case.

"Not many other options, Soryu" the shrug was audible. "But no contact was announced yet, so… no answers. What about–"

"Our guest?" Kyoko finished the sentence automatically. "Smiled to me goodbye", she shivered, "and left. I guess she hears the alarms just as well as we do."

"Good", the voice replied. "Now, we wait for the kids to enter. Remember, be careful."

"I intend to", Kyoko confirmed. "You too."

"Let's hope it's a quick one", Yui replied without addressing the request. "See you on the battlefield", the line clicked.

Kyoko sighed heavily. She was quite sure that if her appearance reflected her emotions, her hair would be turning grey with every time she talked with Yui Ikari.


The Entry Plug slid in with ease; odd as the feeling was, Kyoko was used to it by now. A few moments and equally routine sensations later, Asuka's presence reached Kyoko like a gust of warm wind on a colder day. 'Welcome, daughter… how have you been?' she extended her hand as carefully as she always did – and touched a bundle of determination, a soul so focused that it paid no attention to anything but her own thoughts. 'Professional as you always wished you could be', Kyoko chuckled to herself. A few more subtle probes revealed the reason: something wrong happened – and Asuka was just plain worried.

Kyoko carefully triggered Channel 8. "Ikari, my daughter knows that something went wrong but is not sure what. Does Shinji know more?"

"There was some incident, that's all he knows", Yui replied in a staticky voice. "Officially, this is a precautionary deployment, but he doesn't believe that one bit. They're taking us to the next positions via air, expect to be forced into reserve mode until we arrive."

"Acknowledged", Kyoko nodded. "Soryu out", she added and refocused on Asuka – who seemed to be pondering something, her thoughts full of Shinji, some odd places, and images of some boy Kyoko never saw before. Not even letting Kyoko ponder the implications or wonder what might have happened, Asuka punched the internal comm's button.

"Hey, Shinji, don't get your ass killed", Asuka prodded with a smirk over the internal comms as the Units were moved to the pick-up point via the complicated underground routes. "I'd rather have my back covered once it comes to something."

"Asuka…" his reply was almost pleading. "Can you be serious just now? You know I always have your back."

"Not if you're fried, and no, I can't be serious unless you want me to go crazy over this situation", she retorted. "Don't worry. We got this covered, even Wondergirl is here."

"I know. I hope you're right", he shook his head. "I wish Misato was here, though."

"So do I, but stop worrying", she insisted. "Focus on piloting. You did it before, you can do it again. I'll be close by."

"I know", he smiled.

'It's good to see them getting along', Kyoko smiled to herself. 'I wish I could talk to her about that… I really miss not being able to talk to her about things like boys, relationships, family…' she sighed internally. 'At least I can be around and help her when her life is in danger', she concluded as they soon reached the air transport terminal and set themselves in the positions for aerial pickup.

'God, I hate those things', Kyoko recalled the moment the locks closed on her armour's frame. 'I really, really hope Asuka doesn't suddenly decide that somersaulting into her designated position is a good idea…' she mused as she felt her not-really-existent stomach turn as they started to rise.

"I really don't get it", Asuka's voice, clearly directed at Shinji, sounded irritated. "I used to love flying, and now I'm nauseous every time we take to air!"

Kyoko chuckled to herself, feeling just a small twinge of guilt, balanced by the realisation that she was safe from too extreme acrobatics.


As usual, my intent to get to the fight was slashed by number of threads that needed attention.

As a part of the fight is ready and I might have a moment, the next part should appear somewhere near the end of May or in the beginning of June. It will likely not be the last one for this chapter, but I doubt there will be more than two more.
Ah, Asuka, still so tightly buttoned up your mother still can't reach you. And now she's giving you her nerves about flying. Hahaha
"Call? Are you representing this channel as a phone?" Yui inquired, her voice carrying an odd undertone, once more audible despite the distortions.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" Kyoko asked, her voice confused.

"No, no, nothing", the voice in the receiver denied unconvincingly. "Talk to you later!" sounded, followed by a click before Kyoko could reply.
Hey, retro phones are totally cool! :p

Less amusing, Maya is noticing things are not as quiet as they should be. And she's conscientious enough to make sure to mention it to Dr Akagi, who knows a bit too much about what's really in the Evas, and can get even more suspicious and paranoid about them. Not good omens...
Poor Asuka, afflicted by her mother's airsickness.
Wouldn't be the first time they trade afflictions. Comes with the connection, I'm afraid.
Hey, retro phones are totally cool!
Yes they are! And while they'd be a little bit anachronistic in both settings, it's not that either Kyoko or Yui are very keen on historical accuracy.
Less amusing, Maya is noticing things are not as quiet as they should be. And she's conscientious enough to make sure to mention it to Dr Akagi, who knows a bit too much about what's really in the Evas, and can get even more suspicious and paranoid about them. Not good omens...
Doctor Akagi right now has a lot on her head, both literally and metaphorically - but indeed, Maya slowly realizes something is wrong. Whether this will lead to her learning something useful, going insane, or both - I can't say right now, I'll let her mind figure it out.

As for the current affairs...

The Bardiel fight is proving difficult to write. In canon, it is very obviously done in a way that forces Shinji to face the converted Unit-03 alone despite all three units being deployed – Asuka is disabled off-screen despite being armed and ready (her being distracted by talking to Shinji is a rather weak excuse) and Rei is taken out far too easily by something that later died to five seconds of choking and a subsequent beating on unresisting body (she was surprised by its very non-Eva agility, granted). This works fine for personal drama purposes, but feels a little bit contrived.

So for this story, I feel like I have to find a way to make it a little bit more palatable.

I also find the geography shown before the fight a bit screwy, but I'll get into details when I post the update, as I'm still figuring out whether it is a genuine error in NGE, or just my problems with reading maps.
Chapter 8.7.
Kyoko Soryu's day is getting hectic.


Chapter 8., part 7.

'From too extreme, yes', Kyoko concluded not long after. 'But not from all of them…' she refocused her gaze on the now-stable horizon, simultaneously reaching to Asuka – who, right now, seemed to have a lot of regrets about doing that single somersault.

"Damn it, couldn't they just let us walk here?" she grumbled to nobody in particular.

"It's too far to cover in one battery, even when running, Asuka", Shinji remarked over the comms, "and you saw how much damage we cause when we run. I guess Misato prefers to pay for air delivery than pay damages to all people along the way", he concluded, his voice betraying some cheer despite the tense situation.

"I guess", Asuka shrugged; Kyoko noticed a momentary improvement of the girl's mood and smiled to herself; if as little as the sound of his voice was enough to make her feel better, things had to be going pretty well between them. "But it's not Misato this time, remember? She's at Matsushiro, overseeing this – oh f-shit!" she exclaimed; Kyoko could feel the improvement of mood vanish, replaced by rising dread and mounting suspicion.

"Asuka?" Shinji probed, his voice worried.

"Command, why are we out here?" Asuka ignored him and asked over the direct channel to HQ. "There's no Angel alert, are we here as some decoration? An honour guard? Or is this just a combat exercise?" she inquired. "Come on, don't treat us like mushrooms!"

"There's been an incident at Matsushiro", a professionally calm, but obviously tense voice of Lieutenant Maya Ibuki replied. "The Commander ordered Level One battle stations. We don't know anything else yet."

"Wait, Misato-san was at Matsushiro! What happened to her?" Shinji interjected. "Is she okay?"

"We can't contact them yet", Maya replied. "We sent a rescue force, but it will take a while."

"No way… what will we do?" Shinji's voice betrayed a note of panic.

"What we always do", Asuka chided him in a determined voice. "Leave the rescue to professionals, and fight if needed. Stop worrying and focus, this will do us most good."

'Professional as ever, darling', Kyoko reached, aware of much of this determination was covering Asuka's uncertainty and seething panic. 'You want to be strong for him, but it doesn't mean you stand on your own', she carefully placed her hands on the girl's shoulders. There was a moment of confusion and Asuka adjusted as if the plugsuit was uncomfortable – but her subconscious mind seemed to accept the message: 'you are not alone' – and she relaxed.

"Agreed, but how can we fight an Angel by ourselves?" Shinji's voice countered.

Rei Ayanami's face appeared on the comm display as she announced: "Commander Ikari is taking direct command. We should be fine", she added in an unusual tone.

Asuka's reaction and gut feeling told Kyoko that there was something wrong with the girl's appearance; Kyoko only saw her fleetingly over the communications and lacked any comparison, but she was inclined to trust her daughter's feelings. 'Tell me, my dear…' she probed carefully. 'What do you see that you don't understand?' she tried. Perceiving stray thoughts and relying on reading emotions was of course less reliable than reaching directly into the pilot's mind, but contrary to what Yui Ikari was repeatedly suggesting, Kyoko was not going to invade her daughter's privacy; she was content to merely wait for her emotional turmoil to produce a reliable – and readable – answer.

"Shinji, did you see what I just saw?" Asuka opened a separate channel to Unit-01.

"Not sure? What do you mean?" a picture of him with his head tilted appeared. "There's nothing in my field of vision. You're far further out."

"Not on the field, Dummkopf…" she let out an LCL-dampened sigh, tinged by a surprising amount of affection; Kyoko read this as 'idiot, but my idiot'. "Never mind. And about far…", she punched a button opening the comms to HQ. "Hey, aren't we spread a little too wide?" she directed the question at the command centre. "I can't even see any of the other units between all those hills and overpasses and valleys, let alone have them in my cover fire range. How are we going to support each other?"

"Those were the Commander's orders", Lieutenant Ibuki replied. "He wanted to cover the most ground."

"I don't like this", Asuka grumbled. "This is fighting with nearly no backup."

Kyoko sighed heavily. Asuka's mind left the "something is wrong with Ayanami and I'm confused" track to follow the "this tactic is bad and I'm angry" route and settled firmly on that. There seemed to be little chance for her to return – but there was someone who could have the answer.

"Ikari, are you there?" she probed on Channel 8.

"I'm here, Soryu", a staticky voice confirmed. "What is it?"

"Did you see anything?" Kyoko inquired.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, and my boy is just confused as I am by the girl's question", Yui's shrug was audible. "My guess is it's some of their games", she added with a smirk. "You know, ones that people in love play?"

"I don't know if she would do something like that before battle", Kyoko wondered, her tone worried.

"She's your daughter, you know her better", Yui chuckled. "Shinji's worried, sure, but it's for her and about this whole situation, not because of her. Well, that and for that woman, Katsuragi. He seems to be really fond of her."

"Makes sense", Kyoko agreed. "It's hard to resist her anxiety", Kyoko admitted, feeling Asuka's emotions all too well. "And… I think Asuka likes the Major as well."

"Good for them to have someone like that, I guess. And as your Asuka said, stop worrying and focus", Yui smiled. "It will rub off on her, remember? As for the matter at hand… How's the weather on the East side?"

"Silent", Kyoko replied, refocusing on the visuals. "So far."


Meanwhile at NERV HQ

"We have a visual of the target at Mt. Nobe. Transferring to the main monitor", came an announcement.

Everyone's eyes automatically went to the screen to watch a hunched figure of an odd-looking Evangelion slowly emerging from behind the cover and entering the field of view.

"As I thought…" Commander Ikari stated thoughtfully to himself and took a deep breath. "Transmit the abort signal. Force eject the entry plug", he ordered as he let it out.

A few frantic taps on the keyboard later, Lieutenant Maya Ibuki locked onto the Unit-03 signal, gained access to its systems, ignored – at least for the moment – the readouts that made no sense at all and just threw a list of warnings on her panel, and transmitted the ejection signal. A large, red-tinted 'ERROR' message that was returned along with a dozen of secondary error messages told her all she needed to know. A cold ball started to grow in her stomach; something was very, very wrong. Despite that, she did her best to maintain her focus: "Not working", she reported, her voice just a bit shaky. "Neither abort signal nor plug ejection code accepted."

"What about the pilot?" the Commander inquired, his calm somewhat reassuring to the people around him.

"We still have the respiratory and cardiac response, but he's probably…" Hyuga trailed off in a dejected voice.

"Evangelion Unit-03 will be abandoned at this time. It will be designated as the Thirteenth Angel", the Commander picked up, his cold tone quickly dispelling any reassurance his calm demeanour could have provided. "Deploy the battle line at Mt. Nobe as planned", he ordered, ignoring the protests of his staff. "Destroy the target", he finished with a voice that accepted no objection.


"Target is approaching" interrupted the silence that reigned since the command centre stopped sending. "All units prepare for ground combat", an order followed as Asuka raised her head. Kyoko could feel her muscles tense for a moment before she released a breath, let them relax a bit, and focused her attention on her surroundings once more.

"No way", she suddenly heard Shinji on the comms. "An Angel? Is that an Angel?"

A wave of mixed feelings reached Kyoko a split second later, not suppressed in the slightest even by the combat-driven focus. A strange mix of annoyance, affection, and anger confused her – but the few thoughts that followed made it all clear. 'I would've murdered you long ago if I didn't love you so much' came as loud and as clear as if the girl had spoken it aloud.

'Oh', Kyoko chuckled to herself. 'Are you aware you're broadcasting it far and wide, daughter? And more importantly, does he know that?'

"Correct, that is the target", came a terse reply in the voice Kyoko rarely heard; she assumed this had to be the Commander.

"You say this is the target, but it's an Eva, isn't it?" Shinji's voice was increasingly confused.

As the exchange went on, Asuka's eyes were tracking the target, a weapon resting on her shoulder. The previous emotions directed at Shinji were quickly replaced by a cold shiver – and a feeling that reminded Kyoko of her time inside her own mind: a sudden, dreadful realization.

"Shinji", she addressed him, her voice cold. "It has a pilot", she stated in a voice without a trace of any doubt, her eyes still glued to the target. Kyoko suddenly saw a boy in Asuka's mind's eye, one not much older than she was, with a slightly darker complexion than his classmates and dressed in a definitely-not-school-uniform tracksuit; a boy she associated with Shinji.

"Gods, no", his voice was a mix of disbelief and horror-filled realization. "If he's inside, we can't–"

Kyoko failed to hear the rest of the boy's words as she felt a sudden jolt; Asuka rapidly rolled to her side. "Scheiße", she cursed as she jumped away from the hunched silhouette. "How could it move so fast?!" she shook her head as she assessed the damage: the strike narrowly missed the umbilical cable, which was good; but she rolled to the side her weapon was on – and it was promptly crushed by the weight of Unit-02's body. "Scheiße", she repeated empathetically and drew the prog knife.

"Asuka, don't!" came from Unit-01. "We can't fight it!"

"Shut the fuck up and get here if you want to help!" she hissed as she traced the target's deceptively slow moments.

"We can't fight it!" he repeated his plead. Kyoko could feel another wave of mixed emotions – annoyance, anger, but also understanding and fear – but not caused by the Angel, but–

'She's afraid of how he's going to react', Kyoko realized. 'But she's not going to stop.'

There were some orders from the command, but neither Kyoko nor Asuka cared for them, both their minds focused. Asuka took a few deep breaths, slowly pushing her doubts aside; the thought that came to the fore was clear: 'He will not fight this thing, and he will die if it reaches him. So, I must kill it for him, or I'll be crying at his funeral…'

A wistful afterthought – 'I'll sort it with him out later' – came as she spat out a quick "Engaging the enemy!", punched the comm console off – and charged the twisted shape in front of her.

Kyoko knew better than to interfere in anything Asuka was doing with her body; she was used to the sensation of her body being piloted. She just stayed with her daughter, doing her best to reassure her she was, indeed, not alone.


Inside Unit-01, tension and anxiety reigned supreme despite Yui's attempts to mitigate them – and to spring Shinji to action.

'You should go help her, Shinji', Yui whispered carefully to his ear, instilling a rudimentary vision of Asuka fighting the enemy; it came out quite literally as Asuka fighting something of a spear duel with a crooked figure – but it appeared to convey enough of the message and the urgency of the situation. Still, it only managed to increase Shinji's turmoil; Unit-01 remained unmoving, his head full of conflicting thoughts – and most of them concerning the pilot of the unfortunate Unit-03. 'You know who that is, I know', Yui continued. 'But if you do it right, nobody has to die. He will feel pain… but he will not be hurt.'

"Permission to assist Unit-01, sir!" Shinji suddenly blurted out.

"Negative", came the response of Commander Ikari. "Hold your position. You will engage the target as the final resort."

"But sir!" he tried to protest. "This is not–"

"Hold your position, Pilot Ikari", came a repeated, insistent order from the command centre – and Yui felt Shinij's anger rising with every word he heard.

'Why are you doing, this, Gendo?' she wondered. 'This is absurd even to a civilian like me! Why are you keeping the most capable unit in reserve like that?!'

Finding no answer aside from absurd notions that would be only make sense if Gendo Ikari was insane, she shook those thoughts off – and refocused on her attempts to goad Shinji into action.


Unit-02 was trying its best – but as anyone with hand-to-hand combat experience would attest to, fighting an opponent that wants to kill you while you try to disable them is far more difficult than just a mutual attempt at killing.

A few exchanged blows gave her a few dents in the armour, broke part of the prog knife – and caused only a few small nicks on the Angel's armour. Asuka's breath was growing heavy; she was aware this was mostly a psychosomatic reaction – Evangelions did not tire that easily – but this awareness did nothing to alleviate her growing weariness. She always preferred quick victories – prolonging a fight increased the risk of something going wrong with every passing moment.

Kyoko agreed with her wholeheartedly – but was quite aware of the tangle of conflicting thoughts in her daughter's mind. Despite Asuka's assertion that she would sort out Shinji's objections later, her worries about his reaction still held her back, even as she knew well that doubts like that were a dangerous distraction, one that could mean death in combat.

'I don't think you have a choice, daughter', Kyoko directed at her, trying to instil the sense of urgency and necessity she felt herself. 'He will understand… eventually', she added and immediately beat herself on the pointlessly mudding the message with her own worries and doubts – but quickly realised it no longer mattered. Asuka made her choice.

The girl shook her head and focused on the figure landing after making another dent in Unit-02's armour. "I'm sorry, Toji", she whispered as a wave of genuine sadness mixed with anger at the Angel emerged from her. "Forgive me, Shinji" she added with even a quieter voice, this time underscored only with sadness – and braced the damaged knife against her body as she assumed the position to charge.

A split-second later Kyoko noticed the Angel's expression changing: its let's-call-that-a-face formed something of a grin – and the armour on its torso rippled, splitting apart in a strange pattern. 'Asuka, gib Acht!' she managed to exclaim reflexively – but it was too late; she felt her body start the charge.

Eight bone-tipped tentacles burst from the flesh of the creature at the newly opened slits, three of them anchoring the abomination on place and the rest stiffening in the front of the gaunt body, forming sharp pikes ready to take the brunt of charge of Unit-02. Asuka's eyes widened in fear, her brain quickly recognising the obvious truth: she had too much momentum to stop in time. Images unfolded in her mind: Unit-02 would be impaled, she would experience horrible pain, and she was going to be lucky if this would not kill her.

'Forgive me, Shinji', she pleaded in her mind as she closed her eyes; tears formed behind her eyelids and mixed with the surrounding LCL. 'See you soon, Mama…'

But Kyoko was not listening.

'Down', she screamed within the confines of her mind, trying everything she could think of force this body to the ground as fast as possible. She recalled her entire knowledge on Evangelion anatomy and exerted her will towards her limbs; for a moment, it felt like a futile attempt on shutting down a machine that was on the track to meltdown – but once she felt the sudden pain in her legs, pain of the muscles and tendons pushed to their limits and beyond, forced to pull at their anchoring points with all their strength, dislocating joints, and cracking bones, she knew that she had somewhat succeeded. Her sense of balance telling her that she was, indeed, falling only confirmed that realisation.

Half an eternity of weightlessness later, the waves of pain were joined by her other senses telling her that she was currently ploughing the mud of the rice fields with her face, injured but well-below the spiky trap. A few seconds later, a piercing pain somewhere in her neck joined the sensations, along with a sudden dizziness and squelching sound of something heavy walking in the mud, giving her a strange impression that someone has just kicked her in the head and was walking away. 'Did it work? I'm alive, but–'

"Was zur neunten Hölle war das?!"

Most mothers claim that the sound of their child's voice was one the most beautiful sounds in the world, second only to the child's laughter. Kyoko had to admit right now that it held quite true – even if that voice was, at the moment, spewing a series of expletives that would not be out of place on the most run-down ship of the German fishing fleet.

'She's alive. Nothing else matters.'


Next part will wrap the battle and possibly present the aftermath. Expect it sometime in the first half of July.

Now for the rants about geography will follow.

"Was zur neunten Hölle war das?!" == "What in the ninth Hell was that?!"
My issues with Bardiel's geography
I already complained about the Bardiel's fight scene's logic. As for the geography…

Either I don't understand the map of Japan, or the creators don't give a shit about consistency (both are possible, of course). Matsushiro is about 140km North-East of Toyko-3 (which is, canonically, located on the site of the town of Hakone in Kanagawa prefecture). Fine, the battle is then somewhere in-between (most likely rather close to the Matsushiro site, considering how slowly is Unit-03 walking) – that may well mean the old Tokyo-Yokohama bay. Fine so far.

But then we see that the initial Angel image comes from the Mt. Nobe observatory – which is another 150km in the wrong direction, namely – far West from Matsushiro and North-West from Tokyo-3. Granted, it is possible to make a 150km zoom with military-grade equipment, but it would be very difficult to get a line of vision to the ground across this distance, as Japan is a notoriously mountainous country. There's a lot between those two.

Of course, the site of the battle is irrelevant to the plot, but all this just irks me – hence this rant (especially that use of a scout plane or satellite would be possible – they already landed Evas there, so they have air capability over the area, they also had images from satellites in previous episodes). If someone can shed a little light on this and tell me there's a better explanation, I would welcome the input.
Rei Ayanami's face appeared on the comm display as she announced: "Commander Ikari is taking direct command. We should be fine", she added in an unusual tone.
Hahaha.... we've reached a point where eve Rei can't say that without wondering if it's bullshit...

And Asuka saw... what, doubt? Uncertainty? Existential dread as a fundamental axiom of Rei's life is suddenly put to question? I hope Asuka remembers to follow up on that, but I fear it will be lost in the aftermath of the much worse things going on. Shinji will not deal with it well if the girl he's falling for is responsible for his friend being killed in action, even as an unwilling hostage.
'Down', she screamed within the confines of her mind, trying everything she could think of force this body to the ground as fast as possible. She recalled her entire knowledge on Evangelion anatomy and exerted her will towards her limbs; for a moment, it felt like a futile attempt on shutting down a machine that was on the track to meltdown – but once she felt the sudden pain in her legs, pain of the muscles and tendons pushed to their limits and beyond, forced to pull at their anchoring points with all their strength, dislocating joints, and cracking bones, she knew that she had somewhat succeeded. Her sense of balance telling her that she was, indeed, falling only confirmed that realisation.
Whooops! No hiding that one, Kyoko. The recorder is very likely going to show it was't the Pilot who did that, and Dr Akagi is going to look pretty closely at what it was, then. This was very public and might have blown your cover... uh oh.
Matsushiro is about 140km North-East of Toyko-3 (which is, canonically, located on the site of the town of Hakone in Kanagawa prefecture).
And that's not even mentioning how despite coming from the NE, Unit-03/Bardiel somehow walks dramatically out of the West!
And Asuka saw... what, doubt? Uncertainty? Existential dread as a fundamental axiom of Rei's life is suddenly put to question? I hope Asuka remembers to follow up on that, but I fear it will be lost in the aftermath of the much worse things going on. Shinji will not deal with it well if the girl he's falling for is responsible for his friend being killed in action, even as an unwilling hostage.
Indeed, they'll have more important issues to work out that Rei's odd expressions. This particular thing may be addressed in WTS? (as will the fallout of this be), but for now, it's just there.
Whooops! No hiding that one, Kyoko. The recorder is very likely going to show it was't the Pilot who did that, and Dr Akagi is going to look pretty closely at what it was, then. This was very public and might have blown your cover... uh oh.
It was still preferrable to being impaled six ways before supper and taking chances with Asuka's life - not something Kyoko was willing to do in any case. But yes, it was a huge risk to take without much time to calculate it.

At the same time, let's keep in mind Doctor Akagi is quite perfectly aware what is inside the Evangelions, and there's a canon situation where Evangelion acted on its own (Unit-01 in first episode, shielding Shinji, IIRC) before. I'm not sure if the line about "this having to be the pilot's mother so she would protect" is canon or fanon, but it's clear that was the point. So, the question is more: what conclusion will the good doctor draw and how averse she would be to go down there for a round of measurements to confirm or deny it.

Some of will be possibly addressed even in this chapter.
And that's not even mentioning how despite coming from the NE, Unit-03/Bardiel somehow walks dramatically out of the West!
Thanks, I missed that detail (well, not the sun, but the obvious implications). It just adds to the hypothesis that the creators simply didn't care and slapped a few things together, assuming nobody would really care.
And then the series rose to cult status and people started to take it apart, scene by scene...

Next part is brewing, if all works out, it'll close the chapter (I've already got most of the remaning battle and the closing scene for the chapter written, the question is how many things will happen in-between), if not, there will be one more.
Chapter 8.8.
Kyoko Soryu's day is quite painful, but may end up a little bit better.


Chapter 8., part 8.

"Pilot Ayanami, prepare to engage", came over the comms in the voice of Gendo Ikari, directed to Unit-00. "Unit-02 had been disabled. The enemy is coming your way."

"Yes, sir", Rei Ayanami confirmed in her usual, calm voice.

A calm that was in stark contrast with the mood inside of Unit-02. "Zur Hölle mit euch! Of course I got disabled! I was whacked over by this fucker, if I had someone to watch my back, I'd still be fine!" Asuka yelled. "Ayanami, watch your back, this fuck shapeshifts!"

"Acknowledged", Rei replied.

Asuka started to rant again, but something else caught Kyoko's attention: "Are you all right, Soryu?" she heard as Channel 8 cracked to life. "Your daughter seems… agitated."

"I'm alive", Kyoko replied with some dismay in her tone, aware of how much accumulated damage her body had suffered – and that was even before she broke her own legs to avoid the impalement. "It's the best I can say now. I… I think I made some mess, my legs are shattered, Asuka is in a really bad mood, but we're both alive… and Asuka is whole. What is going on out there?"

"My son is showing a regrettable amount of indecisiveness, and I can't do much more without forcing him directly", Yui reported, her tone similar. "If that Ayanami girl doesn't manage to stop the target… we're going to be in, so to say, a pickle."

"I see. Be careful with it", Kyoko warned. "It's fast and unpredictable. The Eva is just the shell, and there's an unpredictable thing inside, one that's improvising and learning."

"Thank you, I'll relay that to Shinji… if we have to face it", Yui confirmed. "And if he decides to fight it", she added with annoyance clear in her voice.

"Asuka was reluctant", Kyoko brought to her attention. "At least until she started to hurt. And now she's beating herself over this", Kyoko turned her attention momentarily to her daughter helplessly punching the console to the melody of colourful German curses as yet another system of Unit-02 went out; once more proving that the shock Kyoko's impromptu action delivered to the body was significant; the increasing pain she felt as Asuka forced her to keep crawling confirmed it even further. "I might not be able to talk to you much soon. An emergency shutdown is likely a few minutes away, even if Asuka doesn't decide to eject first."

"Acknowledged", the voice of Yui confirmed. "Just… keep her alive. I'll manage here."

"Roger that. Good luck", Kyoko replied before Yui closed the channel.

Kyoko could not see much from the position she was in, but from what she could see in the distance, Unit-00 was not doing too well. The Angel seemed to dodge a few shots fired at it by performing an improbable, gravity-defying manoeuvre – and delivered a strike on its own. A few such exchanges later – hardly aided by Asuka trying to shout out warnings and Command Centre trying to assist in an equally ineffectual way – a dreaded message arrived in the voice of Maya Ibuki. "Unit-00 is severely damaged, the pilot is wounded! Pilot Ayanami, eject, I'm sending retrieval force. Pilot Soryu, eject as well", she ordered. "There's nothing you can do now and you're just exacerbating the damage on Unit-02."

"Ah fuck that, don't feed me that bullshit, I can still do something!" Asuka grumbled as she kept crawling across the rice fields.

"Pilot Soryu, you're essentially immobile, have no useful weapons, and are nearly at the maximum range of your cord. Eject", Lieutenant Ibuki repeated the command. "Please", she added.

"Focus on helping that idiot, okay? He's going to need all the help you can give him! And let me worry about my cabling myself!" Asuka retorted, palpable anger seething just underneath the surface of her soul.

'Maybe it would be for the better to listen to her, daughter?' Kyoko suggested carefully. 'It has to hurt you too, right?'

Despite this gentle prodding, Asuka kept crawling, taking the indicator pointing her to Unit-01 as her guide. Kyoko let out an internal sigh – and focused on ways of making this easier for the girl. 'You are my daughter, no doubt… as stubborn as I was back then.'

Unaware of the assistance and the reason why she was still able to move, Asuka was focused on the boy, all her thoughts directed at him. "I hope you're happy, Third", she hissed. "Now you're on your own, idiot! Use your brain!"

'It's not a matter of the brain, my dear daughter', Kyoko commented bitterly. 'Now it's purely a matter of heart, and he might just have it in himself…'

The half-professional, half-aggressive exchange of commands and protests between Command Centre and Unit-01 took the comm channels over; technically, Unit-02 should not be listening in anymore – but Asuka was not cutting the comms.

'Good luck, Ikari', Kyoko let out a sigh. 'Well, both Ikaris, I guess.'


Yui Ikari could not hear the wishes conveyed by Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu – but she would be too busy to even reply to them, anyway. She had her hands full… or she would have if her son would be willing to cooperate on the matter. Right now, she could only assist in his rather ineffectual dodging that had to finally end up with Unit-01 being hit, then caught, then thrown – and right now, being choked.

Even having seen Unit-00 being defeated and hearing the reports about the infectious nature of the Angel, followed by horrific screams of its pilot only made the boy more fearful and anxious – but did nothing to shatter his resolve on not fighting an enemy that still had his friend aboard. 'Or perhaps the better term would be "held his friend hostage"… If keeping the plug aboard was a conscious decision on the Angel's part, it means they're adapting faster than we thought' Yui mused. 'No matter. Hostage or not, the Angel has to die', she decided as she refocused her thoughts on him, trying her best to ignore the unpleasant feeling on the nerves around her external body's neck.

'It has to happen, Shinji', she seeped the insistent thought into his mind. 'Your death will bring nothing. Do not listen to your father, he is irrelevant. Do it so you could live. For yourself. For her. For humanity', she kept feeding him the same urgent need to fight while simultaneously straining her muscles to resist the neck-crushing hands of the ex-Unit-03.

All that, to her dismay, had very limited effect. Shinji was adamant about not fighting the Eva with his friend aboard, even if it cost him his life. 'He certainly needs his priorities rearranged… but there will be time for that later. The question now is… how do I make sure he survives to fight another day?'

After a quick pondering, she pushed another thought, more forcibly than before. 'Shinji, the Plug is in the back. If nothing else, break its arms and neck. That's the only chance you have!'

For a moment, the boy was confused; Yui bit her not-exactly-existing lip as she realized she might have gone too far, been too pushy, acted too directly – but there was no answer, no objection; just a continued, steadfast refusal – and another bout of pain as the hight synchronization between Unit-01 and the pilot perfectly transmitted the sensation of being choked to death.


The vantage point Unit-02 had was anything but optimal, allowing Kyoko to see mostly the debris thrown in the air – and the manoeuvre when Unit-01 was caught and thrown against a hillside.

"Ikari, are you all right?" she pushed over Channel 8 a moment after.

"Somewhat. My dear son still refuses to fight, Gendo is trying to reason with him in his unmistakable style laden with tact and diplomacy, and my larynx is getting a little tight. Be glad it doesn't affect the comms, or I would sound a little bit raspy–" the sentence was suddenly cut short.

"Ikari?" Kyoko probed.

"Something's wrong. They're… cutting his synchronisation?" Yui's voice was uncertain. "I'll get back to you, Soryu."

"Um… sure?" was the only thing Kyoko could think of.


The inside of the Entry Plug went dark. Yui suddenly felt the emptiness that usually only happened the moment the Plug was pulled out. 'Okay, he stopped hurting, that's good… but why? He can't fight without–'

A strange feeling suddenly crept into her being; odd sensations started to crawl on the surface of her mind: emerging thoughts that were obviously not her own, feelings that were coming from outside her own self, a will other than her own that suddenly was trying to subdue her body against her wishes.

"What is this?" she heard her son's voice; he was looking at some odd red lights going up inside the Plug. "What did you do, Father?!"

"What in Nahemoth's name are you doing, Gendo?" Yui's feelings mirrored Shinji's confusion; she was half-aware that Kyoko likely heard her – but she did not care in the slightest right now. She focused on the unusual sensation before a sudden, horrifying realization struck her. "No, no, no! No, you don't, you sick bastard! You didn't do that!" she exclaimed, her voice quickly going from confused and surprised to horrified and furious.

"Ikari?" the voice of Kyoko came over, slightly distorted.

"He's trying to override him with this… thing", Yui spat out, her voice full of disgust bordering on revulsion. "No", she almost growled. "Please bear with me, Soryu, this will be ugly", she added in an apologetic tone – and returned her attention to the outside thoughts trying to invade her mind and a cold, detached will of a stranger trying to control her body. She focused on the abominable creation that was the source of this intrusion – a raw, ugly-tasting ball of cold, blood-and-grease-smelling parody of a soul – and soon her growing anger was enough to strike; the red lights fizzled out and vanished, the Plug sinking into darkness again.

The invasive thoughts were gone, and the vile presence went away – but Yui's anger did not abate.

Unit-01 grasped the hands holding its throat, snapped them in half without much effort, tore them away from its throat – and raised its head to the sky to roar.


Kyoko did not have much time to process Yui's words before she heard a very familiar sound of Evangelion's fury pierced the air, causing the remaining glass in the area to crack, electrical cables to swing, and ground to shake underneath the prone body of Unit-02. A few seconds later, a sudden movement in the distance clearly showed that the Angel no longer had any advantage and was currently making a rather uncoordinated effort to stay upright.

A few more seconds later, a fountain of vile blood sprouting the ex-Unit-03 became visible. Not long later, the roar repeated – and a severed part of the Angel landed not very far from Unit-02 position. Kyoko felt a sudden wave of revulsion coming from Asuka and quickly realized the reason for it – it was the Unit-03 head, deprived of its armour, cracked open, and marred by teeth marks.

Kyoko decided not to say a single word despite the channel still being open. Yui Ikari could be difficult to talk to at the best of times, and right now, it did not look like she was having one of her best times.

Instead of putting herself in harm's way, she focused on Asuka, ignoring the resuming comm chatter and gently embracing the girl. 'It's done, Asuka. I'm proud of you, you did what you could', she carefully fed to Asuka's chaotic mind, trying to soothe and doing her best not to make it a direct, obvious invasion of thoughts. 'He wanted to save the boy. I know you'll give him an earful over this… but please don't let this break you two apart. Now go. There's no reason for you to keep suffering that pain.'

She could feel Asuka's breath steadying. The girl was still angry at everything – and one Shinji Ikari was in the Top Five of the list – but at least she was no longer worried sick. 'It will be fine, daughter. It will be fine. Everyone's alive', she repeated, unsure of how true it was. This was simply out of her hands.

"Soryu?" Channel 8 returned to life again, the voice carried over it sounding barely controlled. Kyoko carefully retreated from her daughter's proximity and focused on the message. "What is your status?"

"Still alive, awaiting retrieval. I still have power, but I believe they're going to put me out of commission for transport. But I'll be over at your place as soon as possible", Kyoko reported.

"Thank you", the voice replied, trying to sound less anxious than it really was. "I'll be waiting."


A while later at Matsushiro

"Am I still alive?" Misato Katsuragi asked rhetorically as she slowly opened her eyes. She knew well the pain of returning to life after a serious injury; she did it several times since she was fifteen. On one hand, it was a delight to know she was still clinging to life and could carry on; on the other, the pain was often making her wonder whether it was worth it.

"Kaji?" she asked as she scanned her surroundings.

"You were lucky, Katsuragi", the man next to her gurney smiled at her.

"Where's Akagi?" she asked. "What happened?"

"Don't worry, she wasn't hurt as bad as you", Kaji explained. "She's already at NERV, delivering a report."

"A report – wait, what about Eva Unit-03?!" she asked in a suddenly borderline panicked voice.

"They didn't tell me much", he admitted, "but it was apparently destroyed, as an Angel, by the Unit-01."

Misato's expression turned into a mask of pain. "He… he knew… and he still fought. I… I shouldn't have told him anything."

"He didn't want to. And that Unit-01 went berserk", Kaji added. "You'll have to talk to him."

"I don't know if I want to", she admitted, her lips tight. "I… I don't know if I can", she whispered as she turned away.

"Were you, at any point, lying to him?" Kaji asked carefully. "Or is any of this your fault?"

"It's my responsibility", she countered, still not looking in his face. "You know what that means, even if you try to avoid it as much as you can."

"Ouch", he chuckled. "That burned, Katsuragi. But don't change the subject. Talk to the boy. He can't blame you… and he needs you."

A long pause hung between them, with only the sounds of rescue teams operating in the background.

"Where is he?" she finally asked, her tone more determined.

"Still inside Unit-01", Kaji replied. "They want to make absolutely sure everything is cooled down before pulling him out."

"Can you get me a comm unit?" she requested.

"Here", he smiled as he handed her a headset two seconds after she made her request.

She shot him a half-thankful, half-incredulous look – and he just shrugged with his usual smile. She shook her thoughts on the matter off, took a deep breath – and pushed the button. "Shinji?"

"Misato-san!" the voice on the other side responded immediately. "Are you all right?"

Tears filled her eyes without a warning. 'Don't ever change, Shin-chan. Don't you ever change', rattled in her mind as she started one of the hardest conversations she expected to have in her lifetime.


The sun was shining over the trees surrounding the mansion – but the silence that reigned over it was ominous. Not even a single bird sang, not a single cicada sounded, not a single frog ribbited.

Kyoko rushed along the path between the trees as fast as she could without colliding with anything.

Yui Ikari was standing in the middle of the meadow. "Soryu…" she managed, her face tense.

Kyoko just took the few last steps and embraced her tight; Yui's body shook as she let it all out.

Kyoko just held her. Words were meaningless now; something far more primal has taken over.


Finally, Yui loosened the grip and straightened up. Her eyes were still closed, several tears trailing on her cheeks. She shook them off.

"No", she finally stated, her voice hard.

Kyoko tilted her head. "Ikari?"

"He will abuse them no more", she stated, her whole posture radiating cold anger. Her eyes opened slowly, gleaming with hatred. Kyoko stared at her, half-worried, half-afraid of the woman she thought she knew. "No more shall he torment my son, no more shall he harm your daughter, no more shall he abuse any of the children. This man is dead to me. And soon he will be dead to the world, too", Yui declared. She turned to face Kyoko. "Will you help me free the world from this monster?"

"Yes", Kyoko replied; there was no hesitation in her voice, no doubt in her tone.

Yui smiled, her tears suddenly gone. It was not her usual, small smile that meant she was content, nor was it the warm smile she used for more emotional occasions. This was a grin of someone who had a morbid plan, and an absolute certainty that someone will die from that plan – and revelled in that certainty.

There was a time in her life, not that long ago, when Kyoko would shiver and think about what she has gotten herself into.

This was the thing of the past. Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu smiled a matching smile. "Anything with you, dear", she squeezed Yui's hand. "Can we… talk this over the tea? As we did before?"

"Yes", Yui nodded, her smile unchanged. "With pleasure."


And so, the battle got wrapped as planned. Aftermath, though, grew bigger. The final part is mostly written but it needs a solid polish, so expect it in late July or early August. Afterward, I'll be taking a short break to push my other projects, and then Chapter 9. starts.

Regarding content: initially, I intended to have more Shinji scenes here, including the Shinji-Misato talk after the battle, but decided those are not the focus of this story. They'll appear in the next spin-off, after Chapter 9.

As for Asuka's German in this chapter, I believe it's obvious (and colorful) enough to require no translation :p
Oh dear... Yui was always a bit, ah... questionably sane? And now Gendo has really pushed her buttons on a very tender topic. He's probably not going to like where this goes for him.
Oh dear... Yui was always a bit, ah... questionably sane? And now Gendo has really pushed her buttons on a very tender topic. He's probably not going to like where this goes for him.
She's just your Family Friendly Psychopath ^^
And Gendo just endangered her family.

"Hello, dear husband. I am Yui Ikari, awake and aware. You endangered my son, my it's-complicated-so-let's-shove-that-aside, and my it's-complicated-so-let's-shove-that-aside's daughter. Prepare to die."
Chapter 8.9.
Kyoko Soryu's day returned to normal. But three other people have a rather bad one.


Chapter 8., part 9.

Meanwhile in NERV HQ

"Doctor Akagi, I need an explanation", Gendo Ikari demanded.

Ritsuko Akagi, still wrapped in bandages holding her together, was standing in the familiar office under the tight scrutiny of the man she had very mixed feelings about. His hands were tented in his usual way; his eyes, partially hidden behind his glasses, were glaring at her in a judgmental way.

There were moments she enjoyed his domineering ways. But today was not one of those.

"I have none, sir", she finally spoke. "Not yet, at least."

"This is not acceptable", he retorted, his tone only minimally betraying his dissatisfaction; it was enough to make her face twitch. "Dummy Plug system was supposed to be foolproof", he recalled. "And yet, it failed. Unit-01 clearly berserked instead of coming under our direct control."

"Yes, sir", she confirmed, unable to question the obvious. "I intend to go over the specifications to understand the reasons for the occurrence. Still, I am convinced this is not something the manufacturer listed as a possible side-effect. It shouldn't have happened under any circumstances."

"You're quite right, Doctor", Gendo Ikari agreed, his voice stern. "It shouldn't have happened. I expect you to make sure it never happens again."

'It won't if you don't turn this fucked up, nightmarish, barely-cobbled-together abomination on ever again', she hissed internally, aware it was too much to count on. "Yes, sir", she replied tersely.

"Dismissed", Gendo Ikari commanded. "I expect daily reports on the progress."

'Do you wish them delivered orally, or rectally?' she managed not to say. "As you command. Is there anything else, sir?" she asked instead.

"Yes", Gendo Ikari confirmed. "From what I understand, Unit-02 suffered extensive leg damage… but not from the enemy. Can you explain that?"

"Yes, sir", she replied, a sliver of her confidence returning; at least here, she had a good idea what happened. "It seems that in a rather desperate attempt to avoid impalement, Unit-02 exercised a manoeuvre that caused extensive damage to itself", she explained.

"Are you telling me, Doctor, that an Evangelion tripped over its own legs and broke them because it was clumsy?" Gendo raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"No, sir", the doctor shook her head and immediately regretted the gesture. "By analogy: the human body is capable of numerous moves that would be damaging to joints, bones, organs – everything. The brain stops us from doing them at all times… except when we are in mortal danger", she started to explain. "Evangelions do not have those limitations except for what is provided by the pilot, who has the same preconceptions as every human. And, as with any other human, they loosen in the face of mortal threat. And this what happened here – the limitations vanished, Unit-02 exercised an impossible dodge at the cost of its bones breaking."

"I see", Gendo nodded slowly. "But how do you explain the strange, uncoordinated movements that led to that? This was hardly a proper dodge."

"I don't know yet, sir", the doctor admitted. "But correct me if I'm wrong… there are no points for style in a battle to the death. Perhaps Pilot Soryu didn't have much time to think on how it would look on camera."

"Your attitude is not appreciated, Doctor", Commander Ikari chided her, his eyes narrowing. "But I see your point. How long until it is able to fight again?"

"The damage is crippling, but not as extensive as we initially thought", she replied, ignoring his remark. "With the already-in-progress LCL therapy, Unit-02 will be able to walk again in less than two weeks."

"Can this be sped up?" he asked the obvious question immediately.

"Not without risking unauthorised growths that would set the whole process back significantly", she shook her head – with more care this time. "We're already skimming the safety margins."

"Will Unit-02 be able to fight without full regeneration if needed?" he kept inquiring.

"Yes, after a few days of the therapy", the doctor confirmed. "But too much pressure on the leg, or a blow from the enemy… and the leg is back to square one and Unit-02 is back to the ground", she explained. 'I wonder if his next order would be to create an Evangelion-sized wheelchair, so he could sortie a disabled Evangelion… I don't think this is what NERV had in mind when it claimed to be an equal-opportunity employer', she mused, venom from her mood slowly seeping into her thoughts.

"I see", the Commander nodded again. "Continue the procedure. Dismissed", he commanded.

Ritsuko Akagi gave him a final, disgusted look as she stood at attention and left without a further word.


The afternoon of the next day

"Doctor? I have some data for you", Major Katsuragi entered Doctor Akagi's office after letting herself in. It was perfectly normal for the often very busy scientist to ignore the door chime or even disable it altogether, so the Major was used to just coming in with her own code; for some reason, this code was not invalidated after their recent falling-out. "You may want to take a look at it If you still intend to parade my kids naked for your precious data, that is", she added, barely containing her contempt. "Past its due time as it is", she added in a tired voice.

But there was no response.

"Doctor?" she tried, taking a step further into the office. According to what MAGI told her, the head of Sciences should be working in her office. "Ritsuko?" she tried again, entering between the desks before pausing abruptly. "Oh. Fuck."

In three swift steps, she made it to the wall intercom unit and pushed the smaller red button. "Emergency Services, please state the nature of the emergency", came out of the wall.

"Requesting medical team to Doctor Akagi office, likely-life-in-danger priority", she stated in a professional voice. "She is unconscious, I am initiating resuscitation."

"Acknowledged. The emergency team is being dispatched. ETA two minutes", the calm voice on the other side responded immediately; the Major could hear the frantic tapping on the keys coming over the comms along with the words, reassuring her of the competence of at least some of the auxiliary NERV services.

Misato cut the channel and rushed back to the unconscious Doctor, taking a quick assessment of her condition. She was clearly breathing, the Major could tell without checking – her breaths were audible, short, and ragged. The rest did not look too good as well: blood was covering parts of her face, her body was sweaty and cold, and her position looked like she tried to crawl back to one of the terminals after collapsing near the door. She may even have succeeded, judging by the blood trail on the floor and one of the terminals, but right now, this was the least of Misato's concerns. "For fuck's sake, Ritsuko, what have you done?" Misato asked, fearing that she already knew the answer; she shook her head as she ran the first aid checklist in her head and – after ensuring the airways were clean – carefully moved the unconscious woman in the secure position.

The paramedic team arrived even sooner than announced. Several quick checks and commands later, Doctor Akagi was being driven on a gurney towards the local med station. "We'll keep you posted" were the only words spoken to the Major aside from routine questions.

After the med team was gone, Misato took a deep breath. There was now a – hopefully temporary – vacancy in the system, and considering the need of analysing the data, it should be filled immediately. The decision was up to Commander Ikari, of course, but the procedures required her to inform both the command and the immediate replacement.

She tapped the first code in; a code she did not like to use, one that was sure to get her right up to the Commander. "Ikari here. What is the emergency?" Gendo's Ikari voice was stern as usual.

"This is Major Katsuragi, sir, from Doctor Akagi's office. I found the doctor unconscious, sir", the Major reported. "She has been already taken away for treatment."

"Acknowledged, Major", his voice did not waver in its stern demeanour; Misato realised she would be surprised if it did. "Inform her second to take over for her, make it clear to her that the work of the Science Division may not be interrupted over this, and tell the medics to report the Doctor's condition directly to me."

"Yes sir", she replied automatically – and the line terminated without a reply.

Next, Misato tapped out the access code to the normal communication network – and the personal code for Doctor Akagi's second-in-command. She feared this talk more than the expectantly formal and routine one with the Commander.

"Yes, sempai?" the chirpy voice of the young First Lieutenant sounded on the other side a few seconds later.

"Lieutenant Ibuki? This is Katsuragi. Please come to Doctor Akagi's office. It's urgent", the rattled out on one breath.

"Yes, ma'am!" came a reply in the same, happy voice. Misato winced. 'And this is going to hurt.'


Inside Unit-01

"Ikari, I understand that you're angry", Kyoko took a deep breath as she kept her gaze fixated on the face of a woman who just presented her solution to the problem, "and so am I. but we really need a plan better than 'go berserk the next time we're activated and stomp the NERV HQ into the ground'."

"I am aware that this plan requires some refinement, but it's not infeasible", Yui protested, her expression insistent.

"Not technically infeasible, yes, but it lacks any finesse, would cause extreme collateral–" Kyoko started.

"He has to go", Yui insisted.

"And then what?" Kyoko snapped, eliciting – to her satisfaction – an expression of mild shock on Yui's face. "And even if you stomp the HQ to the ground, killing hundreds of innocent people as collateral damage, are you sure he won't have time to hide? The building is almost certainly fortified, and he surely has escape routes."

"What else can we do? Wait until he happens to be in range?" Yui retorted angrily.

"Why not?" Kyoko countered. "He does come to visit you, doesn't he?"

Yui nodded slowly as she released her breath. "Not very reliable way… but be sure I'd take the opportunity once it's there. But we still need to have something–"

"What we need is understanding. What happened there, Ikari?" Kyoko asked. "Explain it to me."

"He… he put something in me", Yui's face twitched. "Some… control system", she spat the words out. "If my memory serves, something like this was an idea from the beginning of the program, discarded when proven to be problematic. He had it refined, obviously, but it is still crude. I think I managed to damage it, well, at least disable it… and then I was pissed just enough to berserk."

"And to override your son's unwillingness to fight?" Kyoko remarked.

"He was cut off at the point, not holding me back. It seems… the pilot is a bigger factor here than we thought", Yui explained and reached for the teapot to pour the tea. "Perhaps this is easier to berserk when our kid is out cold."

"Perhaps", Kyoko nodded to that. "So… they're trying to remote control us now?"

"It's not a remote", Yui explained with a shook of her head. "Assuming it's the thing I'm thinking of. The idea was to… digitize a soul. Somewhat. The results were less than stellar, though, so it was abandoned. The fact that it required far too much neural tissue and would have delayed the development of our current bodies did not score it any points."

"I don't recall that part of the project", Kyoko remarked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"It was abandoned early and sealed away. Top secret, obviously, and need-to-know, as everything there", Yui explained with a sneer. "Apparently, someone decided to pull it out of the dumpster", her face twitched again, "and give it a new life."

"How does it work?" Kyoko inquired.

"The original was a facsimile that could pretend it was a pilot, and maybe even act as a pilot. It worked, in essence, by pretending to be a human soul and acting out very simple commands. But it had a sync rate in single digits and often seized up into endless feedback loops that resulted in useless output. But this one… it felt alive. It was like another mind with a will of its own tried to take over mine, push me down…" she suddenly shivered, her expression tight. "They had to improve on the original concept somehow. At least I was able to fizzle it out; I really hope they have very limited stock. But I fully expect them to replace it in me. And I'm quite sure you are going to get your own, too."

"I felt nothing odd", Kyoko objected as she picked a teacup up. "Nothing unusual."

"Nor did I. Not until it went up", Yui pointed out. "It's likely disguised as some auxiliary system that is playing dead until it is needed; it's not that you feel your spleen if it's working correctly, right? But as I said… enough anger and it breaks. Hm", she pondered. "If it's a mind, and it sure felt like one, maybe it can simply be scared back this way? We have to be careful not to affect our kids, but what would happen if we came down on one of those things with full fury?"

"I'd rather not have to try, Ikari", Kyoko remarked.

"Yes, but between having your free will violated and possible death that would cause total defeat… there's not much of a choice, is there?" Yui countered.

Kyoko took a deep breath. She was clearly not cut for this kind of war, no matter how willing she was to take her chances in it. "I hate it, but you might be right. I still hope this will never happen again."

"So do I, Soryu", Yui nodded, anger obvious in her voice. "But there's not much we can do, right? Other than fight back? We have a possible way to handle it, so just keep it in mind… and hope you don't need it. But remember, even your daughter was reluctant to fight at this point."

"Asuka tried to fight", Kyoko retorted. "The only reason she did not go all the way was because of him."

Yui's face twitched. "Right. A price we pay for them being… close, they're considerate of each other's feelings. Well, they'll have to sort it out by themselves."

"I can imagine this will not be… pleasant", Kyoko commented, half-amused, half-concerned, something suddenly drawing her attention.

"I expect a lot of shouting, pouting, anger, and violence", Yui agreed. "But I think there's enough goodwill on both sides to work it out."

"I hope so", Kyoko nodded as she realized what that something was – and a smile emerged on her face. "Speaking of sulking… I see a really, really sulky someone sitting against the tree", she indicated a familiar small girl in the equally familiar dress.

"Wha–ah. Our guest has returned, I see", Yui let out a sigh, her lips tight. "She's a stealthy one, that's for sure. Do you think it's time to fashion a swing of my own?" she added with amusement in her voice, her eyebrows raised.

"Why not… but maybe I should talk to her first?" Kyoko suggested.

"We can do this together", Yui proposed.

"Let's not scare her… you or me, but not both", Kyoko advised. "And maybe fashion some chocolates for a peace offering?" she added with a smile. "Or at least something to fix her mood, so she doesn't bring torrential storms upon your mansion?"

Yui chuckled – and the table became filled with a variety of confections. "Let's see what she likes the most", she decided.



First Lieutenant Ibuki was nervous. It was, of course, not the first time she was performing Doctor Akagi's duties – there have been cases where she was entrusted with them in times when the doctor had to leave to some conference or off-site operation. But those always had known, limited duration – and her sempai always prepared a short summary of the current situation. A summary that was a necessity, since the documentation of the current work atop the NERV Science Division was patchy at best – the rest fit handily in Doctor Akagi's head.

The head that was right now bandaged and resting without consciousness on Emergency Care ward somewhere in the NERV hospital. The initial diagnosis indicated a cerebral aneurysm, most likely from the extreme hypertension of unknown cause; even with NERV medical technology this could mean anything between a few days and a strict regime afterwards – or an immediate surgical intervention with possible months of recovery ahead.

Maya Ibuki took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of antiseptic that permeated the air and trying to shove those thoughts aside. She had to handle the situation. She knew she could do this, just as she did it before. She could, as long as she did not think about the bloody residue that was on the panels just a few moments ago, residue removed in the quick cleaning this place was given after being photographed for investigation – which she was told not to concern herself with. She was supposed to maintain the operability of this place, nothing more – and she was the only one to do it, since she was the only one familiar with most of the work done here. The currently running processes and analyses would give her at least an initial picture, and she would take it from there.

She finally entered her access code; the screens unlocked handily and allowed her a quick assessment: two data crunching processes and three result sets from the previous runs. Maya's brows furrowed. They were, of course, in the good Doctor Akagi's custom, all described by three-letter labels. 'I can understand inputting ideograms is a problem, sempai, and I don't expect that… but really, would it hurt you to use full words? The MAGI have a nearly infinite memory…' she grumbled internally and immediately regretted that thought upon realising where the doctor was right now. She shook her head and turned to the side console with a heavy sigh, hoping she could conjure a few more answers–

The sigh stopped in her lungs the moment her eyes rested on the terminal and she saw the final command – no, not a command.

It was a message: typed, followed by a trail of spaces, and not sent.

Maya's heart skipped a beat.

they are onto us gods are a


And here we are, at the end of Chapter 8., now known as "Point of no return". After doing some clean-ups, I'll be posting it on FFN and AO3.

I'll be taking a short break from this story; expect Two Souls to return around late September or early October this year. Once it is up, it's Chapter 9., Zeruel, and the associated drama.
If everything goes as planned it will be followed by What happened, son?, the third spin-off.

See you soon.
Chapter 9.1.
Kyoko Soryu's day is quite fine. But Maya Ibuki's definitely not.


Chapter 9., part 1.
Inside Unit-01

"I never thought I'd need a child's table here", Yui Ikari remarked as she watched a small, blue-haired girl sitting at a low improvised wooden table a few meters away, carefully eyeing a dozen chocolates of different colours and shapes laid in front of her. "I don't think this one even fulfils the safety criteria or anything."

"Children change a lot in our lives, don't they, Ikari?" Kyoko smiled warmly over her cup of tea.

"Yes, especially if they are unexpected. And even then, unexpected usually means surprise pregnancy, giving you some time to prepare, not suddenly finding a kid in your garden and adopting it", Yui remarked in a dry tone. "Really, Soryu! When I said 'partners', I really didn't mean 'in raising a child'" she shook her head. "Not that she lets herself be raised, exactly", she concluded with a sigh.

Kyoko hid her face behind the cup as much as it was possible. This was still not the subject she was very comfortable discussing – and Yui's joking approach suggested she did not take the whole matter as seriously as Kyoko did. On the other hand, this could have been a façade as well. 'Why are human emotions so complicated?' she sighed internally. 'Or is it just me and my internal mess, a side effect of being split and then having to make myself whole again with the twisted tool that is Evangelion subconscious mind? Maybe I missed a seam or two…?' she pondered. 'And why am I still subject to those emotions at all, despite wearing a body of a skyscraper-tall, inhuman war machine? On yet another hand, hardly inhuman, considering I can operate it just fine and my brain works as it always did… if not better' she let out an exasperated sigh.

"Earth to Base Zeppelin, do you copy?" coming from somewhere outside broke her reverie. "Did I bore you out of your focus with my complaints, Soryu? Or is our adopted kid so fascinating?"

"She's surely remarkable", Kyoko managed to say while doing her best to still her treacherous heartbeat on the somewhat correct – but also heavily confusing – words: 'our adopted kid'. "I'm actually afraid we might not be up to the task, Ikari. Think about it: she doesn't talk, she's almost feral in her behaviour, and her actual body is nothing like a normal human body. I'm sure you heard of the cases of children raised by wolves, didn't you? This one was raised by an Evangelion, in a way. She's nothing like us. We, as adults, can cope with that on some level, but… she could literally be an alien inside that cute head", she elaborated with concern in her voice. "And you've seen some things that this head conceals for yourself", she added in a far lower voice.

"I think she's coping with her condition far better than we do", Yui remarked, disregarding the last sentence. "Or, at least, more efficiently. We build artefacts to shield our minds and senses", she gestured around vaguely. "She just… is. Exists. Her Unit, at least from the outside, is an expression of her… somewhat."

"I don't know if this qualifies as 'better', Ikari", Kyoko's lips tightened. "Especially since you explained to me how that Unit feels. I'm no expert, but I read enough about psychology to know that children brains adapt too well, be it to deprivation, terror, or odd conditions. It just doesn't know any better, right? She might be, for all we know, completely unable to function as a human in the future."

"And what future that might be, Soryu?" Yui interceded, her tone suddenly turning almost angry. "We might have an idea how to get out once all is said and done, but how do you communicate something like that to a kid whose thought patterns vary between an animal and a genius savant?"

Kyoko's expression tightened even more as she took a long, careful look at the girl who was currently playing some unfathomable game with the chocolates laid on the table in front of her, moving them in an incomprehensible pattern and only eating one that ended up in the middle after a series of complex transformations.

"I do not know, Ikari", she replied absentmindedly. "But perhaps we should try."

Yui's lips tightened in turn; she did not reply to that, slowly becoming lost in her own thoughts. This was indeed not an easy matter, not to mention an unexpected element that had to be included in their plans in some way.

She, of course, expected the girl to be a factor since she realised who she was.

She just did not expect her own feelings – and those of her closest and only ally – towards the said girl to be a factor as well.


Inside NERV HQ

First Lieutenant Maya Ibuki was shaking, her eyes panicked, her mind thrown into turmoil.

The Acting Head of the Science Division was currently hiding in a tiny apartment inside the NERV HQ, virtually all of her limited worldly possessions stashed in two large suitcases standing next to the door. She brought those suitcases here with help of two Section Two operatives assigned to her not long after she requested assistance – and an escort – in a temporary move from her apartment in the officer's hotel to a smaller but – at least in her perception – safer quarters in the pyramid that housed the NERV Headquarters.

And yet, she was already starting to question that decision. While her old place certainly did not have this level of security – merely one that would be considered heavily paranoid by most of the world instead of unbelievably paranoid that characterised the Headquarters – it was also relatively far away from the monstrosities that the Headquarters contained.

Monstrosities she just learned about in a far too abrupt manner.

Until recently, she just rationalised the subconscious dread she sometimes felt around the Evangelions with the reasoning that they look kind of human but were not, that they are dangerous and capable of bending the laws of physics, that seeing the carnage they regularly wrought got to her lizard brain – but in the end, they were just machines, very advanced biological machines, yes, but beyond that – nothing but semi-intelligent machines that required a pilot to work and could be shut down at any moment. Until recently, she knew enough to work with them, but not enough to openly fear what those monstrosities represented.

Unfortunately, this safe worldview just crumbled as a result of the last few days.


When Maya Ibuki took over Doctor Akagi's duties and received her Acting Division Head clearance, she was convinced that her greatest problem – aside from her own anxiety about filling her sempai's big shoes – would be the number of things she would need to quickly learn and the number of urgent tasks that would end up falling on her head – which included, first and foremost, ensuring that the Evangelion units were fixed and ready for the next battle as soon as possible. And she was also quite certain she could manage that.

Regrettably, her certainty about what would be the biggest issue was firmly shaken the moment she found the odd and disturbing note from Doctor Akagi, a note warning her about the 'gods', a note worryingly devoid of any useful context or explanation. She did her best to write it off as ravings of a likely feverish mind; after all, Doctor Akagi, at that moment, suffered from serious stress and it was quite likely that the symptoms of the cerebral aneurysm have already begun, considering she collapsed just a moment later – and this often included disorientation and detachment from reality. Having rationalised that away – to a degree she was capable of – Maya Ibuki was ready to face the reality of her new, temporary station.

And this was the moment where the reality hit her in the face with greater force than a charging Evangelion would hit an Angel. And the one to deliver the blow was no other than the woman she put her faith and adoration the entire time.

It did not happen in person, of course. Right now, Doctor Ritsuko Akagi remained in the intensive care ward of the NERV HQ hospital, the medical personnel doing everything they could to save not only her body, but also her mind, no matter the cost – and, as much as Maya was told, succeeding quite well.

What delivered the blow was a file full of notes and few recordings that Doctor Akagi created for the "unlikely case of her becoming incapacitated" as she put it herself in the introduction – and that became unlocked once the Science Unit Command Exchange protocol was activated.

A file in which Doctor Akagi succinctly and impassionedly explained what the Evangelions were made of, what were they driven with, why were they piloted by half-orphaned children, what truly rested underneath the NERV HQ, and what was actually at stake in this war. And the level of secrecy Maya would have to maintain from now on.

Maya Ibuki now knew all that and slowly began to fathom the scope of the insanity she was now responsible for.

This time, for a change, the soundproofing of the Science Division rooms has proven to be an unexpected blessing.


Inside Unit-01

"I want to test a hypothesis, Soryu", Yui suddenly spoke up when they were done going through yet another round of discussion over possibilities, details, and plans. "Do you think you can pull her to your home for a while?"

"Are you no longer afraid she's going to eat me?" Kyoko raised an eyebrow in a mock disappointment. "And what is so embarrassing you don't want me here while you do it?"

"I'd say I will be dancing naked in the woods, but that would be a very different tradition than the one I was educated it", Yui explained with a chuckle. "No, it's not about embarrassing and it's not about you", she said and shot a quick look towards the blue-haired child almost done with the unfathomable game she kept playing with the chocolate as the pieces.

"Oh. Right", Kyoko nodded. "I can try to lure her, but you know well how she is. I don't even know if she'd understand me."

"I guess when she's done with her current game, she might be willing to try something new", Yui suggested.

"I don't know", Kyoko's expression turned ponderous. "She seems to prefer the familiar, to the level of persistent repetition. Remember the swing? I can try taking her away with a promise of taking her there, I guess, but I think giving her the same set, or maybe a slightly different set of sweets would work better? Besides that, what is it that me watching her here would not be enough? You can always go to some of the mansion rooms?"

"Oh, I intend to. I just don't want her to follow me", Yui explained.

"Follow you to the mansion?" Kyoko tilted her head in confusion. "She never did, she prefers the outside…"

"Further than that, Soryu", Yui explained with a smirk.

"Ikari, could you please stop that? I know we have plenty of time, but… come on" Kyoko let out an exasperated sigh, still trying to keep her voice low. "Where do you want to go?"

"Sorry, it's just the mood. I just want to take a look… around", Yui smiled apologetically. "I think we missed something around the NERV base. I'll explain once I find it."

"You don't intend to visit her Unit while she's away, right?" Kyoko checked, her eyes pointing towards the girl.

"Gods, no", Yui shook her head, her expression turning to one of terror. "I had that aftertaste of the barbed wire for far too long after I tried once. No. Besides, that would be just rude, don't you think?"

"Ikari, I know you well enough to know this would not stop you", Kyoko chuckled knowingly. "No offence, but you're far more determined than that."

"I won't argue that", she smiled with a hint of guilt. "So, will you try to lure her away? Or at least keep her focused if you prefer so?"

"If you don't mind, I'll try to keep her here", Kyoko suggested. "It's easier. Inertia, I guess?"

"'Unusual mind' and 'neurodiverse child' is a better term", Yui shrugged. "All right. But please stop her or at least try to alert me should she go running inside."

"Don't worry, I will", Kyoko nodded – and they both focused on the girl moving the two final chocolates according to a pattern that existed only within her mind.


Inside NERV HQ

There are many qualities that were expected of a NERV employee: high level of competence in the field they were employed in, around-the-clock on-call availability aside from the usual long hours, capability to work under high levels of stress, level of loyalty that would rival one expected in the most traditional Japanese corporations, no suspicious connections or activities, and – last but not least – ability to perform one's duties no matter what their current mental state was.

Maya Ibuki could easily be called a model NERV employee – even if her loyalty was more to Doctor Akagi than to NERV, all the other conditions were pretty much fulfilled. And so, even in the face of having learned about the worst horrors this place had to offer in a rather sudden way, she was still on duty, descending in the elevator into the bowels of the NERV HQ.

To say that Maya Ibuki was not very fond of the Cages was like saying that Gendo Ikari tended to cause some anxiety in a few of his subordinates. Maya perceived the Cages on several levels – and none of them was pleasant.

On the most basic and most obvious level, the tall halls of the Cages were simply unpleasant to be in; the air was cold and filled with the mixed smell of various chemicals; they either were wrapped in overwhelming darkness or bathed in equally overwhelming, unpleasant, cold neon lights. Their entire architecture was also designed to be as utilitarian as possible with no regard for aesthetics and built in a way that did not violate safety codes only because the concept of safety in NERV was defined a little bit differently than most developed nations defined it.

On another level, the Cages were something of a dark underbelly of the whole project. Maya was used to spending most of her time on the bridge or in the laboratories of the Science Division; clean, warm, and separated from the Cages not only with corridors, bulkheads, and doors, but also with a lot of wiring, hardware and software filters, and other numerous safety measures. Once she abandoned those defences, once she descended in the depths, all this protection no longer applied – and she was at the mercy of the silent residents of the place. It literally felt like descending to a cage of a beast – and recent behaviours that the Evangelions presented were only reinforcing that impression.

The Cages were also far too sparsely guarded to Maya's taste; even if she was aware that they were too deep into the facility to face any danger of infiltration and guarding them against their regular occupants was a little bit pointless, the presence of guards would have eased the emptiness she feared. On the other hand, this would expose regular military people to the horrors of this place – and while Maya did not like this place, she was able to manage that dislike. An average soldier, most likely, could not.

On yet another hand, the average soldier did not know as much as Maya did: the fact that their occupants were anything but friendly and anything but easy to control.

The woman who was quite innocent in the matters of the world and unaware of the dark secrets of her workplace just a few days ago emerged from the elevator that took her from the relative safety of the upper floors down to the Cages. She was pushing a cart with equipment – which was perfectly normal, considering the report she was to deliver required taking measurements – and was carrying a cloth bag with sticks of incense and a bottle of machine oil – which was somewhat irregular and had no obvious purpose.

Moving slowly towards Unit-02 compartment, she stopped at one of the junctions, knelt next to a small metal-box-turned-altar, and lit a fresh incense stick before a simplistic, 3D-printed effigy that resembled an Evangelion. Giving it a small bow that would not be out of place at a shrine, she took a step back and resumed her journey towards the Evangelion she was supposed to work on today.

It seemed that nobody but her was there to notice the offering. But for some reason, the atmosphere suddenly felt a little less foreboding around Maya.


Hello again, my dear readers.

Chapter 9. begins. You can expect about one update per month, more once one of my other fics wraps up.
I feel very sorry for Maya in this chapter I really do. :(
She's having it rough, indeed, and nothing of this is really her fault. This comes with having trusted a boss who essentially sold her soul to Gendo Ikari.
she had to turn to the Omnissiah.
Eh. She's Japanese. Everything has a kami.
There's basic animism and then there's "Shit, that's the physical embodiment of the godhead I've been hitting with a spanner."
While the obvious inspiration for this scene was the concept of the Machine Cult, and Maya might even be vaguely familiar with it (my headcanon is that she reads a lot, since she doesn't have much else to do outside her work), she is not applying it directly - she's not going to start chanting binary or wear rust-colored robes. She's just trying to find a way to cope with the reality, and it's a basic human instinct to present the unknown and the terrifying with placating offerings. And having the Evangelions explained didn't make them any less unknown and certainly made them far, far more terrifying.
And yes, Japanese culture is full of kami of the smallest things, so this certainly gave her an idea or a few.
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Chapter 9.2.
Kyoko Soryu's day is quite fine, and Yui Ikari implements an idea.


Chapter 9., part 2.

Yui Ikari walked the corridors of the mansion; the cool air and the faint smell of the laundry, the scent of the old books, the distant fragrance of food, and that odd one she could only call 'home' – all those were a nice change from the smell of grass, tea, and cake. She was able to, of course, change any of those on a whim – but doing so would, in the end, be a bad idea; confusing her mind. 'The garden should smell like a garden, forest like a forest, and the old Regency-style mansion… well', she reiterated. 'And a library should be recognisable with my eyes closed', she decided as she reached the room she intended to work in.

The heavy oaken door opened before Yui and closed behind her back, eliciting a thought. 'Once upon a time, there would be a servant opening and closing them, a servant discreet and unobtrusive. In modern times, it would be an automaton, a mechanism, but the result would be the same', she realized. 'The whole idea was to free the nobility from the burden of the mundane, even if it was something so simple as handling a door… and I do it with a thought, not even a very conscious one. I wonder how this will look once this is all done. Will we live in mansions fashioned from our minds and wills… or in ramshackle huts built of trash from the civilisation long gone, destroyed by human hubris and unfathomable powers we woke up in pursuit of power? Is there anyone who knows the answer… and might be willing to share it?' she mused for a moment before shaking it off. 'No time. Right now, what's important is that it is not my…' she lost the trail of thought for a moment, 'that it is not Gendo Ikari who makes that choice. Assuming there is going to be a choice at all…'

She stood there for a moment, taking deep breaths and inhaling the smell of old paper, dust, glue, leather, and wood before approaching the huge shelves filled with countless beautiful books. It took her only a few moments to find the right one; soon enough it was laid open on the pulpit, presenting a perfectly illuminated circle inscribed in an alphabet of a language not spoken in millennia – except by the scholars of the occult.

Of course, the book was a part of her mind, its content placed in the endless chambers of the palace of her mind – but she preferred to have a point of focus laid out in front of her. It made it easier to focus on, plain and simple – and she knew she could use any advantage she had in her attempt.

She willed the curtains to close and the candles to light up; everything around her reduced to 'now' and 'here'. Away from the warmth of the sun and in the appropriate atmosphere, she focused and let her mind wander away from her bodies – both the one imagined, and the one that was real – and carefully reached to the indistinct shapes in the darkness between the souls.


Kyoko's gaze turned back to the little girl the moment Yui disappeared in the doorframe leading to the inside of the mansion; their guest, contrary to Yui's worries, paid no attention to anything but the chocolates in front of her. She was shifting the new batch with the same vigour she had shown with the previous one – and seemingly without any care in the world, including the fact that the person she was really wary of quite recently was standing not much longer than a metre away.

'I wonder why', Kyoko mused. 'She was being far more careful before, even when we fed her. But she seems to see me as safe now – oh', she reached up and touched her head; the thin wreath was still there, with all the twigs, small leaves, and fruits intact and fresh. 'Wait. She put this on my head inside Unit-02', Kyoko realised. 'It was made from the matter of my mindscape; it should have dissipated once I crossed over. And we had a battle in the meantime. But it's still there… well, just like Ikari's bracelet that survived crossing to my unit… Fascinating. We have a good idea of what you are, little girl, but what powers are you still hiding from us?' she pondered as she watched the pieces of chocolate being shuffled in a pattern that still made absolutely no sense to her.

'No, not hiding. She's not hiding anything from us', Kyoko corrected herself. 'She is just simply not showing the skills, just like I'd never know somebody could swim like a fish until I took them to a lake. Humans talk casually, this is how we learn about each other, about abilities, stories, pasts… but she can't do that. That's another question… why? Can't be her teeth', she shivered momentarily at the memory, 'we can adjust bodies to a degree, and people who have dysfunctional speech organs often at least try. It's like she's just… mute. Just that. A hysterical disability, perhaps? Wait, they called it differently, this was the old term… conversion disorder, they call it now. I wonder…'

The girl Kyoko kept scrutinizing and pondering about was ignoring her entirely; she just ate another piece of chocolate from the very middle of the complex pattern and began another round of rearranging the pieces.


Rei likes the small foods.

The small foods taste good to Rei.

Rei thinks they are called 'chocolate'.

Rei thinks she knows the taste from somewhere. Rei does not remember from where.

But the small foods are laid out all wrong. The ladies put them in an incorrect way.

Maybe the ladies are testing Rei's intelligence?

Rei does not know. But Rei wants to impress the ladies.

But why is one lady not here? Rei does not understand. Is one enough to conduct the test?

Rei knows the ladies can talk. Rei knows the ladies can speak. Rei knows this causes understanding.

Rei wants to understand, but Rei cannot try.

Rei wishes to speak, too.

But Rei cannot. Rei thinks it is an adult thing.

Rei focuses. The new small foods are in a different, more wrong pattern.

Rei tries to order them.

Rei wants to impress the lady.

Rei hopes the lady will tell the other lady.

Rei wants to impress both ladies.

The ladies are good to Rei. Rei wants to be good to them.


Somewhere outside

The darkness between souls was always a confusing and – even if she would never admit it, even to herself – horrifying place for Yui. If there was anything bearing at least a passing resemblance to crossing it, it was navigating a ship in an open sea, without a star in sight, using only dead reckoning and maybe an occasional landmark or distant light.

To make things worse, both methods were questionable at best. The dead reckoning was deceptive: time and space were almost completely arbitrary here, even more than inside an Evangelion; it was more akin to navigating in warped space, with Evangelions being the source of the warping and having the greatest pull on the wandering soul. And counting on the 'landmarks' and 'lights' could be even more dangerous: there was no map of them, no descriptions attached – and, according to some sources Yui recalled, each of them could be an almost literal mental minefield or a hungry maw. Until now, Yui had been navigating closely to her Unit, her targets being the other Evangelions; first with invitations and careful pulls across the void with a target in sight, later with her own presence. She knew them all too well, with the approach to Unit-02 being a beaten path – not beaten by her, but it did not seem to matter – and the approach to Unit-00 existing in the state of polite ambiguity.

But now she was setting out into the open seas, guided by an idea she knew might make sense… but could also be absurd, dangerous, absurdly dangerous, and dangerously absurd.

One thing was certain: she did not need to worry about returning; once the left the cosy – for the lack of a better word – neighbourhood of the Evangelions, she took a look back – and saw them burning bright, with a barely perceptible but clearly visible shining cord connecting her to one of them. 'So far, so good', she psyched herself, trying her best not to think how fragile said cord was looking. Instead, she turned back into the unknown, keeping her attention up, avoiding the faint blips that were most likely human souls of the workers performing the usual NERV operations, and looking for her targets.


Not long before

"You want to look for what, exactly?" Kyoko checked as Yui explained her plan just after giving the new set of chocolates to their guest.

"The sync rates of the pilots have to be checked regularly", Yui explained. "They can do it using us… but they very rarely put the Plugs inside of us except for combat, far too rarely if the initial recommendations I made were to be maintained. And Shinji has memories of being locked in the Entry Plugs far more often."

"You were sifting through his memories again?" Kyoko raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Only the superficial ones", Yui reassured her, her voice almost defensive. "Those happen when he's waiting for something; images come back, usually associated with the same conditions, right? And I don't recall 'long, boring bouts of tests' being done inside of me… so, either they have another set of Evangelions lying around, or they use something else. Either of those scenarios means we have something to learn."

"Well, it's hard to deny your reasoning, Ikari", Kyoko agreed. "I don't know how you want to confirm or deny it, but I can babysit while you do", she added with a smile and a wink.

"I will take a walk", Yui semi-explained with a warm smile as she reached and squeezed Kyoko's hand. "I will try to be back as quickly as possible", she promised and turned away before Kyoko could register the sudden blush on her face.


'I wonder whether she saw it. I sure saw hers… Gods, ancestors, caretakers, angels, archons. I will have to address that soon enough, won't I?' Yui mused, anxiety rising in her soul. 'She is burning bright, and… I think I am, too', she admitted to herself, pausing for a moment. 'Later', she decided. 'Maybe I should save those thoughts for times when I am not looking out for the Kraken… on the other hand, where is it better to look for insight than in desolate places, in the deserts, on the mountaintops? And this is the closest we have in our situation…' she mused before forcing herself to focus and look out. 'Later. The task at hand comes first. Something but us has to be here… ah?!'

A dim light she spotted looked like a candlelight in a dark night – but it likely meant something stronger than a mere soul; Yui focused her will and started to slowly move in that direction.


This update is shorter than usual since I got swamped with work at the office. Moreover, I write What happened, kids? at the same time in order not to lose the connections between threads. This will, of course, pay back once I start publishing the spin-off, but it's a few months away.

I hope this will be enough to satisfy my esteemed readers until the next, hopefully proper, update - which should happen in about two or three weeks.