There could be a sequel. I had been thinking about the invisitext on one of the last few chapters, that read "NOBODY TOUCHES MY COMPUTER". What if the author leaves his house on an errand, and while he is gone, he is robbed? He comes home to find things missing, and his computer gone. The one he used to do the SI.

The thief finds the story on the laptop, notices the interaction with the writer and the SI, and decides to write another chapter. To continue the story. And then he notices the SI Shade interact through it. See's the SI's reaction to what he wrote. Seeing this, he gets drunk on the power to control someone like this, and keeps on writing, sending Shade to new worlds to interact with new characters in new settings, as he thought the angst and suffering wasn't enough.

Shade goes to buy a new computer to replace the stolen one, and logs in to SV and notices the story is continuing when it shouldn't. He sees what the thief is doing to his work. He opens a new thread and begins to write, feverishly contacting the characters his SI self interacted with, getting their help, and sending them out into the worlds the thief is writing his SI self into in an effort to derail the story and remove the thief's control.

But this is just wishful thinking. Would be neat though.
Damn... just finished first SW chapter. I miss Yui already. She gave some good feels. Yes I know that is against your credo but it was nice having some cuteness and comic relief. Plus Battle-Loli was awesome.
Uhm, wondering if a Spin-Off of this would be accepted.
One which would be a multicross OC story, but settled into the 'Limbo Reality'.
Great Teacher Shade, and his class of mentally frail students, youkai and horrors from the deep.
Welcome to Lovecraft Academy, where everything is just peachy...
May The Force Be With You.
Uhm, wondering if a Spin-Off of this would be accepted.
One which would be a multicross OC story, but settled into the 'Limbo Reality'.
Great Teacher Shade, and his class of mentally frail students, youkai and horrors from the deep.
Welcome to Lovecraft Academy, where everything is just peachy...
May The Force Be With You.
We would welcome more meta.
Uhm, wondering if a Spin-Off of this would be accepted.
One which would be a multicross OC story, but settled into the 'Limbo Reality'.
Great Teacher Shade, and his class of mentally frail students, youkai and horrors from the deep.
Welcome to Lovecraft Academy, where everything is just peachy...
May The Force Be With You.
You realize you'd be inviting shipping wars in that situation. :p

But seriously that sounds hilarious.
Uhm, wondering if a Spin-Off of this would be accepted.
One which would be a multicross OC story, but settled into the 'Limbo Reality'.
Great Teacher Shade, and his class of mentally frail students, youkai and horrors from the deep.
Welcome to Lovecraft Academy, where everything is just peachy...
May The Force Be With You.
Yess, more Yui shenanigans.
Hrm, I'm not sure. I would love to see you try a no-cross or single-cross for your next project, then return to multi-crosses later. What comes to mind are Hiver's stories, where they are always fun to read, but his particular planeswalker SI writing style is completely mundane now. Currently, your multi-cross shenanigans and despair-humour juxtaposition style are still very fresh on our minds, and I'm slightly worried that you would just be pandering to what you think Bond Breaker's audience would enjoy. Admittedly, I would definitely still read the hell out of every one of your 'sequels' if that's what you choose.
Hrm, I'm not sure. I would love to see you try a no-cross or single-cross for your next project, then return to multi-crosses later. What comes to mind are Hiver's stories, where they are always fun to read, but his particular planeswalker SI writing style is completely mundane now. Currently, your multi-cross shenanigans and despair-humour juxtaposition style are still very fresh on our minds, and I'm slightly worried that you would just be pandering to what you think Bond Breaker's audience would enjoy. Admittedly, I would definitely still read the hell out of every one of your 'sequels' if that's what you choose.

Oh no. I am unable of writing two things perfectly identical one after the other...because it bores me.
I'm already working on the draft...
It's going to be a light-hearted, fluff-filled, happy delight to read!
