[NGE] Difficult to Endure, Sweet to Remember

Chapter 10
I think my favorite part of this story is how Asuka's mental gymnastics have somehow come full circle. Her dedication to "increasing efficiency" and "making sure the other pilots don't screw up this time" is letting her get closer, both physically and emotionally, to Shinji and Rei than she ever was in the original timeline.

Asuka hasn't completed her "360 walk away" yet.

Not to mention that her sincere dedication to ensuring they improve (a goal that she can actually admit to herself even! I'm so proud of her) shows the other two a much better side of her than either ever saw in canon. Rei's disastrous first impression in canon meant Asuka thought she hated her and returned that sentiment. Meanwhile, Rei barely knew Asuka existed beyond "Unit-02 probably has a pilot in there somewhere." Here though, Asuka is a major factor in Rei's rapidly skyrocketing quality of life, and her "exuberant outbursts" all appear to be derived from genuine care (not that Asuka would admit that). Shinji's impression of her is even more drastically altered; Canon Shinji thought she hated his guts and was like, "y'know what? That checks out." Here, Asuka is his super cool badass sempai who takes no shit but genuinely wants him to be his best self and live his best life.

It's clearly done wonders for his confidence.

All of the kids could have benefited from someone showing an active interest in their wellbeing. It's a shame that Asuka is the one doing it. It's even more of a shame that Misato, perhaps one of the only people less qualified than Asuka to be a positive influence on children, is the one who starts getting involved too. She's a better option than Gendo, I guess.

But overall, this is MAJOR progress for everyone. And by "everyone" I mean "the pilots" because that's who our view is focused on. Everyone else... eh. We'll burn that Gendo when we get to it.

Some of my favorite parts of this story are the things going on in the background that Asuka is igoring, misinterpreting, or just plain not noticing. Some of it you touched on earlier, with Shinji. I would love to have another go at this story one day from different POVs--espeically Misato.

Παλαιά καινοίς δακρύοις ου χρη στένειν. (Don't waste fresh tears over old sorrows) — Euripides

"It would be simple enough to code and run," Doctor Akagi said after flipping through the notebook Asuka had handed her. The two of them were in the woman's claustrophobic office. The room was dominated by a desk with multiple monitors and keyboards, wires trailing off to connect to unseen devices, with most flat surfaces serving as home to several filled ashtrays, too many mugs of stale coffee to have been from just that day (considering it was only the early afternoon), and various cat figurines. The doctor raised a scrutinizing look to Asuka. "Two Angels, though? They've never attacked simultaneously before. We don't have reason to suspect that they will."

"I'm just trying to be thorough, Doctor," Asuka quickly covered. She was standing in front of the desk, arms folded across her chest, and met Akagi's look with one of her own.

Akagi frowned slightly and returned her attention to Asuka's simulation parameters. "I see," she replied softly. "Well," she said, speaking up, "we're going to be busy effecting repairs on the Evas. This can wait." No, it can't. She closed the notebook, sliding it over the desk back to its owner, and turned to one of the monitors on her desk, fingers already busy on a keyboard. When Asuka did not take the dismissal, obstinately standing her ground, the doctor sighed quietly. "I'm familiar with your training schedule, Pilot. You don't have any simulation time booked in the next few days."

"I've decided to amend the schedule," Asuka said levelly, with some effort on her part. Her hand almost went to her pants pocket, but she stopped herself. Wait for the right time. She'll know it's a bribe anyway, so make it count.

"You were supposed to inform me of any changes," Akagi said shortly.

"I'm informing you now," the pilot replied. Not yet. Her voice contained none of the ire she felt.

Ritsuko stopped typing momentarily to heave an exasperated huff. "So it would seem. But there's no one with the proper Magi access to set this up that also has the time to do it." Her hand slipped into her lab coat, fumbling at an internal pocket, before coming out empty. "You do recall the work that needs to be done on Unit 00?" She then pulled open a desk drawer and searched through it for her prey.

Chance! "Give me the access and I'll do it myself," Asuka said lightly. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, coincidentally the same brand the doctor preferred, and smoothly placed it on the desk. She gave it a gentle tap with one finger for good measure.

Akagi looked between the prize and the pilot, then chuckled with a shake of her head. "You've been spending too much time with Ryoji," she muttered. "All right, fine," she said, snatching up the pack. "I wasn't counting on your contribution today anyway, since Misato informed me you were taking the day off. I'll give you limited access, and you can get this taken care of yourself. You'll want the simulator plugs set up for this evening?"

"Yes, Doctor," Asuka affirmed sweetly, her best smile showing. Too easy. Of course, the Great Asuka Langley Soryu would be an expert in this, as well.

"Fine," Akagi said, lighting her payoff and looking back to her work. Asuka took the cue and left her office. As she was leaving, she heard the doctor's phone ringing and the woman answering it with a "Yes, Commander?" before the door shut behind Asuka and cut off the rest of the conversation.

That was worth the effort. Asuka had forgone sleeping in after her exertion the previous day to track down a cigarette vending machine in the Geofront. She had known that making a last-minute change to her schedule would cause an upset with Doctor Akagi and had figured that a kickback of coffee would not be enough, in that instance, to smooth over any troubles. One act of petty theft later, she had obtained the ammunition necessary to ensure her success.

She did not make it far from the office, mulling over some of the details she would be setting up for her new simulation training, before being interrupted.

"Asuka! I'm glad I ran into you here; I was just on my way to talk to Rits." Misato, dressed in her normal black dress and red jacket, though this time with her red beret cocked at a precarious angle on her head, smiled at the pilot, bringing the younger woman's attention back to her immediate surroundings. She was stopped directly in Asuka's path, forcing her to address the chat. "I've got good news!"

NERV lifted their no-alcohol-on-the-clock policy? "What is it, Misato?" Asuka asked tiredly, not showing the scowl that wanted to naturally form.

Misato's grin widened, and the joyful energy she displayed banished any thought that she had been working well into the night for the past few days. "The Commander approved Ayanami's move!" She struck a small triumphant pose, one hand perched on her canted out hip, the other throwing up a "v" sign, and winked.

"Of course he did," Asuka scoffed, though she did allow herself a victorious grin of her own. "My logic was flawless, after all. Where is she moving in the Geofront?" Oh, no, she thought, as a terrible idea came to her. Don't tell me they moved her right next to me. Working to be more cordial with the other pilot still did not mean she was willing to be that close to her.

"Well," Misato began, and her huge smile shifted into a coy grin as she leaned into Asuka conspiratorially. "She's not moving into the Geofront."

Asuka's smile immediately dropped into a glower. "What do you mean? If she's not moving here, where would she move?" She planted her fists on her hips and stared down Misato, as much as she could with the older woman's height advantage, as if she could enforce her desired outcome through willpower alone.

"She's moving in with me!" Misato crowed. The color drained from Asuka's face. The dread she had felt earlier at the possibility of the First Child accosting her at all hours of the night with inane queries and monotone exchanges was instantly replaced with scenes of the other two pilots lounging in the Katsuragi apartment. Shinji making dinner while Rei watched. Shinji listening to music while Rei sat nearby reading a magazine. Shinji doing homework while Rei helped him understand the material. Shinji reading with his headphones in while Rei was sitting bored at the kitchen table— "Wh-what?" Asuka almost whispered, but her fear was quickly subsumed by anger. "What?!" She exploded.

"She can't live with you!" Asuka yelled, advancing closer to Misato and forcing the other woman to take a step back. "She's supposed to live in the Geofront! And it's always been said that boys and girls shouldn't sleep together after age seven!"

"Well, you didn't have a problem with it a few days ago," Misato muttered, exasperation written on her face.

"That was different!" Asuka insisted. "It was a temporary arrangement to get the First out of that prison cell she was living in. This isn't proper! It's indecent." Asuka crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head to the side, closing her eyes and hmphing.

"That's surprisingly old-fashioned of you, Asuka. And it's a moot point anyway," Misato said, rolling her eyes at the display. "I may have exaggerated a bit. She's moving into an apartment in the same building as me. She's not staying in my spare room."

Relief immediately flooded Asuka. Though, like her reaction to the thought of Rei and Shinji living together, she actively refused to consider the cause. "That still isn't what I planned."

Misato sighed. "I know, Asuka. But plans change. You being here in Japan right now is evidence of that, right?" Before the pilot could offer her opinion on that thought, Misato pushed on. "I took all of your arguments into consideration when I came up with my proposal to the Commander, but you neglected something important, Asuka."

"And what was that?" She growled.

"Ayanami's opinion on the matter. When I got home this morning, after reading your proposal, I found Ayanami still awake. For some reason she was messing with the door to her room, she said something about setting up an alarm. I didn't really get it, and I asked her not to do anything that would make me lose the security deposit. I've got car payments to make, I can't be risking money like that!" Misato chuckled while Asuka continued to sulk.

"Well, anyway, we started talking about how she felt about moving. What she'd said before the activation test earlier, about how she had fun with Shinji, had given me the idea that she would maybe want to stay with us." Asuka attempted to interject but Misato talked over her. "When I offered, she said she would like to. Well, actually, she said 'I believe it might be beneficial,' but that's just her way, I think.

"So, that's what I proposed to the Commander, using your points. Just slightly modified and adding a few of my own. He was against it, for some reason, and—" Misato grimaced. "We eventually compromised, thanks to the Sub Commander. She'll be moving into a unit just a few floors down from mine."

"Fine," Asuka grumbled. This is ridiculous. I should have known Misato would mess this up. "Don't expect me to head out to your place every day to check on her! Even if that building isn't falling apart like her old one was, she still needs someone to make sure she doesn't just turn it into a mess like before!"

"I'll just have Shinji do it," Misato chuckled. "He's a good boy, he'll take care of her. He'll probably be spending a lot of time at her place anyway. Walking to and from school and NERV, making her meals, working on homework together," Misato trailed off with a playful lilt and grinned smugly at Asuka. "They're so cute together, don't you think?"

She glared in return. "You're disgusting, Misato." I can't believe this is happening. NERV leaves me to live alone all my life until some unhinged plan requires me to move in with someone, but at the slightest provocation they move the Commander's Pet in with the Commander's son. "I have something to work on that needs to be finished before tonight's training. I'm leaving." Asuka made to stomp past Misato but was stopped when the older woman gripped her shoulder as she walked by.

"What are you working on?" She asked softly, turning to face her. Her expression was open, holding none of the teasing she was broadcasting just moments ago.

"I'm setting up simulation training. We need to learn how to fight as a team, so I'm having the Magi mock up some battles for us to fight together," Asuka said shortly, refusing to look at the older woman.

"That's great. I'll help you with that, I just need to talk to Rits first. Meet you up on the bridge?" Misato asked with a reassuring smile.

"Whatever," Asuka grumbled, not reassured. This isn't a fridge full of beer, it's not like you'll be of any help getting through it. She made her way down the hall from Misato, who watched her leave before turning back to enter her friend's office.

"I'm not sure that's the best idea," Misato said with a small frown. She was standing behind Asuka, who was seated at what had become her usual seat in the operations center, leaning over the girl and narrowing her eyes at the screen. Asuka's shoulders were hunched up and had been for quite some time. She suppressed a low growl at the criticism.

"The best way to learn is to do," Asuka bit out instead.

"Sure, but you can take it a bit slower. The three of you have never fought together against one opponent before, let alone two."

I never should have explained how this program works to her. "All the more reason for us to learn as quickly as possible! We don't know what future Angels attacks will be like."

Misato stood up straight and shook her head slightly. "I'm not disagreeing with the intent of your training. Just the tempo." She smiled, which Asuka saw out of the corner of her eye, causing the pilot to scoff. "You didn't toss Shinji into the deep end of the pool for his first swimming lesson, right? It's the same principle here. Wait, you didn't do that, did you?"

"Of course not!" Asuka snapped. "It wasn't the deep end, I wasn't going to kill the Idiot!" The what should have been just a few minutes instructing the Magi on her simulation parameters having turned into a several hour back and forth with Misato had finally broken the last of her patience. "Fine, we'll go with your plan. You do have one, don't you?" She asked with a huff.

"I'm glad you asked," Misato answered, as if her enthusiasm could blot out Asuka's ire. "Just start with a two versus one scenario. Cycle between all three of you working in pairs until you're all comfortable fighting as a team of two. Then you can escalate the simulation to three versus—"

"But that's easier! It's supposed to get more difficult!" Asuka interjected, fingers splayed across the keyboard in front of her and brows drawn down.

"No, it's supposed to build up your coordination," Misato said with a wave of her hand. "As I was saying, once all three of you are comfortable working in pairs, start fighting as a team of three against one Angel. Then you introduce a second opponent." Asuka made to interrupt again, but Misato spoke over her. "We'll have to make this recurring training for you kids, there's no way to squeeze all this into just one hour today."

Asuka seized on the first piece of good news she had heard that day. "I'll schedule some time every day after the regular hour," she said quickly.

Misato chuckled in response. "No, no, that won't do, Asuka. Let's figure out those logistics later, ok? I want to see how the first session goes before I make a decision on that."

You keep hijacking my plans, the least you could do is let me set my own schedule. But I lost the time management argument before even setting foot in the Geofront, when the drunk changed my training plan without even telling me about it first. Just drop it for now, and when she sees how terrible a fight against two Angels will go she'll have to agree with me. "Fine," Asuka said flatly, in what was quickly becoming her most used word of the day.

"Great!" Misato exclaimed. "Go ahead and finish that up, then. Shinji and Rei should be arriving soon. I'll see you later, Asuka." Her work complete, and, as far as a certain pilot was concerned, disaster wrought, Misato turned to leave with a wave and a smile.

Asuka sat in her simulation plug with a smug expression as she watched the aftermath of her fellow pilot's first mock tandem battle against an Angel.

"Ok, let's try that again," Misato said with a groan, shaking her head and covering her face with her palm. The video feed of the station where Maya was running the simulation from was displayed next to the view of the faux skirmish in front of Asuka, who was disgusted with the poor performance but perversely happy to see the team trip over each other in close quarters combat. "Rei, you're doing well trying to stay out of Shinji's way, but you need to attack with him. Shinji, you're too focused on the enemy. Pay attention to where Rei is, as well, so she isn't doing all the work trying to coordinate her movements with yours."

"Yes," Rei answered immediately.

"Umm, right. Ok," Shinji responded a few beats after.

The digital recreation of Unit 01 held in the grip of the Third Angel, with Unit 00 tangled in its umbilical, dissolved in front of Asuka's eyes. It was replaced by an umarred Tokyo-III, Unit 01 and Unit 00 standing ready to intercept a threat.

Asuka watched as Shinji brought a pallet rifle to bear against the foe and shook her head as, just half a second later, Rei, jumping forward with a knife at the ready, was between the incoming rounds and their target. Shinji was too slow to notice and continued to fire into the other Eva's back.

"Muzzle awareness, Third!" Asuka snapped. "We've been over this before!" She smiled smugly despite no video feed from her position being available for Shinji to see. "Or perhaps you're tired of living with the First already?" The insincere curiosity dripped from her voice.

"Asuka, that's enough. But she's right, Shinji. And don't just fire an entire magazine like that at one time, your shots will go wild and the dust and debris they kick up will offer concealment to the target."

"Not to mention the destroyed buildings, even homes—maybe you actually want more roommates, just not the First?" The same disingenuous tone she had used earlier once more suffused her voice, which caused Misato to shoot her a disapproving glare.

"Just reset the simulation, Maya," Misato said after shaking her head.

"He beat this one solo, this shouldn't be so difficult," Misato groaned from around her hands covering her face. It came over a private communication channel to Asuka who was sneering at the Third Angel throwing Unit 01 into Unit 00, causing both Evas to tumble to the ground. "Reset it again, Maya," Misato said as she dropped her hands to her hips and reclaimed her normal supportive demeanor.

It was well past the hour mark that would denote the usual end of Asuka's planned training periods. Despite Asuka not participating in the training herself yet, she was finding it to be one of the more enjoyable sessions.

"Reset," Misato sighed.

That looked like it hurt. Come on, I know I trained you better than that.

"Really? Maya—" Asuka watched the simulation reset before Misato could finish her sentence.

"Again." Misato no longer sounded supportive.

"That's enough for today," Misato finally conceded.

Asuka extricated herself from the simulation plug and resisted the urge to berate her fellow pilots one last time. You made me look bad, Third, and I didn't even get to fight. This was more of a disaster than I thought it would be.

Once descended from the plug, she left the large hangar-like space before either of her fellow pilots could attempt conversation with her. Her hurried walk to the locker room was interrupted by Misato, waiting just outside her destination.

"I told you this would happen, Misato," Asuka snapped as she attempted to brush past the older woman and into the room to change.

Misato dropped an arm across the door to bar the way. "Let's skip to the part where we agree to fix this, ok?" She said with a shaky smile.

"I already know how to fix this," Asuka grumbled directly into Misato's arm while standing in front of the door. "Someone already decided not to go with my plan."

"Well, someone is saying you were right, and we should probably make this the focus of the Langley Pilot Training Foundation," Misato replied with a roll of her eyes.

"That's not what it's called!" Asuka reached out to push the woman's arm out of her way, but Misato dropped it down to let her hand fall on the girl's shoulder, holding her in place. You're pushing your luck, Misato, Asuka silently fumed, the temptation to engage in some of the close quarters combat she missed out on earlier rising within her.

"Look, I'm still saying that you kids need time away from NERV business, so we can't be doing this all day for every session. But why don't we limit the scope of Eva Academy—"

"It isn't Eva Academy either!"

"—to just this simulation training for the foreseeable future. I'll even agree to letting you take a few extra hours every day—at least until we see some improvements."

"Fine," Asuka bit out. "Five hours, and you let me control the scenarios."

Misato laughed. "I'm not pulling them out of school every day. You get three, and I'll be overseeing the training. That's non-negotiable."

"Aarrggh! Fine!" Asuka yelled, and she attempted to stomp into the locker room. The captain's grip, however, was stronger than she had expected.

"Let Rits know, will you? I'd do it myself, but I've got a conference to get ready for. Some JSSDF contractors think they've managed to build some machine that can beat the Angels. It doesn't even have an AT-Field!" Misato cocked her head slightly. "Say, maybe you should come too. Let those idiots get a first-hand account of what fighting an Angel is like straight from an expert."

Asuka sneered. "Like I care about any of that. Take care of it yourself, Misato. You seem to be doing plenty of that already." She again attempted to make her way past the officer and was again stopped by her grip.

"Do you want to come to my place for dinner tonight, Asuka?" She asked softly, finally letting her hand fall from the girl's shoulder.

"I'm busy," Asuka said curtly. "Someone has to take some responsibility around here." How pathetic. She, at last, stomped her way into the locker room, accompanied by a raised eyebrow and small frown from Misato.

Asuka stalked down the NERV hallway leading away from Doctor Akagi's office, for the second time that day. After a not-quite-argument over scheduling, for the second time that day. And was interrupted partway down the hallway, for the second time that day.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Kaji!" Asuka immediately spun around and ran towards her guardian, plastering on her best attempt at a genuine smile as she wrapped up one of his arms in her own. Thank god you're here. This day has been a disaster. "Where have you been? I missed you!" She affected a slight pout, trying to make the curve of her lips as seductive as possible.

The man placed his free hand on her head as if to ruffle her hair, but seemed to think better of that notion. "Oh, I've been around. Staying busy. Just like you, from what I hear."

"Busy is one word for it," Asuka mumbled into his shirt as she buried her head into his shoulder. "This day has been awful, Kaji. Take me out to dinner?" She pleaded, ignoring how that so rarely worked. I just want one good thing today.

"Sorry, Asuka, I'm still working on some things tonight. There's a big event coming up that NERV has to look its best for in front of civilians. I'm supposed to make sure we show up the competition. Why don't you have dinner with Shinji, you two have been getting along so well." Kaji began walking down the hall again, Asuka falling into step beside him with his arm still entrapped.

"Hmph," Asuka turned her nose up at his proposal. "You know I'm not interested in spending time with boring little boys like him. You're the man for me, Kaji."

"Oh?" Kaji asked with a grin. "So, it's not Shinji who's caught your eye. Maybe you're more interested in Rei, then?" Asuka's face blanked at the notion, though her brows began to draw down in anger as she slowly released her grip on the man. "It's starting to make sense, now, your insistence on moving her into the Geofront. You wanted her close, right?"

You—how dare you! What are you saying?! I hate that doll! Asuka stopped walking with him, causing Kaji to halt his own forward progress. "And mean-old-Misato just had to go and ruin it, huh? I mean, she told me you were upset with her, but—"

"Shut up!" Asuka roared, stomping her foot down in emphasis. Kaji quickly turned to her in surprise, having not been the target of her anger for quite some time. "You don't have any idea what you're talking about! Who even asked you?!"

"Asuka? Are—"

"No! I don't want to hear it!" Even you're part of this now! Asuka's face twisted into a scowl as she pushed past Kaji to walk back towards her quarters. The man made one more attempt to call out to her, but she ignored him.

The corridors of NERV that led to her assigned spaces were devoid of people, as if her foul mood preceded her and warned away the other subterranean denizens in advance. Someone, however, had appeared to have missed the caution signs. As Asuka rounded the corner to her door, her angry gaze fell upon the Third Child standing meekly in front of it. What are you doing here. The scowl she had worn since Kaji had angered her deepened as the other pilot's face perked up at her approach.

"Hi, Asuka!" Shinji said to her advancing figure. She offered no hint that she would reply. Instead, she did not even slow down as she approached, making clear her intention to just ignore him.

Seemingly unfazed, Shinji reached into a bag he was holding and pulled out a bento box. Asuka did not make a note that it was the same red one he had prepared for her just a few days ago. Nor did she sneak an inconspicuous peek into the bag to check for a blue one or, god forbid, a purple one. Those actions would have been beneath her. So, you only brought one for me. You must have already left food for your special favorites at home.

"I brought this for you." Shinji held the container out to Asuka, who had finally stopped in front of her door. She turned to face the boy with as neutral an expression as she could manage. "I know the food here isn't very good. And I know you wanted to set up a—some kind of meal plan? Which we haven't had a chance to yet. But I remember you said what I had made was good, and—" Shinji trailed off as Asuka did not respond to his rambling.

"Umm, here," he said instead, jostling the box in her direction slightly in emphasis.

Asuka eyed the offering but made no move to accept it. "You were terrible in training today, Third," she said flatly.

He winced at the criticism, but kept the oblation raised. "I'm—I know. I'll do better next time."

Asuka's eyes flicked between the promise of dinner in his hands and the promise of improvement written over top his determined, still nervous, face. Fine. She grabbed the bento box from his hands. "You'd better." She turned back to her door and slid her ID card through the reader, stepping through the doorway as soon as it was clear. When the door shut behind her, she leaned against it and slid down to sit on the ground with the bento box clutched to her chest. She ignored the heavy feeling in her chest, and the pit in her stomach. Instead, she listened to the sounds of the Third Child's footsteps fade away as he left her door.

Once she was sufficiently alone, she opened the Third Child's dinner and tentatively brought a piece of some cooked vegetable or other to her mouth and closed her eyes, hoping the meal might salvage at least some of the mess her day had been. Those ungrateful leeches will get treated to this every day while I have to live on NERV cafeteria slop. Misato better—no! She slammed the lid back onto the bento after hastily spitting the small bite she had taken back into it as the truth revealed itself to her.

Damn it, Misato! "I'll just have Shinji take care of Rei, he's a good boy!" So, you send him crawling over to me, trying to make peace? It wasn't enough to drag Kaji into your bullshit? Face me yourself, you coward! Asuka stood up, grasping the bento so tightly the box was shaking in her hands. You undermine my authority all day, then top it off by telling the Third Child to look after me. Me! That's my fucking job!

With her back still facing the door, she slammed her elbow into the button to open it. Once it whooshed open behind her, she threw the red bento box over her shoulder as hard as she could, splattering food across the hallway floor before impacting the far wall with a momentarily satisfying crack! When the door closed again, she dropped back to the ground with her head in her hands. The empty feeling brought on by sampling her dinner intensified, but she ignored it. I just want this day to be over. Momma, I miss you.
Chapter 11
Αδικεί πολλάκις ο μη ποιών τι, ου μόνον ο ποιών τι (A wrongdoer can be a man who has left something undone, not always one who has done something) — Marcus Aurelius, Meditations IX, 5

Asuka's hand was already turning off her alarm the moment it began to blare in the heavy darkness of her bedroom. She closed her eyes, the maddening LED readout of her clock's face still projecting splotchy ghosts on the back of her eyelids from staring for so long. She rose from her bed in an exhausted combination of stiff muscles and heavy limbs and began moving in her routine that was so achingly rote she would have been able to get herself ready in her sleep—not that she would ever have to, anyway, given her chronic lack in that department as of late.

Two hours until he makes breakfast. Her legs had brought her to the shower. She turned it on. More protein, fewer carbs from now on. She was in front of her closet, laying out her uniform for the day. Simulator training doesn't call for so many carbs. She was undressed, her teeth already brushed, then standing in the shower. Maintain the calorie amount, though. Or increase it? Soap, cleaning her skin. They're both too small. Simulators don't train muscles.

Shampoo for her hair. The heat of the water soothed her aches. School today, so they'll be walking together. Lunch? She jolted, nearly pulling her hair out of her hands as her head jerked up. Then she remembered. Calm returned. Misato on the third day of every week, alternating weekends. He won't be bringing leftovers today. Water rinsed through her hair.

Make sure dinner accounts for anything lacking at lunch, or last night's dinner. He makes too many vegetables, not enough meat. The shower stopped. She doesn't even make food. Towels, warm from the humidity, dried her.

Rerun the test program today, the results weren't accurate yesterday. Bra, panties, socks. Check Momma's transport. Then Akagi's office. She scowled, the first expression she had made since entering her quarters the night before. Brush through her hair. Ibuki's station. She's more malleable. Find what needs to be done that they won't bother with. She stared at a dark shadow in her mirror as she sat at her dresser, not noticing when she had opened her eyes. Her lights rarely saw use, anymore. The girl in the mirror did not seem to notice their absence as she dropped the hairbrush on the ground and slipped neural connectors into her hair. The shadow started to turn, then Asuka lost sight of it as she moved to grab her uniform.

That will keep you busy with work until simulator training. Shirt tucked into pants. Supervise Misato's mess. Blouse over shirt. Shoes on feet. Exercise. Fourth day of the week, which means legs. Light cardio only. Pockets filled with necessary weight. Then back here. Clean and organize the mess. Get in bed. She was standing at the door.

She took a moment, her hand hovering over the button of her automatic door. A deep breath in, held, slowly released. Less than six months total? She had never been able to account for the time she had been set aside. It clearly did not matter anyway.

Asuka finally felt awake enough to wear her face. Her arms and legs felt more flexible than when she had set her alarm last night. She was even starting to be already annoyed with how many people were going to whisper about her behind her back in the cafeteria while she ate breakfast.

Two months so far. Slightly less than that since I got here. She unclenched her jaw. It could not have been tensed for long, her teeth barely even ached. "Just one more week, Momma," she whispered. "I'll see you soon. I love you." You have to keep going. She's waiting for you.

She opened the door and stepped out.

Unit 01, crouched at the side of a building, released controlled volleys of fire into the Third Angel, taking brief pauses in between bursts of fire. The Angel advanced on his position, stomping down the empty street and brushing without care into the buildings on either side of it. Shinji, however, held his ground and kept his fire on the enemy.

Asuka watched this play out the same way it had played out ever since Misato had witnessed the disastrous first attempt at a coordinated attack against an Angel in the simulators. She yawned, the sound echoing in the simulator plug. I am so sick of this fake shit. She sighed when she saw Unit 00 moving through the city exactly as she knew the other pilot would be, following the same route she always followed in every iteration of every training session. It's not even good training. She snorted quietly at the thought that someone could actually learn how to pilot by sitting in what amounted to little more than a bigger version of the Sega Saturn her once-friend Hikari had rarely used.

Unit 00 was using the distraction Unit 01 had provided to maneuver on the Angel out of its sight. The First Child stalked through the vacant cityscape in what would have been stealth if Unit 00 were human sized. The intended effect was achieved regardless, as Unit 00 jumped into the Angel from behind, neutralizing its AT field and plunging a knife into its back while Unit 01 erupted from behind cover and sprinted forward the short distance remaining between it and the Angel.

And there you go. No different than the hundreds of other times you've had them run the same fight over and over again. We need real experience, not this stuff, Misato!

As Shinji plunged Unit 01's dagger into the Angel's core, the simulation paused. "Excellent work," Misato congratulated. "We've got time for one more round today, I think."

"I'm done watching, it's all I've done for weeks. Third, you're with me," Asuka snapped. Even if it's simulated, I'd still rather fight than gawk.

"Ok, Asuka," Shinji answered as another copy of Unit 01 materialized to stand side by side with his in a virtual recreation of Tokyo III.

"Target is approaching from the east," Asuka said, glancing at one of the readouts displayed before her. The feeling of entering combat was starting to rise in her chest.

"I can get its attention so you can take it out," Shinji offered, his copy of Unit 01 turning to face the coming threat and shouldering a pallet rifle.

"No way, Third," Asuka scoffed. "I'm not waiting here for the Angel. Let's go." Without waiting for an acknowledgement, her copy of Unit 01 began sprinting towards the east. Much better. Even moving metaphorically felt better than sitting in place.

"Wait for me!" Shinji called after her, scrambling to gather up extra weapons from the cache before following. I've been falling asleep watching them accomplish nothing for so long. Asuka could feel the expected combat burning away her tiredness to make way for the knife edge of thrill and drea—and just thrill, there was nothing else that she could feel beginning to bleed into her.

Her throat felt tight as she kept her gaze darting about to keep an eye on her surroundings, alternating between the displays in front of her and the view through the eyes of the simulated Eva. She caught herself lingering on the sky but forced her attention back to the battlefield. Stupid sims. Stupid NERV. Stupid Misato. They've got me losing my focus.

"What are you doing?" Noises like voices echoed out of her comm system, but Asuka paid them no mind. She once more properly attuned her attention to the matter at hand and ejected her umbilical cable as she approached the limit of its range. These computers can recreate the city so well I can navigate even while I'm distracted, but they never get the feel of piloting right. I don't even feel my arms and legs moving like they should. She could feel herself starting to pant, her heartbeat thundering in her ears.

"The next umbilical station is two hundred meters away. We're sending up more weapons, so plug yourself in, arm yourself, and standby for Shinji." No, focus! Asuka attempted to force her breathing into control, it was so loud in her entry plug. If I were really synched to my Eva I wouldn't get distracted. Always making sure to stay aware of potential attacks from above or behind, she moved mostly on instinct: vaulting over shorter buildings, sliding around corners, and sprinting down straightaways.

"Can you hear me, Asuka? Lieutenant, get me control of her radio." Trees snapped beneath her feet as they crashed into the street beneath her with each step, propelling herself ever forward through the forested Geofront. The deep shrieking of bursting timbers and the abrupt crashes of winged giants landing in the dirt accompanied the sight of the blurred, towering buildings to either side of her as she raced through the city towards the target.

Her copy of Unit 01 turned a final corner, her speed forcing her to use one hand to grab onto the building next to her and slingshot herself down the next street. The feeling of the smooth, metal grip on the massive blade kept the tightness in her chest at bay. "Shinji, she's reached the target. There's another umbilical station nearby, plug in and grab an extra for 'Professor Soryu.' She seems to have gone deaf.'" Where the hell is Idiot Shinji?! Always hiding when I need him!

"I'll take care of this myself!" Asuka declared as she confronted the foe. Momma, you're with me, aren't you? Her eyes, at once noting the sickly orange 3:35:87 displayed under her active time remaining, jumped over the long white mask of a face to land on the shiny, bright red core in its chest.

"Seriously?! Just wait." Without giving time for the Angel to attack, Asuka bounded toward it while she cocked her arm behind her. Before she could make contact, however, an AT-field materialized directly between the combatants. What? I—no, I'm just not taking this kid game seriously, she thought, as she slammed bodily into the field, momentarily knocked back.

This gave the Angel time to leap away from the incoming threat, though not for long before Asuka's fists began descending on the field. Come on! She struck the barrier again, growling audibly as she struggled to get through. "This is the last one!" She yelled, putting as much strength as she could into punching her way through what was between her and the enemy.

It shattered in response, and Asuka bounded through where it had been, knowing her target had to be just behind it.

"Okay! That's enough!" What? That's not—huh? Asuka thought as she heard a voice she had not heard. Ignoring it, she smirked as her assumption bore out. The cheerful scarlet target right where it was supposed to be. She snarled as she grabbed onto the core with one hand, crushing down on it as hard as she could. It resisted her grip, but she could feel it slowly giving way to the strength of her large, red armored hand.

Asuka blinked as she froze in place and belatedly recognized Misato's voice. She was in the simulator, the purple hand of the faux Unit 01 grabbing onto the core of the Third Angel. She noticed another Unit 01 standing just behind her own in the simulated city, frozen in the act of plugging an umbilical cable into her Eva.

"Can you hear me, Asuka?" Misato asked, less worry than agitation coloring her voice.

"Ye—" She cleared her throat. "Yeah, what is it?" Asuka demanded, getting angry at the screen showing her superior's face.

"Your comms cut out," Misato answered after a slight scoff. "I was trying to tell you to give Shinji a moment to catch up, but you couldn't hear me. Good job taking out the Angel, I guess?"

"Whatever, thanks," Asuka muttered. "We done here? I'm tired of this simulator nonsense."

Asuka paid no concern to whatever Misato had to say after the hatch to the simulator plug opened seemingly in response to her complaint. Why am I so exhausted, she thought as she exited the confined space not to enter into the Eva cages, as she had almost expected, but into the testing bay where NERV kept the entry plugs used for simulation training and other activities that did not require direct connection to an Evangelion.

All I did was one round in the simulator, I need to get it together. Despite how leaden her eyelids suddenly felt, she still instinctively checked above her as she clambered heavily down from the plug. Staring at her from the auxiliary bridge overlooking the bay was Captain Katsuragi with her left arm cradling her torso and her right holding her chin.

Asuka rolled her eyes and trudged toward the exit. Whatever. I just want a shower. Then maybe a meal. Then I have to be ready for tomorrow. She could feel her plugsuit squeezing her clammy skin and dreaded to think of the mess her hair must be. Not so bad as LCL but I still feel gross. It was normally a short walk to the locker rooms from the testing area but Asuka's desire to avoid the other pilots, along with how tired she felt, made progress toward her goal slow.

Come on, you're almost done for the day, she tried to encourage herself to overcome the drained feeling she was experiencing. You can collapse when you get back to your bunk. Her throat suddenly constricted at the thought of being too tired to make it to her bed. She remembered a time when her handler would, on rare occasion, deign to allow her to sleep in his bed when training had left her as drained as she was now. Even if he did sleep on the floor, or, more likely, not spend the night in his quarters at all, his kindness had comforted her. Even if the rejection had stung almost as much.

"Excuse me, Pilot Soryu," a blue and white blur murmured softly as Asuka barged into the female locker room.

"Watch where you're going, First," Asuka snapped automatically, sounding more fed up than angry. She did not bother to look up or wait for a reply. She barely made sure the door was closed before stripping off her plugsuit and tossing it on the ground. Shivering, she grabbed an armful of towels and shower necessities from her locker.

The distance between her locker and the showers seemed even greater than the trek to the locker room, but eventually Asuka made her way into a shower stall and, after some interminable waiting for the flow to heat up, finally felt the sweet release of warm water cascading over her. Coupled with the hot, steamy air and the soothing sensation of her fingers massaging the salty grime off of her scalp and out of her hair, Asuka lost track of time.

She emerged from the locker room not so reinvigorated as she might have hoped but nonetheless feeling up to tackling a meal before trying to bury the awful day she had had beneath her bed sheets. If Misato puts us back in that simulator I'm going to scream. The path between the locker room and the cafeteria was one she rarely travelled—either before or now—and the empty hallways echoed with her lone footsteps as she walked. I need to come up with something to get her off the idea of simulators.

Asuka grimaced as she entered the mostly empty dining facility, the sterile reek of cleaning chemicals mixing with the mildly offensive odour of what could only charitably be called food to assault her nostrils. There was about as much variety on offer as she had in her choice of NERV uniforms, so Asuka just grabbed a tray and took the closest food options available before making her way to a table.

"I'd almost rather starve," she grumbled aloud as she grimaced at a bowl of what was supposed to be rice. "At least the Third made food that was edible." The grains were overcooked to the point of mushiness and tasted—Asuka decided not to notice the taste as she ate mechanically, moving on from the rice to something she did not look at. How am I supposed to maintain my performance if I'm eating this garbage.

Her meal was interrupted by the wumph of someone sitting across from her at her chosen table.

"Still sticking to the dining facility, I see." Misato observed. "You know he always makes something for you, too." Why can't people just let me work in peace. Asuka caught the scent of lavender as it wafted over to her from the intruder's direction. She pretended not to notice the arrival, keeping her attention on her food as she scowled. I only have to eat this food, then today is over. Except for waiting for tomorrow. The soft clattering of a bento being opened reminded Asuka of why she was eating NERV cafeteria food.

"I'd normally eat with Rits if I were staying late enough to have dinner here," Misato said conversationally as she began to eat the premade meal Asuka was not sneaking the occasional glance at. Almost anything would be better than this. "But it seems even she has more of a social life than me these days." Not enough protein, didn't I tell someone to do something about that already?

Asuka swallowed the stolid mush of what she declared to be a type of vegetable that she had been chewing on and deliberately took another bite. Leave me alone, Misato.

The silence between them stretched into the awkward as the pair continued to eat and not look at one another. Asuka endured it hoping to force her opponent to concede.

"Well, actually," Misato broke out casually, "she told me she was too busy with work tonight. But wouldn't it be more interesting if she were seeing someone and trying to cover it up?"

You're disgusting. Misato, and the so-called rice she had just put in her mouth. Who wants to think about an old hag doing that with somebody. Asuka had to redouble her efforts to not gag.

"I'm just joking," Misato said quietly. Then, slightly louder. "She really is married to her work—barely even makes time for her cats." She took some time to poke her chopsticks around her bento feigning picking at her food, but Asuka could see the box was empty as she continued to work through her own meal.

"Your radio still broken or something, Asuka?"

The girl jolted slightly, finally looking up to meet her superior's eyes while drawing her own brows down in anger.

Only to be pre-empted when Misato smiled softly in response. "Another joke, sorry. I know what really happened."

What? No, I—Asuka momentarily panicked but swiftly remembered her anger. Nothing happened! "Or something, huh?" She said hotly, her voice shrill and loud enough to turn the heads of some of the cafeteria staff. They turned again, away this time, when they saw Asuka's intense glare directed at Misato.

"Don't worry," she placated with her hands held up loosely in mock surrender. "I won't tell anyone else."

"There's nothing to tell." Asuka declared after a hmph. She dropped her cutlery onto her tray, her forced appetite gone.

"Right," Misato chuckled. "Our self-proclaimed 'lead pilot' just ignored all commands from the bridge and charged an Angel solo while her teammate had to sprint to not even make it in time to help." Misato shook her head and sighed airily while Asuka felt her face turn hot. "You forget, I've been around for a while. Not that I'm old! But I understand what you're going through."

"There's nothing to understand," Asuka growled threateningly, hands gripping the edges of the table that she was now noticing would be so easy to vault over to close with her attacker. Everything was normal. I was just distracted and couldn't hear and how can anyone expect a real professional like me to take a game like that seriously? I killed the Angel, that's what matters. "It's just a stupid simulator. Nobody even cares what happened." Just stop pretending to care.

"Asuka," Misato began exasperatedly, "I'm not planning any sort of disciplinary action, that would be ridiculous. So, stop denying—"

"Disciplinary action?!" Asuka scoffed. "For doing my job?!" Thanks for the favour! And for dropping the act!

"No," Captain Katsuragi restarted deliberately, "for disobeying orders." Misato smiled again—Asuka suddenly wished to see what face Misato would make if she knew how many orders Misato herself had broken in the future fighting the Angels—but her voice still carried her weariness. "But like I said, that's not happening. Plus, I muted your comms as soon as I figured out what was going on. It's easier to say there was some malfunction where we couldn't hear each other rather than have to explain to my boss that my lead pilot—the Second Child—was bored and wanted to use NERV resources to blow off steam."

Right! I was just blowing off steam—like a child. It's that Idiot Shinji's fault anyway! If he had kept up with me no one would care that I killed the Angel so quickly because the Invincible Shinji would have gotten all the credit!

Misato shook her head ruefully as Asuka simmered. "Next time you feel like having a bit of fun like that, just let me know, ok? We'll work something out." No one would care if the Third Child did it! You just hate me! Misato cocked her head to the side and squinted one eye at Asuka. "Kids still like airsoft guns and paintball, right? Shinji has some friends I'm sure he's dying to introduce you to, you all can—"

"Misato!" Asuka interrupted agitatedly. "No more kid stuff! We—they!—need real training," she said haughtily, turning her nose up. We certainly don't have time for school friends!

"All right, all right," Misato answered. "Real pilot training only." The older woman's face scrunched up like she was considering saying something but had thought better of it. "Most of the people I served with would've loved to do some training like that," she almost whispered to herself. "But," she began, at a more conversational volume, "you're probably right, let's stick to more traditional methods." Misato suddenly turned grave. "Rits tells me I don't take my job seriously, too, but you're both wrong, you know."

Great. Now you've lumped me in the same category as Doctor Bottle Blonde, the famously bitchy. "Then let us train. Properly train, Misato. This simulator nonsense is wasting time." Asuka detested how petulant she sounded but maintained a strong mask of determination.

"I'm not so sure, but I can clearly see it's time to work some other things into the schedule and break things up." Misato began to gather up the detritus of her meal as she spoke. "For now, though, we're taking a few days off. Some down time will give us a clear perspective, then we can figure out how we want to move forward."

"Down time?!" Asuka asked incredulously. The Sixth Angel is almost here, what do you mean down time?!

"Perhaps I wasn't clear," Captain Katsuragi said evenly. "I am ordering you, and the other pilots, to take a period of recovery. That means no working with Doctor Akagi, no testing, and no training. I don't even want you kids in the Geofront, though I realize that will still be an issue given your current living situation." Asuka felt her disbelief grow with every word the Operations Director spoke but bit her tongue when her superior's affect shifted back to informal. You have to be joking, like before. You have to be. "I keep telling you to take some time for yourself. Well, now I'm ordering it. Have some fun, Asuka. I know you don't like hearing it, but you're a teenage girl. Try to take advanta—."

"I am not some child!" Asuka emphasized her outrage with a fist slamming onto the table. "I am an elite pilot, and I don't have time for—for time off!"

Misato frowned and took in a deep breath, holding it for a moment before releasing it. "If you want to spend your free time running errands for the science department and organizing training sessions for your peers, be my guest. But I will make sure everyone knows playing along with you is voluntary."

Asuka's eyes widened and her nostrils flared. "Fine!" She shrieked. The girl stood up sharply, her chair clattering backwards behind her. Misato rolled her eyes in response as Asuka turned to leave. All the tenseness that the steam of the shower had relieved her of earlier had returned and now seemed to pour out of her as she walked.

"You're still on standby, obviously, and any other standing orders still apply. I know that bum Kaji doesn't set any rules for you, so other than that I don't care what you do for the next few days." Asuka tried to drown out the information with the stomping of her feet against the ground. It was not nearly as loud as she remembered a girl being when she broke down in the bathroom while no one outside did anything.

You've never cared about me.

"I've got that conference I told you about soon, we'll resume your training plan afterwards. Ok?" Misato called after her, apparently trying to be conciliatory.

You never will. Why would you.

Asuka pumped her arms and legs in a dead sprint as she rounded her final lap around the track. The muscles in her legs, previously burning, were now screaming at her in protest. Her lungs, seemingly in solidarity with the rest of her depleted and aching frame, were difficult to convince that the steady pace the pilot was forcing them to expand and contract was supplying her with sufficient oxygen. The exertion and the determination to finish strong were more than enough to keep Asuka distracted.

It would have continued to distract her if she were not suddenly confronted by an intruder in her space. The First Child, wearing her customary school uniform, had entered the room and positioned herself at the edge of the track sometime during the Second Child's previous lap while her back was to the door. Asuka closed her eyes and pushed herself even harder, blowing past her finish line without even looking at the time.

As she continued to circle around the track she slowed to a light jog and opened her eyes. She tried to focus on her body rather than the other girl. In, two, three, she counted each step as she inhaled, posture picture perfect to allow for maximum efficiency, out, two, three, four, she counted as she exhaled. Her chest was attempting to heave after her extreme exertion, desperate for oxygen to supply her anaerobic muscles. The curve of the track betrayed her and brought the First back into view. She had taken a seat on a bench. The one Asuka's things were also resting on.

This vacation is horrible. Can't she bother someone else?

The loop returned its allegiance and Ayanami was behind Asuka, out of her view, once more. Her muscle groups she sometimes forgot existed ached as they struggled to shuffle her leaden legs along at the relatively unhurried, steady pace Asuka had slowed to for the end of her cooldown. Crossing the finish line once more saw her with heavy but easily controlled breathing and her eyes locked on to the white of the towel waiting for her on the bench, not the white of the First's exposed skin next to it.

She snatched up the towel and brought it up to her face as quickly as she could only to wipe the sweat from her forehead, not bury her face. Is there some sort of sign on my ass that says "annoying losers come talk to me" or are the First and Third just coincidentally always finding themselves alone around me. Thus fortified, she lowered the towel and glared at her fellow pilot.

She's just been staring at me this whole time. "You forget how to read a clock, First? Training doesn't start for three more hours." Not that she's dressed for it. Oh, wait, Idiot Shinji probably forgot to order her to get changed first.

Rei, still staring, narrowed her eyes at Asuka. At least they've been coming, though, a very quiet part of her admitted before being seized and silenced. Not that she even has a choice! Her Ikari-kun probably tells her to come because he's too scared to come alone. And he only wants to come so he can stare at both of us, like I'm some doll! Coward!

"I am not here to train." The pale girl appeared to have been pondering the question. "Captain Katsuragi asked me to inform you of recent events," Rei said with what Asuka swore was condescension.

"So you do whatever Misato says," Asuka said derisively. Why bother with her, she's just a useless doll and nothing I can do will change that. I need to focus on more important things. Once Momma gets here Sh—I can do this without her.

"I," Rei began but cut herself off with a frown. "Misato-san did not order me. She asked me. As I said."

"Oh, it's Misato-san now, is it? Asuka jeered, tossing her towel over her shoulder and moving to stand directly in front of Rei. "Live in her apartment for a while and now you're friends?"

Shocking Asuka, Rei's eyes darted to the ground before she spoke again. "She has asked me to be less formal with her many times. The situation does not always merit it. It is difficult to determine what is appropriate." The barest hint of colour in her cheeks contrasted prettily with her blue hair. "Ikari-kun has been deployed in Unit 01 to apprehend a non-Angel threat," she said in what amounted to haste from the First Child.

"What did you say?!" Asuka demanded. Deployed in Unit 01? But I'm right here!

"A mechanical weapon designed to fight Angels without the use of a living pilot has stopped following remote orders. The weapon is currently approaching a nearby city," Rei explained, able to meet Asuka's accusing stare.

"What? Some kind of robot, you mean?" Someone said something, right? Rei nodded in response. "How would a robot fight an Angel? Everyone knows only an Evangelion can do that." Why does this sound familiar?

"Those responsible for the weapon design did not consult me. I think, perhaps, they were more interested in building a human weapon rather than building something that could defeat an Angel."

"Stop being so literal, Ayanami! Never mind, why is this crazy robot NERV's mess to clean up? What if he—err, one of us, or somebody got hurt trying to stop it?" It's not like NERV had anything to do with their doll going nuts. It can't be important. That's why—that's why I don't remember.

"A nuclear reactor powers the machine. We have been told it will explode in one hour," Rei informed her.

"They sent Shinji out there?!" Asuka screeched, her jaw dropping slightly and her hands grabbing her hips in outrage. When did—why is this happening? Why am I only just now finding out? What happened? I've been slacking off! "Who uses nuclear power in a combat system for a robot that can't beat an Angel?!"

"It is a human work," Rei replied simply. "Surely humans chose to use such a power system." Asuka was still debating whether she had been insulted when Rei stood from the bench. The corners of her mouth twitched upward the slightest bit, making it quite possibly the largest smile Asuka had ever seen from the First Child. If she can make her face look that cute, why does she walk around like an emotionless doll all the time? "Captain Katsuragi believes she can disable it. Ikari-kun must simply prevent the machine from reaching its apparent goal long enough to allow her access to its generator."

Rei turned to leave. Asuka, now more confused than she had been before Ayanami had explained anything, stood still in Rei's minimal wake.

"That was a joke, earlier." The confusing girl said as she stopped in the doorway, still facing away from Asuka. It was? "About the time."

"You mean he has less?!" Asuka dropped her arms to hang at her sides.

"You know I am capable of reading a clock, so you implied I was not. Not in error. In jest. Goodbye, Soryu."

"Huh? Hey, wait!" You—"Fine!" Asuka huffed, stepping up and turning to sit on the bench. Just go run off to Ikari-kun and Misato-san and tell them how much of a bitch the Second Child was to you. She grabbed her water bottle and squeezed it. I'm not some kid they can just choose to inform about these things whenever it's convenient! And you send the First like she's my nanny!

She hefted the hand holding the water bottle behind her and chucked the bottle across the track as hard as she could. "Why did they want Shinji! I'm right here!" Focus. You have to work harder, Asuka chided herself as she watched the container hit the ground and slide across the floor. Show them the Great Asuka Langley Soryu!

Asuka shivered as the cool breeze of the Geofront's climate control system blew over her, reminding her how soaked with sweat her running clothes were. I need to make sure their meals have enough salt; has he been accounting for getting out of the simulator?

"There you are, Asuka." The mentioned girl looked up from her screen to glance quickly over her shoulder. Unexpectedly, her ears had not lied to her. Kaji? I haven't seen you in ages. Her surprised expression shifted to an angry one. Not that I wanted to anyway!

"What do you want, Kaji." Asuka said irritably. She turned back to her work and watched streams of data flow across her screen. Who programmed this garbage? Why is the maximum number of hostile Angels limited to nine?

"I may have deserved that," Kaji said sagely. "I'm sorry if it seems like I've abandoned you, kiddo. We just haven't had any chances to speak." Asuka's shoulders hunched at the reminder of her place in his view. She heard him walk up behind her and felt his hand hover millimeters over her head. A very faint rush of air as he reconsidered his decision and pulled his hand away caused a few stray hairs to tickle Asuka's neck.

You can't abandon someone you were never there for to begin with. Get back to work. Asuka reminded herself of disheveled suits and perfume. Of outrage and covering for her. But the man's place in her heart was too secure, and his apparent attempt at reconciliation too sorely desired, for him to be ignored so easily. "It's ok, I know you've been busy," she answered, dejected, with a deep sigh. She turned off her screen, no longer interested in the calculations and predictions she had asked the Magi to work on and spun around slowly to face Kaji directly. She tried to offer him the bright smile she normally displayed just for him but could not muster even the fake cheer necessary.

She wanted—well, there were a great many things she wanted. "Did you come to see me?" She asked, a note of hope sneaking its way into her voice despite her somewhat mixed feelings towards her still-technically guardian. I shouldn't, but—well, I'm on vacation. I just want a break. A small one. With a real man.

"I sure did," Kaji replied, that familiar troublesome smile placed on his stubbled, roguish face. He always did look so handsome. "What do you say we get out of here? There's something I've been meaning to show you for a while now."

Asuka felt her pulse quicken and barely registered the words he had spoken after confirming the purpose of his visit. "Really?" She asked, and she hated how deprived she sounded, hated as her face began to turn red. Stupid little girl. Everyone already thinks you're just some immature child, the lovesick schoolgirl routine isn't helping! I should just get back to work. But he came to see me! Excitement prickled Asuka's skin.

"Yup. Come on, Asuka," he said, indicating for her to stand and follow him. He followed the gesture with a wink and Asuka felt her resistance melting away. This is a how a real man asks a woman for a date.

"But I've got to get changed," Asuka frowned as she rose. She tugged at the tan fabric of the NERV uniform blouse she was wearing as she walked toward Kaji, who had turned to begin exiting the deserted bridge. I can't go on a date dressed like this!

"Is that so?" Kaji asked lightly as Asuka struggled to match her pace to his after almost running to catch up with him. He draped an arm over her shoulder with such casualness that it made even Asuka almost forget how reluctant he had always been, will be, is, to make such gestures. What's going on? I—Asuka's blush managed to deepen, and she failed to stop a contented smile from breaking out on her face before Kaji looked down to her and smiled back. "Because someone I know said you never look anything less than beautiful no matter what you're wearing. I could be paraphrasing, but I'm sure you know best. Did you want to stop by your quarters?"

Asuka squeezed her eyes shut and rested her head against Kaji's shoulder. He never said—has something happened? "No, thank you, Kaji," she mumbled, too confused and too caught up in disbelief to detest how timid her voice sounded. Any thought of returning to her room to change was no longer welcome near her. He thinks I'm beautiful. He always has? No, I need to focus. This is just a little break. She tried to remember the smell of lavender.

"I mean, of course the Great Asuka Langley Soryu can make any outfit look great!" She said forcefully. Memories of a man's jacket covering her shoulders and a man's voice telling her to go to bed were losing ground, banished by his arm covering her shoulders, his voice calling her beautiful.

Don't get carried away. You're indulging in some harmless fun; you know you can't really have this. Remember what he thinks of you. Even if he calls it a date, he'll only ever care about her. She took advantage of the position of her head to examine the scent of his shirt as they entered an elevator. Cologne, detergent from the NERV laundry facilities, cigarettes. Not lavender. Not today, not yet. Or could this really be just for me?

"Where are we going?" Asuka asked. Kaji's arm drifted off of her shoulder for him to press the button for their destination and did not return to its perch. It was almost upsetting to her how pleased she was with what was missing.

"Oh, just a little place I have in mind," Kaji answered evasively.

She wanted to be concerned with the way he kept adjusting his loose tie. She wanted to be held closer. She wanted to return to the work. She wanted her mother. She wanted to be wanted. She wanted to know why he kept looking at his watch. She wanted to be complemented again. She wanted him to tell her where they were going.

"A restaurant?" Asuka asked, not quite dolefully. He never treats eating together like a date. As if I would waste time eating with any boy I wouldn't date! But a meal is good. You have more important things to do than play pretend, Soryu. He still thinks I'm some kind of kid but at least I can get back to the work more quickly. She swallowed a yawn.

"No," Kaji said coyly after letting her question hang in the air for a few moments. He did not elaborate as he led her out of the elevator and through a series of gates, checkpoints, and security fences. She was too focused on determining the implications of his no to notice as they emerged into the broad, open expanse of the Geofront's artificially maintained nature preserve. So is he serious about this?! I—I don't know what's going on! This didn't happen! A real date with Kaji?

"Where, then?" Asuka questioned him, trying her best to wear a flirtatious pout, hoping she did not sound petulant. "It's rude to keep a lady waiting in suspense, you know."

"You'll find out soon," Kaji assured her. Asuka suppressed a growl and separated the smallest amount from his side, lifting her head to finally take stock of her surroundings. She made sure to keep her arm at least loosely wrapped around Kaji. Wait, outside? No, still in the Geofront. The ground beneath her had at some point in their journey transitioned from hard pavement to soft grass. Where could he possibly have in mind?

She glanced up at the huge, domed ceiling of the Geofront as Kaji led them towards a small dirt trail that meandered around a copse of trees. The lack of a visible sky did nothing to prevent her throat from constricting and tension to build in her muscles. No, no, not now! Asuka tried to fight the rising feeling of panic that was attempting to settle over her. It's just nerves, that's it! I'm on a date with Kaji and I'm a little nervous!

"Are we almost there?" Asuka asked around her partially clenched teeth, trying to sound curious rather than on edge. Asuka listened to the sounds of their feet against the muffling dirt of the path, the faint rustling of fabric as their clothes moved with them, the wind rustling through trees. She did not hear sickening groans, snapping bones, and gnashing teeth. She smelled sap, damp earth, and crushed grass. Not blood. Not lavender. She swallowed, and there was no LCL in her mouth. She buried her face back into Kaji's shoulder and hugged him tightly. I'm fine. I'm with Kaji and I'm fine. He'll help me. I just needed—need! Not needed—I need to relax. That's the help I meant. I didn't need anyone.

"Almost," Kaji answered with a hum. He was seemingly unperturbed by Asuka's clinginess, only glancing down to check his watch again from time to time. Nothing bad is happening. Asuka no longer needed to struggle to keep her breathing calm. Thoughts of lolling red tongues and grasping fingers like terrible hooked claws were assuaged by the care she was shown from a man that would always be important to her. I'm just excited because this is my first real date. With a real man. And maybe I've been focusing too much on the work so I'm more excited than normal.

"We're here," Kaji said fondly. Asuka looked up—certainly not hesitantly—to a small shack at the end of the trail standing rather forlornly next to a patch of weedy, disturbed earth.

"Huh?" She asked, her panic mostly gone. In its stead was the jittery, familiar pre-fight excitement and nothing good to use it for. That, and confusion. She raised an eyebrow at what she had taken to be a muddy spot of weeds, finally realizing they were growing uniformly in neat rows. Seedlings?

"This is my little get-away," Kaji finally answered. He disentangled himself from Asuka, who suddenly felt adrift without his warmth and closeness to anchor her. I—

"It isn't much to look at yet," he continued as he stepped away from Asuka. She tried to focus on his words, the way he walked, the sound of his voice. This is still a date. Nothing is wrong.

"But to me," Kaji said as he squatted at the edge of the dark dirt, leaving Asuka to stand alone, "it's a beautiful garden." He reached down to take a small handful of soil and work it between his fingers. "My own little watermelon patch." Asuka was too focused on his speaking to listen to what he had to say. It took the rest of her concentration to walk the few steps separating them and kneel on the ground next to him. She leaned into him and felt her heart settle. A little fun time. Just for me. That's what this is. I don't need him. I don't need help. It's just nice to relax once in a while.

Kaji stood, careful to watch for Asuka's balance as she lowered one hand to the ground to steady herself. Now that she was closer, the smell of the damp soil became more prominent than the lack of lavender perfume. A hand rested on her shoulder. His hand was strong and big, as a man's hand should be. Not as other hands were. She could almost feel the adrenaline filtering out of her system, the wind swept from her sails.

"I know it might sound silly, Asuka," Kaji said gently to the open air above her head. "But these plants depend on me."

Who cares about some stupid melons? This is supposed to be a date! She almost snapped out. Instead, she tightened one hand around a fistful of dirt. It did not resist her efforts, compressing easily into packed earth. No creaking or cracking accompanied it's change of shape, no red glow shone from between her fingers. "Is this what you do all day?" She asked evenly. She was kneeling at the edge of plot of disturbed earth. There was nothing to merit any sort of panic. A date with Kaji. That's exciting. She dropped the dirt and turned to look at Kaji, but the smile she showed him failed to reach her eyes. She felt so tired.

"Sometimes it feels like I spend all day working but no one notices."

What's that supposed to mean? I know you've got at least some responsibilities as a UN Inspector. Not to mention all the gag-worthy "flirting with anything in a skirt" which you know I hate. You can't just dig around in the dirt all day. "But you enjoy it?" Asuka asked, trying to keep the conversation going as she struggled against fatigue to think of a way to steer the occasion back to a date.

"It may not always feel like it, but there's nothing in the world I'd rather be doing." Kaji squeezed her shoulder affectionately. Asuka's smile finally met her eyes, even if his stare was focused somewhere only he could see. See? Everything is fine. I'm on a date with Kaji!

"Well, I notice, Kaji," Asuka said happily, stifling a yawn. She reached a hand up to place it on his, but he drew the hand away just before her fingertips were able to brush against his. Asuka tried not to let Kaji notice her flinch as he checked his watch.

"Thank you, Asuka," he said, though Asuka was confused by the sadness she heard. Did I say something wrong? Should I have waited? Kaji, I'm too tired for games. The Walls of Jericho, waking up in a bed, alone. Games she had lost before.

"Kaji," she said slowly as she stood, not even giving him time to step away before she had an arm around his waist. Her plan was forming. "What time is it?" Too tired to walk home after training.

"Not quite 1930," He answered with a frown. Asuka ignored how he had only pretended to glance at his watch. Look at me! "Bored of my work already?" Kaji asked with a soft chuckle.

"No, it's wonderful," she lied. Just like old times. Remember? "But I'm so tired, I don't think someone's vacation idea has helped at all." If Misato hadn't ordered this time off Idiot Shinji wouldn't have been the one to fight that Jet Whatever. No one would have been able to overlook me if I were working like normal.

"Can't you stay up a bit later, Asuka?" Kaji asked as he finally put his arm back around her shoulder. Oh! Well, I—he means here? But he should take me home—Asuka blushed deeply as her plan raced off out of her control. I don't think I want to spend the night with him out here. She steadied herself with one hand against his chest, leaning into him.

"If I'm with you, I don't mind," Asuka said softly as she rested her head on his breast. Just as long as I'm with you. Thoughts of the Walls of Jericho crumbled.

"Good," he answered, using the arm he had placed on her shoulder to take her arm off his chest. Asuka was about to protest until he pulled away entirely with a gentle "Wait right here, Asuka, let me grab something." He walked into the shed and Asuka yawned widely as she did as he asked.

He returned quickly to offer a small collapsable camp chair, unfolding it and placing it beside Asuka. He offered his hand as Asuka raised an eyebrow.

She took the offered hand, and he gently led her to sit on the chair. "But where will you sit, Kaji?"

"I won't need one," he answered with a grin as he dropped her hand. She had not figured out what he had meant before he was already seated on the ground next to her, the height of the chair bringing her shoulder up to his head level. "So you were saying your vacation isn't going well?"

What a gentleman. He takes care of me, and he listens! "Oh, it's just awful, Kaji," Asuka stifled the compulsion to call him Ryoji. That would be too far, right? "Misato shuffles me off out of the way and suddenly it's always the Third Child who they need, as if he were any better than me."

"It can be frustrating when it feels like no one else understands how hard you work. It can feel like no one sees you. Or, at least, they don't see you the way you want to be seen." You do understand! I've missed you, Kaji. "But different people have their own ways of doing things. Just because you don't understand what someone is doing doesn't mean they aren't trying to help."

"I guess, maybe," Asuka said as she wished she could rest her head on his shoulder. Her neck was starting to prove incapable of the burden. "But enough about that," she said, wishing she had an angle to grab onto his arm from where she was sitting that would not be too awkward. "I'm still pretty tired, Kaji," she murmured, trying to pitch her voice down the way she had heard Misa—other women do.

Kaji glanced up, a slightly concerned frown on his face. "Really? Are you feeling ok, Asuka?" He stood and glanced at his watch again as Asuka felt the Walls of Jericho rebuilding faster than they had fallen.

"I'm fine!" She rushed out. "I just, well, I've missed you, Kaji," she tried to start again. "Remember when you used to carry me home?" You understand, right? You'll bring me home, like a real man?

"Well, it's still not very late, but maybe I should see you home," Kaji said, once again offering his hand to Asuka. Oh, much better. He helped her stand before grabbing the chair and folding it back up. Asuka watched him walk to the shed and bit her bottom lip. This is working. Good.

She moved to start walking with him when he came back out of the shed, but he stopped her with a kind gesture and spun around so his back faced her, then took a knee. "Hop on, Asuka," he said, glancing over his shoulder. "I know you work hard. You really do deserve a break. Just like old times?"

Asuka blinked rapidly, her eyes hot, as she placed her arms over his shoulders and lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist as he stood. His hands hovered gingerly just below her legs, forcing Asuka to do most of the work in keeping herself aloft. But the gentle swaying of his gait, combined with her exhaustion, still found her drifting off as Kaji carried her back into the NERV headquarters.

"You know, it's good to have something to do, even when you're on vacation." Asuka liked hearing his voice reassure her, she could even feel it in her arms and chest from where she held herself close to him. "But it's better to do something that's not just more work. Maybe you could spend some time out here, instead." Asuka imagined eating meals together, walking together, sitting in the living room together, staring at his lips inches away from her face as they stand together in the kitchen.

Some annoying voice was yelling, interrupting her peace. She repositioned her arms, accidentally brushing against his cheek and felt, bizarrely, stubble. "You need to shave," she mumbled, already falling back to sleep.

An odd rumble in her chest, seemingly in response to that annoying voice yelling something, again. "No, wait, it was your breath that tickled," she slurred. I held your nose, you hated me so much you wouldn't even hold my hand to stop me.

She woke slowly to a voice she had been avoiding for days.

"You brought her here?!" Misato yelled.

"Kaji?" Asuka asked with a yawn. She blinked leisurely as she lifted her head from his shoulder. Still too groggy to be embarrassed by the wet patch of drool she had left on her impromptu pillow, even the patches that were closer to his collar than her mouth had been.

"She's exhausted, Katsuragi. Who's bed should I carry her to? Mine? She's a child. I'm bringing her home, like I should." He answered defensively.

"What's going on? You brought me home, right, Kaji?" Asuka asked, tightening her legs back up around his waist. When had she loosened them? How long has it been?

"You knew I had something planned, you horrible man!" Misato sulked angrily.

"Really, Katsuragi, she wasn't feeling well." Kaji said softly, the vibrations rumbling comfortably against Asuka's chest. What?

"But I'm fine, Kaji," Asuka said, rubbing one eye with a loosely clenched hand. The untended eye was no longer drooping closed. I have to be fine, you're supposed to come inside with me. We were just in the kitchen, though, right? Or was it the living room? What's going on? "Why is she interrupting our date?"

"A date? Just what did you let her think was going on?" Misato growled. Asuka was beginning to feel less tired. She noticed the hallway they were standing in, the familiar stain on the ceiling. You did bring me home. Like a real man.

Less tired than she had felt in longer than she could remember. Now that she was awake properly, she could feel that Kaji had grabbed onto her legs more securely while she had slept, but was now loosening his grip almost experimentally, as if testing how much he could let go without letting her fall.

"We had a chat. I showed her a little side project I'm working on. Come on, Katsuragi. What would you be implying, anyway?" He chuckled. Asuka felt soothed by the man's laugh causing another rumble in her chest where it pressed up against his back. She was disappointed at his words, however. But that was—oh, I get it. You don't want to embarrass me. As if I could be embarrassed of you!

"You don't have to pretend, Ryoji," she said theatrically, smirking at the older woman. I don't need to borrow your lavender perfume anymore, you decrepit drunk. Asuka could partially see men walking behind Misato, stacking boxes neatly while others carried them off in handcarts, but that was less important. "I don't mind if she knows we were on a date."

She felt, and heard, Kaji sigh deeply while Misato threw her hands up and rolled her eyes. What? Kaji? It's not that big of a deal, you don't need her anymore, I'm right here. I always have been. She debated between kissing his cheek or sticking out her tongue at her clearly defeated foe when said foe began walking away, towards the men she had been partially obscuring earlier. Revealing the door the men were moving boxes out of.

"Hey, kiddo," Kaji said, shaking his head and letting go entirely of her legs, still keeping his hands hovering below them. "You knew we were just talking. That wasn't a date, Asuka."

"You wait until now to tell her?!" Misato yelled accusatively over her shoulder, interrupting whatever she was saying to one of the men with a handcart.

Asuka finally connected what was happening.

"No!" Asuka shrieked, kicking her legs out to drop free from Kaji. They can't get rid of me! Nothing is wrong with me! I'm doing my job! I'm still better than everyone else!

"Asuka, calm down," Kaji said, turning to face her, turning to stand with Misato. "I don't know what you thought we were doing, but—"

"Just shut up!" Asuka yelled. "That's not—it was a date! But this is more important!" Misato crossed her arms over her chest and growled.

"You've really done it now, Kaji. All I asked you to do was distract her so I could move her stuff out—"

"You knew?!" Asuka yelled, stepping back from Kaji in outrage. They're getting rid of me and you didn't tell me?

"Of mice and men, right?" Kaji grinned at Misato, who raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't ignore me!" Asuka demanded. "You can't just kick me out!"

"What?" Misato asked Kaji. She blinked and looked at Asuka. "What?" She asked again without waiting for a reply to her first question, looking more confused. "Kick you out? I mean, kinda, but only so that you can move in with me, Asuka. Oh, um—surprise?"

It was Asuka's turn to blink in confusion. "So, I'm not being sent back to Germany?" I'm not useless?

"NERV Berlin?" Misato asked incredulously. "Why would we send you there? We need you here, Asuka." Because no one else cares about what's going on. You want me here to do the work because you're too lazy and incompetent to do it yourself. "I just knew you wouldn't want to move away from your duties as a pilot, so I was trying to get Kaji to take you somewhere long enough for me to make it a surprise. But clearly he messed that up." She emphasized her ire with a glare at the man, who had moved to stand out of the way of the two arguing women.

"I'm moving in with you." Asuka said slowly. Her energy was starting to fade as another altercation ended sooner than expected. Her regular fog of fatigue was returning in its place. "Because you want me to take more time off?"

"Yup!" Misato smiled brightly and gave Asuka a thumbs up. Where were you before. Asuka swayed slightly in place. She remembered actually sleeping through the night, sometimes. Remembered clothes that cleaned, folded, and put themselves away seemingly autonomously. Remembered cleanliness that required no effort, meals that were brought to her.

But these days she was always busy. Working. Finding more work. Having trouble focusing because there was just so much to do, so much of it unimportant but annoyingly necessary. The long walk to the cafeteria. Cleaning up the accumulated mess in her room. Doing laundry.

If only she had more time to work instead of needing to focus on little things. And she was just tired. Who could want an annoying child like you, anyway. They need you, that's all that matters. At least this is proof.

"Ok," Asuka said, opening her eyes to see a slightly concerned Misato and an unreadable Kaji holding one hand up, ready to steady Asuka in case she stumbled. She restrained the urge to recoil from Kaji's touch. Even if it's just because they need me. "Fine." And I'm too busy to do chores around my quarters in the Geofront like a housewife. I have real work I need to do. Maybe this actually can help.
12.1 Draft
The story is caught up with what I've got published. However, I do have at least one (maybe two or three) scenes that are close to complete for chapter 12. I've decided to post at least this first one, since it follows on pretty much directly after chapter 11 ends. Any feedback, suggestions, questions, comments, concerns, issues, whatever you have would be appreciated as I'm still tinkering. If there's interest in more draft material, then I'm open to posting more. I just have to polish up what I do have beyond "brain-dump stream of consciousness" and into something that can be understood by someone other than me--and my much-appreciated beta-reader @gloomy-moods, whose work you should check out if you haven't already.

Asuka let her eyes unfocus as she stared out of the window from her seat in the back of Misato's car. The dim red glow of an exit sign softly permeated the otherwise dark expanse of the parking structure buried deep within the Geofront far from natural sources of light. The effect was similar enough to her normal nightly activity of staring at the digital face of her alarm clock, similar enough to the diffuse, dark orange glow that comforted her from inside the entry plug, that she was almost able to put aside the disaster her day had been for long enough to focus on planning for the next day.

What kind of stupid, immature child lets herself get distracted by pretending to go on a date when there's still so much work to do. Almost, but not quite enough. What kind of idiot would think a man like Kaji would ever care about a stupid, immature, worthless child.

Asuka, with her knees hugged to her chest and her head resting on the starchy fabric of her pants covering her knees, rocked roughly from side to side in solidarity with her seat as the driver side door opened and someone entered with an exaggerated sigh. The girl's grip on her legs tightened reflexively at the unwelcome, if not unexpected, intrusion—though she managed to turn her shoulders hunching up into a subtle shifting of her position that could easily be seen as moving to become more comfortable. She closed her eyes, the comforting red glow replaced by darkness.

"It took a little longer than I would've liked, but the last of your stuff is being moved now." Asuka heard the radio playing as the vehicle was started. She tried to focus on the soft, fuzzy words the host was speaking rather than on whatever it was the woman in the front seat wanted to talk about. I agreed to this move so I wouldn't have to be bothered with stupid bullshit like boxes being moved around. Stop distracting me you drunken lech.

Misato began to speak again, and her voice flowed over the beginnings of an audience member's idea of a perfect date. Asuka noted that the volume was not high enough; she found it hard to hear what she was saying.

The girl's body was once again rocked in place where she sat, a victim of inertia as the girl it belonged to did not care to adjust her balance to her surroundings. The volume of her show cut out entirely and the background became more difficult to ignore. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get home." Like you care where you keep your useless trash. Your hovel isn't any better than the Geofront, it just has a live-in maid. The whole car gently rumbled and shook. Asuka recognized the sounds of locks securing Misato's car in place on the elevator to the surface.

A fidgeting noise, accompanied by Misato clearing her throat, filtered back to reach Asuka from the front seat. She made sure her breathing remained calm and even as the urge to snap at the woman grew. I should run drills. See how long it takes to go from in bed at Misato's apartment to in the plug ready to deploy. The rumbling groan of the elevator stopped, after a time, with neither passenger having dared to interrupt its performance with any sound of their own. Asuka could hear more shuffling from the front of the car then felt, as well as heard, the vehicle shift back into gear and begin moving again.

You never ran drills last time. But I'm not lazy or incompetent like you. Why didn't I run drills last time? "Are you hungry, Asuka? Shinji and Rei already started moving some of your boxes of stuff into your new room, but they told me they would definitely have food ready for us when we got home." Just a few days back on my schedule—away from your stupid simulator nonsense—and they're already working together like a team.

More shuffling from the front seat, and Asuka felt herself wobble in place as her momentum carried her along the vehicle's formerly straight path before it had begun erratically swerving for a few seconds. "Asuka, you doing ok back there? Can you hear me?" How wonderful for you that my hard work comes in handy for you when you're fucking everything up. "Oh, you're asleep."

That's right, so just leave me alone. I'm trying to work. Silence reigned once again between the occupants of Misato's car. The older woman seemingly had her attention turned entirely toward driving while the pilot in the back seat mentally sifted through the tasks she had still yet to accomplish—she was not imagining the look of relief on Kaji's face when she had told him she could walk to Misato's car without his help. Both of them had known he would not have offered to carry her anyway.

Not that she ever needed to be carried. Not that she ever wanted. She wanted to make sure her enforced time off remained productive even if she now had to factor in a commute. Had Misato ever even thought of running drills? There was the bug with the blackout. I made a plan for transport to the Geofront in case of no power.

Something in the background seemed to call for attention; it was not more important than the fact that she had not yet taken into account the First's move, let alone her own. If I don't stop slacking off things are only going to get worse.

She was confident enough in NERV's security forces that she felt she could rely on them to escort the pilots to the Geofront—as long as she remained useful. But she was useful so it hardly mattered enough to worry about whether she was or was not useful. So, consolidating the pilots made sense. It was fortunate that Asuka had had the foresight to suggest the First Child move, otherwise it would complicate the logistics of her plans. Ayanami really had lived rather far away from everything.

Still, she knew it was best to have backups even if she had personal (therefore the best) evidence that NERV needed them in the entry plug and could be relied upon to stick one of them in the nearest one whenever necessary. Even if she sometimes disagreed with them on which one went where. God damn it, Misato. Asuka hoped her faint blush was hidden in the relative ambient darkness of the vehicle interior.

Backups to NERV were rather limited. Misato was not to be trusted. Kaji—no. She would prefer foot travel as their primary contingency over relying on anyone for backup. She was really only willing to trust NERV as her primary source of anything for much longer anyway. Everything would change once her mother arrived, she knew that much. Something in the back of Asuka's head buzzed in recognition as she felt the car make one more turn, this one much more smoothly. Almost there. The distance isn't bad, not too close, not that far.

We could use the new emergency route to the Geofront like a running trail as a warmup for training.
Of course, the more they ran it together the less likely any particular idiots would be to forget the way. That was why she found herself concerned with making sure the Third would be with her on the way to the Geofront every day. Otherwise, why would she care about how the Third got to wherever stupid place he was going.

She was suddenly aware of how her hair was sticking to her neck and face—to any of her exposed skin it touched—with how much she was sweating from just being outside of the mostly climate controlled Geofront.

I'll need to double check the weather before committing to any outdoor runs here. From a reputable source, too, I'll set something up to get reports from the Magi. I am not carrying the Third when he passes out from heat stroke because he can't handle a little heat and humidity.

Asuka felt more than heard the car gently roll to a stop. She kept her eyes closed, breathing steady, and body still while she listened to Misato shuffle around in the front of the car. "Asuka?" I'll lead stretches first, then—weather permitting—run to the Geofront so we can get right into training. I'll make sure he's familiar with the route, but eventually we can add to the length of the run if we need to.

A car door creaked, and the interior gently shook as weight shifted around and out of the vehicle. Lighter days we can run back to this building. Otherwise walk, if necessary. Find transport if possible. Light pored over Asuka's closed eyes as the door next to her opened and harsh fluorescent bulbs silhouetted her chauffeur. "C'mon, Asuka," Misato said a bit loudly, fake cheer dripping as she continued, "it's time to get up. We're home." Maybe you are. This was never home for the Second Child.

Not possessing the patience to argue the point, Asuka gently unfolded her limbs, ignoring, as she always did, the stiffness and pins and needles that staying in one position for so long always brought her. Once standing, she forced her stride to be as smooth as she could as she slowly began walking towards the elevator. She could hear Misato walking up behind her, the taller woman's naturally longer step bringing her quickly to her flank. Asuka felt the air around herself disturbed by Misato clumsily falling into step beside her, matching her speed.

"Before we meet up with the others, there's some things I'd like to discuss with you," Katsuragi said as they came to a halt to wait for the elevator. Asuka kept her face impassive despite her urge to sneer at the hesitant tone she had used. What's the matter? I bet you weren't this nervous when you talked to Kaji about your scheme to make me look like a childish brat who needs an alcoholic and her housebroken male to take care of her.

With Asuka seemingly content to remain silent, Misato shook her head—not discretely enough for the girl to not see it—and led the pair into the elevator. Asuka leaned against the wall as far away from Misato as she could physically get. She crossed her arms and kept her eyes narrowed on the ground and her head angled minutely downward. Misato had not seen her at all, having taken to standing directly in front of the door and facing it with her own arms crossed.

"I've been going over your recent test results. Well, someone has been going over them with me, let's say. Synchronization, harmonics, anything we run you kids through that collects any sort of data." Asuka clenched her teeth and tried to retain her naturally stoic demeanor. Why doesn't anyone understand. None of that stuff matters! I don't care who's stupid number is higher. It didn't matter for the robot bullshit and it doesn't matter now! "Comparing them to baselines you established back in Germany. Did you know we still have your records from when I was in Germany too? Even older, but that's beside the point."

The elevator dinged through the silence as Misato gave Asuka the opportunity to speak. The doors opened, though neither occupant moved to exit. "I'm no doctor, Asuka, but—" Misato sighed. "Even compared to when you first arrived here, it's obvious that there's something going on with you."

Asuka scowled as she angrily dropped her arms and rushed forward to brush past Misato, leaving the elevator and interrupting the automatic closing of the doors. Misato followed behind her as the doors slid lazily back into their recesses. "I've got bosses, too, Asuka. And they can only take so many of my excuses before they're going to feel like they need to take matters into their own hands. That business with the simulator a few days ago—"

"You said there wouldn't be any punishment!" Asuka snarled as she attempted to lengthen her stride in an effort to stay ahead of Misato in the journey they were making separately, together, to her apartment's door. You're such a fucking hypocrite.

"This isn't a punishment, Asuka," Misato said gently, reassuringly, as if Asuka had not spent an entire evening ignoring her until just now. "This is me attempting to pre-empt whatever suggestions anyone else might make to fix you after Doctor Akagi briefs the Commander that you should be placed under direct supervision at all times." Misato sounded disgusted; no doubt having been made to saddle the burden of doing the fixing.

"Fix me?" Asuka said lowly, stopping abruptly. She turned to face Misato and planted her clenched fists on her hips.

"You're not listening," Misato said exasperatedly as she stopped to stand with Asuka. "This isn't about you needing to be fixed, that's no—"

"Then what is it about!?" Asuka shouted, tipping her chin up in challenge. That gave her the perfect angle to glare down her nose at the taller woman. Asuka dismissed the idea that she was losing her edge as Misato ignored her glare and actually took a step towards her. It had to be a coincidence that even the First and the Third had started doing the same thing in the face of her glare, recently.

"This is about you, Asuka," Misato answered calmly. "I can't force you to tell me about what's bothering you—"

"Nothing is bothering me, except for the fact that I'm the only person who is taking things seriously around here! Our mission, in case you've forgotten, is to defeat the Angels. And no one else seems to have remembered that!" Asuka could feel her skin flush in agitation, the tight leash she had been trying to maintain on her constant desire to scream beginning to slip through her fingers.

"Are you done?" Captain Katsuragi asked, finally returning Asuka's glare. Asuka scoffed in response. "I'll take that as a yes. I know you didn't mean to offend me, Asuka, but I don't want to ever hear you question what I'm doing here. No," She said quickly, shaking her head sharply as Asuka began to retort. I hate you. "Right now, Pilot Soryu, you're going to listen to me.

"This behavior, right here? This is what I'm talking about. It isn't like you. Just a few weeks ago you were doing fine—I've been so proud of you, you've grown up so much since I saw you last." Asuka felt her throat tighten and she narrowed her eyes against the pressure she could feel building behind them. I don't care what you think about me.

"But the past week? Even longer? You've been living in your own world. Ignoring everyone, snapping at people." If anyone else around here has a better idea of what's to come then I'll be glad to listen to what they have to say. Everyone else should just shut up and do what I say.

The older woman sighed when Asuka failed to say anything. "I reassigned my subordinates I heard gossiping about how the Second Child goes around muttering to herself. Shinji's even mentioned you've seemed distracted during your extracurricular sessions." Asuka's scowl deepened at the mention of the Third Child, but Misato continued before she could voice her opinion on where the Third Child could take his opinion on anything, let alone her.

"We're worried about you, and I'm trying to help you. Before anyone at NERV butts in with their opinions on what happens." Save your fucking pity for Shinji.

"I'm fine," Asuka eventually growled out from behind clenched teeth. Misato seemed to deflate at her response, but Asuka was in no mood to examine the woman's reactions. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm still the best pilot, even when I'm constantly having to do everyone else's job, too."

Misato rolled her eyes. "So you'd normally fall asleep while you were on a date with Kaji? Beg him to take you home like a little kid asking to be caried to bed?"

Asuka had hoped the shame she had felt about the day had begun to ebb, though clearly it had not been meant to be. Her face, already darkened with anger, now flushed deeper with humiliation. "You're just jealous that he asked to carry me to bed!" She accused, always choosing offence over defence when possible.

Misato took a deep breath and closed her eyes, only briefly, before speaking again. "I told you I've been reading your test results. Well, Doctor Akagi explained them to me—whatever, it doesn't matter. I know how stressed you are. You must not be sleeping, too." Asuka was unable to open her mouth fast enough to interrupt before Misato continued.

"It's ok to feel overwhelmed. Just like it's ok to take a break sometimes."

"How can I do that when there's no time, they're wasting it all," Asuka muttered, her attempt at an easy argument circumvented. She supposed it did not count as winning an argument if the opponent never entered into it to begin with.

"Trust me, Asuka. No one is wasting any time." Misato raised an arm hesitantly, thoughtfully, to place a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You know, when I get scared, I—"

"I'm tired, Misato," Asuka said darkly. "I'd like to go to bed." Don't pretend like you know me. Like you care about me. You don't know me at all. I'm not scared of anything. I've got Momma. I will—soon.

"Ok, Asuka," she answered softly, dropping her hand back down and forcing out a smile. The pair resumed their journey, neither glancing at the other. "Oh, one more thing," Misato said airily as they walked. "Shinji gave you his room, he's already moved into the, erm, 'spare bedroom,' I believe you called it once."

Asuka did not acknowledge Misato, focusing on keeping her face as impassive as possible. What a fucking coward—who gets kicked out of their own room?

"Such a sweet boy, don't you think?" Misato asked. Asuka could see Misato glancing at her out of the corner of her eye. No. He's a pervert who prefers dolls to real girls. "He's been pretty excited about this. Don't hold it against him, ok? I did tell him it was your idea to move in. Umm, sorry. I couldn't figure out how to tell him." When Asuka continued to ignore her as they reached the door and came to a brief stop, Misato nodded her head as she fished in her purse for her keycard. "Ok, good. You can tell him 'the truth,' whatever you think that is." Asuka scoffed at the way she had said the truth, as if anyone could not see what was really going on. Misato ignored it as she finally located her key and pulled it out of her purse. "It's not like he isn't already disappointed in me."

What the fuck are you even saying most of the time. The door opened as Misato finally used her key. Asuka began automatically pulling off her shoes as she walked into the entryway, tossing them wherever they landed as she always did and reaching for where her house shoes were always kept. Only for her hand to grab on to a pair, the pair, just slightly less worse for wear than she had last seen them, exactly where they always used to be kept. I didn't wear any in my room at the Geofront.

With the correct footwear equipped, Asuka silently walked past the kitchen—currently lit up and occupied as she could see from her peripheral vision—and followed a trail of loosely organized moving boxes to her room. Once past the threshold of the open door, she blindly reached behind her to slide it closed before stumbling to her bed and collapsing in a heap on top of it.

Her head buried in her pillow, Asuka clenched her eyes shut as tightly as she could. Fresh sheets. Because the Second Child can't be trusted to take care of that herself, either. She turned her head to the side and opened her eyes but was met with only the dim glow of the city lights shining from behind her curtains. Not quite the view she had been expecting. The alarm clock is still packed. I knew that. Why would anyone have unpacked my clock. They only packed and moved it without my permission, what's one more thing to do to it?

The dim afterimage of headlights slipped across the ceiling in bursts, alone or in groups. Judging by the lack of traffic sounds, they had to be reflecting off of more than a few surfaces to end up in her field of view. More than likely, it had to be the glass windows of other buildings. Estimating the necessary angles based on likely traffic patterns on the streets below was beginning to get difficult as the dim reflected lights slowly became less frequent. She settled for trying to estimate the current time based on the light level coming through the window.
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No matter how much she wants to deny it, Asuka Langley Sorhyu is still that scared girl begging for her mother's love. She never grew up. In fact the entire shebang with her mental breakdown and the MP Evas only seem to have made things worse.
No matter how much she wants to deny it, Asuka Langley Sorhyu is still that scared girl begging for her mother's love. She never grew up. In fact the entire shebang with her mental breakdown and the MP Evas only seem to have made things worse.

That's a better summary of this fic than I ever could have come up with :)

She's essentially living in that time again at this point in her redo. I'm not sure how clearly it's coming across in the writing but she's doing everything she can to avoid thinking about the fact that she's scared, alone, and doesn't even know if her mother will remember her. As the time since she last felt her mother's love continues to grow more distant she starts to think and behave more erratically--it's likely only a matter of time before what she keeps to herself she instead starts saying out loud, something she's only avoided so far out of a fear that any perceived slights she committed could result in her potential separation from Unit 02 and her mother.

She knows everyone hates her, that she's unworthy of love, that no one would give her the time of day if she weren't the best pilot. So fixing things, and her mother's return, are all she has and all she cares about anymore. The fact that she uses the excuse of "work" to avoid sleep, or even downtime, because she can't stand to be alone with her nightmares and thoughts isn't something that she's consciously doing, but it certainly isn't helping her. But just like she isn't paying attention to anything that's going on around her that isn't part of her plan to "fix" things, she isn't even going to consider the possibility that her mother's return won't be the panacea she needs it to be. Not without ending back up in an abandoned bathtub.

Incredible so far. Asuka feels so mentally out for lunch, I hope the others can bring her back to reality.

I'm glad you enjoy it!

Reality for Asuka is perhaps not quite what it is for everyone else. Her mindset is essentially the same as it was in the days and weeks before 3rd Impact, where she was a failure that everyone hated. That's a big reason for why so little of her day-to-day life is shown in the fic itself, only alluded to though dialogue and character actions. As far as she is concerned, everything is happening exactly like how she thinks it did the first time because she's too busy trying not to confront her issues to have any spare attention for supid shit like "Misato is acting different" or "Shinji is going out of his way to talk to me" or anything else that isn't part of her plan.

Good thing Kyoko gets here soon, surely a mother's love can help her. Right? lol
I'm glad you enjoy it!

Reality for Asuka is perhaps not quite what it is for everyone else. Her mindset is essentially the same as it was in the days and weeks before 3rd Impact, where she was a failure that everyone hated. That's a big reason for why so little of her day-to-day life is shown in the fic itself, only alluded to though dialogue and character actions. As far as she is concerned, everything is happening exactly like how she thinks it did the first time because she's too busy trying not to confront her issues to have any spare attention for supid shit like "Misato is acting different" or "Shinji is going out of his way to talk to me" or anything else that isn't part of her plan.

The amount of character analysis going on is staggering. But it shows and its amazing!

Good thing Kyoko gets here soon, surely a mother's love can help her. Right? lol

I am simultaneously super excited and terrified for what's to come... :lol:
12.2 Draft
Another section of the upcoming chapter. It's unlikely to change before the rest is done, but once again I am still tinkering, so please feel free to poke at it and point out anything that doesn't seem right.

Long after the sounds of tidying up had finished emanating from the kitchen, after muted voices had stopped conversing over the muffled sounds of a television, after the sound of the front door opening and closing had left just two sets of footsteps moving through the apartment—three, she corrected her observation, as the bird occasionally left his fridge to waddle about—an insistent tapping manifested at the edge of Asuka's perception.

She closed her eyes and bit back the warning she wanted to snap to whomever—Misato, of course—was there to bother her. "The Second Child needs fixing." Asuka muttered almost silently to herself. She curled up tighter into herself, not bothering to wonder when she had shifted to laying on her side with her knees tucked up.

The tapping, after taking a brief pause, turned into gentle knocks. "You can fix me from out there," she whispered flatly. You haven't felt the need to consult me about any other decisions you make. Just do what you do best and leave me alone.

"Asuka? Are you awake?" Of course. Who else but the Invincible Shinji. Shinji's tone, muffled as it was by the poorly designed Japanese style door, contained none of the infuriating timidity she would have normally expected to hear from him after knocking on her door at night. He was emboldened, no doubt, by her failures. Come to gloat over the humiliated Second Child? I'll remind him who's the best!

Asuka was already standing and stalking towards the door, face contorted in anger, by the time another gentle knock sounded. She was throwing the door open along its track before another knock could assault it and found herself face to face with the Third Child.

He was wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt, with a pair of headphones draped over his neck and one hand raised up—interrupted mid-interruption—and met Asuka's indignance with a look of dumb surprise.

"Hi, Asuka," he quickly spilled out as they stared at one another. The softness of his tone matched the cute smile he wore once he had recovered from his shock. Her desire to yell at him, already quite high, grew the more she focused on his stupid smirk. Who do you think you are, you aren't better than me!

"What do you want, Third?" Asuka said testily, finally tearing her eyes away from his lips to notice what he was holding in front of himself. No, not in front of himself. Out to her. Cake?

"I know Misato said you wanted to rest," Shinji began slowly. He was holding a small plate with a piece of cake on it. With the nearest light source being in a separate room, Asuka could only make out that it was dark colored, with equally dark colored frosting. What the fuck is he doing?

"But, umm, here." Shinji said, some of the skittishness she had expected earlier coming through as he nodded down towards the plate he was holding. Asuka was about to yell at him for keeping his head drooped down and eyes on the ground but before she had the chance he had looked back up to her wearing the same smile as before. "Welcome home, Asuka."

It was Asuka's turn to refuse eye contact. She felt her face heat up—surely because of anger—and stared at the piece of cake. After a few torturous seconds of indecision Asuka reached up with both hands. Hesitantly, at first, until she realized how weak she was being, then angrily snatched the plate out of Shinji's grasp. She still had her eyes focused on the plate as she held it in front of herself. What are you doing? This never happened. This never happened.

"I didn't get a chance to say it earlier," Shinji continued as Asuka let the silence between them build up. "And it didn't feel right to not say it at all on your first night after moving in." Asuka finally looked up to glare at him only to meet his reassuring gaze. She ignored the way his eyes were just ever so slightly scrunched up with the way his lips were unnaturally tilted up in that same gloating smirk. She buried the disgusting, impulsive thought that some of the things Misato had been saying about him may have been true. You just want everyone to see you fixing the Second Child. That's all this is. Misato has everyone in on her plan to make me look bad. Not just him.

Silence continued to reign as the two conversationalists looked at each other. Asuka realized quickly that she had stopped glaring at some point but was too preoccupied to resume it. Shinji shifted his weight between his feet while Asuka kept flicking her eyes between the cake he had given her and the face of the boy she had taken it from. She's the one always talking about how you're so sweet and cute. I'm sick of everyone putting that nonsense in my head. How dare she call me immature!

"I wanted to make sure you got to have some of the cake I made." Shinji eventually said. His smile had been growing progressively shakier the longer Asuka kept her silence, and his voice sounded like he was building the courage to speak more as he continued to articulate whatever thoughts Asuka was sure he was not having. Just make fun of me and get it over with, Third. I don't have time to put you in your proper place right now.

"With Misato being home for a few days and Pen Pen being, well, Pen Pen, I was worried they might finish it before you could try any. I hope you like it."

"Typical Third Child, fishing for compliments," Asuka said without affect. I hate you. "Whatever, Idiot. I don't care what it tastes like, as long as it's edible." Asuka watched Shinji's expression wilt at her words and tried to savor the victory rather than examine the feeling of disgust she suddenly felt. Disgust at being mocked by the Third Child, of course. She began to turn back towards her bedroom but stopped short when Shinji stayed rooted in place—even if his head and eyes were cast back down to the floor.

"What else do you want." Haven't you done enough to piss me off? Just leave me alone and go listen to your ancient tape player like you always do.

"I was working on some chores," Shinji began, not looking up. Which means he did not see Asuka frown and flare her nostrils at his statement.

"So giving me this was one of your chores?" Asuka asked hotly. "Misato is making you feed me? Because I don't care what anyone says! No one needs to take care of me!" Shinji looked up, once again surprised, and Asuka could almost be convinced he looked confused.

"No, why would Misato want me to do that?" Shinji asked. He had taken a step away from Asuka after her outburst but was back to looking her in the eyes. "I thought you were the one who was coming up with some kind of meal plan?"

"Do I have to do everything around here?!" Asuka demanded as she dropped one hand from the plate she had maintained a tight grip on to plant it on one hip as she cocked the other out to the side. "You're the fucking chef," she gesticulated with the hand holding the plate, though not wildly enough to risk the cake, "you come up with something!"

Asuka almost felt excited when Shinji's eyes flashed with the same look she sometimes saw when he was spending time with the First in Misato's simulator training. Excitement that quickly turned back into anger. "If you've got free time to take care of stupid household chores and listen to music, you have time to improve as a pilot!" You could help me if you don't have anything else to do.

"Ok," Shinji said, unexpectedly. Huh? "I'll start seeing what I can find. But right now, I was about to start doing laundry. Is there anything you need washed?"

Typical Third, avoiding confrontation. Just agree with whoever you're talking to, pretend like you care about them, then ignore them after. The only thing missing is a meaningless apology.

"No." Asuka said. She finally turned and walked back into her room, sliding the door closed behind her. The hand she had used to close the door rose to join its twin in holding the plate in front of her. Her eyes took in the dark shapes of boxes piled in the room and the bedsheets and pillows scattered on the floor. The smell of sweat and dirt still clung to the uniform she had not removed. But as she listened to Shinji's receding footsteps her stomach twisted and she began to notice the scent of chocolate.
Chapter 12
The first two sections of this chapter were already posted here under the apocrypha label and I believe they are unchanged. So if they seem familiar it's because they are lol

Ως μέγα το μικρόν εστιν εν καιρώ δοθέν (How big is the little thing that was given at the right time) — Menander

Asuka let her eyes unfocus as she stared out of the window from her seat in the back of Misato's car. The dim red glow of an exit sign softly permeated the otherwise dark expanse of the parking structure buried deep within the Geofront far from natural sources of light. The effect was similar enough to her normal nightly activity of staring at the digital face of her alarm clock, similar enough to the diffuse, dark orange glow that comforted her from inside the entry plug, that she was almost able to put aside the disaster her day had been for long enough to focus on planning for the next day.

What kind of stupid, immature child lets herself get distracted by pretending to go on a date when there's still so much work to do. Almost, but not quite enough. What kind of idiot would think a man like Kaji would ever care about a stupid, immature, worthless child.

Asuka, with her knees hugged to her chest and her head resting on the starchy fabric of her pants covering her knees, rocked roughly from side to side in solidarity with her seat as the driver side door opened and someone entered with an exaggerated sigh. The girl's grip on her legs tightened reflexively at the unwelcome, if not unexpected, intrusion—though she managed to turn her shoulders hunching up into a subtle shifting of her position that could easily be seen as moving to become more comfortable. She closed her eyes, the comforting red glow replaced by darkness.

"It took a little longer than I would've liked, but the last of your stuff is being moved now." Asuka heard the radio playing as the vehicle was started. She tried to focus on the soft, fuzzy words the host was speaking rather than on whatever it was the woman in the front seat wanted to talk about. I agreed to this move so I wouldn't have to be bothered with stupid bullshit like boxes being moved around. Stop distracting me you drunken lech.

Misato began to speak again, and her voice flowed over the beginnings of an audience member's idea of a perfect date. Asuka noted that the volume was not high enough; she found it hard to hear what she was saying.

The girl's body was once again rocked in place where she sat, a victim of inertia as the girl it belonged to did not care to adjust her balance to her surroundings. The volume of her show cut out entirely and the background became more difficult to ignore. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get home." Like you care where you keep your useless trash. Your hovel isn't any better than the Geofront, it just has a live-in maid. The whole car gently rumbled and shook. Asuka recognized the sounds of locks securing Misato's car in place on the elevator to the surface.

A fidgeting noise, accompanied by Misato clearing her throat, filtered back to reach Asuka from the front seat. She made sure her breathing remained calm and even as the urge to snap at the woman grew. I should run drills. See how long it takes to go from in bed at Misato's apartment to in the plug ready to deploy. The rumbling groan of the elevator stopped, after a time, with neither passenger having dared to interrupt its performance with any sound of their own. Asuka could hear more shuffling from the front of the car then felt, as well as heard, the vehicle shift back into gear and begin moving again.

You never ran drills last time. But I'm not lazy or incompetent like you. Why didn't I run drills last time? "Are you hungry, Asuka? Shinji and Rei already started moving some of your boxes of stuff into your new room, but they told me they would definitely have food ready for us when we got home." Just a few days back on my schedule—away from your stupid simulator nonsense—and they're already working together like a team.

More shuffling from the front seat, and Asuka felt herself wobble in place as her momentum carried her along the vehicle's formerly straight path before it had begun erratically swerving for a few seconds. "Asuka, you doing ok back there? Can you hear me?" How wonderful for you that my hard work comes in handy for you when you're fucking everything up. "Oh, you're asleep."

That's right, so just leave me alone. I'm trying to work. Silence reigned once again between the occupants of Misato's car. The older woman seemingly had her attention turned entirely toward driving while the pilot in the back seat mentally sifted through the tasks she had still yet to accomplish—she was not imagining the look of relief on Kaji's face when she had told him she could walk to Misato's car without his help. Both of them had known he would not have offered to carry her anyway.

Not that she ever needed to be carried. Not that she ever wanted. She wanted to make sure her enforced time off remained productive even if she now had to factor in a commute. Had Misato ever even thought of running drills? There was the bug with the blackout. I made a plan for transport to the Geofront in case of no power.

Something in the background seemed to call for attention; it was not more important than the fact that she had not yet taken into account the First's move, let alone her own. If I don't stop slacking off things are only going to get worse.

She was confident enough in NERV's security forces that she felt she could rely on them to escort the pilots to the Geofront—as long as she remained useful. But she was useful so it hardly mattered enough to worry about whether she was or was not useful. So, consolidating the pilots made sense. It was fortunate that Asuka had had the foresight to suggest the First Child move, otherwise it would complicate the logistics of her plans. Ayanami really had lived rather far away from everything.

Still, she knew it was best to have backups even if she had personal (therefore the best) evidence that NERV needed them in the entry plug and could be relied upon to stick one of them in the nearest one whenever necessary. Even if she sometimes disagreed with them on which one went where. God damn it, Misato. Asuka hoped her faint blush was hidden in the relative ambient darkness of the vehicle interior.

Backups to NERV were rather limited. Misato was not to be trusted. Kaji—no. She would prefer foot travel as their primary contingency over relying on anyone for backup. She was really only willing to trust NERV as her primary source of anything for much longer anyway. Everything would change once her mother arrived, she knew that much. Something in the back of Asuka's head buzzed in recognition as she felt the car make one more turn, this one much more smoothly. Almost there. The distance isn't bad, not too close, not that far.

We could use the new emergency route to the Geofront like a running trail as a warmup for training.
Of course, the more they ran it together the less likely any particular idiots would be to forget the way. That was why she found herself concerned with making sure the Third would be with her on the way to the Geofront every day. Otherwise, why would she care about how the Third got to wherever stupid place he was going.

She was suddenly aware of how her hair was sticking to her neck and face—to any of her exposed skin it touched—with how much she was sweating from just being outside of the mostly climate controlled Geofront.

I'll need to double check the weather before committing to any outdoor runs here. From a reputable source, too, I'll set something up to get reports from the Magi. I am not carrying the Third when he passes out from heat stroke because he can't handle a little heat and humidity.

Asuka felt more than heard the car gently roll to a stop. She kept her eyes closed, breathing steady, and body still while she listened to Misato shuffle around in the front of the car. "Asuka?" I'll lead stretches first, then—weather permitting—run to the Geofront so we can get right into training. I'll make sure he's familiar with the route, but eventually we can add to the length of the run if we need to.

A car door creaked, and the interior gently shook as weight shifted around and out of the vehicle. Lighter days we can run back to this building. Otherwise walk, if necessary. Find transport if possible. Light pored over Asuka's closed eyes as the door next to her opened and harsh fluorescent bulbs silhouetted her chauffeur. "C'mon, Asuka," Misato said a bit loudly, fake cheer dripping as she continued, "it's time to get up. We're home." Maybe you are. This was never home for the Second Child.

Not possessing the patience to argue the point, Asuka gently unfolded her limbs, ignoring, as she always did, the stiffness and pins and needles that staying in one position for so long always brought her. Once standing, she forced her stride to be as smooth as she could as she slowly began walking towards the elevator. She could hear Misato walking up behind her, the taller woman's naturally longer step bringing her quickly to her flank. Asuka felt the air around herself disturbed by Misato clumsily falling into step beside her, matching her speed.

"Before we meet up with the others, there's some things I'd like to discuss with you," Katsuragi said as they came to a halt to wait for the elevator. Asuka kept her face impassive despite her urge to sneer at the hesitant tone she had used. What's the matter? I bet you weren't this nervous when you talked to Kaji about your scheme to make me look like a childish brat who needs an alcoholic and her housebroken male to take care of her.

With Asuka seemingly content to remain silent, Misato shook her head—not discretely enough for the girl to not see it—and led the pair into the elevator. Asuka leaned against the wall as far away from Misato as she could physically get. She crossed her arms and kept her eyes narrowed on the ground and her head angled minutely downward. Misato had not seen her at all, having taken to standing directly in front of the door and facing it with her own arms crossed.

"I've been going over your recent test results. Well, someone has been going over them with me, let's say. Synchronization, harmonics, anything we run you kids through that collects any sort of data." Asuka clenched her teeth and tried to retain her naturally stoic demeanor. Why doesn't anyone understand. None of that stuff matters! I don't care who's stupid number is higher. It didn't matter for the robot bullshit and it doesn't matter now! "Comparing them to baselines you established back in Germany. Did you know we still have your records from when I was in Germany too? Even older, but that's beside the point."

The elevator dinged through the silence as Misato gave Asuka the opportunity to speak. The doors opened, though neither occupant moved to exit. "I'm no doctor, Asuka, but—" Misato sighed. "Even compared to when you first arrived here, it's obvious that there's something going on with you."

Asuka scowled as she angrily dropped her arms and rushed forward to brush past Misato, leaving the elevator and interrupting the automatic closing of the doors. Misato followed behind her as the doors slid lazily back into their recesses. "I've got bosses, too, Asuka. And they can only take so many of my excuses before they're going to feel like they need to take matters into their own hands. That business with the simulator a few days ago—"

"You said there wouldn't be any punishment!" Asuka snarled as she attempted to lengthen her stride in an effort to stay ahead of Misato in the journey they were making separately, together, to her apartment's door. You're such a fucking hypocrite.

"This isn't a punishment, Asuka," Misato said gently, reassuringly, as if Asuka had not spent an entire evening ignoring her until just now. "This is me attempting to pre-empt whatever suggestions anyone else might make to fix you after Doctor Akagi briefs the Commander that you should be placed under direct supervision at all times." Misato sounded disgusted; no doubt having been made to saddle the burden of doing the fixing.

"Fix me?" Asuka said lowly, stopping abruptly. She turned to face Misato and planted her clenched fists on her hips.

"You're not listening," Misato said exasperatedly as she stopped to stand with Asuka. "This isn't about you needing to be fixed, that's no—"

"Then what is it about!?" Asuka shouted, tipping her chin up in challenge. That gave her the perfect angle to glare down her nose at the taller woman. Asuka dismissed the idea that she was losing her edge as Misato ignored her glare and actually took a step towards her. It had to be a coincidence that even the First and the Third had started doing the same thing in the face of her glare, recently.

"This is about you, Asuka," Misato answered calmly. "I can't force you to tell me about what's bothering you—"

"Nothing is bothering me, except for the fact that I'm the only person who is taking things seriously around here! Our mission, in case you've forgotten, is to defeat the Angels. And no one else seems to have remembered that!" Asuka could feel her skin flush in agitation, the tight leash she had been trying to maintain on her constant desire to scream beginning to slip through her fingers.

"Are you done?" Captain Katsuragi asked, finally returning Asuka's glare. Asuka scoffed in response. "I'll take that as a yes. I know you didn't mean to offend me, Asuka, but I don't want to ever hear you question what I'm doing here. No," She said quickly, shaking her head sharply as Asuka began to retort. I hate you. "Right now, Pilot Soryu, you're going to listen to me.

"This behavior, right here? This is what I'm talking about. It isn't like you. Just a few weeks ago you were doing fine—I've been so proud of you, you've grown up so much since I saw you last." Asuka felt her throat tighten and she narrowed her eyes against the pressure she could feel building behind them. I don't care what you think about me.

"But the past week? Even longer? You've been living in your own world. Ignoring everyone, snapping at people." If anyone else around here has a better idea of what's to come then I'll be glad to listen to what they have to say. Everyone else should just shut up and do what I say.

The older woman sighed when Asuka failed to say anything. "I reassigned my subordinates I heard gossiping about how the Second Child goes around muttering to herself. Shinji's even mentioned you've seemed distracted during your extracurricular sessions." Asuka's scowl deepened at the mention of the Third Child, but Misato continued before she could voice her opinion on where the Third Child could take his opinion on anything, let alone her.

"We're worried about you, and I'm trying to help you. Before anyone at NERV butts in with their opinions on what happens." Save your fucking pity for Shinji.

"I'm fine," Asuka eventually growled out from behind clenched teeth. Misato seemed to deflate at her response, but Asuka was in no mood to examine the woman's reactions. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm still the best pilot, even when I'm constantly having to do everyone else's job, too."

Misato rolled her eyes. "So you'd normally fall asleep while you were on a date with Kaji? Beg him to take you home like a little kid asking to be carried to bed?"

Asuka had hoped the shame she had felt about the day had begun to ebb, though clearly it had not been meant to be. Her face, already darkened with anger, now flushed deeper with humiliation. "You're just jealous that he asked to carry me to bed!" She accused, always choosing offence over defence when possible.

Misato took a deep breath and closed her eyes, only briefly, before speaking again. "I told you I've been reading your test results. Well, Doctor Akagi explained them to me—whatever, it doesn't matter. I know how stressed you are. You must not be sleeping, too." Asuka was unable to open her mouth fast enough to interrupt before Misato continued.

"It's ok to feel overwhelmed. Just like it's ok to take a break sometimes."

"How can I do that when there's no time, they're wasting it all," Asuka muttered, her attempt at an easy argument circumvented. She supposed it did not count as winning an argument if the opponent never entered into it to begin with.

"Trust me, Asuka. No one is wasting any time." Misato raised an arm hesitantly, thoughtfully, to place a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You know, when I get scared, I—"

"I'm tired, Misato," Asuka said darkly. "I'd like to go to bed." Don't pretend like you know me. Like you care about me. You don't know me at all. I'm not scared of anything. I've got Momma. I will—soon.

"Ok, Asuka," she answered softly, dropping her hand back down and forcing out a smile. The pair resumed their journey, neither glancing at the other. "Oh, one more thing," Misato said airily as they walked. "Shinji gave you his room, he's already moved into the, erm, 'spare bedroom,' I believe you called it once."

Asuka did not acknowledge Misato, focusing on keeping her face as impassive as possible. What a fucking coward—who gets kicked out of their own room?

"Such a sweet boy, don't you think?" Misato asked. Asuka could see Misato glancing at her out of the corner of her eye. No. He's a pervert who prefers dolls to real girls. "He's been pretty excited about this. Don't hold it against him, ok? I did tell him it was your idea to move in. Umm, sorry. I couldn't figure out how to tell him." When Asuka continued to ignore her as they reached the door and came to a brief stop, Misato nodded her head as she fished in her purse for her keycard. "Ok, good. You can tell him 'the truth,' whatever you think that is." Asuka scoffed at the way she had said the truth, as if anyone could not see what was really going on. Misato ignored it as she finally located her key and pulled it out of her purse. "It's not like he isn't already disappointed in me."

What the fuck are you even saying most of the time. The door opened as Misato finally used her key. Asuka began automatically pulling off her shoes as she walked into the entryway, tossing them wherever they landed as she always did and reaching for where her house shoes were always kept. Only for her hand to grab on to a pair, the pair, just slightly less worse for wear than she had last seen them, exactly where they always used to be kept. I didn't wear any in my room at the Geofront.

With the correct footwear equipped, Asuka silently walked past the kitchen—currently lit up and occupied as she could see from her peripheral vision—and followed a trail of loosely organized moving boxes to her room. Once past the threshold of the open door, she blindly reached behind her to slide it closed before stumbling to her bed and collapsing in a heap on top of it.

Her head buried in her pillow, Asuka clenched her eyes shut as tightly as she could. Fresh sheets. Because the Second Child can't be trusted to take care of that herself, either. She turned her head to the side and opened her eyes but was met with only the dim glow of the city lights shining from behind her curtains. Not quite the view she had been expecting. The alarm clock is still packed. I knew that. Why would anyone have unpacked my clock. They only packed and moved it without my permission, what's one more thing to do to it?

The dim afterimage of headlights slipped across the ceiling in bursts, alone or in groups. Judging by the lack of traffic sounds, they had to be reflecting off of more than a few surfaces to end up in her field of view. More than likely, it had to be the glass windows of other buildings. Estimating the necessary angles based on likely traffic patterns on the streets below was beginning to get difficult as the dim reflected lights slowly became less frequent. She settled for trying to estimate the current time based on the light level coming through the window.

Long after the sounds of tidying up had finished emanating from the kitchen, after muted voices had stopped conversing over the muffled sounds of a television, after the sound of the front door opening and closing had left just two sets of footsteps moving through the apartment—three, she corrected her observation, as the bird occasionally left his fridge to waddle about—an insistent tapping manifested at the edge of Asuka's perception.

She closed her eyes and bit back the warning she wanted to snap to whomever—Misato, of course—was there to bother her. "The Second Child needs fixing." Asuka muttered almost silently to herself. She curled up tighter into herself, not bothering to wonder when she had shifted to laying on her side with her knees tucked up.

The tapping, after taking a brief pause, turned into gentle knocks. "You can fix me from out there," she whispered flatly. You haven't felt the need to consult me about any other decisions you make. Just do what you do best and leave me alone.

"Asuka? Are you awake?" Of course. Who else but the Invincible Shinji. Shinji's tone, muffled as it was by the poorly designed Japanese style door, contained none of the infuriating timidity she would have normally expected to hear from him after knocking on her door at night. He was emboldened, no doubt, by her failures. Come to gloat over the humiliated Second Child? I'll remind him who's the best!

Asuka was already standing and stalking towards the door, face contorted in anger, by the time another gentle knock sounded. She was throwing the door open along its track before another knock could assault it and found herself face to face with the Third Child.

He was wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt, with a pair of headphones draped over his neck and one hand raised up—interrupted mid-interruption—and met Asuka's indignance with a look of dumb surprise.

"Hi, Asuka," he quickly spilled out as they stared at one another. The softness of his tone matched the cute smile he wore once he had recovered from his shock. Her desire to yell at him, already quite high, grew the more she focused on his stupid smirk. Who do you think you are, you aren't better than me!

"What do you want, Third?" Asuka said testily, finally tearing her eyes away from his lips to notice what he was holding in front of himself. No, not in front of himself. Out to her. Cake?

"I know Misato said you wanted to rest," Shinji began slowly. He was holding a small plate with a piece of cake on it. With the nearest light source being in a separate room, Asuka could only make out that it was dark colored, with equally dark colored frosting. What the fuck is he doing?

"But, umm, here." Shinji said, some of the skittishness she had expected earlier coming through as he nodded down towards the plate he was holding. Asuka was about to yell at him for keeping his head drooped down and eyes on the ground but before she had the chance he had looked back up to her wearing the same smile as before. "Welcome home, Asuka."

It was Asuka's turn to refuse eye contact. She felt her face heat up—surely because of anger—and stared at the piece of cake. After a few torturous seconds of indecision Asuka reached up with both hands. Hesitantly, at first, until she realized how weak she was being, then angrily snatched the plate out of Shinji's grasp. She still had her eyes focused on the plate as she held it in front of herself. What are you doing? This never happened. This never happened.

"I didn't get a chance to say it earlier," Shinji continued as Asuka let the silence between them build up. "And it didn't feel right to not say it at all on your first night after moving in." Asuka finally looked up to glare at him only to meet his reassuring gaze. She ignored the way his eyes were just ever so slightly scrunched up with the way his lips were unnaturally tilted up in that same gloating smirk. She buried the disgusting, impulsive thought that some of the things Misato had been saying about him may have been true. You just want everyone to see you fixing the Second Child. That's all this is. Misato has everyone in on her plan to make me look bad. Not just him.

Silence continued to reign as the two conversationalists looked at each other. Asuka realized quickly that she had stopped glaring at some point but was too preoccupied to resume it. Shinji shifted his weight between his feet while Asuka kept flicking her eyes between the cake he had given her and the face of the boy she had taken it from. She's the one always talking about how you're so sweet and cute. I'm sick of everyone putting that nonsense in my head. How dare she call me immature!

"I wanted to make sure you got to have some of the cake I made." Shinji eventually said. His smile had been growing progressively shakier the longer Asuka kept her silence, and his voice sounded like he was building the courage to speak more as he continued to articulate whatever thoughts Asuka was sure he was not having. Just make fun of me and get it over with, Third. I don't have time to put you in your proper place right now.

"With Misato being home for a few days and Pen Pen being, well, Pen Pen, I was worried they might finish it before you could try any. I hope you like it."

"Typical Third Child, fishing for compliments," Asuka said without affect. I hate you. "Whatever, Idiot. I don't care what it tastes like, as long as it's edible." Asuka watched Shinji's expression wilt at her words and tried to savor the victory rather than examine the feeling of disgust she suddenly felt. Disgust at being mocked by the Third Child, of course. She began to turn back towards her bedroom but stopped short when Shinji stayed rooted in place—even if his head and eyes were cast back down to the floor.

"What else do you want." Haven't you done enough to piss me off? Just leave me alone and go listen to your ancient tape player like you always do.

"I was working on some chores," Shinji began, not looking up. Which means he did not see Asuka frown and flare her nostrils at his statement.

"So giving me this was one of your chores?" Asuka asked hotly. "Misato is making you feed me? Because I don't care what anyone says! No one needs to take care of me!" Shinji looked up, once again surprised, and Asuka could almost be convinced he looked confused.

"No, why would Misato want me to do that?" Shinji asked. He had taken a step away from Asuka after her outburst but was back to looking her in the eyes. "I thought you were the one who was coming up with some kind of meal plan?"

"Do I have to do everything around here?!" Asuka demanded as she dropped one hand from the plate she had maintained a tight grip on to plant it on one hip as she cocked the other out to the side. "You're the fucking chef," she gesticulated with the hand holding the plate, though not wildly enough to risk the cake, "you come up with something!"

Asuka almost felt excited when Shinji's eyes flashed with the same look she sometimes saw when he was spending time with the First in Misato's simulator training. Excitement that quickly turned back into anger. "If you've got free time to take care of stupid household chores and listen to music, you have time to improve as a pilot!" You could help me if you don't have anything else to do.

"Ok," Shinji said, unexpectedly. Huh? "I'll start seeing what I can find. But right now, I was about to start doing laundry. Is there anything you need washed?"

Typical Third, avoiding confrontation. Just agree with whoever you're talking to, pretend like you care about them, then ignore them after. The only thing missing is a meaningless apology.

"No." Asuka said. She finally turned and walked back into her room, sliding the door closed behind her. The hand she had used to close the door rose to join its twin in holding the plate in front of her. Her eyes took in the dark shapes of boxes piled in the room and the bedsheets and pillows scattered on the floor. The smell of sweat and dirt still clung to the uniform she had not removed. But as she listened to Shinji's receding footsteps her stomach twisted and she began to notice the scent of chocolate.

Asuka sat on the floor of her room amidst a sea of clothes that would now need washing. None of the clothes she would normally wear at home were comfortable. Even the shorts and slightly too large shirt she had settled on were simply the least uncomfortable in the oppressive heat on the surface. Not to mention the annoying tag the shirt she was wearing had, that rubbed just barely enough to be tolerable. She had spent some time trying to find the right shirt, trying on every one from every box she had at her disposal within the confines of her room. None of them had been the one she was looking for.

What she was looking at was something that should not be there. She was unsure of when her eyes had wandered to the plate—and its passenger—but she consciously looked away from it once she registered the focus of her vision. She had placed the plate on a makeshift table next to her bed. The type of table that looked like someone had stacked two of her moving boxes on top of themselves and decided that was all she felt like needing. She looked down at her uniform, discarded in a heap in a corner of her room. She still could not be sure which pocket she had left her phone in. Nor what time it was yet.

The shirt she had resigned herself to wearing was a little too big on her frame and covered her legs halfway down to her knees. Some logo of some team for some American sport her father had attempted to pique her interest in would have been faintly visible on it if there had been enough light to see by in the room.

She felt an irritating scratching at the top of her back, between her shoulder blades. Her hand reached up automatically to the loose neckline of her shirt and pulled it down to adjust where the tag was brushing against her.

Despite the size, and the source of the clothing, she had never gotten around to getting rid of it. She had liked the way people looked at her when she would wear it around the house, too. Not that her father was ever in the same room with her long enough for him to ever look at her. Rather, it was the envy—or was it jealousy?—from Misato that Asuka remembered enjoying, at the way Asuka could make the hem of the shirt raise above the edge of her shorts to catch someone's eye when she used to traipse around the house, wasting time.

And if she could ignore the way the tag consistently wore down on the skin of her neck, the shirt was actually rather comfortable. She did not have time for any more dithering and decided to stand now that she had enough clothing on to make the walk to the shower. Enough that no one would say anything, anyway. She caught herself in the process of looking back to the top of her table of boxes. Now she was looking at the lower half of the opposite wall. Which was still at eye level. Which was almost as frustrating as the itching at the back of her neck.

Asuka decided to stand and walk to the shower and decided to follow through with her decision this time. Since apparently that was not what it took, she stood and walked over to sit on her bed. Directly next to where she had placed her new table before her search for a shirt. Her stomach reminded her that neither of them remembered when the last time she had eaten was.

"Idiot," she mumbled nearly silently to herself. How did he expect her to eat something this disgustingly sweet without at least some water to get the taste out. She stood carefully, not wanting to bump into her table and make even more of a mess. If I'm hungry enough to eat this, I need something to drink.

She was walking down the hall towards the living room, making sure her hands were not messing with the hem of her shirt. Until she noticed a rapid, blurred together, percussive sound repeating from the kitchen area. As if someone were attempting to recreate a perfect glissando with just their fingers and a wooden table top.

Asuka stopped short to attempt a sneaking glance into the kitchen, needing to squint as she peered into the brightly lit room. She relaxed slightly at the sight of Misato wearing the yellow t-shirt Asuka hated seeing her in.

The shirt was the yellow one Misato always kept the short sleeves rolled up to her shoulders and the neckline billowing open to show off her assets to any wandering eyes. It disgusted Asuka the way the older woman tried to show off her body—that kind of behavior was inappropriate for a woman her age. She counted it as yet another of Misato's poor decisions. Like deciding to be lazy. And to age.

Misato's upper body was resting on the table, her back curved as she sat at a chair. She had one arm laying on the table, her head on top of it and looking away from Asuka, and her other hand on top of the table. She was drumming her fingers, back and forth, over and again.

Asuka realized Misato was staring at an unopened can of beer. I knew she wasn't cutting back. She just can't go without her morning beer. She hmphed loudly enough that the woman jumped at the sound.

"I wasn't drinking it!" Misato yelped, face flushed after turning to quickly face the newcomer. She sighed, her shoulders relaxing when her eyes found Asuka. "Oh, It's just you."

Asuka tensed at the way the woman said just you, but she had not come to the kitchen for a fight. She would have needed more sleep—any at all, given her complete lack that night—before feeling the need to waste energy on arguing with a drunk when she still had a full day of work ahead of her.

"It's got to be four in the morning, what are you doing up so early?" Misato had her chin resting in one hand, with her elbow propped on the table and her body twisted to face Asuka and her legs folded up in her chair. Stray strands of the woman's hair were stuck to her face and Asuka noticed how wrinkled the yellow shirt was, how worn the tight denim shorts she wore looked.

"I'm getting ready to go to the Geofront. Shouldn't you be leaving soon too?" She had originally decided to get up to take a shower, after all. There were just some other things she had to take care of first. But, as always, Misato was interrupting her.

"What? I already told you. We both have the next few days off. Well, not counting—"

"Just shut up I don't care. I'm spending my time off at the Geofront."

Misato turned her head back and hung it low over the table, supporting it with her hands. The beer can seemed to be forgotten. "Asuka, you need to listen. Or do I need to order you to stay out of HQ? Because I will, but that will end up in a report somewhere."

"I don't care what people have to think about me. If you think you can order me around, then do it. Otherwise, I'm going to work." Not all of us are as lazy as you are.

"Ok, then, Pilot Soryu." Misato rose to stand over the table with her hands pressed down on it. Staring down Asuka. I can't believe you'd do this there's no way. You can't do this you don't understand what's happening. I have to make things right or everyone is going to die Mama will die again I don't want to die—

"You are barred from the Geofront until further notice. Barring emergencies. I'll get you a signed copy of that order, if you want, with a list of further off-limits locations included, later today. Meanwhile, consider yourself confined to quarters. Since this is your home, you're of course allowed free rein of the apartment." Misato deflated after her declaration, her posture at odds with the steel in her voice.

"You don't scare me—you need me too much. Why else would you want broken Pilot Soryu here with you if you didn't need me? I'm going anyway." Asuka attempted to barge past the table and the woman hunched over it. Misato grabbed her arm, forcefully stopping her.

"I will confine you to your bedroom, Second Child, if you abuse my trust in you by attempting to sneak out while I'm not watching. My bosses won't be so lenient if you try again after that." The officer's tone is low and detached. Asuka is not sure if she is angrier about being grabbed, or that Misato is refusing to even look her in the eyes as she ruins everything. Again.

Asuka does not give herself time to consider anything before she has raised a hand and drew it back. Misato intercepted the slap before Asuka even realized what she was doing. The two stared into each other's eyes as Misato held Asuka, one hand gripping her left bicep and one hand wrapped around her right wrist, restraining Asuka's hand mere inches from her face.

"I think both of us are pretty tired." Misato spoke as if she were almost as exhausted as Asuka felt. Though not nearly so incensed. "Why don't we say none of this happened. Because we both went straight to bed as soon as we got home. Right?" Misato let go of Asuka to stand in front of her, out of reach, with her arms crossed. She nodded suggestively towards the living room. "Let's go. Remember, no work tomorrow. I want lights out." She stifled the last few sounds that were more yawn than words.

"Ehhhh," Misato sighed and bashfully waved her hands up by her shoulders. She made no attempt to hide a slightly embarrassed blush, reminding Asuka of the color of her face when she had attempted to slap her. "I really am pretty tired."

Asuka forced her eyes to look past Misato as she began the walk out of the kitchen. She barely registered Misato's soft sigh as she passed her. Asuka stopped short, just at the threshold, but still facing out of the room. "You're just jealous. You want to take credit for all of my work now that your precious Third Child and the Commander's Pet are better pilots."

"What?" Asuka was unable to declare the older woman's tone as either false indignation or false surprise. Either way, she resumed her exit without answering. The lights cut off behind her before she made it to her bedroom, though she made sure to close her door before Misato could close her own.

Asuka could not be sure how long she had been staring at the empty plate. She still was unsure of a lot of things. Like how long it had been since she last drank something, because something she had eaten had left a bad feeling in her mouth. Never mind that there was not even a crumb of cake, nor speck of frosting, left on the dish her new housemate had given her.

She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and briefly held her breath. Then she stood and began walking out of her bedroom as she shook her head. "Stupid." She muttered quietly under the sound of her door sliding closed.

The journey through the apartment was, thankfully, uninterrupted. Her brief walk was mostly silent and only vaguely illuminated until she entered the kitchen and her hand instinctively slipped up to flick the light switch. She blinked in surprise as the light revealed the kitchen in much the same state she had left it in earlier. Minus an occupant, at least.

One of the chairs was still pushed out at an awkward angle, and an unopened can of beer was abandoned on the table. She frowned and narrowed her eyes at the beer can. A dark ring of condensation marked the wood underneath the container. She was not sure when she had taken her first step toward the table, but she found herself close enough to reach a hand out and touch the can. Some stray droplets of water still clung to the metal sides.

She said that Shinji was watching her drinking. Something else that had never happened. When had it happened? The metal was warm to the touch now, as Asuka held it closer. There had not been enough water for her to notice if her fingers had become wet. It's still the same brand. Nothing is different.

Asuka decided to set the can down, pour herself a glass of water like she had intended to at the start, and return to her room to try to keep herself productive while she worked out a way to escape her forced exile from the Geofront.

A sharp kssh split over the low hum of the refrigerators. Asuka wrinkled her nose as the stench of cheap malt beer assaulted her. It smells the same, too. The smell carried with it memories of dinners and breakfasts, of lazy days before everything went wrong. Of lavender perfume clinging to a suit jacket, and all the proof she ever should have needed that no one would ever want her. She can get carried to bed like a child and no one cares.

The can was growing warmer in her hand as she stared at it. It was still fizzing and popping quietly. Asuka frowned and brought the can up to her lips. Her frown turned into a scowl when the movement brought more of the scent up to her, but she held her breath as she tipped the can up, and her head back, to drink deeply.

She drank too quickly to taste it, only partially by design, and dropped the can to the ground once it was empty. She did not give herself time to think before she moved one foot, then the other, towards the refrigerator where the rest of Misato's liquid remedy was kept.

Asuka could not tell how much later it was when she shakily rose from the crouch she had settled into in front of the open fridge. She used the door as leverage as she stood, then leaned into it to close it. She took a moment to steady herself, noting that she felt much better than she had in longer than she could remember. Her skin felt flushed, her head felt full and whirly, and her limbs pleasantly clumsy and numb.

She attempted to toss the last of her cans into the nearby trash bin, as she had with her previous ones. She heard it clatter onto the ground and grunted in annoyance. I'll get it later. She shook her head and pushed off against the fridge to begin the slow trek back to her bed. Moving her legs felt like she was wading through magma, again, and she was distracted with how dizzy she felt and how her gait was causing her stomach to churn.

It was almost a surprise when her shins bumped into her bed, and she collapsed on top of it. The last clear thought she could remember was wondering whether she had closed her door.

Asuka begrudgingly opened her eyes, which were gummy and gritty from sleep. Only to wince and close them when stray beams of light, having found their way through the cracks of her window's defensive curtains, blasted her uncovered eyes with a not insignificant fraction of the awesome might the Fifth Angel had wielded.

She blindly grabbed for her blanket, which was tangled around her body, and tugged as much of it as she could over her head for added protection. The soothing darkness helped with her immediate concern, but also allowed her the necessary respite to begin noticing other things. Like the throbbing pain in her skull. She whimpered in pain, which turned into a heave, causing her whole body to shudder as she belatedly registered her nausea.

Her faculties had returned enough for her to recognize that at least some of her problems stemmed from dehydration. Which was absurd, given how badly she needed to pee. But she lacked the motivation to argue with her body over the issue. A soft whine, more of resignation than of pain, slipped past her lips as she steadied herself to rise from her bed.

With one smooth motion, she shifted her legs off the side of the bed, sat up, and gathered her blanket around herself like a hooded cloak. That had been her intent, anyway. Instead, she ended up wobbling in an unsteady seated position on her bed, blanket half under her and half tangled in her limbs, only for the movement to prove too much for her delicate stomach. Asuka dry heaved again and gently disentangled herself as best she could.

The room spun around her as she slowly wobbled into an upright position, and she swallowed the hot, sour saliva pooling in her mouth. While it had served to relieve the cottony texture coating the inside of her mouth, it also made her stomach that much more upset. She took a shuffling step forward and lurched an arm out to steady herself, leaning on stacked boxes she vaguely remembered, somewhere in the back of her mind, setting atop one another the previous night. Once the floor was more terra firma than terra undulatio, Asuka took a few unsteady steps towards her door.

Her balance increased with each step—helped along by a hand tracing along the wall beside her—though her nausea and dizziness remained. She soon came to the mouth of the short hallway where it opened into the apartment's living room. Everything was still too bright, with too many—any at all—lights on, but with her destination so close she was too intent on her goal of relieving the rest of her aches to spend any time seeking out any light switches to turn off. She staggered into the kitchen, not sparing more than a passing glance at the Third Child seated at the table, and practically rushed—or, more accurately, lurched—into the bathroom.

Once inside, with her privacy secured, she sped to the sink as best she could and opened the tap. She had intended to relieve the aching thirst and sticky coating in her mouth, but the sound of the running water brought other concerns to the forefront. She rushed to the toilet and executed as graceful a turn as she could manage to orient herself in the right direction, almost vomiting as the room seemed to spin even faster than it already had been, almost tripping over her shorts and underwear as she lowered them as quickly as possible in her urgency to sit and relieve the now insurmountable pressure in her bladder.

What felt like an eternity later, she was back at the sink—which was still running—and washing her hands, trying not to compare the color of the liquid she had just flushed away with the color of Misato's drink of choice. The feel of the running water over her skin reminded her once again how thirsty she was, how disgusting her tongue felt caked to the inside of her mouth.

She leaned on the sink by her forearms and cupped her hands under the running water and ducked her head down—bearing the bout of heightened vertigo that came with it—to splash water on her face and into her open mouth, immediately, greedily, swallowing the cool, refreshing liquid.

Only to stumble back the toilet, barely making it in time to lift the lid and bring the tiny amount of water back up out of her roiling belly. Along with the almost entirely liquid contents of her stomach. This occupied her for some time, the sound of the tap she had left running blending into the sound of her gut emptying in bursts, until she was dry heaving again and felt even more disgusting than she had before she had managed to get any water into her system.

The sound of the toilet flushing overshadowed her exhausted panting once she was finally done retching, and she recoiled in revulsion when she realized she had been clutching the porcelain lip of the toilet bowl, as if it were the control yokes of Unit 02, while she had been vomiting. She carefully rose, being careful not to sully her hands any more than they already were, and returned to the sink.

Once her hands were clean, she cupped more water in them and ravenously drank it down, swallowing double handfuls of water almost as fast as the tap could fill them. Just to empty her stomach, again, this time directly into the sink. She felt like she was expelling far more than she had taken in but was at least given the blessing that it appeared to be almost entirely water this time.

Finally empty, again, and her dry heaving finished, again, and she had regained her composure, she began to notice how much worse the pulsing ache in her head was. And the sour, acidic taste in her mouth. She reached for her toothbrush, her hand moving automatically to its cradle, and wet the bristles blindly under the tap while she rummaged for toothpaste with her other hand.

She was not nearly as careful as she needed to be as she started to brush her teeth and was quickly dry heaving again. Some gentle experimentation revealed how to brush without issue, and she was rinsing out her mouth and running her tongue along her newly cleaned teeth in short order. Asuka once again cupped her hands under the tap—what was the flow rate of the average bathroom faucet? Why did she care?—but this time she only took small sips of water, occasionally taking time to let the liquid settle in her stomach and taking the breaks as an opportunity to splash more cool, refreshing water onto her face and neck.

After raising her head to finally confront the mirror, she took in the pale, drawn face, dripping with water, the reddened eyes, and disheveled hair that were moving up her priority list of issues to address. First, though, she flipped the mirror open to access the medicine cabinet behind it and grabbed a bottle of painkillers she knew Misato kept there for very specific circumstances—having previously used them herself for very different circumstances.

She washed down some of the pills with another sip of water out of a single cupped hand, replaced the bottle, closed the cabinet, and finally shut off the tap. A nearby hand towel was conveniently in reach for her to dry her face with, but the most she could do about her hair was to run her fingers through it like an improvised brush. She nearly gagged at the thought of borrowing one of Misato's hair brushes. She certainly was not going to rifle through the drunk's cosmetics to cover up the bags under her eyes or the sallow look to her skin, no matter how awful she thought she looked.

Feeling, if not necessarily looking, less like the walking dead, though still with a low headache, a touch of nausea, and a fuzzy head, Asuka finally turned away from the sink and left the bathroom. Her steps were far surer than they had been on her way in, and the ground felt far less likely to slip away from her.

"Are you ok?"

Only for Asuka to freeze when she entered the kitchen. She felt herself grow slightly paler, and her pulse quickened. I forgot he was in here. He's supposed to be hiding in his room! "I—I'm fine," she ground out from behind clenched teeth. Her head was throbbing more strongly now as she looked over to the Third Child.

He was seated at the table—he had been when she had walked by earlier. She remembered now. He had a neat pile of books and papers spread out in front of him. "Umm, good." He quickly averted his eyes and fidgeted with the pencil he was holding loosely in the fingers of one hand.

Asuka huffed—which she regretted, the sharp movement of her diaphragm jostling her rebellious stomach and making her wish she had remained in the bathroom as she struggled not to retch in front of the Idiot—but Shinji looked back up to her before she began to walk away.

"Misato-san said you haven't been feeling well lately. Was the cake too much?"

"The cake was fine, Idiot," Asuka mumbled as she swayed slightly in place after stopping abruptly. She had barely even gotten one foot off the ground. She wanted to close her eyes but suspected she would be replacing the strain of the light in her eyes with worsened nausea. Instead, she focused on the ground, trying to pin it in place with willpower.

"Good," she heard him say again, with more confidence in his voice. Asuka looked up from the floor, which was once again staying where it was supposed to be, and accidentally locked eyes with the Third Child. He blushed and turned his face back down to the table and the papers he was writing on.

Asuka narrowed her eyes at the expected display of timidity, feeling, for once, something other than what she had recently ingested rising up in her chest. She did not care to examine what that feeling was. Not with her head still pounding and spinning. She closed the distance—taking a few steps that were thankfully not as shaky as she feared they could have been—to the nearest chair sitting at the table and grabbed onto the back of it. Shinji briefly looked up to her before hiding his still red face by pretending to be engrossed in whatever he was doing.

"What are you doing?" Asuka blurted, the words coming out with the same speed and force as the bile she had ejected earlier. She winced at the volume of her voice, matching the twitch Shinji's hand made at her interruption. Whatever he had been writing now ended in a dark, heavy slash rather than the barely comprehensible hieroglyphs that came before it.

"Learning about nutrition," he answered without looking up. Asuka watched as he carefully erased the offending mark he had accidentally made, then brushed the paper clean of detritus. I did tell him to do that, didn't I.

She took a closer look at the books he had arranged on the table, open to pages with what she now noticed were full of diagrams, charts, tables, numbers, and pictures—not just characters that were hard to read due to her odd viewing angle.

"Good." Asuka said quietly. She pulled the chair she was leaning on away from the table and lowered herself into it, gripping the chair itself and the table to steady her balance as she did.

Shinji's eyes flicked back and forth between the paper he was no longer taking notes on and the new occupant of the table. Asuka tried to ignore how gross she knew she looked, how awful she still felt, as she deciphered some of the writing in the books.

"I—uh," Shinji said suddenly, just as suddenly getting up from the table. Asuka watched him with a carefully neutral expression as he moved over to the cabinets and rummaged through them. He returned with a thin plastic container, covered in symbols and pictures, that he placed on the table, at first reaching as if to set it in front of Asuka before settling on placing it halfway between the two of them. He regained his seat as Asuka frowned at the bag, noting the prominent drawing of an anthropomorphic rice cracker on it.

"In case you're hungry," he said simply, picking his pencil back up and busying himself with flipping the pages of the closest book.

Asuka reached over to the container and brought it closer to inspect it further. The writing on it informed her that they were unflavored and perfect as a quick snack for any occasion. Her stomach almost revolted at the notion, but she remembered her classmates in university extolling the virtues of a meal after—it didn't matter after what.

"They help when I'm feeling sick," Shinji said carefully over the sound of his pencil scratching on paper. Asuka looked up to glare at him, but he was already looking back down.

"I said I was fine," Asuka retorted shortly. Shinji did not answer, and Asuka opened the bag of crackers. She carefully removed one and nibbled on a corner of it while she watched the boy across from her work. The two sat together at the table in silence, Asuka slowly eating through a cracker and pretending not to notice as Shinji read the same page over and over again, spending more time sneaking glances at her than absorbing any information.

"Do you like basketball?" Shinji eventually asked, startling Asuka. She coughed on the dry crumbs of cracker caught in her throat and shot the boy an angry look.


"Basketball," Shinji said again. He was blushing a bright red and refusing to look at her, so Asuka figured that even if what he was saying was from out of left field at least his body language was normal.

"Who cares about basketball?" Asuka demanded. Her stomach really was starting to settle, but the crackers were making her thirsty again, and her headache was still simmering at the bottom of her perception.

"You're the one wearing a shirt with a basketball on it," Shinji muttered. He had the audacity to look indignant while he was reading his books, and Asuka would have jumped over the table to slap him if she were feeling less under the weather.

"It's just some stupid shirt my father gave me," she said instead, with all the temerity she could muster. She looked down at her clothes, noting with disgust the handful of new stains on them. The top of her back, between her shoulder blades, itched. She clenched her hands in her lap.

"Oh." Shinji said gently.

Asuka sighed quietly in the silence after the finality of his soft response. What is even happening anymore? If Momma weren't getting here tomorrow, I don't know if I could deal with living in this apartment again. It was awful the first time even when the Idiot wasn't making stupid comments like that.

Awkward silence returned only to be broken by the sound of Asuka's stomach rumbling. She tilted her chin down, her fringe obscuring her face and hopefully hiding her blush. She reached for the package of crackers to remove one as silently as she could. Hunger, it seemed, was the source of her low-level nausea now that she had consumed something other than water. She refrained from looking up while she ate but could hear the sound of a pencil scraping against paper.

Asuka was halfway through yet another cracker, still having not found something suitable to say to recover her pride when she heard the sounds of writing stop.

"I'm sorry about the cake."

She snapped her head up immediately to shoot the Third Child a glare.

"Idiot! I said it was good! I—" She fumbled for an appropriate excuse, her brain beginning to catch up with her mouth. "I've just not been feeling well lately," she asserted. "Stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault!"

"That's not what I mean." Shinji was blushing again but meeting her glare with determination on his face. He continued before Asuka could manage to interrupt. "I found—well, I cleaned up a mess today in the kitchen after I woke up." He scowled and cast his gaze to the floor across the kitchen. Near the garbage bin. Asuka felt her face heat up.

"The cake I made was in the trash, too." She remembered holding the tray in both hands, her eyes hot and blurry. She remembered, now, how much worse she felt after getting rid of the tempting circle, with just one slice cut from it. "Along with a bunch of beer cans. On the floor, too. Not even in the recycling." How much better she felt once she began to bury the cake under the refuse of her temporary escape.

Asuka's panic boiled over into anger. "If you have something to say to me, just say it!" She snapped. She had her forearms on the table, tilting forward and resting her weight against them. Leaning towards the Third.

Shinji looked back to the table, still not meeting her accusing glare.

"I think she just dropped it. She must have wanted to try some; I don't think Misato-san—" Shinji fell silent and Asuka was relieved that the fault was being placed with the real guilty party in this mess.

"Don't make excuses for her!" Asuka's mind raced to produce more to say, anything to keep him off track.

"I'm not," he said firmly. "She said she was done drinking so much," he continued much more softly, almost defeatedly. He put his elbows on the table and covered his face with his hands, garbage and papers forgotten. Asuka felt—she did not have the time to consider anything like that.

"She's a drunk," she said quickly. "She's always been one." She added more assertively.

The two of them resumed their silence, with Shinji breathing slowly and Asuka's heart pounding in her head. Not in panic, she decided. How could the Idiot ever tell what really happened, anyway?

"I got rid of the rest of her beer," Shinji finally said. He still was not looking at Asuka, who was relieved to not be on the receiving end of his stony expression. "Even if it was an accident, she knows how messy she gets when she drinks. And she knew I made that cake for you." He blinked quickly and his face flushed again. "Um, as a welcome home gift."

Asuka felt her throat tighten, completely different to the reverse peristalsis she had been dealing with not even an hour ago, but just as distressing.

"At least you got to try it." Shinji smiled, and his eyes flicked up to Asuka. It was her turn to blush and look away. I liked it, she stopped herself from saying.

"But if we're all going to be on a new diet, I'm not going to include any alcohol at all," he declared, after Asuka did not respond. He pointed at one of the books she had been watching him pretend to read. She narrowed her eyes at the page, but the sideways kanji was hard to interpret.

"Did you know alcohol negatively affects sleep? And sleep is also really important for—um, you probably already know all this stuff," he cut himself off sheepishly. Giving Asuka the perfect opportunity to seize back control of the encounter.

"Of course I do!" She told him confidently, crossing her arms and turning her nose up. She was feeling much better, now. Even her headache had subsided. Her stomach still felt off, however. "Make sure you run your plan through me before you commit to anything," she commanded, fixing the Third with an imperious stare. "This is still my program." My pilots. My plan. I can do this, even if I have to work around Misato's vacation.

Shinji, once again, defied expectations, and met her with his own determined smile. This is getting too weird.

"I will." Asuka almost missed what he had said, her mind busy trying to place where she had seen him make that face before. She was equal parts irritated and relieved when he broke eye contact to look back down to his papers. "It'll take me a few more days before I've got anything to show you, though," he said. He was back to tapping his pencil against the paper in front of him and skimming over what he had written so far.

"Just make sure you do it right. I don't want to waste any time fixing it for you!"

"I will," Shinji assured her, again.

"I may as well have done it myself at that point!" Asuka continued, agitated.

"I'll do my best."

"You'd better!" Asuka felt foolish in the silence that followed her decree. She could hardly remember the last time she had spoken with the Third for so long—even during the short training sessions she had managed to schedule around Misato's usurpation of her allotted time. And even that was tainted by the First's ghostly presence hovering around.

"I'm going back to bed," Asuka blurted. She stood abruptly from the table. The vertical change was still enough to cause a wave of lightheadedness, reaffirming her hurried decision to withdraw and regroup from the confusing encounter.

"I hope you feel better soon," Asuka heard from behind her as she made her escape.

"Thanks," she mumbled, unable to stop herself.

She was back in her bed, her room as dark as she could make it, before she remembered that she was still thirsty. She decided not to risk another confrontation she was apparently unprepared for—and she really was kind of tired, actually. Hydration could wait. She needed sleep. She needed to be at her best for her mother the next day.

Asuka adjusted her uniform blouse as she exited the rear compartment of the Section Two car that had delivered her from Misato's apartment building to wherever she now found herself. She did not bother to shut the door behind her. She had far more important business to attend to.

Like figuring out why her escort had dropped her off at some port with no plane, helicopter, or even a boat to take her the rest of the way to her mother! She squinted as her eyes slowly adjusted to the bright afternoon sun reflecting off the sea. It was a sharp contrast to the interior of the car protected by deeply tinted windows, where her only company—other than her mounting excitement at the coming battle and her reunion with her mother—had been the package of rice crackers and a water bottle the Third had thrust into her hands as she made her hurried way out the door that morning.

Sea birds squawked somewhere out of sight as her scanning gaze finally fell upon the red beret and purple hair—the bright sun accentuating the unusual color that could almost pass for black under other conditions—that marked the target of her frustration. She made her way to the building Misato was leaning against, near the edge of a pier, making sure her pace was measured and purposeful. She did not need to give Misato any excuses to send her away; that would be disastrous, and she had had one close call too many on that front in recent days. Asuka was still impatient, though, and her agitation showed on her face.

Misato looked up when Asuka stopped in front of her with her hands on her hips. She had been looking at the ground, one leg bent up with her foot pressed up against the building behind her and her own arms crossed. No doubt trying to emphasize her assets for anyone who happened to be watching her. As if her customary tight black dress that barely came down to her mid thighs was not already doing enough of that. How did she even walk in a skirt that tight? Asuka resisted the impulse to smirk at the woman's face. Red, puffy eyes with bags under them met Asuka's bright, clear stare.

"You're still wearing that uniform." Misato said flatly by way of greeting.

Because I won. You need me, not the other way around.

"Of course!" Asuka proclaimed instead. "I'm—"

"You don't need to," Misato said over Asuka's next words. "This is more of a field trip than anything else. We're still on vacation."

Asuka scowled. "My Unit 02 is—"

"Arriving soon, don't worry." She held a hand up to forestall the next outburst from Asuka, who managed to scowl even deeper but also managed not to call the woman a bitch. "I know how important Unit 02 is to you. And if you listened to a word anyone said, you'd know I always planned to involve you in the hand-off from the escort fleet." Misato pushed off from the wall and stepped forward, towards Asuka who was still scowling but perhaps slightly less so.

Only a few steps closer, though, nowhere near enough to bridge the distance between them. Misato turned and looked down the pier, out toward the sea, away from Asuka. Asuka smiled in the privacy Misato's turned back offered. The urge to gloat battled with her rising nerves over how much time was being wasted, and she decided that the current situation called for some humility in her victory. There would be time for gloating when she was with her mother again. After they had hooked the stupid giant fish Angel. I'm in the mood for sashimi tonight. I'll have to call home and make sure Shinji gets fresh fish.

"So how are we getting to Unit 02's transport? I don't see anything here, and I have to make sure the Eva is ready for me." Asuka had lamented, during the drive, that she had missed her opportunity to bring a plugsuit with her—given her recent lack of convenient access to the Geofront. But the Idiot had worn street clothes in the entry plug before with no issue. And they had all been part of Akagi's perverted nude test, back when an Angel had attacked. Asuka knew she did not need a plugsuit, and further, she knew that her mother would accept her no matter what she was wearing.

"We're meeting it here." Misato's voice lacked its usual inflection. She had not even turned to face the now fuming redhead behind her.

"What?!" Asuka's shrill shout at least caused the woman to flinch in response. The pilot barely noticed as her mind raced, filled with thoughts of her mother sinking into the sea, huge teeth closing around her.

"I'll handle the paperwork." Misato spoke as if Asuka's reaction was expected. She reached into the pocket of her red jacket, one arm rising up and crossing in front of her to pull out a package of cigarettes that she held loosely in her hand when she lowered the arm back to her side.

"Fuck the paperwork! I need to get to Unit 02!" Asuka could feel the desire to rush over to the woman grow. It would be so easy for the smaller girl to push Misato, resigning her to the same fate she was condemning Momma to.

"You'll have to wait. Like I said, this isn't official business. You're not getting in an entry plug outside of an emergency. No one is."

Vacation. Asuka seethed and clenched her jaw. You let it get to your head, Soryu. Calling home? Asking the Third to make a special treat for you? As if you haven't been slacking off enough. Get it together. You can't fail. Momma needs you.

"This is the time when we're the most vulnerable," she implored, a note of desperation creeping into her voice that she could not keep out. "We need to be ready in case an Angel attacks!" You have to realize that this is more important than whatever power game you're playing!

"We have an early warning system, and the First and Third Children can be at the Geofront ready to deploy at a moment's notice." Misato was still facing the sea, though now Asuka could see, around the woman, hazy, indistinct ships making their way to shore from the horizon. Her already rapidly beating heart picked up its pace. I'm too late already!

"The ships can't detect an Angel—we need to go now! Come on, Misato!"

"They don't need their own systems," Misato answered gruffly. "You made a great call, making sure Unit 02 shipped with C-type equipment installed. After you made a fuss about it, the Berlin branch called me to complain." Asuka watched in outraged silence as Misato lifted the hand holding the pack of cigarettes to hold it in front of herself. Misato's other hand rose, and she bent her head down. The sound of a lighter striking, and the faint sizzle of paper and tobacco igniting, just barely carried over the sound of the rhythmic beating of waves against the pier to just barely be audible over Asuka's heart pounding in her ears.

"I told them to shove it, and if they needed my pilot to tell them how to do their job, then what the hell was NERV paying them for?" A sickly blue-grey haze floated above Misato's head and blew towards Asuka. The acrid smell of smoke marred the sea air.

I do your job, so who needs you?! "So why are you stopping me now!" Asuka demanded.

"I made sure they shipped Unit 02 with an umbilical capable of connecting to whatever power sources the escorts might have," Misato continued, ignoring the interruption. "Do you know how many different classes of ships are in that fleet? I forgot, but it's quite a lot—and they all use different kinds of generators. Anyway, the Magi are watching the fleet for any unusual activity. I also arranged for a VTOL to take you to Unit 02 if necessary."

"Even if we get a warning, it'll be too late! We could already be too late! We need to go now, Misato," Asuka almost begged.

"Due to the Second Child's recent erratic behavior, Doctor Akagi has insisted that her first activation of Unit 02 be under testing conditions barring an immediate attack," Misato said sternly. She flicked her cigarette, still lit and not even halfway burned down, into the water in front of her. "Her words, not mine," she added softly.

Asuka was too shocked to formulate a response. Rage battled panic as she stood silently with wide eyes and a pale face. "I'm not your enemy, Asuka," Misato said eventually into the tense silence between them. She turned to face Asuka, who did not care that her face was now flushed a deep red in anger, that her mouth was twisted into a threatening scowl, that her arms were dropped, forgotten, at her sides. "We'll work an activation test into our vacation, ok? If it goes well, I'll talk to Akagi about coming back to work early, too. Even if I could use a longer break."

Asuka did not answer. Her scowl dropped, though not out of mollification. Instead, all of her effort was focused on how much everything was turning out so badly.

Misato smiled at the perceived ending of hostility. "Shinji gave me quite the lecture yesterday after he found that mess you made, but if you promise not to tell him about my smoking, I promise not to tell him about your drinking." Asuka walked forward, past Misato, towards the building behind her.

"He does your laundry, he'll smell the smoke," she said once she had reached the wall and turned around, still angry—not scared—though completely deflated. She sank to the ground, her knees almost bumping her chin.

"Maybe you should ask him to do your laundry—when's the last time you washed that uniform?"

Asuka put her head in her hands and closed her eyes, refusing to dignify the stupid remark with a response. She could not think of any way, short of blurting out her insane circumstances relating to time, to convince Misato to get her to her mother now. The Angel would come, and Asuka—everyone—would have to hope that the VTOL Misato had arranged would be fast enough to make a difference. She briefly contemplated swimming.

"I won't tell Shinji about the cake either," Misato said, having moved to sit next to Asuka without her noticing. "I wish I could have tried some, though. Was it good?"

Misato would have to call the transport.

Misato never called the transport. The ship carrying Unit 02 had arrived, without issue. Asuka had watched from the shore as her beloved Unit 02—her mother—was unceremoniously moved by crane, then by plane, the bulbous C-type equipment breaking up her lean predator's physique as her silhouette raced across the sky. Away from Asuka.

Asuka herself was escorted back to Misato's apartment. Her nerves had been too shot, expecting an Angel to attack at any moment, for her to protest when Section Two agents shuffled her into the back of a car. She had spent the ride back with her anger doing battle with her panic, but no sirens sounded. No call came to the driver. Nothing happened.

How was her timing so off? She knew, with absolute certainty, that today was the day the Sixth Angel attacked. Would attack. Did attack. As if she could forget her first kill—even if the Third had tagged along and cheapened it. She should have known better, even then, than to let him into the entry plug with her. Especially after she caught the pervert trying to peek at her while she had been changing. Though she could at least admit he had turned out to be useful on occasion, which would not have been the case if he had sunk to the bottom of the sea along with the unfortunate ship that she had vaulted from when she had made her grand debut. That time, anyway. The ship was fine this time. Somehow.

What was different? Had the Fourth and Fifth Angels attacked at different times, too? Once again, she felt her anger directed at herself for not paying attention the first time this had started. She was reasonably certain the Third Angel had appeared on the right day. She remembered the mix of excitement and dread that had permeated NERV Berlin, that she had done her best to ignore. She remembered how her instructors had praised her dedication when she had demanded more rigorous training and more accurate simulations, how they had turned up their noses at the Central branch and their poor showing at NERV's big moment.

It had not been until Kaji had mentioned the Third Child's synch rate during the battle, while he had been chaperoning her trip to Japan, that Asuka had really paid any attention to the specifics of that date. But the timing of her re-arrival to Berlin coupled with the reappearance of the Third Angel had seemed correct at the time.

Was the entire sequence of events somehow shifted further forward than had originally happened? Kaji had arrived early and she had never been able to pin down exactly why. He had come to Tokyo-III the same day the Fourth Angel had. Coincidental, perhaps, but it also seemed to rule out everything happening later than she assumed it would be. Though it could be that just the arrival of the Angels was delayed. She began to consider that enough had changed from how she remembered that perhaps everything was happening at times she could not predict.

So is everything I know useless now? She discarded that thought before it could take hold—her plans were solid. They would not fail. She just had to be adaptable with her timings. I can still do this. Things were different now, there was no sense denying that. They were better, in some ways. She may have to deal with the delay in reuniting with her mother—and even if it was temporary, the knowledge ate into her like a hunger gnawing at her core—but she could not throw away everything she had accomplished so far just because the calendar did not match the one she thought she was using.

The calendar was not the only discrepancy she had been faced with. She had dismissed much of her surroundings as being only exactly how she remembered them to be. Especially the Third, and especially after he had so eagerly ingratiated himself with the First. Like she should have known he would. Except that was the problem. She had too much evidence to ignore, now, that things, especially the Third himself, were different than she remembered.

Was he always like this? Standing up to Misato's drinking habits, accepting Asuka's challenge to do his part for Pilot readiness, baking her a cake? Even showing up to Asuka's training—which she could admit, privately, she had been using more as a way to physically relieve stress through intense exercise rather than as a tool to improve conditioning for her charges—she never heard him make more than mild complaints. Even when she would push him into the pool, her favorite, and so far only, way to start a swimming session. His form is pretty good by now too.

She looked up from the kitchen table—when exactly had she sat at that chair?—and looked around the dark room. It was spotless, as it always was. Always had been. His work, of course. A housebroken male. The only times he would show his spine were the opportunities he found to one-up her inside an Eva. Any other time he was weak. Meek. Soft. Pathetic.

But he's not. Not always! She quickly corrected that train of thought. Just how much is different now? How much have I been missing? Had she been too focused? She dropped her head back down, into her hands, and growled. Damn it, Soryu! She had let herself make the same mistake she had made in her first run through this mess. Not paying attention to what was important, getting distracted.

It was no excuse that her distractions this time had been reviewing past events, compensating for known mistakes and failures, planning around what she knew would happen. It amounted to the same as the first time, when her distractions had been wasting time with school, magazines, trashy television shows, and boys. She could not afford to keep screwing up. You could have ruined everything. You still could. Momma—

Her shoulders hitched as she cut back a sob, the thought of her mother bringing back the same feeling of loss. A gaping emptiness in her chest as she had watched Unit 02 racing away from her, dangling from the restraints of the massive transport plane making the Eva look like a doll dangling from the end of a makeshift rope. She pressed the heels of her palms tightly against her closed eyes and fought to get her stuttering, gasping breathing under control.

She jolted at the sound of the front door sliding open and the "I'm home!" that came with it. Angrily wiping at her eyes, Asuka tried to enforce composure on herself, just managing to drop her hands back to her lap and steady her breathing when the Third walked into the kitchen and turned on the lights. She saw, once again, his headphones tucked into his ears, and that he was carrying grocery bags. Which he almost dropped when his head turned enough to catch a glimpse of Asuka at the table.

"Asuka!" He sounded pleased. "Did you get to see your Eva?"

Again, the horrible sense of longing, of something missing, crushed her chest. She forced her face to remain neutral. "Yes," she ground out around her constrained throat.

"I'm glad," he answered with a smirk—no, a smile. He turned away from her to set down his bags. While sorting through them, he removed one of his earphones and let it dangle against his chest. "I thought you and Misato-san would be at the Geofront all night." The tinny sound of a string orchestra emanated from his loose earpiece out into the silence.

Asuka clenched her hands into fists beneath the table. The thought of Akagi doing who-knows-what to her Unit 02, keeping her away from it—from Momma—when an Angel was due any second was almost too much to bear. She tried to take a deep, calming breath while Shinji puttered around the kitchen, opening and closing cupboards while storing groceries. She released her breath and told herself that she was fine now, actually. The faint orchestra was still barely audible over footsteps, breathing, and crinkling plastic bags.

"Plans changed," Asuka said as lightly as she could. I didn't plan to spend much time at the Geofront anyway.

"Did you have any plans for the rest of the night?" Shinji was rummaging through the fridge, pulling out perishable items to place fresher stock behind them.

Sneak into the Geofront, climb into Unit 02's entry plug, and flatten the stupid pyramid and everyone in it. "I'm on vacation still," she said bitterly.

"Yeah," Shinji agreed, "me too. But Misato-san said I still have to do my schoolwork," he said morosely.

Asuka scoffed. "We have more important things to worry about than school, Idiot. An Angel—" she cut herself off. "Angels don't wait for children to finish their homework before they attack."

"But they still want me to pass math," Shinji griped.

"Math is easy!" Asuka chided him. He turned away from rearranging the fridge to face her.

"Maybe for you!" He said defensively. "My teacher doesn't explain anything useful to us, so I have to figure it out on my own!"

"Stop complaining! I was doing the kind of schoolwork you are now when I was six!" She boasted, crossing her arms and shifting to lean forward, towards Shinji, to stare him down more effectively. Didn't he know that already?

"If you're so smart, why don't you help me with my homework?" Annoyance made his voice accusative and low. "Uh—I mean, that way I can focus on more important things." He quickly amended his words.

Asuka narrowed her eyes at Shinji, then looked at the collection of food he had brought home and was still organizing. At the clean kitchen, and, while she could not currently see it, the clean apartment. He has a point. "I—" She stopped, suddenly terribly aware of how disgusting her uniform felt, remembering the piles of clothing on the floor of her bedroom. Remembered cigarette smoke clinging to the sleeve of a red jacket wrapped around the arm that had somehow found its way over her shoulder as she had longed for nothing more than to run after the plane carrying Unit 02.

"You'll have to do something for me in return!" She shouted, much louder than she had intended.

"Ok!" Shinji quickly agreed. "What is it?"

"My laundry!" She declared. Shinji quirked an eyebrow at her—the Third's audacity seemed to be growing by the day—but he quickly nodded.

"Sure," Shinji said gracefully. "I do Misato-san's anyway."

"Not just this once! From now on!" Asuka added threateningly.

"Umm, sure. But can you keep helping me with homework if I'm always doing your laundry?"

"I'll go get changed and bring you my dirty clothes." Asuka was unsure whether she was pleased or angry that he had acquiesced so quickly, unsure whether she was impressed or pissed that he saw fit to attempt to bargain with her. "Get whatever homework you're too dumb to figure out. I'll meet you back here."

"Wait, hold on! You'll keep helping, right? And with more than just math? Because I have some other subjects—"

Asuka stopped listening as she left him standing in the kitchen. She confidently strode through the apartment and into her bedroom, already mentally scheduling the extra time she would now have on her hands for more important things than laundry. If she could not quite yet get into the entry plug and kill the Angel, the least she could do was make herself useful. Even if it was indirectly. If he's not wasting all day on homework I could do in my sleep, I won't have to waste time on chores he's better suited for.

She congratulated herself on her excellent decision making and delegating as she picked through the heaps of clothing on the floor for something clean enough to wear. Something that was not a NERV uniform. Momma is waiting, I can wait too.

Asuka stood on the gantry in the cavernous Eva hangar. She was only dimly aware of the feel of the steel grating biting into the soles of her plugsuited feet. She had not bothered to acknowledge the engineers and technicians forced to navigate around her as they rushed about their tasks. Even the First and the Third, standing a few meters away on either side of her, were hardly worth noting.

Everything—everything—paled in comparison to finally standing in front of her Unit 02 again. She barely even cared that she could not prevent herself from displaying her joy on her face for all to see. Her eyes were locked on Unit 02's, dark and dormant, for now, at least, but she could see the entry plug being lowered into position, slotting into place at the back of the red giant's neck.

Her feet were moving before any word came giving her notification. She knew where to go, how the process worked. No one could possibly have anything to say to her that mattered. She was at the threshold of the entry plug, one hand braced on the lip of the opening to the plug, looking down into the dark confines. "I'm home," she whispered, taking just that small moment for herself before climbing in and situating herself in the seat.

As the plug rotated and slid into its cradle inside the Eva, Asuka gripped the control yokes in front of her tightly. She was closer than ever now. Her patience, already thin, was being strained to its breaking point. She flipped the communications on and resisted the urge to bypass the bridge and activate Unit 02 on her own. How many times has the test type acted up? But the Second Child wouldn't be able to get away with it. The Bitch would—

Asuka did not want to continue that line of thought. Not while she was so near to everything she ever dreamed. Instead, she tried to listen to the chatter on the net. Which was the normal, banal prep that came with every activation, synch test, deployment, whatever situation called for pilots in entry plugs. Her mind wandered as people she did not care about said things about which she cared even less.

The trip to the Geofront had been a surprise. One moment she had been sitting at the kitchen table, arguing with the Third—where did he get off, arguing with her?—over the finer details of the latest revision she had demanded to the diet she had tasked him to develop. Then Misato had walked in from the living room to hang up the phone and deliver the long awaited—two long, excruciatingly domestic days awaited—news that the Second Child was needed in Unit 02 for an activation test.

She fidgeted in her seat as LCL began to flood the plug and the liquid slowly rose up her legs. Her attention was momentarily drawn to the babble coming from the bridge when she heard someone—Maya, something in the back of her head told her—mention Unit 02, but it had only been a passing remark. Nothing of consequence.

The ride to Headquarters had felt both faster and slower than it ever had before. Asuka had practically leaped from Misato's car, leaving her fellow pilots and their commanding officer behind as she rushed through the labyrinthine underground facility. Attempted to leave them behind. She had not given it any consideration at the time, but by the time she had arrived at the locker rooms both of the other Children had been right on her heels—and now that she was recalling that moment, had she heard them talking to each other? She was sure, now, that Shinji had laughed in response to something the First had said just before they had split into their segregated locker rooms. Who cares.

Her video display turned on, showing Misato standing in front of the rest of the bridge in a small rectangle in Asuka's view.

"Are you ready?"

"I've been ready," Asuka said confidently.

"I know," Misato answered with a roll of her eyes. "Shinji and Rei are standing by in their Evas already, so we'll begin your activation now." Misato looked off to the side and began to speak to someone Asuka could not see. Even the reminder that NERV thought she needed the First and Third to babysit her activation was not enough to dampen her excitement as Asuka readied herself for what she had been waiting for.

She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. In mere moments, she would be with her mother again. Everything would be better. No one would care that the Third had a higher synch rate with the test type than she did—she had come to resent the ugly purple beast and its arm's length approach to collaboration with her just as much as she resented Akagi for insisting on constant synch tests with an Eva that was not Unit 02. Just as much as she resented herself for her failure to maintain her status as the irreplaceable pilot, regardless of which Eva was on hand. For being so useless that NERV could not be bothered to even inform her of a combat launch until the Third was already grappling a walking nuclear reactor. Her mother would never replace her.

Except she had. A doll with red yarn for hair and blue buttons for eyes had been the perfect daughter she had never known how to be. Even as young as she had been, her failure had been evident enough that even Momma did not want her anymore. How could she have been surprised that no one else would? How could she be so sure that Momma would want her now?

She had never known what she had done, what she had failed to do, that drove Momma to abandon her. Only that she had not been good enough. Not enough to be worthy of love. She had to be, now. She was the best. Momma would have to love her again, even if no one else would.

"Do we need to reschedule this test?"

Asuka looked up sharply when the Blonde Bitch's voice interrupted her in the middle of trying to clear her mind of thought noise. "No," she snapped angrily.

"Then get it together, Pilot, because these readings are telling me otherwise. You need to concentrate to activate the Eva."

"She's just excited, Rits," Misato said flatly before Asuka could formulate the opening salvo of her retaliatory strike. "Continue with the activation. Asuka? Focus."

Asuka clenched her jaw. None of them mattered. Everything that mattered was with her, in Unit 02. She was where she was meant to be, and she knew the secret now. Everyone else might think she was replaceable. Childish. Mean. Stuck up. Useless. But Momma did not. Momma had always been with her, watching over her. She had always loved her Asuka.

She reached one hand up to brush her hair over her shoulder. A reflexive gesture, one she mentally scolded herself for, as they had hacked her hair off weeks ago after the second time she had struck the nurse who brushed it for her. It had been the nurse's fault, obviously. She had always been too rough, pulling too hard and it hurt when she tried to force the brush through the knots that formed in her hair. Not like she was gentle when she brushed her Asuka's hair. She smiled warmly at the beautiful little girl fast asleep in her arms.

How could she care about something so trivial as her hair when she had her daughter to take care of? Not that her precious girl was a burden. She was glad for how wonderfully Asuka behaved. The child hardly ever fussed, and only ever wanted to be with her mother. Even her father had only attempted to take the girl from her mother's arms once. He never tried again. Never even bothered to visit again.

Not that she needed that worthless man around. There were days that she regretted ever marrying at all. But then she would see Asuka's cute little face, her eyes full of the love only a daughter could have for her mother, and she would think that it had all been worth it just to have Asuka in her life. She ran her fingers through Asuka's hair, and the sleeping girl nuzzled into the touch instinctively.

Leaning down to kiss her daughter's forehead, she mused that, while she may have needed to become that man's wife in order to become Asuka's mother, she was under no obligation to continue being a wife. She had what she wanted. What she needed. And the two of them had each other. Asuka only needed her mother. She only wanted her mother.

The door to her room opened to reveal a nurse—they changed frequently, there was no sense in bothering to pick up any names—pushing a cart.

"It's time for dinner, Ms. Langley." She spoke flatly.

"Doctor Soryu!" She corrected harshly. She glowered at the woman, whose face was bland enough to be unrecognizable. "And we aren't hungry. Asuka is napping. You need to leave."

"Ms. Langley, you've been told this already." The nurse sounded exasperated, but she had no sympathy for the intruder. "Hand me Asuka, and—"

"No!" She yelled, clutching her daughter tightly to her chest.


"She's mine!" She growled, backing away from the nurse, edging backwards on the bed as much as she could.

"Asuka is—"

"Stop saying her name! You'll wake her!" She hissed as pillows and blankets bunched at the end of the bed and tangled in her legs as she continued to try to push herself further back.


"Quiet!" She screeched, and Asuka was crying, it was all ruined, the stupid fucking interlopers had ruined everything, why did they insist on stealing her—


"No!" Asuka screamed. Her chest was heaving, her eyes were wide and brimming with hot tears that disappeared into the LCL as quickly as they formed. She whipped her head around in a panic, unsure of where she was as her hair jerked about around her face with the sharp movements of her head. She was back in the entry plug. Still in the entry plug. She had never left. What happened? Momma?

"You weren't responding after Unit 02 activated," Misato spoke. Asuka was bringing her breathing under control as she simultaneously thought of how to deal with the woman while still trying to understand what she had seen. If seen was even the right word to describe what had occurred. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," Asuka answered automatically. Momma loves me. Whatever had happened, that, at least, had been clear. She began to relax. "Your instruments must not be calibrated correctly for Unit 02," she declared dismissively. "This is the production model, remember? Not your colicky test type."

"Perhaps," Akagi's voice chimed in from out of Asuka's view. "Though you were the one who said that transferring here early would prevent this issue."

Misato frowned, and Asuka bit back a retort. Instead, she loosened her grip on the controls and slouched slightly in her seat. Now that she had calmed down, she recognized the familiar feeling of Unit 02. Momma, I'm finally home.

"Your synch rate is still fluctuating, too," Akagi continued, seemingly pleased with Asuka's lack of response.

Asuka looked up to the screen and grinned savagely. "And what's my synch rate at?"

"It's too unstable to—"

"It looks like you were stable at 78% for a while, which is a new record," Misato cut Akagi off. "There are some spikes higher than that, too. Good job, Asuka!" She smiled and formed a v with her fingers for Asuka.

"I told you I'm the best!" She boasted. "We can do even better, too!" Her grin softened into a small smile, and she closed her eyes as she felt what she could only describe as a hug, tight and close, enveloping her whole body.

"It's those spikes I'm worried about. You're fluctuating a lot more than we expect." Akagi again, to insert her opinion where it was not wanted. Whatever. She doesn't matter. Right, Momma? "Another spike! Get comfortable, Pilot. I'm going to need a lot of data from you. You're going to be in there for a while."

She heard Misato groan, but Asuka could not have been happier. "Let's get started!" You never stopped being my mother. I love you. Her throat tightened when she felt her Unit 02, her mother, return her sentiment through the synchronization. Not in words, but Doctor Soryu's daughter had always been such a smart girl. She knew what she was feeling.

Asuka tuned out the quiet chatter from the bridge and relished the feeling of acceptance, of belonging, of what must have been love, that she had never found anywhere else.
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Asuka you dumbass child.

Great chapter as usual. You do a great job of making the kids (Asuka in particular) feel like actual children. The frustration with adults, the erratic and often illogical responses (though of course, extreme rational from their perspective), and even that feeling of "me vs the world" is captured very well.

Having been a dumbass child once myself, you make it very easy for me to relate and sympathise with the kids and how they're feeling, even with the comparatively raised stakes - my childhood angers could hardly be compared to the fate of the world, but it feels nonetheless familiar.

Thanks for your work :)
Asuka you dumbass child.

Great chapter as usual. You do a great job of making the kids (Asuka in particular) feel like actual children. The frustration with adults, the erratic and often illogical responses (though of course, extreme rational from their perspective), and even that feeling of "me vs the world" is captured very well.

Having been a dumbass child once myself, you make it very easy for me to relate and sympathise with the kids and how they're feeling, even with the comparatively raised stakes - my childhood angers could hardly be compared to the fate of the world, but it feels nonetheless familiar.

Thanks for your work :)

Thank you for reading, and your kind words. As a fellow former dumbass child (I am no longer a child, but the jury is still out on any other descriptors) the kids of Eva are easy to feel for and empathize with. It's a testament to how wonderfully they were written for the show that they feel so real, how all the characters do, despite their drastically different world. I'm just glad that I get to plop them into my own AUs, and do things like mash them together to make them kiss. Oh, and let them swear, because it is criminal that Asuka was not allowed to say fuck in the show.
Chapter 13 New
Δὶς ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν ποταμὸν οὐκ ἂν ἐμβαίης (You could not step into the same river twice) — Heraclitus


The locker rooms set aside for the Eva pilots' use were hardly the most secluded spot someone could find inside the Geofront.


They would be rather high up on a rather short list of the places one would expect to find an Eva pilot.


They were near the Eva cages, which themselves were a highly trafficked area of the facility.


In addition to being another obvious location if one were looking for a pilot.


There were banks of elevators nearby the locker rooms, not the only ones on the base but still in constant use and much preferrable to stairs and escalators that stretched up and down for what felt like eons.


Even the inside of the room was only separated between the male and female areas with a curtain, despite the separate entrances.


But none of that mattered to Asuka.


She tightened the knob of the shower, which finally stopped leaking fat droplets, one by one, onto the wet tiled floor like it had been since Asuka had exited the showers. She was fully clothed, having finished her shower hours ago.

She walked silently back to the bench she had been sitting on, in front of the locker she had long ago claimed as her own and sat back down. She tensed in the pregnant silence, her ears prepped for the next plip, like someone waiting for the next hiccup to jolt them after finally getting rid of them, but the only sound in the room was her own breathing and the whirring of a fan that was fighting a losing battle against the humid air. She relaxed and released the breath she had not meant to hold.

Twice, now, she had been in the entry plug of Unit 02 since her "return." Since learning the secret that still made her heart race in her chest with excitement. Since she had found her mother. Just twice, despite her attempts to persuade Misato of the necessity of daily tests. She had found an unlikely ally in Akagi, but the Operations Director had claimed sovereignty over the pilots, citing readiness and proper rest—as if everyone had not already had enough of that—and declared a reduced testing schedule.

So, it was only twice that Asuka had been able to be with her mother. No number would ever be enough. But twice was achingly insufficient. The second time, though, which had just ended a few short hours ago, hours that felt like days, had passed without a repeat of whatever it had been that had happened the first time. Just the warm, comforting feeling of her mother's love, which even Akagi's bitching about unpredictable pilots had not been able to poison.

Just the feeling of her mother's love. As if that would ever be not enough for Asuka. But the fact remained that she did not fully understand what had happened during the first activation. Everything had seemed so real, so natural. She had been in that hospital bed. Holding her daughter—holding herself.

She had never wanted children. Had always hated the idea of having children. But the way she had felt when she had looked at her—at herself—the memory of it still made her throat tight, her heart ache, her eyes hot and stingy, all at the sense of losing that feeling. Of never having it back. Is that how Momma feels without me? She hated the idea of her mother feeling that way. She would do anything to prevent that. Still, it was something she had not expected to experience to begin with.

There must have been feedback. I was too used to synching with the test type, I should have known Momma wouldn't need the tricks I had to use with Unit 01. Momma will always recognize me. The stuck-up test type had required too much effort to synchronize with, that had to have been the problem. Once she had snapped out of the—memory? flashback? dream? she still was not sure—everything had felt normal.

But it was so real. Synching with Unit 02, synching with her mother, must have—she shook her head.

"I just need more data, it's pointless to speculate after only two tests," she whispered. She would need to keep synching with the Eva. She smiled. That was all she needed to do. She would have her answers. They were in Unit 02, along with everything she needed. Once the stupid fish shows up, I can probably talk Misato into more tests. Everyone is getting complacent with how long it's been since the last attack.

The door to the locker room opened and Asuka stood in response. She ran her hands down her shirt and shorts to smooth them out and looked up as the First Child approached her usual locker, clad in her school uniform and carrying a school bag.

"Hurry up and get changed, I've been ready for ages," Asuka said loudly, not quite yelling at the other girl.

"If you changed the prearranged time, you never informed me." Ayanami was already removing her clothes as she spoke, her back to Asuka.

"Just hurry up," Asuka growled. If that was sass, I'll make you pay. "We're doing sprints today, so head to the track. Shinji already knows."

"Yes, he told me on the way here. I will meet you there." She was pulling on her shorts and Asuka very much wanted to swipe her legs out from under her.

Instead, she left the locker room.

I should add more sparring to the training plan.


Asuka's arm shot out of her blanket cocoon to slap wildly in the direction of her alarm clock, finally connecting with it and ending the shrill sound. She snaked her arm back inside the nest and stretched out her back, extending as much as she could from her position on the bed.

No test today, she reassured herself, which was a disappointing prospect even if it did mean she could her eyes again. She was still a little tired, and without the promise of spending time with her mother she had no pressing reason to get out of bed. She rolled on to her side with a yawn, spinning within the wrap of blankets. And training doesn't start for hours.

Her stomach contracted, voicing its concern at her lack of movement. I could use some breakfast, though. She unwrapped herself like the gift to the world that she was and rose, straining her arms above her head as she stood and enjoying the sensation of her tendons and muscles stretching out as far as she could force them.

Once presentable enough to make an appearance outside of her bedroom, Asuka followed the smell of something emanating from the kitchen. She entered it to find the Third at the stove, wearing a collared, short-sleeved pink shirt, jeans, and an apron.

"Good morning, Asuka," he said over his shoulder, not turning his body away from the pot he was stirring.

"Mmgh," Asuka replied, one hand reaching up into her several sizes too large shirt to scratch at her ribs where her bra was digging into her skin. She walked through the kitchen and into the bathroom. Even hungry, there were still certain needs that came before food. No matter how good whatever the Third was cooking smelled. Whatever it was, Asuka could pick out enough familiar scents that she was not worried about fish for breakfast. Which was entirely too common.

A quick hygiene routine later—she was too hungry to take too long—Asuka re-entered the kitchen and dropped into her usual seat at the table. Which was bereft of food. Which she and her stomach agreed was a problem. But there was something else missing that she thought made for a better morning than it otherwise could have been. Her stomach did not have an opinion on the other missing element, though.

"Where's Misato?" Asuka had her elbow on the table, supporting her chin in her raised hand as she watched Shinji ladle soup into bowls.

"Still asleep," he answered. "She's been staying out late, I think." He turned around to place the bowls on the table one at a time, going back and forth smoothly without spilling any of the contents.

"Probably out drinking," Asuka said dismissively. She still thought soup was a dumb thing to have for breakfast, but at least he was bringing over some boiled eggs, carefully arranging them in each bowl of soup, and slicing them in half. She keeps me away from Momma, but she sneaks out to get drunk! "She has no self-control."

Shinji, back at the counter, set the empty dish formerly containing eggs down heavily. "Don't say that." He said softly. He moved to gather up the dishes left over from cooking and began transferring them to the sink, not feeling the glare Asuka was directing at his back.

She was about to drop her glare and turn her attention to the bowl he had placed in front of her when he spoke again.

"Ayanami is coming over later."

Asuka's grip on her spoon tightened, the soup caught in the concave surface spilling out of it and back into the bowl. She tilted her chin down, her hair hanging like curtains down her shoulders and her fringe forming a partially see-through barrier that hid her eyes as she watched the Third.

"And? Who cares?" Asuka asked, her voice tight—she had meant it to be light. Why can't you go play with your Doll in her dollhouse?

"Since I'm making most of our meals now, it's easier if she just comes over here to eat," he explained, as if anyone had asked him. He removed his apron and hung it on a hook by the refrigerator. "That way I don't have to cook twice or make more dishes dirty by packing food to bring to her."

"Whatever," Asuka said flatly. "I put you in charge of the food, do what you want."

Shinji sat at the table, his eyes flicking over to Asuka occasionally as he fiddled with his bowl of soup and Asuka poked at the soft, runny yoke that was oozing from its bisection. They sat in terse silence, with Shinji bouncing his eyes around the room at everything besides Asuka, and Asuka herself getting more frustrated the longer he continued to not eat. What are you doing at the table if you aren't going to eat?! She was about to voice her irritation when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Shinji said quickly as he sprung up and hurried out of the room.

"You meant right now?" Asuka yelled as she realized who had to be at the door.

The only answer she received was the sound of Shinji welcoming Ayanami into the apartment. She debated abandoning what was left of her breakfast, but as the First followed the Third into the kitchen Asuka knew she could not cede control of the battlefield.

"First," Asuka said tediously, not looking up to the other girl. Her first strike.

"Second," Ayanami answered, neatly parrying the blow.

Asuka tensed the muscles of her calves and released them, over and again, wishing she could settle the uneasy feeling in her gut with action. She dunked her spoon back into her soup and ignored the other pilots as they sat down and began eating, none of them speaking. She tilted her head to get a better view of Ayanami out of her peripheral vision. You haven't been to school in more than a week, wear something besides that uniform!

"I have been meaning to ask you something, Second."

Asuka was interrupted from her critique of the way Ayanami daintily ate soup by the unexpected challenge. "What?" She asked as indifferently as she could. She shifted her head to glance down at one hand, fingers splayed out, inspecting her fingernails. She quickly curled the fingers back up and pulled the hand back under the table when she found a broken nail.

"You have been living here for several days now. Have you been careful?"

What the fuck is she talking about, this is why I can't—

"Ayanami! You know I don't do that!"

Asuka's eyes jumped over from the First's pale, unreadable face to Shinji's crimson one twisted up in embarrassment, his shoulders hunched up and his back sliding down his chair like he wanted to disappear. Asuka narrowed her eyes as she looked back to the First, whose lips were just curling up into a smile. Barely, but Asuka could see it. Huh?

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Shinji whined.

"What are you talking about?!" Asuka demanded.

Rei shifted her focus to Asuka and raised her eyebrows in what could have been—Asuka was not sure what that facial expression meant on the First, just that it was weird as hell seeing it from the normally blank girl.

"You have not caught Ikari-kun trying to sneak a peek at you during the night? While you are vulnerable and unaware?"

Shinji ducked further down, almost all the way under the table, just barely still in his seat. Asuka's face reddened and her eyes widened.

"What?! No!!" Perverts! Both of you! I'd kill him!

"Then perhaps you are not as careful as you think," Ayanami said, and she smirked at Asuka.

Shinji looked ready to die, and Asuka kept looking between them, utterly confused, utterly embarrassed. Which just made her utterly angry.

"If he—"

"I am only joking," Ayanami said, and her smirk softened into a gentle, contented smile.

Something in Asuka's worldview shattered, leaving her even more confused. When did she start making jokes? "I—" and then she remembered. "That was my joke!" Asuka accused.

"Yes," Rei answered, and she looked over to Shinji who was sitting more upright in his chair, though he was still hunched over and hiding his face, sullenly eating his breakfast and doing his best to ignore the girls. What Asuka could see of the skin of his face and neck was still a deep red. "It is much funnier when Ikari-kun is around to react to it."

"She accuses me of spying on her all the time! Even at school!" Shinji grumbled into his bowl of soup. "This vacation had been a nice break, but now you're doing it again," he continued to grump.

"You turn a very interesting color when I do. Your friends also think it is funny that you become so flustered by the accusation."

Asuka had lost control of the encounter and was now simply shifting her focus from one to the other as they spoke. She barely had enough presence of mind to snap her jaw shut, which had fallen open at some point.

"Some friends they are."

"Suzuhara-kun has asked me to refrain from making that joke when Horaki-san is near. I believe he fears that she does not approve of that sense of humor."

"Then why do you keep embarrassing me?"

"Because he is wrong. I asked Horaki-san, and she did think it was funny. Also, Aida-kun asked me to continue. I believe he finds Suzuhara-kun's attempts to condemn 'peeping' to be inappropriate behavior for a man to be just as entertaining as—"

"Kensuke's the one who—" Shinji cut himself off as quickly as he had cut off Rei. "It doesn't matter anyway, everyone knows you just say that stuff to mess with me," he said with a defeated sigh.

Everyone knew Ayanami was making jokes? Asuka did not know what was less likely: the First stealing her joke, the prudish Class Representative with the hopeless crush on the class jock actually allowing dirty jokes in her classroom, or that everyone but her had apparently heard the First's—her—joke so many times that they considered it routine! Asuka frowned and butted into the back and forth she had stopped following.

"Get another joke, First!" She said frostily.

"Thanks, Asuka," Shinji sounded as relieved as he did when she would call an end to a particularly intense workout.

Rei looked to Asuka, who could read little from the way the corner of Ayanami's mouth twisted up a fraction of a degree.

"Very well," the First answered. "The premise of the joke was preposterous anyway. Ikari-kun has a key to my apartment, he does not need to sneak to peek."


As if he isn't ogling you every chance he gets. Asuka's brows drew down sharply as she looked over to the Third. He may be acting differently than he's supposed to, but he's still a pervert. Asuka had caught too many poorly hidden glances directed her way to believe that had changed.

Accidentally glancing down her shirt when she was adjusting the loose neckline, conspicuously looking away right when she turned her head in his direction to yell at him for something, always just behind her on every run she led them on, watching her form when she demonstrated some new routine. He's a boy, after all.

Not that she approved—but she was worldly enough to understand that was just the way things were. She would still kill him if she ever had to deal with more than the disgusting, muffled sounds of him having those fantasies. It had been a gross, semi-regular occurrence "before," but despite her anger over hearing it through the thin walls she had, at the time, derived some perverse satisfaction in knowing she was responsible for his lack of self-control. That she had that power over the Invincible Shinji. At least until she had realized he never even looked at her, could not possibly ever think about the Second Child that way, the overbearing, self-centered, two-faced, heartless, stuck-up bitch. Not when his Doll—

Asuka shoved a spoonful of soup into her mouth, not caring that it was cold. All that matters is making sure everything goes right this time. Things are different now. I have Momma. And she had not heard the Third being active at night this time around, not yet anyway, even with Misato still insisting on wearing inappropriate clothing around the apartment.

"Thank you for breakfast, Ikari-kun."

Asuka looked up from the remains of the food she had been staring at rather than eating to see the First standing from her seat.

"You're welcome, Ayanami," Shinji answered. He was also standing, and looking his normal skin tone, collecting the dirty dishes off the table. "Are you finished, Asuka?"

She pushed her bowl toward him without answering and stood as well.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said evenly. She felt indescribably vile, and the thought of staying in the same room as the two of them filled her with—with disgust. It had to be disgust that was bunching up in her throat and tightening around her heart as the First and Third stood next to each other at the sink, one washing dishes while the other dried them. Passing plates, bowls, and cutlery effortlessly between their hands, fingertips brushing ever so slightly in a way that had to be deliberate, it had to be, given how smoothly they moved around each other as they worked, like they had become one, knew the other's body so well it required no thought to shift his weight just like this to subtly brush her hip with his, signaling her to twist her waist and accept a dish from him without even having to look.

Asuka unclenched her fists and swallowed the desire to yell something, anything, to disrupt them. Instead, she turned towards the bathroom and stomped her way into it.

"Be sure to remain vigilant!" She heard over the sound of the sink running, over the sound of her feet pounding, over the sound of her blood boiling.

"Get better jokes, First!!" She yelled as she slammed the door to the bathroom closed. It jolted in its track and slid back halfway open. She grabbed the handle and slammed it again, adding her weight to follow through with the motion and keep the door closed.

She leaned back, away from the door, to stand upright. Silently fuming, and her mind racing. It's not even funny! As if the First had any right to mock her.

She turned on the shower once the sound of the sink running had stopped shshshshshsshshing from the kitchen. Who cares if those two are all over each other.

She did not care, at all, about the specifics of the relationship between the Third and his Doll. They could spend as much time together as they liked, do whatever pervert things they wanted to do, the First could tell whatever bad jokes she wanted. None of it mattered as long as they performed the way she needed them to in combat.

She slammed her bottle of shampoo back onto the surface she had grabbed it from. Not that Momma and I need them anyway! She scrubbed at her scalp, working the cleaner into her hair and massaging away thoughts of the Third sneaking—not that he apparently needed to—around the First's apartment, watching her in the shower, indulging in base male instincts at the sight of the Doll's exposed porcelain skin, the slight swells of her breasts, her exotic blue hair.

Eventually she was finally clean, of more than just the disgusting thoughts of those two doing that. And her face was only red from the heat of the shower, rather than disgust or anger, not jealousy because she never wanted anyone to look at her or touch or think about her or even perceive her the way the Third did his Doll. She stepped out of the shower and began drying herself off.

It was while she was wrapping her hair in a towel that she realized she had forgotten to bring any clothes to change into. Which was obviously the Third's fault, because his little show with the First had been so disgusting that she had needed to get away from it as fast as possible. She debated, while she continued her post-shower routine, just throwing the oversized t-shirt and comfortable shorts back on that she had worn to breakfast. Since there was no clean laundry nearby to pick through, either, which was also the Third's fault.

Her regimen completed, she looked at the crumpled pile of comfortable clothes on the ground, then to her reflection in the mirror. Her hair piled up in a towel on top of her head, another towel swathed around her slim figure secured back on itself at the top of her right breast. Tightly hugging her modest curves and ending not very far down her thighs. She turned back from scrutinizing her profile, ignoring how she looked like such a child, because she knew she was an adult.

Frowning, she tugged her towel down slightly, exposing a hint of the way the tightly wrapped material squeezed her breasts together. Disgusted, with what she did not examine, she turned to leave the bathroom, passing through the laundry area and flinging the door open on its track. Half expecting to find the Third lurking behind it.

Instead, he was nowhere in sight. Asuka scowled and scoffed to herself and started the long, humiliating walk back to her bedroom.

Just to find the Idiot lounging in the living room, listening to music and laying on the floor. He had one forearm draped over his forehead while his other hand was resting on his stomach. He sat up quickly as Asuka entered the room, and his eyes jumped even more quickly to her own as she watched his skin flush red from his neck up to the top of his head. See, that still hasn't changed.

"Thanks for trying to help me with Ayanami," Shinji said to the wall off to the side of Asuka, which he had turned his head slightly to face once the exposed skin below her neck had apparently become too tempting to keep in just his peripheral vision. "Umm, the teasing—the jokes, I mean."

Asuka moved slightly to the side to place herself back in his full view, disguising the move as leaning back to rest against the wall beside her. Smug satisfaction filled her when she saw Shinji's gaze slide up and down her body, lingering at predictable spots, then flick away as he blushed even harder. Heh. Can't help yourself, Third?

"Sure, whatever," Asuka answered him with a flippant wave of one hand. "I mean, I guess it was kind of funny—but she shouldn't be bad mouthing pilots anyway!" Asuka quickly added the last thought with a rushed shout. It's not like I care about him!

Shinji frowned and looked back to Asuka's face, making sure to keep his head very level, with no risk of sudden movements.

"But you always call me a pervert! And an idiot!"

"That's because you're a pervert, Idiot," Asuka scolded him. She reached up to adjust the towel around her, pulling it up slightly to cover more of her chest. "I can tell when you're ogling me, you know!"

"I—" Shinji shouted but cut himself off and looked away. "Now you're teasing me, Asuka," he sulked. "I'm not trying to look!"

"No?" Asuka asked lightly. "How boring." She pushed herself off the wall and used the momentum of her weight moving forward to step off in the direction of her room. Moving quickly, and glad that the Idiot still had his face turned away from her and was unable to see how red her face, neck, and upper chest were turning. What the hell was that?! I knew moving here was a stupid idea, I'm starting to sound like the Drunk!

Asuka slipped her bedroom door closed and collapsed on top of her bed, needing a moment to compose herself before she started the rest of her post-shower routine.

"Are you ready to begin?"

"Yes, Doctor," Asuka answered absently. She had her head bowed and eyes closed, already working to relax as much as she could, trying to clear her mind.

"Good. Remember, this isn't some contest. We don't care what your synch rate is, we're just looking for data. So, try to minimize the number of variables on your end. Don't do anything weird."

"Yes, Doctor," Asuka ground out, clenching her fists tightly around the controls in her seat. The head of Project E was not the only reason Asuka was finding it hard to relax. Ignoring her insulting attitude was something she was used to doing, as fighting back carried with it the threat of reduced access to Unit 02. But Asuka had her own, private concerns that made clearing her mind difficult to accomplish.

Her first synch with Unit 02, her first contact with her mother since she had died—and it was still surreal to think that she had died, as being alive made her constantly confront the fact that she was no longer dead—had been shocking. One moment she had been in the entry plug, the next she was not, and before she had realized what was going on she had already been back.

The next synch test had been uneventful, if only by comparison. Akagi had bemoaned the fickle nature of pilots and Evangelions, and Asuka had basked in the warmth of her mother's presence from within the orange glow of the entry plug for hours. But that had been all.

She had not asked her mother if she also remembered. She was not scared to—that would be ridiculous. She just did not even know if it was possible. Unit 02 had never answered her with words, despite being Asuka's closest confidante all her life. And that had been before she had discovered that it had been her mother she had been telling about her day, complaining about her training, or just saying anything that came to mind during the unending synch tests of her routine in Germany.

It had taken months, even years, of training to raise her synch level to a point where she began to actually feel Unit 02, feel how the consciousness inside would react to her emotional state. And it had taken just weeks, maybe only days, she might never work out how long she had spent being useless after her failure against the Fourteenth Angel, and her humiliation against the Fifteenth, for her to lose that contact with the mind inside Unit 02. And then to lose even what she had mastered as a child—the ability to synch at all.


"What?" She snapped out. "You're interrupting me, Misato!"

"Just checking to see if everything is ok. We're waiting on you."

"I'm fine, there are just too many distractions!"

"All right, all right. I'll leave you to it."

Focus. She had that contact again. Even better, she knew what it actually meant. Momma loves me, who cares if she doesn't remember all this happening before. She remembers me. She always did.

Warmth and recognition flooded through Asuka, and she could not tell if the relief she felt at the connection was her own. She did not care. Momma, I'm home. I love you.

"Good job, Asuka, you're well past the activation threshold." Misato congratulated her faux cheerily from over Asuka's radio. The pilot suppressed a grimace at the interruption, the reminder that the world outside of Unit 02's entry plug, out of her mother's arms, existed. "Just sit tight so Rits can get her data, ok?"

"Sure, whatever," Asuka answered. The longer she stayed in the plug, the better. She was exactly where she wanted to be and was in no hurry to leave.

She would need the time to work out exactly how to ask her mother about the past. Or would she? Jumping straight in had always served Asuka well, after all. There was no sense in playing coy.

Momma, she began, directing her thoughts towards the loving presence that all but had her cradled in her arms, do you remember, she trailed off. How exactly does one word that kind of question? Shaking her head, and ignoring the knot forming in her stomach, she pressed on. Do you remember before?

Ice flooded Asuka's veins, and she felt herself squeezed, as if pressed tightly into someone's body.

"Try to keep your mind clear, we're getting some unstable readings."

"I'm trying," she ground out, "but it would be easier if you stopped distracting me!"

Images flooded through her mind. A red-haired girl, just a child, so small, she was so precious, she had her eyes and she was holding her arms up, her face was twisted with demand in the way only a toddler's could be and she was commanding her to lift her up. The same girl, older now, but somehow so much smaller, standing on a grated walkway and angrily shouting, calling her a doll and demanding her compliance. A man standing next to her, smiling at the infant in her arms. A purple giant with a demon's face, collapsed in a heap on top of her, she was angry, and so was her girl, but the anger was tempered by relief, and even happiness.

"Focus, Asuka. Your readings are all over the place."

"I'm fine—" she gasped. "Just, trying something new—" it was hard to bullshit Misato while she was being shown so much, it was almost too much to parse. There was a blinding light, piercing down through the dark storm clouds and it hurt, but even worse it hurt her too, it hurt her so badly that she blocked all contact, and she lost her, she could no longer feel her, where did she go—


"I'm—" Momma! She recognized that pain, she could understand now. "I'm ok, it's ok," she said haltingly. It was not her pain, her emotions she was feeling. It was Unit 02's, her mother's. She had been dealing with that her entire life. She could control it. Separate what was her from what was not. Momma, I'm here, I didn't leave you! It would just take some innovative methods to do it.

"We're stopping the test." Akagi, of course. Asuka grimaced.

"No! It's stable now, I have it under control." You do remember, Momma. I'm sorry I abandoned you back then. I didn't mean to, I didn't know how to reach you anymore!

"Look, Rits, she's fine now. Isn't this just more data for you?

The pain she had felt, when Asuka had closed herself off after her failures against the Angels, was the same pain from the first synch test.

"You're seriously pushing the definition of fine, Misato. Don't let your personal feelings—"

"My pilot said she can continue the test, Doctor."

When she had seen—had been—her mother in a hospital bed, holding herself and desperate to prevent anyone from taking her away.

"It'll be on your head if anything goes wrong, Captain. Continue the test, it's not my psyche at risk."

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Momma. Asuka could feel tears forming and leaking out of her tightly shit eyes, instantly dissolving in the LCL of the entry plug. She could not possibly care. I promise, I'll never leave you like that again, I didn't mean to, I— she almost bit her tongue on what she had nearly said.

But it was too important to lie about. Her mother was too important to lie to, even if the lie was to herself. I was scared. It hurt so much, I couldn't stand to remember—warmth returned to the entry plug, and Asuka felt all the muscles in her body relax. Her chin rested against her sternum.

You remember, then? You remember everything? I'm not alone here? She received no words in answer, which was expected no matter how much she had hoped she would. Instead, she felt the horribly familiar sensation of her eye bursting open, and her hand flew up to her face as she choked on a gasp, the feeling of blood and viscera leaking through her fingers again—and it was gone as suddenly as it had arrived. Just a phantom, her eye was fine.

The pain was nothing compared to what her mother must have gone through when Asuka had abandoned her because she was too scared to pilot anymore. Too scared to admit her failure, to admit she needed anyone, even Unit 02. She had always needed Unit 02, her mother. She always would. She would not make the same mistake.

I have so much to tell you, I've been so busy here, Momma. I have a plan! Understanding, at least that was what she thought the feeling was, met her from the other side of the synch. And curiosity, as well.

I'll tell you everything! Asuka settled into her seat. She had plenty of time. It may not have been perfect, but she had a way to talk to her mother. Her mother who was also in this insane time travelling scenario. She was not alone. I should have started with this during the first test! She chided herself. Ok, Momma, let me start with the other pilots. You remember Shinji—

Asuka blushed at the image of the Third wearing one of her red plugsuits, his hands on top of her own, his body practically draped over her in her seat as they yelled in unison with determined looks on their faces.

Right, him. Asuka shifted in her seat. Idiot Shinji. They had worked together quite well for having just met one another that day. Maybe the First did not have something so special after all.

"Raise the plug depth—" Asuka's wrist twitched to lower the volume of her communications system as low as it would go. Turning it off would be too noticeable and would invite the ire of the pests occupying the bridge. But they were accustomed to Asuka ignoring them. They could still override her settings, but it would likely take hours for them to notice that she could not hear them talking to her.

Hours that she could use to explain her work to her mother.

The cabinet door rattled after Asuka smacked it closed with an exasperated growl. She moved to the fridge and began picking through it, knowing full well it held nothing she was looking for. It was, after all, the third time in the last five minutes that she had opened it to peruse. Empty handed, again, she closed the fridge.

"Where are my snacks?!" She yelled out.

"Wark!" She heard in answer. She looked to the source of the sound to see Pen Pen standing morosely in front of the fridge that had, until recently, been set aside strictly for beer. It was now full of pre portioned meals prepared in advance. No matter how many times a day certain denizens of the apartment checked it.

"Get over it," Asuka told him dismissively. "Beer is bad for you anyway."

Pen Pen huffed indignantly in response. If she thought about, not that she wanted to, Asuka would not have imagined that penguins could huff, let alone indignantly, but she had more important things to worry about than the weird bird who was retreating back to his personal haven with working cooling. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, then turned her glare to the cupboards that still did not contain her snacks. Which they were definitely supposed to.

The First had not been in the apartment to eat for the past two days, doing whatever it was that Akagi did with her in the bowels of the Geofront. It was not fair that the First got to spend as much time as she wanted there, so close to her Eva, when Asuka was so rarely allowed to see her Unit 02. But Asuka contented herself with the knowledge that the blue haired girl would never have the bond with the prototype that Asuka did with her mother.

She was getting distracted. It was easy to do when the subject of her Unit 02 came up.

The First being busy meant that not only had she missed out on the most recent training, but she also had not had an opportunity to steal Asuka's snacks. So, her lack of snacks was probably not the First's fault. Not that Asuka would rule her out entirely.

The other occupants of Misato's apartment, save perhaps the bird who had just fled, all knew full well whose junk food stocked the larders. Which meant one of them had done something with her snacks, and it had been intentional.

Asuka stomped her foot. "Hey!" She yelled, making sure to face the living room as she did so. "Where did you put my snacks?!" It was bad enough that the Angel was overdue, bad enough that Akagi and Misato had only let her in the entry plug for a few hours over the past few days. Days when she had not been allowed to see her mother, despite how tantalizingly close she was. If she had to put up with a lack of food, too, someone would have to pay.

Someone who seemed to be ignoring her. Incensed at the failure for an answer to her perfectly reasonable question to manifest from the living room, she stomped out of the kitchen. The Third Child was seated at the low table in front of the dark television, facing away from her and reading a magazine. His thin t-shirt clung in dark spots onto the skin of his back, still damp from the shower he had been exiting when Asuka had begun her search for snacks. He had one leg tucked in and cocked up, using the elevated knee as a stand to steady his magazine.

"Hey!" Asuka grumbled.

She flared her nostrils in agitation as he continued to ignore her, though she did notice, now, the cords of his headphones dangling out of his ears. The observation, the excuse did not improve her mood, however.

Asuka stalked up behind him, her years of training providing her with the necessary agility and grace to remain undetected. She leaned down and reached up with both hands to tug the headphones from his ears.

"Hey!" He shouted as he turned around sharply, his nose almost brushing Asuka's. She smirked at the annoyance written plain on his face. "What was that for?!"

Asuka straightened to her full height as she dropped the headphones. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the boy.

"Where are my snacks?"

"They're in the cupboard next to the fridge," Shinji answered testily. He began to turn back to his magazine, one hand grasping for one hanging earbud.

"Liar!" Asuka snapped. She had checked the damn cupboard! There was nothing in there! "You ate them, didn't you?!"

"No!" Shinji snapped back, stopping mid-turn to turn back and scowl at Asuka, matching the one she wore. "I just put them there yesterday! If they're gone, someone else ate them."

Asuka almost paused to rethink who should be held accountable for her dire hunger. "Not even the Drunk could have eaten that many chips in one day!" Almost paused to rethink.

Shinji winced. "Don't call Misato-san that, she hasn't had any—"

"Stop changing the subject! Where! Are! My! Snacks!" How stupid could he be? They had just run ten kilometers. He knew she liked to have a snack after training. She was hungry, and she could not eat excuses and stories.

"I threw away the chips!" Shinji answered harshly.

Asuka felt her face heat up in rage. "You what?"

"They're not good for us," he answered more reservedly. Whatever song, too quiet to hear, that had been playing had skipped over to the next track, the new song providing a cheery background as the teens glared at each other. Well, one glared, while the other met her glare with a stalwart, unapologetic, stony look that she interpreted as What are you going to do about it? Even his voice had a finality to it, as if he expected the matter to have been settled already. "So, I replaced them with—"

"With garbage!" Asuka accused, on the attack. "Nobody eats dried sweet potatoes, or roasted seaweed, or dehydrated squid!"

"I do," Misato said from the direction of her bedroom.

The angry pilot quickly spun in place to face the woman who was leaning against the frame of her bedroom door. Still in the cropped tank top and shorts that she had worn to bed, despite the midafternoon sun heating the apartment that the air conditioner was in a losing battle against. Even her hair looked like she had just woken up, in disarray with some parts sticking up at bizarre angles and others pressed flat. There were creases embedded in the skin of her face from laying on a rumpled pillow.

"Ugh!" Asuka lacked the words to express her distaste for the Japanese palate. "You people are so gross!"

"You approved the meal plan," Shinji said accusingly. Asuka spun back to face him. Her jaw was dropped in outrage—which had the added benefit of making it easier to increase the volume of her displeasure.

"So, it's my fault you got rid of my food and replaced it with inedible trash?" Asuka screeched.

"You put me in charge of the meals!" Shinji was standing, facing Asuka fully, the magazine and music player forgotten on the table behind him.

"It's too early for this much shouting," Misato said from beside the ongoing battle, sounding more annoyed than tired. Neither teen acknowledged her.

"That doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want with my stuff!"

"How am I supposed to make sure we all eat properly if I let anyone make whatever changes they want to the meals I planned? Of course I got rid of your junk food! What else was I supposed to do?!"

Asuka planted her fists on her hips. She was beginning to expect these outbursts from Shinji. To the extent that they were even feeling familiar, and, she could start to admit, perhaps even fun sometimes. Like a good sparring match, or a satisfying bout against an Angel in the simulators. But she still needed to put him in his place. "I—"

"He's got you there, Asuka," Misato cut her off.

"You stay out of this!" Asuka hissed to the woman. You're always getting in the middle of things!

Misato sighed airily in response. "Shin-chan, I was getting dressed but I can't find any clean bras. Did you wash any of mine recently?"

Shinji instantly deflated, turned bright red, and stuttered out a response that probably meant something like "Yes, Misato-san."

Asuka scowled—not that he could have seen her displeasure, with his gaze locked on his feet—despising how quickly his confidence melted away. Disgust seeped into the excitement and anger she had been feeling. Coward!

"Are they dry yet? Could you grab one for me, pretty please?"

Shinji scrambled out of the room, rushing past Asuka whose furious gaze was laser focused on his pathetic, domesticated, obsequious form as he left. Asuka nearly jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder once he was out of sight.

"You're disgusting," Asuka seethed quietly.

Misato's hand dropped off her shoulder. "Don't be a prude, it's just laundry."

"You're just encouraging his male behaviors!" Asuka despised the thought of the Third giving in to his fantasies, hated how Misato seemed to enjoy fueling them.

"He does your laundry too. Or did you think I wouldn't notice?"

"I don't ask him to pick out my bras for me!" Asuka snapped, still not turning to face the woman.

"You're reading too much into it. Besides, he's not the type to go around stealing panties or anything. At least none of mine have gone missing, anyway."

Asuka nearly gagged at her words, at the idea they represented, at what the woman seemed to be implying, but she could not come up with a suitably disdainful reply before Shinji reappeared. He bashfully walked into the living room with the asked for article of clothing, holding it gingerly, with just his fingertips, and almost tiptoed around Asuka to offer it to Misato from as far away as his arms would let him. He was somehow even more red in the face and neck than he had been before leaving the room. Asuka stewed in a silent, confusing mix of emotions as she watched the exchange.

"Thanks, Shin-chan!" Misato said cheerfully. She leaned forward—Asuka noted with disgust that her tank top was loose enough to hang down and offer an unobstructed view that would just be more fuel for his fantasies, even if they were old and saggy—and accepted the plain white bra from Shinji, who had refused to look up at all from the floor since he had walked in carrying the bra. He seemed to be begging the floor to open up and swallow him whole, with how firmly he kept his gaze locked downward.

"It's a bit boring, though," Misato continued thoughtfully. "Don't you think I'd look better in something else?"

"Misato!" Both pilots blustered in unison, both blushing, both horrified.

"Just kidding!" Misato laughed delicately at the display. "I know you'd rather be picking out underwear for Asuka to model for you!"

"No!" Shinji yelped, jumping back slightly in fear. While Asuka simultaneously shrieked "Eeeeehhhh?" and stepped forward as if to physically block the idea from taking root inside the Third Child's head. The two teens collided and fell into a pile of embarrassed, angry commotion while Misato snickered.

"I'm glad you two have taken so well to living together," she said over the sound of teenage arguing that was disentangling itself on her floor. "I knew this would be a good idea!"

Asuka bit back the urge to scream at her, mostly because Shinji's face was now centimeters from her own, close enough to feel the heat of his blush radiating off his skin, close enough for the breath from his nose to tickle her face as he exhaled, close enough to smell his soap, his shampoo, even his toothpaste, and the thought of breathing in air in such close proximity to him, air that he had already breathed, or that he was having a similar experience to her, made her feel something. Something she did not want to examine. Something akin to anger, she told herself. What do you mean, no?! Why wouldn't you want to see me like that?!

What the hell was she thinking?

"Well, I'm going to get changed, don't have too much fun out here!" Misato called as they were just managing to right themselves and getting to their separate feet. Her laugh as she danced lightly into her room was cut short by three alerts going off on three phones scattered throughout the apartment.

"Finally!" Asuka crowed as she sprinted for the door. It's here! Momma, let's do it!

Asuka sat in a darkened room and bounced her heel up and down. She was in the front row of seats that stretched out in tiers to the back of the room behind her. Next to her, and looking anxious and considerably less excited, was the Third Child. Next to him, on the other side from Asuka, was the First. All three of them were in plugsuits.

The room lit up as a large screen at the front, encompassing most of the wall, was illuminated by a projector. It showed an aerial view of Tokyo-III and its surrounding areas, with various defensive emplacements, umbilical plug-in stations, Eva launch chutes, and other key points—all memorized by the pilots, Asuka had made sure of that—marked and designated. The beat of Asuka's heel against the ground increased in tempo when a digital overlay blipped into place on the map, showing a fat orange dot approaching the city from the direction of the sea. Out of the sea. Over the land.

That's not—it's a fish! It's cheating! Fish were not supposed to move over land under their own power. Not very well, anyway. But the speed with which that orange blob was approaching the Geofront, an orange blob now labeled 6th​ Angel and, in smaller text underneath the numerical designation, Gaghiel, strongly implied it did not care how well Asuka thought fish were supposed to move out of the water.

It was still far enough away that they would need transports to reach it, and likely even external battery packs by Asuka's estimation, if they wanted to launch and engage it now. She was weighing the merits of letting it approach the city, closer to where she could remain plugged into power, when light spilled into the room from the back, casting the shadows of the three pilots, and the seats of the first few rows, at an angle across the screen. Until the light disappeared with the whoosh of a closing door and swift footsteps worked their way toward the front of the room.

Asuka twisted in her seat and craned her neck to see Misato and Akagi walking toward the screen. Misato had her red jacket closed and the collar popped up, hiding what Asuka knew to be the tank top she had been wearing when the alert had sounded. There was no hiding the frayed denim shorts she had not had the time to change out of, making her look even more unprofessional than Asuka normally found her in the outfits she chose to wear while strutting around HQ.

Her expression was serious, however, and even Asuka could admit, just a little bit, that the way she carried herself left little doubt to who, between her and the doctor walking slightly behind her, was in charge.

"The Angel is approaching the city," Misato began as soon as she had reached the front. She stood to one side of the projected map while Akagi walked across the screen, her shadow trailing on it behind her, to approach a podium on the other side. "It's estimated to arrive in—Rits?"

"Fifty-six minutes at its current pace." Akagi continued for her. The screen flickered and changed to show a live satellite view of the Angel, and Asuka felt her excitement grow as she smiled at the sight. "We haven't detected any obvious weapons, but we can't discount anything at this time."

The Angel was large—not so big as the Fifth Angel, perhaps, and certainly much smaller than Asuka remembered the Tenth Angel being, but it was long and still massive in its own right. Seeing it move through the air, undulating and weaving, side to side and up and down as if it were still swimming through the ocean, gave the pilot a sense of the size of the huge fish that she had never noticed during their first encounter. I was preoccupied at the time, the Third was in the plug. She had been focused on tuning out his interference, both physically and through the synch. And I didn't have any underwater equipment!

"It appears to be propelling itself using its AT field," Akagi continued. The camera zoomed in on the Angel and Asuka scrutinized its appearance. She had not had the opportunity to get a good look at it before, and the creature swimming through the air looked like a stingray with stubby wings, a long, thick tail, and elongated jaws like a crocodilian's that Asuka knew to be filled with sharp teeth as long as an Eva's arm.

The presentation continued and Asuka tore her attention away from the live feed of the Angel, tightly gripping the armrests of her seat to prevent her hands from reaching up to apply pressure onto the puncture wounds that had never been in her abdomen, just Unit 02's, courtesy of the monster on screen's previous incarnation.

"—to engage. They still haven't learned their weapons are almost useless against an Angel, but they'll at least keep it distracted," Misato said.

Asuka had finally unclenched her jaw, the wave of pain subsiding.

"Units 00, 01, and 02—" Misato cast a quick sideways glare to Akagi at the mention of Asuka's beloved Eva, and the doctor threw her hands up as if to signal her forced acquiescence "—will take up defensive positions outside the city to intercept the Angel."

Misato continued, turning to face the screen and gesturing to it. "Rei, Shinji, you two will be here—" here being two pulsating dots on the outskirts of the city, near an umbilical hookup station "—to engage once it's in range of your weapon systems. Asuka, you'll be here—" a throbbing dot behind and to the side of the other two, much closer to the city "—providing support. Do not en—"

"I'm in front!" Asuka declared, sitting up straighter in her seat.

"That's not—"

"I've got the highest synch rate! I should be the first one into the fight!"

Misato frowned and crossed her arms as she turned to face Asuka fully.

"Shinji and Rei have more practice fighting as a team. They—"

"I'm a better pilot than both of them combined!" Asuka seethed. They only have more practice together because you ruined my training program!

"This isn't about anyone's pride, Asuka. We need—"

"I can swap with Asuka," Shinji said loudly over Misato, who looked to him in surprise. "If you don't mind," he added more sheepishly.

Asuka rounded on him angrily.

"Who said I wanted to swap with you?!"

"Shinji, this isn't really up for debate. Coordination—"

"Would you prefer to switch places with me?" Rei asked quietly, still managing to make herself heard over Misato who was looking perplexed at the way her pilots were ignoring her. Rei was leaning forward to look past Shinji and toward Asuka.

"I— " Asuka started, angry and fully intending to tell the girl off. Until she considered what was being offered, rather than who was doing the offering. That's not terrible, I guess. But why would she want someone else to be next to her Ikari-kun? "Fine," Asuka said instead. "I'd rather fight alone, but I can work with Idiot Shinji if I have to." Momma and I could kill this by ourselves, but we put up with him before. We can do it again.

"Fine," Misato said exasperatedly, throwing her hands up just like Akagi had earlier. "Any other suggestions? Last minute changes to my plans? No? Good. Shinji, Asuka, you two will meet the Angel first, so—" Asuka stopped paying attention as Captain Katsuragi droned on. She knew how to kill this Angel. It would be simple.

After the briefing was over, the three pilots were dismissed and stood to leave.

"Second Child, hold back a minute," the Operations Director said. Asuka glared at her but paused, letting the other two pilots walk past her. "Rits, I'll meet you on the bridge, ok?"

Akagi rolled her eyes at Misato but walked off to follow the First and Third Children out of the room. Leaving the two housemates alone.

"I'm trusting you on this one," Captain Katsuragi said gravely. Asuka met her stern face with a cocky smirk.

"I'm the best. This Angel doesn't stand a chance!"

Misato narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth as if to speak but shut it quickly while expelling air forcefully from her nose in a fffhh.

"I wanted you to help me direct the engagement from the ground." She said as she crossed her arms. "If you want to be in charge of the pilots, you can't always be right in the middle of the fight."

Asuka put her hands on her hips and turned her chin up in defiance.

"Just watch me!" She yelled to the older woman. Momma and I can do anything!

Misato briefly looked like she wanted to press her case further but looked down with a frown instead. When she looked back up, barely a second later, she was smiling shakily. "All right. I know you will anyway, but make me proud, ok?"

Asuka grinned her cocky grin again and spun around to begin sprinting for the exit. Now she's finally getting it! She would show that old woman what she could do, and no one would ever doubt her status as the best ever again.

She caught up with the other two pilots as they were just entering the steel grated cage of the elevator that led directly to the Eva cages. Coming to a skidding stop, grabbing onto the edge of the door as it was halfway closed to help arrest her momentum, Asuka pivoted to land lightly on her feet next to Ayanami, facing the doors as they restarted their closing cycle after her hand had interrupted it.

The elevator groaning was the only sound between the three of them on their descent. Until Asuka could not take it anymore.

"You two better not make me look bad!"

"I promise I won't," Shinji said seriously from the other side of Ayanami.

"So do I," the First child added from next to Asuka.

"Hmph," Asuka muttered. Something ate at Asuka's stomach—not anxiousness, she knew that. She was excited, of course. That was easy to identify and went without saying. And even if she could feel the Third's nervous energy emanating off him, there was nothing for Asuka to be nervous about. She discreetly watched Ayanami from the corner of her eye.

She's been laying off the jokes since then. As far as Asuka could tell, anyway. Which meant she had not flirted with the Third before, during, or after any of the meals they all shared together. There was no telling what she got up to away from Asuka's watchful eye, but the Third had not complained to Asuka of more embarrassing moments between him and the First. Not that they had many opportunities, given they had been away from school as long as Asuka had been away from work. If he'd even complain. Asuka wrinkled her nose. I guess he might. She was still catching his fleeting glances her way, even when she was wearing more modest clothing, after all.

With mounting dread, Asuka realized what the feeling in her gut was. She owed the First something. She didn't have to switch with me. Asuka was fully capable of making Misato see reason and changing the plan to put her first in the battle. But the First had not only volunteered her own spot, she had willingly given up a chance to move with the Third the way Asuka had seen them move around each other that day when they were doing dishes together, the way Asuka knew they still were even if she was finishing her meals and leaving the kitchen before the two of them had the chance to disgust her like that again.

But the First always had that same stupid, soft smile on her face when she would leave the apartment after their little soirée—not that Asuka would watch them from the living room, poking her head just barely past the edge of the entryway into the kitchen, that would be beneath her. Which meant Ayanami liked spending time with the Idiot like that. Which meant the First was probably doing, from her own perspective, a favor for Asuka. That would have to be rectified. Asuka could not let her accounts go unbalanced.

The elevator finally came to a stop and the doors opened. Asuka was about to start walking out of the cage, into the cages, when she faltered. "Thanks for swapping with me First," she muttered, then sprinted towards Unit 02. There. That's a start. I'll get the rest for her later. She left the other pilots behind and was clambering up the gantry to Unit 02's entry plug faster than she had ever made it across the cages from the elevator.

Once settled, and her embarrassment at least partially faded, she went through her pre-activation routines and began to clear her mind. "I'm home, Momma," she whispered as she tucked her chin down into her chest and closed her eyes, waiting for her signal from the bridge.

When it arrived, after her plug had flooded with LCL, Asuka took in a deep lungful and relaxed into the warm embrace of her mother. Once again, she was met with only the feeling of support, of comfort, of love that she had come to expect. Still no repeat of the odd experience from her first synch.

Do you remember the fish, Momma? It's a little different this time, but we're going to kill it again. She received no clear answer, had not been expecting one, but she felt her eagerness for the fight matched, even amplified. Someone said something over her radio, and Asuka replied automatically, her eyes still closed and her focus still on the feeling of being reassuringly embraced, albeit metaphorically, by her mother as all three Evangelions launched.

The three pilots moved through the city with practiced ease, and Asuka relished the feeling of actually moving. Unit 01 had never felt right to her. Sprinting as she was now, she would have only been able to discern her speed, or that she was moving at all, from within the garishly purple giant by seeing the buildings and other scenery whiz by her on the display screen of the entry plug.

But as her Unit 02, she could feel her legs and arms pumping, could feel the shock of her weight slamming into the ground with each huge, leaping stride, and felt the difference between the concrete of the city and the dirt now underfoot as they crumpled differently under the extreme force. Even her field of view felt more natural, like she was seeing out of the four eyes of Unit 02 rather than looking at a feed on a screen. The feeling used to give her nausea when she was younger and her brain had bucked at the idea that she had two extra eyes, but now it felt like she was removing a blindfold she had been forced to wear for months.

The unimaginable strength of the Eva's muscles felt natural, felt right, on her frame, and when she reached the point Misato had designated for her Asuka took one last running jump to land with a rumbling flourish, crouching down to absorb some of the force and standing smoothly. She turned her head and smirked at Unit 01 as Shinji skidded into a halt beside her, several seconds behind.

"You're too slow, Third," she teased.

"I'm plugged in already," he answered testily.

"There's plenty of time for that!" Asuka bristled as she scrambled to turn and grab an umbilical cable from the station behind. Her battery countdown timer flickered off as she plugged in.

"Arm yourselves, Rei is already in position and the Angel will arrive soon." Misato, of course, and Asuka rolled her eyes.

"Can you at least send us some interesting weapons this time?"

Unit 01 opened the armoury cage that had just shot up from the ground, grabbing two pallet rifles and holding one out to Asuka. She took it in her red armoured hands and pouted her lips.

"This far from the Geofront you're only getting what's prepositioned. Make it count, but you can fall back closer to the city if you need to."

Asuka sighed dramatically, but she did not really care. It still felt too good, too natural, too correct, to be piloting Unit 02 into combat.

"I'll take this Angel apart with my bare hands if I have to!" She proclaimed as Unit 01 inspected an Eva sized pistol.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Misato said dryly. "Focus, Asuka. The Angel is closing in."

The pilot rolled her eyes but turned to face the direction of the incoming threat. Unit 01 was already kneeling and holding its rifle at the ready, using a copse of trees to partially conceal itself, so Asuka moved to put some space between them. There was a hill directly between her and where her map told her the Angel was approaching, so she ran towards the bottom of it and aimed her rifle up, waiting for the opponent to crest and expose itself.

Her mind was starting to wander, and her leg muscles cramp, by the time Unit 01 opened fire, accompanied by voices yelling distracting variations of "There it is!" She braced the rifle against her shoulder, the stock barely perceptible against her armour, and waited for more of the Angel's bulk to move over the top of the hill.

Short bursts of fire kept sounding from Shinji's direction as the Angel's shadow covered more and more of the ground beneath Asuka, and the massive white body over her head finally began to narrow into a tail signalling the majority had made it over the hill. "Yes!" Now's our chance, Momma! Let's show them how it's done!

She opened fire, the rounds stopping short of the Angel as it continued to slither through the air toward the city. Growling at the ineffective weapon—not that she had expected it to do anything, anyway—she squeezed the trigger again to keep up a continuous rate of fire.

"Asuka you need to—"

She stopped paying attention to the bridge as she extended her AT field and felt it make contact, brushing against the Angel's. The Angel, which was now moving down. Directly down, she was noting, as she struggled against its AT field. The fish was huge and, despite not seeming to utilize one during their previous battle, the strength of its AT field seemed to equal its bulk.

A bulk that was now rapidly descending toward Asuka's head. With a snarl, she chucked her useless rifle at the fish and rolled away from what would soon be an impact zone. She came to her feet just as the Angel crashed into the earth, its jaws angled up and swiping at her while the bottom surface of its body forced itself through the dirt. An action that would have been an elegant skimming over the topmost layer of soil, if it were not so massive that swimming through a new medium, which offered more resistance than the air, led to the fish digging a huge trough through the dirt, sending soil, trees, and previously buried rocks and boulders flying like seawater spraying across the hull of a ship.

Asuka flicked her eyes around quickly to get her bearings and saw that the Angel now separated her from Unit 01. We'll flank it, Momma. She sprinted away from the Angel, hoping to keep it between her and the Third, who was still firing at the beast. But the Angel, rather than changing targets, or freezing in indecision, or immediately dropping dead, or anything else remotely useful, twisted to soar after Asuka, rising back up above the ground as it pursued her.

"Keep it off me, Third, I have a plan!" She ejected her umbilical and curved the path of her sprint.

"What do you think I've been trying to do?!" She heard him yell in response.

"Well, you're not doing a good job!"

She kept glancing behind her as she ran, changing directions frequently and making sure not to stay in a straight line. The Angel would quickly close the gap between them if she gave it the opportunity, but its massive body needed space to turn. And it seemed to be fixated on her, at least for now. That's fine, we know where its weak spot is. Unit 02 surged confidence back to her through the synch as she made a sharp turn, bringing herself fully around to face the Angel and its huge, gaping jaws. Intending to leap into them and attack its core directly.

The Angel closed in on her, its core a bright, cherry red at the back of its throat, its mouth spread wide and ringed with massive teeth, and Asuka readied her legs for a jump.

Until Unit 01 slammed into the Angel from the side, impacting its AT field and throwing the monster off track and careening back into the dirt.

"Damn it, Third!" Asuka yelled. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Unit 01 was sent flying in the opposite direction from the force of slamming into the AT field. Asuka growled and leapt after the Angel again, trying to overpower its AT field with her own while it thrashed and twisted, moving in a sweeping arc to bring itself back around and begin its assault anew.

She could feel how close to failing its AT field was, though. It was strong, but so was she. And it needed to split its strength between defending from multiple enemies and moving itself through the environment. That's what you get for cheating!

"I'm going in!"

"Wait!" Shinji shouted.

"No time!" She ran toward the Angel as it was still trying to orient itself to face her directly. With a running leap, she landed on its back—well, on top of its AT field over its back—and began pounding on the field with her fists while she poured as much of her strength into her own AT field as she could, trying to break through the Angel's.

The fish began to violently buck and thrash about while it resumed its course into the city. Asuka struggled to maintain her balance and spread out on her belly, still having no place to grab onto and secure herself with its AT field up.

Her foray into Angel riding ended quickly when one momentous sideways swipe of the Angel's tail proved too much force for her to compensate for. Momentum sent her soaring through the air in a heap of limbs, and she crashed into the ground, rolling and marring the earth with deep gouges until she came to a stop. Dazed, she made a few aborted, wobbling attempts to rise.

Only for someone to grip her by the shoulder and pull her to her feet.

"First?" She said fuzzily as her head cleared and things began to stop spinning. They coalesced into a blue monocular Eva standing beside her. The Angel had thrown her all the way to Ayanami's position?

"Can you return to the fight?"

"Of course!" Asuka snapped, immediately straightening to stand tall. She even felt Unit 02 react with indignance with her.

"Good. Ikari-kun needs our help." Unit 00 began sprinting in the direction Asuka had flown from.

"Help her to bring down the AT field, Asuka!" Misato ordered over the radio.

"What do you think I've been doing?!" Asuka was going to begin moving back into the melee—the Angel, it turned out, had not thrown her as far as she thought, it had simply moved closer to the city with Unit 02 as a passenger for longer than she had estimated—when the weapons cache Ayanami had abandoned gave her pause.

Closer to the city, huh? She smirked at the buffet in front of her. Anything look interesting, Momma? She quickly settled on two enormous recoilless rifles, each one loaded with a magazine containing several rockets, and finally turned back to the fight.

As she approached, she saw the Angel had diverted from its track into the city to give chase to Unit 01, who was barely managing to stay ahead of it as he zigzagged through the open terrain. Just as when it had chased after Asuka, the Angel was attempting to follow directly in the Eva's path, never able to take advantage of its greater speed while tightly manoeuvring its massive body.

He's figured out we're more agile, good, but how's he going to kill it like that?

Her question was answered when Unit 00 opened fire on the Angel from behind it, quickly cycling the bolt of the giant rifle it was holding to fire again, and again, and again, as the Angel turned to face the source of the new threat. Oh, it's stupid!

Seeing her opportunity, Asuka brought both of her weapons to bear and fired into the Angel while it was distracted by Unit 00. The rockets collided into the orange octagons that meant they had still failed to erode its defences, but now the Angel was twisting again, away from Unit 00 and towards Unit 02. It just wants to eat the biggest threat to its AT field! The other two pilots took advantage of Asuka becoming the new target to move in closer to the Angel as it careened toward her.

"Come and get me!" Asuka screamed as she fired more rockets into the open maw of the Angel. Bait for the fish!

"Asuka!" Someone was yelling, multiple someones, but there was too much noise to accurately determine who. She could see Units 00 and 01 running alongside the Angel, Unit 01 firing a pistol into its side while Unit 00 leapt onto the Angel's back just as Asuka had earlier.

But then the jaws were around her. Around her AT field, to be precise. The Angel's had finally broken, and it was crashing into the dirt, still swimming forward, still with Asuka in its mouth, but she was mostly unharmed and, with her upper body inside the Angel's mouth, she had the fish right where she wanted it.

She could feel her legs being dragged through the dirt, could hear all sorts of panicked yelling over the radio, she could feel her mother urging her on, and, most importantly, she could see the Angel's core right in front of her. But it was just out of reach.

Of her arms, anyway. With a savage smile that bared her teeth, she flicked open the covers of her shoulder pylons to reveal the spike launchers within and fired all of them directly at the core.

"No fair!" She snarled as the spikes failed to do more than scuff the surface of the core. I need to get my hands on it!

The Angel began tossing its jaws side to side, sending Asuka flailing while still trapped in its grip. She could feel that her lower body was in the air, the Angel seemingly having raised its head to shake its prey to death. Struggling overcome momentum, Asuka finally placed one hand on the upper jaw and one on the lower and pushed as hard as she could. The Angel kept thrashing, and Asuka could feel her arms trembling with exertion.

She growled and panted as she struggled. Momma, I need you! And then she was no longer struggling. Fresh, overwhelming strength poured into her muscles and the jaws easily separated. She lifted a leg and placed a foot between two teeth and added the strength of her lower body to the equation, but it was hardly necessary. She had the Angel's jaws wrenched open and was holding them wide apart easily.

From her new vantage point, she saw, to her surprise, Unit 01 also standing in the Angel's jaws, holding them open with her.


"I see the core! Ayanami, in its throat, now!" He yelled, and then a blue blur was flying into the gaping maw. Unit 00 slammed into the core and stabbed at it with a knife, piercing it immediately.

"The Angel—" Ayanami was cut off by the world exploding.

Asuka came to in a darkened entry plug, panicking at first at the lost connection to her mother. But then she remembered ejecting her umbilical near the start of the battle, what felt, simultaneously, like a lifetime and just seconds ago, and surely had to have been more than five minutes.

"We did it, Momma," she whispered. She was sore all over, had the beginning of an absolutely terrible headache, and she was still hungry. She was working out how much of all that was the Third's fault as she flipped over to emergency power.

The screens revealed her predicament. She was face down in the dirt, apparently blown away by the Angel's explosive death. But otherwise, they were unharmed.

"Third?" She asked as she toggled her radio on. "Misato? First?"

"Asuka!" Misato answered immediately. "Are you injured?"

"No. Is Unit 02 ok?" Worry crept into her voice. There was only so much a brief diagnostic on low power could tell her.

"All the Evas are fine. Mostly," Misato said. "And so are the pilots, we've already recovered Shinji and Rei. The Angel is dead, we've got a team heading for you now so just stay put."

Asuka sighed, smiled, leaned back, and closed her eyes. She hardly even cared that they had left her for last, as they always did. Her mother was ok.

"Once you get cleared by the medics and get back to the Geofront, go straight to my office so I can debrief you."

Asuka turned off her radio without answering.

Things had not gone to plan. The Angel had proven to be tougher, if not more destructive, than she had thought it would be. And the fight had ended with her being tossed like a wet rag and faceplanting in the dirt—which had been the second time it had happened to her during the fight. The First had even been the one to get the kill!

But the Angel was dead.

"One more down," Asuka sighed into the dark entry plug, longing for the missing warmth she had become so reliant on. We did it, Momma. If only she could celebrate with her properly.

"And were you trying to get eaten?"

LCL was still dripping from Asuka's hair, had been for the entire time she had been standing in Misato's office receiving a lecture.

"Rei and Shinji at least can work together, but when half their efforts are focused on making sure you don't get killed trying to pull off some reckless stunt, it hardly matters!"

"Yeah, they can work together!" Asuka snarled in response. "Work together to get nothing done!"

Misato stood from her chair and leaned over her desk, pressing her hands flat on the paper strewn surface.

"They were keeping it moving between them so it didn't reach the city while they were working to erode its AT field. Which you would know if you bothered to pay attention to your surroundings!"

"They were never going to reach the core that way!" Asuka snapped in response. "At least I was doing something that had a chance of working!"

"If you knew where the core was, you should have told us!"

Misato sighed and collapsed backwards into her seat.

"This is why I wanted you in the back," the woman muttered in a tired voice.

"Then no one would have known how to kill it!"

"I guess it's my fault," Misato continued despite Asuka's yell, through the glare the younger girl was directing at her. "I figured all those hours helping me run the simulator training meant you knew what I expected from you. But I was preoccupied making sure Rits accepted my little compromise about Unit 02, which you three ruined anyway."

"What are you talking about?" Asuka would hardly call sitting out of what had apparently been quality time between the First and the Third "helping Misato run the simulator training." And what the fuck did she mean about a compromise over Unit 02?

"I'm talking about you needing to take your job more seriously."

Asuka's eyes widened and her jaw trembled with how fiercely she clenched it. She was not six years old anymore! She did not need to be lectured to about taking her job seriously! Especially not from Misato!

"I'm the best pilot!" Asuka eventually exploded, her rage no longer able to be contained, concerns about any sort of compromise that had to be discovered completely forgotten. Who cares if the First got one kill?!? I let her have that one! She owed—had owed, the debt was paid—the First a favor and letting her kill the Angel was more than generous compensation. "I take my job more seriously than anyone else around here!"

"You've been calling yourself Lead Pilot for a few months now. Are you serious about that?"

"Of course I am!"

"Then you need to actually lead your pilots."

"That's what I'm doing!" Asuka growled. When you aren't undermining me!

"Is that what you call it when you jump straight into an Angel's mouth?"

"That's where the core was!"

"No one else knew that at the time."

"Well, I was leading from the front!" Asuka declared imperiously.

"We have these useful things called radios. Have you ever considered using one?"

"Shinji followed my lead!" He had been right beside her when she was holding the Angel's jaws open. Even the First had not been far behind. Asuka really was good at leading her pilots.

"Shinji had to break off from some impressive teamwork with Rei because we thought you were about to be chewed in half, or worse. Not that I needed to give an order, he was on the Angel as soon as he heard you daring it to eat you."

Asuka had her mouth open to retort—she was not sure with what, exactly, but she knew the words would spring forth as she needed them—but Misato sighed again and shook her head.

"Look. Just, work with me, ok? I realize I probably could have made my expectations for you more clear, so I promise to do that if you promise to meet me halfway. Deal?"

Asuka narrowed her eyes at the woman, then huffed and turned her head away and up slightly. "Whatever. Deal."

"Good," Misato said with relief. "I'm glad that's out of the way, because I wanted to do this."

Asuka heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, but by the time she had turned her head back around to look all she saw was a red and purple blur rushing at her from around the desk.

"Misa—" Asuka began but was cut off with a wumph as the other woman completely enveloped her in a tight hug. Asuka protested, but with her face pressed into Misato's chest her words came out as little more than surprised, angry grunts. Which were about as effective at dissuading Misato as Asuka's attempts to wrench her limbs free from the steel vise of her roommate's arms.

"You had me worried," Misato said quietly. "I'm glad you're ok."

She finally let go of Asuka, who immediately jumped back to put some distance between them. If she ever does that again, I'll—she is not my Momma! Asuka had a mother, and Misato would never compare to her.

"What else do you want?" Asuka bit out, eyeing Misato warily. "I need to shower, and I want to go home and eat."

Misato looked down at her red jacket, darkened in splotches where LCL from contact with Asuka had soiled it. She blanched.

"That was all. Just—" Misato huffed out a breath. "I may have thought you could do better in some ways, but—" she stopped again, and Asuka narrowed her eyes at her.

"I'm glad to have the Second Child piloting Unit 02," Misato said formally. "You were impressive, if nothing else. Just don't jump into any more Angel's mouths."

Asuka was not sure how to deal with Misato acting like that. The rest of them don't have cores in their mouths, I guess.

"I won't if I don't have to," Asuka eventually said flatly. That seemed like a good compromise.

"I'll take it. Go get cleaned up, and make sure the others get home. I'll be staying late—before you ask, yes, our vacation is officially over, so if you want to come in to work with me tomorrow you can. Shinji and Rei will have the rest of the week off school, but they'll be back to a normal schedule starting next week."

Asuka smiled.

"Finally!" She yelled, raising one hand up to her chin and clenching her fist in victory. LCL had spattered off her arm with the speed of her movement, leaving a trail of droplets across Misato's wall.

"Go on, Asuka," Misato said with a frown as she wrinkled her nose at the mess. "I have to clean this place myself, you know."

Asuka spun around, still elated at finally being free to get back to the work she had been forced to set aside. She opened the door and dashed into the hallway.

Directly into the Third Child, the pair bouncing off each other and falling onto the ground. The sound of Misato snickering was cut off by her door closing.

"Asuka, I'm glad you're ok!" Shinji groaned as he stood, rubbing his head and dusting off his pants. Contact with Asuka's plugsuit and left wet spots on his pants, and orange splotches on his white uniform shirt.

"I was until you ran into me," grumbled Asuka as she caught herself, barely, from falling again as her foot slid over a small puddle of LCL, likely left from when she had first made her journey to Misato's office.

"You should probably learn to watch where you're going. And be more careful in general."

"What did you say?" Asuka shrieked, but Shinji held his ground and challenged her furious visage with cold determination.

"You almost got eaten." His voice was quiet but firm, which did nothing to calm Asuka.

"I had everything totally under control!" I don't need another lecture, especially not from you!

"That's not what it looked like!"

"That's because you're stupid! Idiot!"

"I—" Shinji snapped his jaw shut with a clack. "I did what you taught me to do. What Misato-san taught me to do. Nobody taught me to jump straight into an Angel's open mouth!"

Asuka's brows drew down in anger and she was ready to snap out another retort. But she held back. He did ok, I guess. He had been right beside her opening the Angel's jaws, after all. And he had pretty quickly figured out how to distract the Angel, and had set up a decent back and forth system with Ayanami to keep it occupied while Asuka made herself the bait. Even Ayanami had been quick to secure the kill, once the Idiot had called out the location of the core for everyone else.

"Look, Third, you can't expect me to play by the same book as you and the First, ok? I'm the best, and I know what I'm doing."

Shinji did not look convinced.

"Just trust me, ok?" This is humiliating, begging for something from the Idiot.

Shinji sighed deeply.

"I trust you," he finally said softly. "I was just worried."

"Don't be," Asuka said around the lump that had inexplicably formed in her throat. "You did pretty well yourself, too," she said, before she knew she had.

Shinji blushed and looked away from her, but he was smiling broadly.

"Thanks," he said. "I just did what you and Misato-san taught me. It was scary, but I knew what I had to do."

Asuka was growing more unsure the more the conversation moved away from an argument. Fights were easy. Whatever this was—the fluttering in her stomach when his dark blue eyes gazed up to meet hers, the absurd curiosity about how the flushed skin of his face would feel against her fingers, against her cheek, the way her throat felt almost too tight to speak when he had been concerned enough to be angry at her. The Idiot, worried about her! It was all too confusing, and completely irrelevant. She did not want the Third to hug her the way Misato had. That would be disgusting.

"Keep it up, Shinji," she said. I have to make sure he keeps piloting. That's all. I can't have him running away. "I'll make a pilot out of you yet."

He cocked his head at her and shot her a confused look.

"But I am a pilot."

"Yeah, but you could be better!" Asuka reached out and grabbed him by the wrist and began dragging him down the hall. With absolutely no idea why she had decided to do so. "Come on, I'm going to shower and change. Wait for me outside the locker rooms." Misato had told her to make sure he got home. That was why she needed to take him with her.

"Oh—ok," he said shakily, taking hopping steps to keep up with Asuka, who was not quite jogging.

"I'm still hungry, and you owe me snacks!" She yelled at him over her shoulder. "So when we get home you need to fix the problem you caused!"

"Asuka," Shinji whined.

She squeezed his wrist tighter in response, causing him to wince. With a smirk, Asuka turned her head back around and nearly jumped backwards in surprise to see the First Child waiting for them at the elevators.

"Second," she said, and she was smiling at Asuka when she did.

Come to gloat? I'll— Asuka clenched her jaw as she took the last few steps between them, Shinji's wrist still gripped tightly. I'll just let her have it, this time.

"Ayanami," Asuka said curtly, without looking at her.

"I am glad to see you uninjured. Ikari-kun was concerned for your well-being."

"What, and you weren't?" Asuka rounded on the other girl, Shinji jerking off-balance with an "Ah!" as she unexpectedly twisted around.

One light blue eyebrow quirked up at Asuka.

"Would you have wanted me to be?"

Asuka blinked and jerked her head back in surprise, or anger, or something, she was not sure what. Until she heard the Third stifling a chortle. Then she was sure she was angry.

"And what's so funny, Third?!" She yelled, yanking on his wrist to drag him more directly in front of her, the better to stare him down.

"Ah—ow!" He yelped, one hand raising to grab at the hand that Asuka had around his wrist. "Asuka, let go, that hurts."

At the contact of his fingers on her plugsuited ones—warm, gentle and sure as he attempted to work her grip loose, she could feel callouses he was developing even through the material of the plugsuit but she did not mind, a man's hands should be that way—she dropped his wrist and snatched her hand back as if she had been shocked.

"Keep your hands to yourself, pervert!" She yelped at him.

"That's what I was trying to do," he muttered as he gently massaged his wrist.

Asuka crossed her arms over her chest.

"Stop trying to distract me from the fact that you threw away my snacks!"

"You're still mad about that?"

"Of course I am!"

An elevator dinged and doors opened behind the arguing pair of pilots, and one silent one beside them. All three of them got in the car together.

"I'll get you something to eat when we get home." He sounded resigned to his fate.

"I already told you to do that, the snack situation is an entirely separate matter!"

"Asuka, can we settle this later? I promise to get you food when we get home, but I'm tired."

She eyed the boy up and down, frowning as she scrutinized his pleading eyes and face.

"Hmph." She turned to face the closed door of the elevator, and Ayanami who was standing directly in front of them. That odd feeling from before, almost like anxiousness or unease, started seeping into her chest again. "Make sure there's enough for Ayanami too," she said haughtily, feeling nowhere near as sure of herself as she sounded.

"Mmm," Shinji grunted affirmatively, and she could hear the easy smile on his face without having to look. It was becoming a more common sight in recent days.

The elevator turned silent after his assent. Irritation grew in Asuka as she eyed the blue back of the other girl's head.

"I was also worried about you. I think it is natural for us to be concerned about each other."

The elevator dinged again, and the doors opened on the floor for the locker room. Ayanami walked out, leaving Asuka and Shinji to look at each other in the wake of her statement. Shinji smiled at her and gestured with one hand for Asuka to go before him.

Asuka looked down at her feet and walked out. There was too much going on for how tired and hungry she was. She needed a shower.

And just what had Misato meant about a compromise?
You gotta love the growing sense of dramatic irony in this story as Asuka's tunnelvision blinds her to crucial details not only about the people around her, but also herself.