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Alexander Anderson is sent to 15th Century Wallachia to end Dracula's Curse by the Will Of God, and as the Judas Priest, Saint Guillotine, Angel Dust Anderson (List Continues), he will see this mission through to the end, even if it kills him! Though in all likelihood, it's going to kill about everything except him.
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It is 1962 and evil won the last war. With the help of supernatural horrors, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan have conquered Europe and Asia, while Russia lies in ruins and the USA languishes in the disunity of defeat. There is no such thing as immortality, however, not for life and certainly not for nations. As a new generation comes of age the new order will be shaken, and the monsters that could once be fought in the shadows will define world affairs.
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"These are the Records detailing the Event in the Warhammer Fantasy Timeline known as 'Alucard's Walk'. It details every event, person of interest, and battle had by the Vampire known as Alucard as he 'Walks' through the World of Warhammer Fantasy."
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Blood pounds between your temples. Beasts howl under the red glow of the Blood Moon. A baby is...
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I welcome you all to the second installment of this grand crossover between Hellsing, JoJo's...
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You know how people wake up with a hangover after a night of partying, missing their keys and...
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Stirring in your sleep, you could hear the sounds of muffled arguing in an unknown tongue...
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Before I begin, I'd like to say a few things. This'll be my first attempt at a quest, and my...
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As long as mankind has been around there've been tales of monsters. Ghosts, vampires...
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On a certain day in the Western Hemisphere of earth, a falling star set the night sky ablaze...
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Waking up, you felt as if there was fire burning around you. Is this Hell or is Heaven a bit...
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First choice is the power, second the person, third is the world you’re in. You were a simple...
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Dying isn't such a strange thing. You knew that death came for everyone, even you. Of course...
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You are the leader of an organization in what is a fairly screwed up world. To be specific, a...
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One Year before the Battle of London ... "As you can see Master Integra,Her Majesty has...
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Your footsteps echoed along the streets, a black cloak covered your entire form leaving much to...
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New Meridian. For a city that used to be the ruins of the Grand War, new is certainly a...
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Today is not your day. In order of severity there's a crime wave, rumors of new threats and a...
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Note: I post this here so that it can be here and here. This is not a CK2 styled quest. Jeanne...
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In which there are Nazi vampires. You aren't a native here in England. Truthfully you're a...
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You are Seras Victoria, daughter of Marcus Victoria and Melinda Victoria. And you are scared...
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"Shoulda brought my shotgun." Eddie gripes. Simon sighs, tapping the steering wheel to the left...
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