Contractor Quest (Hellsing)

Damn it! Not paying attention in Theology at Catholic school has screwed me, for once.

Why isn't there like a universal prayer we can use to show we're Catholic?
What I don't get is why everybody thinking that being Catholic is going to stop this lady from shanking us, or trying, at least. Catholics have wars with each other all the time (or did, back in the medieval ages), and, keep in mind, unless we elaborate on what we're going to do with this idiot, we still look like we're defending a guy who was literally saying that he was going to rape and then eat her. That kind of discounts any points we'd get from being Catholic, which aren't many.

This said, I'm still voting for the Write-in because it's sticking point isn't that we're both Catholic, but that we're Catholic and we don't care about this guy at all. It takes the emphasis from "We're between you and your target" and puts it at "Guy has taken an interest in your pilgrimage and is asking you about it, while target does nothing". It just kind of kicks the tension in the air in the face.
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Yumie is kinda fanatical when it comes to heathens, more so than other section 13 members. Our only options really are to make her see that we're not a heathen or knock her out so her other personality takes over when she wakes up. Problem is, where there's Yumie, there's Heinkel.

We could also kill her and start a war with the Vatican.

But let's not do that.
Yumie is kinda fanatical when it comes to heathens, more so than other section 13 members. Our only options really are to make her see that we're not a heathen or knock her out so her other personality takes over when she wakes up. Problem is, where there's Yumie, there's Heinkel.

We could also kill her and start a war with the Vatican.

But let's not do that.
Something tells me we're going to have to bonk her over the head by the end of this, but hey the risks of attempted diplomacy eh?
What I don't get is why everybody thinking that being Catholic is going to stop this lady from shanking us, or trying, at least. Catholics have wars with each other all the time (or did, back in the medieval ages), and, keep in mind, unless we elaborate on what we're going to do with this idiot, we still look like we're defending a guy who was literally saying that he was going to rape and then eat her. That kind of discounts any points we'd get from being Catholic, which aren't many.

This said, I'm still voting for the Write-in because it's sticking point isn't that we're both Catholic, but that we're Catholic and we don't care about this guy at all. It takes the emphasis from "We're between you and your target" and puts it at "Guy has taken an interest in your pilgrimage and is asking you about it, while target does nothing". It just kind of kicks the tension in the air in the face.
Because a slim chance is better then no chance?
Because a slim chance is better then no chance?
Well, yes, I'm just saying that some people are only voting for that. Going for the slim chance and not thinking about what happens if it falls through, in other words. Those are the people that I'm annoyed at. Oh, and the people thinking that we have to have a secret passcode to prove it, when we've got a Rosary in our pocket...
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Since Yumie died pretty quickly in hellsing. Have some Crossfire stuff.

Remember, from right to left.
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[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
->[X] Write In

There isn't really a card to flash or a secret sign to make, and you doubt she'd really care if there was. You've lived for the better part of a century as a monster. A primordial beast threaded through human muscle. Covered in lambskin. You know bloodlust when you see it and it is pouring off of her. Thick. Vital. Visceral. Fun at gory expense. Something inside you, something prehistoric, shifts in sympathy. You slowly cock your head, nose turned up to better sample the air. Hammer-head planted between your feet. You face her. Your bulk between the mildly familiar would-be vampire and the recently met murder-nun.

Tension draws thin wires between you and her. You shoulders back, hands clasped. Her, half-hunched and more than half feral. The air still. The sounds of the city distant. The sounds of pained, muffled groaning close. The pressure swallows you up, crushes you down. The wires draw taut.

"Where have you been thus far Sister?"

The wires break.


"You said Pilgrimage. I didn't know there were many Catholic sites in England besides Canterbury I suppose? But then I was born in the South; Sardinia, Archdioceses of Cagliari. Haven't been up here much. Not for awhile."

Silence. The whimpering behind you rises to a pitched keen.

"Are you fucking seri-"


You set your mildly more bloodied hammer back between your feet. You don't look behind you. A cough. Fingers through your hair.


And now you just feel awkward.
Your vote cannot dictate the actions of characters other than your own.
[X] Appeal to reason.
[X] Appeal to fairness.
only if she refuses to cooperate arrest her
[X] Defeat her, handcuff her, and take her with you as well.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.

So, uh... *Awkward cough* ...possibly useful Bible quotes?

Hebrews 2:11 said:
For both He who sanctifies and those who are sanctified are all from one Father; for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,

1 Timothy 5:1 said:
Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers,

Romans 12:10 said:
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Maybe? We are sanctified and her elder besides, and as she has already had the honor of killing the vampire, she should do honor to us by allowing us to take the other?
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
Just recite the lord's prayer in Latin. Or anything else holy in Latin, really. One of the key differences between Catholics and protestants used to be that Catholics performed the mass in Latin everywhere in the world. Catholics don't have a universal catholic prayer, but they use Latin as the universal language.
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Just recite the lord's prayer in Latin. Or anything else holy in Latin, really. One of the key differences between Catholics and protestants used to be that Catholics performed the mass in Latin everywhere in the world. Catholics don't have a universal catholic prayer, but they use Latin as the universal language.
Isn't this the same as appeal to similarity?
[X] Appeal to practicality. You want the guy dead, but your boss needs to interrogate him so that you can find and kill more sinners. Does she think the Lord would disapprove?
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[X] Defeat her, handcuff her, and take her with you as well.
Just a joke as I have already voted.
[JK]Praise the lord another pious catholic in this benighted land.