Contractor Quest (Hellsing)

[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
If reasoning fails we don't need to kill her. Knocking her out puts "Yumie" to sleep and allows Yumiko to take control when she wakes up.
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[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.

We can always escalate later.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
->[X] Write In

There isn't really a card to flash or a secret sign to make, and you doubt she'd really care if there was. You've lived for the better part of a century as a monster. A primordial beast threaded through human muscle. Covered in lambskin. You know bloodlust when you see it and it is pouring off of her. Thick. Vital. Visceral. Fun at gory expense. Something inside you, something prehistoric, shifts in sympathy. You slowly cock your head, nose turned up to better sample the air. Hammer-head planted between your feet. You face her. Your bulk between the mildly familiar would-be vampire and the recently met murder-nun.

Tension draws thin wires between you and her. You shoulders back, hands clasped. Her, half-hunched and more than half feral. The air still. The sounds of the city distant. The sounds of pained, muffled groaning close. The pressure swallows you up, crushes you down. The wires draw taut.

"Where have you been thus far Sister?"

The wires break.


"You said Pilgrimage. I didn't know there were many Catholic sites in England besides Canterbury I suppose? But then I was born in the South; Sardinia, Archdioceses of Cagliari. Haven't been up here much. Not for awhile."

Silence. The whimpering behind you rises to a pitched keen.

"Are you fucking seri-"


You set your mildly more bloodied hammer back between your feet. You don't look behind you. A cough. Fingers through your hair.


And now you just feel awkward.
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Some of these should be obvious. Canterbury in particular, I don't think we can get away with that line.
Hrm. Point. Edited it a bit.

The idea is that we're generally familiar with British stuff but are mostly just trying to loop her into a vacation non-sequitur (I mean everyone loves those yeah?). :V

She probably would know more than us though, especially about the less immediately popular ones. And it's at least passingly unlikely she came to hit the big tourist spots and nothing else.
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We are a super strong, super fast werewolf. She is a crazy human that want's to slice our head off. The answer is not talking to her.

[X] Just grab the guy you came for and just outrun the crazy nun. You can regroup with the others later.
She's a squishy human. She's fast, sure, but we can be faster in a flat out run due to sheer strength and higher endurance. Not to mention we can jump on top of and down from buildings a lot easier than she can.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[Q] Point over her shoulder and shout "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS THAT?"
-->[Q] While she's distracted, grab the target and run.
[X] Write In (TenfoldShields)
And did she not just question our godliness? We are merely reminding her that all are equal in God's eyes.
The first part would be irrelevant for that, and she's explicitly called us out to be heathens or traitors for standing in front of this guy, and thus condemned to hell (which, funnily enough, it never explicitly says that all sinners will go to in the Bible), so citing that second verse doesn't really help us. TenfoldShields write in is great, though. It's like a little part of the post in advance (unless TPK doesn't let it happen, which'll be sad...).
[X] Appeal to similarity. You're both Catholics here, so surely you can work this out.
[X] Appeal to fairness. She's killed one of the two, so you should get the other one.
[] Write In (TenfoldShields)

I'll hold onto the write in just in case he decides to fix it.
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Damn it! Not paying attention in Theology at Catholic school has screwed me, for once.

Why isn't there like a universal prayer we can use to show we're Catholic?