Seras Quest - Chronicles of a Policegirl

.... I don't know how to roll
Edit:never mind~
And looks like I rolled the thread number
solodark28 threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: d100 Total: 10
6 6 4 4
solodark28 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: d100 Total: 66
66 66
Last edited:
....Holy crap.

A nat 100, two 93's, two 77's, and two 60's?

There is witchcraft in this thread.

Although depending on how whimsical the GM is, the 42 on a Perception roll may be the best of the rolls. It could only be better timed on a research roll.
So, I have Holy Powers now?
[X] Go work out. There's a gym not that far away.

You could get drunk. You want to go get smashed, or do something relaxing and stupid.

But you have skills, and they don't belong to just you any more. They're going to put you to use, body and mind, safeguarding the world against all the horrible things lurking around the corner. Vampires, and demons, and everything that goes


In the night. Like tha- Oh bloody hell.

You sigh, glancing down the nearest alleyway. A man just came rocketing out of it, a look of pure terror on his face.

Roll: 96
Skill: 42

Stressed: +20
Paranoid: +20
???: -100


No, no that's not terror. That's, um, green ooze running from his boggly eyes, and a crooked nose and goddamnit those just might be lady-lumps-
It's a bloody Witch.

Well, you'll get your exercise, all right. You flash your badge. "Sir?"

"Yes, ma'am? Is something wrong?" a man's voice comes through clearly, but...

Roll: 60
Skill: 42

Stressed: +20
Paranoid: +20
I-Know-Shit-When-I-Smell-Shit: +80

Witchery: -100


You can hear a woman's voice crooning softly underneath. Very creepy.

More than that...You see two images overlapping. A relatively nondescript man, of average height, build, weight, with a soothing voice, and a woman with features warped by contact with Otherness, about two feet shorter but much stockier, wearing-

Goddamnit, you are sick of this shit.

"I'm sorry, but I have to charge you with public indecency. Ma'am."

You look her in the eyes, a silent prayer- 'God, give me strength...'

She reaches for something in a front pocket, but you grasp her forearm tightly. She hisses at the contact, why is your arm glowing?

Roll: 100
Skill: 75

Blessing: +10
Paranoia: +10

Out Of Depth: -50


God bless you, Eddie. God bless you.

He stops the car, backing it up at an angle-
-and rolls down the window. "That's a pistol, not a rifle! How did you even-"
"-make those sh-IT! SHIT SHIT-"

"She Blessed a car."

"She Blessed that guy. The front fender of the van ashed the bottom half, and lopped his head off."

"Policegirl. Report to my office." Sir Integra saves the day.
Bless you, Sir. I won't forget this.
You dash off without a word, arriving in Sir Integra's office not forty minutes later.

Integra, perched behind her desk, quirks an eyebrow upon your entry.

"Reporting as ordered, Sir!"

She sighs. "Do I want to know what drove you to Bless me?"


"Directly following my summons over the intercom, I was enveloped in a solid white light, which lasted a full seven seconds, and prevented what I'm sure was a devious assassination attempt." Integra holds up a wooden splinter. "Though I suppose I need to get a new desk, now."

Well. It appears you have some sort of supernatural power.

How do you wrap this up?
[] Call Agent Macabre. You won't get to see her face, but the mental image alone gives you a tingly feeling in your gut. Um...?
[] Call Walter. Agent Macabre doesn't seem interested in anything outside of her pay-grade, so she'll kick it up the ladder anyways.
[] Call Alucard...Wait, how do you know his...Whatever. You'll contact him. He's Sir Integra's 'pet monster', so he should be able to help you secure a Witch pretty easily.
[] Write-in...

This vote will determine how Seras interacts with authority figures.

What on earth is up with SV's dice? They seem to really like my quests.