Seras Quest - Chronicles of a Policegirl

Seras the ??? Slayer
[x] Marksmanship. You need to get used to larger calibers.
Looking back on the whole mess, you realize just how far in over your head you are. Things darker than the blackest night lurk, secrets that could shake reality are whispered behind closed doors, and somehow, despite the weight of this knowledge, some men and women can live lives as normal as yours was...

You're lost. Terrified. Helpless.

And that's why you became a cop in the first place. Not because you wanted revenge.

You signed up, to take control of your life. To get a sense of stability. So you, and every other little girl, wouldn't have to sit in that closet.


You've never been that accurate with rifles. Your chest always got in the way...Anything you couldn't hold in just one hand, was pretty much out of the question.


Except...Well...Things that most people can't usually use too well.

Grenade launchers, flame throwers, chainguns...You have no clue why your department was able to get them on loan, but...
So, someone has been keeping an eye on you, then. Why else would a police department have access to military-grade weaponry, on loan, for training purposes?

Eh. Whatever the cause, you've had practice with the 'big guns'. If you can physically carry it - or have some way to hold it in place - you can clip an angel's wings at two hundred yards.
Third year's cook-off. Heh, I won that with a flamethrower!
Surprisingly, Hellsing Manor has several Heavy Weapons ranges. There's a series of barbecuing domes set at various ranges and heights on one...
Simon was runner-up, juggling cast-iron skillets full of sausage. Eddie placed last, with burnt toast.
A forest, to be cleared by chaingun fire. Confetti-filled buckets for a grenade launcher. You're pretty sure they even have an artillery range, further out - but your ears inform you it's currently in use.

You take turns on all of them, focusing more on the 'reload' part than aiming.
+5 to Heavy Weapons
You then try your hand at various assault and battle rifles.

Two hours pass, and you're surprised your breasts haven't rattled right off. It's...

"May I assist you in some way, Miss Victoria?"

Bloody hell! Where did he-

"Oh, um, hello sir."

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced yet. I am Walter C. Dornez, butler to the Hellsing family."

"Ah. Hello, mister Dornez. I'm...Well, you already know who I am."

"Indeed." he takes a moment to observe the targets downrange. "It appears that you are having, difficulties, with automatic weaponry."

You blush. "...Yeah..."

"And what might the cause be? Why don't you show me?"

With a resigned sigh, you depress the trigger in a few short bursts, somehow keeping them within about a foot of one another this time.
+7 to Automatics
"Oh dear. That is an, unusual, problem..."

"Hey, Walter. I heard you griping over the roar of these friggin sweet new canons. What's up?" Alucard drifts through the wall. "Oh. Bazongas too big to handle the longer, thick rods? Well, that's kinda disappointing..."

Face alight with embarrassment, you retort without thinking "Tell that to the forest I just leveled with a chaingun!"

There is a moment of silence, laden with so much dawning horror you begin drafting a new Cthulu Mythos of mortification, mercifully broken up by the intercom.

"Policegirl. Report to my office." Sir Integra saves the day.
Bless you, Sir. I won't forget this.
You dash off without a word, arriving in Sir Integra's office not forty minutes later.

Integra, perched behind her desk, quirks an eyebrow upon your entry.

"Reporting as ordered, Sir!"

She sighs. "Do I want to know what drove you to Bless me?"


"Directly following my summons over the intercom, I was enveloped in a solid white light, which lasted a full seven seconds, and prevented what I'm sure was a devious assassination attempt." Integra holds up a wooden splinter. "Though I suppose I need to get a new desk, now."

You don't really have anything to say about that, so you wait for her to continue.

"The reason I called you up here, is to determine your training assignment." Sir Integra puffs on her cigar. "There are four placements suitable to a new recruit. Your decision here, will affect which missions I can send you on in the immediate future."

You decide to take...
[] The Irish job. Local prices of gold are going funny.
[] The American job. Some strange new street drug is having very suspicious effects.
[] The Russian job. Temperatures aren't what they should be, this time of year.
[] A local posting. Several officers are acting very strangely.

This vote doesn't lock out jobs from other sources, but makes similar ones much more common. If you're trained in vampire slaying, you'll be up against a lot of blood-suckers, for example, until you've trained to deal with other things, and been certified as capable.
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[X] A local posting. Several officers are acting very strangely.
We obviously care more for our homeland and will feel motivated to defend it that much more.
So, Seras can bless things without trying. This could be really interesting.

[JK] The Italian Job. Hellsing is in need of funds.

[X] Local Posting. We know the area and possibly the officers.
Note. You will be attached to a Hellsing-affiliated unit in the area. Not anyone you know - unless they've also somehow been drafted into Hellsing.

Like Eddie. They still won't tell you what's going on with him.
... God Damnit. Hear I go saying we need heavy weapons cause the type of jobs we go on are more combat based and wham! Super natural detection job.
[X] The Irish job. Local prices of gold are going funny.

I wonder, if we blow up a Leprechaun, will Lucky CHarms splatter all over the place?
Are you thinking Three Eye?

That was my first thought. But it seemed too simple, I'm sure there are plenty of supernatural drugs and it could be explained away as an in universe thing.

But still my instincts say otherwise.

The Russian option stands out to me as well, it's on the tip of my tongue but I have no idea what it is.
Y'know I think choosing Markmanship is going to backfire on us at some point.
It won't matter how good a shot we are if we can't dodge the supernatural things that are faster and stronger than us.

[X] A local posting. Several officers are acting very strangely.