Prologue: Midian X
[X] Push the pistol's barrel aside and attempt to absorb him.

You react at the slightest twitch of the vampire's index finger. Your hand moves beside the pistol's barrel and knocks it away in one fluid motion, your unnatural flexibility breaking some of your bones in the process. The vampire wasn't able to pull the trigger back even a centimeter before he felt his arm flying backwards, and you can see a pair of eyes widening in confusion behind his glasses. In the fraction of a second that his attention is diverted elsewhere, you strike, and walk through your opponent in the same way you passed through your previous meal. You consider thanking whatever fate caused your path to cross with those of two incompetent vampires in one night, but there is no need for that. You deserve this!

Or perhaps it'd be better to curse the aforementioned fate, considering you aren't experiencing the familiar sensation of absorbing another living thing. No, you are experiencing something positively chilling. Your skin cools down to a highly uncomfortable temperature, and your prey's body isn't giving any kind of resistance at all. Rather than devouring them, you are walking through them in the most literal sense, like they aren't there to begin with. It can't possibly be an illusion, you saw the bullets fired at you affecting everything they hit. The pale man passes through you like a phantom, the chilling feeling finally leaving you once physical contact ends. You waste no time in turning around and forcing a blade out of your forearm, beheading them with utmost precision. You feel something resembling relief as their head flies from their neck, making way for a fountain of blood. The same can't be said moments after, when their head reattaches itself, but you would be more surprised if they didn't have an excellent healing factor. "It seems both of us have a few tricks up our sleeves." The pistol falls to the blood-soaked ground, willingly discarded by the vampire. Could they be giving into their primal instincts and engaging you in melee combat?
"You outclass any beast that I've faced in the past, even a few seconds have made it all too obvious. That means I'll have to take this a little more seriously... Releasing control art restriction systems three


One. Approval of situation "A" recognized, commencing the Cromwell Invocation. Ability restrictions lifted for limited use until the enemy has been rendered silent."

[ ] Write-in.
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I have to ask if there's a reason Alucard is flat out immune to the Pillar man absorption, Kars people are literally meant to be anti-vampire predators and used them as a food source (even making more of the 'defective' masks so there would be more food available) so seeing it not do anything at all is incredibly jarring.

I can buy Alucard being resistant to it/only take damage instead of being eaten thanks to being a super vampire and/or whatever the Hellsing organization did to him but completely ignoring it/having no reaction seems to make no sense.
See, I don't quite get why that didn't work. Alucard is still a wholly physical being dependent upon his body, as he hasn't absorbed Schrodinger, and he also didn't have any of his restraints lifted. Not only is it something new and unexpected that Alucard has never dealt with before, it also caught him off guard.

Don't get me wrong, I like Alucard, but I feel that in this situation he could have been reliably one-shot with circumstances as they are.
I have to ask if there's a reason Alucard is flat out immune to the Pillar man absorption, Kars people are literally meant to be anti-vampire predators and used them as a food source (even making more of the 'defective' masks so there would be more food available) so seeing it not do anything at all is incredibly jarring.

I can buy Alucard being resistant to it/only take damage instead of being eaten thanks to being a super vampire and/or whatever the Hellsing organization did to him but completely ignoring it/having no reaction seems to make no sense.
See, I don't quite get why that didn't work. Alucard is still a wholly physical being dependent upon his body, as he hasn't absorbed Schrodinger, and he also didn't have any of his restraints lifted. Not only is it something new and unexpected that Alucard has never dealt with before, it also caught him off guard.

Don't get me wrong, I like Alucard, but I feel that in this situation he could have been reliably one-shot with circumstances as they are.

I can understand the confusion, I should have described it more clearly. Alucard isn't immune to Kars' absorption in any way. However, he has shown the ability to become intangible even when restricted. He also wasn't actually caught off-guard because of his third eye. Even if Kars thinks him to be confused, we're still looking at it from the perspective of a man with an ego the size of Jupiter.
[X] Run away, this being is using a power unknown to you, and after what you risked when studying the firsts hamon users' powers... you don't want to repeat that error.
-[X] Create a redundant nervous system on your back. Give it is own pair of eyes.
--[X] If it doesn't "die" because it could see that power unleashed, give it the power to create olied scales and charge them with hamon.
---[X] Launch the scales and change them into into binding animals, plants, and waterbears. The waterbears are needed to study his letality, his awerness on the microscopic, and his... "arcane" characteristic.
----[X] Try to use his own power. You are the ultimate being after all!
-----[X] What remain of the animals, plants, and waterbears will stealty became birds. Use them to scout the area from an high view or to drop on his head gigantic sea creatures.
------[X] Make some of the birds menacing parrots and send them to interrogate the humans on their employers. Remember them they were sent there to die, and they would have if you hadn't killed what was there before you.
-------[X] Try to make a strategy (break the vote after this).
--[X] If it does die, run to the nearest forest, use hamon to overgrow it, and then fly away.

Afterall, we are a jojo's character.
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Alucard is surprised more than a few times because of his own arrogance, and not taking things seriously, as seen in quite a few of his fights.
True, but Kars is several magnitudes more impressive than anything Alucard would actually be facing, which is why I figured his guard would be up.

That said, I acknowledge that Kars absorbing him wasn't any less probable. I don't want to show bias when it comes to these kinds of encounters either, so it might be better to include rolls in the future? Really a question for everyone here.
True, but Kars is several magnitudes more impressive than anything Alucard would actually be facing, which is why I figured his guard would be up.

That said, I acknowledge that Kars absorbing him wasn't any less probable. I don't want to show bias when it comes to these kinds of encounters either, so it might be better to include rolls in the future? Really a question for everyone here.

Ahh, okay. If it was roll dependant than that makes much more sense.
Just want to say i am glad to see a fellow fan of Demonbane. To few know about it which is sad.
I'm afraid to inform everyone still following this quest that it's going to be placed on an indefinite hiatus from this point onward. I had a lot of things planned, and still do, but I don't think I'll be able to continue things in a satisfactory manner without better preparation and frames of reference.