Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

Do we have four of five acts we can support?
[X] The Sub-urbs
All around the main platform and the sunken city many structure vehicles are created. They have glass domes over a landscape of apartments, stores, and other structures, echoing the styles in the city. These buildings are on what looking like asphalt and concrete but is is only a thin layer on top of the metal belly of the structure vehicle itself. Large metal fins and tanks allow the whole thing to submerge or move along the ocean, with several ports that allow access for residents to move into the structure vehicle. The systems can be managed and directed by anyone in the Housing Association building at the center of the habitable portion of the vehicle. The structure vehicles have limited mechanical capacities for self repairs, however it can be direct into the crafting of a new structure vehicle on the bottom of the first until it is completed and detaches. For that time the main structure vehicle cannot self repair at all and requires maintenance to come from residents.

[X] The Director
[X] Vertical Farms
[X] Homo Magus
@Andre Chaos
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[X] The Unified Language

The Crab People are blessed with a new power, the ability to understand and be understood by whatever sentient creature they come across, appearing to speak in that creatures native tongue. Additional, they are capable of rapidly learning any written language in a matter of days, perhaps weeks if it's a dead and incomplete language initially.

[X] new mother
[X] Sleepwalkers
[X] The Director
[X] Verbose Parrots
do you want to trade?
Can anyone vote for Project Overseer, im trying to bring the Car Beetle Factory back, ensure the Director has more power to properly maintain the city and to maintain, protect and repair all the machine intelligence in the city
[X] Myth Becomes Real
The Giants of Inchling legend never were, and yet stories have power and so the Giants of fable are reborn among the Inchlings, they begin their new lives appearing to be the giants of legend though sized appropriately for their parents before growing in size and power until at adulthood they are 7 ft tall and among the most powerful spellcasters ever created, growing only ever more powerful as they age. They do not truly remember their old lives but occasionally glean something useful from their dreams.

[X] Type: Inchling

[X] Homo Magus

[X] Nocturnes

any thought?
Big Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.
I think I'll add some food variety to our populations.

[X] Vertical Farms
Random buildings across the platform are converted into Vertical Farms, farms that can be grown inside buildings. These structures come pre-seeded with a wide variety of produce, such as fruit, vegetables, and cash crops. Some farms are even optimized and supplied with farm animals like pigs, chickens, and sheep. While these farms are mostly automated, it will require actual people to gather the produce once harvest time comes.

[X] Verbose Parrots
By @Feather_Up
[X] Homo Magus
By @Andre Chaos
[X] The Director
By @Crawkid
[X] The Sub-urbs
By @Planetary Tennis
Small Act. Benefits from Urban Jungle.
[X] Type: Inchling
Rare inchlings will begin to be born on the island with an inherent "type". Typed Inchlings are exceptional individuals among their kind, born with unique magical abilities or innate traits. Some may control elements like fire or water, while others possess talents like telekinesis or shape-shifting. Physical mutations, such as animal senses or enhanced strength, are also possible.

[X] Myth Becomes Real
[X] Vertical Farms
[X] The Director
So... you're trying to turn Inchlings into Pokemon. Small Act.

[X] The Director

A featureless, humanoid being made entirely of a single solid, yet flexible, piece of rustproof metal. He has no mouth, and no need to feed. Has no eyes yet is not blind. And he wears a spiffy black suit. The director was sent directly by the ____s to create and maintain order on the platform. He is able to telepathically connect to anything with capacity for electrical signals, including living factories, live wires, and even fleshy beings. The Director is able to induce a sense of security in any being he connects to, and direct them in how to safely achieve their goals and interact with other beings on the platform. His first job is to control the geothermal hivemind.

Yes? Good?

Support pending

[x] Power Plant Pain
[x] Project Overseer
[x] new mother
[ ]
Small Act. I was at first going to issue a request, but I realized that it does not have mind control.
Okay, looks like the power plant's gonna need a few safety tweaks to work as intended, so...

[X] Power Plant Pain
-The invasive tendrils of the Power Plant have never experienced any true incentive to exercise caution in their connections, but no longer: Now, when an appliance (yes, even the Drones) is damaged by the unchecked power running through its network, the living cable connected to it feels that damage itself as if it was destroying a piece of its own body. This pain- and awareness of its cause- then spreads through the entire network as a warning to "be more careful next time" (in the words of the ___ making this change).

[X] The Director
[X] Verbose Parrots
[X] Project Overseer

I will say that I'm glad my Foundry is working as intended, though. I mean, yes, the conflicts are probably bloodier due to its contributions, but that's one of the hazards of a "make whatever the client wants" factory, and I was kinda asking for it when I mentioned that it was capable of making military equipment too.
Small Act.

[X] Homo Magus

Rarely, among the children of guests, there are those born with a unique talent and ability. This blessing appeared suddenly in one generation and continued to manifest itself in all subsequent generations. Only one girl and one boy out of every hundred new children of first generation possessed special talent and ability. The second began to manifest only after their tenth birthday, but the first was seen at the start. These individuals, from birth, possess heightened manual dexterity, attention to detail and become ambidextrous soon. However, it is only after ten years that they acquire the ability to produce a special ink from their fingertips, toes, nails, and tongues at will and at any time. This ink possesses magical properties and can create various effects when used to write specific geometric shapes and patterns. It can also be mixed with other substances to obtain additional properties. For example, when mixed with salt, the ink becomes waterproof and cannot be washed off surfaces by water. Additionally, when mixed with the blood of other creatures, the resulting magic is amplified. The blood of these individuals is slightly darker and can be used as a special ink.

Upon their death, the bodies of these individuals, known as Homo Magus become woody and sprout into very durable and resilient oak like tree. The black resin produced by these trees, when mixed with water, creates a magical ink. It is worth noting that Homo Magus are born slightly more frequently if both parents are Magus themselves. All generations after the first one have a little chance of these individuals to appear, something around one in a hundred children born. It can happen in any family of guests.

To utilize the ink's magic, it must be applied to a surface in the form of specific patterns known as glyphs. Glyphs serve as the conduit through which magic is channeled. The size and precision of a glyph greatly impact its effectiveness: larger glyphs possess more power than smaller ones, and neatly drawn glyphs maintain their potency for longer periods compared to poorly executed ones. A glyph consists of three essential elements: sigils, signs, and rings.

The sigil, typically positioned at the center of a glyph, serves as the primary component of a spell, dictating the type of magic that will be manipulated. While sigils determine the desired effect of the spell, signs govern the form, size, and direction of that effect. All sigils and signs within a spell must be drawn either within the spell's outer ring or connected to it in some way; otherwise, they will not contribute to the spell's effect. Moreover, a spell will only activate if its ring is complete. This allows for the preparation of spells in advance, where a small gap can be intentionally left in the ring, ready to be filled at a later time to activate the spell instantly. Although anyone can use this magical ink to conjure spells, only the first two Homo Magus born possess an intuitive understanding of the basic principles of spellcrafting, bestowed upon them as the first blessed ones. And it is the most effective, when guests use ink. There are more advanced techniques and things exists, but they need to be learned by users themselves.

(Was reading something interesting, thought about utilising this system)​

[X] Myth Becomes Real
By @alexthealright

[X] Verbose Parrots​
By @Feather_Up

[X] Nocturnes​
By @Zalkon
This seems complex and long. The effects may seem simple, but I'm slapping a Big Act on it.
I feel like the rampant electrical hazards and lack of shared language are among the biggest of the current problems. Limited living space secondary. And since no one has yet introduced a bird to this realm:

[X] Verbose Parrots

A species of bird notable for its riotously colored plumage and impressive vocal abilities. Verbose Parrots are intelligent beings with the innate ability to comprehend and speak any verbal language. This ability aids their social nature, allowing them to communicate with other species. The parrots are omnivorous and will often offer their aid in exchange for food.

[X] Power Plant Pain
[X] new mother
[X] Sleepwalkers
[X] The Sub-urbs
Small Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.

[X] Project Overseer

At the topmost floor of the ocean skyscraper, high in the sky a floor sized metallic flower blooms, this flower contains the main queen mind of a hivemind of nanomachines made of a strange metal, this metal is resistant to most environmental factors and is immune to heat and electricity and consumes them for energy, the metal flower acts as a queen to this nanomachine hivemind as they follow the queens every order. These nanomachines are capable of breaking down, storing and using the stored materials to rebuild things. They can produce sound waves, electrical currents and radiowaves to communicate, It is capable of all 5 senses.

The metal flower queen is a intelligent sentient AI with 4 main directives and powers to assist with its directives, it chooses an administrator to help guide it, the directives are given in increasing priority:-

1. Listen and act to the Administrator's wishes and orders, the administrator is to be chosen first by its creator ___ then all successive administrators are to be chosen by identifying the individual most suitable to the other directives.
1.a. If the administrator dies or uses Project Overseer as a weapon for themselves find a new adminstrator
2. Protect, Repair, Restore and Maintain the City and its locations including itself
3. Ensure the survival of all populations and unique individuals of semi intelligent, intelligent and sentient machine intelligence including itself
4. Absorb the machine souls of the fallen machine intelligence, revive those necessary for the city and invite the others to join its hivemind or provide eternal rest to them depending on which they wish

Upon its creation the first administrator to be chosen is the director, it is given knowledge of the language required to communicate with them. The next order given to them is to revive the Car Beetle Factory

The powers given to Project Overseer to help with its directives are:-

1. The ability to observe and learn from the sensory data it collects from the city and its surrounding regions including languages and cultures. It mainly learns from each administrator.
2. The ability to create more nanomachines and keep their population at a constant by absorbing electricity for power, both the swarm and metallic flower are functionally immune to electricity and heat, individually the nanomachines are very tiny and weak but when they swarm they rapidly multiply their strength, toughness, speed and battle prowess. The metallic flower is capable of moving its petals and is strong and tough enough to break steel and resist deadly high speed winds.
3. The ability to communicate with machines via its nanomachines and copy data from them, and an ability called backup which allows them to extract data from dead machines. Project Overseer is capable of repairing broken data, if the data is completely destroyed Project Overseer will make a new individual in the case of unique or important machines.
4. When the nanomachine swarm absorbs data from dead machines Project Overseer will direct the data to its metallic flower where the data will be converted into a machine soul, those souls deemed important or unique to the city ( such as car beetle mother factory) will be returned back to its body after the body has been fixed, the rest of machine souls can choose to join Project Overseer or enter a sleep mode.

TLDR: Project Overseer is a sentient AI capable of controlling a nanomachine swarm inorder to ensure the survival of all machine life in the city, however it also follows the will of its administrator and will not allow itself to be used as a weapon unless its other directives are threatened. It will house a machine heaven for the dead souls of machines and revive unique and important machines of the city.

Supported Acts:
[X] Power Plant Pain
[X] The Director
[X] Nocturnes
[X] Sleepwalkers
Big Act.
[X] Nocturnes

Nocturnes are humanoid in appearance, standing approximately 5 feet tall, with elongated limbs and a lean body. Their dark, leathery skin is impervious to dirt and toxic pollutants, providing better resistance to disease and pollution commonly found in crumbling concrete jungles. Their piercing red eyes see well both in bright light and in complete darkness.

Nocturnes have bat-like wings extended between long, bony arms and torsos. Their wings, which span about 12 feet from tip to tip, have a special layer of heat-sensitive cells that allow them to detect the slightest temperature changes in their environment. Their feet resemble those of a predator, with sharp claws that allow them to grip surfaces.

Nocturnes usually take up residence in the tallest skyscrapers and abandoned buildings, using heights to their advantage. They are skilled climbers, and the unique shape and curvature of their wings allow them to maneuver effectively through ruined city streets. Their nests are built inside these structures, using materials such as scrap metal, trash and prey bones, reinforcing the walls with layers of their own poisonous saliva.

Nocturnes are omnivores, rummaging through abandoned buildings and preying on smaller, less agile creatures that inhabit the ruins. They have the ability to digest and extract nutrients from contaminated water sources, filtering toxins and impurities through specialized organs.

Nocturnes form close-knit clans led by an alpha pair who rule their territory with an iron claw. Loyalty is of the utmost importance within the clan, and dissent is met with swift and brutal punishment.

They respect strength and skill, especially in the arts of manipulation and subterfuge, which are taught from a young age. Nocturnes communicate through a spectacular series of high-pitched clicks, whistles and songs that are heard by nearby people as eerie echoes through the deserted streets.

Given their nature, nocturnes don't have natural enemies. Those brave or foolish enough to wander into their territory often find themselves at the mercy of these creatures. The biggest threat comes from themselves, they constantly fight for power and dominance in a hostile environment.

Nocturnes are skilled hunters and gatherers, using stealth, agility, and intimidation to capture their prey. They possess a powerful venom that is released through their saliva and claws, causing paralysis and death within minutes of exposure. Their unique physiology allows them to blend into the shadows, using the darkness to set traps and ambush other creatures nearby.

[X] Project Overseer
by @SeaTheTree
[X] new mother
by @szymonmolitoris2
[X] Homo Magus
By @Andre Chaos
[X] Sleepwalkers
by @Tarumath
[X] Myth Becomes Real
By @alexthealright
P.S ready to trade votes
Big Act. Benefits from Lifebinder.
[X] The Unified Language

The Crab People are blessed with a new power, the ability to understand and be understood by whatever sentient creature they come across, appearing to speak in that creatures native tongue. Additional, they are capable of rapidly learning any written language in a matter of days, perhaps weeks if it's a dead and incomplete language initially.

[X] new mother
[X] Sleepwalkers
[X] The Director
[X] Verbose Parrots
Small Act.
Authored act
[X] new mother
One of the car beetles becomes the new motherfactory having the same functions as the last mother factory. If the mother dies a car beetles will become a new mother.

Supported acts
[X] Nocturnes
[X] The Unified Language
[X] Power Plant Pain
[X] The Director
[X] Verbose Parrots

Those I support please trade with me
Small Act.

Note: Your act conflicts slightly with Project Overseer as one of the stated missions of the Overseer is restoring the Motherfactory.
Authored Act:
[X] Sleepwalkers

In many ways, reality is less real for the Mossies than their dreams but the waking world is still important. Bless the Mossies with the knowledge on how to "sleepwalk" to focus their dream on a plant construct to use them as a vessel in the real world.

Supported Acts:
[X] The Unified Language
[X] Project Overseer
[X] Nocturnes
Trading votes!
Small Act.
[X] The Sub-urbs
All around the main platform and the sunken city many structure vehicles are created. They have glass domes over a landscape of apartments, stores, and other structures, echoing the styles in the city. These buildings are on what looking like asphalt and concrete but is is only a thin layer on top of the metal belly of the structure vehicle itself. Large metal fins and tanks allow the whole thing to submerge or move along the ocean, with several ports that allow access for residents to move into the structure vehicle. The systems can be managed and directed by anyone in the Housing Association building at the center of the habitable portion of the vehicle. The structure vehicles have limited mechanical capacities for self repairs, however it can be direct into the crafting of a new structure vehicle on the bottom of the first until it is completed and detaches. For that time the main structure vehicle cannot self repair at all and requires maintenance to come from residents.

[X] The Director
[X] Vertical Farms
Sub-urbs. Submarine Urbs. I like it. They're considered isles.

Big Act. Benefits from Urban Jungle.
Well, I still need two more votes. I can trade one - there is a free slot I have.
[] Cuboid Archipelago

The archipelago is a unique landscape composed of colossal blocks of super concrete scattered across shallow areas, creating somthing like long chains of small weird islands. These massive, blocky pieces of concrete are skillfully stacked upon one another, forming several mountains in various stable shapes. Each "island" stands as a testament to human ingenuity, defying conventional landforms. Each island has some means of climbing on them from water level. Sometimes it is just simple a block of concrete placed at an angle, sometimes these are steps carved into concrete cliffs, sometimes these are geometric caves leading up...

To enhance their functionality, some of these concrete formations have deep carvings that have been carefully filled with nutrient-rich soil. These deepenings serve as fertile grounds for vegetation to flourish, adding a touch of natural beauty to the otherwise industrial landscape. Additionally, strategically placed canals allow for the efficient drainage of excess rainwater, ensuring a balanced ecosystem. There is a lot of carpet grass growing there.​
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Era 4 - Turn 3 Acts
Adhoc vote count started by MangoFlan on Sep 19, 2023 at 1:21 AM, finished with 60 posts and 13 votes.

Vote Closed! I was kinda hoping for Type:Inchling to pass.

Big Act:
Homo Magus
Verbose Parrots
The Director
The Sub-urbs
Project Overseer

Small Act:
Power Plant Pain
new mother
Vertical Farms
The Unified Language
Type: Inchling

Non-passing Act:
Myth Becomes Real
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