What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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So, can you tell us what that logistical armor will do for the Revolution?
Nope, you don't even have any diplomatic contact with them.
Not to mention they're like 4-5 Subsectors away from the Duchy, they already are planning on fighting the Croaf Hegemony with the Black Ash Clan, and might not even have the Navigators to even get over here in a timely manner. But I do think we should try diplomatic contact and perhaps limited military support eventually.
[] Plan: Double Down on Songs
-[] Evacuation Fleets - (3/4)
-[] Trigger The Voxx Revolution
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Grounding, Protection, Silence)

If we want to mess with their scary psyker ships, I can hardly imagine a better song than one called "Power No More."

Also, this may be totally off, but shouldn't we be at 0.4 this turn on Melodies? The ticker didn't move between 840 and 850. Unless it doesn't go up when we have our Choirs singing a song?

...And to be clear, songs we make this turn will affect the coming battle, right? It would be really embarrassing if we voted for a plan with a song and it came too late.
@HeroCooky Do we havs any idea what hiring the black cat company would cost?
I think it's probably better to have them on hand after the first conquest, when van Zandt is frantically trying to retake Voxx.

Nope, you don't even have any diplomatic contact with them
We should free-action to ask how much it would cost to hire them for some portion of the van Zandt war. Like just "how much to defend one system for 30 years."

Yeah, definitely taking it now that I hear that.

People, what's a good Grounding song for what we wanna do?
There's been a few tossed around, I think bubble against power is probably the best. But we'd need to put choirs in the fleet for that:

Free Action to learn what they want.
You'd need a grounding song for me to answer that. You can get several dozen after all. But broadly. Depends on the Song and the Psytech being used. So maybe.

Such Help, Much Info
That makes me think we want bubble against power and not power no more, since one defends the local area (and thus probably is ok without psytech) while the other attacks (and thus probably needs psytech to reach across the vastness of space.

We should not get a combat song.
2. Heavily depends on the Song, most will be only useful in ground combat withouth the right Psytech-equipped ship.

All that being said, I think the best plan is something like:
[] Plan: All in, the straight flush
-[] Trigger The Voxx Revolution
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song: Bubble Against Power - Grounding, Home, Protection
[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
-[] Evacuation Fleets - (3/4)
-[] [Free action] inquire with the Black Cat Company what the cost to hire them for various lengths to support our fleet in defense against heavy void attack would be.
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That makes me think we want bubble against power and not power no more, since one defends the local area (and thus probably is ok without psytech) while the other attacks (and thus probably needs psytech to reach across the vastness of space.

We should not get a combat song.
Depends on what we want to focus on. While a combat song may not be effective in the void at this moment, it would definitely help on the ground where we need every advantage.
So, can you tell us what that logistical armor will do for the Revolution?
It basically gave a Trigger you got the ability to act as an ablative armor for your troops. Meaning that the native Voxxians take ~10 SAG damage first (reduced by 2 each Turn) before yours take damage.
...And to be clear, songs we make this turn will affect the coming battle, right?
It will not be ready until the Turn after (870.M42 onward).
Depends on what we want to focus on. While a combat song may not be effective in the void at this moment, it would definitely help on the ground where we need every advantage.
I think we mostly ought to be concerned about the naval Psytech our enemies have already shown they use. Like the Flyssa destroyers.
At worst we can do a Song next turn if we need one for Ground combat.
It will not be ready until the Turn after (870.M42 onward).
Oh? When we asked earlier you said there would be an exception for this turn

EDIT: here
I know what that action is, but I'm not sure whether it's fucked or not yet.

Similarly, @HeroCooky , can you use a Song on the same turn you Develop it?
Usually no, but I'll allow it specifically for Voxx Primus.
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Weapons: 1x Hot-Shot Laspistol, 1x Holdout Combat Knife, 1x Servo-Skull Colony (5x Servo-Hunters, 8x Light Gun-Skulls (Las-Pistol), 5x Heavy Gun-Skulls (5x Micro-Rockets, 1x Las-Pistol), 2x Grox Hunter-Skulls (1x Bolter)).
Completely unrelated, but I only just noticed that the Yeeni skull swarm sovereign carries a grand total of 20 skulls. Just a little walking pile of skulls

(Are these human or yeeni skulls?)
Actually, how does Logistical Armor even manifest narratively @HeroCooky ? Is it just "We can afford more stuff?" The point of it was being able to afford better gear as our standard issue I think, but we were already bleeding edge before getting into powered stuff until now?
Oh? When we asked earlier you said there would be an exception for this turn
Ah, right forgot. Went to bed after 1am and woke up at 8am. :V
Completely unrelated, but I only just noticed that the Yeeni skull swarm sovereign carries a grand total of 20 skulls. Just a little walking pile of skulls

(Are these human or yeeni skulls?)
Both, unless they are Grox Skulls.
If we did an infiltration action this turn, targetting the Hallowed Cogitation of Creation (obviously real infiltration won't work, but we can hide forces in the asteroid field for a boarding action) would that still work or is it too late?
Too late.
Actually, how does Logistical Armor even manifest narratively @HeroCooky ? Is it just "We can afford more stuff?"
You get your stuff, and bear with me here...cheaper. So yes, you can afford more of the same armors.
Okay, so the song would work this turn (edit: unless I misread something, entirely possible). Like I said, Power No More would probably be good, but if we could think up something that's more explicitly an offensive anti-psyker tool, that might be better.

Grounding Fire Struggle Grounding Death
Grounding Fire Death
Grounding Death Fire
Grounding Grounding Death Death Death
Grounding Grounding Fire Fire Fire

Maybe one of these? I still don't have a great handle on how the melodies work in different parts of the song, but they sound suitably ominous.
All right, but so which is it? Can a Song we develop this turn affect the initial decade of fighting at Voxx?
Yeah? I did say I forgot my previous ruling.
Can we use a kildrabi skull if we need some kind of floating long gun?
No, you need a Grox Skull. Yeeni Skulls are a bit smaller than Human ones. And Kil'drabi Skulls just flat-out don't work because...well...*tentacle-mouth noises*
Grounding Fire Struggle Grounding Death
Grounding Fire Death
Grounding Death Fire
Grounding Grounding Death Death Death
Grounding Grounding Fire Fire Fire
Helpless, Burning, Faltering Resistance Snuffed Out
Helpless, Burning, Ending
Helpless End In Fire
Devour Souls, Oh End Of All Things
Devour Souls In The Promethean Fire
Helpless, Burning, Faltering Resistance Snuffed Out
...Hm. Okay, went back and forth on it a bit, but this one should do the job we're looking for. It doesn't sound psyker-specific, but that's both a detriment and a bonus, since not every ship they have is going to be a spooky psychic ship. I'll make a new plan with it.

[] Plan: Helpless, Burning, Faltering Resistance
-[] Evacuation Fleets - (3/4)
-[] Trigger The Voxx Revolution
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Grounding, Fire, Struggle, Grounding, Death)

information? hmm . . . should we do this, or would some of the info be outdated and the news from our revolution be more up to date?

We were told that the information from that action would come after we launch the attack, so it's not worth it for now.
That makes me think we want bubble against power and not power no more, since one defends the local area (and thus probably is ok without psytech) while the other attacks (and thus probably needs psytech to reach across the vastness of space.

We should not get a combat song.
Oh, I completely skimmed over this. You're right, that changes things. I'll vote for your plan, we can do the crazy souleating songs some other time.
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