What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Does anyone have any idea as to what they'd change about the Codex Astartes? I'm not very familiar with it but the whole independent small Chapters all spread out seems like a waste to me, even if it was originally intended for good reasons.
Skimming the wiki it seems the 1000 marine strong limit on chapters is the main part, so if a single space marine turns to chaos, they don't command millions of fellow transhumans.

We could go either way, since devotees of the Star Child are more resistant to chaos it seems not as big a deal to have larger chapters, alternatively we could just keep it and encourage Gamma to found new ones since Lamenters are at Codex Compliant Capacity.

Wiki also mentions how Codex says chapters are supposed to be independent in terms of their gear and training and whatever, we could try and integrate them more. Juicy possibilities! For...after the war lol.
-[] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (30/30)
(3x Andromeda-Class Command Ship, 5x Loyalty's Bloom-Class Scout Destroyer, 2x Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ship (0/2 Companies), 6x Lantern Bearer Mk.2-Class Commandeering Ship (0/6 Companies), 6x Resurgence Mk.2-Class Torpedo Hunter (0/3 Companies), 4x Bloody Sunrise-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 4x Bloody Sunset-Class Light Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 2x Thunderous Wings-Class Heavy Cruiser (0/8 Companies), 1x Eternal Promise-Class Temple Ship (0/8 Companies))


The fleet got upgraded, but they left the Andromeda's as obsolete as coul dbe.

Also, hilarious. The plan was to upgrade the fleet to deal with the massive diversity of equipment, and they just ended up with even more inconsistent loadouts.
Well at least I no longer have to debate with all those, "Oh we can definitely just save the SBGs for the last moment" people, whereas I was like, "If literally anything goes wrong while we stint on SBGs we're in a world of hurt."

Not yet, but the timer is now running out. On the third turn, we Trigger it, Send a Fleet, and One Other Thing, whatever that is.
Yeah, valid. I'm glad we got the terraforming we did, but you were definitely correct to shoehorn in the fleet-building against this kind of eventuality.

@HeroCooky Was it Caine who attacked our people in the weird attack? Not the Duchy's counterespionage? Is it obvious in hindsight that it was a third-actor? Could we have reasonably spent an action figuring out who it was and potentially stopped this? Not trying to share blame, just curious if we missed a trick.
Oh @The Laurent Can you add a free-action to the plan update the Propaganda Bureau's timeline parameters to 30 years for both Voxx Primus & Voxx Secundus?

[] [Chapter] Ah, Yes. The Codex. (0/1)
The one we follow. That Codex. The one written by Roboute Guilliman. Primarch of the Ultramarines. Who wrote it. Over ten millenia ago. That Codex.
(Gain: Examine the Space Book.)
SPECCECE BOOOOOK. Needs a slight convention. I wonder if we'll get any input.
Skimming the wiki it seems the 1000 marine strong limit on chapters is the main part, so if a single space marine turns to chaos, they don't command millions of fellow transhumans.

We could go either way, since devotees of the Star Child are more resistant to chaos it seems not as big a deal to have larger chapters, alternatively we could just keep it and encourage Gamma to found new ones since Lamenters are at Codex Compliant Capacity.

Wiki also mentions how Codex says chapters are supposed to be independent in terms of their gear and training and whatever, we could try and integrate them more. Juicy possibilities! For...after the war lol.
They don't need to fall to chaos to be a problem.

Plenty of dictators have been non-supernaturally evil.
...how's the Megafreighters situation? Or rather, precisely how fucked is it?
You need to either spend two Actions on infiltration or order a part of your Military (>.> Lamenters <.<) to go and board the ever-living crap out of them.
@HeroCooky Is codex action auto-filling like other lamenters actions or do we need to do it?
I think your balance is of in that case?

Imagine if every single one of her actions had this kind of effect, but she'd rolled normally instead of abnormally low. We'd be facing a crisis like this every 2-3 turns, and that would absolutely not be survivable.

Like, it feels like you boosted her actions to make up for the fact that she constantly rolled failures, but that kinda undermines the point of failures being well, failures?
No, when she got nuked on the Forge and escaped, she rolled with the Action [Sabotage Effort]. This would have, for example, set you back ~two Actions in the United Cults Wars, or force you to whack down on a Heresy fucking off successfully by chasing it down. Here she did three minor things of which two turned into a middle-finger to you. Rousing the Mechanicus and Imperial Cult into a frenzy.
Would it have been better if they were lower? Like if she'd rolled 2 3's or something.
No, Fives are Holy Number for her, so she got to visit Voxx Primus.
Similarly, @HeroCooky , can you use a Song on the same turn you Develop it?
Usually no, but I'll allow it specifically for Voxx Primus.
@HeroCooky did we get anything from New Dawn this turn?
Heavy Ind Action.
@HeroCooky Was it Caine who attacked our people in the weird attack? Not the Duchy's counterespionage? Is it obvious in hindsight that it was a third-actor? Could we have reasonably spent an action figuring out who it was and potentially stopped this? Not trying to share blame, just curious if we missed a trick.
No, she would have grokked Warp Bullshit Sensors up and down the entire investigation. And no, that was part of Voxx Primus using [REDACTED] to figure out who is doing this bullshit but [REDACTED] had exactly none of that shit.
The main thing is that apparently it occured without us having the slightest idea that it, or any preparation like it, were occuring.

It's unfortunate that we have literally zero actions for it, but we should probably invest in chaos detection if we can do so at any point in time.
I thought she didn't prep much at all, it ended in a month long rampage, piddly. Also she knows about us, knows to dodge our eyes. We have excellent Chaos detection on our worlds, less on a world we're trying to subvert and stay head down in.
Nice our enemy's finally rolled good and really messed up our plans lmao!

Guess that means we need to double down on our fleet build up now.
They don't need to fall to chaos to be a problem.

Plenty of dictators have been non-supernaturally evil.
Fair, but I don't think the thread has to worry about elements internal to the Glimmering Federation turning against it. Cooky has said we represent the whole federation, there aren't internal fuckery factions afaik. Like a future Mega-Lamenter trying to conquer us. Our government has Just Worked without player-relevant corruption or junta coups this whole time, I'm not worried about a larger space marine force doing bad. But tis a convo for a future debate!

Onwards towards revolution!
So let's see :

- 2 actions needed to re-infiltrate the Agri ships
- 3 actions needed to fix the SBG's
- 3 actions needed to finish the evac fleets
- 1 action needed to start the revolution, 2 to deploy fleets

11 actions by my count, meaning we are a whole turn short?

I think it'll be necessairy to sacrifice the evac fleet. It's not like there's anywhere to evacuate the people too in the first place.

You need to either spend two Actions on infiltration or order a part of your Military (>.> Lamenters <.<) to go and board the ever-living crap out of them.
It'll have to be the former, the latter isn't an option.

The enemy is undoubtedly going to reinforce Vox Primus again, we seem to have lost all our gimmicks.
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So let's see :

- 2 actions needed to re-infiltrate the Agri ships
- 3 actions needed to fix the SBG's
- 3 actions needed to finish the evac fleets
- 1 action needed to start the revolution, 2 to deploy fleets

11 actions by my count, meaning we are a whole turn short?

Why would we need two actions to deploy fleets? What am I missing there?

On the other hand, I REALLY wanna do a Revolution Song, I think it'd help us a LOT on the ground and with fomenting etc, etc. Actually, fucking wait.

So life about the Mega-Freighters (and most everywhere in this shithole) sucks for most people, right? @HeroCooky , could the Revolution Song be able to aid with seizing/starting a revolt on the Megafreighters on top of anywhere else we've infiltrated?

Well at least I no longer have to debate with all those, "Oh we can definitely just save the SBGs for the last moment" people, whereas I was like, "If literally anything goes wrong while we stint on SBGs we're in a world of hurt."
I wonder if Holy Symbols would be a good action to pick?

I was it seems, over-optimistic. No, we have literally no time to spare.
You need to either spend two Actions on infiltration or order a part of your Military (>.> Lamenters <.<) to go and board the ever-living crap out of them.
Am I correct in assuming that the Lamenters can either board them or the stations? As in, we need to choose which we get, unless we spend 2 actions to fully infiltrate the freighters? Can we do something clever like board them in deep-space with the Chameleons shortly before the revolution?

Also - is there any way we can hunt Caine down? Spend an action to boost Cerberus and specifically task them to hunt her down?
Why would we need two actions to deploy fleets? What am I missing there?

On the other hand, I REALLY wanna do a Revolution Song, I think it'd help us a LOT on the ground and with fomenting etc, etc. Actually, fucking wait.

So life about the Mega-Freighters (and most everywhere in this shithole) sucks for most people, right? @HeroCooky , could the Revolution Song be able to aid with seizing/starting a revolt on the Megafreighters on top of anywhere else we've infiltrated?
The problem with Revolution/Mutiny in a ship is that tends to be quite messy and damaging to the ship. We need those megafreighters as pristine as possible. That means either subverting them entirely or sending the Lamenters to do lightning strike on them to secure them without the crew trying to scuttle the ships.
Why would we need two actions to deploy fleets? What am I missing there?
We'd need to deploy some to Vox Primus, and some to Vox Secundus, hence two actions?

On the other hand, I REALLY wanna do a Revolution Song, I think it'd help us a LOT on the ground and with fomenting etc, etc. Actually, fucking wait.

So life about the Mega-Freighters (and most everywhere in this shithole) sucks for most people, right? @HeroCooky , could the Revolution Song be able to aid with seizing/starting a revolt on the Megafreighters on top of anywhere else we've infiltrated?
Unfortunately, I have to agree with you and argue that we don't have the time for that either.
I need your feedback on a few questions, @HeroCooky ?

1) Can the food situation limp along for one decade if we have the Megafreighters/Voxx Secondus but have not yet completed the Civ Fleet?
2) How is the Defense Station situation currently?
3) Would moving up the Timetable for Revolution that they're operating under help anything, WRT the Infiltration thing?
1) Anyway, @HeroCooky , I think it might be better to ask what networks remain intact, instead of which have been destroyed?
Do we still have any infiltration gimmicks left in Vox Secundus. IIRC, before the revolution we had
- Extensive industry in the underhive
- Defense stations
- Agri freighter infiltration

2) Given the massive purges among the Mechanicus, are there any attempts from their side to escape and make it across the border?