What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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the Psyker-Lord of Primus begins to rouse his cadre of followers and acolytes for the fights ahead that shall come, as foreseen by the Tarot.
Well that's always a giant pain in the ass.

Precognitives. Even if it's just revamped Tarot and not outright Divination, that's still a metaphorical computer reading your inputs.

Also we're going to have to counter Psykers on the ground. Depending if this just refers to the heads of the Psyker department or if they are the actual rulers of Van Zandt/Voxx, there may be strategic level powers as well.
@HeroCooky , how many people involved in the revolt even KNOW about us?
You basically spent the last 1/2 Centuries preaching to those people you got/converted about "The Star Child" coming to free them all in one awesome (old meaning) war that shall devour their masters and shackles whole when their Holy Fleet enters the system.

The better question here is; can you stop what you have created?
Besides that I am leaning towards not contacting them given this early into the fight they'll probably not be wiling to surrender peacefully.
But if we do not, they'll stick to their assumption we are some kind of omnicidal xeno.
While if we do contact them, we can go "We are the true servants of the Emperor-and-Omissiah here to liberate humanity from the heretics claiming to be faithful to the Emperor." to plant a seed of initial doubt that maybe we right and they should support us.

And then, like pockmarks on the dying embers of an age, the grasping fingers of Warp Predators tear and scrabble at the edges of the rips within the Veil, their howls and snapping maws heard and seen by those Psykers capable of perceiving their malicious noise just as the Psyker-Lord of Primus begins to rouse his cadre of followers and acolytes for the fights ahead that shall come, as foreseen by the Tarot.
Sounds like something to copy when we get our hands on it.

[] "-to the enemy Fleet. They shall know their doom's name and their age's end!"
(You will openly declare who you are and why you have brought war to their shores. Improves Morale. This will have unintended consequences.
Warning: x0.25 Voting Weight Attached.)
(@HeroCooky )
If we do it, would the Van Zandts know our Admiral is a Xeno?
Can we influence what she says who we are?
I don't know if Dogmatic's surrender tbh. Like last time we fought a dogmatic fleet, while it did come down to rolls, they fought. I'm not against trying to secure surrenders but not sure if it is even possible
... Do I want to write the speech for the actor to give? Kind of.

Hmm. Grandiose. Bombastic. Dramatic and full of promises of a better future. I think it would go well with the Revolution song.
I don't know if Dogmatic's surrender tbh. Like last time we fought a dogmatic fleet, while it did come down to rolls, they fought. I'm not against trying to secure surrenders but not sure if it is even possible
Will be hard, but shit like us having the Lamenters gotta cause some doubt in them.
His Angels are fighting for us.

And if they have to pull their morale-override that means for the rest of the battle they roll 3 drop best, instead of roll 3 drop worst.
Giving us a big advantage.
Anydice simulation
(other factors being equal, it turns a 27.58% chance to win each roll into a 61.86%)

My post from last time Cowards Due triggered
High Admiral Huntress Of The Black Awning's Pre-Battle Speech- [Non-Canon]
Too late did I learn this is pointless, but have a funny non-canon Omake then:

"Greetings, those who are servants and slaves of slavers and tyrants! It is the Admiral, speaking for the Glimmering Federation, whose fleet now comes with a mission of fire, blood, and yet also compassion!

You may ask who we are? But hark! We are the children of the innocents you could not slaughter, that you could not abandon all those centuries ago when you fled from the Orks that our Federation triumphed over centuries ago! We are the legacy of your mothers and grandmothers' sins, and yet you need not die for that corrupted, twisted legacy.

Long have we watched Voxx Primus, for many years we have hid in the long grass, and observed what we could see. It is these observations that bring us here, to the Holy task of glorious warfare in the name of Liberty!

We have seen the atrocity your masters have made of this Hive World. We have taken its measure, and found it wanting! Found it lacking! Found it Vile!

You blind the people of the Duchy and impoverish their minds, and call it piety! Yet we build new fleets and technologies not only to aid in the making of war, but in the victory and triumph of the peace!

You torture and murder those who disagree, and call it Prudence, resistence against the manyfold outside enemies, including Chaos! Yet we have tirelessly battled Chaos, century after century, and each time we have dealt a blow to them, they have crumpled and been destroyed, and without destroying the heart of inquiry at the center of each soul!

You starve nine-hundred and ninety--nine in the one of one, and call it good stewardship! Yet each citizen and non-citizen of the Federation eats a bounty vaster than you could imagine, living in peace and luxury as they will, and all of this in such wealth as cannot be imagined! This good galaxy, despite its darkness, despite the grim wars among the stars, has in it what can provide for all who seek it!

You destroy and tear apart those who oppose you... and call it Justice. Yet ours shall be the final, vicious and yet restrained justice that shall free your slaves, and topple your thrones, and leave free all from the lowest or highest!

You make a system of poverty, crime, and disease and call it Health, encouraging the very forces of Chaos and the very ills that you so decry, and blaming the victims for their victimization. Yet let no poverty linger, let no crime go unpunished from high to low, and let no sickness go untreated: this is a creed of a Glimmering Federation!

Hark! Yon slaves! You who bear the chains! Surrender, and life now and life eternal shall be yours! Surrender, and you, your children, and children's children shall for a hundred generations know the feeling of a full belly, of a full heart, of a soul full with the righteous fire of passion for Liberty, Justice, and the Federation Way!

We have seen the way that the greed and cupidity, the vicious self-regard, the arrogance and vile and basest behavior of those who claim themselves your Better Masters have done nothing more than make you suffer!

We came to liberate you, but you must also work to liberate yourself! NO slave can be free to run through the thick grasses and laugh at the sun until they have seized with their own two hands this light! This triumph!

Seven-hundred Billion People rest now in conditions that we would not give to the common beast, their bones picked clean by scavangers, their memories forgotten as soon as they die! Seven Hundred Billion sins can be laid at the feet of the leaders of Voxx Primus, and hundreds of billions more at the feet of the Van Zandt Duchy!

But there is hope!

Even now my voice, calling to you across the Stars, bound by the stars, reaches out to billions yet unfree! Break your chains! And those who are soldiers, those who fight for this regime, you too are victims, you too are subject to the whims of a few leaders, the excesses of a few tyrants!

But do not despair! Soldiers, do not give yourself to brutes! Who control your lives, your meager food, your every action with a grip of iron! Do not be cannon fodder for these monsters!

Let us fight for knowledge tempered by wisdom, in the name of the Omnnisah, through which those who will listen can yet hear the call of freedom, can be more than a cog and yet a part in a grand tapestry.

Let us fight for an Empire of open hands and signal fires and beacons in the dark, in the name of the God Emperor, so that truly universal shall be the scope of our righteous fires!

Let us fight with the energy of the Motive Force, driving change without the evils of chaos, so that we can ever improve and ever move towards a brighter dawn.

Let us fight for a new galaxy, a better galaxy, in the name of the Community and Body of Faith, so that the voices of all might be lifted in howls of victory and shrieks and laughs of joy, and at least in a song.

in the name of the Star Child, a cub whose teeth will yet bear the life-blood of all the Evils of the Galaxy, a child whose hands bear us all, believer and non-believer, guilty and innocent.

May the righteous survive, and may those who resist us and uphold evils suck at the bone marrow of defeat!"
[] "-to the Fleet. I will deliver a speech for war, a speech to glorious death, and a speech to liberation!"
(You will approach silently. Damages enemy morale. This will have unintended consequences.)
[] "-to the enemy Fleet. They shall know their doom's name and their age's end!"
(You will openly declare who you are and why you have brought war to their shores. Improves Morale. This will have unintended consequences.
Warning: x0.25 Voting Weight Attached.)
So I think that our revealing ourselves could be good given that they thought that we are just xenos; our being human could make people more willing to surrender, but given dogmatic 5/5, it could be the opposite effect... I am not sure
Tempted to clearly communicate to the enemy, but our admiral's an utter drama queen apparently, so it will absolutely swing into something... well, dramatic.
I don't know if Dogmatic's surrender tbh. Like last time we fought a dogmatic fleet, while it did come down to rolls, they fought. I'm not against trying to secure surrenders but not sure if it is even possible

They can't actually surrender, because the first time they would, their leaders get executed reflexively and they get Perfect Morale at the cost of their roll bonus turning into a penalty (But it can stll flip an even fight into a win for them because the other side actually has to worry about morale).

It's only possible to force a surrender when all the ones who would perform executions are dead, and they're invariably dramatically harder to kill and actually allowed to retreat if the shit hits the fan. Force Fields, superior armor, all kinds of relic bullshit, and the whole "Any single CO is only in charge of a small portion of the overall force, so you can't even do Ork Tactics to decapitate the overall commander"

This wouldn't work in any sane universe, but this is 40K, where Everyone Is The Worst without exception. So instead it not only works, but it works extremely well! Well enough that the Imperium had no meaningful competitors for millennia
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They can't actually surrender, because the first time they would, their leaders get executed reflexively and they get Perfect Morale at the cost of their roll bonus turning into a penalty (But it can stll flip an even fight into a win for them because the other side actually has to worry about morale).

It's only possible to force a surrender when all the ones who would perform executions are dead, and they're invariably dramatically harder to kill and actually allowed to retreat if the shit hits the fan.

This wouldn't work in any sane universe, but this is 40K, where Everyone Is The Worst without exception. So instead it not only works, but it works extremely well!

I think you should consider that the circumstances are actually very different here, honestly?
I think you should consider that the circumstances are actually very different here, honestly?

I don't see anything that says they somehow lost their ability to just auto-execute their leaders if they're about to morale break. The ones who do that are explicitly kept out of the usual chain of command and heavily indoctrinated to be insane psychopaths even by Imperial standings.

And unlike Neon, as far as the Powers that Be are concerned, things are generally pretty good? There's unrest yeah, but that's pretty much just Situation Normal as far as life in a hive World is concerned.

The impression I generally got is that there's a triangle relationship between the three Affinities. Where Dogmatic beats Iconoclastic, Iconoclastic beats Heretical, and Heretical beats Dogmatic. Heretical can trivially force Dogmatic to invert their dice pool and auto-corrupt their dudes, but fails doing the same vs Iconoclastic. Iconoclastic has to actually deal with reasonable logistics and people who don't spend their entire life being drilled to consider themselves and all humans to be expendable tokens spent by God, and don't have any ways to just magic betrayal in the ranks (We spent a lot of resources at it, yeah, but that just makes things easier, not a sure thing).

Plus, we already saw that there's apparently Some degree of panopticon going on in Voxx Primus, given all the shit that happened with no discernable cause, and how we were instantly IDed and the entire industrial sector purged the moment we tried stepping somewhere Important. It's not to the level where it'd stop a grassroots thing, but their core resources at least seem to be hardened from conventional infiltration.

And finally, you've got Dogmatic which is willing and happy to accept ruinously low standards of living and quality of life, and has psychotic levels of morale by default (That manifests as the "Roll 3 take best two" trait, which apparently doesn't mean that the typical conscripted peasant is a better soldier than an elite, professional trooper of the Federation, just that they're vastly more willing to die if it takes you with them.) Which lets them ignore certain levels of logistics and equipment mismatches, but makes them hilariously vulnerable to being corrupted by outside forces because all something has to do is fill the Emperor-shaped hole in their lives and you can take all that power for your own without difficulty.

Technically, I think what we did could be manifested as "We copied the Heretical shtick of corrupting them, but we had to use actions on it while they Just Get It For Free because they're Evil", but until things shake out, we won't know how successful we actually were, or what kind of hole cards Voxx Primus has to deal with us, especially since they apparently scryed that we were coming and would have had time to prepare countermeasures, even if those countermeasures might not be fully effective.
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See the vote that won for the first, and nope for the latter.
Wait, so despite specifically writing in having a photogenic human actor on hand to play the admiral, the Admiral would be the one sending the communication? I suppose she is bombastic and is overriding the Council's orders because she wants to give the speech?

I want to send a speech that's almost semi-propaganda declaring us as the Glimmering Federation and the good guys - very much what @The Laurent wrote up. But it wouldn't mean anything coming from a Kil'drabi because xenophobes.
I thought the mechanic was that we basically need to morale break them twice? Since the perfect morale thing should only be for the first morale test they fail.
If I recall correctly the Tarot is more interpretive than not? Like sure they probably saw an attack was coming but I doubt they have an understanding of what the ships are and our state and such
I don't see anything that says they somehow lost their ability to just auto-execute their leaders if they're about to morale break. The ones who do that are explicitly kept out of the usual chain of command and heavily indoctrinated to be insane psychopaths even by Imperial standings.

And unlike Neon, as far as the Powers that Be are concerned, things are generally pretty good? There's unrest yeah, but that's pretty much just Situation Normal as far as life in a hive World is concerned.

The impression I generally got is that there's a triangle relationship between the three Affinities. Where Dogmatic beats Iconoclastic, Iconoclastic beats Heretical, and Heretical beats Dogmatic. Heretical can trivially force Dogmatic to invert their dice pool and auto-corrupt their dudes, but fails doing the same vs Iconoclastic. Iconoclastic has to actually deal with reasonable logistics and people who don't spend their entire life being drilled to consider themselves and all humans to be expendable tokens spent by God, and don't have any ways to just magic betrayal in the ranks (We spent a lot of resources at it, yeah, but that just makes things easier, not a sure thing).

Plus, we already saw that there's apparently Some degree of panopticon going on in Voxx Primus, given all the shit that happened with no discernable cause, and how we were instantly IDed and the entire industrial sector purged the moment we tried stepping somewhere Important. It's not to the level where it'd stop a grassroots thing, but their core resources at least seem to be hardened from conventional infiltration.

And finally, you've got Dogmatic which is willing and happy to accept ruinously low standards of living and quality of life, and has psychotic levels of morale by default (That manifests as the "Roll 3 take best two" trait, which apparently doesn't mean that the typical conscripted peasant is a better soldier than an elite, professional trooper of the Federation, just that they're vastly more willing to die if it takes you with them.) Which lets them ignore certain levels of logistics and equipment mismatches, but makes them hilariously vulnerable to being corrupted by outside forces because all something has to do is fill the Emperor-shaped hole in their lives and you can take all that power for your own without difficulty.

Technically, I think what we did could be manifested as "We copied the Heretical shtick of corrupting them, but we had to use actions on it while they Just Get It For Free because they're Evil", but until things shake out, we won't know how successful we actually were, or what kind of hole cards Voxx Primus has to deal with us, especially since they apparently scryed that we were coming and would have had time to prepare countermeasures, even if those countermeasures might not be fully effective.

We've literally won every single war we've had with Dogmatic and Heretical powers. That's not "Therefore this will be a cakewalk" but I feel like you are constantly overestimating and worrying about how unfair whoever is in front of them.

...like, we do know how successful we are. THIS is how successful we are.

The time for war has come. Death shall stalk the stars once more, and the predators of the Warp will grow fat on the souls of the lost and damned that will enter the shattered realm of the dead where the Celestial Choirs cannot ward them off.

May the Star Child have mercy on those standing in our way; we can not.

The War Begins:
(1-Day Moratorium)
-[] (Write-In Fleets fighting in the war.)
-[] (Write-In SAGs fighting in the First Phase of the Ground War.)
-[] (Write-In Triggers)

Triggers Earned

[Mechanical] Army of the Damned - (Write-In Stance)
The Mutants and Waste Clans are under your command, willing and able to contribute what they can for a better life promised by the Star Child. Choose one stance: [Raid Hive Outposts/SAG Convoy Guard/Sabotage Hive Defenses/Scout Hive Defenses]

[Narrative] Paths through the Wastes
When deploying to another Hive, your forces take drastically reduced attrition. When deploying to another Hive, Duchy forces take drastically increased attrition.

[Mechanical] The Armored Fifth Column - (Designate GENERAL Objectives)
[Equivalent to 10 SAGs.] Depletes by 2 each Turn. Suffers [Equivalent] SAG Casualties first each turn without depletion as an ablative shield.

[Lower Hive]
[Narrative] Arm the Enslaved - (Yes/No) - (If Yes, when?)
Attempt to rouse the enslaved populations of the Hives to join your revolution via Songs or doing it manually. Massive increase in chaos during the first few months at the cost of drastically increased civilian casualties.

[Narrative] Stoke the Workers to Action - (Yes/No)
Try to create strikes and work walkouts before the fleet enters the system everywhere you can to grind the industrial might of the Hives to a halt for a moment, vastly reducing available supplies for the native SDF, PDF, and Enforcers. Will boost civilian casualties.

[Narrative] Enforcers Turned - (Second-Line Guards/Trainers/Law Enforcers)
Turn the Law Enforcers of the Hives in your pockets into second-line guards for your revolution, trainers to improve the fighting population skills, or law enforcers for your side to keep chaos and Chaos low.

[Mechanical] Attempt Shield Generator Sabotage [OR] Subversion
Attempt to destroy or subvert the Shield Generators of the Hives to your side. You can only choose one. Sabotaging will drastically reduce the time required to siege a Hive but massively increase civilian casualties. Subverting is riskier but enables a powerful first assault against Hive Walls when pulled off.

[Mechanical] Attempt To Break The Walls - (When?)
Attempt to sabotage Hive Walls with explosives to enable quicker sieges and reduced casualties. The later this is attempted, the harder it becomes, but the earlier it is done, the less damage will remain without being repaired.

[Middle Hive]
[Mechanical] Moles in their Midsts - (Movements/Logistics/Morale/Communications/Fifth Column)
Your spies can focus their attention to give you various benefits. Movements increase attrition taken by the Duchy, Logistics decrease supplies for the loyalist PDF Regiments at the cost of increased Civilian Casualties, Morale enables you to better break the enemy without a fight, Communications slightly lower casualties for you across the board, and Fifth Column reduced their SAG reduction from 2 per Turn to 1 per Turn.

[Narrative] Break The Morale - (Civilians/PDF)
Use your infiltration of the Hives to splice in propaganda broadcasts into the daily lives of the defenders or the general population, aimed at breaking their will to fight against you instead of submitting to a new future free of the brutality of their old masters.

[Mechanical] Mechanicus Deviancy - (Specify Trigger)
With the Orthodox Cleansings ebbing down, those who have survived are more furious and scared than ever, willing to fight for one side that has an excellent chance to give them what they want. By utilizing these members of the Mechanicus, an area of operations will be enhanced, and its effects will increase.

[Upper Hive]
[Mechanical] Templar Rampages - (Officers/Nobles/Critical Infrastructure)
Choose one of the areas above for your Templars to target. Officers will reduce the effectiveness of the local PDF, Nobles will impact the civilians' will to continue fighting as their leadership collapses, and Critical Infrastructure will increase the rate at which you can conquer a Hive.

[Narrative] Mass-Poisonings - (Military/Nobles)
Use your spies to slip poisons into the food and water supplies to the military or the nobles, ensuring that leadership and general cohesion suffer.

[Hive Spire]
[Narrative] Targeted Assassinations (Admiral/General/Governor)
Attempt to assassinate one of the above persons. This has a low chance of success but may prove critical in the liberation of Voxx Primus.

[Voxxian Ringyards]
[Mechanical] Attempt To Blow The Plasma Generators [OR] Blow The Shield Generators [OR] Turn The Guns Around
Choose one of the above to disable the Ringyards, enable Teleportarium Strikes for the Lamenters, or sow discord in the enemy SDF. You can attempt two of the above, but they will be as likely to fail as they are to succeed.

[Narrative] Revolution In The Stars - (When)
Rouse the spacers and clans of the Ringyards to riot and revolution, spreading chaos and confusion as they disrupt logistics and divert attention away.

[Defensive Void Stations]
[Mechanical] Attempt To Blow The Plasma Generators [OR] Turn The Guns Around
Choose one of the above to disable the DVSs or sow discord in the enemy SDF.

[Mechanical] Hidden Moles - (Movements/Logistics/Morale/Communications)
What little spies you have in the PDF can focus their attention to give you various benefits. Movements increase attrition taken by the PDF, Logistics decrease supplies, Morale enables you to better break the enemy without a fight, and Communications slightly lower casualties for you across the board.

[Narrative] Turned Officers - (When)
Turn the PDF officers to your side, enabling you to gain entire Regiments to your cause.

[Mechanical] Hidden Moles - (Logistics/Morale/Communications)
What little spies you have in the SDF can focus their attention to give you various benefits. Logistics decrease supplies, Morale enables you to better break the enemy without a fight, and Communications enables you to become aware of some maneuvers before they are enacted.

[Narrative] Turned Officers - (When)
Turn the SDF officers to your side, potentially enabling you to gain entire Monitors to your cause.

[Voxxian Choirs]
[Mechanical] Use Songs - (Yes/No)
Allow Voxxian Choirs to use Songs. This dramatically increases the chance of daemonic possession and Chaos Corruption spreading in the liberation.

[Mechanical] Use Melodies - (Yes/No)
Allow Voxxian Choirs to use Melodies. This slightly increases the chance of daemonic possession and Chaos Corruption spreading in the liberation.

[Federation Choirs]
[Mechanical] (Designate Numbers, Songs, And Behaviour For The Ground War)
Choose what the Celestial Choirs objectives are, what Songs should take priority, and how they shall be utilized in the war.

AN: Tactics/Strategy for the Voxx primus/Secundus fights will come after this vote is over.

Unless specified otherwise, use strategic and tactical thinking to infer narrative benefits when mechanical benefits are not mentioned.

We are so successful we have 24 triggers or something insane specifically about fucking with them at EVERY level. We can deactivate the shields on fortifications that they spent centuries perfecting.

Wait, so despite specifically writing in having a photogenic human actor on hand to play the admiral, the Admiral would be the one sending the communication? I suppose she is bombastic and is overriding the Council's orders because she wants to give the speech?

I want to send a speech that's almost semi-propaganda declaring us as the Glimmering Federation and the good guys - very much what @The Laurent wrote up. But it wouldn't mean anything coming from a Kil'drabi because xenophobes.

Also you're misunderstanding things. You asked two questions:

If we do it, would the Van Zandts know our Admiral is a Xeno?
Can we influence what she says who we are?

"See the vote that won for the first, and nope for the latter."

The vote that won involved having a human involved. Question answered.

Nope for the latter: "Can we influence what she says who we are?" Presumably if we choose to take that option, we're giving her the mic and she gets to decide what she says and how, through the Human.