What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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HOLD UP. "Taste of Blood within the mouths of all who would leave in this direction for eighty-eight years" did this just leaked chaos taint of the Khrone flavor to Kaig? Shit, I think we just kickstarted the chaos subversion of the Dutchy in there and one they won't be looking at deeply in the aftermath.
Oh. Yeah, that happened. Can we fix that? Did we brainstorm a Song that can purify that area?

But that may also work in our favor if we really started a Chaos take over event(which is VERY ironic since we are Iconoclasts).
Yes, they can. Also, fyi, your Choirs are pretty much the closest you can get to Fanatically Loyal without veering into a Stupid Fantic Trope. If you tell them to take a shot, they will. Conveniently, the dice decided to give you the Psychic Foci that enables them to merely have a few years of recovery and arm/leg replacements instead of getting turned into organic charcoal when they use The Sun!
In advance I am sorry singers of the Choir. This is gonna suck.
2. We would have taken significantly more damage in Kaig without that extra SBG. We took significant losses outnumbering them 2:1, only outnumbering them 1.5:1 would have been much worse.
3. The single SBG we would have left in Echich would have gotten absolutely run over if it tried to fight the Vlaus fleet away from the defense stations over the planet. Which it would have had to do, and been on the wrong side of a 2:1 power discrepancy and the dice advantage. We'd be down a full SBG right now, though it may have been able to take out the exterminatus-armed cruisers in return. Not guaranteed though.
Our losses weren't that bad, it was less than an SBG's worth.

While a Single SBG plus Taskforce Alpha on their own likely wouldn't have came out victorious, they still could have done quite a bit to stall them. Especially with our ships being rather fast. Plus with an SBG we could have allowed our Thules to do some work nuking ships.

While we couldn't have prepared for Khorne to cockblock us, we still could have prepared for the Vlaus fleet arriving before we could return from Kaig to try holding them back.
People did vote to destroy the enemy fleet completely and be merciless, instead of protecting lives including federation survivors, which not only empowered khorne,but gave him a opening against the federation but then again the exterminatus plan would have empower him however, not going after the enemy forces wouod give the federation enough time to make a proper defence aginst the exterminatus fleet
Our losses weren't that bad, it was less than an SBG's worth.

While a Single SBG plus Taskforce Alpha on their own likely wouldn't have came out victorious, they still could have done quite a bit to stall them. Especially with our ships being rather fast. Plus with an SBG we could have allowed our Thules to do some work nuking ships.

While we couldn't have prepared for Khorne to cockblock us, we still could have prepared for the Vlaus fleet arriving before we could return from Kaig to try holding them back.

The fact that we put Choirs into the Defense Stations was a preparation... and as it turned out not a bad one, all things considered.

People did vote to destroy the enemy fleet completely and be merciless, instead of protecting lives including federation survivors, which not only empowered khorne,but gave him a opening against the federation but then again the exterminatus plan would have empower him however, not going after the enemy forces wouod give the federation enough time to make a proper defence aginst the exterminatus fleet

I mean, we voted to not let the fact that they were literally trying to murder surrendered prisoners stop us from kicking their asses.

I supported Retreat, but morally Fight! was fully justifiable.
1) Do we need/want Anti-Radiation Coating on the ship mounting Rad Lances?
2) What is a power consumption of Rad Lance compared to Medium Prow Lance? Will we have potential power system problem if we install three Rad Lances on 4200m*550m Light Cruiser?
Into Violence - [Semi-Canon]

There is not a single war in all of existence that the Blood God does not know of. This one was no different, but it was watched with no small amount of interest.

Though hated, this pathetic 'Duchy' was no concern and though blood flowed from those with the boot to their neck, there was no meaningful resistance, no fight. No matter its 'power', no matter it's so-called 'competent leaders', it had fallen into the same trap as the Anathema once did at the moment of its conception. Too Human, too arrogant, too weak. They would not find glory, but join the skulls on the throne.

It was The Child Anathema's Federation that truly drew hate and wrath.

They denied the power of Chaos entirely, from the smallest babe to the doddering elders.


Such was not an impossibility, yet it enraged the Blood God and his siblings nonetheless. It could not be denied that should this nation grow to match the might of the Anathema's Empire, Chaos' inevitable victory would be thrown into question.

And so, when an opportunity presents itself, the Blood God seizes the opportunity with no hesitation.
Aboard a single ship in transit, the crew feel the Warp scream. The only warning the captain gets is the smell of fresh blood before reality rips open in front of him. He barely manages to tear his eyes away but it does him little good. A blade cuts across his chest before he can even raise a hand in defence, he feels like he's been cut in two. Then, a hand plunges into that cut and something is pulled out of his chest. The last thing he sees is his heart in the claws of a snarling Bloodmaster.

The moment the captain's body hits the ground, more Bloodletters emerge from the shadows of the ship and Khaar'goth, Bloodmaster of Khorne, raises his blade at the crew - shock and horror on their faces - and roars.

The crew immediately have their hands on their weapons, but it only buys them time before screams fill the air and blood stains the walls. Soon, every Federation and Lamenter ship would have a similar incident and the severity differed each time. Some were lucky, some were not.



"And yet, they resist you."
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People did vote to destroy the enemy fleet completely and be merciless, instead of protecting lives including federation survivors, which not only empowered khorne,but gave him a opening against the federation but then again the exterminatus plan would have empower him however, not going after the enemy forces wouod give the federation enough time to make a proper defence aginst the exterminatus fleet
That is not what happened at all. Khorne managed to act because of the double 8 of the dice roll which was very unfurtunate for us but it was not our choice that "empowered" him as you said it did, in fact here is the word of god on that:
To be fair here, the Chaos Gods had to roll their number twice to have any effect, with the Star Child also getting that treatment, and I had been of the thought that you would nuke the smaller fleet before meeting the larger one in Echish.
It could have been any of the Four going after us or even a Star Child miracle but things didn't go our way this time.
[X] Plan: No Mr. Duchy Man, I Expect You To Not Commit Genocide
-[X] There are ways to make someone hesitate. Even if it breaks secrecy, it is time to reveal to the Admiral the Glimmering Federation, that is to say have a human on the line to point out, that they were about to kill hundreds of billions of humans. The goal isn't to make them stop, but to sow doubt.
--[X] Information is to be provided including the surrenders of the three Mass Conveyers, footage and so on of ongoing combat, and so on. Drown them in information... including proof that the Duchy was using Abominable Intelligences.
-[X] If they do not surrender or cease hostilities/etc (we can judge on the ground), after a reasonable amount of time, the Choirs present in the system, of which by this point there are quite a few, are to destroy the ships with the Exterminatus weapons, and then if surrender isn't forthcoming, repeat the demand and if refused destroy the Light Cruisers. We shall not allow them to genocide hundreds of billions of souls just because they love Abominable Intelligences and aiding Chaos so much.
-[X] The Chamleons are to stalk the enemy fleet. They and their choirs are to be at the ready. An all-channels message might do, or some other way to make it clear when to strike if need be. Their targets are to be the Light Cruisers if it comes to this. If "The Sun" from the Defense Stations isn't enough to take down the Exterminatus ships, they are to join in.
-[X] Provided there is not that surrender or stop moving in a VERY short time period, because the lives of literal billions are at risk. The Choirs at the Defense Station are to use "The Sun" to destroy all three of the Exterminatus ships, using The Sun. One Choir for each ship... but if that's not enough the others can get involved. If it's three Choirs down for three Light Cruisers the other Defense Station Choirs are to hold, preparing to aim The Sun at more light cruisers.
-[X] All Non-Volunteer Crew, because in the end all of the above is just to help our chances, since for the sake of hundreds of billion lives the sacrifice of the Task Force is more than justified. Everything above might save some bloodshed, but...
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[X] Plan: No Mr. Duchy Man, I Expect You To Not Commit Genocide

Excellent write in. We sacrifice, but only those few who signed up for the duty.
Oh. Yeah, that happened. Can we fix that? Did we brainstorm a Song that can purify that area?

But that may also work in our favor if we really started a Chaos take over event(which is VERY ironic since we are Iconoclasts).
I mean we have a few anti-chaos songs by the looks of it in the song list. Just need to get some songs made using an action or too. Problem is getting those actions. It really is ironic and bad if we do... it says something weird if the Iconoclasts are the source of the chaos taint... somehow. it was the damn portal to hell opening every time you want to travel.

People did vote to destroy the enemy fleet completely and be merciless, instead of protecting lives including federation survivors, which not only empowered khorne,but gave him a opening against the federation but then again the exterminatus plan would have empower him however, not going after the enemy forces would give the federation enough time to make a proper defense against the exterminatus fleet
Eh, its really just the dice screwing us over but in lore/quest it does seem like that would be the case.

[X] Plan: No Mr. Duchy Man, I Expect You To Not Commit Genocide
I'm a bit confused. isn't the enemy already Voxx Secundus or are we retro-actively having the chamleons there with the choirs there? or are buying time for the Chamleons to get here and use the power of the Sun to the light cruisers?
I mean we have a few anti-chaos songs by the looks of it in the song list. Just need to get some songs made using an action or too. Problem is getting those actions. It really is ironic and bad if we do... it says something weird if the Iconoclasts are the source of the chaos taint... somehow. it was the damn portal to hell opening every time you want to travel.

Eh, its really just the dice screwing us over but in lore/quest it does seem like that would be the case.

I'm a bit confused. isn't the enemy already Voxx Secundus or are we retro-actively having the chamleons there with the choirs there? or are buying time for the Chamleons to get here and use the power of the Sun to the light cruisers?

At least from what I can tell, our Chamleons can be wherever we want them to be.

Also... no? Like I don't know how you would interpret this as "They're already in Voxx Secondus":

They knew this. They had calculated the odds themselves the second the Duchy Fleet had warped into the system and had begun to burn toward Voxx Secundus.
Also... no? Like I don't know how you would interpret this as "They're already in Voxx Secondus":

They knew this. They had calculated the odds themselves the second the Duchy Fleet had warped into the system and had begun to burn toward Voxx Secundus.
yah, I read that 'burn towards Voxx Secundus' as them in system already and heading to the planet, not as heading to the jump point to warp over to Voxx Secundus. My bad.
They can, but ~9k strike craft versus ~6 scouts is a far different beast to ~500 strike craft versus ~80 ships.
I thought we had tons of strikecraft in our defense stations, it seemed like 4k from the half-SBG-worth defense stations in Sigrillita. Although we were talking about using Lances when we made the stations since we had just gotten wrecked by the Flyssa.
...symbols for strike craft, ..., the strokes and chevrons denoting their numbers tallying up to over 2.600 in the fleet racing to meet them, with another 4.000 rising from the void stations they had emerged near to.

Also, I assume our strikecraft have a pretty limited operating range around Long to Extreme. Even if they can travel hours or days away to the edge of the system, they make a few attack runs then have to do a return trip to rearm.

I'm surprised that there are Choirs on the Secundus stations or that they can do anything beyond a close range attack without Songs and Psytech-equiped ships. We should be sticking them with our fleets more often if we can just pick out ships to nuke.

[X] Plan: No Mr. Duchy Man, I Expect You To Not Commit Genocide
To throw good ships after bad just to raze a few planets with priceless armaments in a matter that you'll never get back.

But what if the weapons weren't priceless anymore? Scorched Earth is an inhumane strategy but it's one that's been used irl to great effect. If the lives lost become something that can be harvested as an weapon it would be even more dangerous. The black stones probably can't be produced from orbit with a suicide Exterminatus run but the paradigm seems disturbingly practical. Something like reverse-Tyranids that grow in strength by murdering more of their own population.

"Lord High Admiral Frances Van Helsingborg XXXVII! We just found out who the White Void really are!"

"Well what is it? Chaos Cultists? Genocidal Xenos that seek to purge all other life from the galaxy? Mind-Controlling Parasites? An Empire of Cannibalistic Slavers? Abominable Intelligences? Come on boy, spit it out!"

"Worse than all of that combined my Lord. They're Socialists. Progressive Republican Socialists…"


It's a realistic attitude if you think about it. The Imperium survives by virtue of there being threats worse than it. Orks, Tyranids, Chaos, DEldar and most Necrons (it's damning there are exceptions there) serve to unify Humanity under the Emperor. The idea that things could ever get better fundamentally threatens the Imperium's legitimacy. Letting a few sectors fall to IRREDEEMABLE EVIL #28 is a rallying call that the Imperium can use to mobilize enough bodies to drown the problem but a planet rebelling and improving because of it invites lines of questioning that must be stopped at all costs.