What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Voting will open in 5 hours, 14 minutes
--[X] Five Choirs are to be placed in the Defense Station, to warn the fleet of any attacks on Eschish and to do their utmost in this case to delay and harm the enemy task force.

This was part of the winning vote. So we've got the Choirs to dedicate a Melody of the Sun to each light cruiser.

@HeroCooky you said that the Exterminatius weapons are on the cruisers. If we blast them can I presume that they won't be able to do an Exterminatius?

Additionally how many of those ships have Ortilery? Roughly. Because if we blast the Light Cruisers and they don't have ortilety they're pretty screwed for "nuke the Planet"
This was part of the winning vote. So we've got the Choirs to dedicate a Melody of the Sun to each light cruiser.

@HeroCooky you said that the Exterminatius weapons are on the cruisers. If we blast them can I presume that they won't be able to do an Exterminatius?

Additionally how many of those ships have Ortilery? Roughly. Because if we blast the Light Cruisers and they don't have ortilety they're pretty screwed for "nuke the Planet"

What's their range? I'm pretty sure they're conveniently out of range thanks to the Defense Station not covering anything. covering only the planet and nothing else.
Our ships have choirs, i would assume they would be the ones sacrificed.

We also have Choirs that were specifically put on the Defense Stations back when we had the mistaken impression that the enemy can't just trivially ignore and bypass them as long as they're not specifically trying to take the planet.

I mean did you think all the stations were like ringed around the outer edges of the entire system on the off chance that the enemy would transit into range? Space if big so of course defense stations would be placed at what's actually important in the system- the planets and other landmarks of importance.

I for one don't actually give a toss about Eschish compared to keeping the enemy from Voxx Secondus.
Look, I'm going to break my promise briefly here to clear something up.

Nobody thought of it because it's fucking Psychopath level tactics.

The only thing that rushing past a front line to attack a back line normally does is leave you prone to getting absolutely eradicated by the enemy's depth. This entire force is functionally on a suicide mission, it's just that they've decided that "Exterminatus" is Standard Operating Procedure and should be done as a matter of course in any battle that they can't instantly win.

It's absolutely lunatic, psychopath level tactics, even by the Old Imperium's standards, that would get even an Inquisitor Lord defrocked and excommunicated for. To throw good ships after bad just to raze a few planets with priceless armaments in a matter that you'll never get back. Planets that are still resisting and fighting back on their side no less! It is a declaration that "I don't want those planets and never will again", even the Old Imperium, in all of its crazy, never did this lightly

You can't predict crazy, just weather it. And any polity that resorts to mass Exterminatus bombardments is fucking crazy even by 40K standards. That doesn't benefit anyone

And with that, I'm going back on my self-imposed exile. Cripes.
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Just for future reference, is there anything we can do to mitigate this level of chaos-fuckery, or is it just a background part of the world? Like upgrading the anti-chaos trait, or building a temple ship, or doing the holy tree for saints/holy sigils.

Also - seems like something to take into account for most future warp campaigns. Surprised we haven't run into it before.
Get SDFs running in your systems (you get like...~1 SBG worth with your Void Industry Dev Level right now), get higher on the Warp Tech and Psytech Trees to get Interdiction Arrays placed, and have free-floating patrol fleets to come in at a moments notice.

And yes, this is generally a background part of 40k where the attackers have most of the advantage in where battles happen. And this happened because of poor rolls leading to a Chaos intervention.
It's just that... our actual fear was an enemy fleet coming in, wrecking our face, and then killing Voxx Secondus and thus Voxx Primus.

Protecting Eschish was, like, 5th on the list and only because I can't think of more than four other priorities.
I am squinting at this because I don't know how to effectively explain "too much area to cover for Warp Entry Points" and "there is only the planet worth anything in the system if you care about logic" come across as my thought process as to how I figured defense stations work.
Whats stopping enemy fleets from doing this at any time? Just having our own fleet in system to oppose them or they've just never bothered before?
Logistics and your own fleets able to harry them with the help of local SDFs.
...wait, fucking really?

@HeroCooky .
Yeah. The problem is that you wanted to get to the planet they were protecting.
@HeroCooky you said that the Exterminatius weapons are on the cruisers. If we blast them can I presume that they won't be able to do an Exterminatius?

Additionally how many of those ships have Ortilery? Roughly. Because if we blast the Light Cruisers and they don't have ortilety they're pretty screwed for "nuke the Planet"
Yes, you know which ones carry the munitions, and their location.
And roughly all to none, depending on how you classify ortillery. A Macro-Cannon can still fire upon a planet after all.
Chamleon position.

Edit: Alectai summed it up pretty well actually. The Free Duchy is doing Psychopath Breakdown-levels of tactics here. You are currently Too Sane to take that into account.
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Nobody thought of it because it's fucking Psychopath level tactics.


One big problem.

They don't need to do that.

We do not have gravity well generators, or jammers, or anything like that.
The enemy can just go around.

Orbital defenses are useful to protect critical infrastructure, or important worlds, or places to sally a fleet from. But there's no astrogeographical chokepoint narrow enough to put a fortress in, barring shenanigans like Cadia.

Nobody thought of it because it's fucking Psychopath level tactics.

The only thing that rushing past a front line to attack a back line normally does is leave you prone to getting absolutely eradicated by the enemy's depth. This entire force is functionally on a suicide mission, it's just that they've decided that "Exterminatus" is Standard Operating Procedure and should be done as a matter of course in any battle that they can't instantly win.

It's absolutely lunatic, psychopath level tactics, even by the Old Imperium's standards, that would get even an Inquisitor Lord defrocked and excommunicated for. To throw good ships after bad just to raze a few planets with priceless armaments in a matter that you'll never get back. Planets that are still resisting and fighting back on their side no less! It is a declaration that "I don't want those planets and never will again", even the Old Imperium, in all of its crazy, never did this lightly

You can't predict crazy, just weather it. And any polity that resorts to mass Exterminatus bombardments is fucking crazy even by 40K standards. That doesn't benefit anyone

It doesn't need to be psychopathic at all.

The enemy fleet is, universally, faster than ours.
They can enter the system, obliterate Vox Secundus, and leave, without significant risk.

Being surrounded is bad if it cuts of your supplies, but Imperial vessels (or most vessels in Warhammer, are not continiously resupplied. So there's no difference between normal operations and what they're doing now.
Similarly, it's bad if they get surrounded, but we do not actually have the fleets available to surround them.

If we confront them in Voxx Secundus, we do not have any forces available to stop their retreat.
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[] Plan: Three Fail-Safes and A Sacrifice
-[] Can the Choirs on the Defense Stations reach the three enemy ships bearing Exterminatus Weapons with The Sun? if so, it is time for them to make the choice and take the shot. The two left over (if there's not some sort of Melody stacking to improve range or whatever) just pick the most valuable looking enemy ship and destroy it.
--[] Try to load them on some of the ships, like the Tauruses that are around if this is infeasible and get them close enough to etc, etc.
--[] If it can't catch up close enough in time, then it's to the Chamleons (who are to act until this point as if this is going to be done, they can always withdraw if the matter is settled) to get close and do so, using their Choirs to destroy the three enemy ships from close range with the Sun. All other Chamleons are not to engage but continue the stalking, with orders to potentially have their ships use The Sun if need be.
-[] There are ways to make someone hesitate. Even if it breaks secrecy, it is time to reveal to the Admiral the Glimmering Federation, that is to say have a human on the line to point out, after the Chamleons or Defense Station Choirs have destroyed the Exterminatus weapons, that they were about to kill hundreds of billions of humans. The goal isn't to make them stop, but to sow doubt.
-[] All Non-Volunteer Crew, because in the end all of the above is just to help our chances, since for the sake of hundreds of billion lives the sacrifice of the Task Force is more than justified.
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Can the Choirs on the Defense Stations reach the three enemy ships bearing Exterminatus Weapons with The Sun?
Yes, they can. Also, fyi, your Choirs are pretty much the closest you can get to Fanatically Loyal without veering into a Stupid Fantic Trope. If you tell them to take a shot, they will. Conveniently, the dice decided to give you the Psychic Foci that enables them to merely have a few years of recovery and arm/leg replacements instead of getting turned into organic charcoal when they use The Sun!
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Yes, they can. Also, fyi, your Choirs are pretty much the closest you can get to Fanatically Loyal without veering into a Stupid Fantic Trope. If you tell them to take a shot, they will. Conveniently, the dice decided to give you the Psychic Foci that enables them to merely have a few years of recover and arm/leg replacements instead of getting turned into organic charcoal!

So what is the full composition of the enemy force?
Looks like we might need to invest in second-line defenses or a larger action plan to militarize all our world's orbits with automatically produced defensive stations... although I can't imagine we'd get anything significant enough to slow a 2-3 SBG force.
I think this is normally what SDFs are for. If you try to penetrate to the backline you take attritional damage & delays from SDFs all the way through, unless you're sneaky enough to sneak by. Then the main fleet catches you and you're damaged, far from supply and get taken apart in their territory. There's a reason that defense stations don't carry void warfare.

Get SDFs running in your systems (you get like...~1 SBG worth with your Void Industry Dev Level right now), get higher on the Warp Tech and Psytech Trees to get Interdiction Arrays placed, and have free-floating patrol fleets to come in at a moments notice.
Yeah, the biggest problem is we haven't had these systems long enough for them to generate SDFs. That's the appropriate counter to this, and it would happen in a half-dozen turns.

It is nice to hear that there's interdiction tech. Which is the warp tech tree?

[] Plan: Three Fail-Safes and A Sacrifice
-[] Can the Choirs on the Defense Stations reach the three enemy ships bearing Exterminatus Weapons with The Sun? if so, it is time for them to make the choice and take the shot. The two left over (if there's not some sort of Melody stacking to improve range or whatever) just pick the most valuable looking enemy ship and destroy it.
--[] Try to load them on some of the ships, like the Tauruses that are around if this is infeasible and get them close enough to etc, etc.
--[] If it can't catch up close enough in time, then it's to the Chamleons (who are to act until this point as if this is going to be done, they can always withdraw if the matter is settled) to get close and do so, using their Choirs to destroy the three enemy ships from close range with the Sun. All other Chamleons are not to engage but continue the stalking, with orders to potentially have their ships use The Sun if need be.
-[] There are ways to make someone hesitate. Even if it breaks secrecy, it is time to reveal to the Admiral the Glimmering Federation, that is to say have a human on the line to point out, after the Chamleons or Defense Station Choirs have destroyed the Exterminatus weapons, that they were about to kill hundreds of billions of humans. The goal isn't to make them stop, but to sow doubt.
-[] All Non-Volunteer Crew, because in the end all of the above is just to help our chances, since for the sake of hundreds of billion lives the sacrifice of the Task Force is more than justified.

Yup, good plans. We can also send in details of the abominable intelligence. Wondering if we want to try to knock out more of the 8 Light Cruisers since those will be able to cause damage even without the exterminatus weapons.

*waves* Looking forward to you coming back.

It doesn't need to be psychopathic at all.

The enemy fleet is, universally, faster than ours.
They can enter the system, obliterate Vox Secundus, and leave, without significant risk.

Being surrounded is bad if it cuts of your supplies, but Imperial vessels (or most vessels in Warhammer, are not continiously resupplied. So there's no difference between normal operations and what they're doing now.
Similarly, it's bad if they get surrounded, but we do not actually have the fleets available to surround them.

If we confront them in Voxx Secundus, we do not have any forces available to stop their retreat.
What makes it psychopathic isn't wether they can or can not do it, but that they would kill untold billions of their own people still fighting, not to mention the infrastructure and industry. This is literally shooting your own hands off to spite us.
So what is the full composition of the enemy force?
46x Cobra Destroyers, 11x Falchion Frigates, 12x Shatterpoint Heavy Frigates, 7x Dauntless Light Cruisers (3x Exterminatus Weapons), 2x Lancer Light Cruisers.
Yeah, the biggest problem is we haven't had these systems long enough for them to generate SDFs.
*Full SDFs. They have some Destroyer and Frigate equivalent Monitors.
Which is the warp tech tree?
Warp Jump.
If we can have a force composition list, we can absolutely have a chance to do some of the funniest shit imaginable.

Give them a fucking ultimatum, after blowing up their Exterminatus ships, and then if need be also blow the fuck out of more of their ships with the combined power of the Choirs. And repeat the ultimatum. Fuck them.
Voting will open in 5 hours, 14 minutes