Thousand Isles (Riot God Quest)

[X] Serpent's Oil Salesman
The Salesman figure of shadows hidden in a long black leather coat and tall black leather hat both with a fine golden trim. They can pull a collection of vials and flasks from nowhere and they will always try to sell them. The Salesman themself has the ability to create illusions and sounds near themself and uses it to support wild claims they make about the greyish oil in the containers. Once they have sold several containers they will run off to repeat the scam elsewhere. The oil they sell is a supar lubricant and a mild drug to all snakes, dragons, and serpents. The Salesman has a bombastic personality and is incapable of telling the truth about themself or their products.

[X][Whispered Act] Summoned Beasts
[X] Power's Bane Armory
[X] Green Belt
[X] Plutomancy
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This one is my favorite of your suggestions, though the Coral's interesting too. The Clams are kind of boring to me, and Wally... antithetical to the themes of this era.
That's fair. I personally thought the Coral needs a bit of tweaking before it is ready. Though the Wally Market being antithetical was my intention. I mostly just thought it was funny.

Authored Act:
[X] Arachne's Boon
- The ___ whisper in the ear-holes of some Void Weavers. These weavers gain knowledge of how to modify the crystal webbing they excrete in terms of rigidity and elasticity. This allows them to create web-structures that quickly harden into iron-like toughness and flexible ropes that act like rubber. Some of the spiders have even learned to make simple mechanisms such as pulleys, wheels, and trampolines. The smartest of them have gone as far as to make "ships" of their own! Each "ship" effectively being an oversized cocoon with vaguely fin-shaped paddles stuck out the sides in imitation of Sailbugs. It takes several Weavers to launch one into the void, maneuverability is largely based on hope-and-prayer, and there is no in-flight entertainment.

Supported Acts:
[X][Whispered Act] Summoned Beasts
[X] Green Belt
[X] Blade qi
[X] Drake-Ling Synchronization
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[X] Green Belt

This is a giant asteroid belt almost on the very edges of the Sand Sea and going around it. Asteroids are different in size, composition, and distance from each other. However, every one of them has some universal properties: there is always water; there is always a layer of sturdy, rich soil on top; they are all green with Lawngrass. This grass is of the Minecraft Crops type, of course. But it can propagate on its own if there is soil around, some water, and enough light. It looks like durable, level lawn that covers and stabilizes the soil. If there are different plants in the way of the growth of this grass, it grows around and smoothly integrates itself without harming the other plants.

Sometimes, if light and moisture levels remain adequate for some time, the grass suddenly grows taller in a span of minutes. Meter-tall Herbs grow from it. This can be anything: just a taller, dense wall of grass; ferns; bushes; and even some flowers. It can grow again for a meter more, if conditions are right for some amount of time, producing taller plants. The grass itself and the plant forms it produces are not stackable by themselves. However, if some random tall grass/fern/flower/bush has fruits of any kind, then these will be stackable and probably contain seeds or at least be possible to cultivate separately. All by-products growing from Lawngrass are called Herbs.

It's easy to grow Lawngrass: just cut a piece of it, put it on some soil, give it a bit of water and light - it will start to grow outwards on its own trying to abide grid-like pattern, as long as there is soil around, a little bit of light, and water. It can even start producing Herbs of different kinds if light and moisture levels are adequate for some time. However, if Herbs have fruits/seeds, these can be stacked and cultivated as their own thing (as was said before). Lawngrass and Herbs doesn't deplete soil and can be harvested and used to produce more soil, if one knows how. However, they still need soil to grow. Lawngrass can grow even in harsher types, as long is it can count as 'soil'. But Herbs might need some better soil types to fully grow (or at all) and they, in contrast with Lawngrass, cannot propagate by themselves naturally, but need to be cultivated by someone.​


[X][Whispered Act] Summoned Beasts

[X] Wishing Sands
By @SeaTheTree

[X] Arachne's Boon
By @Feather_Up

[X] Plutomancy
By @Zalkon
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Authored Act
[X] True Sight
When a void Inchling reaches of skill, and they learn to see the world the way an Inchling of the opposite color does, they will begin to see the underlying truths that make up the world. This allows them to do a lot of different things technically, but in practice we can divide them into three schools: Tricksters, Seers, and Wonders.

Tricksters do tricks that can easily be mistaken for magic, although they require considerably more set up or strain than just a flexing of will like a winged Inchling can.

Seers can predict and manipulate events in the world around them to an extreme degree of accuracy.

Wonders can make technological wonders far beyond their current era, though they rarely last and are practically impossible to reproduce by non-wonders.

[X] Drake-Ling Synchronization
[X] Blade qi
[X] Wishing Sands
[X] Arachne's Boon
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[X] Plutomancy

Plutomancy is an innate magic available to every Gargorite. Drawing on the energy of wealth, Gargorites can change the world with their will. The more complex and large-scale the spell, the higher the cost of wealth energy. Accordingly, the richer the gargorite, the more powerful it is.

The energy of wealth can be drawn from treasures: gold, jewelry, works of art and other luxury items that embody the essence of wealth. To cast a spell, the plutomancer must tap into one or more of these sources, channeling the energy of wealth into their magic. The ease of application depends on the presence of wealth energy in the environment and the Plutomancer's ability to use it.

The spells available to plutomancers are varied and limited only by the gargorith's intellect (and the wealth energy available to them).

[X] Green Belt
By @Andre Chaos
[X] Drake-Ling Synchronization
By @ShieldCrown
[X] Blade qi
By @szymonmolitoris2
[X] Wishing Sands
By @SeaTheTree
P.S As always ready to trade
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[X] Blade qi
When a blade tail snake reaches the rank of master they start to generate blade qi from their blade. This blade qi grows and refines as they continue to train. This also lets the blade tail to go past master rank. A properly killed blade tail will let said killer use the blade qi within the blade. A improperly slain the blade tail. The qi will be actively hostile to the slayer.

[X] Plutomacy by @Zalkon
[X] Arachne's Boon by @Feather_Up
[X] Drake-Ling Synchronization by @ShieldCrown
[X] True Sight by @Redikai

Please trade with me
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[X] Blade qi
When a blade tail snake reaches the rank of master they start to generate blade qi from their blade. This blade qi grows and refines as they continue to train. This also lets the blade tail to go past master rank. A properly killed blade tail will let said killer use the blade qi within the blade. A improperly slain the blade tail. The qi will be actively hostile to the slayer.
Do you want to trade?
Ok, since we are suddenly making this a cultivation setting

[X] Webs and Arrays
Void Weavers gain a natural instinct for feng shui (a mixture of home design and array construction that works by changing the flow of energy / emotion of a place). The race can easly read the energy and emotional significance of a place, coupled with their web building and architetural capabilities, allows them to arrange locations and structures in a way that enhances it's characteristics beyond the limits imposed by logic.

This discipline works great when dealing with spirits and emotion-heavy areas. As a result, weavers are specially useful when arranging treasure tombs in the sand seas or machinery in the lady luck, making use of the significant landmarks to empower the respective spirits.

[X] Arachne's Boon
by @Feather_Up
[X] Blade qi
by @szymonmolitoris2
[X] Wishing Sands
By @SeaTheTree
[X][Whispered Act] Summoned Beasts

Edit: Anyone wanna trade? I still have 2 votes left for trading
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[X] Power's Bane Armory
-Sufficiently large stocks of the oil from the Wet Asteroid have inexplicably begun to generate weapons and armor. This equipment is worse than worthless if the user is superior to the enemy they attempt to use it on (the penalties vary from "attracting nearby attacks" at a slight advantage to "complete paralysis" with total dominance), but if used to fight a foe against which the wielder is at a disadvantage (the weapons, thankfully, aren't picky about how the wielder is disadvantaged- an ambush by a crew of pirates can trigger it just as well as challenging a Gargorite to single combat so long as the enemy is superior overall) it can prove even more powerful than the finest blades enhanced with Essential Cores.

When discovered, the equipment attaches itself to the member of the discovering party furthest from their racial average in ability, adjusting itself as necessary so they can use it properly, and can never truly be removed save by their death; when they enter battle, knowingly or not, it immediately manifests on their person, and vanishes when the fight ends. When the wielder is slain, the equipment instead attaches itself to their killer (or, in the event that the killer already possesses an equivalent piece of Power's Bane equipment, to their nearest ally).
Hmm. Big Act. Benefits from Artisan. Derivative Improvement: A Wet Asteroid.
[X] Wishing Sands
- In the Sand Seas there now exists very slow moving streams of bluish white sand, at their base form they do not do much only having minor ethereal qualities as they float through physical objects, it however changes when a thinking being interacts with it. It cannot be stored in physical objects but When a creature that can think interacts with the wishing sand the sand will transform according to the users wishes, this transformation is not permanent and if the user fully stops thinking about the wish it will revert back into wishing sand, this transformation can effect both the physical and ethereal and this transformation is based on 3 qualities-

Intent: How clear the user is about what they wish for. The less clear form a user has of their of their wish the more chaotic will be the transformation changing shape and form, while a user with more clear intent is able to keep the sands in a stable shape and form. However having too strong of an intent and no flexibility will make it harder for the user to transform the sand into another form.

Emotions: How the user is currently feeling. At a stable emotional state the transformation of the sand will have better properties the user desires and will behave predictably. At a higher emotional state the transformation will gain properties related to the emotions, a wrathful user can find the transformation gain offensive properties, a depressed user may find the transformation gain debuffing properties, a happy user may find the transformation buffing them, a user in love may find the transformation connecting them physically or mentally to their lover, etc. A high emotional state is not always undesired as the properties will be useful if the user knows how to use them properly and not lose control.

Will: How much the user wants or needs this wish and what they are willing to sacrifice for it. Will controls two things, how much wishing sand the user can control at a time and/or how powerful or effective the transformation is. Will is the raw power that fuels these transformations and the user as long as they are willing can control. Those with stronger wills can control more sand and/or use less sand but more powerfully. Will normally does not have any negative effects however if the user panics, starts losing the will to live or starts having a mental breakdown the wishing sands will begin to fill up that empty will flowing into the user and slowly transforming them. At this stage the user or outside interference can stop and revert the users transformation if the restore their will or calm down.

However if the user does not stop then more and more sand will begin to flow into the user until it consumes the users will putting them into a true deep sleep. The transformation will then transform into an obssessive monster and act according to the users strongest wish mindlessly doing anything to fulfill the wish but unable to truly find fulfillment. At this point only outside interference can stop this either by killing the user or weakening them till they can talk sense or help them recover from the mental collapse. If killed the user transforms into base wishing sand and is forever lost, if reverted via others the user will enter a comatose state but will slowly recover over time until they are fully healed.

: An Ethereal sand that transforms according to the users wishes and changes or becomes better based on their mental state, however a mental collapse can cause the sand to turn the user to start turning into a wish obssessed monster. If not stopped the user enters a extreme deep sleep and the monster takes over. Killing the monster will turn the user into the ethereal sand, dead. Healing or reasoning through the users mental collapse will comatose the user but they will fully recover over time.
Big Act.

This act is very strange, but also rife with a lot of story potential. Could give Derivative Improvement on Sand Seas, but decided not to.
[X] Drake-Ling Synchronization

Over time, as the bond between Inch-Lings and Inch-Drakes grows stronger, they can find their minds and spirits synchronized. Allowing for telepathic and empathic communications initially, but with stronger bonds allowing for deeper awareness of the other's state of being, increasing tactical and strategic capabilities, and allowing them to combine their wills to shrug off mind altering effects. The strongest bonds can even allow them to revive from fatal wounds as long as one half of the pair survives long enough.
Small Act. Derivative Improvement: Void Inchlings, Inch-Drakes
[X] Serpent's Oil Salesman
The Salesman figure of shadows hidden in a long black leather coat and tall black leather hat both with a fine golden trim. They can pull a collection of vials and flasks from nowhere and they will always try to sell them. The Salesman themself has the ability to create illusions and sounds near themself and uses it to support wild claims they make about the greyish oil in the containers. Once they have sold several containers they will run off to repeat the scam elsewhere. The oil they sell is a supar lubricant and a mild drug to all snakes, dragons, and serpents. The Salesman has a bombastic personality and is incapable of telling the truth about themself or their products.
Small Act.

Seems like this guy conjures oil rather than actually producing the stuff.
[X] Arachne's Boon
- The ___ whisper in the ear-holes of some Void Weavers. These weavers gain knowledge of how to modify the crystal webbing they excrete in terms of rigidity and elasticity. This allows them to create web-structures that quickly harden into iron-like toughness and flexible ropes that act like rubber. Some of the spiders have even learned to make simple mechanisms such as pulleys, wheels, and trampolines. The smartest of them have gone as far as to make "ships" of their own! Each "ship" effectively being an oversized cocoon with vaguely fin-shaped paddles stuck out the sides in imitation of Sailbugs. It takes several Weavers to launch one into the void, maneuverability is largely based on hope-and-prayer, and there is no in-flight entertainment.
Small Act. Derivative Improvement: Void Weavers.
[X] Green Belt

This is a giant asteroid belt almost on the very edges of the Sand Sea and going around it. Asteroids are different in size, composition, and distance from each other. However, every one of them has some universal properties: there is always water; there is always a layer of sturdy, rich soil on top; they are all green with Lawngrass. This grass is of the Minecraft Crops type, of course. But it can propagate on its own if there is soil around, some water, and enough light. It looks like durable, level lawn that covers and stabilizes the soil. If there are different plants in the way of the growth of this grass, it grows around and smoothly integrates itself without harming the other plants.

Sometimes, if light and moisture levels remain adequate for some time, the grass suddenly grows taller in a span of minutes. Meter-tall Herbs grow from it. This can be anything: just a taller, dense wall of grass; ferns; bushes; and even some flowers. It can grow again for a meter more, if conditions are right for some amount of time, producing taller plants. The grass itself and the plant forms it produces are not stackable by themselves. However, if some random tall grass/fern/flower/bush has fruits of any kind, then these will be stackable and probably contain seeds or at least be possible to cultivate separately. All by-products growing from Lawngrass are called Herbs.

It's easy to grow Lawngrass: just cut a piece of it, put it on some soil, give it a bit of water and light - it will start to grow outwards on its own trying to abide grid-like pattern, as long as there is soil around, a little bit of light, and water. It can even start producing Herbs of different kinds if light and moisture levels are adequate for some time. However, if Herbs have fruits/seeds, these can be stacked and cultivated as their own thing. Lawngrass and Herbs doesn't deplete soil and can be harvested and used to produce more soil, if one knows how. However, they still need soil to grow. Lawngrass can grow even in harsher types, as long is it can count as 'soil'. But Herbs might need some better soil types to fully grow (or at all) and they, in contrast with Lawngrass, cannot propagate by themselves naturally, but need to be cultivated by someone.​
Hmm. I want to say Great Act, but it isn't in theme, and that wouldn't be necessarily fair.

Big Act.
[X] True Sight
When a void Inchling reaches of skill, and they learn to see the world the way an Inchling of the opposite color does, they will begin to see the underlying truths that make up the world. This allows them to do a lot of different things technically, but in practice we can divide them into three schools: Tricksters, Seers, and Wonders.

Tricksters do tricks that can easily be mistaken for magic, although they require considerably more set up or strain than just a flexing of will like a winged Inchling can.

Seers can predict and manipulate events in the world around them to an extreme degree of accuracy.

Wonders can make technological wonders far beyond their current era, though they rarely last and are practically impossible to reproduce by non-wonders.
Small Act. Derivative Improvement: Yin-Yang Eyes.
[X] Plutomancy

Plutomancy is an innate magic available to every Gargorite. Drawing on the energy of wealth, Gargorites can change the world with their will. The more complex and large-scale the spell, the higher the cost of wealth energy. Accordingly, the richer the gargorite, the more powerful it is.

The energy of wealth can be drawn from treasures: gold, jewelry, works of art and other luxury items that embody the essence of wealth. To cast a spell, the plutomancer must tap into one or more of these sources, channeling the energy of wealth into their magic. The ease of application depends on the presence of wealth energy in the environment and the Plutomancer's ability to use it.

The spells available to plutomancers are varied and limited only by the gargorith's intellect (and the wealth energy available to them).
Big Act. Benefits from Pirate's Treasure. Derivative Improvement: Gargorites.

"change the world with their will"? That is mighty vague. That effectively turns gargorites into reality warpers and walking dungeon cores.
[X] Blade qi
When a blade tail snake reaches the rank of master they start to generate blade qi from their blade. This blade qi grows and refines as they continue to train. This also lets the blade tail to go past master rank. A properly killed blade tail will let said killer use the blade qi within the blade. A improperly slain the blade tail. The qi will be actively hostile to the slayer.
Small Act. Derivative Improvement: blade-tail snakes.
[X] Webs and Arrays
Void Weavers gain a natural instinct for feng shui (a mixture of home design and array construction that works by changing the flow of energy / emotion of a place). The race can easly read the energy and emotional significance of a place, coupled with their web building and architetural capabilities, allows them to arrange locations and structures in a way that enhances it's characteristics beyond the limits imposed by logic.

This discipline works great when dealing with spirits and emotion-heavy areas. As a result, weavers are specially useful when arranging treasure tombs in the sand seas or machinery in the lady luck, making use of the significant landmarks to empower the respective spirits.
Small Act. Derivative Improvement: Void Weavers.
...Not sure if my Act is gonna pass, honestly... I mean, I don't do indiscriminate trading, which, in this environment, means I'm kind of the odd guy out.