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Quests Archive

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Can SV lead it sect to glory or will it create nothing more than a trashfire? Lets see.
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Play as the spirits haunting an apartment building, find what the hell is going on with the landlord and just make everyone confused.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Old Debbie was a pillar of our little community, old and seen all kinds of things in her life yet also energetic and open to new ideas, she cared for every single one of her neighbours, and they all considered her a close family friend Everyone was there at the BBQ, everyone saw her last gasp, a figure floating above the trailer park laughed, victorious in their vengeance, and in her last moments, Debbie released a bright flash of light The Veil...
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Welcome to Lex Mechanica can you guide this forgeworld into a bright future ? this is a parliamentary Quest in the future of the forty-first millennium, inspired by Excellent quests of such type ( Paix Française, Little Trouble in Big China, and Springtime of Nations: A German Republic Quest) which I recommend you all give it the good once over to get an idea on the "structure" of the quest.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just in case The City Of Mythos floats above a lifeless world, born from the depths of this empty heavenly metropolis are celestial beings of great strength, Gods, guide them, and hopefully you create an interesting world together
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2045 Common Era. Promol Sector. Battlestar Galactica, under command of Cmdr. William Adama makes a jump alongside the 12 Colonies of Kobol Civillian Fleet. 49'998 Souls aboard. Lt. Gaeta has contact on Dradis. Col. Tigh orders identificaiton. Unknown signature- neither Colonial or Cylon. RAPTOR scouts sent out. Pilot Lt. Sharon "Boomer" Valerii cannot identify structure, however specifies it is as 'big as three Battlestars lined up' and seemingly dormant. Approaching closer with the...
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10/16/2023: The Prehistoric Animal Stage is underway! Anyone may vote. We're an avian now, so it's time to find our flock... or go solo... depends on what the voters decide.
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Hello and welcome to my Riot God quest! Inspiration: Thousand Isles by MangoFlan and From Genesis by Mannan. The magic number is 7: there are 7 locations, and 7 turns at each location. Special Event Die: 1d10 rolls at the end of each cycle through the 7 locations. What how massive the Special Even is depends entirely on how high you roll. 1 = barely noticable. 10 = world wide cataclysm. Good luck! Also, I have ADHD and so might accidently drift away from the quest. My discord name is...
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Riot your way into creating... creation. Collaborative world building, with the goal of creating a setting future quests can be set in.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Create and control a bunch of setting elements, see what kinda madness happens
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just in case Dr Zalavius had created an abundance of clones and filled them with a mysterious serum that can cause the spontaneous gaining of superhuman abilities Sadly his lab exploded cause one clone gained the ability of self-destructing, destroying the mad scientist, most of his equipment, and his notes on how to make the superpower stuff This has ended up leaving a bunch of newly made clones lost and confused, with nothing in the world but each other...
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Your Ship crashed into a planet. Deal with it!
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Beldart is a world populated by magicians, wizards, and warlocks Long ago the Visionary, greatest of all wizard-kind, graced the Arcano-Sphere with their presence, the spells which writhed in the Sea Of Chaos were guided by their masterful hands, forced to harmonise, to become building blocks of reality, the world itself, an incantation of immeasurable size Like the Visionary, the inhabitants of this world seek to guide spells for their own...
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Together we'll influence events occurring among a couple alien civilizations in the Pelta Galaxy and hopefully a space war won't ensue... You guys are gonna space war using the silliest aliens you can make aren't you, I do not have that much confidence in your desire and ability to make the universe a better place, but at least it'll be entertaining
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just in case Deus Vermini floats above, its golden tears fly down and bless the denizens of this land, wanderers without pasts make this landscape home, ruins without any sign of the inhabitants cause of disappearance dot this world Welcome to Supermerica
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Control a squad of troops spawned in to take down the gangs of Brockton Bay.
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Under the pink light of the sun, the land flourishes, even after the grand Sect War 1000 years ago, life found ways to flourish, flowers grow across the land and strange animals wander freely, new towns are being built, civilizations reforming But even if there may be beauty, great dangers lurk too, raiders, strange beasts, and Zeki Wielders of great skill could spell danger for an unprepared village Said unprepared village being you guys...
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Scenario: You are a vampire. Explore the world! Meet interesting people! Drink their blood! And most importantly... have fun!
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A riot quest where you decide the path of a fictional tribe of cavemen.
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Welcome to the Book of Time, a great record of a world made by wills outside reality who's meddling within has created all.
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"Let There be Light," it was said and then there was light. Act and reshape the coming cosmos in the intervening events that will shape the Primordial Era of a world.
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Welcome to Guns, Cash and Glory, a Random-Generated Scifi Rampage set in a galaxy far in the future, where shooting things, blowing them up, driving over them, and other kinds of wholly irresponsible lifestyle choices are the words of the day. This Riot Quest follows you, a crack team of would-be heroes in the service of the Justice Corps, an independent, much-maligned organization dedicated to doing good and administering Justice regardless of whether anyone asked them or not. So join...
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Trigger Warning: Expect The Worst Just Incase There's a world similar to ours, reality broke a bit there, you can influence it through the votes
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just in case You control Duudes, strange little fellows dropped into existence by inexplicable storks, existence being clusters of interconnected pocket dimensions called Realms, which seem to act those dungeons in rpgs, guide the Duudes as best you can please Or at least don't get too many killed
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A riot quest in which we worldbuild a fantasy setting and create a vast Empire to rule it over 55 Votes and 1000 years of history. Starting by creating the foundational elements of a lower magic fantasy setting, we will then proceed through a thousand years of history until one single Empire reigns triumphant and hegemonic over their subcontinent. There is a discord channel in the Wordsmiths server #eternal-glory-kiaraels-empire-quest
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A free-for-all worldbuilding quest where players slowly lose their ability to control the world and the characters that inhabit the world have their own agency, for better or worse. The ultimate goal is to create an interesting and dynamic setting fitting for a hypothetical Dark Souls game (or any other similar soulslike).
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase Your job is to subtly manipulate a fantasy setting together and hope for the best that things don't go too bad, unless too bad is what you're looking for You may not be gods and you may not canonically exist in the setting in any conceivable shape or form, but you're gonna guide it anyway!
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Due to a combination of factors, the 1848 revolution succeeds in western and southern Germany, allowing for the formation of a German republic. Over the next 30-plus years, the Republic weathers multiple crises, both internal and external, culminating in a brutal civil war that paves the way for the radical Second Republic. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various factions vying for control of the German National Assembly and thus chart the course of Europe's most tumultuous...
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The year is 2008, in the United States of America. The economy is falling apart and radicalism is on the rise after the past two decades of neoliberalism victory lap. Will you be able to take advantage of this opportunity? In this riot quest you play as a grassroots political organization. Minor groups that would seek to either influence electoral politics or create change from outside the system. Examples you may be familiar with would be the Democratic Socialists of America, or the Black...
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Trigger Warning: Expect the worst just incase You are the force that secretly guides Creation, this fledgling universe needs stories, cool stuff, badass characters, possibly incredibly powerful celestial martial artists, the occasional weird little thing that people will make jokes about cause it exists alongside said celestial warriors I'm getting sidetracked, point is, you aren't exactly part of the world, but you do influence it, I hope you have fun and don't destroy everything in the...
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