Aspects Of A Strange World

Now that we've got the setting, I can start working on random lore bullshit
Who wants to hear about the political history of New Dunk City? Which may or may not be canon depending on how things progress
[X] Name: The Merlin Institute for the Advancement of Elemental/conceptual Understanding (Or The MIAEU, or Meow)
- [X] Importance: An recently created academy of magic that focuses on elemental magic, Could Become considered as a rival to Balthazar's
- [X] Traits 1: Most students are powerful but Arrogant (Think what Dire Crowley said about the NRC Student Body)
- [X] Traits 2: most students are at Least Partially Non-human, Problem with Fantasy Racism (typical Elves Vs Dwarves kind of stuff) Especially considering what led to its creation, Classed More as Sorcerers than the utility caster Wizards at Balthazar's
- [X] Traits 3: Most People Related to it Are specialized to 1-3 Elements and the generalists aren't in school yet
- [X] Traits 4: Completely Banned from Making any Elemental Spells that are more than Building-Level And the higher tiers in that are only allowed for the Prodigies unless a Threat is considered more important than the Costs of collateral damage to the Demi-Plane's integrity
- [X] Where Are They?: A Demi-plane situated at a Point in-between And Equidistant to Every single elemental Plane
- [X] Flavour Text: There's more Elements than you'd expect, Little Human, So … Many … More, [Potato Blast!]

Please tell me if I need to change anything

I really like the elemental power systems that have more than just the 4 or 5 plus light and dark and have potentially infinite, I'd probably have the classic 4, blood, light, dark and force
force + fire = heat
force + wind = Vacuum
Force + earth = pressure
Force + water = Motion
Force + Light = Holy
Force + Shadow = Unholy
Force + Blood = Healing

Force by itself would be brute force but its combos add Nuance
[X] Name: The Merlin Institute for the Advancement of Elemental/conceptual Understanding (Or The MIAEU, or Meow)
- [X] Importance: An recently created academy of magic that focuses on elemental magic, Could Become considered as a rival to Balthazar's
- [X] Traits 1: Most students are powerful but Arrogant (Think what Dire Crowley said about the NRC Student Body)
- [X] Traits 2: most students are at Least Partially Non-human, Problem with Fantasy Racism (typical Elves Vs Dwarves kind of stuff) Especially considering what led to its creation, Classed More as Sorcerers than the utility caster Wizards at Balthazar's
- [X] Traits 3: Most People Related to it Are specialized to 1-3 Elements and the generalists aren't in school yet
- [X] Traits 4: Completely Banned from Making any Elemental Spells that are more than Building-Level And the higher tiers in that are only allowed for the Prodigies unless a Threat is considered more important than the Costs of collateral damage to the Demi-Plane's integrity
- [X] Where Are They?: A Demi-plane situated at a Point in-between And Equidistant to Every single elemental Plane
- [X] Flavour Text: There's more Elements than you'd expect, Little Human, So … Many … More, [Potato Blast!]

Please tell me if I need to change anything

I really like the elemental power systems that have more than just the 4 or 5 plus light and dark and have potentially infinite, I'd probably have the classic 4, blood, light, dark and force
force + fire = heat
force + wind = Vacuum
Force + earth = pressure
Force + water = Motion
Force + Light = Holy
Force + Shadow = Unholy
Force + Blood = Healing

Force by itself would be brute force but its combos add Nuance
We already established rules for a magic system, which luckily is designed to be VERY flexible, but your thing currently has far too many abilities immediately available to it at the moment to be considered close to fair
Maybe we can have you guys talk with concepts and try to convince them to do things? Wait no... if you have that you could tear apart other people's magic almost immediately, maybe talking with the specific elements you mentioned? I honestly cannot figure out how to keep something close to your magic's original vision while still not making you completely overshadow Balthazar's or everyone immediately

And there a bunch of problems managing this stuff for me, since I either have the whole group as "Every element" when doing magic checks or go with deciding each specific individual's elements and trying to figure out who was chosen for which project, which either way is probably still unfair

Then there is also the problem of almost no other sapient species aside from half-lings and humans (The Daemon Flower & Typon don't count they're their own thing) so I don't really know what kinda hybrid traits to give the student body, maybe I can say there are other races aside form halflings and humans, just that they're very small in number

Edit: Hopefully when you're back we can discuss ways to somehow fit this in
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Results 1
Balthazar: Develop a spell of Automated Writing
Success rolled a 1 + 18 = 19
Failure rolled a 78 + 2 = 80

Timmy then waved his wand in front of a quill
"Watch everyone, I'll program this quill to write my reports for me" the rest of the room, comprised of students, teachers, and the kooky researchers (One of which wore a cat as a hat) watched on, they didn't even want to come here, Timmy just dragged them in with Blue-Mana
Soon the quill started to twitch, then the other spare quills started to twitch, they all rose up into the air, lifted by blue sparkling mana
Then they started to stab into Timmy's body and write random bullshit on his skin, everyone including poor TImmy began to scream


Soon the teachers shooed off the quills like they were pests, but they were still loose in the establishment, magical vermin, limited in number, but still quite fiendish to deal with

Fiendish Quills
- A bunch of floating quills moving around thanks to a failed Blue Mana magical experiment
- Now they just go around writing random test answers all over people's skin

Balthazar's School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
- May have a couple Fiendish Quills hiding out in the walls

Timmy Tomkertink
- Fledgling magician covered in writing shaped scars thanks to a failed magical experiment
- Skilled in Blue Mana magic
- Student at Balthazar's School For Witchcraft And Wizardry, and is very enthusiastic about it, even after the horrible injuries

Typhon: Try to corrupt an official member of the New Dunk City Council
Success rolled a 82 + 7 = 89
Failure rolled a 11 + 5 = 16

Councilman Frek felt like he was at the top of the world, youngest recently elected Councilmen, heir to a wealthy real estate company, life is good, yet he still felt empty
Was this the futility of man's lust for power? That no matter how high you may reach that you'll never be truly happy? Is the path of emperors truly the most foolish and dangerous one?
Nah, it's everything else thats wrong

Then he felt, some cold, sliding across his skin,he tried to reach for it but there was nothing hiding underneath his suit, nothing he could currently perceive, the 4th dimensional eldritch limb inserted into his spine, nervous system violated, soul resorting to degeneracy, the father has sired a dark heir

Frek fell to the floor planting, looking in the mirror of the office, his skin had turned onyx black, he had become taller stronger, his eyes glowed red, a red scar-like mark appeared on his neck, he could remove his head at will, he screamed in fear but all that came out was an inhuman screech from a maw of sharp teeth
Luckily he was alone at home, didn't want anyone seeing him like this, but the lack of known company also worried him, cause if no staff were currently in the mansion, then who or what was whispering calming little nothings into Frek's ears?

"Don't worry young one, you have been given a gift, a blessing, signs that you're worthy to someone, that job... this mansion, it doesn't suit you well, how about something far grander? A throne in a grand golden temple, thousands of slaves praising our nams, a special position for my first Apostle"
Frek's head was flooded with imagery, servants doing his every whim, no need to sway public opinion, no more need to hide his greed, all he had to do...
Was listen

"Good my child, now focus on your basic form" Frek did just that, and saw he was human once more, he grinned "Orders boss?" the voice replied back "I'm wondering, why did you so easily agree to my proposal? Not that I'm complaining"
"I'm a politician, I do morally dubious shit for self benefit all the time, and I'm getting help from a demon thingy out of this"
"Eldritch abomination"
"Potate-oh potah-to"
"Well, anyway, prepare yourself my dark apostle, for we have MUCH to do"
Together they laughed, until the cleaner came back in the morning and Frek had to awkwardly explain it away, worst conversation ever

- A councilman of New Dunk City, charismatic, media savvy, and handsome
- Heir to a powerful real estate company, thus has a lot of money
- Apostle of Typhon has a scar around his neck marking him as the entity's servant
- Has the ability to transform into a tall eldritch entity with onyx skin, red eyes, sharp teeth, and the ability to remove their head, also enhanced strength

Biogenesis Foundation: Manufacturing biomechanical prosthetics
Success rolled a 70 + 5 = 75
Failure rolled a 19 + 6 = 25

The subjects were doing quite well, men in hazmat suits wandered around the enclosure, watching as the limb-shaped creatures crawled around their habitat, chittering adorably, nerve-tendrils sticking out of their biological port surfaces
A researcher picked up one of the Limblets, then took it out the chamber in a secure cage, soon it would it would be taken to a surgical room where a subject on heavy sedatives sat waiting, the man lost him arm in an industrial accident, a couple months ago he was promised a place to stay, food, payment after the experimentation, and a new arm, this specific Limblet was born because Biogenesis bred multiple of these creatures to produce an arm of the right size, shape, and skin tone for him

The Limblet was strapped onto a table on it's back, and the scientist prepared for the taming process, Limblets almost acted like normal creatures, panicking if restrained, in danger, or in an unknown place, but these things become docile once castrated, a device resembling a metal tooth brush with a hexagon at the end of it was inserted into the biomechanical entity's equivalent of genitals, after some violent thrashing and removal of 3 purple grape-like organs from the Limblet's body it had become docile, not even fighting back

Skin is shaved off the stump, to help expose the nerves for proper connection, tendrils plug in, the now docile Limblet follows the commands given through it's nerve porting, the seam between the body and the prosthetic is cauterised and bandaged, an hour later, the man wakes up with two arms again
Their new hand feels a couple mili-seconds slower, but aside from that, it was perfect

- Bioengineered creatures resembling limbs, the part where the rest of the body should be has a bunch of nerve-tendrils sticking out
- Can be made docile and plugged onto a body by castrating it, also ensures if anyone meets another person with a Limblet prosthetic won't have limbs mating
- Made by Biogenesis

Biogenesis Foundation
- Have a bunch of Limblets stored in their main lab just in case
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[X] Name: The Merlin Institute for the Advancement of Elemental/conceptual Understanding (Or The MIAEU, or Meow)
Given Balthazar exists, and you can control it freely... allowing you to make the spells you want without problem. Why don't you just use Balthazar for what you want out of Merlin Institute? Heck, you could pretty much use it to add the traits you desire from this School.
Edit: Hopefully when you're back we can discuss ways to somehow fit this in
Light bulb, Balthazar's first spell uses blue, how bout we use the rest of the magic the gathering magics, I'll use red for my first spell and they are kooky, so ill be more Arrogant and prideful

[X] Name: Merlin Academy for Magical learning
- [X] Importance: While Balthazar's is a haven for innovation, Merlin's is a juggernaut in efficiency and power, made by an alumni who preferred offensive magic, the school was made to teach as much as possible to it's students, giving them a bit of a big head
- [X] Traits 1: Arrogant students due to their more intense curriculum, they believe themselves better, some truly, some to fit in and some to deal with the exhaustion from the curriculum
- [X] Traits 2: Magic school: its more focused on combat applicable magic but still teaches all the same classes as the founder was a alumni of Balthazar's, focuses on evocation, abjuration and transmutation
- [X] Traits 3: Will probably have a large population of Non and half human students of whatever races are created due to THE INCIDENT
- [X] Where Are They?: Still equidistant to things related to magic but now its equidistant to a mountain, plain, swamp, The ocean and a forest
- [X] Flavour Text: "while Balthazar's is good for the happy go lucky and the studious, we at merlin's have one thing in mind, Pure Magical Talent"
Given Balthazar exists, and you can control it freely... allowing you to make the spells you want without problem. Why don't you just use Balthazar for what you want out of Merlin Institute? Heck, you could pretty much use it to add the traits you desire from this School.
Because what i want does not feel right to be in Balthazar's IMO , i want merlin's to feel like NRC, for the people with talent and I feel Balthazar's wouldn't have such a packed schedule from the get go like i am imagining Merlin's would, the Balthazar students would do it to themselves also, i want to get a friendly rivalry between schools for some fun interactions
Light bulb, Balthazar's first spell uses blue, how bout we use the rest of the magic the gathering magics, I'll use red for my first spell and they are kooky, so ill be more Arrogant and prideful

[X] Name: Merlin Academy for Magical learning
- [X] Importance: While Balthazar's is a haven for innovation, Merlin's is a juggernaut in efficiency and power, made by an alumni who preferred offensive magic, the school was made to teach as much as possible to it's students, giving them a bit of a big head
- [X] Traits 1: Arrogant students due to their more intense curriculum, they believe themselves better, some truly, some to fit in and some to deal with the exhaustion from the curriculum
- [X] Traits 2: Magic school: its more focused on combat applicable magic but still teaches all the same classes as the founder was a alumni of Balthazar's, focuses on evocation, abjuration and transmutation
- [X] Traits 3: Will probably have a large population of Non and half human students of whatever races are created due to THE INCIDENT
- [X] Where Are They?: Still equidistant to things related to magic but now its equidistant to a mountain, plain, swamp, The ocean and a forest
- [X] Flavour Text: "while Balthazar's is good for the happy go lucky and the studious, we at merlin's have one thing in mind, Pure Magical Talent"

Because what i want does not feel right to be in Balthazar's IMO , i want merlin's to feel like NRC, for the people with talent and I feel Balthazar's wouldn't have such a packed schedule from the get go like i am imagining Merlin's would, the Balthazar students would do it to themselves also, i want to get a friendly rivalry between schools for some fun interactions
Okay that's way better, but what exactly is the offensive magic they use?
Balthazar's has telekinesis via Blue-Mana
Typhon can reach their limbs into the mortal plane and mold things into monstrous versions of themselves
The Daemon flower can make magically binding deals

I can offer suggestions
- Open gateways to the plane of the tearing fists, a bunch of red hands come out to pummel any nearby people, items, or creatures before receding to their realm
- Guns that utilise the soul of the user as ammo, but make the gun far stronger in return
- Manifestations of an individuals own desire for violence, ritually carved out of the summoner's body with a knife, responding only to commands that harm others
Because what i want does not feel right to be in Balthazar's IMO , i want merlin's to feel like NRC, for the people with talent and I feel Balthazar's wouldn't have such a packed schedule from the get go like i am imagining Merlin's would, the Balthazar students would do it to themselves also, i want to get a friendly rivalry between schools for some fun interactions
I have no idea what the NRC is, and it's apparently related to nuclear energy?
I say lets go with the violent soul one, cause it can be flavoured into attacks that look like elements, some ones violence could, for some reason be a potato and they just go ham with potato and it feels like it could be an evocation spell
I say lets go with the violent soul one, cause it can be flavoured into attacks that look like elements, some ones violence could, for some reason be a potato and they just go ham with potato and it feels like it could be an evocation spell
Pretty sure that could work, if someone really wanted to bash in another person's head with a potato for a specific petty reason then yeah, I'll get started on adding your Aspect
Edit: Actually, what's up with THE INCIDENT? Can I get more details on that?

[X] Daemon Flower: Do some reconnaissance on the Grand Chronomancer. Do your best to not be discovered.
Results already passed, my apologies
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Pretty sure that could work, if someone really wanted to bash in another person's head with a potato for a specific petty reason then yeah, I'll get started on adding your Aspect
Edit: Actually, what's up with THE INCIDENT? Can I get more details on that?

Results already passed, my apologies
Its a noodle incident, but it involved a person being turned into cheese and a grater
[X] Name: SwiftHaul Unlimited
- [X] Importance: Swift haul is a corporation dedicated to the transportation of goods and personnel. Wether the goods or personnel are of legal or illegal, local or inter dimensional, good or evil nature matters little to this company, as long as they are paid in full.
- [X] Traits 1: Reasonable Immunity: While SwiftHaul is of… questionable morallity and legality… the reasonable prices, along with willingness to work with any group, leads to a blind eye as long as no laws are visibly flaunted.
- [X]Traits 2: Delivey Garunteed: The supply chain and lists of contacts Swift Haul has immense, meaning if cargo needs to be somewhere, it will somehow get their, whether it's a Freeport or isolationist Nation.
- [X]Where Are They?: Swift Haul Unlimted has no real centralized base of operation, instead each member of the Excutive Board living in and managing from different franchise locations and places of their own choice, meeting through a magic scrying network to pass judgment on the company's actions and elect the Board Head.
- [X] Flavor Text: The executive board, will rather unchanging, still can suffer from the backstabbing and plots most corporate groups can have, making the board a rather dangerous place to be, with "subversion of company values" real or imagined an easy way to find yourself a express trip to an alternative realm of existence via bodily harm.
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Yknow what, Imma just go and make it so some of the students have physical abnormalities based of their Hate Familiers trying to get out without the cutting ritual, I've already delayed adding Merlin's to the Aspect section enough know what I think I'm going to control the biogenetics aspect next turn and make human/cheese hybrids...
Cheese is produced from the results of biology, such as dairy, but I doubt I'll be able to properly sci-fi up a functioning cheese human hybrid, maybe I'll have their flesh taste like cheese or have their body produce bacteria that converts nearby dairy into cheese, or they could have cyst-like growths on their body where they contain lumps of cheese they made in their own customised organs