The Book of Time (Word Building Riot Quest)

11 The First Dungeons
Scattered randomly across reality, across both the spirit and physical worlds the First Dungeons appear. They manifest as mysterious orbs and would eventually start to gather energy around them. They work only on instinct but as time passes they may develop into proper sapients.
As dungeons their instinct is to reward future challengers with things such as power and knowledge if they pass it's challenges or if they don't gaining energy from their deaths. Dungeons are able to create massive labyrinths, elaborate puzzles, mysterious technology, esoteric magic, all if they are given enough time, have enough resources, and are in the proper environment.

Sadly these cores lay dormant as they were created in mind for a possible future and are currently not in the right environment to truly flourish. Instead these cores will acts as conduits for energy until one day, they may activate and start there journey as a dungeon.

9 The Pillar of Souls
In the center of the world, a great pillar, surpassing the length of all the stars combined, stands tall. This monumental structure, more akin to a spiked column, transcends both the physical and spiritual realms, forging a spirit gate for its own use. Etched upon its obsidian surface lies The Second Language, the heart's tongue, the soul's language. Unlike the First Language, mastering the Second Language demands feelings rather than understanding to learn (inevitably tainting each learned word with the learner's personal perspective) and it lacks the power to command creation. Nevertheless, those fluent in the Second Language comprehend all languages beneath it, and listeners perfectly understand their spoken words, the intended meaning and emotion are perfectly conveyed.

8 Cloud Cemetery
Everything dies, clouds included. Their dead bodies condensing in graceful rivers flowing through the material plane. Eventually converging into a great sea, the so called "cloud cemetery".

7 The Janus Isles
Around the Spirit Gates, strange floating islands begin to form around the opening that connect the physical and spiritual worlds. These islands form in both worlds simultaneously, acting to further stabilize the Spirit Gates they form around, allowing for better transition between the two realms with the physical becoming spiritual and the spiritual becoming physical. This would allow for spirits to fashion goods that are impossible to find in the physical world and deliver them to it, and for physical goods that spirits wouldn't normally be able to enjoy to be passed into the spirit world.

On these islands, a particular form of flower will grow that can only be found on them. This flower has seven petals that look like a starry void, have a grey monochrome stem, and vibrant iridescent roots. Each part has some strange properties after being ground up and brewed into a sort of tea: the petals allow one to see past the boundaries between the spirit and physical realms and communicate directly with those on the other side, the stem will promote healing and cure most maladies of either body or spirit, and the roots will vastly fortify both the physical body and spiritual mind of the drinker. The regions of the spiritual world these islands exist in are capable of maintain order when the sea of spiritual matter and energy is stirred up into chaos due to their more anchored nature.

The flowers lack a Will of their own, and the each of the Islands possesses a Will that seems to have a single minded focused on protecting and providing for those who call them home. Anything native to the island that it forms and produced will lack a Will of its own, being "empty" in a sense. The spawn of any who settle and inhabit are exceptions to this, as they are not produced by the island, but by its inhabitants.

7 The First Library
Amidst the drifting winds of the cloud sea, a sprawling complex of towers, courtyards, debate, study and lecture halls comes into existence, shaped out of the purest gemstones, diamond and ruby, sapphire and emerald, quartz and topaz, all seamlessly fused together to make up walls and roofs and windows. The Library is altered to me an optimal learning environment for any that wish to use it- be they Star, Flesh, Spirit, or God or Mortal yet to come, the Library is able to shift and warp to insure they may walk its halls and learn form its wisdom with no barriers or harm. its shelves and archives are malleable, able to be added to by any visitor to the library, such that they my, using only simple exercise of Will, add a copy of any memory or tale they wish to volunteer to the library's shelves. in addition, the Library is altered such that it is able to gain a copy of any and every piece of written work as soon as it is created, but it will not if the author of said written work does not wish for it to be copied by the Library. However as it stands, the library shelves are empty, for there are not any written languages yet, save for the First Tongue, though there are no works written in the language. A spirit gate is also created, so that the spirits may have easy access to the Library, and placed in the central portion of the library, and a extension of the library is created on the spiritual side, built to receive and welcome Spirits and Gods and stranger things to the halls of learning.

in order to encourage proper usage of the Library, it has been blessed by the Wills, such that those who use it find themselves learning faster. Those partaking in earnest, honest, and professional debate in the lecture halls find their words sharpening, their minds quickening, and their understanding of their opponents points coming faster and more completely. Those who commit them self to study of the words upon the shelf's, either for nothing but knowledge sake, or for the sake of Good and judged by Karma, find themselves learning faster, understanding more, and comprehending quicker. Those who wander the courtyards and aid others, lending a helping hand to their fellows in decphypering tomes, and understanding the lessons of their lecturers, find themselves growing in wisdom and good judgment. The effect of the blessings can be further enhanced by donating one knowledge to the shelves of the library, and can be doubled by volunteering to be part of the Library's staff, weather that be as lecturer in the lecture halls, clerk in its archives, guard to its halls, or a tender to is many gardens and courtyards.

upon the walls and gates of the Library are placed plaques of solid black iron, onto which are emblazoned the rules by which the volunteer staff shall govern the Library, these rules are able to be read and understood by all, regardless of language or literacy.
  1. Access to the Knowledge within these walls is free and the right of all that seek it, though it may only be removed from these walls by those that have given an amount of equal worth to its shelves, and must be returned
  2. None may deliberately harm another within these walls, save for those that guard it, and only upon the occasion that those they harm have broken these rules
  3. None may seek to block access to or deny other the right to access the Knowledge within these walls, save that they have broken these rules
  4. None may deliberately harm the Knowledge contained within these walls
  5. None may compel or force or influence another to donate knowledge to the Library or volunteer to join its staff
  6. The purpose of The Library is to be a place of learning and wisdom, and it should remain neutral and aloof from the affairs of the world
  7. The Staff of the Library, Being those that have volunteered and sworn an oath to serve knowledge and wisdom, and to uphold these laws, may add additional rules to this list, upon which following that they have met two conditions: A the rule won an unanimous, uninfluenced and unforced vote among est the entire staff, and B: that it does not contradict any of these 7 laws, it will add itself to these plaques and be counted and enforced the same as these 7.
To aid the Staff in their duty's, The Library was blessed, such that it was made immensely strong and durable, able to withstand almost anything in creation, and that any of those who volunteered to become Staff at the Library would receive a bond and connection with the Library's Spirit, allowing them to communicate with it and receive it knowledge and wisdom. In addition, it was made impossible to accidentally harm another being within the library's walls, or to accidentally harm the knowledge upon the library's shelves.

The spirit of the Library was then awakened, and gifted a great and mighty Will, a sense of Empathy, Compassion, and Wisdom, as well as thirst for learning, then charged to carry out the 7 rules that had been laid down, as well as any ones that were added by the Staff latter. it was also granted the ability to detect with prefect accuracy when someone breaks one of the Librarys rules, where in the Library they are when they do so, and How they did so, and the ability to relay this knowledge to the Staff through their bond.

Finally, The Wills, knowing that a library with empty shelves was no library at all, decided to finish with a donation of their own, placing upon the First Library's shelves its very first piece of Literature- a treaties on Karma, its nature, and its rules, spoken into being by the Wills themselves. And much like the plaques, it too was capable of being read and comprehended by anyone, regardless of language barrier or literacy.

7 Create the Trees
Trees take root on the earth, or take loose matter and make earth around their roots. The Trees open up their leaves to the skies above, and eat the light the stars exude, and make use of the light to power their Will. They claim a domain around themselves, shaping it to their liking, making mountains, lakes, and plains with the use of their Will. They wield their Will to drive out those they dislike, or to change them until they are in theme with their domain.

6 Weirding Corridor
A location which is as unnatural as anything this world has ever seen, it is like a window into something transcendentally alien. It is, at first glance, simply a translucent, twisting hallway, contorted like spaghetti in tangles and knots, that passes back and forth alternatingly through the Spirit realm and the Physical realm throughout its structure; confused as to its origin or destination, this hallway is itself animate and living, floating aimlessly where the Power of Change compels it.

Whatsoever passes through surface region of this 'hallway', be it of matter or energy, is 'reincarnated' after a fashion into something else, made 'other' by the experience- becoming an anomaly with unpredictable and mysterious properties to both sides, with greater changes the deeper one goes. It is not a necessarily harmful experience, and in fact will generally be greatly beneficial in unexpected ways, though results vary depending on what passes through it and how far into the Corridor they travel.

And yet, for all that the Weirding Corridor has many different entrances in both realms, it does not have any proper exit. Should something linger for too long or fall too deep through it's labyrinthine passages, unable or unwilling to escape, they might find themselves becoming merged with it- absorbed into the true form of this thing, the overall structure, a symbiotic super-organism where each part is composed of infinitely nested smaller parts, each of them alive and in communion, a colonial lifeform of an unfathomable and bottomless will.

This is a generosity. Truly, honestly, within this absurdity is perhaps something approximating paradise. In their joining, they are each of them given immense powers within the inner world of the Weirding Corridor. For in the depths, the Wills of the myriad are harnessed in their fullness- to create a place of surreal dreams, where each individual cell of its body crafts for each other out of their thoughts experiences of immaculate detail, to be shared for the enjoyment of the collective. Vast eons of simulated lifetimes may pass here, each of them a unique, all unknown to the outside; it's enough to erode the lingering ego of any weak willed individual caught by it into nothing, until all that remains is part of the whole.

This really is a blessing of sorts; it is evidenced by the fact that it produces good Karma that it is not a torment. Alas, the pain of Envy and the approach of Death is still felt. So does the Weirding Corridor produce a kind of 'waste'; as an autonomic process, elements which are in any way tainted by the Curse, or simply worn down by ennui from the ravages of constant Struggle that is life, are recompiled into a new, highly evolved organism, and then ejected as detritus through one of the entrances.

6 The Flat World
The Devouring Stars prison was flattened into thin plane. It is locked by event horizon and frozen time. This indestructible plane extends through the center of the physical world and closes on itself, forming a boundary. Physical things that cannot resist the force of gravity fall to the plane if they get too close. They accumulate over many years, forming at first a hot homogeneous mass, but then cooling down again and giving rise to the earth's firmament. On each side of the Black Plain there is a thick layer of stuff.

The Flat World is two-sided: because of boundary at its center/bottom, which pull things towards itself. Above two sides of the Flatlands (depending on the point of view) there dark sky, filled with tiny majestic clouds and traveling stars from very-very far away. Usually they are so far from the central plane of the physical world that they are only visible as dim dots and lights of different colors. And usually only their past is projected in the sky, because the light takes time to reach the surface.

The closer one to the earth, the stronger grasp of physical laws. They are still malleable, but take more skill and understanding to bend. This fuzzy border of influence starting somewhere in the sky of the Flatlands, so peaks of the highest mountains restricted less. And at the bottom of the world - in deepest caves or abyss of the ocean, one can feel the faint influence of a dormant Curse. If something evil dies in this location, then its spirit will feel the attraction from the curse underground. Because the bad is attracted to the bad.

Structure Simplified
- Cosmos with Clouds and Stars
- Surface of the Flatlands
- Impenetrable border
- Locked Jail of Curse
- Impenetrable border
- Surface of the Flatlands
- Cosmos with Clouds and Stars

5 Shrine Heart of the Forest
Whenever enough trees grow in one place to create a forest anywhere, at its center a large construct made of earth, wood, leaves and ore. At the center of the construct a small gem shall reside, one with will and spirit, living as any tree in its forest. That gem is the heart of the forest, for if it ever leaves its home, the forest shall die.

The construct, the shrine is a fortress, a last line on defense to defend the heart. It starts at the size of a large bush and its will controls nature inside the very forest it resides. As time passes, it shall slowly grow bigger and bigger, and expand to become larger and thicker as the forest grows around it. If the forest is slowly chopped down, it shall proceed to slowly shrink. When it feels the forest and its heart are at true danger, it shall attack and repel all those who wish to truly destroy it.

If a sampling is taken from the forest and planted elsewhere, it shall not be considered a part of the forest, but as its own individual that can one day grow into a forest with a shrine and heart of its own.

5 Divinity
To attend divinity is to become infinite, inquantifiable in some way, like the Void was or Death is. When one attains divinity, its mind becomes a domain in the spiritual world, where worshippers and followers can go after physical Death. If the divinity is in the physical world, they can decide to incarnate themselves in their domain instead. Worship strenghten this domain.

4 The Black Lake
The Black Lake is a location that periodically moves from one location to another, though it's appearance is always the same. The Black Lake appears as a large pool of black murky water, with only it's surface being visible. Large bone like trees and blood red grass grows around the edge of the lake. A spooky gray mist encircles the Black Lake. Strange creatures of various shapes emerges from the Black Lake over time. These creatures will at first be driven by little more than animalistic instinct, though some may become fully sapient with age. These creatures souls when killed return to the Black Lake, where they may be later reborn from again. The only way for these creatures to truly die, is if they are entirely forgotten, as they will be able to return from the Black Lake as long as they are remembered.

4 The Lost City
At the edge of existence stands a city that was never built, and never inhabited. It's grand halls are perpetually coated in a thin layer of dust, and light from a invisible star shines through grimy windows. There is no clue to the identity of the creators' of this place, no depictions in art or writing, with libraries standing empty as if ransacked. All is silent in this place - except for the swish of a cloak, as a lonely wanderer performs their eternal task.

It is possible to approach this city, although it is no easy task. Those of the material plain will have to gain access to the spiritual realm to enter it, and vice versa for spirits. Once inside, it can be easy to become lost, as landmarks shift or disappear entirely. Changes or damage done to the city by visitors will be undone once out of sight, and as long as they move forwards they shall never encounter the same location twice.

3 Transmutative Net
A great construct spun of myriad energies in impossible yet neigh-unbreakable harmony and cemented with condensed spacetime, this web connects and ties the world together, an ethereal thread through each border region of diffuse and impure power. While this does benefit the world's stability, its true purpose lies in a rather special property: while any energy can be directed into or from the Net, the contents are always equal by type and in balance, converting between types as needed. The net is limitless in capacity and contains all energies present in the world. It does not, however, generate any power of its own, though can lie inert if drained fully. Any material passed through the net is spontaneously transmuted to another material of equal rarity or power, from air to earth, earth to water, and water to air. Of note, however, is that any material which contains energy has that energy replaced with a balanced mix like that of the Net, destroying artifacts and denaturing special materials. From this net is born the first materials totally solid, the winds of the cloud sea passing through it becoming a continuous sheet of porous stone with rock where air once was and pockets of air where droplets of mist were once suspended. The diameter of each thread of the net is based on the energy contained within.
Hmm, what if... Put some stream from Cloud Cemetery into Transmutative Net and Weirding Corridor.

Edit: Maybe we can do some options:
1. Stream goes into Transmutative Net only.
2. Stream goes into Weirding Corridor only.
3. Stream goes into Transmutative Net and then into Weirding Corridor.
4. Stream goes into Weirding Corridor and then into Transmutative Net.
What do think would happen?

Edit 2: I suddenly started to think about creation of sapient species of some sort. Thought about maybe something non-humanoid. At some point created species based on villagers from Minecraft... I cannot make a choice.

Edit 3: Just got funny idea, while looking through list of species...

[] The Story of Three Dragons

In the world, there were three small continents that had a triangular shape. The three vertices of these three triangles were close to each other but did not touch. They formed a shallow sea with a circular island in the center. Each triangular continent was dominated by a unique race that had ideal conditions and suitable resources there. However, each race had something on one of the neighboring continents (clockwise) that they needed or lacked or wanted to see. These races originated in the center of their continents when they were created. These sapient species were:
Race: Vulpidraco - The Exceptional and Arrogant Species

The Vulpidraco, or "Vulpidracones" in Latin, are a non-humanoid sapient race with a fascinating fusion of Fox and Eastern Dragon features. They possess the sleek and agile bodies of foxes, with fur ranging from vibrant oranges to deep reds and golden hues. Their long, sinuous tails are adorned with fluffy fur, adding to their elegant appearance. The Vulpidraco also bear the iconic traits of Eastern Dragons, including elongated bodies, scaled skin, and sharp, pointed claws. Their eyes are striking, often shimmering with an intense gaze that reflects their arrogance.

Social Structure:
The Vulpidraco have a social structure that resembles that of lone wolves or hermits. They are independent beings who prefer to live solitary lives, valuing their personal space and freedom. Vulpidraco do not form large communities or rely heavily on social interaction. Instead, they embrace a lifestyle of self-reliance and individual power, prioritizing their own needs and desires above all else.

The Vulpidraco culture draws inspiration from the Chinese and Japanese people, reflecting influences from both cultures. They appreciate the elegance, wisdom, and tradition found in these societies. Vulpidraco art, music, and literature reflect this admiration, incorporating elements of calligraphy, traditional instruments, and storytelling. They also value the beauty and harmony of nature, often incorporating natural elements into their artistic expressions.

Social Structure and Power:
In their social structure, the Vulpidraco are influenced by age and individual power. Older individuals hold a respected position within their society, with their wisdom and experience highly regarded. Individual power, whether through magical ability, physical prowess, or intellectual acumen, also plays a significant role in determining one's status among the Vulpidraco. Those who possess exceptional skills or talents are esteemed and often hold influential positions within their community.

The Vulpidraco are generally patient beings, taking their time to observe and analyze situations before taking action. They possess a sense of self-assuredness that can come across as arrogance to other races. They hold themselves in high regard, often viewing themselves as superior to other beings. This arrogance can lead to a mean-spirited attitude towards other races, as they may look down upon them with disdain or indifference.

Magical Abilities:
The Vulpidraco possess pronounced and focused magical talent, with their magical style centered around the manipulation of natural elements. They have an innate connection to the forces of nature, allowing them to command and shape elemental energies such as fire, wind, water, and earth. This mastery over the natural elements grants them exceptional control and versatility in their magical abilities.

Family Structure:
The Vulpidraco have a unique family structure that revolves around individual autonomy and personal connections. While they are known for their solitary and independent nature, they still form familial bonds based on mutual respect and shared values. These chosen families consist of individuals who have established deep emotional connections and provide support, care, and companionship to one another. Vulpidraco families can include individuals of various ages and power levels, with older members often holding a respected position due to their wisdom and experience. However, each member maintains their individuality and personal space within the family structure, honoring the importance of personal autonomy even within the familial unit.​
Race: Dracochimerans - The Reasonable and Chaotic Species

The Dracochimerans, or "Dracochimerae" in Latin, are a non-humanoid sapient race with a visually striking and unique appearance. They combine the attributes of Eastern Dragons and Chimeras, resulting in a captivating blend of features. They possess long, serpentine bodies reminiscent of dragons, adorned with beautiful manes that flow down their spines. Their bodies are asymmetric but harmonious, with wings that allow them to take flight and long tails that add to their graceful presence. Dracochimerans may have one to three horns adorning their heads, further enhancing their majestic appearance.

Social Structure:
The Dracochimerans have a social structure that resembles the lone wolf or anarchy. They are independent beings who prefer the freedom to make their own choices and decisions. They do not conform to rigid hierarchies or societal structures, instead valuing personal autonomy and self-reliance. Dracochimerans may form loose communities or alliances based on shared goals or interests, but they always maintain their individuality and independence.

Inspired by the Punk subculture, the Dracochimeran culture is characterized by rebelliousness, individuality, and nonconformity. They embrace a spirit of defiance against societal norms and expectations, expressing themselves through unique fashion, art, and music. Their culture celebrates self-expression, creativity, and the rejection of authority. Dracochimerans value personal freedom, challenging conventions, and the pursuit of their own unique paths.

The Dracochimerans lead a lifestyle that combines elements of the recluse and adventurer. They are comfortable in their solitude, often seeking out remote and secluded locations to dwell in. However, they also possess an adventurous spirit, driven by a curiosity and desire to explore the world around them. Dracochimerans are known to embark on daring quests and ventures, seeking new experiences and knowledge.

Dracochimerans are generally generous individuals, willing to extend a helping hand to those in need. However, their natural suspicion towards other races often leads them to approach interactions with caution. They possess a sense of indifference towards other races, not actively seeking out contact or involvement unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Dracochimerans prioritize their own autonomy and individuality above forming deep connections with other beings.

Magical Abilities:
The Dracochimerans are highly talented in magic, possessing a wide range of magical abilities. Their magical talents are chaotic in nature, allowing them to manipulate and shape magical energies in unpredictable ways. They can harness elemental forces, create illusions, and even manipulate the fabric of reality itself. Dracochimerans are adept at adapting their magic to suit various situations, making them versatile spellcasters.

Reproduction and Family:
Dracochimerans reproduce through sexual reproduction, with individuals of different genders coming together to produce offspring. Dracochimerans have a fluid concept of gender, with individuals being able to transition between different genders throughout their lives. This fluidity is accepted and celebrated within their society, allowing for a diverse range of gender expressions and identities. Dracochimerans have a flexible family structure, with individuals forming familial bonds based on personal connections rather than strict biological relationships. The Dracochimerans value their independence and solitude, but also form close-knit families based on personal connections. These families provide support and companionship while respecting each member's autonomy. They strike a balance between their lone wolf attitude and the importance of chosen family bonds.​
Race: Draconidemon - The Potent and Close-minded Species

The Draconidemon, or "Draconidemones" in Latin, is a non-humanoid sapient race that combines elements of Demons and Eastern Dragons. They possess a striking and fearsome appearance, with three pairs of limbs, allowing for both mobility and dexterity. Their bodies are adorned with beautiful, intricately shaped horns that curve gracefully from their heads. Large, powerful wings sprout from their backs, enabling them to soar through the skies with ease. Their skin is often covered in scales, ranging in color from deep, fiery reds to dark, ominous purples. The Draconidemon's eyes are piercing and intense, reflecting their potent nature.

Social Structure:
The Draconidemon's social structure is influenced by age, wealth, and individual ability. Older individuals hold a respected position within their society, with their wisdom and experience highly valued. Wealth also plays a significant role, with those who possess material resources often exerting influence and power over others. Additionally, individual ability, whether in magic, combat, or intellect, determines one's status among the Draconidemon. Those with exceptional skills or talents are esteemed and often hold influential positions within their community.

The Draconidemon culture draws inspiration from the Dutch people and the ancient world. They appreciate the rich history, art, and craftsmanship of the Dutch, incorporating elements of their traditions into their own culture. Ancient cultures from various civilizations also influence their beliefs, rituals, and mythology. Draconidemons value the preservation of knowledge and artifacts from the past, often dedicating themselves to the study and protection of ancient wisdom.

Social Structure and Attitude:
The Draconidemons exhibit a social structure that resembles a combination of family units and loners. While they value familial bonds, they also prioritize individual autonomy and personal space. Draconidemons often form small families or close-knit groups based on mutual trust and shared goals. However, they still maintain a sense of independence, allowing each member to pursue their own path and interests.

Draconidemons are generally resourceful and patient beings, using their cunning and adaptability to navigate challenges. They possess a close-minded attitude towards other races, often viewing them with suspicion or disdain. This close-mindedness arises from a deep-rooted desire to keep their secrets, leading them to be resistant to new ideas or perspectives that challenge their existing worldview.

Magical Abilities:
The Draconidemons possess pronounced talent in specific types of magic, focusing on transmutation and sealing. Their magical style requires intricate gestures or symbols to harness and manipulate the mystical energies around them. They have the ability to transmute matter, altering its form or properties, and can seal away objects or entities within specially crafted containers or barriers. This potent magic allows them to manipulate their environment and protect their secrets with great precision.​
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Edit 2: I suddenly started to think about creation of sapient species of some sort. Thought about maybe something non-humanoid. At some point created species based on villagers from Minecraft... I cannot make a choice.
I'm absolutely going to make a humanoid race. Probably multiple. I have a vague idea of creating twelves giants/titans who, when they die, will become planets and spew forth a humanoid race unique to the giant. I might not have them be so big they can turn into planets just because the Flat World exists but I'm unsure. As I said, it's a vague idea. I'm not even sure if I'll go with twelve yet. The only thing I have set in stone in my brain is that the humanoids spawned from the Titans will all be born speaking a language unique to their Titans, the third language, the language of mortals. Which I'm currently planning to just be normal language unless anyone else has any ideas.
if were talking species/ more life, then ill probably think of some form of elves, purely because of my undying love of them
not sure if they would be immortal or mortal, Tolkien elder scrolls or dnd inspired, or what, but some variety of elves.
but some variety of elves.
You made me think about cannibalistic elves. But I cannot point where it came from - I know, I used it in some worldbuilding thread partly.

Anyway, I've got a giant list of possible sapient races both humanoid and not with help of an AI. So I should have a big source of ideas. However, I am not sure if I have to make sapient species. Maybe I should make some other types of life, but I don't really have any ideas. My mind just can't cling to anything in particular...​
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maybe something to do with the stars, some sort of light drinking/eating/photosynthetic thing that lives in the cloud sea? idk just spitballing
maybe something to do with the stars, some sort of light drinking/eating/photosynthetic thing that lives in the cloud sea? idk just spitballing
You gave me something to think about. Ok, I see something long and gaseous... It some sort of organism, which made of long strands of gas. They can condense into the small, almost liquid clouds or stretch very far. Maybe I can work something out of this image.

Edit: Something like this, maybe?

[] Nebulites

Nebulites is an extraordinary and enigmatic species that defies conventional understanding. These ethereal beings are composed of intricate strands of celestial gas, intertwining to form their mesmerizing bodies. With their ability to manipulate their gaseous composition, they can condense into small, almost liquid-like nebulae or stretch out into vast, elongated formations.

The Nebulites exhibit a captivating iridescent greenish hue, reminiscent of the vibrant colors found within distant nebulae. This striking coloration allows them to blend seamlessly into their cosmic surroundings. Their bodies are nourished by the energy of light, which they absorb and convert into sustenance, while also extracting vital nutrients from the celestial clouds they encounter during their journeys.

Nebulites possess strands that consist of neural, sensory, and muscular tissue. These strands intertwine and connect more as the organism balls up, forming the basis of their intelligence beyond what is sustained by their spirit alone. This unique characteristic requires the Nebulites to consciously balance their thoughts, actions, and perceptions.

These ethereal beings possess an intelligence that surpasses their ephemeral appearance. They display complex behaviors, showcasing an innate understanding of their surroundings and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing cosmic environment. Their intelligence extends beyond mere survival instincts, as they have developed intricate communication methods and form intricate social bonds within their own kind. Although, they are still mostly act like animals and differ much from familiar minds we can encounter in general.

What sets the Nebulites apart is their remarkable ability to thrive in the vast expanse of space. Unbound by the limitations of planetary existence, they have evolved to withstand extreme temperatures, navigate through asteroid belts, and traverse immense distances between celestial bodies, making them truly interstellar beings. They are more adapted to places with low or no gravity, they also lack hearing, taste and smell. However, other senses compensate well for these shortcomings.

The Nebulites possess a unique set of senses that allow them to navigate and comprehend the cosmos in extraordinary ways. First and foremost, the Nebulites possess the ability to see, albeit in a manner distinct from traditional visual perception. Their sight extends beyond the visible spectrum, allowing them to perceive cosmic phenomena that remain hidden to other species. In addition to their extraordinary vision, the Nebulites possess an innate ability to feel gravity and mass. This sensory perception allows them to detect the gravitational forces exerted by celestial bodies and navigate through the cosmos with remarkable precision. They can sense the subtle variations in gravitational fields, enabling them to maneuver through clusters of massive bodies.

Furthermore, the Nebulites possess a unique sense that goes beyond traditional perceptions. They are endowed with the ability to sense local causal chains, perceiving the interconnectedness of events and the consequences that unfold within the fabric of the universe. This extraordinary sense allows them to anticipate the outcomes of various actions and understand the underlying causes and effects that shape the cosmic landscape.

The Nebulites possess a unique defense mechanism with antimemetic theme. It allows them to affect other creatures in their vicinity. This ability enables them to passively manipulate the memories and perceptions of those around them, rendering themselves effectively invisible and erasing any trace of their presence from the minds of others. By utilizing this antimemetic ability, the Nebulites can protect themselves by ensuring that they remain undetected and unremembered by potential threats or adversaries.

Second ability is more active. It revolves around manipulating light and radiation to blind or overwhelm opponents. They can store radiation inside their bodies and use it later as a natural weapon. It can be just a bright flash or a cone of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, or even a thin gamma laser.

Nebulites reproduce through a process known as fragmentation. During this process, a Nebulite will release small fragments of itself into the surrounding space. These fragments contain the genetic material and energy required for new Nebulites to form. Over time, these fragments gather cosmic materials and light, gradually growing and developing into independent Nebulites.​
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Have the strands be both neural, sensory, and muscular tissue. The more balled up the organism is, the more the strands interconnect, which is the basis of intelligence past that sustained by the spirit alone. So it has to consciously balance thought, action, and perception.
But it is just a possible idea. Maybe I would get something else. Flatlands should be filled at some point too.

Edit: So, does anybody else have some weird/interesting ideas for an act?
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After much conceptualization, here is my current idea of adding races. Are they generic? Yes, but honestly, I like them, I haven't really seen most of them used in these quests, and I couldn't think of anything else. Still, if anyone has any thoughts or changes they think I should make about the act, feel free to share them.

[] The Empyrean Titans
- The Titans, born from fragments of immortal flesh, sculpted grand bodies with their indomitable will. When these colossal beings meet their end, their bodies birth distinct humanoid races, intimately tied to their respective Titans. Each race is fluent in a language unique to their Titan, becoming the Third Language of mortals.

The smallest Titan of Storm unleashes humans upon demise—resilient beings with quick and electric minds. Towering above all, the Metal Titan births dwarves, men of earth endowed with mechanical views. The majestic Nature Titan dissipates, birthing beastmen, animalistic people who are attuned to the natural world. The elegant Ice Titan melts and gives rise to the serene and glacial elves. Lastly, the Flame Titan's demise births the fierce orcs, whose blood bore the essence of flame.
Maybe I could take few lonely Dungeon Cores and turn their functionality inside out. Transform them from deepening pocket dimensions into seeds of life - into factories that create thematic and often experimental living organisms and their ecosystems outside of them. And in order to prosper, they must have an active and sufficiently diverse life around them.​
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Maybe I could take few lonely Dungeon Cores and turn their functionality inside out. Transform them from deepening pocket dimensions into seeds of life - into factories that create thematic and often experimental living organisms and their ecosystems outside of them. And in order to prosper, they must have an active and sufficiently diverse life around them.​
I mean, nothing is stopping dungeons from developing in that direction on their own right? Based on the description of the act they could easily develop into surface dungeons and from there a dungeon that specializes in creating unique life forms isn't much of a jump.
Their instinct not going to be linked to challenging other. They rewarded, if there is diverse life exist and grow around them. They have limit of radius of influence. This was the idea - some rare holy land places.

I am still not sure what to create. Maybe something simple and boring going to evolve into something good, because of the world rules.​

Race: Nokarians

The Nokarians are a sapient humanoid race with distinct features. They have long, prominent hook noses that extend from their faces, giving them a unique and recognizable appearance. They lack head hair, with smooth scalps that accentuate their facial features. However, they often have a single long eyebrow that stretches across their forehead. Some Nokarians may also have facial hair, which varies in style and length depending on individual preferences. Their skin tones range from light to medium, with warm undertones.​

Social Structure:
The Nokarians have a social structure influenced by both wealth and skill. Those who possess great wealth or exceptional skills hold positions of influence and power within their society. The Nokarians have a hierarchical structure resembling a mix of monarchy and tribal systems. Leaders, often chosen based on lineage or exceptional abilities, guide and make decisions for the community. The Nokarians value order, stability, and adherence to traditions. Their communities are usually small and not prone to expansion, which gives them stability and resistance to the scourges of primitive societies with unlimited expansion and uncontrollable birth rate (like, famine, epidemics, territorial conflicts, etc.).​

Influences on Social Structure:
The Nokarians' social structure places significant importance on wealth and skill. Those who possess considerable wealth or possess exceptional skills in a particular field are highly regarded and hold positions of authority. This focus on specialization and expertise has shaped their society, with a strong emphasis on individuals honing their chosen skills from a young age. The Nokarians prioritize the preservation of their traditions and heritage, valuing their history and ancestral knowledge.​

The Nokarian culture is deeply rooted in tradition and heritage. They have a highly traditionalist lifestyle, preserving customs and rituals that have been passed down through generations. They celebrate their history through storytelling, music, and dance, often incorporating these traditions into their daily lives. The Nokarians have a strong sense of community and place great importance on family and communal bonds. Their culture places value on humility, simplicity, and hard work.​

Nokarians are generally perceived as a dull and uninventive race, as their focus on tradition and specialization limits their exposure to new ideas and innovations. However, their dedication to honing their chosen skills makes them highly proficient in their areas of expertise. Despite their shorter lifespan (twice shorter than human), Nokarians mature at a remarkably young age of ten, allowing them to contribute to their society and assume responsibilities early on.

The Nokarians' shorter lifespan compared to humans adds a sense of urgency to their pursuit of knowledge and the passing down of traditions. They recognize the importance of transmitting their cultural heritage to the younger generations within their limited time. This awareness fosters a deep sense of respect for their elders and a desire to learn and preserve the wisdom of their ancestors.

While their lack of inventiveness may be perceived as a limitation, the Nokarians' strength lies in their ability to master and excel in one skill and closely related areas. This specialization allows them to become experts in their chosen fields, contributing to the overall knowledge and prosperity of their society. Their dedication to their craft is highly regarded, and their expertise is sought after by other races seeking their specialized skills. However, mastery in one area severely impairs their ability to learn in other areas. This is a biological mechanism that allows them to specialize quickly and efficiently, but causes a sharp decrease in neuroplasticity when trying to master something different from the narrow chosen path.​

Trading, Greed, and Generosity in Subtle Harmony:
The Nokarians possess a unique and versatile magical system themed around trading, greed, and generosity. Although slow and relatively weak, their magic is common to all Nokarians from birth. It allows them to manipulate resources, ensure fair trade, heal, create illusions, and protect. Rooted in their cultural values, Nokarian magic fosters unity, patience, and responsible actions, reinforcing their commitment to balance and the well-being of all.

For example, in a bustling Nokarian marketplace, a skilled Nokarian trader named Kaelin utilizes their magical abilities to ensure fair trade among vendors. With a subtle gesture and a touch of their hand, Kaelin channels their magic to sense the true value of goods and detect any attempts at deception.

In this way, Nokarian magic serves as a guiding force, promoting equitable exchanges and discouraging exploitative practices. It upholds the values of generosity and fairness, fostering a harmonious marketplace where both vendors and customers benefit from the balance created by Nokarian magic. This system is based on its work on the Laws of the Universe and is an example of one specific consequence of them.​

Simplistic Language
The Nokarians communicate using a simplistic languages that is characterized by clarity, brevity, and a focus on essential information. Their language is devoid of unnecessary complexity, with an emphasis on conveying ideas in the most straightforward and concise manner possible.

Nokarian language relies on simple sentence structures, avoiding convoluted syntax and intricate wordplay. They prefer using concrete and descriptive words that directly convey the intended meaning, avoiding abstract or ambiguous terms. The language is designed to be easily understood by all members of the community, fostering effective communication and minimizing misunderstandings.

In addition to simplicity, Nokarian language also incorporates a strong sense of pragmatism. It prioritizes practicality and efficiency, allowing for quick and effective communication. Nokarians value directness and clarity, ensuring that messages are transmitted accurately and without unnecessary embellishments. The Nokarians have made a significant contribution to the simplification of language and dialects due to their relatively short life span and a tendency to specialize narrowly as a species. So their poetics, songs and stories may sound a bit bland wording wise, but easily translatable.​

Culinary Traditions
Nokarian culinary preferences exhibit a delightful diversity, with cuisine varying significantly from village to village. As omnivores, they enjoy a wide range of food options, including both plant-based and animal-based ingredients. Their cuisine is a reflection of their rich cultural heritage and the unique resources available in their respective regions.

One notable aspect of Nokarian cuisine is their expertise in brewing alcohol. While they possess the knowledge and skill to create potent alcoholic beverages, the Nokarians generally prefer drinks that are not overly strong. This preference aligns with their balanced and harmonious way of life, as they value moderation and the enjoyment of flavors without excessive intoxication.​

Technology Level:
The level of technology among the Nokarians can be described as being at the Early Bronze Age level. While they have not advanced to more complex technologies, they possess a proficient understanding and utilization of technologies similiar to start of this age in our history.

However, it is important to note that the Nokarian communities are not homogenous in their technological capabilities. There is a notable variation among different communities, with some excelling in certain areas while falling behind in others. This diversity reflects the specialization and unique strengths of each community, as well as their individual access to resources and knowledge.​
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Age 2
The Wills spoke and untied in their force they made seeds of potential, touching growth they grew in greater power than all before it except for death itself. Or they would have, was it not for their destiny their creation was not to become the foundation for the world itself but locations of note, and power places where the law of growth had been unbound and it could be limitless. However it was also not to be the destiny of this age. Each core of the dungeons in this age was to be asleep passively pooling energy as it converts one into another slowly making themselves into wells of their own energy as they slumber.

The stars and clouds quickly learn of these things, as do the spirits and primordials. The four kinds of life find this new thing of great interest, and to many they become focal points of primitive advancement. The unformed minds of the dungeon unborn asleep in their core can be molded by will, and a form of communication was made that would travel through time, by implanting knowledge into the cores for future readers to see. As such cores become a commodity in the places where many stars, clouds, spirits, and primordials travel but do not linger. Unborn dungeons made as waystones for a slowly developing society. The most prominent are those dungeon cores moved near the edge of the realm of the Devouring Star. Warning of the terrors of what lays in the singularity, and the all devouring will locked for now.

While destined to awaken in the future the dungeons are not all dormant in the time of their creation. Four awaken, of them the first is a tragic fate that befalls many things in this world. It is born in a hellish singularity. Surrounded by cursed clouds and tormented flesh it awoke. The orb turned suffering into power for itself and relics and knowledge all tainted by the curse but the growing dungeon creates paths out of the singularity as it is stronger than the pull of purity, and inside it for all the torment and suffering it inflicts it feeds of pain, and the curse. So those who enter bearing it are left scared but repentant no longer poisoned by the curse as long as they don't touch it again. So it comes to be that this dungeon's core is named Redemption.

A second core awakes to less auspicious circumstances instead of hell this one awakens as a fragment of Pokash hits it the impact ripples in the mind of the scattered Primordial, and for an age it feeds on the power growing and multiplying gathering materials floating in the world to help itself grow around the core. Such a stimulus awakens it. The core is young and without a true mind it's spirit bound inside a physical shell. As such it has much to learn and an ultimately weak will. It would be easy for the old and powerful Pokash to hurt it, but the Primordial remembers its pain the suffering it was born to and does not seek to inflict it on others, so it helps the dungeon grow slowly and steadily, its many linked bodies growing from the power of the dungeon even as the primordials presence empowers the young dungeon. It is the first to reach its own mind, able to act beyond instinct in this young age of the world.

In the spirit realm a congregation of clouds sets up several dungeon cores as waymarks using their imprintable minds to track the many happenings of concern for the clouds. Such is the level of interactions that eventually one dungeon core awakes. It is confused by the many different memories all disjointed inside its mind. It lashes out hurt and unable to understand its power or ability, important instincts buried under random nonsense the concerns of the clouds. This dungeon is taken by the curse and unlike the one born in a hell and able to feel this dungeon is the subject of the curse. Its mind broken, its realm is a labyrinth even by the standards of its kind, with few rewards and those it has as tainted by madness as the structure itself. Those that enter never leave, and what does leave is but jibbering insanity, whose will has been turned on itself. The clouds near this mad maze have learned much of the kindness of death.

The final premature dungeon was awakened on purpose as it was made next to the living gate of Shalt. The ever curious primordial learns of the ability for dungeons to be archives and uses it as such, leaving vast designs of will engines and systems to breach the spirit and use the interface of the two. Such was the level of knowledge carefully sorted that like the mad dungeon this one too awoke from the weight of understanding alone. Born with so much knowledge and no understanding it grows in both worlds at once weaving its mass between the spirit and the physical creating a lair of ideas made manifest in a bizzare layout. Shalt is delighted feeding new designs into the interwoven dungeon letting it make ideas that were impractical reality with a will made for building. It comes into itself a full mind under the unobservant eyes of Shalt and it does not inform its master of its position, for it still seeks to learn and the position of a repository is better for it than a student even if Shalt accepted the dungeon.

The Wills again wish to make a new language an as the first was inscribed on the fabric of reality, the second is inscribed on a grand pillar defining a center to the world is made, its length greater than all the things in the world end to end. It's surface glossy and obsidian is marred only by a trillion marks, with each a word in a language just now made. The Wills make a spirit gate so that the pillar stretches into the spirit so far that its length touches the far spirit and loses meaning there.

To the clouds, stars, primordials, spirits, and servitors the pillar appears near the language is quick to learn but hard to master with all but the most studious learning only a few words in this age. Of those that learn more are the stars, every curious. Shalt who pays a ransom in esoteric technology woven between realms and forged by dungeoncraft, for each word one brings them. Then there is a dungeon to which the words and structure of the pillar forms as a bastion for its growth. Learning quickly the dungeon focuses on knowledge and challenges stars that find it as they pursue the second language. It makes tablets of words in the second language each carrying true understanding of its inscribed glyph. These tablets formed of will, are untainted by perception and as such are unique though some come to say lesser ways to learn the second.

Of the pillar one thing that none perhaps even the Wills predict is the birth of the Grand Spirit of communication. It is a spirit of the pillar, but also a spirit of the second language itself as the language is of the pillar and both are as one whole. Communication is perhaps the first god of the world, while the Devouring Star had more power, Shalt had more knowledge it the Primordial's vast mind, and Death was truly absolute, Communication excited in part in all creatures and spirits that learned of the second language, and it is vast in a way few things have been in this world.

The cloud cemetery is a great sea formed of the swirling liquid remains of uncounted clouds. Whereas before the dead would linger cloud corpses a strange and bitter material now all clouds liquefy on their death and pour incessantly on towards the cemetery. The dead clouds pull against the forces of the world but many places are beyond their reach to break. The many hells are turned to swirling whirlpools of liquid cloud, rivers run towards each of the Spirit Gates heading to the physical so they can reach the cloud cemetery. Some stars learn that one can hold the liquid cloud stuff and use its swirling movement to find where they are based on the cemetery. Here another spirit is born: the Cloud Cemetery spirit is a friend of death mired in it as it is. It watches as the law of change has a great impact, for the living things they change slowly and they lack a distinct mark that they have changed vastly, beyond that their own will can tamp down major changes, the dead cannot hold off change and so new things grow. The liquid spirits that will be come to be called elementals are born in the cloud cemetery, their bodies forming from that sea as the liquid corpses swirl and linger.

Again the Wills speak, and as they do around the Spirit Gates, strange floating islands begin to form around the opening that connect the physical and spiritual worlds. These islands form in both worlds simultaneously, acting to further stabilize the Spirit Gates they form around, allowing for better transition between the two realms with the physical becoming spiritual and the spiritual becoming physical. This would allow for spirits to fashion goods that are impossible to find in the physical world and deliver them to it, and for physical goods that spirits wouldn't normally be able to enjoy to be passed into the spirit world.

On these islands, a particular form of flower will grow that can only be found on them. This flower has seven petals that look like a starry void, have a grey monochrome stem, and vibrant iridescent roots. Each part has some strange properties after being ground up and brewed into a sort of tea: the petals allow one to see past the boundaries between the spirit and physical realms and communicate directly with those on the other side, the stem will promote healing and cure most maladies of either body or spirit, and the roots will vastly fortify both the physical body and spiritual mind of the drinker. The regions of the spiritual world these islands exist in are capable of maintain order when the sea of spiritual matter and energy is stirred up into chaos due to their more anchored nature.

The flowers lack a Will of their own, and each of the Islands possesses a Will that seems to have a single minded focus on protecting and providing for those who call them home. Anything native to the island that it forms and produced will lack a Will of its own, being "empty" in a sense. The spawn of any who settle and inhabit are exceptions to this, as they are not produced by the island, but by its inhabitants.

The Janus Islands are characterized by the powerful will of the island, its spirit with such a strength that it can remove the spirits from things it produces, consuming that potential and leaving them hollow. The tea is not found in this era for nothing of the world has need for such sustenance and the few spirits who may learn of it have not turned their thoughts on the flowers in this age. For this age the Janus Islands are notable landmarks with impressive beauty as the death rivers weave around the spiritual and physical landscape.

The Janus Island around the pillar is first of things to note as its spirit is powerful but directly contested to the spirit of the second language. Communication is not one to jump to violence and for this epoch the two wills of these spirits commune and a strange effect becomes on the Second Language. For it is vast and it touches the far spirit its distance and time are not set by the four paradigms so as the spirit of an island of the liminal, who part of is the crafting the impossible, and Communication speak they each learn and grow and the second language gains new glyphs, for each concept the debate creates a new word is added to the second. The pillar grows longer into the endless reaches of the far spirit with each glyph.

The second set of Islands to effect the lives of the people is the ones that form around Shalt and the repository dungeon. The two beings so intertwined with the spirit gates are rent by the creation of the Janus Islands. Shalt is torn flesh rendered asunder its mind torn, the mind spirit is visited as it works to try to repair the vast body now intertwined by the material of the island.

"Your time has come to pass. Now you leave your quest in the hands of those who come after you." The eyeless figure of death speaks in a calm, warm manner.

Shalt's body was torn and it formed all its eyes on its spirit a million eyes glare at death, and it holds that for a breath of eternity. Then it folded its eyes away passing them back to its body until its spirit was also without them. "My task is unfinished."

"It was a task that would never be finished there is too much to learn to know it all." Shalt slumped a vast ring of flesh in the physical, its spirit looks merely like a band of an indeterminable material. It looks to the confused newborn spirit that had joined them next to death.

"What of my killer it two was rent apart in its own birth." Death grabbed the newborn and held it gently.

"This one came into the world and now it must leave it has not the power to remain you do if it tries to fight to remain its mind will be torn and tormented." Shalt shifted a sad posture conveyed by the spinning ring. "Of my flesh and its stone fashion it a body and then you may take me without a struggle."

Death acknowledges the proposal and does not intercede as Shalt takes its dying form for a last minute carving a body for the Janus spirit. Then the two depart leaving the newborn creature of flesh and stone resting alone at the broken gate. Pillars of flesh clashing with mountains of stone around it. Thousands of newborn primordials with fragments of their progenitor's knowledge and will. The Janus moves it's body of stone and flesh around the cracked and creviced lands liquid clouds forming gentle waterfalls and streams around the new gatelands. The impossible child would learn as the other children of Shalt did, and they would come to understand they are different, as they had the power to form material or spirit stuff as the islands did but with nothing binding it to the gate as the other Janus Spirits had.

As the broken island formed it quickly becomes apparent that the dual corpse is unusual beyond its mix of flesh and stone. The stuff of that island is made with spirits of their own, each unique as their creation is disallowed on the other islands. Beyond that this island had none of the other powers of those islands, unable to facilitate the creation of materials, or the spiritfication of physical goods.

Nearby the repository dungeon has a cataclysm as its thousands of interweaving gates used in the woven labyrinth is made into its own Janus Island, each far smaller that the others found in the world. The dungeon at the same time finds its teacher and owner rent apart by the creation of another gate. The core of the dungeon is safe in the spirit world trucked away from its many gates but it learned quickly what it could from the islands and started to mold new technologies using the spiritually dead material only the Islands could produce. From there it quickly reached out with its will communicating with all those that had known Shalt and had come to trade with it since its death. The repository takes that position as archivist and knowledge broker though where shalt was ever curious pawing deeper into the unknown with experiments the repository was far more focused on learning what it could of that which was already known in the world archiving knowledge rather than researching as it predecessor did.

Amidst the drifting winds of the cloud sea, a sprawling complex of towers, courtyards, debate, study and lecture halls comes into existence, shaped out of the purest gemstones, diamond and ruby, sapphire and emerald, quartz and topaz, all seamlessly fused together to make up walls and roofs and windows. The Library is always altering itself to be an optimal learning environment for any that wish to use it- be they Star, Flesh, Spirit, or God or Mortal yet to come, the Library is able to shift and warp to insure they may walk its halls and learn from its wisdom with no barriers or harm. Its shelves and archives are malleable, able to be added to by any visitor to the library, such that they may, using only simple exercise of Will, add a copy of any memory or tale they wish to volunteer to the library's shelves. In addition, the Library is altered such that it is able to gain a copy of any and every piece of written work as soon as it is created, but it will not if the author of said written work does not wish for it to be copied by the Library. However as it stands, the library shelves are empty, for there are not any written languages yet, save for the First Tongue, though there are no works written in the language. A spirit gate is also created, so that the spirits may have easy access to the Library, and placed in the central portion of the library, and an extension of the library is created on the spiritual side, built to receive and welcome Spirits and Gods and stranger things to the halls of learning.

In order to encourage proper usage of the Library, it has been blessed by the Wills, such that those who use it find themselves learning faster. Those partaking in earnest, honest, and professional debate in the lecture halls find their words sharpening, their minds quickening, and their understanding of their opponents points coming faster and more completely. Those who commit themselves to study the words upon the shelves, either for nothing but knowledge sake, or for the sake of Good and judged by Karma, find themselves learning faster, understanding more, and comprehending quicker. Those who wander the courtyards and aid others, lending a helping hand to their fellows in decphypering tomes, and understanding the lessons of their lecturers, find themselves growing in wisdom and good judgment. The effect of the blessings can be further enhanced by donating one knowledge to the shelves of the library, and can be doubled by volunteering to be part of the Library's staff, weather that be as lecturer in the lecture halls, clerk in its archives, guard to its halls, or a tender to is many gardens and courtyards.

Upon the walls and gates of the Library are placed plaques of solid black iron, onto which are emblazoned the rules by which the volunteer staff shall govern the Library, these rules are able to be read and understood by all, regardless of language or literacy.
Access to the Knowledge within these walls is free and the right of all that seek it, though it may only be removed from these walls by those that have given an amount of equal worth to its shelves, and must be returned
None may deliberately harm another within these walls, save for those that guard it, and only upon the occasion that those they harm have broken these rules
None may seek to block access to or deny other the right to access the Knowledge within these walls, save that they have broken these rules
None may deliberately harm the Knowledge contained within these walls
None may compel or force or influence another to donate knowledge to the Library or volunteer to join its staff
The purpose of The Library is to be a place of learning and wisdom, and it should remain neutral and aloof from the affairs of the world
The Staff of the Library, Being those that have volunteered and sworn an oath to serve knowledge and wisdom, and to uphold these laws, may add additional rules to this list, upon which following that they have met two conditions: A the rule won an unanimous, uninfluenced and unforced vote among est the entire staff, and B: that it does not contradict any of these 7 laws, it will add itself to these plaques and be counted and enforced the same as these 7.
To aid the Staff in their duties, The Library was blessed, such that it was made immensely strong and durable, able to withstand almost anything in creation, and that any of those who volunteered to become Staff at the Library would receive a bond and connection with the Library's Spirit, allowing them to communicate with it and receive it knowledge and wisdom. In addition, it was made impossible to accidentally harm another being within the library's walls, or to accidentally harm the knowledge upon the library's shelves.

The spirit of the Library was then awakened, and gifted a great and mighty Will, a sense of Empathy, Compassion, and Wisdom, as well as thirst for learning, then charged to carry out the 7 rules that had been laid down, as well as any ones that were added by the Staff latter. it was also granted the ability to detect with prefect accuracy when someone breaks one of the Librarys rules, where in the Library they are when they do so, and How they did so, and the ability to relay this knowledge to the Staff through their bond.

Finally, The Wills, knowing that a library with empty shelves was no library at all, decided to finish with a donation of their own, placing upon the First Library's shelves its very first piece of Literature- a treaties on Karma, its nature, and its rules, spoken into being by the Wills themselves. And much like the plaques, it too was capable of being read and comprehended by anyone, regardless of language barrier or literacy.

Then the breath of the Wills again left the world and the Library was born the spirit of the Library quickly spiraled into greater being as its many disparate parts came together around a concept, and as a single vast structure within that concept it has a domain much like Communication its elder sibling. This grand spirit can be called Knowledge, or Learning as it is a spirit not of things that are known but things that are shared of knowledge not only held but taught. So its name in the first language comes to be called Teacher. The library is born in one of the densest regions of the cloud sea, that land bordered by the living wall of Turi. The spirit gate in the library is quickly marked by a Janus Island, but it is a calm one born at the same moment as the library so that it is integrated with it in purpose and meaning. That forms a river that heads towards the cloud cemetery, the library adjusts so that open air halls border the river and allows those who debate or study their to learn in peace before the river.

The sundered flesh of the eternal war on Turi's wall is the first to venture forth into the library and be welcomed by Teacher. Who learns all they are willing to share and teaches all they can teach. Deep in the bowels of the library the first new area is made one of shared knowledge that is inherently dangerous, the First Name of any creatures it learns and other such knowledge the act of secreting away this knowledge tears at Teacher for it is Wise and knows the danger, that one knowing in totality its own name could easily break the rules yet denying them the chance was itself breaking the rules, the torment hurt Teacher in a deep way but it did what it believed was right and in a quirk of fate guided by Karma a dungeon core yet without a realm of its own comes into the library the living archive as those cores born into cloud seas often were was a good fit in mentality as a staff of the library.

Teacher found that it had more leeway when others were maintaining the knowledge, so deep in the library the dungeon forms given all that knowledge freely shared but dangerous to know or use complicatedly hidden in a way that it is available to be found but in such fashion it was never to be used. Pleased by the path of its younger sibling Communication graced the library and Teacher visiting though a manipulation of will to cast an echo of itself far beyond the bounds of the pillar. That day a vast many tomes were added each a treatise on a glyph of the second language written in the impossible language of the library that all could read but only Teacher could write in as the language was not a skill but a power granted to it by the Wills.

The sundered flesh made up much of the staff and visitors but soon stars and clouds would come to see the knowledge of the library and learn from Teacher. It is calm until a Servitor that had snuck past the walls and snuck into the library had a thought. It tried to turn the laws of the library against the defense of the cloud sea around it. For Turi would stop their kind from access to the library, the fact that they would then be able to ravange the sea around the library and bring spirits and stars back as corpses for their master they say is irrelevant as they would make a pact to not harm any of those in the library, or its staff. If Teacher hadn't had to deal with the paradox of the dangerous knowledge, and didn't have Communication to speak with on the issue perhaps it would be forced to stand against the bulwark of this civilization. Yet it had learned and could do so better than most, it had come into contact with many through Communication, from repository, and Pokash it came with an idea. The library twisted and Teacher used his will to make a gate but not a gate to the spirit realm but leveraging the laws of the paradigm that those gates set this was a spacial gate, and the first annex of the library was made. It allows the Servitors to learn from the library without endangering the cloud sea.

The clever solution to the impossible problem is more than just bad to the Servitors, as it gives the law of broken chains and change to leverage so far from the will of their master. The Servitors are allowed to learn and the first to break free of their master joins the the library staff. This causes the war to fracture as many servitors begin to question their lives and the curse that they bear from their forefather, the endless war destined to fall due to the wait of karma. So a legion fractures as puppets have strings cut and the Servitors begin to fight among themselves.

Many break away seeking to progress their own goals, while others stay loyal, many drift seeking to find themselves. The wall is now without need as the forces before it are gone yet Turi stands strong waiting for when the protective Primordial is needed again. The library slowly adds annexes all but the hells are soon in reach of the library itself as the Teacher spreads its reach.

"Let light be made into will." And so the words are spoken and the forests are made, each tree a product of that breath of the Wills. Each forest was a community of trees using their will to terraform space. Each forest is marked by a tree of a kind and each kind modifies the world around them in a different way.

The hardy bark and thin resilient needles of pine forests are marked by the fridged temperature that permeates the world near them. The tall vine covered trees turn the world around them into wet hot jungles. The tall rooty mangroves make boggy swamps with deep sinking mud. The spine covered cactus trees form dunes of hot dry sands that parch even clouds that draw near to them. The kelp forests struggle as the water they make to perfect their territories are constantly pulled away by a thousand little forces. One forest is even made of a massive tree as all the trees of those woods decide to join together in a vast woody hive trailing the Star it is born around. For many stars the forests are of little note as they mostly travel and ask questions and small societies that trail them are not that important, though the pools of deep starlight are now dark making navigation harder as forests grow where the light pools.

A forest of note has a dungeon core where the trees spawned, this core is awoken as the land around it is terraformed and it burrows its own reality which the trees push into the first and the dungeon in a race against each other, for the length of this age the roots chase the core yet the core stays ahead.

A location which is as unnatural as anything this world has ever seen, it is like a window into something transcendentally alien. It is, at first glance, simply a translucent, twisting hallway, contorted like spaghetti in tangles and knots, that passes back and forth alternatingly through the Spirit realm and the Physical realm throughout its structure; confused as to its origin or destination, this hallway is itself animate and living, floating aimlessly where the Power of Change compels it.

Whatsoever passes through surface region of this 'hallway', be it of matter or energy, is 'reincarnated' after a fashion into something else, made 'other' by the experience- becoming an anomaly with unpredictable and mysterious properties to both sides, with greater changes the deeper one goes. It is not a necessarily harmful experience, and in fact will generally be greatly beneficial in unexpected ways, though results vary depending on what passes through it and how far into the Corridor they travel.

And yet, for all that the Weirding Corridor has many different entrances in both realms, it does not have any proper exit. Should something linger for too long or fall too deep through it's labyrinthine passages, unable or unwilling to escape, they might find themselves becoming merged with it- absorbed into the true form of this thing, the overall structure, a symbiotic super-organism where each part is composed of infinitely nested smaller parts, each of them alive and in communion, a colonial lifeform of an unfathomable and bottomless will.

This is a generosity. Truly, honestly, within this absurdity is perhaps something approximating paradise. In their joining, they are each of them given immense powers within the inner world of the Weirding Corridor. For in the depths, the Wills of the myriad are harnessed in their fullness- to create a place of surreal dreams, where each individual cell of its body crafts for each other out of their thoughts experiences of immaculate detail, to be shared for the enjoyment of the collective. Vast eons of simulated lifetimes may pass here, each of them a unique, all unknown to the outside; it's enough to erode the lingering ego of any weak willed individual caught by it into nothing, until all that remains is part of the whole.

This really is a blessing of sorts; it is evidenced by the fact that it produces good Karma that it is not a torment. Alas, the pain of Envy and the approach of Death is still felt. So does the Weirding Corridor produce a kind of 'waste'; as an autonomic process, elements which are in any way tainted by the Curse, or simply worn down by ennui from the ravages of constant Struggle that is life, are recompiled into a new, highly evolved organism, and then ejected as detritus through one of the entrances.

For this age the Weirding Corridor is without note as small being and inconsiquential creatures fall in some coming out but many staying forever. Those that come out are beings of altered clouds and twisted flesh their forms changed by the passing. For spirits the change is undesirable so they avoid that realm with all their ability, and for those who know only of the surface they find it undesirable with their own abilities to alter themselves through their own will and power a far more precise and controlled experience than the random alteration by the corridor. The corridor itself has its mind and spirit turned inside focusing on its depth.

Thing have settled into their own domains stars traveling avoiding Hell's even as they do their best to avoid the curse. Envy a ever present feeling that is minor in most days as Will can hold it at bay. So before the next breath all things settle, deep in its prison the Devouring Star tears apart a dungeon core the brittle woods ill-fated to be born in this hell watching as the sun learns how the core functions. For the woods worshipped the devouring star their pale leaves and spiny dry bark dancing in many songs of worship. Having learned that complete submission was the only way for there kind to thrive and survive under the eyes of the Devouring Star.

Then the Wills breathed and the world was changed peace was shattered and everything was touched. The Devouring Star at the center of this cataclysmic intrusion turns its will against the forces now grasping it.

The Devouring Stars prison was flattened into thin plane. It is locked by event horizon and frozen time. This indestructible plane extends through the center of the physical world and closes on itself, forming a boundary. Physical things that cannot resist the force of gravity fall to the plane if they get too close. They accumulate over many years, forming at first a hot homogeneous mass, but then cooling down again and giving rise to the earth's firmament. On each side of the Black Plain there is a thick layer of stuff.

Yet it didn't accept the concept of absolute and with its will and the dungeon it had consumed it pushes against the solidification of its walls using the bodies of the pale trees as a tool to pry against the Wills. Its own will matching against their power. This battle would mar the flatlands, vast ridges form where the prison was pushed out before it became solid, to thin boundaries dipping down where the Devouring Star tried to pry the cage building around it apart. However the few areas that would define the landscape of the flatlands are the areas it broke through, tunnels of solid time and frozen space held up by the powers of a star, dungeon and a manic forest. The star itself so ancient was not truly trapped at the plane of the world but it's reach would extend as far as it's minions could reach.

To one side of the flat world it begins to rain for it was close to the cloud cemetery and many rivers fell to the world by its pull. That side becomes a realm of seas twisting and turning as they lead to a great spiral tower where all the fallen rivers surge up to reach their final resting place. The Elementals of the cemetery take to tending these great rivers guiding them and are prominent on this side. The Primordials unfortunate to fall to this world find their flesh more constricted as the four paradigms are more controlled in this place. Several dungeons are born in the great ocean as this side of the flat world comes to be known, tempting the Primordials, their fleshlings, and the elementals into their depths for tools for plying the paradigms to their use.

The other side is dry and here several stars have fallen they are able to pry themselves away from the flat world their wills and strength of being far stronger that the force of the world but even as other debris falls those lands and their pools of light stay hot and molten as the rest of the detritus cools. The clouds and stars in the age stay close to the world in this breath of the age drawn to the new cosmic alteration to the world.

Then two spirits are born as the disk of the world is two separate and bound internally by the Hell of the Devouring Star. One spirit, the one born of the side of the cloud cemetery and the many flowing celestial waters of that part of the world. Its name comes to be ment as Sea, and they learn to commune with Teacher and Communication among the grand spirits of this age. The other is born watched by stars in a molten land scarred by the war with the Devouring Star at its birth. It comes to find itself alone for an age unwilling to communicate, and not helped along by many beings like Sea. Its name comes to mean Desolation, as the law of purity and the Star touched lands makes this side of the world far harsher than the other with life and cloud corpses in abundance.

On Desolation only a scatter few dungeons take root, and only the agents of the Devouring Star, and the few unlucky forests live in this land. So the spirit of it grows distant and uncommunicative.

Then the Wills make a new declaration with the next breath. Whenever enough trees grow in one place to create a forest anywhere, at its center a large construct made of earth, wood, leaves and ore. At the center of the construct a small gem shall reside, one with will and spirit, living as any tree in its forest. That gem is the heart of the forest, for if it ever leaves its home, the forest shall die.

The construct, the shrine is a fortress, a last line on defense to defend the heart. It starts at the size of a large bush and its will controls nature inside the very forest it resides. As time passes, it shall slowly grow bigger and bigger, and expand to become larger and thicker as the forest grows around it. If the forest is slowly chopped down, it shall proceed to slowly shrink. When it feels the forest and its heart are at true danger, it shall attack and repel all those who wish to truly destroy it.

If a sampling is taken from the forest and planted elsewhere, it shall not be considered a part of the forest, but as its own individual that can one day grow into a forest with a shrine and heart of its own. The gems are quick to be called forest cores as they are kin to dungeon cores if alternate in their abilities and capacities. The forests across the world shudder as at the core of their small realms a heart is born, as the forests have gone unbothered in the last breaths they continue without adjustment for this alteration. With the exception of the forest core of the brittle woods and its colonies on the surface, where servitors have planted saplings are shifted as the dark shrines are born in their hearts. The Servitors and agents of the Devouring Star take to this blessing turning each shire into a citadel fort from which they assault all those they hunt. The woods grow in power as the Devouring Star gives the forest core spirits fragments of the knowledge of the deeper operations of the dungeon cores. This makes the hunts of the Devouring Star's agents more fervent as slaying their foes in the dark shires empower the woods and the forest core.

The next breath of the Wills is to create divinities. Realms of a powerful spirit carved into eternity so that they may claim those that have died before death may call them beyond the world itself. This Domain requires reaching singularity an absolution of the understanding of one's self to the point where they may lay claim on spirits that surrender to them. This surrender is called worship and it is a fundamental link between the divine and their followers.

In an instant all four great spirits become divinities, their absolute and vast nature transcending all forces. So it is natural that they reach that pinical in the moment it was made to reach. Communication has a realm of little purpose beyond the holding of her souls so they may make last words with others before traveling on to death for it knows death purpose and knows that lingering too long is not of the plan. Teacher figures death will come when it comes and so it makes its domain as just another annex of the Library where staff can work beyond death and followers have a final chance to join the staff before moving on. Sea as young and friendly is unsure of how to use its domain so like it's twin it remains a reflective realm where a few worshipers find themselves.

Turi reaches divinity, its focus on protection is reflected in its realm, as it trains the dead that follow it in the ways of war and defense so that should its wall be truly breached it may have a gate opened into the physical to protect the living.

Death is by its nature divinity, but it does not use its realm leaving it as a simple waiting room for those few that worship it.

Deep in the new heart of the world under walls of frozen time its small lands held by its will and the transforming might of the forests the Devouring Star is given a boon, it in its single minded hatred and lust for more power is enough to touch divinity. The All Consuming Hell is not a realm of dutiful work, peaceful contemplation, or endless training, instead the realm of those made to worship is an endless torment for those that fail it for those that show weakness. It is also a path for those that did well to be reborn so they may continue in its endless war on all beyond its control. The deathless servitors quickly become generals and any who show any hesitation is quickly met with death from their own kin so that the Devouring Star can judge them. Beings formed to worship is a thin food though so the Devouring Star turns inwards from this breath so it may find a way to force all to submit.

The Black Lake is a location that periodically moves from one location to another, though it's appearance is always the same. The Black Lake appears as a large pool of black murky water, with only it's surface being visible. Large bone like trees and blood red grass grows around the edge of the lake. A spooky gray mist encircles the Black Lake. Strange creatures of various shapes emerges from the Black Lake over time. These creatures will at first be driven by little more than animalistic instinct, though some may become fully sapient with age. These creatures' souls when killed return to the Black Lake, where they may be later reborn from again. The only way for these creatures to truly die, is if they are entirely forgotten, as they will be able to return from the Black Lake as long as they are remembered.

This strange place appears on the flat world often on Desolation harassing the woods there and vanishing before Servitor armies can reach its edge when the agents of the Star hear of it. Each time the land is scarred by its passage, the forest around the lake alters the world as it lingers, poisoning the ground and making clouds of darkness swirl. In some poor lands saplings of bone white trees are left behind and Black Woods grow as echoes and waypoints for the Lake.

At the edge of existence stands a city that was never built, and never inhabited. It's grand halls are perpetually coated in a thin layer of dust, and light from a invisible star shines through grimy windows. There is no clue to the identity of the creators' of this place, no depictions in art or writing, with libraries standing empty as if ransacked. All is silent in this place - except for the swish of a cloak, as a lonely wanderer performs their eternal task.

It is possible to approach this city, although it is no easy task. Those of the material plain will have to gain access to the spiritual realm to enter it, and vice versa for spirits. Once inside, it can be easy to become lost, as landmarks shift or disappear entirely. Changes or damage done to the city by visitors will be undone once out of sight, and as long as they move forwards they shall never encounter the same location twice.

The city is unseen in this age of the world as beyond the reach of most but the greatest powers it is only visited by Death as it communes with a lonely wanderer if only to bring the entity of this empty place a little comfort and companionship.

A great construct spun of myriad energies in impossible yet neigh-unbreakable harmony and cemented with condensed spacetime, this web connects and ties the world together, an ethereal thread through each border region of diffuse and impure power. While this does benefit the world's stability, its true purpose lies in a rather special property: while any energy can be directed into or from the Net, the contents are always equal by type and in balance, converting between types as needed. The net is limitless in capacity and contains all energies present in the world. It does not, however, generate any power of its own, though can lie inert if drained fully. Any material passed through the net is spontaneously transmuted to another material of equal rarity or power, from air to earth, earth to water, and water to air. Of note, however, is that any material which contains energy has that energy replaced with a balanced mix like that of the Net, destroying artifacts and denaturing special materials. From this net is born the first materials totally solid, the winds of the cloud sea passing through it becoming a continuous sheet of porous stone with rock where air once was and pockets of air where droplets of mist were once suspended. The diameter of each thread of the net is based on the energy contained within.

The Wills weave the net and it becomes a grand hazard for many of those beings in the world, it would slay clouds turning them into stones, unravel stars foolish enough to close in. Those near its strands quickly learn to avoid its touch and it becomes hard to traverse from one edge of the world to the other without passage to spirit. And so the next age of the world has come to pass as rains of stone and dirt fall to the flat world covering the detritus of the bottom layer, great rivers of dead clouds becoming new echos of their own selves filling the sky of Sea with puffs of floating white echoing the cosmic clouds they were made from in turn.

Deep in the center the Devouring Star pries at the secrets of Divinity as its agents explore and claim swaths of Desolation, and islands of Sea. Further out older armies are listless broken from their chains but with the lingering curse. New gods have been born and more are drawing to that precipit. Dungeon Cores begin to awake in greater numbers as the net fills the world with inert substance, and forests turn into their own little worlds out among the stars where they have not fallen to Sea or Desolation.

Teacher slowly spreads its annexes, the Library reaching further and further afield. Redemption lays in a distant corner offering a path from the curse for those that take it. Pokash and it's Dungeon grow in size and complexity as they slowly drift. The broken island is tainted by the powers of devastation and calamity that killed a Primordial even as the Repository grows around it weaving a grand dungeon of impossible tools through the physical and material seeking a way to reach divinity itself. Stars now trapped in pockets of space grow dimmer as the last breath passes for now they must rely on others so that they can learn beyond the weaves of the net that traps them.

So again the age passes and the Wills again convene beyond it so that they may choose how to act in this coming time. It will be a time of life, of growth and races to populate Sea and Desolation each with teaming throngs.
This is an age of life and mortal races. All acts should create life, or a race.

@Redikai you can have the choice of +2 power to your act, or a second authored act unbound by the theme of the age but capped at 1 power for this age.
life and mortal races
And I am still not sure what to do. I might try to fill the Desolation with life and create some sapient race for it. But make them kind and nice, because these are qualities needed to survive harsh place. Or opposite, but it would be a bit boring, I guess?​

Edit: Well, it time to look through my list. Maybe it should be something non-humanoid...
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This is an age of life and mortal races. All acts should create life, or a race.

@Redikai you can have the choice of +2 power to your act, or a second authored act unbound by the theme of the age but capped at 1 power for this age.
Neat, I'll take the plus two power.

Anyways, since the theme is life I'll probably be going with my titans idea. So if anyone has any ideas about changes I should make, like what races they spawn, you have about six hours to share them.

Act posted as a reminder.

[] The Titanomachia
- The Titans, born from fragments of immortal flesh, sculpted grand bodies with their indomitable will. When these colossal beings meet their end, their bodies birth distinct humanoid races, intimately tied to their respective Titans. Each race is fluent in a language unique to their Titan, becoming the Third Language of mortals.

The smallest Titan of Storm unleashes humans upon demise—resilient beings with quick and electric minds. Towering above all, the Metal Titan births dwarves, men of earth endowed with mechanical views. The majestic Nature Titan dissipates, birthing beastmen, animalistic people who are attuned to the natural world. The elegant Ice Titan melts and gives rise to the serene and glacial elves. Lastly, the Flame Titan's demise births the fierce orcs, whose blood bore the essence of flame.

Anyways, since the theme is life I'll probably be going with my titans idea. So if anyone has any ideas about changes I should make, like what races they spawn, you have about six hours to share them.
What about them spawning not only species themself, but also some other related creatures/flora? Maybe dog is created, as a friend of human from the start.

Edit: I was thinking about non-humanoid creatures for the Desolation, which still would be eye-pleasing and familiar. And not dragons, because they are everywhere already - aren't there other creatures like this? Maybe something like mythical horses or birds can work... How the Desolation looks like by now, I wonder?​

[] Desolation People

In many different, most suitable for life locations of the Desolation born species adapted to these harsh conditions, but not distorted by trials into something cruel and insensitive. Quite the opposite. This species is consist of many races, which were divided into different tribes and placed in various parts of Desolation. Each tribe was given its own language, very different, but somewhat similar in words to other tribes, to other races. And now they must begin their own journey into this world.

Name: Equinoxians

Physical Appearance:
Equinoxians, a non-humanoid sapient species, bear a striking resemblance to mythical horses from folklore and fiction. They possess magnificent coats and flowing manes and tails. Their bodies are graceful and streamlined, adorned with intricate patterns and markings that are unique to each individual. Equinoxians have strong, muscular legs and hooves that allow them to traverse a variety of terrains effortlessly. They have relatively petite and compact stature. Equinoxians have a graceful and agile build, with gentle movements that are reminiscent of playful creatures. Equinoxians have soft, fluffy fur that comes in an array of different colors, ranging from dull pastel hues to more normal brown, white and gray shades. Their large, expressive eyes, filled with curiosity and warmth, are a prominent feature that instantly draws attention.

Social Structure:
Equinoxian society is organized into herds and tribes, mirroring their natural inclination towards unity and cooperation. Within these herds and tribes, social status is determined by a combination of wealth, skill, and connections. Equinoxians who have amassed significant wealth or possess exceptional skills are often regarded as leaders or influential figures within their communities.

Equinoxians also place a strong emphasis on physical and mental well-being. They engage in various physical activities that not only keep their bodies fit and agile but also serve as a means of connecting with nature. From hiking and climbing to swimming and dancing, Equinoxians embrace movement as a way to nourish their minds and bodies.

Community plays a vital role in Equinoxian lifestyle. They value close-knit relationships and foster a strong sense of belonging within their communities. Equinoxians come together for celebrations, ceremonies, and gatherings, strengthening their bonds and supporting one another through both joyous and challenging times.

Equinoxians lead a nomadic or farming lifestyle, depending on the resources available in their surroundings. Some Equinoxian tribes roam vast landscapes, following seasonal migrations and relying on the land for sustenance. Others have settled in fertile regions, cultivating crops and tending to livestock. They have a deep connection with nature and prioritize sustainable practices, harmoniously coexisting with the environment.

Attitudes and Traits:
Equinoxians are known for their empathetic nature, capable of reading and understanding the emotions of others fairly well. This ability allows them to foster strong bonds within their herds and tribes, promoting unity and cooperation. They are a hardy race, adapting to various climates and environments with resilience and endurance. Equinoxians, despite their magical abilities, are somewhat uninventive, often relying on traditional methods and practices.

Equinoxians possess a sense of alarm, always vigilant and cautious of potential threats or dangers. However, they maintain a humble and welcoming demeanor towards other sapient races, embracing diversity and fostering peaceful interactions. Because with sapient one it is possible to talk about problems to solve them.

Equinoxians have a family structure that is deeply rooted in strong family ties and is influenced by their herd-like social structure. Equinoxians generally have large families, with multiple generations living together and sharing a close bond. They value the interconnectedness of their family units and the support that comes from having a diverse range of individuals within their familial network.

Equinoxians have a psychological makeup that is slightly different from humans, contributing to their family structure. While they may still experience some possessiveness and territorial urges, these tendencies are less pronounced. Equinoxians understand the importance of personal autonomy and respect the individuality of each family member, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding.

Within Equinoxian families, responsibilities are shared among family members based on their abilities and interests. They recognize the value of collaboration and cooperation, working together to ensure the well-being and harmony of the family unit. Equinoxian parents play a vital role in the upbringing of their children, imparting important values, knowledge, and skills.

Equinoxians have a unique culinary culture that reflects their diverse dietary preferences, resource limitations, and unique physiological traits. As omnivores, Equinoxians consume both plant and animal-based foods. However, different races within the Equinoxian species may have varying inclinations towards either plant or animal foods. This diversity adds richness to their culinary traditions, with each race contributing their own unique flavors and preparations.

Living in a harsh world with limited food variety, Equinoxians have developed a remarkable skill for creating tasty dishes even from ingredients that may not be inherently flavorful or appealing. They possess a culinary ingenuity that allows them to transform ordinary or less tasty ingredients into delicious meals through creative cooking techniques and flavor combinations.

Equinoxians have a notable sweet tooth, perhaps due to the desolation of their world and the scarcity of indulgent treats. They have a high tolerance for sugar and can consume large amounts without experiencing harm. This preference for sweetness is reflected in their desserts and confections, which are often rich.

However, Equinoxians have a relatively low tolerance for alcohol. Due to their unique physiology, they can become intoxicated quickly with small amounts of alcohol. This sensitivity to alcohol has influenced their drinking customs, with moderate consumption being the norm to avoid overindulgence.

Equinoxians are not known for being prolific inventors. Rather than focusing on creating new technologies, they excel in utilizing and repurposing existing tools and resources to meet their needs. They have a deep understanding of their environment and have developed innovative ways to maximize the utility of available materials.

Their slow expansionist nature is reflected in their approach to technology. Equinoxians are not driven by a desire for resource accumulation or conquest due to the desolation of their lands. Instead, they prioritize sustainability and harmony with their environment. They are mindful of the limited resources available and strive to use them responsibly, avoiding unnecessary exploitation.

While Equinoxians may not be at the forefront of technological innovation, they possess a deep knowledge of their surroundings and have honed their skills in utilizing existing tools and resources effectively. This resourcefulness allows them to thrive within the constraints of their environment, finding creative solutions to challenges they encounter.

Magic Powers:
Each race of Equinoxians species possesses a distinct and yet interconnected magical ability, derived from the Laws of Reality. These powers are still being explored and honed by the Equinoxians, as they continue to learn and unlock their full potential. Whether it be the ability to manipulate elements, heal wounds, or communicate with nature, each Equinoxian race has a unique magical gift waiting to be fully understood. Gifts are pretty weak in their base form and has some limits to overcome some day.​

Edit 2: It made me think about ironic situation, when side of the world with most resources is full of strife. People have many things, but still want more and wage wars over them, want to expand and rule everything. On other other side - harmony and peace trying to rule, but lands are desolate and harsh for it to really lead to utopia. So people are mostly trying to survive and just live as long and as happy as possible. Mirrors of each other, having only half of the needed things to really prospere.
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[-] Brockengespenst
The shadows of powerful spirits, primordials of flesh, awakened dungeon cores, and more, all come alive under rainbow halos. These ultimately mysterious beings, lanky giants of physical twilight, are each of distinct character to their origin; lesser, mutated reflections of their progenitors, essentially similar in nature, but uncanny even so. The Brockengespenst are short lived compared to their sources, expending themselves in chaotic frenzies of unleashed Will, their relative strength of being inversely proportionate to how long they have left before dissolving into naught.

Each of them brings with them their own unique aberrations to the natural order in their presence, and where they travel, strange, unnatural weather follows, and all that lays inanimate remembers that it, too, lives, as spirits spring eternal even from death. Those creatures born in the wake of the specters are twisted in some way by its strangeness. New Brockengespenst are born when fragments of their rainbow halo, shattered and spread wide by their deaththroes, find again a shadow great enough to rise as a terrible giant of its own.
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How many 'true eyes' human would have? Because, I am not sure that all physical eyes should be a sign of power. What is eye for this concept? Insects eyes are made up of many cells for example. So some eyes should be real sign of power, some may be hidden, but other are not 'eyes' - just sensory organs, complex detectors of light. I think, human would have something around four eyes of power.​

Well, that's chaotic. Interesting, how many of them there would be. Also, can you give an example of such a creature and what it can cause?
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Hmnn, thinking about authoring something more complex this time. Maybe something like this?

[ ] The Eyeless Choir
Deep beneath waves of dead clouds lives the eyeless choir. A race of pious singers, humming their will into the world. Idolising the spirit of the cemetery and Death itself they sing their glory to the material realm.

The Eyeless multiply through a ritual, where a believer of death willingly abdicates their power, throwing their eyes into the waves and letting themselves be remade in the depths of the cloud cemetery. With a new humanoid form made of dead flesh and sediments the converted can now experience true mortality.

Bound by constrains such as a need of suustenance and a limited lifespan the Eyeless hunt to survive. To that purpose, their endless simphony weakens natives of the spiritual plane, allowing members of the choir to drag them to the depths. Those brought back to life by the gods are their favored prey, since they believe this is a rejection of the kindness of death.

But maybe something simple is best?

[ ] Molten Vermin
Weak and unintelligent, these creepy crawlers populate Desolation. To live in this molten wastland they learned to integrate the lands curse into themselves. Even then, their survival is only because of their relentless reproduction and the faint hive mind they share.

So, what do yall prefer?
Interesting, how many of them there would be. Also, can you give an example of such a creature and what it can cause?
The idea is that there would a limited number of them relative to however many powerful beings are around. As for what they might cause, well, imagine a Shadow of the Devouring Star- a warped inversion of the closest thing to an incarnation of evil and tyranny, by its nature it still causes untold havoc, but in a way that is ultimately to the detriment of its own power and control. It might end up turning Desolation into a world of furious defiance against the dread powers that currently rule it.

Who knows though, the point of them is that they're bizarre, eldritch doppelgangers that spread mayhem and chaos wherever they go until they eventually die.