The Book of Time (Word Building Riot Quest)

Hmm, interesting where exactly Flaracopithan Tribes will appear. I think, it would be some interesting island in the sea.
So how is the update going so far? The thing is probably going to be 10-12k or something at the end of it.

I also hope that there are things that work well together so that we aren't immediately suffering from a clusterfuck of destruction and death in just one Act. Let the world brim with the beauty of life first, then fuck it up with death and war.
As the ages go by it is becoming harder and harder to create fully benefitial acts. The Devouring Star seems capable of taking anything we add and turn it into a tool to expand its influence.

If we want to fight back, we should probably make the next age acts Devourer-proof. Maybe some karma based acts? Dunno

On a side note, it is funny how there are multiple acts for Desolation-specfic lifeforms and not a single Sea-specific one. At least poor Desolation won't be alone anymore.
If we want to fight back, we should probably make the next age acts Devourer-proof. Maybe some karma based acts? Dunno
Maybe create entropy for Curse. Introduce set of rules, something like:
1. The Curse fades over time unless it is actively fueled by the suffering of beings nearby. It can die.
2. The growth of the Curse's concentration is limited by the fact that the higher its concentration, the more suffering it takes to increase it more. Purity Law limit.
3. The positive Karma of creatures is able to protect them from the Curse and reduce its concentration via spending itself. In the course of purification of the Curse process the Karma approaching neutral. Karma opposition.​

But how many votes do we need for such a thing? Something like 25?

Edit: Also, is it hard to introduce these small changes to the existing Laws? One for Death, one for Purity, and one for Karma. Although, we need to have specific theme to make it work. And this is a problem. We might never have the opporunity to soften the consequences of our fuck ups.​
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So any ideas what theme going to be next?
10k and going, in other news we have a Phoenix named Freedom who is the agent of death and basically does its best to stop and unmake any fates worse than death in the world.
Age 3
"Let there be the Titanomachia" the voice of the Wills speak as they begin their next epoch of activity. Primordial Flesh lost or cast aside is blended with the light of stars and the elements born of the cosmic net. There are 5 titans born Fire, Storm, Metal, Nature, and Ice.

Fire is born of flesh, light, and heat. That energetic decay of complex materials that takes the world around it above the fundamental temperature. Towering tall and covered in flickering flames its passion and determination leads it to quickly take charge of the other titans.

Storm is born of flesh, light, and motion. A whirlwind of eternal proportions, its body lithe and twisting, a clever and willful mind storm often clashes with fire over the organization of the Titans. For all their discord, fire is drawn to storm over all the other titans, the two born of ephemeral elements they have a bond that fire desires to expand.

Metal is born of flesh and solid substances. A durable and hearty body metal is slow and tough though it is the least among the titans as its mind is as slow as its form and it takes many moments to formulate ideas that fire and storm can make a hundredfold in the same period.

Nature is born of flesh, light, and wood, a being touching on the nature of the woods across the world. The titan of nature is quiet as it focuses inwards, feeling out that connection and its strange form.

Ice is born of flesh, light, and chill. The slow drawing energy that pulls materials below the heat of the fundamental temperature. Despite appearing as the opposite of Fire, Ice is a cool and collected mind caring more for its connection to the stars than being concerned with Fire.

Despite or perhaps because of the words and will of the Wills, laying forth the titan's fate in this breath of the world not but one of the Titans perish. Though the death was a hint of things to come. Nature elegant and some may say Wise is touched with a deep understanding and through many of the forests it is one with in a fundamental way it comes to understand itself and from its spirit is born a divinity, one that quickly grows as the forests it spoke with to form this converted to its worship. Fire hears of this and comes to Nature asking for the secrets of this ascension.

Nature denies Fire its desires and it would seem at first the self proclaimed King of the Titans accepts this matter. Until after the coming of the Teacher to the place of the Titan's. As Ice, Storm, and Metal go to explore the Library, Fire asks that Nature speaks with it on the matters of life. Nature goes to this meeting only to find Fire tears into its flesh, trying to burn and carve the secrets of Divinity from the Titan. Karma pools heavily and in short order the curse is nigh physical around fire. Then it consumes a crystal washing away the darkness its deeds were incurring. Nature seeing this attack was not one without planning or consideration resigned itself and as Fire went to begin a second round of torment nature's elegant roots lashed out, the desire not to die and the fate laid forth by the Wills working together with that desperate attack and the heart of fire was shattered breaking its body and killing the first among the Titans.

Nature covered in scars and burnt from the fight is found by the other Titans who are unaware of the truth turns on nature, breaking their unity. Ice and Metal return to the library to expand their learning, Storm brings itself to the world and finds the broken ashes of the King.

From those ashes scattered on Desolation, a new people are born, the Orcs are a rash and passionate people carrying that memory of the Titan of Fire. From each of the five organs of the Titans five tribes of Orcs are born to be found by Storm. The people of Fire's skin are a people with ashen skin, gray as the dead form of their titan parent. Of Fire's mind are orcs born with red flesh reflecting the outmost light of a flame. Of Fire's veins come a people of orange flesh close to the heart of the fire but not its core. Of Fire's gut is born the green tribe, who's organ has been fully impaled on the tendrils of Nature and who are born tainted by that flesh, their bodies rougher and more animalistic than the forms of the other tribes. Last of these tribes are the ones with blue hides whose flesh comes from the heart of fire and who still have dominion over that element.

Not only were these people born given the tongue known to the first language as Firebrand in echo of the Titan they came from, but so too were a dozen kinds of creatures each touched by fire energetic and quick to live, burning short and bright like fires themselves.

Storm found the tribes and while the second tongue was known to them, and Firebrand was unknowable to it, the Titan teaches the wisest of each tribe the second language and does its best to lead them as it mourns fire's death.

"To the skies let Mantas fly." The next breath of the Wills rung out echoing through the world. These gigantic mantas fly through the world, uncaring of their size and weight. They are not pulled by the force of the flat lands and fly above it untouched by its pull. They each are born the size of a mountain, the biggest and oldest of them attain the size of a small moon. Each one of them collects life found on their travels, developing a unique ecosystem on and in themselves under their care. When two mantas meet, they share some of their ecosystem, before separating. To birth a manta, several mantas gather and sing one into existence, merging their wills and working together to bring new life. They give some life to the newborn, then depart. Mantas spread life in all its forms through the world.

Mantas are often found around stars or taking short journeys between them, tending to the forests that enjoy their bodies as anchors. Mantas born with forests planted on their back grow quicker as the forest cores feed their growth and their expansion feeds the cores. These wood Mantas are the most common, though some are home to the fireling life born from the Titan King's death and those are often found on Desolation traveling its sky.

A manta comes to the ashes of Fire finding the fading Storm who has grown slow, its winds dulled and lightning grounded as it wallows in grief for a turning of the world. It teaches the simple mind of the young manta the second language and helps some of the Orcs to its back. Then as it prepared to act once more its hand collapsed the first born humans forming from the ethereal skin as the being the Orcs were taught by died slain by fate and grief Storm falls apart.

The first born tribe of humans are those of Storm's skin; they are pale, the calm outer white clouds of a cyclone. The second tribe is born of the gullet of Storm; they are dark in flesh, their bodies like those clouds deep in the swirling maelstrom. The third tribe of humanity comes from the veins of Storm with skin like the towering nimbus above the storm a blueish gray. Those from the heart of Storm are born with bright blue skin like the strike of lightning. The final tribe of humans are those born of Storms mind and their skin is marbled of the deepest black and the electric yellow blue of the center of the storm. Beyond their physical appearance the mind tribe of the humans are blessed with power over storms.

The human tribes are each taken in by a tribe of Orcs and their language is the mortal tongue of Flashscript, is slowly hybrided into the Firebrand, forming a common Cajun that is spoken by the mixed peoples. The tribes that have taken to the sky Mantas are brought far from their home. They learn how to tend the biomes of the Mantas the short lived firekind and the avian nimble stormkind creatures live. The mantian peoples become a culture that thrive around their bonds with the biomes of their moving homes.

Those left on the desolation quickly find that slaughtering the beasts of fire and storm turns against them. Quickly among those living in the age after the mentoring of Storm. Fall into three categories, those that tend to the lands aiding the beasts of fire and storm grow and spread, those that do not learn those lessons growing into towns and village plagued by curse and were karma twists to dark ends for those doomed, those people's are found by the servitors who take many back to the spined woods and dark forests in the worship of the devouring star. There they are put to the tools of those thirsting forests. These cursed people are rarely given the mercy of a quick death, some of the few are never granted the kindness of death. Those poor souls are broken and made into the sixth tribe of orcs and humans. The final group of the peoples of this land go down into the dungeons of the land given substance for their labor to the cores that they are born in the dungeons of.

"Craft Sky Isle Turtles for this land." The next breath of the Wills enters the world as the age turns old. These massive turtles that can swim through the sky. The back of their shells often accumulate materials to create islands on their back. They are extremely long lived beings, capable of living for 2,000 years and only really showing signs of aging at 1,000, they heal at an astonishing rate, capable of regrowing their giant limbs in only a few months, and have a practically impenetrable immune system. They passively feed on the ambient energies of stars and the cosmos.

The turtles are quickly widely adopted by the Mantas taking the smaller creatures growing them as small moons of their biomes. The sky isle turtles not following the Mantas through the world are often found on Sea swimming in the peaceful skies of that land. Gathering debris from the net, they become the home to many elementals. Some of their kind are found by the Library and grow old in its many annexes.

Some of the turtles find the broken island and the ruined gate, the leftovers growing from the flesh of the living gate are quick to take refuge on the back of these turtles. Among them Janus finds a way onto one's back. The turtles spread things to every corner of the world that can host them, often serving as messengers for forests who leaves saplings on their backs which often grow into singular grand trees that grow close to their turtles using their will and power to undo the flow of time for their rides.

Nature grows in power with the last two breaths as forests grow greater in their proliferation and the increased communication between them spreads the worship of that Titan. Metal deep in the library, comes across an agent of the Archive the metal titan travels through the twisted space of the Library to find an annex near the Archive and leaving the library to speak with the grand twisted dungeon. There it sees the broken gate and spend this age tinkering with the mechanics of this world.

"The shadows of powerful spirits, primordials of flesh, awakened dungeon cores, and more, all of them shall come alive under halos of rainbows. Let them be the Brockengespenst." The next breath of the Wills

These ultimately mysterious beings, lanky giants of physical twilight, are each of distinct character to their origin; lesser, mutated reflections of their progenitors, essentially similar in nature, but uncanny even so. The Brockengespenst are short lived compared to those who cast the shadows they're born from, and they tend towards expending themselves rapidly in chaotic frenzies of unleashed Will- their relative strength being inversely proportional to how long they have left before dispersing into mist.

Each of them brings with them their own unique aberrations to the natural order with their presence; wherever they travel, strange, unnatural weather follows them, and all that lays inanimate stands up and remembers that it, too, lives- as spirits spring eternal, even from death. Those creatures born in the wake of the specters are twisted in some way by its strangeness. New Brockengespenst are born when fragments of their rainbow halo, shattered and spread wide by their death throes, find again a shadow great enough to rise as a terrible giant of its own.

The Brockengespenst are a plague upon the world tearing apart the old orders. The centers of civilization are torn apart by the wild magics of Brockengespenst. The wall of flesh and its people are torn at by the wild magic of the shadows the civilization wrecked by the twisted shadows. The library is devastated as shadows of the staff and Teacher tear at the records of the Library with just their presence.

This is the ushering of a dark age as the suffering from even the best of the Brockengespenst born of the powerful entities that served as anchors for the old society are devastating to the culture and structure that had been. Only the Mantas, Elementals, and mortal races are mostly unaffected as their societies are small born of chaos and without a powerful central figure. Mad by nature the insane cores and their Brockengespenst make those regions of the world far more chaotic.

And at the pillar a Brockengespenst is born and for a meer moment of life it comes to a conclusion on its desire. Then it is unmade as it spends all its vast but limited will being born into the Nova of its own death throws. From that death the Ith language is born, it is a kin of the second language but perpendicular to reality. Where to understand the second one must dive into feeling and emotions the Ith language requires a certain insanity and impossible logic to be understood each word fundamentally reducing a minds capacity for sanity. Each word representative of something not to be in the world beyond the capacity of the first or second language to describe. To speak the Ith is to demand reality do the undoable become unreal at your whim.

The words are vast in power as each is unconstrained, but the nature of the Ith and the madness it is born of means that calling too much upon its worlds would see your own mind turned into an impossible glyph and added to the tower where the Ith is never written beyond the vale of both worlds.

The Archive too is hit and the Metal Titan dies from a mishap born from the shadows of that ancient dungeon. But the Titan completed one work before its demise it crafted of its iron flesh and the living spiritless material of the broken gate. As Metal turns to rust the dwarves are born.

The attraction to Desolation tears apart the body of metal leaving the tribes of dwarves scattered on the dead gate the brain of Metal rusted away leaving dwarves with a bright silver skin. They were taken by the Children of Metal who do their best to guide the dwarves learning what they can from Archive in the mad era of their birth. The silver tribe become known for their mechanisms and artificing with those that travel far often helping young dungeons they come across with their knowledge of artifice and dungeon crafted items and materials. As they age the silver dwarves tarnish their bright skin turning dull and gray.

The skin of Metal is shredded by the fall cast over a thousand manta and turtles and even several wild woods. To these lands the bright copper skinned dwarves are born into wild lands the slow and deliberate creatures of metal's body being added to these biomes but the dwarves often living on the edge of these homes, their minds unable to mesh with the flowing organic thoughts of these places. Until the copper dwarves discovered how to make a new kind of life from their wills and their homes, like their own flesh the mechalife that they mold is mortal and tender but unyielding and as strong as steel. Several Mantas end up with copper forests and clockwork biomes on their back as the fly through eternity. One crafty dwarf and lonely tree even created a proper mechalife tree that as they grew gave birth to a forest core being a woods in the eyes of the world. As they age copper dwarves turn green with a pantiena.

The guts of Metal are cast into the transmutative net turning much of the stomach to natural stones and metals that fall to Desolation. The old flesh of the Titans bowels are born Dwarves who for the rest of the time of the world show echoes of the breakdown of their flesh and the organ of their birth. The Mercury Dwarves have a skin like those of the silver dwarves though their flesh and bodies are soft and malleable to the point of being liquid. These dwarves struggle to survive far from other life that touches their world. The Mercury Dwarves grow around dungeons where they send in their kinsmen to gather foods and the materials they need for their lives. As they age they amalgamate with material their bodies touch giving them a strange rigidity and less control of their body as they grow old.

The heart of Metal is to fall to Desolation but it does not the long destined fall is stopped crashing into the Weirding Corridor. The heart bursting throwing dwarves with a gray metallic skin over that twisted nightmare. Many travel deep and never return from that place becoming one with it in spirit and will. The other Iron Tribe dwarves do their best to leave the weirding corridor but they are touched, and it is so that their children, their children's children, and such for all the length of time the world has that the Iron dwarves from a shiny newborn to an elder with rust across his whole form are touched by madness.

Last to be born are the dwarves of the veins with a natural dominion of earth, stone and metal. These golden skinned dwarves are born when the veins of Metal crash to Desolation. They crawl out of a broken land scarred by the impact with the veins of the Titan. The golden dwarves move as if untouchable to time their dominion allowing them to cleanse their own body of the decay that affects the other tribes of dwarves. They carve towns into the edges of the crashlands, hunting the slow moving tough fauna born of their progenitor. They learn quickly how to honor their prey so that the spirits are appeased and karma does not hunt them.

Those that don't are soon trapped in cycles of suffering needed to survive only so that they suffer more and incur more karmic debt. With death as a kindness, karma rarely grants those dwarves. The dwarven tongue ironspeak is a symbol to them over all things they have dominion.

The world after is hushed with the vast majority of the powerful beings of the world focused inwards on controlling and managing their Brockengespenst. Of all those ancient powers none is more harried than thd devouring star, who's Brockengespenst is as obsessed with power and control as its progenitor.

The shadows of dominion as they call themselves whenever they are born, fight against the Devouring Star though not for any benevolent cause but because they hunger for that power and strength, so it is cut and torn away. The agents of the Devouring Star are cut away from their master as the Devouring Star focuses all its forces internally cutting much of the surface off as it fights the shadows in its realm.

The Servitors and Dark Woods, and their twisted humans and orcs are left without direction. Many form great legions and travel back towards the puts they came from. Others are left to the law of chains to slowly ware away at. One dark woods has its core realize how weak the Devouring Star's reach is at this distance and as distracted as it was. This core of the woods the twisted born inside call Grudge Hollow sets itself up as a leader and a new power in the world using the soul denying arts developed by a Servitor that had been to a Janus Island to make sterile plants to feed their growing population of twisted, their servitors serving as a system for the forest to manage the population.

"Let the Chimeras be little more than mobile lumps of protoplasm. They shall have a weak instinct to consume, but not for long. Chimeric Shifters are obligate shapeshifters, truly embodying the idiom "you are what you eat"."

Consumption of inert matter such as stone, air, or water does alter them, with stone hardening the body, water granting fluidity, and air mobility. Still, they require the consumption of other life to both self-sustain and grow in complexity. At their base level of intelligence, they have no control over how they shift when they consume, but high enough intelligence grants the ability to control how they change and even if they do. Their intelligence is generally determined by the form they have taken, mimicking the instinct and mental capacity of their component forms. Control is partial at the level of intelligence of an animal, shifting according to their own preference and to their betterment, while full control is attained at sapience, such as that of species descended from the Titanomachia.

Consuming a sapient practically ensures sapience in turn, but tends to leave the shifter disgusted with themselves for some time, now burdened with the knowledge of what they've done and the morals and partial memories of the individual consumed. No matter their form, Chimeric Shifters can always interbreed and communicate, but they often prefer individuals of similar form to their own. They must beware, however, of overspecialization. Should a chimeric shifter glut themselves of a single form of prey or refuse to change for too long, they begin to lose the ability to shift, becoming almost a member of the species they appear to be, even capable of reproduction with them.

Offspring of such pairings are similarly Overspecialized Chimera, though this offspring may not even know it. When two Chimera reproduce, the result is a chimera with a base appearance between the two, with Overspecialized Chimera only producing Overspecialized offspring when reproducing with either another Overspecialized or with the race they are overspecialized as. This means that Chimera can unexpectedly spread throughout a population of another species over a few generations, neither party even realizing what has occurred.

They are born to both sides of the flat world, the Chimeras quickly taking forms beyond their base slimes. Often those of Sea grow into vast fluid entities gaining full sapients when they consume an elemental accidentally. The vast sea Chimeras help newborns grow to awareness without such a tragedy, but they are unaware of what fate they have doomed themselves too.

The vast sea-like, water and dead cloud touched, Chimeras find within the breath of the world that they have lost their abilities to twist and to change and new breedings produce only more of the sea Chimeras. For them it is a sad fate but they grow use to the strange nature and the story of their past is quickly lost to the passage of the breath.

Another on the side of Sea comes upon a dungeon, grown old in the last age; the core is filled with deep water and twisting mazes. The Chimera that finds itself inside spends years lost feeding on random parts of the dungeon; they become strange eating rewards of that deep dungeon, but it was wild until it got deep enough and consumed the dungeon core eating the heart of that place. It gained powers not meant for mortal tendrils. This Chimera grows quickly in power twisting its mass outside reality.

On Desolation the Chimeras stay smaller eventually catching mortals, or twisted and turning into them over time, some over specializated are born in this time. However most of these Chimeras are left in distant lands balls of elemental and colorful slimes.

Nature finds themselves in Desolation, and they feel the spirit of that land reach out the minds and Divinities of the two touching.

"Outsider, leave, destruction." Nature feels the presence weary and great in power. It had come to learn of the forests on this place that was not worshiping itself. Desolation pushed against Nature's own presences, its power enough to physically push the other divinity away.

"I come to seek woods." Desolation halts its pressure against Nature for the breath of this age the two divines speak and as they part ways Desolation looks upon the mortal races that cover it.

"Cardinal Lotuses will feed off Gravity" the next breath of the world echoes out into a world entering a new normal.

The Cardinal Lotuses are a strange species of plant seemingly unbound by gravity. Formed of six petal-like leaves around a golden core, these plants feed off of gravitational force itself. The species possesses regenerative ability strong enough to regrow from a single lost petal and indeed this process is the primary means by which they reproduce, separated fragments growing into whole flowers. Despite lacking intelligence or much ambition, the lotuses will invariably try to turn their faces towards the pillar at the center of the world. As they come closer to the pillar they emit a louder and louder hum.

The tribes of Stomach humans and Orcs are entranced by the strange floating flowers taking a liking to them and a large group leaves the lands of their birth to hunt for the thing their flowers face. A long journey that continues across the vast size of Desolation for the time of this age. It was one that would have tragedy when the exodus comes across a twisting black pool white trees of bone and grass as red as blood grows here. The Orcs and Humans of that migration do not know of the black pool or its beats. The first one appears as a human child tries to drink of the inky black pool. The creature pulls her screaming into the depths and as the humans and orcs rush to try to save the child many more are killed the flower exodus scatters many of the youngest too immature to understand they need to stick together when they run. The exodus is decimated thrice over.

It would surely be the death of those lost children had they not been near a very particular dungeon and Primordial who had fallen to Desolation. The vast Hive dungeon with the many limbs of Pokash working to help it grow comes across many of the human and orc children the exodus lost. The Primordial swarm does not have the knowledge to tend to the needs of a mortal race, but it's will is vast and ancient carrying the scars of its torment at the hand of the Devouring Star. So it does its best to feed and tend to the children, mixing its flesh with soil and bone to create a limb that can give sustenance to the mortals and as the breath passes those children grow a strange society at the edge of Hive, growing with the aid of the Primordial Pokash.

By the decree and will of the Wills pools continually springing blood appears. Particulates in the blood clump together, forming lesser flesh which then forms into the creatures. Numerous creatures of all kinds emerge from the blood springs; insects, rodents, lizards, and fish crawl out of the crimson pools. The longer a bloodborn one remains bathed in the blood, the bigger and more complex they may become, but many emerge smaller and return to the blood occasionally or steal blood from others.

The bloodborn in this age are born in remote locations unseen by the growing populations of mortals so they grow fat in their pools only having to worry about their siblings waring with them and killing them or forcing them out of the pool of their birth.

As this breath begins Desolation reaches out to Nature once more, for it was infatuated with the Titan and saw something it would need to know. Nature is busy as it deals with the Dark Woods, and with turning Black Woods it finds into proper forests so it dismisses the attempts for this side of the flat world to contact it. With no worshipers Desolation could not send priests or mortals to warn Nature of the incoming danger. With limited ability to warn Nature of the danger, Desolation reaches out to a bloodborne massive in its pool, its crocodile-like body vicious and brown red. It is the oldest of its kind and leaves its pool to aid the divinity so that it can be given the path for its own ascension.

Aima as the crocodile's name will become known reaches nature only shortly before the disaster Desolation foresaw. "The Dark Forest has prepared to attack you with…" The bloodborne shifts avoiding an attack from a manta. The Dark forest had created children giving them to Mantas to help spread its limited power through the world. Now it came to attack the Titan that had been hunting for it.

Nature is powerful as both a widely worshiped divinity, and one of the five titans. Its will is powerful and it strikes out. The child forests are new, as are their small manta homes, but both the mantas and the woods are beings that work around will using it as a fundamental tool in the way they interact with the world. Aima slinks off in the clash not to be seen again in this breath of the world. Nature fights and fights before it finds its foes now vastly diminished fleeing from before it. Where Nature had only suffered two injuries it was able to count six broken forest cores, and the same number of Mantas that had tried to fight.

Then the divinity fell to one knee vomiting its life blood vines and wood turning a brown as small creatures burrow out of the wounds it had taken. The Dark Forest had not expected its assault to kill, but it had creatures of Primordial Flesh, and the blood of the pools crafted that would tear it apart from the inside. Nature turned its will inwards and carved out the parasites but its fate had been sealed and the acts of the Wills had come to ring the hour for the Titan. Nature feeling its death finally accepted the communication from the worried and distraught Desolation.

They did not communicate with Will or Words rather Nature and Desolation melded their wills together. Desolation for its infatuation, and Nature as it knew its time was short and needed to act to preserve what it can of its true self. From this union five children are born as Nature's spirit flees death in its own divinity.

First among them is the Vengeance, born of those hateful thoughts against the Dark Forest, and the forces that had laid Nature low. When Vengeance is born the thing half spirit and half Titan is garbed in the form of a vine as the hair of nature, with eyes of molten fire the vines bind themselves together into a long serpentine mass. As Vengeance leaves to act its name out it leaves the rest of Nature's skin to spawn the first tribe of Nature the snake people are similar to humans, orcs, or dwarves though subtly off in proportion, and covered in patches of scales above the waist below they are long snake tales emerald in color. Perhaps because of the birth of vengeance, the peoples of the Skin Tribe of Nature lack in burning desires often content with their life and position. This allows them to easily become handmaids, and servants to the woods that can gather that people to it.

Second born is Desire, born of that urge to control all that Nature had thought was its to control. Desire is born garbed in the form of a Bird made of twigs and shifting wood. Desire convenes with the other three as they are born before it takes off to find everything that was not yet its. It leaves behind the veins of Nature and the next tribe of that Titan. With wings and the heads of birds the Veins of nature become a nomadic people learning how to commune with spirits quickly so as the travel Desolation they may feed and drink without karma striking them for it.

Third born is Growth, growth garbs itself in the figure of a stag as it is born antlers of wood, and leaves for its figure the Stag of Growth is part of the convention of the Titanborn before it begins to do it's work traveling and promoting growth easily becomes an object of worship for the peoples of the Titans, and it moves to help them be strong and resistant to the machinations of the Devouring Star or Dark Forest. From the stomach and guts left behind as Growth take off into the world is born the greatest tribe of Nature. With strong powerful furred legs and hooves to elegant antlers the deer folk are blessed with that same power over the environment as growth, they are deeply connected with flora and fauna and become quick studies in the way of respectful harvests of flesh and fruits.

Fourth born is Rot, Rot is born as a figure of a Rat titanic in scale and made of the writhing worms that laid Nature low. Rot is a Divinity as the others born of this union are but it is one of decay and unpleasantness, where only the first and final kindness will save one from the torment. The others see Rot and form a conclave on how to deal with Rot. From the heart where the rot had taken hold in the last moments Rot is born and from the maggots left glutted on the flesh of Nature's heart the fourth tribe of Nature is born, they are pale rats, kin of Rot in figure though far less massive. They are intune with decay in the world, but the Children of Nature scattered them upon their birth forcing them to the far reaches. Many die, and far too many fall into the hands of those agents of the Dark Forest, and Devouring Star on Desolation. They are often a minority where they have found other mortals to live with serving as people that will do unpleasant tasks. As like the maggots that consumed Nature, the curse and Karma holds less power over their kind. Making them ideal butchers, gravetenders, and other jobs that touch on places of the curse.

Fifth born is Patience, a cat of wood and vines Patience is the final child of Desolation and Nature and is late to the conclave as Rot is discussed. The Divine cat is reflective mostly of the lonely Desolation but also Nature's infinite patience to wait as things grew. It finds that the conclave has chosen to disable Rot so that it can not act as an agent of the Devouring Star despite the rat claiming that it was no friend of that Divinity. Patience is given a task as the others tear Rot apart and scatter its body across the world. Patience would distract Desolation, keeping it unaware of the fratricide of its children. So the cat takes to resting and sleeping for whole breaths of the world communicating with its parent, keeping Desolation focused on little beyond that companionship. From the brain of which Patience was born of Nature the final tribe of that people was born. With fur tails and ears they are a vaguely human like peoples that take to being with nature with a contemptuous ease, living in forests on the edges not quite alongside them as the snake like first tribe but not foreigners like dwarves.

No words on the tongue of mortals, not even the verdantrunes of the Nature born could describe the fate of Rot. The maggots it was an echo of, were designed with parts of the Janus Isles in mind so that they are partially separate from the curse and Karma. A disconnect that cuts both ways. For while Rot's actions would resonate less with spirits of karma, the actions thrust upon Rot were tenfold less seen by Karma. Furthermore, as a divinity born directly rather than ascended, Rot's mortal form was more pliable and less concrete than other divinities. So it was tormented and torn apart five pieces one for each child of Nature, and then those pieces were taken by Desire to the far places of Desolation, hiding them in dungeons that the bird would feed and grow until they are grand prisons for the containment of the broken Divinity.

"Make People of Desolation" The will called out oblivious to the many mortals that have called Desolation home for several breaths of the world now. It had its own designs and painted them into the world.

In many different locations, most suitable for life, upon Desolation is born species adapted to these harsh conditions, but not distorted by trials into something cruel and insensitive. Quite the opposite. This species consists of five races, which were divided into different tribes and placed in various parts of Desolation. Each tribe was given its own language, very different, but somewhat similar in words to other tribes, to other races. This species called Equinoxians and they soon begin their journey into this world. These creatures able to resist, repel the Curse, while they have a good Karma. They also can safely absorb excess, exhausts Curse and turn it into something neutral. However, Curse exhaust makes Karma go toward neutral faster.

Equinoxians are a non-humanoid sapient species, bear a striking resemblance to mythical horses and deers from folklore and fiction. They possess magnificent coats and flowing manes and tails. Their bodies are graceful and streamlined, adorned with intricate patterns and markings that are unique to each individual. Equinoxians have strong, muscular legs and hooves that allow them to traverse a variety of terrains effortlessly. They have relatively petite and compact stature. Equinoxians have a graceful and agile build, with gentle movements that are reminiscent of playful creatures. Equinoxians have soft, fluffy fur that comes in an array of different colors, ranging from dull pastel hues to more normal brown, white and gray shades. Their large, expressive eyes, filled with curiosity and warmth, are a prominent feature that instantly draws attention.

The creation of the five races of Equinoxian is noticed where the locations that life would thrive are those that mortal races already know of and are often living in. The Tulpar are a horse like Equinoxian race with large feathered wings and a powerful line of feathers over its back and their front haunches. Hippocampus is another race of the Equinoxian where they are born in pools of water; they have fins on their forelegs and their back legs are replaced by a singular powerful scaled tail. Kirins are another race of the Equinoxians with two back sweeping antlers and a long elegant body covered in patches of scales down to a feather covered long tail that they keep behind them. The Pantheo are another of the races of the Equinoxians with deer like features, their fur covered in star like patterns and their tails long and fluffy like foxes of the distant world they are based on. Unicorns are the final race of the Equinoxians their features almost exactly that of a horse except for the long and prominent horn that graces their head.

Equinoxian society is organized into herds and tribes, mirroring their natural inclination towards unity and cooperation. Within these herds and tribes, social status is determined by a combination of wealth, skill, and social connections. Equinoxians who have amassed significant wealth or possess exceptional skills are often regarded as leaders or influential figures within their communities.
Equinoxians also place a strong emphasis on physical and mental well-being. They engage in various physical activities that not only keep their bodies fit and agile but also serve as a means of connecting with nature. From hiking and climbing to swimming and dancing, Equinoxians embrace movement as a way to nourish their minds and bodies. Community plays a vital role in Equinoxian lifestyle. They value close-knit relationships and foster a strong sense of belonging within their communities. Equinoxians come together for celebrations, ceremonies, and gatherings, strengthening their bonds and supporting one another through both joyous and challenging times.

Equinoxians lead a nomadic or farming lifestyle, depending on the resources available in their surroundings. Some Equinoxian tribes roam vast landscapes, following seasonal migrations and relying on the land for sustenance. Others have settled in fertile regions, cultivating crops and tending to livestock. They have a deep connection with nature and prioritize sustainable practices, harmoniously coexisting with the environment.

Equinoxians are known for their empathetic nature, capable of reading and understanding the emotions of others fairly well. This ability allows them to foster strong bonds within their herds and tribes, promoting unity and cooperation. They are a hardy race, adapting to various climates and environments with resilience and endurance. Equinoxians, despite their magical abilities, are somewhat uninventive, often relying on traditional methods and practices. Equinoxians possess a sense of alarm, always vigilant and cautious of potential threats or dangers. However, they maintain a humble and welcoming demeanor towards other sapient races, embracing diversity and fostering peaceful interactions. Because with sapient one it is possible to talk about problems to solve them with minimal waste of life.

Equinoxians have a family structure that is deeply rooted in strong family ties and is influenced by their herd-like social structure. Equinoxians generally have large families, with multiple generations living together and sharing a close bond. They value the interconnectedness of their family units and the support that comes from having a diverse range of individuals within their familial network. Equinoxians have a psychological makeup that is slightly different from humans, contributing to their family structure. While they may still experience some possessiveness and territorial urges, these tendencies are less pronounced. Equinoxians understand the importance of personal autonomy and respect the individuality of each family member, fostering an environment of acceptance and understanding.

Within Equinoxian families, responsibilities are shared among family members based on their abilities and interests. They recognize the value of collaboration and cooperation, working together to ensure the well-being and harmony of the family unit. Equinoxian parents play a vital role in the upbringing of their children, imparting important values, knowledge, and skills.

Equinoxians have a unique culinary culture that reflects their diverse dietary preferences, resource limitations, and unique physiological traits. As omnivores, Equinoxians consume both plant and animal-based foods. However, different races within the Equinoxian species may have varying inclinations towards either plant or animal foods. This diversity adds richness to their culinary traditions, with each race contributing their own unique flavors and preparations.

Living in a harsh world with limited food variety, Equinoxians have developed a remarkable skill for creating tasty dishes even from ingredients that may not be inherently flavorful or appealing. They possess a culinary ingenuity that allows them to transform ordinary or less tasty ingredients into delicious meals through creative cooking techniques and flavor combinations.
Equinoxians have a notable sweet tooth, perhaps due to the desolation of their world and the scarcity of indulgent treats. They have a high tolerance for sugar and can consume large amounts without experiencing harm. This preference for sweetness is reflected in their desserts and confections, which are often rich.

However, Equinoxians have a relatively low tolerance for alcohol. Due to their unique physiology, they can become intoxicated quickly with small amounts of alcohol. This sensitivity to alcohol has influenced their drinking customs, with moderate consumption being the norm to avoid overindulgence.

Equinoxians are not known for being prolific inventors. Rather than focusing on creating new technologies, they excel in utilizing and repurposing existing tools and resources to meet their needs. They have a deep understanding of their environment and have developed innovative ways to maximize the utility of available materials. They more tend to develop and improve skills, not new tools.
Their slow expansionist nature is reflected in their approach to technology. Equinoxians are not driven by a desire for resource accumulation or conquest due to the desolation of their lands and innate tendencies. Instead, they prioritize sustainability and harmony with their environment. They are mindful of the limited resources available and strive to use them responsibly, avoiding unnecessary exploitation.

Each race of Equinoxians species possesses a distinct and yet interconnected magical ability, derived from the Laws of Reality. These powers are still need to be explored and honed by the Equinoxians, as they continue to learn and unlock their full potential. Whether it be the ability to manipulate elements, heal wounds, or communicate with nature, each Equinoxian race has a unique magical gift waiting to be fully understood. Gifts are pretty weak in their base form and has some limits to overcome some day.

To the Tulpar, beyond their natural flight have the ability to directly communicate with spirits both of the things around them and those in the Spirit realm close to their location. The Hippocampus have the ability to heal wounds and curse illness. The Kirin have a natural link to the elements of the world and can manipulate those with though and effort. Each Pantheos has an ability to change Karma and the Curse quicker and with less loss of their own than other kinds of the Equinoxians. The Unicorns are a race with the most ephemeral of the gifts of the Equinoxians, for they can see the motions of timespace, and to a limited degree transverse it, though the height of that power in this age of the world are unicorns able to leap back a few moments.

The scattered races and tribes of the Equinoxians are largely lucky, able to avoid the Titan born and the other life on Desolation they are able to make grand herds often with a mix of races that are able to work together to aid each other. This is largely successful as their natural empathy and understanding of the world leave them with generally positive karma. Far less lucky are those Equinoxians born near the Dark Forest, or the agents of the Devouring Star. Their nature as Karma sinks make them a valuable tool, and a mix of old wills and forest shaping is used to pair away everything of those poor souls and to make them trinkets for Servitors to wear that consume the curse and balance their karma. The dark forest keep a population of twisted tribes of Equinoxians where the agents of the Devouring Star are quick to use without though of producing more and quickly living Equinoxians become a focus for those agents without the direction of their god and master.

Thankfully more common than that fate are the Equinoxians born in communities of the Titanborn races. This depends on where they are born. A group of Kirin are born near Hive and are accepted easily by the misfits under the protection of Pokash. They help a city grow around Hive great structures of stone for the Humans, Orcs, and Kirin to live in and gardens for the fruiting flesh of Pokash tro grow. A population of Tulpar are found by the Mercury Dwarves, and they form a strange bond with the semi liquid race. The spirit touched race of Equinoxians are able to help the Mercury Dwarves in a unique way as the Tulpar's abilities to speak with spirits allow them to communicate with the dungeons the Mercury Dwarves rely on. This leads them to be reveared as priests and priestess of the dungeons. Forming a strange core to the culture and religion of those dwarves.

The crags and chasms of the crashlands are a difficult place for the Pantheos to live with many steep and difficult cliffs the deer folk must navigate, though they are able to manage. The gold dwarves are unfriendly neighbors as they have for many breaths of the world been masters of all they could see, and makers of all they want. The see the playful and friendly Pantheos as another kind of beast for them to dominate, and they never bother to learn the tongue of the tribes they take control of, and the people they seek to dominate. The Pantheos born to this life are a culture with little connections to the wildkins of their fellows. It is a culture of a strict higherarchy, of following commands and not asking questions. Of showing nothing when outside of your home stable and never letting your emotions be known. Of course the law of change, and the twisting effects of Karma often sees rebellions and escapes but those Pantheos who were raised in dwarf dug caves and who have never seen the sky are often left listless and alone when they escape their masters, even when Gold Dwarves aid those escapes the Pantheos of the crashlands are foreigners to any herd theg eventually join their mentality and culture now alien to their wildkin.

A group of Unicorns are born near the woods of the first tribe of Nature, the two species are quick friends as the generally lazy sperent folk are quick to show the Unicorns how to co-exist with the powerful world shaping forests they find themselves in. Those Unicorns often find their herds those focusing on motion arts and music making their shared forests places of culture and revelry though they avoid the alcohol the snakes will drink at such constant celebrations.

"Give everlasting shape, and form, and mind to the pools of starlight. Carve into this world the Phoenix." With that breath of the Wills from the pools of light created by the Stars, they reach forth and shape great avians of ever-burning fire and living light. These avians come in a thousand and one forms, from ravens and hawks to eagles and condors, and each one is sapient, blessed with a great Will and a innate sense of Karma, as well as a thirst to explore and wander, similar to that Stars whos light they were born from. Phoenix's are ageless and eternal beings immune to the ravages of disease or age, hunger or thirst, and they are in turn granted a further boon- Immortality. whenever a Phoenix meets its end- whether at the machinations of a servitor of the Devouring Star, undone by another of their kind, or willing allowing them self to burn out to escape a Hell or the Curse- they revive a choice once they meet Death, to move on, or to return to life, being reborn anew and unharmed somewhere else in the universes in a burst of healing flame and light that nourishes and rejuvenates whoever is nearby to witness there rebirth.

However, there is a limit to this Immortality, for every time a Phoenix chooses to defy Death, it saps at them, perantly weakening their Will. Those of the firebirds with the greatest of Willpower can return again and again for hundreds, perhaps thousands of times- but eventually the toll will grow too much, and wearied, they will pass on to rest.
Whenever a Phoenix dies their final death, the site of their final death bursts with cleansing light and flame, healing all present and purifying any Curse nearby. When the flames and light die down, the sight of the fire-bird's final death will have become home to a newborn Phoenix, born from the flames of their elders' death.

The Phoenixes are a powerful race and they dance among the stars, the Mantas and forests places of comfort and community for the starlight birds. They are often treated like visiting royalty when they come to Mantas that are home to Dwarves, Orcs, or Humans. The Titan born showing great interest in the workings of the Phoenixes and the many adventures they find among the stars. Often Mantas will chase the Phoenixes thinking they are stars themselves helping to spread them and the life they carry. Then the first dies, it finds its way into a dungeon getting trapped in and finds itself dead to an unfortunate trap.

Death is having tea with the Lone Figure of the distant city when the Phoenix dies, and feeling such a strange creature in its domain despite nkg having the taste of a worshiper death calls the Phoenix forth to dine with it and the Lone Figure. Death talks with the Phoenix giving it the choice their kind is granted, as well as another option as the Phoenix has an unique ability and opportunity. The Phoenix considered the request, and when it was reborn it found itself in a position to follow its new job.

Death knew of many spirits and souls tormented often by the Devouring Star, or those who were once its agents. The Phoenix first to die would have Death top up its will whenever it kills one of those trapped and unable to accept its kindness. Many of the Equinoxians under the thumb of evil powers are freed by the feather and claw of the Avenging Phoenix and it is not long before its name in the languages of mortals and undying is known as Freedom. It often visits death and the Lonely Figure whenever it has cause to die, it uses its own divinity as a tool sometimes forcing things warped beyond death there so that it can unmake those bonds. Other Phoenixes are far less notable beyond their local areas and those that follow them there.

From fire and blood they are born, in muscle, flesh and fur they are wrapped, in emotions and will they awake. The Flaracopithans are a race of monkeys, sharing the traits of animal and humanoid races that are separated into 3 distinct tribes: Chimps, Ape, Gorillas. Each has distinct appearances, attitudes and powers, yet they all share the same cores of what makes the Flaracopithan race.

"The race itself is known for its strong will and overwhelming passion, one so hot that it allows them to create fire! All three tribes values freedom and passion the most. "one can desire whatever they wish and are free to chase however they want" is what their elders would say to a youth before letting them leave on an adventure."

In terms of appearance, they all look like monkeys. Just different types of monkeys. They all have something humanoid in their facial muscles, as they can express themselves like humans. Their fur is a bit longer than it should be at places, especially on the head, where it seems like the fur at the top of the head rises to form the shape of a large yet controlled fire.

They love to advance and develop themselves, mostly physically but sometimes mentally. They always seek someone to spar with to push their physical and magical abilities to the limit, or they seek to where they can gain the most knowledge, showing unabashed, endless enthusiasm.
Even if they form a society, it will only take a few generations before massive changes occur, for they cannot live in stagnation.

The Flaracopithan Tribes are omnivore, as they are capable of eating fruits, vegetables, pulses and meat of various kinds. Like other humanoid races, each individual has their favorite kind of food: one can like eating bugs the most, one can like fish the most, one can like sour fruits the most etc.

Flaracopithans talk through their actions and wear their emotions on their sleeves. When they have an overwhelming desire and will, they tend to develop an ambition and do whatever it takes to fulfill it. However, it doesn't mean that they are evil. All tribes are born with a sense of right and wrong, but they will always go through with their actions in the most chaotic way, whether it's out of good or bad intentions.

As for society, they all live in the form of tribal communities, each of the three types of Flaracopithans have different traits to them, such as Gorillas' tendancy towards isolation or the Apes' tendancy towards traditionalism and ritualistic-focused lifestyle. At the top of each tribe is the chief, a title that isn't inherited by bloodline, but by those who are the most passionate, knowledgeable and powerful. Beneath the chief are the Elders, sages who pass on information and knowledge to the youth. Beneath the elders are everyone else, their freedom to follow their desires without being withheld.

Flaracopithans largely are born to Sea as the Wills that made them kept them away from the complete madhouse that was Desolation with this breath. The monkeys are quick to learn to make rafts from branches they trade with forests for. Others learn how to speak to the Sea Shapes those ancient shifters hyper specialized into twisting living waters. In short orders the Flaracopithans are masters of the waves, tribes making homes on islands, or in dungeons and forests, some even in those rafts and ships of the time. They are a people of freedom and adventure quickly spreading and exploring the shifting oceans of Sea. A few brave fools of their people even try to sail up the tower to reach the heavens and the graveyard of the clouds.

They trade with each other and with the many small enclaves of Sea. Often Elementals will take up journeying with them after they visit it as it guides the rivers to Sea. They are a chaotic bunch of people with a few desiring the benefits of trade without the effort but the curse and Karma is harsh to pirates so the Flaracopithans rarely become such lest they find such dangerous fates. They thrive in the lively realm of Sea, and are a culturally diverse and eccentric people.

Nightmares are terrifying creatures born from the fear related to a specific object or concept, like darkness or heights. The power and intelligence of a Nightmare reflects how much people fear the concept that it was born from, with those spawned from more common fears being a lot more powerful than those that represent less common fears. Nightmares can be killed, though it can be very difficult depending on its strength and a new one representing the same fear will inevitably be born somewhere in the world at a later point. Now it would be easy to think that all Nightmares are inherently malicious, though that is not actually the case, as fear by itself isn't inherently a bad thing, which means that some Nightmares can in their own way be somewhat kind and helpful, though that doesn't make them any less terrifying.

Nightmares are born into the spirit at the will of the Wills and the minds of mortal races. Often they are lingering horrors such as famine or darkness. Some are echos of agents of the Devouring Star, or forces of the Dark Forest. Some are even harmless things like metal born bugs, or a mechalife turtle. These spirits are quick to communicate with the other spirits of the Near Spirit while the most powerful and least formed Nightmares flee to the Far Spirit where they are beyond the reach of most laws of the world there they grow reaching out to times before the breath of their creation growing in power from fears long dead and forgotten. Once weak, the nightmares inhabitants of the Far Spirit are things with scale far greater than any nightmares most fundamental or pervasive in the material world.

Ice looked up to the halls of the library and the presence of Teacher the staff are most of the only inhabitants of the Library the shadows too often causing books and scrolls to animate, though many of these knowledge elementals are fine folk it has forced Teacher to focus on replicating its work and keeping a hand on the images and knowledge of false worlds that the teacher shadows will create in flights of fancy when they manifest. Ice is far from old but all its kin are dead and it can feel the weight of fate coming down upon it demanding that it too die so that the elves may rise. Ice perhaps has the Will to forestall the coming fate but it would spend so much effort to do so. Instead it spends its lasts hours speaking with Teacher and when it dies the Titan joins the Divinity of the Library to continue research and exploration.

From the now dead ice the five tribes of elves are born each of them are granted the same blessings by the library as they are made, while they are in these halls they will be immune to the touch of time to the best of its ability, and while they are in these halls all of their earthly desires will be fed to the best of its ability. The first tribe of elves are born from the brain semi translation glistening like ice pure and clear. Second tribe of elves are born from the heart with a deep blue skin. Third of their kind is born from the guts with a light blue flesh. Fourth born from the veins is the tribe with flesh pale and white like freshly fallen snow. Last of the elves are those of the skin with skin of their own a rich purple, and with a greater agelessness than the other kinds of elves.

The Library quickly pushes out all the elegant and ageless wildlife spawned of Ice making sure it is safe on a Manta, Sea, or Desolation. Then it leaves the elves to be as they learn and grow speaking with the other staff, many becoming staff of their own. While none of the staff can understand Frostmark the elves quickly learn the second language well enough to communicate with the other Staff. A few elves choose to leave the library and they are allowed to and guided to a safe annex before they leave. Always the library is open to the children of ice as it is all kinds and all folk. To the other mortal races the elves are naturally more elegant and alien than even the Equinoxians with their inhuman forms.

The odd nature of the elves to pop up alone or in a small group knowing far too much and far too nosy and curious quickly gets them viewed with mistrust especially among the gold dwarves who broadly dismiss the elves and their tales. The few who do follow the elves back to the library often find the infinite building of pleasant reading and filling food with no major worries is often too nice to give up to return with the news to their homes. To others it seems as if elves spirit folk away who are never seen again increasing distrust for the largely ageless race of mortals.

Vermin native to Desolation. Made of flesh far removed from its primordial origins, these creepy crawlers are weak in both body and mind. Integrating into themselves the curse of the land, the Molten Vermin became a representation of this harsh wasteland. Nevertheless, their continued survival can only be attributed to their relentless reproduction and faint hive mind they share.

The molten vermin are quick to spread wherever they find the curse hearty and able to metabolize the curse into food for its own growth the molten vermin brought forth by the last breath of the Wills in this age quickly explode. Soon from the Titan born to the Servitors are keeping the pests so that they lower the otherwise lingering curse while in twisting labs and other domains of endless suffering and torture they have less effect, they are an easy solution to the peoples of the Desolation.

Unseen by all but the Divinities the molten vermin are growing in more than number with their vast
spread the smaller hiveminds are growing more linked and the quick glimpses of an over mind behind the intellects of all the vermin can be caught. The over mind is not yet born so none yet know its personally or schemes.
As the ages turn the Wills are left with a question of how they will bend the world receding from their grasp growing harder and harder for their desires to manifest. The Wills can push against the world so they can eek out more power though it will negatively impact them in other ways. Or the Wills can wait for their time to fade.

Choose a number of boons

Pick up to four boons, after the first each will require a penalty be taken as the world reacts to the forces of the Wills.
[]Second Flash
Two themes each turn instead of one.
[]Greater Power
Wills have an extra vote.
[]Twisted Dominion
Each Will gains a title and a bonus 2 power when acting in line with that title. The title comes from their acts before this vote.
[]Moment of Glory
This next turn all Wills can author 2 acts.
[]Empowering Force
Each will can instead of authoring an act choose to grant every act they vote for 3 power instead of one.
[]Trinity Lens
Each Will gains a single use +10 to an act of their choice this turn as long as this hasn't been used on it before.

When penalties are taken they can not be selected if they are the opposite of a chosen boon. You can select Weakened Power, or Diminishing fate more than once just label it as x2, x3 in those cases.
[]Weakened Power
All Wills have -1 vote.
[]Diminishing Fate
All acts have -1 power
[]Lost Hope
Each Will gains an Epitaph. When an act is against that Epitaph, their vote has half value.
[]Second Flash
Two themes each turn instead of one.
[]Twisted Dominion
Each Will gains a title and a bonus 2 power when acting in line with that title. The title comes from their acts before this vote.
[]Trinity Lens
Each Will gains a single use +10 to an act of their choice this turn as long as this hasn't been used on it before.

These three seem like they'd give us the most bang for our buck although I'm not sure if it would be worth getting more than one of them. Of all the drawbacks, Lost Hope seems like it might be the least bad but I'm not sure. It could be interesting at least?
As like the maggots that consumed Nature, the curse and Karma holds less power over their kind. Making them ideal butchers, gravetenders, and other jobs that touch on places of the curse.
All these curses and karma-resisting people this turn are definitely interesting. The fact that they are around at a time when civilizations (that were just created) were learning to coexist (or at least appease) so as to not fall to karma will probably cause certain groups to be less concerned about it.
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Lost Hope reinforces RP, but may be a bit tedious to keep track of, if every Will has a different Epitaph.

My read of Twisted Dominion is it affects your authored act rather than votes.
Hmm, if we make an act, which suitable for both double themes, than it would get one bonus or two?