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Quests Archive

This is a quiet place.


Ostland: A northern province of the Empire, and the homeland of the ancient Udoses. Out of the many different parts of the Empire, much sets you apart. The massive Forest of Shadows which is filled to the brim with beastmen and goblins. The fact that your province is has the heaviest drinkers out of them all. How close you are to the ravaging forces of Chaos if it weren’t for the recently and terrifyingly obliterated Kislev which normally provided a bulwark for you. Oh! Also, the Norsemen...
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You wake up with knowledge you don't remember gaining, accompanied only by your awareness that you're not human. You're also mangled to the point of near-death, surrounded by corpses, and have no clue where you are. This can only go well. Please note: the tags are incomplete, and will be added onto as the character creation progresses and more is discovered about the world.
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AN: This has been added to this post long after its initial writing, but its something I feel...
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For centuries the gods out of boredom will teleport a human from Earth to a fantasy world, some will become heroes, other into villains and some last short enough to become a delicious meal to a monster. In the mid process of selecting a poor soul, fate would decide to throw a wrench to the whole thing.
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A crossover of The Sting of Death and Naruto, where Villain explores the Ninja World to see if he can take over as he's done at home.
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You are Crytus Aedetheir, King of the Meledli, Lord of Antenella and Metella and Master of...
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The Great Generation War. Your father was still a child when it started, the fires were still...
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Gun shots. Screaming voices. You just want to get them out of there safely. More gunshots. You...
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In 2001 a real-world exercise tested the emergency response to a bioterror attack on the...
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This is the start of the second part of Small Arms Commission Quest, jumping ahead a generation...
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You are Anton Varsa, Undersecretary of Small Arms Development for the Royal and Imperial Army...
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The first rule is that you should never sell 1 weapon when you have 10 customers. The second...
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Your morning starts as it usually does; by waking up to the horrible squawking of your alarm...
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The sun beat on the desert like an angry parent on an uppity child. Even the shade of the rock...
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Artist Credit: Kyougoku Touya You are... Well, your actual name is classified, but right now...
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“It's cold.” You inhale and exhale, savoring the taste of the cigarette held loosely between...
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This is you. And boy, do you need a change of scenery. You've pretty much stopped counting...
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We don't get paid enough to deal with this shit... The night air is cool and refreshing...
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After a good day with friends you retire to your sofa and browse for some time before finding a...
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If you are reading this, then this means the bastard really did it. He dumped me into some...
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Heroes are still mortal. They love, bleed, and make mistakes just like anyone else. Sometimes...
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My familiar, who exists out there somewhere... It should have been the greatest moment of your...
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Hello, and welcome to the Ezy-Fill© Corporate Application Form! The date is July 4th, 2021...
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No one remembers when the necromancers first appeared but by bullet and blade all of humanity...
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