[X] Sunset Pier

[X] Ask something.
-[X] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[X] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[X] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[X] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[x] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[X] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"

[X] Hideaway Bookstore
[X] No, you don't want to ask anything yet. (Attempt to remove Perk: Conflicted, DC 75 Willpower)
(Some) Answers and Painful Truths [Evening - 2/4]
[] Sunset Pier
[] Ask something.
-[] "So...about that outfit? Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
-[] "Patrolling, since when? For what?"
-[] "How do you keep up in class with fighting monsters?"
-[] "Who else is in on the magic?"
-[] "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... it's like a dam just bursted! Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"
-[] "Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?"

"If you're sure..." you nod at Adam, then turn your attention to your sister. She fidgets a little. "So."

Oh boy.
"About that outfit earlier." You cross your arms and Vivian reddens a little. "Why is my dear sister dressed like an exhibitionist?"
Ever the caring sibling, aren't you?
"I-It not my fault! Honest!" she points to Adam. You turn to him. "It's his!"
Playing the blaming game.
"Don't try to pin that bullshit on me!" he points back at her. "I didn't make the design, you did! I just had it sown together and enchanted up to snuff!" he turns to you, face pleading, "Thana, I swear to God, I have absolutely nothing to do with how your sister's uniform looks."

"He's lying!" your sister pleads. "Thana, sis, you gotta believe me!"

"Okay, both of you, shut up." you grab both idiots by their mouths. "Let me get this straight." you look at your sister. "You designed the clothes as they are." she nods, and you turn to Adam. "And you made them." he nods. You sigh. "Then you're both perverts. My sister likes to don fetishwear and her friend has no qualms making it for her using his family's resources."

"But--!" they both try to speak, however muffled, but you dig your nails in their faces just enough to make them wince and shut up.

"No. Both of you are wrong and I'm right." you shake your captives a little. "Perverts. Both of you." you let them go with a shake of your head. "Mom and Dad's gonna be so pissed..."

"...Actually..." Vivian starts and you groan, facepalming. Not them too.
Alas, such is the situation.

"Moving on." you wave a hand. "You said something about patrols." they both nod. "Since when? What for?"

"Since..." Vivian closes her eyes in thought. "Since we were... Thirteen, I think?"

"Yeah, three years ago." Adam agrees. "We started patrolling once Viv and I proved we were strong enough to take care of ourselves . We do it at least once a week to keep the city's supernatural scene in check and make sure none of them do anything bad and break the masquerade."

"What do you do?" you ask. "Aside from fighting Ghosts, I mean."

"We look after everyone, keep the various nasties back, back up and locals that need help, and keep the detection wards up." Vivian shrugs. "We also do errands for our folks every now and then, but not much else besides."
You're forgetting being an exhibitionist.
"So, you two are basically vigilantees?" Jojo pipes up.
Like Batman?
"Sort of." Adam shrugs a shoulder. "We do good and stop the occasional mugging here and there, but we still answer to people higher up."
Like Batman.
"Like a secret police." you muse. "Only magical and more secretive."

"Kind of." Vivian nods.

"Actually, how do you two keep up in class with the whole..." you wave a hand. "Magic business? Fighting monsters, vigilantism, and all that?"
"Lots of studying. Playing catch up. Cheating." Adam's shoulders droop in mock fatigue. "Using magic in class to copy notes when we're too tired to--" Vivian kicks his shin. "Ow!"
Yeah, you should've kept quiet.
"Shut up!" she hisses, glancing at you.
You too busy being at awe with all the sense Adam's words make, jealous at how easy a time they have... and feeling a little cheated because all this time, your own sister didn't even need your help. All this time; she could have just waved her hand, chanted 'hocus pocus', and have all the lesson notes she needed. All this time...
...That's not true.
"...Thana? Sis?" Vivian asks, though her voice is strangely distant.
You know that's not true.
"Thana?" Jojo asks.
But considering the circumstances...
You suck in a breath and... Wait.
You're a little overdue for some answers.
"Who else?" you whisper. The silence stretches on for a few moments before you get sick of it and grab you twin by the knee. "Who else?"

"T-Thana--" she stutters. Your grip tightens.

"Who else is in on the magic?" you press. "Who else do I--"

"Thana, calm down." large hands fall on your shoulder, back, and knee. "Take it easy. A lot of people are, we're not the only ones--"

"I know you aren't. It'd be stupid if you three are the only ones who are." you hiss, some of your resentment bubbling to the surface. "I just want to know who else?"

Who else pretended not to know? Who else lied to you? Who else pitied you enough to waste their time earning your trust when they could have done something better with their lives?
"...Please." you look down, tears prickling at your eyes and fogging up your glasses. "I'm sick with all the subterfuge. Just... Tell me."
"...Your mom and dad know." Adam says. Him, not Vivian. "There's me, your sister. Jobston over there. My folks know too, and so do the people running Silber Corp." you fight down a flinch; Silber Corp. Isn't that the company your dad works at? "The others... Well, we're not sure, but we think your friends know too."

'Your' friends. Not 'our', but 'your'. Elizabeth and Oscar... You aren't sure about Oscar, but that sword hanging on Elizabeth's wall...
It'll be okay.
"Why now?" you croak, fighting down the sobs and rubbing away the tears before they could spill out. "Why did this start happening now of all times? Vampires, ghosts, magic dragons... It's like a dam just bursted!" Your voice turns a little bitter. "Or was it always like this and I simply didn't notice?"

"Its..." your sister grabs your shoulder. Her voice is quivering. "W-We're just as confused as you are, sis. Usually, e-everything's quiet and peaceful in town. But stuff just happens, y-ya'know?"

The bus slows and you realize you've reached your stop. You look out the window and see Sunset Pier, filled with people despite it still being early in the afternoon. Stalls line most of the available space, people crowding where they can to buy trinkets or simply sight see. They come in all shapes and sizes; men, women, children. The amount of bodies you see makes it difficult to spot details.

Or maybe your eyes were just blurry from the tears.

"We're here." you stand. "C'mon."

Your group follows you without a word, paying for your bus ride and disembarking onto the sidewalk. As the bus pulls away, you let out a sigh and start walking. You don't have a particular destination in mind, you just... walk.

"Is it something about our school that draws in the supernatural? Or is the whole world full of crazy?" you mumble.

"It is the second, Thana." Jojo answers, consolingly. "The world is rife with various things of insanity. The only difference is when and how it strikes."

[] Write-in

A/N: As reference, Sunset Pier has a carnival, shops, and various street vendors selling everything from food to trinkets. You can do whatever here, but remember how... Meddlesome the plot is. *readies popcorn*
"Don't try to pin that bullshit on me!" he points back at her. "I didn't make the design, you did! I just had it sown together and enchanted up to snuff!" he turns to you, face pleading, "Thana, I swear to God, I have absolutely nothing to do with how your sister's uniform looks."

"He's lying!" your sister pleads. "Thana, sis, you gotta believe me!"

"Okay, both of you, shut up." you grab both idiots by their mouths. "Let me get this straight." you look at your sister. "You designed the clothes as they are." she nods, and you turn to Adam. "And you made them." he nods. You sigh. "Then you're both perverts. My sister likes to don fetishwear and her friend has no qualms making it for her using his family's resources."

I thought it was conjured, but if he had actually sewn it, then yes, you two are confirmed for pervs.

[X] Go for the funhouse mirror maze.
Wait, didn't the bookstore win? There's 5 votes for it and 4 for sunset pier.

Edit 3: Nah, they tied. Veekie's vote was overwritten by his current one. I guess that means Sunset Pier won, since it came earlier.

Edit: A hand count shows the opposite... something going on?
Adhoc vote count started by What A Day on Aug 17, 2017 at 5:54 AM, finished with 20 posts and 11 votes.
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When doing a tally, you replaced previous veekie's vote with the latest one.

Does anyone want to go on the pier proper? Maybe sit down, relax and get your feet wet if the construction allows it? I'd go for a carnival too, but don't know if Thana is in the mood.

I'd probably want to ask how do we get on the crazy train, because no way we are going to let them be Batman-wannabes without us now that the cat is out of the bag.
And we also need to investigate the reason for increased supernatural phenomena now that it started endangering the students.

I kinda find it a very suspicious coincidence that the moment we learned of magic we started seeing it absolutely everywhere. It's not a case of being made aware of something we didn't notice before - you don't just 'miss' ghost attacks. Either learning magic makes one more likely to attract the stuff, or it's our 'Destiny' or whatever acting up and getting us in the game ahead of schedule.
Our invisifriend sure knows a lot...
'Your' friends. Not 'our', but 'your'. Elizabeth and Oscar... You aren't sure about Oscar, but that sword hanging on Elizabeth's wall...
Oh shit.

Welp. I suppose we were expecting that. Sad to have it confirmed.

Questions... I say we wait before asking them how to become mages. Ask them some questions about how it works first.

It might be better to ask our mother about how to become mages.
It might be better to ask our mother about how to become mages.
Becoming a mage is your birthright. Unless the thread unanimously decides against becoming one, and thus irreparably ruining my plans, Thana's mom will teach her how regardless.

Besides, imagine the salt Thana'll have to throw at her friends. All the angst and tears and hugs... I can't wait.

I thought it was conjured, but if he had actually sewn it, then yes, you two are confirmed for pervs.

[X] Go for the funhouse mirror maze.
So, this is a VOLUNTARY mission.
Which, you know, adds insult to injury. If this were a typical Mahou Shoujou situation, we might shrug and say 'well, she could not help it, senshit happens. "
But yes, its clear by now we were kept in the dark while our parents allowed... now, AIDED and ABETTED this.
Its beyond 'we had to train her, she got onto it too soon.'. For some reason they ACTIVELY thought it a good idea of having her do magic vigilante stuff.
And we were to be kept ignorant.
I am beginningg to doubt if they would have told us at eighteen.
Sorry, but things start to look fishy.
Becoming a mage is your birthright. Unless the thread unanimously decides against becoming one, and thus irreparably ruining my plans, Thana's mom will teach her how regardless.

Besides, imagine the salt Thana'll have to throw at her friends. All the angst and tears and hugs... I can't wait.
Our friends might not have known about our magic. If they did, its .. well, another story.
But I would not condemn them right now.

[X ]visit the funhouse Mirror Maze.

This can not end bad, no?
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[X] Go for the funhouse mirror maze.

There's no way this isn't the place for [PLOT] to happen and have something jump us.
So, this is a VOLUNTARY mission.
Which, you know, adds insult to injury. If this were a typical Mahou Shoujou situation, we might shrug and say 'well, she could not help it, senshit happens. "
But yes, its clear by now we were kept in the dark while our parents allowed... now, AIDED and ABETTED this.
Its beyond 'we had to train her, she got onto it too soon.'. For some reason they ACTIVELY thought it a good idea of having her do magic vigilante stuff.
And we were to be kept ignorant.
I am beginningg to doubt if they would have told us at eighteen.
Sorry, but things start to look fishy.
Based on recent events, I suspect some kind of masquerade based risk level. If you are aware of magic you'd get attacked by magic random encounters out of absolutely nowhere.
[X] Go for the funhouse mirror maze.

This whole incident just makes me more pissed off at our family tbh.
  1. [X] Go for the funhouse mirror maze.
    Number of voters: 4

    veekie, Hannz, Nevill, PsyFarrow
  2. [X] Go shopping for trinkets.
    Number of voters: 2

    wingstrike96, What A Day
Trying to bore Jojo is in the lead with shopping a close second. I'll see if I can update sometime today, but no promises. My flight is in another hour, so... Yeah.
Just caught up and boy am I pissed at our family, to begin if the reason they lied to us is be because knowing would spawn random encounters, then why the hell did Vivian survive!? It makes no sense to keep it from us as we share the genes (presuming magic is genetic) that allow us to use magic, forewarned is forearmed. Not to even mention the fact that they lied to our faces for years, what else could they be hiding, and they could give us false information about magic!!

*Breaths angerly*


We are going to wear something tasteful and badass and we shall become feared throughout the lands.
Don't forget that they kept magic a secret, hold forever above their heads.
I am probably beating a dead horse here and my thoughts on the matter are already known, but it never ceases to amaze me that in order to justify the actions of our family for quite a few players, our sister has to die. Because if she is still alive and well, then any worries they might have had are clearly unfounded and unsubstantiated.

Never mind that if it weren't for Jojo or the vigilante crew we'd be maimed or worse on our first encounter with a malicious ghost.
Reminder that our sister's magic awakened early. She was getting the random encounters early, but was already capable of fighting them off because awakened magic.

We on the other hand got the random encounters without the magic once we learned. Which makes for a big gap in danger level
Just caught up and boy am I pissed at our family, to begin if the reason they lied to us is be because knowing would spawn random encounters, then why the hell did Vivian survive!? It makes no sense to keep it from us as we share the genes (presuming magic is genetic) that allow us to use magic, forewarned is forearmed. Not to even mention the fact that they lied to our faces for years, what else could they be hiding, and they could give us false information about magic!!

*Breaths angerly*


We are going to wear something tasteful and badass and we shall become feared throughout the lands.
Don't forget that they kept magic a secret, hold forever above their heads.
No, its not the 'keeping us safe by keeping us dumb" thing.... its the 'Send our sister out to play magic vigilante while keeping us in the dark" thing.

Once Vivian was in the know, teaching her how to defend herself is okay.
Necessary, even.

Sending her out as what amounts to being a voluntary Kid Secret Police member? Less necessary, to say the least.

And IF things are as potentialy bad, why NOT telling us?
I mean, the 'Forces of Evil' do not have an obligation not to attack mundanes?
Or do they?

For if they do not, one chance encounter might kill us.

I am probably beating a dead horse here and my thoughts on the matter are already known, but it never ceases to amaze me that in order to justify the actions of our family for quite a few players, our sister has to die. Because if she is still alive and well, then any worries they might have had are clearly unfounded and unsubstantiated.

Never mind that if it weren't for Jojo or the vigilante crew we'd be maimed or worse on our first encounter with a malicious ghost.
And in what way, if the premise mundanes do not get attacked is not right, would tour continual ignorance have helped us survive an hostile encounter?

No, I do not think their fears were unfounded.
But thats like "no, we will not teach you basic self-defense , so you do not attract trouble. In fact, we will not even tell you there are gangs or child molesters cause ignorance means safety" .
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We're mad at our family, mainly because the reasons for keeping magic a secret are swiftly drying up, and the remaining are flimsy at best.
Never mind that if it weren't for Jojo or the vigilante crew we'd be maimed or worse on our first encounter with a malicious ghost.
Yes, we nearly died against the ghosts, but this was because we couldn't fight back or do anything for obvious reasons, whereas our equally old sister was more than capable of it.

Most justifications about safety were gone the moment we discovered Vivian was allowed to become a vigilante at 13. Instead of, you know, 18 or something.
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Author's Announcement
Right. So, I have a few confessions to make.

Firstly, this quest is dead.

It died a three months ago in October, when a hard disk malfunction resulted in me losing almost every scrap of data on my laptop (movies, notes, course work, anime, music, games, etc) as well as every piece of info I had on the quest and others; character sheets for potential allies and enemies, my carefully balanced power system, quest mechanics, the extensive sheet of traits and maluses, and important plot elements to character arcs.

This broke my desire to keep writing the original Remember When Everything was Normal quest and I'll admit; I couldn't write for a while after that.

But my muse is a potent mistress and she often has ways of turning potential losses into gains. Sometimes.

I'm sorry if any of you guys harboured great interest in this quest. I've disappointed you guys, and I don't know how to make it up to all of you.

As a token of apology and a sign of my gratitude from one humble writer to others, allow me to explain a few things that I originally had planned for this quest.

A small handful of you guys may have played/known about my first Original quest on SV; No Heroes Here. I won't spoil what I've written there as that was an old product of mine from a time when I was still relatively new to the whole Quest thing as a whole and hadn't much experience as a GM so it sucks. In short, that quest was set on Earth a century after a decade-long war called the Clash, resulting from a broken masquerade, ravaged the planet and drove several species of fantasy races/creatures extinct.

Remember When Everything was Normal was originally meant to be the first of a series of prequels to a pseudo-reboot of No Heroes Here.

The prequel quests would've told the stories of people who possess some degree of importance and whose actions would determine the course of history prior to the Clash. The way their quest is played would've influenced how the sequel quests, set either several years to several decades later, would play out. Originally, Thana Loering was supposed to be a distant ancestor to one of the four companions of the MC of No Heroes Here , and her actions would've caused a great shift in the supernatural balance of power that would've contributed to the cause of the Clash.

I got the idea for the whole thing after I watched JJBA Part 1 and thought 'Hey, the concept of a multi-generational protagonist is kinda interesting. I wanna make a quest out of that!'. Cue planning and appropriate expansion of the No Heroes Here universe.

Secondly, I'm planning on making a reboot of this quest.

It looks like a bad idea in my opinion. My life is getting busy again, what with the new college semester starting up again a week ago, and the large influx of assignments and an upcoming class road trip to plan/prep for.

But I owe the good denizens of SV something for helping me advance my skills as a writer. A reboot of this quest might just be that something.

if you guys have any questions, either on the story or the characters, then ask and I'll do my best to answer them.
First of all, thanks for alerting us. Many quests quietly die as everyone forgets them, so it's always nice to have some confirmation.

Don't feel like you're indebted to us or anything: your real life comes first, not a group of internet strangers you never personally met.

And secondly, if you don't mind me asking..
if you guys have any questions, either on the story or the characters, then ask and I'll do my best to answer them.
Who was our invisifriend? And why did Thana's parents keep everything a secret from her while allowing her sister to vigilant at 13?

Sorry, but these questions have been jumping around my head for a while :p. No need to give a full answer if it's too spoilery to the reboot or if you just don't remember; I can live without knowing.