No Heroes Here

Recess Confrontation
[X] Operation Gilded Castle
[X] John talks to the guards.
[X] Ground Floor: Mellow + 2 Human Bodyguards
[X] First Floor: 2 Ogre Bodyguards
[X] Second Floor: John + Bianca
[X] Third Floor: 1 Ogre Bodyguard
[X] Roof: Derek
[X] Combat Plan: John and Bianca establishes central surveillance. Bianca will remain concealed near the VIP where possible. By keeping the lights on, Bianca can monitor all the guards and make sure that the only animate objects in the building are tracked. If the VIP is attacked, she'd call in reinforcements, then attempt to follow by stealth if it's a kidnapping and act on her discretion at a good time to interrupt. Derek will keep overwatch and be artillery against any direct assaults against the building, as well as keeping an eye out for a second attack. Mellow and John, as well as the mercenaries will be the primary responders to any attackers.
-[X] Expect at least two attacks, one a diversion. The VIP is not to be left alone for any amount of time(Bianca can do this from stealth without causing undue distress), considering it'd be pretty bad if she got yoinked from the bathroom or the like. Unless clearly impossible to match opposition with these numbers or unless the VIP is directly under attack, the mercenaries and one member of the team will respond to any one attack, while the rest keep alert.
[X] Head home; you have a cat waiting for you and homework to finish.

You shake your head; as much as you'd like to go out and have another night out in town, you have responsibilities to attend to at home and a boat load of homework to finish before tomorrow. That, and you don't want to go into a combat mission of any kind feeling tired or unable.

As you start your trek home, your hands pull out your phone and on it you set an alarm for the most important event you will have to contend with tomorrow.

Operation Gilded Castle - 1910 Hours

Alarm set, you make your way home in earnest. At this time of night, the streets leading through Rockafeller's residential district is quiet and mostly deserted save for a few stray animals and the occasional person out on a nightly walk. Your feet carry you to your destination easily enough and you find yourself smiling as your house comes into view as you round a corner.

Inside is Fred, the Persian feline waiting for you at the door as always. He jumps into your arms and rubs his furry face against yours, seeking attention. You chuckle and return the gesture, running your hand through his fur and move into the kitchen.

The fully feline jumps off of you and waits patiently by his food bowl as you ready his meal. The steaming cat food plops into his bowl and the twat spares you a glance before tucking in. You roll your eyes and head off to clean up and get started on your homework.

After a relaxing shower and donning your 'home' clothes, you gather your books and seat yourself on the living room couch before getting to work. Sometime in your studying, Fred hops on your lap and curls up to nap. Concentrated as you were in your work, you don't notice until you finish a good two hours later. Your put your books away and look at the clock; 9.13 P.M. You rub your eyes and pick up Fred with one arm before making your way into your bedroom. Might as well turn in early for the night.

Once you settle on the bed, you feel Fred curl up against your side. You run your hands though his fur as sleep slowly takes you.


The next day is a Friday. Normally, you would have rejoiced at the fact alongside your other schoolmates were it not for the fact that you had other responsibilities to deal with aside from those as a teenager in a school of magic attended by multi racial students with powers and magic.

It is recess and you are on your way to the cafeteria with Bianca after another round of classes, plans and contingencies running through your head in regards to operation Gilded Castle taking place later today. You are considering what weapons to bring with you when you find your path barred by six large bodies. You recognize them as the bullies whose boss Iori took care of the other day. The head bully walks forward, cracking his knuckles.

"Can we help you?" you raise a brow. Bianca narrows her eyes and you catch her shadow ripple the slightest bit.

"You heard about the fight the other day?" the head bully asks.

"Maybe." you look around and note that almost everyone in the hallway has backed away from you and that the other five bullies are moving to surround you. "What's it got to do with me, big guy?"

"Well," he raises both hands. "It's just that; the other day, some punk couldn't keep him nose out of other people's business and thought he was badass enough to take me on. I would've showed him, but the teachers came in and stopped us." the hands fall and he levels a look at you. "Then I see my boys groaning on the ground, saying some other punk beat them up while I was busy."

"And...?" you wave a hand.

"See," he walks forward. "Here's the thing; my boys didn't do anything to that punk and yet they got their asses beat. I understand if someone's got some beef to clear with them, but picking a fight out of the blue? What a dick." he spits and meets your eyes. "Unless, of course, that dick was helping another dick."

You see Bianca move to cover your rear as the other five start to slowly close in.

"And it just so happens that you look a lot like the dick that beat their asses in the other day." he stops in your personal space, a full head taller than you and radiating an impressive amount of magic as though to intimidate you. "An eye for an eye, as they say."

[] Write-in

A/N: :facepalm: I curse my work schedule :facepalm:
Eh, let's just fuck em up quickly.

[X] You have neither the time nor energy to waste. Null their magic and fuck em up.

These scrubs don't deserve a battle plan.
[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.
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[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] Null him and beat him up. Also make sure to kick him in the dick. He can not be allowed to breed.
[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] Null him and beat him up.
--[X] Once your done call him a idiot.

I decided to add a little something to the end of the vote because it needs to be said.
You are considering what weapons to bring with you when you find your path barred by six large bodies. You recognize them as the bullies whose boss Iori took care of the other day. The head bully walks forward, cracking his knuckles.
I don't understand. Don't we have a reputation at school to the point people are avoiding us?
You are an average student in most respects, a near genius in magical theory and practical combat classes even; but ultimately attempting to do anything magical or even remotely related results in your ability immediately snuffing out the budding spell. You've since received special clearance from the headmaster to be excused from doing any practical magicwork and spend that particular class either asleep or revising other subjects.

Your classmates are obviously jealous of you, but the threat of you kicking their collective butts on practical combat class is enough to keep them from actively antagonizing you.
Or is it just the class thing and people are totally oblivious to a moody guy who mops the floor with his opponents during combat classes. Didn't our fight with Iori start a rumor mill? That only happened on Monday!
You put on your blazer and head back to the bleachers your classmates shrink back slightly at your appearance, the girl especially, but you pay it no heed and take your seat, content to let their imagination run wild. You're sure there'll be rumors about you after this for a few weeks, but they'll die down eventually and when they do everything will go back to normal.
What rock do these people live under?

[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.

The beatings will continue until morale improves. But there is no need to force a fight if they can be made to switch their brains on.

And yeah, there is a job coming up, so once again I am not keen on getting into violence. We won't get hurt or tired, probably, but there is a possibility to earn another detention, and we don't need these complications today.
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I don't understand. Don't we have a reputation at school to the point people are avoiding us?

Or is it just the class thing and people are totally oblivious to a moody guy who mops the floor with his opponents during combat classes. Didn't our fight with Iori start a rumor mill? That only happened on Monday!

What rock do these people live under?
To be fair, you're going up against the resident bully of Xavier Crucible. He doesn't give a shit about your reputation as long as he stays top dog. And I said classmates, not the entire school/student body. You are a great combatant, but a few think they can take you in a straight fight.

Your especially bloody performance with Iori on Monday scared a few, but they placed your aggression on you having a bad morning and thus let you cool off. For a few days.
You are a great combatant, but a few think they can take you in a straight fight.
Well, they are about to get fewer.

I wonder, though, is he the first bully to take his chances with us? I would assume our assholish personality would attract a lot of attention from his type, and the reason we were left alone was that we... dissuaded them. A long while ago.

Your especially bloody performance with Iori on Monday scared a few, but they placed your aggression on you having a bad morning and thus let you cool off. For a few days.
Do they think they are making our morning any better than the last one, I wonder? :D

Eh, well. I am not about to push myself talking them out of it. Just the bare minimum to give them a chance of thinking this through.
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[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.
[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.
[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.​
[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.
No Bully
[X] "Let me get this straight. You're saying that I beat up all your friends, faster than it took you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt. And your plan was to try and attack me?"
-[X] If he does not get the hint, knock him out. His buddies know our hand and won't interfere after a reminder of our strength.
--[X] After that, call him an idiot
---[X] If they don't get the hint, repeat the performance.

You look at him, face neutral. A tense silence surrounds you, thick and palpable enough to cut through with a knife. Had you been a lesser man, you would have tried to run. As it stood, you cared enough for the appetite of the crowd to not mess the dumbass in front of you too badly.

"Let me get this straight." you start. "You're saying I beat up all your friends, faster than it took for you to finish a fight with one guy and without getting hurt." you pause to let the words sink in. "And your plan was to try and attack me?"

"Try?" the big guy snorts. "I won't even break a sweat wrecking your shit, kid."

"Uh-huh." you nod, and look around to lock gazes with the other five bullies, who hesitate in their advance. "Right."

"So, any last words?" the big guy makes a show of rotating his shoulders as though to loosen them for a light workout.

"A question." you look at him. "Don't suppose I can talk you out of this, can I?"

He grins, teeth showing. "Nope!"

"Thought so." you nod.

The bully takes that as a sign to start, and moves. Magic flows into his arm, enhancing bone and muscle to further strengthen and hasten his punch. To the untrained, the big guy's punch would look like a blur capable of shattering concrete. As it was, you have more than enough experience in dealing with supernatural combatants using enhanced bodies for close combat to predict where his punch is going, and sidestep it.

You step into his guard and nullify his magic, removing his magic based toughness. You knee him in groin and he stumbles back in surprise. A well placed kick to the knee breaks his leg, and the large student topples to the floor with a high-pitched scream. You stomp on his face and the screaming stops. Removing your foot reveals an unconscious face with a broken, bleeding nose.

You grimace at the blood on your shoe's sole, wiping it off against the downed student's uniform. You turn to the other five bullies, whose legs are held in place by Bianca's shadows. Their faces are pale, and their hands are shaking.

"Still think you can take me?" you ask. They shake their heads so fast, you think one of them got whiplash. "Then make sure you tell this dumbass," you punctuate the tile with a kick to his side. "That if he tries this shit again, I'll break more than just his leg. Got it?" They nod frantically. You kick the big idiot one more time for good measure, then gesture Bianca to let them go. "Get him to the infirmary before he bleeds to death."

The shadows retract and the five idiots stagger, before two rush to their 'leader' and haul him to his feet. Once the group disappears around a corner, you and Bianca continue on to the cafeteria as though nothing happened.

You note how everyone keeps a wide berth around you and Bianca, but you don't give it much thought.

Once you and your classmate pick your meals for the day, you seat yourselves at your usual table with Derek and John.

"Who'd you beat up this time, Mel?" John sighs.

"Whatever are you talking about, John?" you blink innocently.

"I can smell the blood on you," Derek smirks. "Not much, but it's there. Must've ticked you off really badly to get a foot to the face."

"It was Matthews." Bianca spoons some soup into her mouth. "Him and his little gang attempted to 'put Mel in his place' as it were. They said he helped the Transfer Pervert during his brawl the other day."

"Really?" John raises a brow. "Never though you as the silent vigilante type, Mel."

"Whatever." you shrug. "So, what's up with you guys?"

"Nothing much on my end." John spoons some spaghetti into his mouth. "Boring classes, long lectures, a scolding here and there, the usual."

"I've got something." Derek speaks up. "A new student transferred into my class; a blonde bombshell. Like, damn, I could look at her all day and never get bored."

"Ugh, save your perverted fantasies for your bedroom, you incorrigible pervert." Bianca rolls her eyes and wets her lips.

"No, no, listen;" Derek waves her off. "She's pretty and all, yeah, but she's also got a huge magic reserve. Like, bigger than mine! And she's got a black cross bangle enchanted up the wazoo, with a wing motif over a broken heart."

"Nephilim?" you raise a brow.

"Probably a Fallen, really." Derek shrugs. "Weird one those would end up in Xavier, though. Don't all Heavenlies go into the Fidem Crucible?"

"Most, but yeah." you rub your chin. This was something worth looking into, at least. "I'll see if the Headmaster knows something. Anyway, school gossip aside, everyone ready for the job later?"

You receive a round of nods; good, they haven't been slacking off. If there was anything you were proud of as one of the Fixers, it was you ability to maintain operational functionality regardless of whatever shit manages to get in your way. You would finish your mission first, then move on to settle the other, less important problems.

"Still," Bianca starts. "We have the Request to consider..."

"Tomorrow's a Saturday," Derek waves her off. "We can spend the day searching then."

"Still, would it not be better to cover one area and save ourselves the trouble?" Bianca insists. "We only have the Rockafeller Forest and Premantz Apartment complex to search through, right? And there might be complications that can arise while we are on the m-job that may prohibit us from continuing the Request..."

"Shh!" Derek flails an arm. "Don't jinx it!"

"Too late." John nods.

"Plus, knowing our luck, something would come up either way." you shrug. "Jinx or no, we do our job one way or another."

"Stop-!" Derek throws his hands up. "Just-oh, fuck you guys. All of you!"

Still, that does bring up a point. Should you continue with the Blue Phantom search, or should you post-phone it for now and continue preparations for the upcoming Fixer mission?

Current available units:
- Mellow Proudmoore
- Derek Moore
- Johnathan Smith
- Bianca Potts.

[] Continue the Blue Phantom search... Where?
-[] Rockfeller Forest
-[] Premantz Apartment Complex
--[] If so, send who? (Max 2)
[] Post-phone the Request and make preparations for the Fixer Mission
[X] Continue the Blue Phantom search... Where?
-[X] Rockfeller Forest
-[X] Mellow Proudmoore
-[X] Bianca Potts.

Mellow and Bianca need the least prep to be effective
[X] Continue the Blue Phantom search... Where?
-[X] Rockfeller Forest
-[X] Mellow Proudmoore
-[X] Bianca Potts.
We have postponed the Fixer mission in order to search for Phantom before. Of the two, it's the way more important one. Maybe it's time to concentrate our efforts on a real job.

On the other hand, the plan's mostly done, and we can't do much more until we get there. Maybe it's safe to take a peek at the forest or better yet, the mansion. It's a small area, and the least demanding one. We might be able to finish our business there before it's time to move out.

[X] Continue the Blue Phantom search... Where?
-[X] Premantz Apartment Complex
-[X] Mellow Proudmoore
-[X] Bianca Potts.
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[X] Continue the Blue Phantom search... Where?
-[X] Premantz Apartment Complex
-[X] Mellow Proudmoore
-[X] Derek Moore