No Heroes Here

Just saying, if you want the damned thing studied, you really need to have Mellow spend a full action with Derek on it to contain any effects or potentially proceed to watch Derek rampage around as a tentacle monster.

I mean he would probably enjoy that, but still...
It'll be fiiiine. *ducks for cover* :ninja:

A bit more seriously, though - if B suggests showing it to him, she thinks that he is the one who can make most sense out of it. A more responsible thing to do would probably be to hand it over to Headmaster... but we gave him a hot mercenary girl, a Darkling and a magical boar already, how greedy can the old bastard be!?
[X] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-- [X] Give Derek the gem for research (if he agrees, that is). Warn him about its properties so that he does not take it lightly.
[X] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-- [X] Give Derek the gem for research (if he agrees, that is). Warn him about its properties so that he does not take it lightly.
Pre-Fixer Operation Planning I
A/N: You guys don't know how much shit I had to go through to find a decent enough PC to post this update from. I'll try to fix anything out of place once I get the chance. For now, enjoy.

[X] Call of the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-- [X] Give Derek the gem for research (if he agrees, that it). Warn him about its properties so that he does not take it lightly.

"Well, whatever." You type in the rendezvous location and send it to Derek and Johnathan. "That's enough searching for today. Let's head over to Florian's to meet up with the other two. I owe you two ice creams, right?"

"You were serious about that?" Bianca blinks.

"Eh," you shrug. "They don't cost that much anyway, and I figured you'd like a reward for saving Miss Sunfire earlier." You smirk. "Though, I think you being able to show off in her face pretty much counts as that. What with the dodging, the bridal carrying, and then silently walking away all cool and crap-"

"You are buying me three glasses of ice cream for that." Bianca bat's your shoulder and stomps off. You hang back for a bit to chuckle quietly, then move after her once she shoots you a glare.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" you hurry after her. "Geez, no need for the glares…"

You arrive to find Derek and Johnathan seated at your usual spot with a small box under the table by their feet. Derek is the first to notice you, waving you and Bianca over with a free hand. Once you seat yourselves, a waitress skips over and you make your orders. Derek glares at you when you order three glasses worth of ice cream for Bianca, who smirks at him and slowly spoons a mouthful of ice cream into her mouth.

"So," you say. "Me and Bianca didn't have much luck finding our target, either. Mostly due to an interloper scaring most of the birds, and likely our Phantom, away."

"Interloper?" John inquires.

"This little bastard." You show them the gemstone. "It turned a tree into a tentacle monster that attracted a Magical Girl to the scene. Nearly violated her, too."

"Was she hot?" is the first thing Derek asks, earning him a kick from Bianca. "Ow! Hey, it's a valid question!"

"Do you want me to kick you again?" the Darkspawn threatens as she spoons another scoop of ice cream into her mouth. "Because I will."

"Guys, please, not here." You cut in and hold up the gemstone. "And no Derek, she looked a bit uninteresting. At least, to me." a beat, and you hold up your camera, the corner of your lips twitching upwards. "I've got pictures of her, though. You can have a look at them later; for a price."

"Glorious Leader." he salutes you, John smothers his laughter, and Bianca's spoon slips through her nerveless finger. "Please, allow this lowly one to sift through your treasures and find any relevant pieces of information that may further leverage our- Ow! Damn it, woman!"

"Mellow," Bianca growls. "If you even think of showing him those pictures-"

"Anyway," you pocket the camera, voice shifting into 'leader' mode as you withdraw your legs out of Bianca's kicking range. "Derek, when you get the chance, I want you to take a look at this little shit and find out everything you can about it. See if we can use this thing somehow, or destroy it completely if we can't. Break it apart if you have to, just get me results."

You toss Derek the gem and he catches it easily. He looks it over, and flashes his magic once. A flicker of azure light thrums around the gemstone and the hand holding it. The mage's eyes seem to drink in the lightshow, reading how the light moves and where it flickers to. Once the lightshow dies down, he nods once and pockets the gem.

"No problem." He nods. "Anything I should know beforehand?"

"Don't let it anywhere near plants." You say. "I held the thing a foot away from a tree trunk and the bark closest to it started to warp. Hell, keep it away from anything even remotely biological. If you let it start a cactus uprising, I'll force you to clean it up." You let him digest your orders for a moment as the waitress arrives with your orders. "So, enough about us. How about you guys? I recall your message saying something about weapon schematics, locations of interest, and useful junk."

"Remember the shoreline the Headmaster sent us to clean up?" Derek says through a mouthful of fries, eyes lighting up and face exuberant. "We found a lot of small holes and crevices chock full of garbage and shit. But under all that shit was stuff, man. A literal treasure trove; wrecked prototype weapon frames, discarded metals and high quality plastics, even a few spell tomes and enchanted junk!"

"…You're forgetting the surgeon crabs that tried to eat you alive when you tried to get said treasure out." John points out. Derek's exuberance fades, and an eye twitches.

"Let me guess," you rest a hand in the palm of your hand as Bianca hides her growing smile. "The dumbass rushes in all happy and smiles to the pretty treasure and then gets a face full of carnivorous crabs?"

"A whole nest of carnivorous crabs." John nods. "Turns out all that garbage and shit makes perfect little hidey holes for surgeon crabs to nest in. Dozens of them, in fact."

"Ah, so that is why you said you said he has a vendetta against those crabs." Bianca nods.

"Fuck you guys." Derek growls. "The damn things nearly ripped my face off. I was lucky to have a healing spell ready by the time this dick here," he nudges John. "Managed to pull me out and we took care of those little fuckers." he stuffs his mouth with another handful of fries. "But it's true, there's a lot of hidey holes all along the lake shore chock full of garbage and shit, and under all that are really valuable junk and stuff we can sell for a quick cash or use for our own little projects. We just have to dig through all the garbage while fending off those fucking crabs and bam! Treasure."

"Which brings us to the second part." John says, and hefts the small from under the table. "Once we cleared the crabs and Derek patched himself up, we dug up as much of the materials we could carry and in the process, found this."

You take the box and check its contents. A large bundle of metal, wires, broken plastic, and the remains of a small speaker greet you. Your sharp eyes sift through the mess and you arrange some of the pieces into something much more recognizable. Wires that end in frayed ends under pieces of plastic and supported by a metal 'skeleton' that form the tell-tale shape of a small firearm. You arrange the speaker pieces in the middle of where you know a gun barrel would be.

"This is a gun." You finally say.

"The crude remains of a gun, but yeah." John nods. "I ran a few simulations in my head based on its design; the thing could actually fire a concussive blast, but not far enough to actually be practical and it needs a shit ton of energy to run on. I'm guessing some upperclassman from the years before us made it, but ended up throwing off the cliff and into the lake when it didn't perform up to their expectations."

"Props to them, then." You nod. "Think you can replicate it?"

"Of course." He looks affronted. "I've got the most advanced supercomputer on the planet as a brain; give me enough time and I can turn even a literal piece of turd into a bioweapon deadlier than Anthrax."

"Uh-huh." you nod, passing him back the box. "And those schematics?"

"Crude plasma grenades, non-lethal foam grenades, combat drones, silent breaching charges, powered equipment webbing..." he extends his hand and a holographic display lights up, showing several weapon schematics that your eyes eagerly drink in. "Plans of stuff most military forces can get on the market legally or otherwise, just made and designed by teenage mad scientists who threw away those designs when that phase passed and they started getting serious in their studies."

"Doesn't that mean we can just buy those things on the market?" Derek speaks up. "Heck, isn't Darkwing's owner a part-time arms dealer or something? Couldn't you get the same stuff from him?"

"Yeah," you scratch your cheek. "But he doesn't exactly sell his hardware cheap, you know? Smuggling all of it into Rockafeller isn't exactly easy and he needs to pay his employees-"

"What else did you two find?" Bianca cuts in, looking irritated at being left out and halfway through her second glass of ice cream.

"Well..." Derek and John exchange looks, and the mage reaches into his blazer and produces a tome, its front and back covers waterlogged and worn. "We found this. An old diary, we think. The thing's covers were fucked up by the water, but we couldn't get it open no matter what we tried. And get this,"

He shows you and Bianca the book, finger on the bottom half of the front cover. There, barely legible in waterlogged ink, is the name 'Elliot Percival'.

"...Is this the Headmaster's diary?" Bianca states in amazement.

"Probably." Derek shrugs. "It's got enchantments strong enough to stop me from getting through, and there's enough power in this thing that even John's sensors can't get a clear reading."

"Whenever I try to scan it," John says. "My sensor suite just fizzles out. I've had to reboot the damn thing thrice today, and now I'm scared of even activating anything anywhere near that book."

"This thing looks old, though." you muse. "Wonder why the old man, threw this thing into the lake instead of, ya'know, destroying it?"

"Impulse of youth?" John offers. "Maybe he was a teenager at the time and he threw it into the lake to make sure no-one knows of whatever embarrassing stuff he's written in it?"

"Maybe." Bianca shrugs. "But why would he enchant this book with such powerful wards and then just throw it away? The Headmaster does not strike me as the kind of person who would be so impulsive in his youth. "

"Time can change people." Derek points out. "A reckless and impulsive dumbass could grow into a cautious dumbass once he grows up, assuming they survive long enough."

"Reckless to cautious, but still dumb?" Bianca raises a brow.

"It could happen." Derek defends.

"So," John says. "What do we do with this thing, Mellow?"

[] Destroy it.
[] Keep it.
- [] Who holds on to it?
[] Write-in

"Alright." you nod. "Now that that's settled, time for the second part of our meeting." you make yourself comfortable and the other three straighten slightly in their seats. "Derek, Bianca, would you mind?"

Both nod and you sense their magic shift. The air takes a certain tinge to it as reality distorts and warps enough to make whatever words said between your four unrecognizable eavesdroppers and your faces forgettable. Both magic users give you a nod; all clear.

"Now then," you start. "The Fixer Op's due some time tomorrow evening after school. Enough time for us to do some Phantom searching and then prep up. John, what do you have for us regarding the VIP and her kid we're looking after?"

"The Baroness' name is Adanhessa L'dun Nivat." the cyborg's eyes flash blue and the holographic display that showed you the recovered weapon schematics changes to show a quick bio of said Elf Baroness and her family. "She's particularly famous in the northwest coast of the North-American continent; being the primary arbiter for Beastman nomad clans seeking to settle down and introducing Beastman populations to urban centers. Her husband, Alexander Ri'an Nivat, is a businessman who runs a state-wide magical catalyst and regent acquisition company, whose looking to expand his business into another state. Their daughter, Penelope L'dun Nivat, is six year old with no notable magical or physical abilities."

"Area of Operations?" you enlarge the map of the mansion.

The bios change into a map of a mansion and a list of names and pictures of people. "They live in a four storey, 4500 square-foot mansion on 8 acres of private land and currently employ over two dozen people to keep it running. Mostly Beastmen as maids, butlers, gardeners, and cooks, and three Ogres as bodyguards. They also recently hired two humans as bodyguards, mercenaries formerly under Black Arrow PMC employ, though Miss Nivat had the humans start tutoring Penelope in Magic usage little over a week ago once she found out they could manipulate magic."

"The mansion is lightly reinforced and warded, made out of high quality wood, plastics, metals with aesthetic quality being the primary focus, and insulated for winter temperatures. Pretty standard layout overall; multiple bathrooms within stumbling range of the master bedrooms and a few guest bedrooms with plenty of windows for natural lighting. Employee's quarters within range of the main kitchen, dining room, and several emergency exits in case anything happens. The far end of the back yard has a small golf course and a pool with a hot tub attached closer to the back deck. Surrounding the mansion is a moderately thick forest, suitable for snipers and Earth affinity mages to move through and use."

"Anything we should look out for?" Derek peers at the map.

"Aside from the windows and the mansion's thin cover, not much. There's a lot of open ground between the forest and the mansion. We can deploy lookouts and snipers on the roof. Anything or anyone that tries to make a swing at it will have to cross the exposed areas and avoid sniper fire along the way." he winces and zooms in on a particular spot on the roof above the mansion. "There's also a big skylight just over the front and back foyers, and it's accessible from the sides of the house. There are also several entry points people can breach through; glass sliding doors, thin walls on the living room and kitchens, the garage entrance, and any of the bedroom verandas."

"So, standard VIP protection detail." you muse. "Secure the house and its surroundings, keep out whatever's aiming for the VIP and keep the VIP alive at all costs. Anyone have any suggestions on how we do this?"

"I say we deploy a forward lookout to keep an eye on the forest while someone takes the roof and plays overwatch." Bianca says. "Someone stays with the girl at all times while the other three work to keep any threats from coming in."

"We'll be stretched thin." John counters. "If even one of the threats make it past, the one guarding the girl will be all alone. And what about the bodyguards? Why not put them to use?"

"Please." she rolls her eyes. "Do you honestly think adults and 'trained soldiers'," she air-quotes. "Would listen to a group of underaged kids claiming to be a top secret assault force taking over their job? Better let them be fodder than just let them get in our way."

You fight hard to keep a scowl off your face. More than once were you and your team forced to deal with such people and more than once did they nearly jeopardize your mission and doomed the world.

"Well," John starts. "I say we cooperate with the guards and form a working defense network. Nine people would make covering the mansion a lot easier than just four. Plus, they'd know the lay of the land better than us. With their help, we can set up a proper lookout and defensive perimeter while keeping the girl safe."

"That would hinge a lot on whether or not they'd work with us." Derek argues. "B has a point, even if her plan isn't exactly perfect; what if they don't work with us? We'd be better off working solo as always."

"Well, what's your plan, Derek?" John gestures to him.

"We keep ourselves in the mansion" he states. "Total lockdown; no-one leaves and no-one enters. A sniper slash lookout on the roof to keep an eye outside the mansion, while everyone else keeps close to the girl. If the bodyguards want to help, fine. If not, fuck them. We keep our VIP safe, her parents come home, mission accomplished."

"That might make the girl uncomfortable, though." you muse. "Remember, she's just six. Having strangers stay close to her might spook her and she'll run off into God-knows-what."

"That's why I made my plan." Bianca states. "Keep ourselves away from her and make sure she doesn't see what we do."

"Why?" Derek smirks. "Scared we'd traumatize her?"

Bianca glares at him, but says nothing.

"She'd feel much safer in numbers." John states. "Familiar faces, better AO coverage..."

"That is, if they cooperate." Bianca murmurs.

[] Go with Bianca's plan (Concentrate on forest, minimal protection detail on VIP)
[] Go with John's plan (Concentrate on mansion interior and immediate surroundings, moderate protection detail on VIP)
[] Go with Derek's plan (Concentrate exclusively on mansion interior, heavy protection detail on VIP)
[] You have a better plan...
- [] What?
- [] Assign who to what?
- [] Focus defensive efforts on (pick one)...
-- [] Mansion interior
-- [] Mansion exterior
-- [] Forest
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[X] Keep it.
- [X] Mellow

We got antimagic. It's got privacy enchantments :D

[X] Go John's plan (Concentrate on mansion interior and immediate surroundings, moderate protection detail on VIP)

If we have local help, use it.
It's a kid, if something is stompying in from the forest, then I'd be pretty surprised. More likely someone's already in the mansion.
[X] Keep it.
- [X] Mellow

I'll go with it, but I'm kind of scared there's some sort of horror sealed in it. If the headmaster wanted to get rid of it, he would have; since he didn't keep it ot destroy it, it means he probably couldn't. Or it fell in the lake some time and he forgot about it.
Yay! It's back!

[X] Keep it.
- [X] Mellow

Always poking his nose where it does not belong. I approve!

"Well," John starts. "I say we cooperate with the guards and form a working defense network. Nine people would make covering the mansion a lot easier than just four. Plus, they'd know the lay of the land better than us. With their help, we can set up a proper lookout and defensive perimeter while keeping the girl safe."
More likely someone's already in the mansion.
They also recently hired two humans as bodyguards, mercenaries formerly under Black Arrow PMC employ, though Miss Nivat had the humans start tutoring Penelope in Magic usage little over a week ago once she found out they could manipulate magic."
...sure, let's go with the plan that involves us working with the two recently hired ex-Black Arrow mercenaries who concealed their knowledge of magic when they were interviewed about the job and now have direct access to the VIP as tutors. Nothing suspicious here at all.

[X] Go John's plan (Concentrate on mansion interior and immediate surroundings, moderate protection detail on VIP)

I like Derek's total lockdown plan, but hey, Mellow has already shown himself a master of diplomacy (not really). Maybe it'll work a second time (in his life).
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Pre-Fixer Operation Planning II
[X] Keep it.
- [X] Mellow

[X] Go with John's plan (Concentrate on mansion interior and immediate surroundings, moderate protection detail on VIP)

"We'll go with John's idea." you start, and raise a hand when Bianca and Derek move to object. "And before either of you start; do you honestly think four people can cover 4500 square feet of space and the surrounding area? Bullshit shadow magic and Cthulhu's little tentacle working together or no, there will be holes in your plans that all four of us can't cover and the enemy can take advantage of that. And with a six year old as our VIP, I'd rather we don't take any risks that may put her life in danger. Or traumatize her for life."

"What if the guards just brush us off or outright refuse?" Bianca asks. "That would leave us where we started."

"And it's also a risk." Derek nods. "Whose to say those bodyguards won't come to help us if something does attack and they abandon ship? Aside from the Ogres, those ex-mercs seem like trouble."

"The fact that they hid their ability to use magic from their employers only makes it more suspicious." Bianca nods.

"I know." you placate them. "But remember, even if they are working some kind of plot, we can't exactly act on it without proof." a beat. "Think of this as a pseudo undercover mission too; get the bodyguards to work with us and find out if they're going to do something to the girl. If they are planning something bad, you two get to tear them to pieces. If not, we leave them alone and the mission goes a little bit smoother."

This does not quite placate either two magic users, but they meet each others eyes and nod.

"Alright." Derek says. "But either me or Bianca get stationed next to the ex-mercs."

"Out of the question." John denies, brow furrowing. "The two of you would sooner kill them and claim self-defense than try to pry out their secrets if how you phrased your words is any indication."

"I wasn't asking you, John." Derek bristles.

"Enough." you order, and both settle down. "You two can tear at each other later, once we finish up here. Now, the current plan is us setting up a defensive perimeter around the mansion and maybe get the bodyguards to work with us. Now we need to decide who does what and combat plans. John, a map please."

The cyborg acquiesces and a holo-map of the mansion and its surrounding area appears.

"The mission statement says we'll need to show up sometime in the evening. Timezone differences aside, we won't have enough visibility or time to plant traps or wards and enchantments on the premises outside the mansion. But there should be enough time to set up defensive positions around the house. Depending on whether or not we can get the bodyguards to help, we may be able to set up multiple positions or a few heavily defended ones at key sections of the mansion." you pause. "Does the mansion have a panic room or something similar?"

"No." John shakes his head. "The Baroness is an Elf, her family live far out enough from any would-be intruders and they have five bodyguards to look after them; they probably think they have enough protection as is."

"Man, I pity the people who'll have to clean up after us." Derek muses. "Between the four of us, I doubt there'll be anything left of any poor bastard that tries to get past."

"You're a mage, you can clean up the messes yourself once the coast is clear." you point out. "Plus, we'd have Bianca here to sense any approaching hostiles. They come into range, they die." you turn back to the map. "Right, so..."

From there, you and the others start discussing. The mansion was divided into four floors, with the ground floor covering the most ground as the upper three grew smaller. The ground floor is divided into six areas; the dining area with a pair of sliding glass doors and collapsible walls that lead to an outside deck for parties and balls, the kitchen, the living room, the employee's quarters, a workout room reinforced for spellwork and physical training, and the garage. The skylights are located directly over the front foyer and front entrance, and the rear foyer above the dining room area.

The first floor is divided into four areas; the north guestroom wing, the south guestroom wing, a leisure area, and an indoor pool enchanted so that the water and the pool walls remains clean. Obviously, this was where guests or family to the Baroness' home stayed at whenever they came to visit and sleep overnight. There are three fire escape routes for emergencies located on the north, south, and west sector of this floor

The second floor is divided into four areas; the master bedroom where the Baroness and her husband sleep in, the VIP's bedroom, a small library, and the security room where a network of CCTV cameras and motion sensors are observed from. It also houses the armory, though only the Head of Security can open it..

The third floor is split into three areas; an office area where both the Baroness and her husband's personal offices are located on, a leisure area, and an outdoor veranda with a small kitchenette for meals over looking the aest half of the mansion. The roof is accessible from either the veranda or by climbing up an 'employees only' ladder located just outside the garage area on the ground floor.

With four people, you can only reliably monitor a single floor withing the mansion while sacrificing observational capability of the mansion premise. However, with John's plan, you may reliably look over each floor with two people with a lookout on the roof. That is, if you can persuade the guards to help you.

What will you call this Fixer operation?
- Operation ([] Write-in)

Who will attempt to persuade the bodyguards to help you?
- [] Write-in

Force distribution (accounting the bodyguards)?
Ground floor
- [] Write-in
First floor
- [] Write-in
Second floor
- [] Write-in
Third floor
- [] Write-in

Current Units Available:
- Mellow Proudmoore
- Johnathan Smith
- Bianca Potts
- Derek Moore
- 3 Ogre Bodyguards (Uncertain)
- 2 Human Bodyguards (Uncertain)

General combat plan?
- [] Write-in


As the planning session ends and the four of you disperse, you take a moment to stop and stare at the night sky. You suck in a breath and savor the chill of the air, mentally preparing yourself for the operation tomorrow. It was rare that you had the chance to actually plan for a Fixer Op; usually, the Headmaster would call you in for an emergency operation and from there you would lead the others to victory against impossible odds using whatever strategies you could make on the fly.

...You don't quite feel like going home yet, but Fred was waiting to be fed and you had your studies to catch up on.

[] Head home; you have a cat waiting for you and homework to finish.
[] Stay out for a bit and go to...
- [] Paulowania Mall
- [] Strongman Arcade
- [] Rockafeller Pier
- [] Darkwing Night Club
- [] Nowhere. Just wander...
[] Write-in
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[X] Head home; you have a cat waiting for you and homework to finish.

Also want to be rested for mission.

Plan when off mobile
The ground floor is divided into six areas; the dining area with a pair of sliding glass doors and collapsible walls that lead to an outside deck for parties and balls, the kitchen, the living room, the employee's quarters, a workout room reinforced for spellwork and physical training, and the garage. The skylights are located directly over the front foyer and front entrance, and the rear foyer above the dining room area.

The first floor is divided into four areas; the north guestroom wing, the south guestroom wing, a leisure area, and an indoor pool enchanted so that the water and the pool walls remains clean. Obviously, this was where guests or family to the Baroness' home stayed at whenever they came to visit and sleep overnight. There are three fire escape routes for emergencies located on the north, south, and west sector of this floor

The second floor is divided into four areas; the master bedroom where the Baroness and her husband sleep in, the VIP's bedroom, a small library, and the security room where a network of CCTV cameras and motion sensors are observed from. It also houses the armory, though only the Head of Security can open it..

The fourth floor is split into three areas; an office area where both the Baroness and her husband's personal offices are located on, a leisure area, and an outdoor veranda with a small kitchenette for meals over looking the aest half of the mansion. The roof is accessible from either the veranda or by climbing up an 'employees only' ladder located just outside the garage area on the ground floor.
ACHTUNG! Escher architecture alert! There is no third floor in the building. :D

All escape routes should probably be also considered entry points. A security room needs to be accessed by someone competent who could detect if there is any tampering with it - I guess that'd be John or Mellow. John because his cybernetic nature synergizes well with electronic systems, and Mellow because we already did something similar in the first mission:
[] You snuck in and disabled the security systems and wards to allow the others to come in and wreak havoc to begin with.
[] You directed the others from a safe spot, optimizing their coordination and pointing out missed clues or targets.

John should be the one to talk to the guards. He is pretty level-headed, and he is the elder in the group. More presentable than the rest of us, anyway.

So the preliminary positioning looks like... Mellow and John with VIP and in the security room (haven't decided which should do which), Bianca on the roof scouting the perimeter (her shadow powers allow her to materialize almost anywhere in the mansion if need arises). The ground floor should be covered by Derek and two of the human security guards (need to keep them in sight), the first by two security guards, and the third (or fourth... the-one-under-the-roof) by a single security guard (with Bianca from the roof as reinforcements if anyone tries to come through there). With it, we should have the whole thing covered.

Derek + 2x human mercs / 2x mercs / John+Mellow/ 1x merc / Bianca.

Maybe it makes sense to put Derek on VIP duty and have someone else converse with the two ex-mercs. Maybe even Mellow, since then we'd know their magic can't hurt us, and Derek knows a few protective spells that might come in handy to shield the girl from harm.

@veekie? Thoughts?
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ACHTUNG! Escher architecture alert! There is no third floor in the building. :D

All escape routes should probably be also considered entry points. A security room needs to be accessed by someone competent who could detect if there is any tampering with it - I guess that'd be John or Mellow. John because his cybernetic nature synergizes well with electronic systems, and Mellow because we already did something similar in the first mission:

John should be the one to talk to the guards. He is pretty level-headed, and he is the elder in the group. More presentable than the rest of us, anyway.

So the preliminary positioning looks like... Mellow and John with VIP and in the security room (haven't decided which should do which), Bianca on the roof scouting the perimeter (her shadow powers allow her to materialize almost anywhere in the mansion if need arises). The ground floor should be covered by Derek and two of the human security guards (need to keep them in sight), the first by two security guards, and the third (or fourth... the-one-under-the-roof) by a single security guard (with Bianca from the roof as reinforcements if anyone tries to come through there). With it, we should have the whole thing covered.

Derek + 2x human mercs / 2x mercs / John+Mellow/ 1x merc / Bianca.

Maybe it makes sense to put Derek on VIP duty and have someone else converse with the two ex-mercs. Maybe even Mellow, since then we'd know their magic can't hurt us, and Derek knows a few protective spells that might come in handy to shield the girl from harm.

@veekie? Thoughts?
Bianca's probably better served with the VIP, since she's the most versatile person, and the VIP room is centrally located, meaning the entire building and much of the compound is within her shadow jump range, if communications cut out and she needs to alert the others.
She's also probably, surprisingly the least likely to scare the kid.

I'd go with
[X] Operation Gilded Castle

[X] John talks to the guards.

[X] Ground Floor: Mellow + 2 Human Bodyguards

The ground floor has the easiest access, both to enemies and to any locations on any floor, via ladder or stairs. Mellow is a pretty good way to contain the potentially suspect bodyguards. He's also one of the two who can be trusted not to arrange an 'accident' for them, and John's sensor capabilities are needed elsewhere

[X] Second Floor: John + Bianca

Two important things, the VIP and the security room.
John is here because of his advanced sensor suite, proficiency with technology and the security room operations, and also putting an INCREDIBLY heavy combatant within a short run of the VIP if things go wrong.

Bianca can percieve through shadows, so you want her situated centrally to the building, and put her with the VIP. If anything unexpected happens, she can instantly reach any of the others and alert them if communications fall to jamming, then instantly get back to the VIP.

Basically, anyone approaching the VIP should be sensed by Bianca or John before they become a threat at all.

[X] Third Floor: 2 Ogre Bodyguards

This has nothing important to the mission except for access to and from the roof. We'll park a pair of heavies here for rapid response, but mainly to make sure nobody gets in from the veranda.

[X] Roof: Derek

This position has the best vantage point for combating a direct attack across the compound. Thus, the best person for this is a mage capable of long range, wide area attacks to take advantage of it...and since he can drop down to lower floors fairly easily, he can reposition to cover other approaches readily.

[X] Combat Plan: John and Bianca establishes central surveillance. Bianca will remain concealed near the VIP where possible. By keeping the lights on, Bianca can monitor all the guards and make sure that the only animate objects in the building are tracked. If the VIP is attacked, she'd call in reinforcements, then attempt to follow by stealth if it's a kidnapping and act on her discretion at a good time to interrupt. Derek will keep overwatch and be artillery against any direct assaults against the building, as well as keeping an eye out for a second attack. Mellow and John, as well as the mercenaries will be the primary responders to any attackers.
-[X] Expect at least two attacks, one a diversion. The VIP is not to be left alone for any amount of time(Bianca can do this from stealth without causing undue distress), considering it'd be pretty bad if she got yoinked from the bathroom or the like. Unless clearly impossible to match opposition with these numbers or unless the VIP is directly under attack, the mercenaries and one member of the team will respond to any one attack, while the rest keep alert.

How's this? Going to sleep now, so feel free to mutate this
How's this? Going to sleep now, so feel free to mutate this
Plan's good and is what I intended more or less anyway, but you are missing the 1st floor.

Seeing how we have the roof covered by a spotter, and the 3rd floor is only accessible from below or from veranda (connected to the roof ), I am thinking about leaving only a single ogre there.

A bit tough to keep an eye on 3 fire escape routes on 1st floor with just 2 people, but that's what John is for.

[X] Operation Gilded Castle
[X] John talks to the guards.
[X] Ground Floor: Mellow + 2 Human Bodyguards
[X] First Floor: 2 Ogre Bodyguards
[X] Second Floor: John + Bianca
[X] Third Floor: 1 Ogre Bodyguard
[X] Roof: Derek

This should have all bases covered. Mellow can deal with the ex-mercs in whatever fashion necessary (establish contact if friendly, subdue if hostile). John can see the entire mansion, protect the security system from being compromised, and packs a punch. Bianca can work as a bio-detector and as a stealth-hitter, and her teleportation capabilities are very nice to have in the situation. I am thinking she might be able to establish contact with VIP, given that they are both girls and that Bianca is one of the more sensible members.

That leaves Derek a support role. We should keep in mind that he is the only man on the team who has defensive capabilities, though. If things go sour and any of the attacks get through to the 2nd floor, he is the only one who can reliably protect VIP:
- Defensive Elemental Spells: Elemental spells meant for defense. As an Adept level mage, Derek is capable of conjuring shields of fire, fences of electricity, spheres of water, gusts of wind, and walls of stone to reliably protect himself and allies against anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, and anti-structure attacks.
We should keep it in mind, perhaps.

[X] Combat Plan: John and Bianca establishes central surveillance. Bianca will remain concealed near the VIP where possible. By keeping the lights on, Bianca can monitor all the guards and make sure that the only animate objects in the building are tracked. If the VIP is attacked, she'd call in reinforcements, then attempt to follow by stealth if it's a kidnapping and act on her discretion at a good time to interrupt. Derek will keep overwatch and be artillery against any direct assaults against the building, as well as keeping an eye out for a second attack. Mellow and John, as well as the mercenaries will be the primary responders to any attackers.
-[X] Expect at least two attacks, one a diversion. The VIP is not to be left alone for any amount of time(Bianca can do this from stealth without causing undue distress), considering it'd be pretty bad if she got yoinked from the bathroom or the like. Unless clearly impossible to match opposition with these numbers or unless the VIP is directly under attack, the mercenaries and one member of the team will respond to any one attack, while the rest keep alert.

[X] Head home; you have a cat waiting for you and homework to finish.
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