No Heroes Here

[X] Let Bianca go save her, while you nullify the tree in the background to weaken it. Let her claim credit for the rescue.
[X] Let Bianca go save her, while you nullify the tree in the background to weaken it. Let her claim credit for the rescue.
"I hate you."

You blink and turn to holy shit Bianca is pissed. Her eyes are glowing a faint blue and you see a few strands of her hair beginning to rise up. Tendrils of shadow writhe all over her face and she's grinding her teeth so hard, you can audibly hear them rub against each other.

But she isn't looking at you, and her words aren't aimed at you.


"Alright, that is enough." Bianca declares, moving to take your camera away. "You are starting to creep me out, put away your camera."

"Shh." you quiet her, moving your camera out of her reach and snapping another picture that you're sure Derek would be envious of.

"Mellow." Bianca re-doubles her efforts. "Put it away."

"No." you put a hand on her head and push her back.


"Silence, woman."
Heh, that's how you build empathy for one's hated enemy. You can see Bianca's nature at war with her girl solidarity, not knowing what she dislikes more - her nemesis, or a fellow female being toyed with by various assholes, while Mellow very - very! - convincingly feigns indifference , maintaining that he won't lift a finger.

"...Should we do something?" Bianca eventually asks you, the tree monster shaking its captive and making her scream louder.

"Why?" you raise a brow. "You hate Lightspawn, don't you?"
Well, why does she ask us if she should do something about it? Did we forbid her to help, or something? :whistle:

The only thing holding her back is her dislike for a Lightspawn that is rapidly evaporating. The moment she realizes that and moves in to assist, a valuable lesson will be learned.

Naturally, she'll deny wanting to help a hapless girl whom she wouldn't be able to stand at other times, which would only make it easier for us to neither confirm nor deny whether this outcome was intentional. :cool: Because it was probably not. :D

...the only question is, do we use the camera to catch them both on film, or was that enough pictures for one day? The photo of a Darkspawn bravely rushing to a Lightspawn's rescue is one of a kind. Much rarer than some stupid Blue Phantom. :p
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[X] Let Bianca go save her, while you nullify the tree in the background to weaken it. Let her claim credit for the rescue.
[X] Let Bianca go save her, while you nullify the tree in the background to weaken it. Let her claim credit for the rescue.
...the only question is, do we use the camera to catch them both on film, or was that enough pictures for one day? The photo of a Darkspawn bravely rushing to a Lightspawn's rescue is one of a kind. Much rarer than some stupid Blue Phantom. :p
There is a problem with potentially getting the camera wrecked....totes worth it.
Search for the Blue Phantom! I - Follian Park V
A/N: Sorry for the late update. My internet connection chose a bad time to die. Had to write this via phone, again. Fell asleep halfway through. Don't think there are many typos this time, but don't be afraid to point them out.

[X] Let Bianca go save her, while you nullify the tree in the background to weaken it. Let her claim credit for the rescue.

You look at the screaming Magical Girl held aloft by a wooden tentacle, then at your clubmate who was a Dark Magical Girl in all but name. You don't know the details, but suffice to say that Darkspawn and their Lightspawn counterparts don't get along well. And were this situation any different, you are certain Bianca would have left the Magical Girl to her fate. Maybe; you haven't actually seen her leave anyone to a horrible (or extremely embarrassing) end, and she was usually the nicest of the SS club, and the most merciful among the Fixers.

But her nature as a Darkspawn and their ingrained dislike of Lightspawn is apparently no match for her feminine solidarity. Apparently, working alongside the male prominent Fixers and regularly butting heads with the resident skirt chaser has done wonders in strengthening that.

"If you want to go and help her," you tell Bianca. "Then I won't stop you."

She blinks once, then transforms into her Darkspawn form.

Tendrils of shadow rise from the ground and slowly envelope her. Her Xavier Crucible uniform is swallowed by the creeping darkness and leaving behind a feminine-looking silhoutte. Her dark hair turning into two twitching, obsidian antennae, and her face in enveloped by darkness, leaving behind eyes that glow an ethereal blue. With a parting nod, she sinks into the shadows on the ground and leaving you alone.

You wait a full thirty seconds, then ready your camera.

A moment later, a dozen tendrils of razor sharp shadow tendrils explode from the tree monster's shadow. The roots holding Sunfire are reduced to cut-up blocks, and the Magical Girl screams when the only thing holding her aloft gives way and gravity begins pulling her in. There is a dark blur that catches the falling girl and skids to a stop before the monster.

Through the zoom function of your camera, you see Bianca holding Magical Girl Sunfire in a bridal carry, and the confused girl herself has her arms wrapped around your clubmate's neck to keep from falling. You see Sunfire look up at Bianca, but that's all she manages to do before the tree monster attacks with its bludgeons and roots. Bianca moves through the blows, dancing past roots and twisting over leafy bludgeons with grace earned from talent hone with experience, summoning tendrils of shadow to even the battle. All the while, the Magical Girl in her arms looks on with awe.

The battle reaches a climax when the tree monster lists forward, intending to crush the girls under its falling bulk. You see Sunfire scream, but Bianca sets her feet. Around her, the shadows gather into four thick inky pools, and from each pool emerges a massive arm that arrests the tree monster's fall. The arms pull the tree monster off the ground and hold it in place directly above Bianca.

You see your clubmate carefully set Sunfire to the ground. The Magical Girl watches as Bianca tenses her legs, gathering energy, and rears back a hand. She jumps at the tree monster's four eyes, and the hand lashes out-

There is a deafening crash as she hits the monster's main bulk, smashing the the monster in two from sheer force alone and busrting through to soar skywards. Your camera tracks her as she lingers in the air for a brief moment under the light of the slowly setting sun, and then begin to freefall to the earth. You smile when you see Sunfire panicking and looking around frantically for her wand, likely scared of your clubmate getting hurt from the fall.

But Bianca rights herself mid-fall, and just a second from impact, she sprouts a pair of bat-like wings from her back. The wings beat, scattering light debris and dust every which way and slowing Bianca's descent. The Darkspawn lands in a crouch before Sunfire, and rises from the slowly settling dust like some new age superheroine. Light spawn and Darkspawn stare at one another for a long moment, before Bianca tosses something into the Magical Girl's hands and starts walking away.

Sunfire blinks at whatever's in her hand, then scrambles to her feet.

"W-wait!" she calls out, but Bianca fades into the shadows before the Magical girl could get out another word. "I-where'd she...?"

You quietly stow your camera and crawl out of there.

Man, Derek is going to go green with envy once you show him the pictures...


After brush as much dirt off of your uniform and picking out the pieces of debris off of you, you make it out of the scene of the crime and decided to wait at the center of the park, now nearly devoid of other people, on a bench next to the large fountain. Bianca finds you soon afterwards, a slight look of satisfaction on her face. she takes her seat beside you, and the two of you play the part of a distressed and worried young couple. Bianca even manages to force a few tears out.

When a girl who looks suspiciously like Magical Girl Sunfire jogs into your line of sight from behind the fountain, she sees you comforting a visually distressed and trembling Bianca. You look up to her approaching, looking lost and internally offering prayers to the God of Bullshit.

"E-Excuse me," she says, prompting the both of you to look up at her. "Is this yours?"

She extends a hand. In it you see a bright blue octahedronic gemstone with the Roman numeral for five etched on its surface. Bianca's eyes widen, and she gently picks it up from the girl's hand, holding it close.

"This is..." Bianca starts. "This my grandmother's. How... How did you..?"

"Eheh," the girl laughs, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "A strange looking girl with a wand gave it to me. She said to look for a pretty girl with black hair and purple eyes and her boyfriend somewhere in the park. I-I didn't think she was-"

"Thank you!" Bianca lunges from her seat and wraps her arms around the girl, quietly sobbing into her shoulder, the force of her lunge forcing her to turn sideways. "T-Thank you so much! I-I, this was the only thing my g-grandmother left me, so-"

"H-Hey, it's alright." the blonde girl awkwardly pats Bianca's back. "I-I'm sure it wasn't t-that hard to g-get back..."

With the blonde's back to you, you meet your clubmate's eyes and see the ice in her gaze. You grin and wink at her, clapping soundlessly and mouthing 'encore'. She will get you back for this, you think, but some things are just worth getting messed with later.

The two girls spend a few more minutes talking, before you bid the blonde goodbye and escort a tearly-eyed Bianca away. Once you were sure the two of you were out of sight and earshot, Bianca takes the opportunity to kick you on the shin and turn away, huffing in distaste. The hit stung, but you've been through worse and walking with a slight limp for the next few days isn't something to worry about too much.

"Right." you say. "Now that the fiasco's over, any suggestions on what to do next?"

"I say we call it a day." Bianca shakes her head. "My fight with the tree monster thing wasn't quiet, and it might have scared off the Blue Phantom. Plus we have this to look over..." Bianca shows you the gemstone. "Maybe Derek and see what it is? Or the Headmaster?"

"Maybe..." you murmur.

[] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere...
- [] South sector
- [] West sector
[] Call off the search. Head to someplace to wait for Derek and John to finish up on their search...
- [] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
- [] Strongman Arcade
- [] Rockafeller Pier
- [] SSS Club Room, Xavier Crucible
[] Write-in

A/N: Right, so, internet's down for who know how long and until I can get it back up again, don't expect any updates from me any time soon. Also, I got hired for a job as a cook and that means I'll be sent for training some time in the near future, maybe a week or two from now. Between either, I'll be lacking the time, equipment, and internet to post updates. Expect any update, if at all, to be sporadic. Sorry guys. :(
[X] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere...
- [X] West sector
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that makes trees into tentacle monsters.

A Jewel Seed huh?
Mellow's one of the best carriers for it due to null, so its safe for now.
[X] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere...
- [X] West sector
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that makes trees into tentacle monsters.
Eh. The Phantom is probably gone by now. No matter, there are still a few more locations left, and the gem is more important anyway.

[X] Call off the search. Head to someplace to wait for Derek and John to finish up on their search...
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that

We probably need to make it up to B for the stunt we pulled. We also made her do all the work. A decent leader needs to balance this whole effort/reward thing.
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Through the zoom function of your camera, you see Bianca holding Magical Girl Sunfire in a bridal carry, and the confused girl herself has her arms wrapped around your clubmate's neck to keep from falling. You see Sunfire look up at Bianca, but that's all she manages to do before the tree monster attacks with its bludgeons and roots. Bianca moves through the blows, dancing past roots and twisting over leafy bludgeons with grace earned from talent hone with experience, summoning tendrils of shadow to even the battle. All the while, the Magical Girl in her arms looks on with awe.

Light spawn and Darkspawn stare at one another for a long moment, before Bianca tosses something into the Magical Girl's hands and starts walking away.

Sunfire blinks at whatever's in her hand, then scrambles to her feet.

"W-wait!" she calls out, but Bianca fades into the shadows before the Magical girl could get out another word. "I-where'd she...?"
So...Bianca just gave Sunfire there the Tuxedo Mask treatment.
[X] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere...
-[X] West sector
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that makes trees into tentacle monsters.
[X] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere...
- [X] West sector
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that makes trees into tentacle monsters.
[X] Call off the search. Head to someplace to wait for Derek and John to finish up on their search...
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that
[X] Call off the search. Head to someplace to wait for Derek and John to finish up on their search...
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that
[X] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere...
- [X] West sector
-[x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that makes trees into tentacle monsters.
Search for the Blue Phantom! I - Follian Park VI
[X] Keep searching Follain Park for the Blue Phantom. Maybe it's still here and hiding somewhere…
- [X] West sector
- [x] Mellow holds on to the shiny in case it has bad magic or something that makes trees into tentacle monsters.

"We'll keep searching." You decide. "If we want to do something, we might as well do it thoroughly. Who knows, the Phantom might even still be here."

"If you say so." Bianca relents. "Helps kill some time, either way."

"Before that," you extend a hand to her. "Hand over that jewel."

"Why?" she quirks a brow, and does as you say.

"A precaution." You pocket the gemstone, feeling the magic within it roil and shrink back at your touch. "In case the thing has some bad magic or something that turns trees into tentacle monsters. Wouldn't want the trees to sudden sprout tentacles and start violating us."

Bianca shudders and wraps her arms around herself. "Good call."

"I know." You nod knowingly. "I'm awesome like that."

"Ugh," Bianca rolls her eyes. "Come on, let's get going."


The designated west sector is quiet and thick with shrubbery. There are very few trees, and several large rocks dot the area. Like you did in the east sector, you walk with casual indifference while simultaneously maintaining a sharp eye on your surroundings. Bianca trails beside you, her shadow sense flickering outwards like a silken sheet; if anything big enough to register on her senses move, she'll know and can point you at it which you can then confirm whether or not it is your target.

For the last twenty minutes, the two of your have been canvassing the area for the Phantom. Aside occasional bursts of movement from the multitude of small animals who called the park home, and the sensing of a few big ones that required your sharp eyes to confirm whether or not it was the Phantom (they weren't), you haven't caught a whiff of your target.

You and Bianca come to a stop at the base of a tree. You let Bianca focus her senses on it while you keep an eye on the surroundings. Aside from the thick scenery of bushes, trees, and a few large rocks scattered some distance away, there isn't anything particularly interesting to focus on.

"Anything?" you ask you companion for the day.

"Aside from a few squirrels and small birds, nothing." Bianca shakes her head. "I do sense some movement inside the tree, but it is not anything major enough to warrant investigating. Likely tree grubs, or an ant nest." The girl narrows her gaze. "They are all slowly moving away from us, though…

"Huh. Did we scare 'em or something…?" You pause, then narrow your gaze at your pocket where the magic gemstone is. "Hold on…"

"Something the matter?" Bianca steps closer as you produce the gemstone. It is glowing a faint blue that pulses like a beating heart at random intervals. "What is it doing?"

You hold it up to the orange tinted sky, inspecting it. There does not seem to be any physical changes to the gemstone, but you can feel the magic thrum in and around your hand. On a hunch, you hold close to the tree and find the tree bark twisting and flowing towards the gemstone. With a thought, your ability flares and the gemstone's magic is nulled though the affected bark remains changed.

"The little bastard wants to get into contact with a tree." You observe.

"Every animal within a hundred feet of us has just moved away." Bianca nods. "Could it be some sort of magical catalyst?"

"Think so." You nod. "But better get this to Derek for confirmation." You blink. "Wait. Shit, what'd you just say?"

"Magic catalyst?" Bianca tilts her head one way.

"No, no, before that."

"Everything animal within a hundred feet has-" she blinks. "Oh."

"Well crap, there goes that." You look at the now dormant gemstone. "But the critters didn't move while this thing wasn't on, did they?"

"No," Bianca shakes her head. "They acted as they usually would around people walking around in the park."

"Alright then." You pocket the gemstone. "I'll hang back with this little bastard while you move ahead and keep sensing, 'specially around trees. If you pick up anything strange, let me know and I'll rush to you."

"Why not just give me the camera and let me take the picture?" Bianca cocks a brow at you.

"And let you delete all my hard earned photos?" you grin as the girl blushes. "Hell no. Besides, what happened to your camera? You had it on you earlier."

"Ah," she looks away. "I may have, uh, lost it while I was fighting that tree monster..."

"Really?" you raise a brow. "And here I was, thinking you were more careful than this, B."

"Accidents happen, alright?" she growls, turning away to march ahead of you. "Now let's go, we are burning daylight and there is not much time left to look. Get your camera ready for whatever may come up."

"Alright." You shrug. "Lead the way, princess."


With the discovery of the gemstone's ability to scare off animals when in the vicinity of a tree, it took you much longer to finish canvassing the area. With particular attention being paid on the trees, as that's where most birds are usually found roosting in, and the lack of your sharp gaze to confirm whatever Bianca senses means it takes her longer to figure out what exactly it is that's on her radar due to the thicker concentration of leaves and branches in the way.

By the time you and Bianca emerge from the east sector, the sun has already set and the lamp posts in the park have lit. Your phone buzzes and you check to find a message from John. He reports not finding the Phantom, but he has discovered plenty of other stuff from the lake that you might like to have a look at.

You raise a brow at the phrase 'weapon schematics', 'locations of interest', and 'useful junk'. He and Derek have items of interest with them and are awaiting further instructions. You also note John mention something about Derek gaining a vendetta against a nest of surgeon crabs dwelling in one of the many small caves scattered all over the lake shores.

"Derek and John reporting in?" Bianca raises a brow.

"Yup." You nod. "John said they found some really useful stuff on their little romp but no pictures of any Blue Phantoms, and Derek has developed a vendetta against a population of surgeon crabs."

"Surgeon crabs?" Bianca blinks. "But they are harmless! How could Derek have…"

"Must've pissed the little guys off somehow." You shrug, then do a double take. "And harmless? Surgeon crabs? What rock have you been living under, B? Those things literally cut up their prey and eat them alive! Even people, especially people!"

"Typical," Bianca crosses her arms and turns away from you with a huff. "Believing baseless rumors without even the slightest hesitation. Surgeon crabs do not eat people, Mellow!"

"But they're still carnivorous, aren't they? And last I checked, people were made out of meat too." you point out. Bianca huffs and looks away. "I'm not hearing a 'no', B."

"Shut up."

[] Keep searching Follian Park for the Blue Phantom.
[] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
- [] Strongman Arcade
- [] Rockafeller Pier
- [] SSS Club Room, Xavier Crucible
[] Write-in
[X] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] SSS Club Room, Xavier Crucible

Lets...get the Jewel Seed into containment
Wouldn't want the trees to sudden sprout tentacles and start violating us."

Bianca shudders and wraps her arms around herself. "Good call."
What's B's problem with tentacles? She is mostly made of them anyway. It's the trees that should be worried.

And what's up with her movement for the rights of surgeon crabs? Does he have one as a pet at home or something?

No matter.

[X] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-- [X] Give Derek the gem for research (if he agrees, that is). Warn him about its properties so that he does not take it lightly.

Bianca did a good job and put up with our bullshit long enough. I think we owe her this one.

And if Derek starts groaning again, just give the eldritch expert the awesome trinket. Because we intended to anyway.
"Could it be some sort of magical catalyst?"

"Think so." You nod. "But better get this to Derek for confirmation."
That ought to shut him up. :whistle:

Just warn him about its properties, first, or else that thing will start some cactus uprising in the city.
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[X] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-- [X] Give Derek the gem for research (if he agrees, that is). Warn him about its properties so that he does not take it lightly.
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Just warn him about its properties, first, or else that thing will start some cactus uprising in the city.
*scribbles notes*

And yes, Bianca has a surgeon crab as a pet. Well, more like a display item really. As for tentacles...

Bianca: I use my tentacles to cut people into pieces, not sexually assault them.
[X] Call off the search. Head someplace to meet Derek and John with their findings.
- [X] Florian's 24 Hour Family Restaurant
-- [X] Give Derek the gem for research (if he agrees, that is). Warn him about its properties so that he does not take it lightly.