The Brutal Adventures Of Doomguy And Friends Quest (Doom/Multicross)

[x]...enough gear to really make those Demons feel their balls shrink.

[x]Beacon: While this looks like a standard UAC Distress Beacon, you know for a fact that it summons the same five UAC Marines every time you set it down, so maybe your fellow Marines are looking out for you even from beyond the grave.

[x]Advanced Combat Backpack: You need all the ammo you can carry once this whole thing starts, along with the extra gear.

[x]Box of Regeneration Stimpacks: Looks like a small black stimpack, like the baby cousin of the Berserk Pack. What it does is a potential life-saver as it releases specialist chemicals and artificial tissues to actively repair damaged and destroyed tissue even in the heat of combat. You always try to pack a box of these in case of need.

[x]You're not sure who this chick is, but she's a certifiable killing machine, that's for sure.
[x]...enough gear to really make those Demons feel their balls shrink.

[x]Advanced Combat Backpack: You need all the ammo you can carry once this whole thing starts, along with the extra gear.
[x]Box Of Stimkits: Unlike Stimpacks and Medkits, Stimkits provide a quick and easy patching up of combat injuries in the field, but multiples are required for more serious wounds.
[x]Medical Backpack: A fully contained field-surgery kit allowing one man to operate on anyone, even himself, in the heat of combat.

[x]You're not sure who this chick is, but she's a certifiable killing machine, that's for sure.
[X]...enough gear to really make those Demons feel their balls shrink.

[X]Beacon: While this looks like a standard UAC Distress Beacon, you know for a fact that it summons the same five UAC Marines every time you set it down, so maybe your fellow Marines are looking out for you even from beyond the grave.
[X]Advanced Combat Backpack: You need all the ammo you can carry once this whole thing starts, along with the extra gear.
[X]Box Of Stimkits: Unlike Stimpacks and Medkits, Stimkits provide a quick and easy patching up of combat injuries in the field, but multiples are required for more serious wounds.

[X]The Trio: You've never seen these guys operate alone except for really important missions, but they can kickass whether together or by themselves.
Pre-Game Settings
Weaponry Vote Count:
-Standard Gear: 6
-Light And Fast Loadout: 0
-Doomguy's Shit-Kicking Collection: 14

Gear Votes:

-Advanced Combat Backpack: 19
-Portable Sentry Gun: 5
-Box Of Regeneration Stimpacks: 9
-Beacon: 10
-Box Of Stimkits: 9
-Medical Backpack: 3

Companion Votes:

-Duke Nukem: 4
-Fem!Doom Slayer: 12
-Hexen Bros: 2
-Corvus: 3

Looks like it's a 90's badass and a female version of the silent murdermachine from 2016, it's like a timewarp!

But first things first.

Game Setup Votes

Gore Level: Pick One.

[]Realistic: Demons may have a bit more blood than humans, but not that much.
[]Brutal: Things are noticeably messier than real life.
[]Edgy: Humans, Demons and Aliens tend to spill at least two buckets worth of blood when they die.
[]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.
[]Japanese Cartoon: Doomguy goes into a house full of demons. Doomguy kills demons. Doomyguy proceeds to wade out of the house as blood pours down the stairs and out the doors. There's gobs of meat everywhere and you're pretty sure the carpet is a write-off now.

Difficulty Level: Pick One.

[]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[]Ultra-Violence (Increased numbers and 25% Tougher Monsters)
[]Nightmare (Fast Monsters, Monsters have 50% extra health. Random monsters spawn in when an area has been cleared out.)
[]Painkiller! (Increased monster numbers, Monsters deal 50% extra damage.)
[]12 on a 10-point Scale Of Badness (Increased numbers, double monster health, 50% extra damage, double ammo pickups)
[]I'm A Man And A Half! (As above, but with randomly spawning monster packs.)
[]Matrix (Double speed monsters, double damage.)
[]Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Come Here (Double speed monsters with double damage and tripled health. Double Ammo and Health pickups.)
[]Black Mass (All armour absorbs 100% of damage. Monsters kill you in 1 to 4 hits. The Hordes Of Hell are unleashed in their purest form. Unlimited Ammo, Infinite Inventory.)

Monster Options: Pick One.
[]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[]Disable Extra Monster Features: Turns off the extra monster features.
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[X]Japanese Cartoon: Doomguy goes into a house full of demons. Doomguy kills demons. Doomyguy proceeds to wade out of the house as blood pours down the stairs and out the doors. There's gobs of meat everywhere and you're pretty sure the carpet is a write-off now.
[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[X]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.
[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse, Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[X]Brutal: Things are noticeably messier than real life.
[X] Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X] Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.

Let's start by making it easy. As fun as going over-the-top is, it isn't reasonable if we have to use diplomacy at some point and we're covered with demon blood and guts. Besides, if we meet vampires they'll become invincible if we choose the most gory options.
Hexen, Heretic, DN3D... someone has studied their cultural heritage alright. o7

Well then. Let's do this oldschool style and show the new chick we were here first.

[X]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.
[X]Nightmare (Fast Monsters, Monsters have 50% extra health. Random monsters spawn in when an area has been cleared out.)
[X]Disable Extra Monster Features: Turns off the extra monster features.
[X]Realistic: Demons may have a bit more blood than humans, but not that much.

Difficulty Level: Pick One.

[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)

Monster Options: Pick One.
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.

[]Nightmare (Fast Monsters, Monsters have 50% extra health. Random monsters spawn in when an area has been cleared out.)

[]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[X]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.
[X]Nightmare (Fast Monsters, Monsters have 50% extra health. Random monsters spawn in when an area has been cleared out.)
[X]Disable Extra Monster Features: Turns off the extra monster features.
[X]Brutal: Things are noticeably messier than real life.
[X] Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X] Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.

Let's start by making it easy. As fun as going over-the-top is, it isn't reasonable if we have to use diplomacy at some point and we're covered with demon blood and guts. Besides, if we meet vampires they'll become invincible if we choose the most gory options.
That's part of the fun, young fool.

[X]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.

[X]Nightmare (Fast Monsters, Monsters have 50% extra health. Random monsters spawn in when an area has been cleared out.)

[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.

Click Click Boom Boom.
[X]Japanese Cartoon: Doomguy goes into a house full of demons. Doomguy kills demons. Doomyguy proceeds to wade out of the house as blood pours down the stairs and out the doors. There's gobs of meat everywhere and you're pretty sure the carpet is a write-off now.
[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[X]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.

[X]Nightmare (Fast Monsters, Monsters have 50% extra health. Random monsters spawn in when an area has been cleared out.)

[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/SuicideGrenade. To name a few.

Ah yas. Murder waifu wins! :)
[X]Japanese Cartoon: Doomguy goes into a house full of demons. Doomguy kills demons. Doomyguy proceeds to wade out of the house as blood pours down the stairs and out the doors. There's gobs of meat everywhere and you're pretty sure the carpet is a write-off now.
[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[X]Japanese Cartoon: Doomguy goes into a house full of demons. Doomguy kills demons. Doomyguy proceeds to wade out of the house as blood pours down the stairs and out the doors. There's gobs of meat everywhere and you're pretty sure the carpet is a write-off now.
[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
[X] Brutal: Things are noticeably messier than real life.
[X] Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X] Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.
It Begins
[X]Overdrawn at the Blood Bank: Not even demons have this much blood in them. Places tend to look like a Jackson Pollock painting, a big one, when the shooting stops.
[X]Hurt Me Plenty (Default Difficulty)
[X]Enable Extra Monster Features: Enables Mancubus Flamethrowers, Zombie Grenade throwing, Ceiling Imps, Lost Soul Corpse, Possession, Cacodemon Screams and Vision impairment, Archvile Summoning Ability, and Zombie Bleedout Sidearm/Suicide Grenade. To name a few.

Cracking your knuckles and sliding your helmet over your face, you sling your gear over your shoulders and pull out your radio, turning it to the agreed channel for contacting that blonde murder-bitch every demon that could speak called 'The Doom Slayer'. Whatever, you didn't need a fancy title to be badass, and neither did she, but then again since she never spoke a word you never knew exactly what she was thinking except when she gave you looks during conversations.

You didn't think you could have a conversation consisting of pouts, frowns, smiles and snarls. Whatever, the chick could rip and tear with the best of them, and you were the best so you knew what you were damn well talking about! At least she had that AI to speak for her, so there was some intelligence conversation to be had; Marines are people too! Badass people though, way better than those SEAL jackasses.

The UAC-issue radio beeps as it connects to her communication system and you smile, "Yo Got me some hellspawn looking to take some poor sumbitches outside and rape 'em like dogs, you want in on the shit-kicking party?"

"Ah, I was just wondering if we were going to be hearing your particular brand of obscenity-laden jargon." Huh, looks like she's got the AI playing answering machine for her, that's neat, "The Slayer is inbound to your position and rest assured she will be wearing what you like to call her 'shit-kicking' boots for this. She is quite excited."

"You and me both, Jarvis." Heh, Iron Man's pretty cool, you wish you had a robot butler, why the hell couldn't you have stolen a robot butler while you were on Earth? Not like Sarge's alive to give you shit for leaving your crap everywhere.

Note to self, remember to find a camera so you can take pictures the next time you drown something in that big-ass river of literal shit you found. God that was hilarious!

"Your grasp of pop culture is impressive as always, but please remain aware that my name is VEGA, not Jarvis." The AI replied and you shrugged.

"Yeah, sure. Tell her to hurry up, all right? I want to kick the doors in before they start opening portals." With that said, and with a brief reply from the AI, you turned off the mic in your helmet, sat down, and started counting how many Imps were on patrol.

You had about two-hundred counted when your motion scanner showed a blue 'friendly' approaching, and a glance showed the 'Doom Slayer' walking up the dirt path towards you while you stood up, hefted your DMR, and nodded, "Ready to bring the pain?"

The Slayer nodded before cracking her knuckles, she must've been as bored as you were. With that said, there was nothing left to do but figure out your plan of attack.

You stared at the Slayer, and she stared back at you, before cocking her shotgun.

Straight through the front door it was. Good plan.

The Imps wandering around the front of the fort built to protect the portal didn't have much time to react when the voice they all dreaded roared out, "KNOCK KNOCK! WHO'S THERE?"

With a hiss, several turned and immediately began launching fireballs at the green shape charging down the hill with a rifle in his hands...and a Revenant Launcher strapped to his shoulders just as he opened fire.

Bullets tore through flesh as several Imps were sent flying by rockets launched from the Doomguy's shoulders, blood spraying everywhere as he laughed, "COME HERE BOYS! I GOT SOMETHING TO SAY!"

A boot lashed out to send an Imp slamming against the stone bricks before a large knife sliced another in two, the rifle roaring as legs and heads were blown off as explosions drowned out the sound of the lesser demons dying, the laughter of the Doomguy sounding out above even that as he kept firing.

The sound of explosions and gunfire was more effective than any alarm; zombie soldiers poured from barracks while on the higher battlements, a Cyber-Baron roared orders to his un-augmented brethren while Hell Knights forced open doors and got ready to charge through the gates as soon as the Doomguy opened them.

The gunfire and explosions continued, and as the screams of dying Imps, Demons and a lot of Lost Souls began to die down, a deafening and unnerving silence filling the air before demons and zombies looked at each other, wondering what the hold-up was, the Doomguy never held back after the initial slaughter, he was too predictable like that.

And then the gates exploded in an eye-searing flash of green, flames and shrapnel sweeping into the courtyard to impale and immolate the waiting forces as another armoured form strode through the flames, hefting a giant chaingun in her hands as the barrels split open into three sets of triple-barrel guns.

A loud whirring sound revealed the Doomguy, walking into view to stand at the Doom Slayer's side, "Boo!"

The sound of dripping blood and the *splortch* sound that falling organs made was something of a nice, peaceful sound after the gunfire stopped echoing through the air, but for you and the Doom Slayer, you had bigger problems. Namely, the portal was active and already a scouting force was probably at their target and setting up another portal somewhere.

Which was you were busy monkeying around with the console controlling the portal to try and find the portal's destination.

"Hm, okay, so turn this, and then..." You randomly tapped keys and flipped switches until the Doom Slayer shoved you aside and placed her gloved hand on the screen, the suit and the AI hacking it directly to reveal the destination list.

Hmmm, so where the heck did those bastards go?

[]You see a scene of soldiers fighting what looks like an alien invasion.
[]It's some kinda urban warzone, ragtag soldiers fighting nasty-looking alien fuckers in black armour.
[]What the heck is in a small town called Sunnydale that has the Hellspawn interested?
[]The screen shows the wrecked interior of some kind of spaceship.
[]Is that Earth? Looks like the mountains near Los Angeles.
[]There's a scene the looks like some kind of fantasy realm; with a group of bandits getting cut up by a band of warriors.
[]Hmm, you don't recognise the city, but the language on the signs is Japanese.
[]Looks like an alien planet. Like you haven't been on enough space odysseys.
[]That kid's carrying a damn big scythe for a little girl.
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All those references, and I only get the Buffy and anime ones. :V

[X]You see a scene of soldiers fighting what looks like an alien invasion.
I'm hoping its Halo. Master Chief + Doomguy + Doom Slayer = massive amounts of awesome.
[X]You see a scene of soldiers fighting what looks like an alien invasion.

I am hoping for X com personally.