Taking Care of the Background Stuff
You watch as Manami slowly starts slurping at her noodles. This was a good sign, so you think you'll let her just eat. Instead, you turn your attention to the young man sitting at the table.

He's watching Manami too. Worry is etched into his face. That's no good, a part of you thinks, if he keeps doing that, he'll develop early wrinkles. It'd be a waste of a charming young man's youth.

Shut up, the rest of you snaps. This was an ordeal, he has every right to worry. You glance between the two. Ah, that's right..

"Good work, Logan."

He snaps out of his state to look at you. "Oh uh...thanks. It's just noodles and broth though…"

You shake your head. Modest. "That's not what I meant. You did good work, keeping things straight here after everything. I couldn't be here all the time, I got to make sure everything still runs good. Beebo's family is also hurt…"

He nods faintly. Manami stops eating, but gets back to it when you turn to look back at her. You nod slightly, satisfied.

"I know...you were planning on moving on soon. Going on some travels to worldy knowledge -"

"Yeah that...I don't know if I'm going to do that anymore. I...won't leave her alone. Not after what happened." You can practically hear Manami relax in the background. This is good, he'll be able to care for her when you're distracted with the others. You faintly smile, on the inside. You remember this moment. It shows you a glimmer what kind of man he'll end up being, not a bad sight, if you could say so yourself.

The faint crackling of static in the background yanks you out of your thoughts, and you turn to the door to the workshop.

"Tinker...come in Tinker. ….Tink?"

You nod to Logan and start getting up, "I'll get it."

Entering the room, you head over to the radio and sit your tired ass on the worn cushion of the stool. Pushing the button, you bring the mic up to your lips. "This is Whiskey. Tink is busy taking care of herself. Relay message. Over."

Man. You're going to need a drink soon.

[] Name: Flighty
[] Name: Bird
[] Name: The Man
[] Name: Nickle

(sorry for the short update folks)
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I wanna close votes in a couple hours, but we're currently at a tie..
Guys, this may take a little longer. I'm currently putting all my writing time into this one update for my other quest x.x
The Promised Vote
You're now Death, and you must say, this is an amusing scene in front of you. At the moment, the one you're following, by name of Beau, is eating breakfast with his siblings and his head ducked down.

The scolding he got had been enough to silence him for a good while now. Apparently his doctoring friend didn't appreciate that he'd been the one to make breakfast while Beau and the children spent hours talking and scheming about the gifts they'd planned to give to a couple families. The 'sorry I got your family member killed' kind of gift, you supposed. Or was it a peace offering so they wouldn't turn on each other?

Meanwhile the angry man left them to eat, and started talking into an interesting and somewhat loud device. He called for someone named tinkerbell. That was a name you hadn't heard in ages. He got answered by someone named Whiskey, and their ensuing conversation had convinced you of a couple things. First, is that who ever tinkerbell was, she belonged to one of the afflicted families. Second, either this man was incredibly unimaginative (He calls himself Bird. And you know this man as Nick Falcone. He's on a watch list of yours) OR, he'd heard that dreadful song. One of only a few you'd wish would fade into oblivion.

Ah, now it seems that Beau and his little squad are in movement. They've come to some sort of agreement while you were busy watching Nick.

What are Beau, Eliza, and Toby going to do now?
[] Write in

This may be an important shift. The start of a wondrous adventure. Perhaps one even worthy of keeping in your small library. You make appear a blank book and pen, so that you may record it. (made invisible to match the rest of you invisible appearance, obviously)

But….what will you title it?

[] Write in

Gah, its so short x.x

And took forever to get out!

I'm sorry, my brain has been fried for a while there, due to the last update HERE Original - Adventure Forth! GeneratorQuest which involved making up countries, cultures, and a good number of characters....and then writing up a 2k post x.x

But I'm back, and with an important vote :3 One I promised what feels like ages ago, because the name of the quest doesn't really fit anymore...
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Im so sorry x.x

I just realized that there are different themes on the site... and that my hcapter postedmight be unreadable or hard to read in some cause I change my text color.

I change my text color because I type up the chapters in google docs...and when I paste the post over, its black, and I've been using default the entire time.
If people could tell me how to change all my text colors so they could default for each theme as if i'd typed it here (if that's possible), I would be very thankful.
The problem is that you are using white color when reversing the effects brought over from gdocs, while what you should be using is 'no color' (right below it), which sets it to default.

That, or you could switch to BB Code Editor (second rightmost button in the text editor) and remove the 'color' tags manually.
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thank you v.v;

edit: ok both quest de-colored and set to default.
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-curious poke- is Almost Dead....almost dead? Or is it a rotting corpse already?
-curious poke- is Almost Dead....almost dead? Or is it a rotting corpse already?

Really, the only way a Quest can really die is if you choose to let it die.

There will always be people who enjoy a Quest like this, and will post up on it. Even if the number is small it's still a number.

Really, it's down to you.

Do you want to continue writing this Quest despite the low Voter count?

If yes, then keep going.

If no, then it's OK to move on. Your first Quest doesn't have to be a success. Look at me. The Alucard Quest is like my sixth or fifth one, and it's one of the most successful.
The problem is, I believe, that we have been changing perspectives so often, we lost sense of what we were supposed to be doing. This started with a certain premise, and now I can't track how the content of the last several updates relates to it. The choices don't make what is happening any clearer. I found myself looking at the empty vote and drawing a blank. Who are these people, and what place do they have in the story? What was the story about, anyway?

So I am mostly passively observing whether this gets on track (and if there is a track), because I simply don't know what to vote for. If there were pre-made votes, it could at least move on inertia by choosing at random.

I don't normally comment on this stuff unless prompted, and I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but if you want to know where the things went wrong, that's one of them.

That's not to say it's irrecoverable. You can take the vote we have, and see if things improve in the next update. I would agree with the sentiment that the quest isn't dead until you decide it is.