Weapon Of Zero Quest

It's hardly difficult to interpret:
[]Trinity, who spits fire and steel unending. May you who bears her weight crush all under your heel.

Gatling/heavy assault weapon of some sort. Volume of fire is obvious

[]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.

Stealth, probably not actually a gun, but invisibility of some sort.

[]Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.

It could be artillery, it could be rocketry, could be energy weapon. It makes big booms, and that's all we need to know.

I'm inclined to think sniper rifle for the second, and some sort of hand cannon for the third.
It's hardly difficult to interpret:
[]Trinity, who spits fire and steel unending. May you who bears her weight crush all under your heel.

Gatling/heavy assault weapon of some sort. Volume of fire is obvious

[]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.

Stealth, probably not actually a gun, but invisibility of some sort.

[]Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.

It could be artillery, it could be rocketry, could be energy weapon. It makes big booms, and that's all we need to know.
You don't say.

Thing is, that still doesn't really mean anything. Especially since it needs to be analyzed in context of Lousie's own abilities. Descriptions are not enough to glean anything useful about the weapon or style it would lead to, and espcially not enough to allow you to compare them in any meaningful fashion.

This vote is dumb. And I explained why. I never expected that GM would change the vote at this juncture, which is why it wasn't targeted at him.

It was for people reading this quest. If you fancy making a quest, don't start with non-votes. Make sure that your vote leads to discussion, which would lead to quest being higher on the forum listing thus giving you potentially larger pool of players.
I agree with your point, but the anger is probably a little over the top.
What anger?
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[X]Trinity, who spits fire and steel unending. May you who bears her weight crush all under your heel.

[X]You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X]A terrible and all-consuming war.

Both of your posts here have seemed passionate, critical, and without faith in the intelligence of others. (You called it 'f***ing stupid', in several different ways.) This naturally reads as anger.
Friendly reminder to the internet that you do not unthinkingly generate a tone of voice in text, and ergo we must judge your mood off word choice and any use of bold, italics, underlines, capitalization, and other forms of text altering, and therefore if you assume your 'tone is evident' without actually including such features you will likely be wrong and surprised by other's responses.
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[X]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.

[X]You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X]A terrible and all-consuming war.

Let's ~see how well
can ~she adapt.
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[X]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.

[X] You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X] Adventure and exploration.
[X]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.
[X]You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X]Powerful magics, more powerful than what you know of.

I really like combination of stealthy assassins and squishy mages. Kinda of rock, paper, scissors when you take "army" ins consideration - well shown in various Malazan books.
[X] Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.

People just can't stand it when your hand isn't being held, can you? :V
[X]Trinity, who spits fire and steel unending. May you who bears her weight crush all under your heel.

[X]You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X]Light and Darkness shifting in a constant balance.
[X] Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.

[X] You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X] Light and Darkness shifting in a constant balance.

i like big booms and I can not lie
[X] Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.

Edit: It occurs to me that this could also be a shotgun.
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[X] Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.

People just can't stand it when your hand isn't being held, can you? :V
There's a difference between 'no handholding' and 'our player character won't describe the aesthetics of the superweapons she's being offered'. Is Trinity a minigun? Is Shadow a vial of DX-1118C? Will choosing Majesty turn this into a Nation Quest?
Right now, I get the horrible impression that whatever I pick, there are good odds that I'd have preferred something else.
[X]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.
[X]You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X]Powerful magics, more powerful than what you know of.
[X]Shadow, who cuts like a dagger. May his cloak shroud you in comforting darkness and rob others of all sight.

[X] You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X] Adventure and exploration.
[X]Majesty, who roars as a Queen. May her thunder shatter your foes and drown out the voices of those who defy you.
[X]Return to the Academy.
Zero In A Strange Land
[X] You feel drawn to the other portal, feeling a sensation of...
-[X] Adventure and exploration.

You approach the weapon that appears to be some kind of pistol, deciding that familiarity would serve you better than trying to understand the workings of the other two; for one thing you weren't certain if Shadow was some kind of weapon or some kind of metallic animal, too much of it was strangely organic in form.

The less said about the massive mass of metal that was named Trinity the better. How in the Founder's name could you have lifted that in the first place? You shake your head as you grasp the large, heavy pistol, looking it over to see if you could recognize any of it's workings, but beyond the trigger, the cylinder that likely contained the ammunition, and what appeared to be the sights of the weapon on top, you only have the shape to give you any clue that this was a weapon and not some incomprehensible mass of metal like the other two.

Nodding firmly to yourself that you made the right decision, you decide that if this was how you were going to get a Familiar, you might as well get it over with. At the very least, a weapon might be enough to sway Mother into using some of her influence into getting you a military position but at the same time the other portal seemed...so...tempting...

You shake your head as you catch yourself walking towards the portal, before glancing up at it.

A feeling of adventure, of exploration, suffuses you as you stare at the rippling light. As if beyond that portal was a place where you could be more than Louise The Zero, you could go where you wanted, make your life your own.

You spared a glance back at the serene scene of the academy courtyard. It was familiar, and despite the mockery you would endure it was also safe, but then your eyes drifted down to the weapon in your hands, the heavy metal cool to your touch. This wasn't safe, was it? You'd get mocked all the more by coming back with this weapon instead of something living, and then you'd almost certainly be asked to leave.

And what was left for after? An arranged marriage that might not even happen when the only magic you could pull off was consistent mis-fires? Being carefully placed out of the public eye?

You grimace as you raise the weapon to your lips and calmly whisper, "Pentagon of the five elemental powers, bless this humble weapon, and make it my Familiar." You lightly give the gun a chaste kiss and feeling calmer for having done that bit of ritual regardless if it worked or no-

"Heaaaaargh!" A scream tears itself from your throat as you double over, a crawling sensation of agony and fire surging through you as the weapon gripped in your hands glows brightly as the sound of whispering flows through your mind and you stagger to your feet, the pain blinding you as you stumble to what you think is the portal back to Halkegania, to help.

You only catch a glimpse of light before realize your mistake.

And fall.

"Are you going to just sleep forever, child?"

Your eyes snap open before you jerk up to a sitting position from where you were lying on the...grass?

You look around, searching for the source of the voice.

"Down here child."

You look down and frown when you can only see your weapon. Wait, when did you consider it yours?

"When you bound me to you, child. I am yours now, and we are inseperable." A regal female voice speaks in your mind, "I might as well re-introduce myself. I am Majesty, whose voice is as thunder. I look forward to seeing you travel down this road."

"I...Louise Valliere," You answer as you compose yourself, "A pleasure to meet you, Majesty." Your weapon is talking to you, after you made it your Familiar, was nothing normal for you anymore?"

You look around to see if you could spot anything familiar after your trip through the unknown portal.

Well, that certainly killed any hope you had that you were somewhere in Halkegania. Still, maybe there were friendly natives here, and if not?

"If not, I will be very happy to slay them for you."

Well, at least she's confident. You pick a direction and start walking, hoping you were heading towards civilisation, rather than away from it. Thankfully, it's a sunny day today, for however long that would last.

Still, as you make your way across the strange countryside, you spot in the distance...
[]...some kind of village, maybe a mining one since everything seemed to be made of steel.
[]...a large dig site marked with ropes, with people moving about from pit to pit.
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Is that Elder Scrolls?

Are... are we Louise in Elder Scrolls?

I have never realised how much ive wanted such a thing until now. I hope that this is Elder Scrolls.
[X]...a large dig site marked with ropes, with people moving about from pit to pit.

Awwww shit, our gun talks! Best friend acquired.
[X]...some kind of village, maybe a mining one since everything seemed to be made of steel.

Cool. :D
As for other choices:
Trinity = sounds like massive gatling gun (*Team Fortress Heavy sound*)

Shadow.... who knows something about semi-organic attack/assist drone? Sounds familiar, but....
Guns! Awesome!

You should thread mark your first post by the way.
[X]...some kind of village, maybe a mining one since everything seemed to be made of steel.

We're in Elder Scrolls with a talking boomstick