Only thing I can think of right now is some sort of alchemical product, or the perfection of a gunpowder recipe. Anyone cares to speculate?
If it's alchemical it could be the precursor of percussion caps. The discovery of fulminate of mercury would be a big deal. On the other hand developing it will poison the heck out of everything around it due to being exploding mercury, but them's the breaks of science.
Except we already have active mines and the like in our territories. I don't see how finding one more is going to give us meaningful income. What good is a single mine going to do when a fully developed and populated province only gives us +0.5 income? If we need strategic resources, then sure, surveying is good, but if we want to make money, the economy isn't simulated down to that degree. Unless a gold mine is capable of producing income comparable to successor states like Tinshore or Greenshore, I don't see how getting one benefits us right now.

That's a really good point. We aren't going to get anything unless we hit the jackpot with a giant gold mine.

Meanwhile, I am having trouble with how can deepen our relation with the Khem, specifically in ways that give us income.
Meanwhile, I am having trouble with how can deepen our relation with the Khem, specifically in ways that give us income.

Deepening our relations with Khem isn't for income. It is for trying to get a long term ally. We need income, but at the moment, our best bets are taking Trelli and diploing the Hills. Anything else is a massive long short or impossible to pull off currently.
We could do:
Reestablish Administrative Control, Hathytta: Restore the mechanisms of control over Hathytta. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (???%. 1 year. +1 Influence, Profitable, +.5 Income)
once Trelli has been retaken.
We could do:
Reestablish Administrative Control, Hathytta: Restore the mechanisms of control over Hathytta. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (???%. 1 year. +1 Influence, Profitable, +.5 Income)
once Trelli has been retaken.

That is the plan. Unfortunately, it relies on us actually retaking Trelli in full first, which is the main issue. In brighter news, we just need the Hills option to succeed before 1600 for us to survive though we will need to look into more sources of income to survive past 1605 if we make past 1600.
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Your plan converge with mine, with the exception on authority.

I disagree with trying to give a bonus to the Authority action. We already get the best possible result from it and unless the QM comes along says that we can somehow get an even better result from it, I feel it is a waste of a personal action from trying to do the impossible.
[X] Plan Oshha
-[X] Authority: Control the Hills, Diplomatic: The Hills are in a state of partial rebellion. Send in diplomats and priests to bring that back into the fold. (???%. ? Years. Requires Authority. Profitable. Mutually Exclusive with Control the Hills, Martial)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea: You have no knowledge of what barbarian powers are important in the Monsoon Sea. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Kus and Monsoon Sea powers.)
-[X] Influence: Deepen Diplomacy, Khemetri: The Khemetri are a major power in the Saffron Sea and a known player in the Monsoon Sea. Becoming closer to them may be valuable. (???%. 1 Year. Unlocks Opinion Guage, unlocks interaction options.)
-[X] Influence: Damn Fool Apprentices: An apprentice has made a mess of things, but their master thinks the result might bear looking into further. (???%. 1 year.)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally.
--[X] Control the Hills, Diplomatic
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That is the plan. Unfortunately, it relies on us actually retaking Trelli in full first, which is the main issue. In brighter news, we just need the Hills option to succeed before 1600 for us to survive though we will need to look into more sources of income to survive past 1605 if we make past 1600.
We can make do with profit if Income is unable to be found. 5 years is a good chunk of time to scramble together a 3 or so profitable actions we would need to ensure we reach 1610.
We can make do with profit if Income is unable to be found. 5 years is a good chunk of time to scramble together a 3 or so profitable actions we would need to ensure we reach 1610.

I am counting profit, which is why the Hills is enough for us to survive past 1600.

Do we have an up to date map?
Yes, under Diplomatic Profiles.

@Aranfan Are we able to give a bonus to an Authority action? Also, is there any basis to this idea that we can get more money from doing surveys? Because it keeps popping up, but I'm not seeing the basis for it beyond people asserting that it will let us make more money somehow.

You can give personal attention to actions with authority.

As to the mines, part of the reason tinshore is worth .5 instead of .1 or something is that despite being tiny it has a bunch of tin mines.

Gold and Silver mines literally make money, and if you manage to find a strategic or highly desired resource like precious gems or god forbid mercury, that is also very valuable.
[X] Plan: Kushian Science
-[X] Authority: Control the Hills, Diplomatic - Our army is busy so this is the best option here.
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea: You have no knowledge of what barbarian powers are important in the Monsoon Sea. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Kus and Monsoon Sea powers.)
-[X] Influence: Damn Fool Apprentices: An apprentice has made a mess of things, but their master thinks the result might bear looking into further. (???%. 1 year.)
-[X] influence: Survey Homevalley Province: Homevalley has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use in the hills. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally.
--[X] Control the Hills, Diplomatic
[X] Plan: Surveys and diplomacy
-[X] Authority: Control the Hills, Diplomatic - Our army is busy so this is the best option here.
-[X] Influence: Survey Homevalley Province: Homevalley has been surveyed many times, but technology and the skill of surveyors is always improving. It might be possible to find something of use in the hills. (???%. 1 Year. Resources?)
-[X] Influence: Damn Fool Apprentices: An apprentice has made a mess of things, but their master thinks the result might bear looking into further. (???%. 1 year.)
-[X] Influence: Influence: Deepen Diplomacy, Khemetri: The Khemetri are a major power in the Saffron Sea and a known player in the Monsoon Sea. Becoming closer to them may be valuable. (???%. 1 Year. Unlocks Opinion Guage, unlocks interaction options.)
-[X] Personal: Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action) - Control the Hills, Diplomatic
It's more that they just literally don't have the numbers. The Great Khan killed a huge portion of the nobility. Enough that the state literally could not function without extending power to other classes to pick up the slack. If the nobles hadn't been willing to accept lesser power to keep the state going, the Core would have just utterly collapsed because it would have been impossible to fix the bureaucracy and then the Core would have to try to fix problems it couldn't see with resources it didn't have.

If you hadn't picked the Core, that would have happened. If you hadn't put Authority on Bureaucratic Reforms, it still probably would have happened.

Wow, the nobility were that hard-hit huh?

Though not all non-functional nobilities have faced inevitable and necessary change with humility. Plenty have gone down clinging to a dead past (and taken their host societies down with them).

I am not talking about taking the Thunder Plateau. Thunder Plateau is Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires. We are not retaking the Thunder Plateau from the Black Sheep by force.

Most of Afghanistan's history has been spent being part of some empire than conquered the region. The whole "graveyard of empires" thing is a bit of a silly meme. I'll bet it was coined by some bitter imperialist who was sore that Afghanistan wouldn't become part of their empire.

like coal! We should have coals within Georgia.

No coal in Georgia, or at least not in significant enough amounts to show on any of my maps. There is coal in what's now modern Turkey (currently the northern part of Txolla and Hathytta). Of course, maybe modern resource maps don't match to where the resources of the game world are.

As far as ways of making money go, is there a caravanserai network in the Ymaryn lands? Building one could do much to stimulate overland trade if we don't have one yet.

Most of Afghanistan's history has been spent being part of some empire than conquered the region. The whole "graveyard of empires" thing is a bit of a silly meme. I'll bet it was coined by some bitter imperialist who was sore that Afghanistan wouldn't become part of their empire.
It's a dry mountainous region that is very hard to administrate. As far as I am concerned the Blacksheep can have it. It's about the lest developed of our lands and the people who lived there we consider barbarians rather than The People. If we have to sacrifice some area as unimportant land to retake then the Thunder Plateau is it for me. Absolutely last priority and honestly I would rather expand north into what is in our world Ukraine than East into the Thunder Plateau.
The Thunder Plateau is Iran, not Afghanistan.

As the People consider it a part of the kingdom and are REE'ing hard about it being in barbarian hands.
It's a dry mountainous region that is very hard to administrate. As far as I am concerned the Blacksheep can have it. It's about the lest developed of our lands and the people who lived there we consider barbarians rather than The People. If we have to sacrifice some area as unimportant land to retake then the Thunder Plateau is it for me. Absolutely last priority and honestly I would rather expand north into what is in our world Ukraine than East into the Thunder Plateau.

For sure, just because conquest is possible doesn't make it a good idea.

Though we may find that reconquering the Thunder plateau is a good idea in the long run, due to the revanchism flaw and due to the Thunder plateau forming an economic/strategic unit with Txolla. There's a good reason why in the real world most versions of the Persian empire had Mesopotamia as the heartland. Txolla is be very exposed to the Black Sheep if we don't conquer or befriend them and unlike the rest of the OYE, which faces to the not-Mediterranean, Txolla and the Thunder plateau face the not-Indian ocean (the Kus ocean?)

The Roman Empire (in any version of itself) and the Ottoman Empire both held modern Iraq for periods of time, but in both cases their Mediterranean-facing nature meant that the one-time center of civilization was a strategic and economic backwater under their rule.

Though if Khemetri has some kind of canal between the not-Med and the not-Red Sea that could make it possible to keep Txolla running at full capacity economically. If Khemetri have a canal and like us enough to allow Ymaryn warships through, then we probably could do without the Thunder plateau without too much adverse effect.

These are all long term considerations though. The Ymaryn rump state could implode due to lack of income before we get to the point where any of what I have said becomes relevant...

@Aranfan does Hat Admin control become more likely *this year* if taking Trelli is successful *this year*?

Separately, there was a note in a previous update about accepting new math being hard since it meant admitting Khem was better than us. Has the adoption of zero been made easier by ceding KotH?

Edit: This part
There are possibilities here. But to grab them would be to admit that the Kus were better than the People on this. It might be worth it even so.
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