This whole thing is reminding me of the first time we changed our alphabet in-game and ended up having massive issues translating our past records because few people could read them :p
Turn 2 (1595 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results
Turn 2 (1595 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results

[X] Plan Kushy Math and Khem
-[X] Authority: Reestablish Administrative Control, Hills: Restore the mechanisms of control over the hills between the Core and Txolla. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (20%. 3 years. More defensible border, Profitable.)
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now:, Txolla: The Sacred Warding in Txolla is in shambles. Order some of the priests to do their best to repair it. (???%. 2 years. +Txolla Loyalty. Possible +Influence)
-[X] Authority: Diplomatic Contact, Khemetri: Who are the Khemetri these days even? Try to reach out and establish dialogue and relations. (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Contact, Vynta: Who are the Vynta and what do they want? (???%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea: You have no knowledge of what barbarian powers are important in the Monsoon Sea. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Kus and Monsoon Sea powers.)
-[X] Influence: Kus Numerals: The traders have some interesting things to say about their Kus counterpart's account books. Something about better numbers? The old number glyphs have served perfectly well for thousands of years, but maybe these numerals are worth looking into? (60%. 1 Year.)
-[X] Influence: Much Ado about Nothing: The Kus traders have said some things that have the priests in a titter. Some priests are asking for permission to travel to Kus to get more information. It's probably nothing important. (???%. 1 year.)
-[X] Attend to a particular action personally. (Provides bonus to action)
--[X] Kus Numerals

News from Trelli

Dafydd tried a number of gambits to take Western Trelli this year. He tried to build a bridge. He tried an assault in the morning when the sun was behind him. He tried guile and sneaking a number of his soldiers over disguised as merchants. All failed.

He needs an actual navy able to contest the sea if he is to have any chance of taking Trelli.

(-1 Influence)

Touch the Cow, Do it Now, MoS
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Things continue to go well on the reconstruction of the Sacred Warding. Many of the holdouts in the Memory of Spirits have fallen in line with the restoration of medical services. Things are going well from the reports.

Touch the Cow, Do it Now, Txolla
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Txolla is in a much better position than the Memory of Spirits Province with regards to the Sacred Warding. While substantial amounts have been carried off by the nomads, substantial parts are also fully intact. The priests get to work.

Restore Administrative Control, Hills
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

The hills prove unfortunately stubborn. Many of them reject your bureaucrats, blaming the King for failing to protect them from the Khan. Which is honestly fair enough, but you need the tax revenues from there and the border with the Black Sheep is woefully undermanned. It is frankly a miracle that Maximilian hasn't already moved again to take the Kingdom.

Something must be done to bring the hills into line.

The first impulse, naturally, is military. They are your subjects, and if they will not send the taxes they owe, then you should simply take them. However, these are still People, and hill fighting is extremely difficult. If these rebels fight with the same tenacity against you as they did against the Khan, it could take a very long time indeed to bring them into line. It might be faster to send diplomats and priests to coax the hill People back into the fold, but then talks might simply fail as well.

(Restore Administrative Control, Hills is nonviable. A new approach, martial or diplomatic, must be chosen next turn.)

Diplomatic Outreach, Khem
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Khem is the preeminent power of the Saffron Sea. They survived the rise of the Syffronites, who are apparently part of the Hellas now. They survived the rise of the Rum Impyra that emerged in the aftermath of the Syfrronites. They fell to the Samynish emerging from the Arabs, but swiftly swallowed them culturally.

As such, Khemet remains ruled by the high cleric of the Samynish faith who is also their king.

While the Khemetri have old grievances with the Syffronites of the Hellas League, they are presently focused on the Berba and some troublesome tribes to their south. That said, they would be willing to lend you the use of some of their Saffron navy to help you retake Trelli, in return for some... considerations.

They want: Sweetheart deals on your steel products, lower tolls than others for their traders going through Trelli into the Yllython, commitment to fighting piracy in the Saffron Sea in the future once you have a navy again, and to be formally acknowledged as the greatest power in the region.

[] Accept (Khemetri gain King of the Hill, possible delay in guild industry recovery, -1 Authority, unlikely +1 Influence, probably take Trelli next year)
[] Reject (King of the Hill remains in flux, no aid for Trelli.)

Diplomatic Outreach, Vynta
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 5. Failure.

You never hear back from the diplomat, or the ship. It probably sank in a storm.

Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 1 + 5 (Nothing) = 6. Failure.

You receive no less than three reports on your desk about the diplomatic situation on the monsoon sea. None of them agree.

You cradle your head in your hands. You thought the bureaucracy was fixed!

Resettle Northern Core Areas
Needed: 6+. Rolled: 80. Success.

People continue to stream from the cities to the farms and towns they had abandoned in the wake of the Great Khan. The cities are still husks of their former selves, but rebuilding has already begun.

Kus Numerals + Much Ado about Nothing
Needed: 41+. Rolled: 88 + 10 (Nothing) + 10 (Personal Attention) = 108. Success.
Needed: 51+. Rolled: Nat 100 + 10 (Kus Numerals). Crit Success.

On a hunch, you decide to investigate the Kus Numerals personally. As such you hire a Kus merchant to teach you their numbers for a large pile of Sonbywlls. You've always been good at math, so it goes fairly quickly. The Kus system is fascinating. It only has a small handful of glyphs, and relies on positions to tell the exact numbers. Doing math in this way is somewhat slower than the traditional methods, but much more precise. You imagine the Kus merchants have higher profits simply because their rounding errors are smaller.

The strangest thing about the numerals however, is that the Kus have a glyph for nothing. That is mindbending, and takes a lot of thought to get your head around. Honestly, you still don't really get it.

You sent a priest to get some books on the topic of "zero" from Kus. Within a year he came back with a number of books on the philosophy and mathematical properties of this strange "number". This immediately set off a firestorm. Within a month, shopkeepers and half-exiles were debating the significance and properties of "Zero".

There are possibilities here. But to grab them would be to admit that the Kus were better than the People on this. It might be worth it even so.

Adopt Gunpowder Weaponry
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 23. Success.

Progress continues in adopting and refining these new weapons.

One hour Moratorium
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[] Accept (Khemetri gain King of the Hill, possible delay in guild industry recovery, -1 Authority, unlikely +1 Influence, probably take Trelli next year)
[] Reject (King of the Hill remains in flux, no aid for Trelli.)

If we fail to take take Trelli next year, can we try again next year?

The only real concern for me is losing that Authority. A delay in the Guild Industry isn't that big considering we still got a couple of decades until it recovers while King of the Hill only hurts because giving it up is costing us that Authority.

On the other hand, getting Trelli would be worth losing the Authority...
I think we should take:
[] Accept (Khemetri gain King of the Hill, possible delay in guild industry recovery, -1 Authority, unlikely +1 Influence, probably take Trelli next year)
We need the money controlling the straight brings in and our army to fight the black sheep soon, we can't afford to build a navy and take it on our own.
Diplomatic Outreach, Vynta
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 5. Failure.

You never hear back from the diplomat, or the ship. It probably sank in a storm.

Diplomatic Overview, Monsoon Sea
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 1 + 5 (Nothing) = 6. Failure.

You receive no less than three reports on your desk about the diplomatic situation on the monsoon sea. None of them agree.

You cradle your head in your hands. You thought the bureaucracy was fixed!
. . . well frick there goes those actions
hopefully the former isn't from angering them
How likely do our advisors think it is that we can take Trelli? And can they think of any ways that we could make it more likely?

You just need to be able to make landfall on the other side. But you need a navy for that. Dafydd might be able to pull something out of his ass, but Philip is also a martial hero... so.
[] Accept (Khemetri gain King of the Hill, possible delay in guild industry recovery, -1 Authority, unlikely +1 Influence, probably take Trelli next year)

I'm going to say take it. We need Trelli and even if it is still a roll of dice, we don't have many other options, especially since we just failed to get a profitable action done this turn. It is a risk, but it is a risk that we need to take.

We got five years to improve our profits and now that I look at it, things aren't that bad. We got another +1 to Treasury in a couple of turns provided we don't get more bad rolls and we still got a chance to integrate the Hills before 1600. On the other hand, we got limited changes to improve profits or income.

So yeah, we should try it. Even if the only thing it guarantees is that it will hurt us.
Im assuming Syffronites are this worlds version of christianity/judaism?

No, it is a cultural group. The Saffron Isles were a civ in the Not!Med in PoC and thanks to Ymaryn iron, they were able to conquer the rest of the Not!Med as they were still using stone. At least that is how I remember things going down. I might be wrong about some details, but those are the broad strokes.
News from the Discord. The below action from last year got an 80 so provided we don't roll poorly next turn, we will get +1 to either Treasury or Income next turn.
-[X] Influence: Resettle Northern Core Areas: Stonepen, Blackmouth, Phygriftwin, and many other areas in the north have been destroyed by the Great Khan. But the Khan has left, and the mechanisms of state work again. It should be possible to resettle the refugees back on their own lands. Many new gentry and nobility will need to be raised to manage the famland brought back into cultivation, but the renewal of those tax incomes will greatly help the state. (95%. 3 Years. Profitable.)
Okay, we currently have no safe way to survive 1600. Assuming the Northern Core doesn't get a terrible roll next turn, that is +1 to either Treasury or Income, which would put us at 0/10 Treasury in 1600. The Hills was supposed to be the second +1 to either Treasury or Income, but it failed and while it might still be doable, we don't know until we see next turn's actions so that course of action is a gamble. So is accepting the Khem's deal, but we can afford to take both uncertain gambles and we need at least one of them to survive past 1600.

So I'm going to say do it. It is a gamble, a gamble where the only certain thing is that it will be painful for us, but it is one that we need to take.
[X] Accept (Khemetri gain King of the Hill, possible delay in guild industry recovery, -1 Authority, unlikely +1 Influence, probably take Trelli next year)
[X] Accept (Khemetri gain King of the Hill, possible delay in guild industry recovery, -1 Authority, unlikely +1 Influence, probably take Trelli next year)
King of the Hill was always a sucker's game anyhow - we only ever got access to it because we didn't collapse all the damn time like the other more ambitious nations did. We can take it back later if we really need to, but for now the focus needs to be on keeping the integrity of our state going, and for that we need Trelli.