Megaproject idea:

Treasure Fleet - An entire fleet filled with scholars, the finest goods of the Ymaryn, plants, animals, even books and the warships to protect them. Their mission? To explore and meet new people. The idea is based on Chinese's treasure voyage.

Rereading a story post:

Then came the hard and dangerous part. King Bedwyr and a bodyguard traveled by river to Xohyr to treat personally with Governor Balthazar of Txolla. Txolla had been ravaged by the Black Sheep on their way to the Thunder Plateau, and the land was rampant with bandits. No less than three attacks did the King suffer on his path to the Governor, in one skirmish he was even injured and if not for the attentions of his personal physician may have grown sick and died. Yet in the end he arrived to Xohyr.

I hope that the current King actually had enough sense to travel downriver with more than just a single bodyguard.
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Megaproject proposal, probably requiring the unlocking of the Great Library: Finally complete both an ancient thread ambition and our revenge against the Great Khan, and Forest The Steppe. This is as insane a project as it is long-term and thus probably unfeasible under this system, but dammit we shouldn't let sense and expense stop us! We're the Ymaryn! How's this for revanchism?
I have written up most of the turn.

All I have left is... the political situation in europe.


It might take me a day or two for this guys, sorry.
Turn 1 (1594 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results
Turn 1 (1594 Andyidh Dyadorn) Results

[X] Plan Prototype
-[X] Authority: Touch the Cow, Do it Now:, MoS: The Sacred Warding in Memory of Spirits is destroyed. Order some of the priests to do their best to restore it. (???%. 3 years. +MoS Loyalty. Possible +Influence)
-[X] Authority: Reestablish Administrative Control, Txolla: Restore the mechanisms of control over Txolla. The flow of taxes, orders, and information must be restored. (75%. 1 year. +1 Influence, Very Profitable)
-[X] Authority: Personal Stewards of Nature, Hellas: Demand that the Hellas remove themselves from Trelli. (1%?. 1 Year. +Influence)
-[X] Influence: Resettle Northern Core Areas: Stonepen, Blackmouth, Phygriftwin, and many other areas in the north have been destroyed by the Great Khan. But the Khan has left, and the mechanisms of state work again. It should be possible to resettle the refugees back on their own lands. Many new gentry and nobility will need to be raised to manage the famland brought back into cultivation, but the renewal of those tax incomes will greatly help the state. (95%. 3 Years. Profitable.)
-[X] Influence: Lord's Loyalty War Mission, Hathytta: Send the army to Hathytta and put it at the disposal of the governor. (100% 1 year. Success and length of campaign rolled separately. Possible influence gains or losses depending on result. Possible +Hathytta Loyalty)
-[X] Influence: Lord's Loyalty City Levy, Hathytta: Conscript some of the excess population of the cities and send them to the Hathayan governor to use as he sees fit. (95% 1 year. Success and length of campaign rolled separately. Possible influence gains or losses depending on result. Expensive. Possible +Hathytta Loyalty)
-[X] Influence: Diplomatic Overview, Saffron Sea: You have no knowledge what barbarian powers are important in the realm of the Syffronites. In your current position of weakness that ignorance could be deadly. (90%, 1 year. Overview of Saffron and Saffron Sea powers.)
-[X] Catch up on the latest plays and theological debates (-Stress)
-[X] Turn it off

Negative Climate Event negated by Sacred Forest


Turn off Fire Sale

The Guild Chief nearly collapses in relief. It will take many years for the guilds to recover, but in time they surely will. Still, now you actually have to worry about incomes and expenses.

Mass Resettlement and Farm Training
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Many farms have begun sending out food again. Many new gentry and nobles have been raised to fill the positions left by the dead. The tax revenues also flow in. Less than should, but that is a matter for fuller repairs.

Touch the Cow, Do it Now
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

You order the priests of the core to immediately begin work restoring the Sacred Warding to Memory of Spirits Province. There is apparently some trouble at first, as the foremost expert in the Sacred Warding is deaf. However, with your full backing, the matter was sorted out quickly, and the effort is in full swing.

The first step is getting appropriate portions of the sacred herds over to Memory of Spirits, which shall form the core of the warding there. You must admit, many of the details escape you, you are no priest.

Reestablish Administrative Control, Txolla
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

One more, outsiders have sought to prey upon Txolla. Once more, the People came promptly to the rescue of their subordinate. As ever, the lord has demonstrated loyalty to the vassal. Is it any wonder that the People of Txolla are so eager to return to the embrace of the Kingdom?

Even so, you needed these tax revenues.

(Income +2)

Personal Stewards of Nature, Hellas
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

You, the King of the People, issue a missive demanding that the barbarians of Hellas vacate Trelli or face the wrath of The People.

The response is swift as these things go, and quite enraging. It is, of course, couched in diplomatic niceties. Yet the message is clear. "Come have a go if you think your hard enough." You were the ones who sold them the bombards that let them bring down the walls of Trelli, to take your own city. You are clearly, to them, too unstable to actually defend your lands.

It is good then, that you have already sent armies to force the issue!

Lord's Loyalty War Mission, Hathytta
Lord's Loyalty City Levy, Hathytta
Needed: 1+. Automatically successful
Needed: 6+. Rolled: 69. Success.

Once again, Dragon General Dafydd marches from Valleyhome at the head of an army. The hills of Hathytta are hard terrain to fight through, but the people who hold them accept that you are there to take back Trelli for them, and so they let your troops through. Not even a season passes before Dafydd is conferring with the Governor in the hills overlooking the Eastern Walls of Trelli.

It looks to be a long seige, since Dafydd lacks the ships to prevent resupply from sea. However, then the Dragon General reveals that he has learned from his foes. He has taken a leaf from the Sherynyt's book, and had spies and saboteurs lay charges to bring down the walls.

Less than a month passed from Dafydd's arrival to the Governor once more sitting in the Governor's Palace in Trelli. The problem, however, is the western part of the city. The attempt to land troops in time to take advantage of the walls going down was beaten off.

You don't know how the War Chief will take the Western City, but you hope he can.

Diplomatic Overview, Saffron Sea
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 47. Success.

There are a number of powers in the Saffron Sea, as well as many smaller states of no particular consequence.

The Berba share the southern coast of the Saffron Sea with the Khem, they are known for their horsemen.

The Euskal Herria, is centered on a mountainous region on the north western coast of the Sea, and mostly concerns itself with goings on in the northern part of the Saffron peninsula.

There are two powers of note in the Etal Peninsula. The first and north based one, is Vynta, which controls much of the eastern coast of the peninsula. Then there are the Ruma, who control two of the large islands off the west coast of Etal.

The Hellas you already know about, roughly. Sitting as they do, right near Trelli. Well, in it at the moment.

Finally, the Khemetri down directly south of Hathytta.

These are the most relevant powers of the Saffron Sea. All of them seem to hate each other to one extent or another. Old wounds you aren't clear on.

Adopt Gunpowder Weaponry
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 13. Success.

Progress continues. The new weapons have already proved their worth.

Resettle Northern Core Areas
Needed: 6+. Rolled: 15. Success.

Your bureaucrats organize a mass evacuation from the cities. It will take place in stages, as people return to their homes to rebuild. To once more till the soil. It will take some time for them all to be resettled, since we are talking about moving more than a million men. But once they are back on their farms, things will be better. Both for them and the coffers.


You head to the latest play with your wives. It's a hilarious knee slapper filled with innuendo. On the surface, it's a debate between a number of priests about subtle theological issues. But really, it's an excuse to cram as much innuendo into their mouths as possible. As far as theology goes, the Carrion Eater representing the Old Ways comes off best, not least because he is the one who leans furthest into the raunchiness.

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So we got Income now and as expected, it is negative. @Aranfan, a couple of questions. I assume that the answer is yes, but do we have -2 after applying the +2 Income we gained this turn? Second of all, when is the next time that Income is applied?

That is the income after Txolla is reintegrated, yes. I am going to do it every time the year ends in 5 or 0.
So next turn, we don't know the actions, but I'm thinking we get started on the Sacred Warding for Txolla and focus on improving both our income and warships if we can. We got confirmation on the Discord that our War Chief will automatically continue his campaign to take Trelli next turn, but I'm thinking we could try to put pressure on the Hellas by reaching out to one of the other powers on the Saffron Sea. If we got the Influence spare, I also want to see what is going on to our East.

That is the income after Txolla is reintegrated, yes. I am going to do it every time the year ends in 5 or 0.

Unfortunate, but as I expected. So we can expect our treasury to go down to 1/10 next turn. Annoying, but we can still work with that even if it limits our options.
OK, so can we do 2-3 build boat actions in a round?

In theory yes, but in practice we lack the finances to do that. We need to improve our economy before we can actually do that.

Guild Industry (1/5): The People are an industrial titan unmatched in the present age. Neither the Kus nor the Hung are able to match their output, and the best products of those lands only match the average quality of what is produced by the People.
(Every 2 years, +1 Treasury Status. If wonder is degraded, instead every 7-Lvl years it will repair itself by 1 lvl.)
@Aranfan Since I've asked about Income, when does the Guild Industry change our Treasury.

Incidentally, Guild Industry is massively powerful. It completely offsets our negative income at the moment and arguably puts it into the positive..
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So next turn, we don't know the actions, but I'm thinking we get started on the Sacred Warding for Txolla and focus on improving both our income and warships if we can. We got confirmation on the Discord that our War Chief will automatically continue his campaign to take Trelli next turn, but I'm thinking we could try to put pressure on the Hellas by reaching out to one of the other powers on the Saffron Sea. If we got the Influence spare, I also want to see what is going on to our East.

Unfortunate, but as I expected. So we can expect our treasury to go down to 1/10 next turn. Annoying, but we can still work with that even if it limits our options.
Perhaps a diplomatic mission to Hathytta to try to get a bit of income to build boats to take the rest of their city? Or to push them to build boats directly?
@Aranfan Since I've asked about Income, when does the Guild Industry change our Treasury.

Incidentally, Guild Industry is massively powerful. It completely offsets our negative income at the moment and arguably puts it into the positive..

If you had decided to clear the forest, it would add to the treasury every even turn. I'm going to need to do some math to tell if it'll be evens or odds when it's finished repairing itself tho.
I'm going to need to do some math to tell if it'll be evens or odds when it's finished repairing itself tho.

Doesn't it repair itself by a Level every seven years? Unless I'm reading how it works wrong.

The Guild Industry will be fully repaired in 28 Years or 1722 AD.
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So the economy is more broke than I originally assumed. Not ideal, but it just means we need to increase our income next years.

Trelli (suppressed): The strait of Trelli is an extremely important waterway. Merchants flock there from all over the black and saffron seas. The Wealth of Empires flows through that straight, and whoever controls it has but to dip their hand into that stream to pull out wealth beyond dreams of avarice.
(+1 Treasury Status every 5 years)
@Aranfan When it says that Trelli is suppressed without crossing out the effect, is that a mistake and we don't get any income or do we only get +1 Income from it while it is suppressed?
I'll need to put it in a thing in the thread somewhere, but each province other than Txolla and Thunder Plateau are .5 income by default
Hathytta has Trelli tho, so it's more like 1.5 than .5

@Aranfan When it says that Trelli is suppressed without crossing out the effect, is that a mistake and we don't get any income or do we only get +1 Income from it while it is suppressed?
