In discord @Oshha asked:
How are the Hellas reacting to us just taking half the city after they laughed at us and told us to take a swing at them if we thought we could take them?

I responded:

They are freaking the fuck out.
They'll probably try to lean on their naval advantage.
But they definitely suffered a major morale shock.

Does Hat-chan have a navy?

The Hellas captured most of the parts of your navy that went to Trelli.
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Is that our current navy or old navy that we lost during the collapse?

You had a token but adequate navy in the Yllython pre-collapse. When the collapse happened, nobody with a ship thought the core would make it, so the navy splintered. A decent chunk went to trelli, but the majority went to the rebels.

The Hellas have captured via boarding action most of the ships that went to the Hathytta during the collapse.
They are freaking the fuck out.
They'll probably try to lean on their naval advantage.
But they definitely suffered a major morale shock.
Ymaryn: Oi Hellas, get out of our straight. That's our trading spot.
Hellas: Did you forget, Ymaryn, that you sold us the very guns that we took your city with? We have your secrets now!
Ymaryn: And?
Hellas: What we're saying is, you're not dealing with your average barbarian incursion anymore! You wouldn't be able to oust us if you tried!
Ymaryn: You sure about that?
Hellas: Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough!
Ymaryn: Eh, alright then, if you're sure.
Hellas: Wait hang on I didn't think you were gonna say - OH GODS THE PAIN
From the looks of things we'll need to continue settling & possibly expand the areas being resettled in order to support a multi-year Trelli campaign.

@Aranfan is there any further to go in the Txolla integration process, at least as far as securing more income?
More stuff from the Discord:

@Aranfan Do we know the military strength of the other Ymaryn successor states?

AranfanToday at 01:02
Well, the rebels know how to do a city levy, and each have at least one true city

the Black sheep are the biggest threat, militarily speaking

because their cavalry forces are not at all depleted like the rest
It is fascinating to ponder how the presence of the Ymaryn has impacted cultures. Irish myths have their heroes visiting Greece and Persia, the Greeks mythologized the Sumerian gods and city-states along with India, the Romans and Chinese both semi-mythologized the other power.

Here, the Ymaryn has as far everyone knows been a continuous power that exists and has always existed at the crossroads of alt-Eurasia. Everyone is going to have their own take on them. There are probably dozens of legends where the hero has to visit a library in the core to learn some ancient, forgotten bit of knowledge. Even future science fiction and fantasy is going to be influenced by the presence of the Ymaryn with various authors like the alt-Tolkien likely creating their own stand-in for them.
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Land and Sea
Omake: Land and Sea
How are the Hellas reacting to us just taking half the city after they laughed at us and told us to take a swing at them if we thought we could take them?

They are freaking the fuck out.
They'll probably try to lean on their naval advantage.
But they definitely suffered a major morale shock.

The White Fort, Eastern Trelli
Fall, 1694

General Barazod shoved open the double doors to the war council chamber wearing a storm on his brow. "Hate when you're right. Landing expedition was repelled, defenders too dense on the shore even behind their main lines. Least we didn't lose too many, with those light ships of yours plucking idiots from the sea."

The man this grumbling was addressed to, Admiral Herak, grimaced and threw back his cup of wine before responding. It was the last of a cask, now empty on a nearby table. He gestured to it with his empty cup. "You can buy me another barrel as a thank-you. Or apology. I told you we needed to fortify the eastern hills before responding to the tree-fuckers."

"Insanity. Why fight someone you just armed?" The general growled as he sat, pointedly ignoring his naval counterpart.

"Insanity indeed. The gods alone know what possessed their general to bring along so much powder. Those light ships - which haven't been mine all that long, you'll recall - are patrolling to ensure they cannot conduct same maneuver on our side of the strait."

Barazod did not look up as he rearranged carved wooden pieces around the large map spread on the table. "Pff. 'Our side'. Both are ours. Just have to kick out the easterners. What's their next move?"

"They stop selling us guns, for one," Herak murmured over steepled fingers. "Then we strangle their sea trade. Then they either spend years building enough ships and guns to challenge us, or they spend years marching around the whole sea and leave the eastern city vulnerable while fighting through provinces in active rebellion."

"Hrmph. I wouldn't mind fighting an army after that march. Can we burn their shipyards?"
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Could we in theory raid for treasury? For example raid the Hellas mainland once we take the other side of the straight?

Because I think that's a valid threat if we want to push diplomacy next round.
Could we in theory raid for treasury? For example raid the Hellas mainland once we take the other side of the straight?

Because I think that's a valid threat if we want to push diplomacy next round.

I mean, you can. But do you want to? One of the reasons the Ymaryn are so freakishly stable is that they tend to not loot and exploit. They treated Txolla like the core immediately upon acquiring it, investing it with black soil and mechanical technology. The Melkut Ymaryn that just emerged from the collapse has lost institutional continuity, if you decide to start looting now, it is quite likely you will never stop, and that will do very bad things indeed to your stability.
Yeah, the Ymaryn were quite stable in part because they didn't wantonly loot and plunder places, whether they conquered them or not. Having a professional fighting force that fights for glory/prestige rather than to pillage other peoples really helps there too. :p
Yeah. Some degree of treaty-dictated reparations is definitely a possibility as we had done it before in PoC, but outright raiding is a big nono. Even with the Khemetri invasion, we just exchanged minor reparations to basically show respect for one another and then became great allies.
The Guild Chief nearly collapses in relief. It will take many years for the guilds to recover, but in time they surely will. Still, now you actually have to worry about incomes and expenses.

Workers exhausted to hell; capital equipment worn down. The Guilds are the truly the heroes of the hour(if not the millennia). Aren't they glad that they didn't turn Sacred Forest into farmlands and got ridden of the priests?

Wait, they probably don't care that much at all, except whatever the priests told them what to do.

Mass Resettlement and Farm Training
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

Many farms have begun sending out food again. Many new gentry and nobles have been raised to fill the positions left by the dead. The tax revenues also flow in. Less than should, but that is a matter for fuller repairs.

Great news! I hope to make the core sustainable one day, even with its high population. But it's a silly hope.

Touch the Cow, Do it Now
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

You order the priests of the core to immediately begin work restoring the Sacred Warding to Memory of Spirits Province. There is apparently some trouble at first, as the foremost expert in the Sacred Warding is deaf. However, with your full backing, the matter was sorted out quickly, and the effort is in full swing.

The first step is getting appropriate portions of the sacred herds over to Memory of Spirits, which shall form the core of the warding there. You must admit, many of the details escape you, you are no priest.

Yay for narrative flourish as a result of my omake turned canon sidestory.

Reestablish Administrative Control, Txolla
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

One more, outsiders have sought to prey upon Txolla. Once more, the People came promptly to the rescue of their subordinate. As ever, the lord has demonstrated loyalty to the vassal. Is it any wonder that the People of Txolla are so eager to return to the embrace of the Kingdom?

Even so, you needed these tax revenues.

(Income +2)

Txolla-chan: Thank you!

Personal Stewards of Nature, Hellas
Needed: Irrelevant, Authority

You, the King of the People, issue a missive demanding that the barbarians of Hellas vacate Trelli or face the wrath of The People.

The response is swift as these things go, and quite enraging. It is, of course, couched in diplomatic niceties. Yet the message is clear. "Come have a go if you think your hard enough." You were the ones who sold them the bombards that let them bring down the walls of Trelli, to take your own city. You are clearly, to them, too unstable to actually defend your lands.

It is good then, that you have already sent armies to force the issue!

I am not quite sure what we expected to gain from using an authority. Luckily that is freed for us to use.

Lord's Loyalty War Mission, Hathytta
Lord's Loyalty City Levy, Hathytta
Needed: 1+. Automatically successful
Needed: 6+. Rolled: 69. Success.

Once again, Dragon General Dafydd marches from Valleyhome at the head of an army. The hills of Hathytta are hard terrain to fight through, but the people who hold them accept that you are there to take back Trelli for them, and so they let your troops through. Not even a season passes before Dafydd is conferring with the Governor in the hills overlooking the Eastern Walls of Trelli.

It looks to be a long seige, since Dafydd lacks the ships to prevent resupply from sea. However, then the Dragon General reveals that he has learned from his foes. He has taken a leaf from the Sherynyt's book, and had spies and saboteurs lay charges to bring down the walls.

Less than a month passed from Dafydd's arrival to the Governor once more sitting in the Governor's Palace in Trelli. The problem, however, is the western part of the city. The attempt to land troops in time to take advantage of the walls going down was beaten off.

You don't know how the War Chief will take the Western City, but you hope he can.

Surprisingly low barrier to success. I hope that they didn't make us keep to the 5 years deadline.

Diplomatic Overview, Saffron Sea
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 47. Success.

There are a number of powers in the Saffron Sea, as well as many smaller states of no particular consequence.

The Berba share the southern coast of the Saffron Sea with the Khem, they are known for their horsemen.

The Euskal Herria, is centered on a mountainous region on the north western coast of the Sea, and mostly concerns itself with goings on in the northern part of the Saffron peninsula.

There are two powers of note in the Etal Peninsula. The first and north based one, is Vynta, which controls much of the eastern coast of the peninsula. Then there are the Ruma, who control two of the large islands off the west coast of Etal.

The Hellas you already know about, roughly. Sitting as they do, right near Trelli. Well, in it at the moment.

Finally, the Khemetri down directly south of Hathytta.

These are the most relevant powers of the Saffron Sea. All of them seem to hate each other to one extent or another. Old wounds you aren't clear on.

We need allies to help fight the Hellenes league. I struggle to figure out what we can offer them.

Adopt Gunpowder Weaponry
Needed: 11+. Rolled: 13. Success.

Progress continues. The new weapons have already proved their worth.

If only the Guilds git gud faster.

Resettle Northern Core Areas
Needed: 6+. Rolled: 15. Success.

Your bureaucrats organize a mass evacuation from the cities. It will take place in stages, as people return to their homes to rebuild. To once more till the soil. It will take some time for them all to be resettled, since we are talking about moving more than a million men. But once they are back on their farms, things will be better. Both for them and the coffers.

And here the bureaucrats continued to have practice with mass movement and logistics.


You head to the latest play with your wives. It's a hilarious knee slapper filled with innuendo. On the surface, it's a debate between a number of priests about subtle theological issues. But really, it's an excuse to cram as much innuendo into their mouths as possible. As far as theology goes, the Carrion Eater representing the Old Ways comes off best, not least because he is the one who leans furthest into the raunchiness.


I wonder if this is open to the common man.
Workers exhausted to hell; capital equipment worn down. The Guilds are the truly the heroes of the hour(if not the millennia). Aren't they glad that they didn't turn Sacred Forest into farmlands and got ridden of the priests?

They hate it. They look at all the money they lost and cry. The only guilds that are a fan of Bedwyr are the fireworks and cannon guilds.
They hate it. They look at all the money they lost and cry. The only guilds that are a fan of Bedwyr are the fireworks and cannon guilds.
Well we hate you too! We never wanted you anyways. The guilds were always just a compromise after our primitive planned economy began breaking down and we ran out of geniuses to paper over the bureaucratic issues :p