So, what do we exactly gain from talking to the highlanders? Break them out of their shell and increase trading?

I supposed diplo-annexing is out of the question, but hopefully we get relations where Highlanders aren't liable to stab us in the back at the worst possible moment.
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So, what do we exactly gain from talking to the highlanders? Break them out of their shell and increase trading?
Having open diplomatic relations is a benefit in itself. For example, it could make them less likely to attack us and it makes making peace with them easier. It also unlocks certain actions like that require diplomatic contact like forming a spy network in their lands or being able to make formal peace with them.
Ymaryn: We almost died! Also, the task of unifying the Kingdom is terrible. We shall never let it happen again.
Hung: Yes! I killed the Khan. Now, nothing need to change much. We can go back to being Hung.
Ymaryn: We almost died! Also, the task of unifying the Kingdom is terrible. We shall never let it happen again.
Hung: Yes! I killed the Khan. Now, nothing need to change much. We can go back to being Hung.
And the hung wonder why we aren't awed at their 'great feat'.
After all we managed to break the khan around the same time the Ymaryn did, with us picking up the pieces desperately trying to survive the fallout, while the hung fought the shadow of the great Mongol horde...
And the hung wonder why we aren't awed at their 'great feat'.
After all we managed to break the khan around the same time the Ymaryn did, with us picking up the pieces desperately trying to survive the fallout, while the hung fought the shadow of the great Mongol horde...

I wasn't thinking how badass the Ymaryn are, just contrasting the two different reactions.

I don't know what's going on in the Hung, but we probably change them more than they do us. The Warding, if not revolutionary, is a great change to their society.
[X] Plan Oshha
Don't really like this whole "Appease khem at all cost cause we aren't rivals but secretly friends thing"

Korporati Votes
[X] Plan Oshha
Don't really like this whole "Appease khem at all cost cause we aren't rivals but secretly friends thing"

Korporati Votes
I don't think of it as us trying to appease them at all costs; if they act like a dick again after this I'm all for warring them. I just want to try our best to diplomacy them before that.
OK, so here's the idea for universal literacy and math: it opened up the illiterate's world. So, you have all these new clerks and they're all talking to teach other about their experience in learning to read and the books that they can now read.

Eventually, that idea carries to the core. And it got guild trainee talking about how learning to read open up the world to them. Then someone finally thought about universal literacy, and how it's such a gift and why not everybody learn to read?
Something to keep in mind is that recent studies have found that almost everyone was actuallly literate...but only in the local area's dialect. It didnt take much distance before you were only semi-able to read other region's signs. And the version used by record-keeping is understandably much different. To Upper Class British, this looked as if poor people were illiterate, because clearly only the ability to read english as they write it was acceptable.

With us. I expect the local dialect issue to be worse. It is going to be expensive to make sure everyone reads and writes the language the same way.
Something to keep in mind is that recent studies have found that almost everyone was actuallly literate...but only in the local area's dialect. It didnt take much distance before you were only semi-able to read other region's signs. And the version used by record-keeping is understandably much different. To Upper Class British, this looked as if poor people were illiterate, because clearly only the ability to read english as they write it was acceptable.
How does that work when even today, literacy is limited? Or are we talking about specifically Britain?

Don't really like this whole "Appease khem at all cost cause we aren't rivals but secretly friends thing"
I think you've been reading too many hot takes on it. We aren't friends at the moment, but we do have strategic interests in common.

A Khem on good-enough terms to agree to a Silk Trade oligopoly is probably worth a lot more than the two trade deals we can fit in before the canal opens.
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Ding-dong, the Revaunchists are dead!
Their pride and preening went to their head!

Khem had 90% chance to accept the current loan; they're likely to approach us in the future. Further support would plausibly boost relations and remove the rivalry. It may even lead to a coordinated oligopoly on trade from the Far-East, benefiting both them and us.


31/1624 Initial Results & 32/1625 Start Snapshot of frequently-changed stats (31/1624 Start)
Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 12 (Average)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 16 [Good])
Total Naval Score: 26

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Deployed to Amber Road
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Not Deployed

Treasury Status: 8.3/10
Income: +.8

Expensive Actions subtract 1 from treasury status, Profitable actions add 1 to it. Very is x2, Extremely is x3, Ruinously/Insanely is x4.
Income adds itself to the Treasury Status every 5 years.

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Solid
Western Wall: Solid, for now
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Transitioning to Civilian Control, Rock Solid

Client States:

Tin Tribes

Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R?
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 7/10 [C], 3/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 4/5 {B}

Melkut Ymaryn: 83

Additional Stats (31/1624 Initial Results & 32/1625 Start)
Prestige:: 83
Authority: 1
Influence: 3 (+1 newly-available)
Estimated Stress (unknown start point): 14.5
Other Notables: Revaunchists dissolved

Num Profitable Markets: 3 (2 without Probable -Amber Road Opinion)
Num Semi-Profitable Markets [Estimated Treasury]: 4 [1.875]
(These estimates are probably out of date. see 1613 Start for latest updates)

Next Guild Income Within: 32
Treasury: 8.3 (+0.8 mid-35,40; +1.8 mid-45,50... ; +1 mid-32,34,...)
Loans Taken: 4
Unoccupied Banner Companies: Both
(-1.4 income on completion of Train Thunder Plateau Administrators)

Action [Investment]: Scheduled Investment Return Year (Estimated Return Year)
Build Ties, Rus [1 Authority]: 1627 (1627)
Deepen Ties, Amber Road [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625)
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective [1 Influence]: 1626 (1626)
Calendar Reform [1 Influence]: 1626 (1626) {+1 Influence when done}
Touch The Cow, Western Wall [1 Influence]: 1626 (1627)

Revaunchists ("Peacock") Weakenings: 5 + (1 "gravely") + (1 Rus)? - 1
  1. Tin Tribes Independence
  2. White Peace with Hellas
  3. Amber Road Independence
  4. Refrain from conquering Stymyr to mountains
  5. Strengthening: Blame Western Wall
  6. "Gravely weakened": Khemetri Concession
  7. Leave the Highlanders

Not sure: Rus independence?

3 weakenings likely reduces "antsy": no more half-measures -> reduced half-measure roll weights

Sacred Warding Notes: Can provide to three polities (Source) [Currently 1/3]

All dates are tentative estimates; they can change in response to circumstances (e.g. failures, crits). +/-1 in [year] means that an extra +/-1 will be available for us during Turn [year]. I believe that income is added during the Initial Results part of a year, though the exact ordering within that stage is unclear.


Tracking of the defunct Revaunchists will be removed next snapshot.

There's probably IC reasoning for military-buildup: important Revaunchists being recruited into the Peahens and being given compromises. Still, probably best narratively to hold off a while.

Will write-up an omake to commemorate this occasion (probably a few days).

Note that the foreshadowed "rumpus" turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt by Parliament to replace Brynn as heir, so this kind of thing should be kept in mind should a similar political conflict ever arise.
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I really hope that the next political divide is more sensible. It would be cool to have a divide that actually splits the thread's opinion about what to do rather than boiled down to "how much will this cost to kill"
Khem had 95% chance to accept the current loan; they're likely to approach us in the future. Further support would plausibly boost relations and remove the rivalry. It may even lead to a coordinated oligopoly on trade from the Far-East, benefiting both them and us.
Th roll was a d10 not a d100.
Isn't one in Amber Road?
No, that war was won a couple of years ago in 1623.
Rumor Mill:

Amber Road Victorious!: Glory and Victory to the Victorious Alliance! Gulryv has fallen, it's wealth and lands added to their own!
Th roll was a d10 not a d100.
Good catch, I missed that. (And, surprisingly, that only reduces the chance to 90%, since even a 2 roll would've succeeded.)

So, they seem to be only 60% predisposed to accepting the loan, but something or another (probably strained funds; possibly other problems that money would paper over) makes them 30% more likely. A second attempt--which can't be immediate, but in a few years--would probably succeed.

Though i wonder if we could asign them to drill the army of someone we have a military alliance with. I am thinking it could improve our millitary rolls together and provide a small chance of +prestige and +opinion.

Military advisors 500 years early; I approve.

More seriously, can be precursor to opening academy.
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Something to keep in mind is that recent studies have found that almost everyone was actuallly literate...but only in the local area's dialect. It didnt take much distance before you were only semi-able to read other region's signs. And the version used by record-keeping is understandably much different. To Upper Class British, this looked as if poor people were illiterate, because clearly only the ability to read english as they write it was acceptable.

With us. I expect the local dialect issue to be worse. It is going to be expensive to make sure everyone reads and writes the language the same way.

Citation needed?

From what I read up, literacy rate in the ancient world is max 20-30 percent, maybe a little bit higher for the Ymaryn due to the bwyll ration and enterprising commoners.
Literacy was defined as people who knew Latin...
So not exactly a great indicator of true literacy.

Dude takes way too long to get to a conservative estimate of literacy. Conservative estimate is 50%?, and maybe even much higher.

Also, this link is useful.

And this is one is useful too.

For millennia, we have and need armies of clerks to maintain the state as well as the guilds who need some knowledge of reading and writing. Literacy rate should probably be at least around 20% to 30%.

But the amount of literacy and what kind is all over the place. So it's hard to know if a given individual can write in addition to reading, or know what reading they are able to do, since literacy at what level is not really uniform.

What a public school would do is to ensure a minimum floor of skills to be able to read and write and do some arithmetic as well teach people who don't already know how to read a little bit.

I would give Ymaryn society maybe 50-60% or maybe 70% which includes anyone who can read, but not necessarily write.
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