The Hung are even more arrogant and internally focused than Ymar. I don't think they even acknowledge that other cultures can even HAVE prestige, much less see someone as a king of any hill.

It's all barbarians squabling with other barbarians.
While true, there is quite the hefty assumption that people wouldn't consider that they might gain respect of the hung by beating us up...
It is almost certainly wrong, but how many people know that in quest besides us and the Hung?
While true, there is quite the hefty assumption that people wouldn't consider that they might gain respect of the hung by beating us up...
It is almost certainly wrong, but how many people know that in quest besides us and the Hung?
Nobody is going to beat us up. The mass levi button is already avalible. Conflict is going to be trade conflict or prestige crap we don't care about. The Khem are setting themselves up to beat us in prestige and path themselves on the back. We let them. We know the Hung don't care about prestige. They are barely aware of it.

We just need to ensure the Khem won't take an economic swing at us, and entangling our trade fortunes does that.

The Khem want to "win" against us so they can stop being our rival. Let's let them "win" and pivot to the both of us making lots of money.
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My preferred would be something like:
[x] Math and provinces
-[x] (Authority) Math Reform: The Kus have made advances in the notation of mathematics beyond the wildest dreams of the people. Not to mention the substance of math. "Zero"… it will change everything once people get a handle on it. If you were to institute reforms that changed the Melkut Ymaryn to the superior Kus system of math, then there would be immense savings simply from more precise ability to keep track of things. Of course, until the bureaucracy got a hang of the new numbers, it would be pure chaos. (45%. 5 Years. Extremely Expensive, -1 Authority while in progress, +2 Income)
-[x] (Influence) Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--Western Wall
-[x] (Influence) Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--[x] Greenshore

We should definitely support WW, but I don't know if we whould support Greenshore or someone else

To that end;
[X] Plan Closer to Home
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Nobody is going to beat us up. The mass levi button is already avalible. Conflict is going to be trade conflict or prestige crap we don't care about. The Khem are setting themselves up to beat us in prestige and path themselves on the back. We let them. We know the Hung don't care about prestige. They are barely aware of it.

We just need to ensure the Khem won't take an economic swing at us, and entangling our trade fortunes does that.

Are they? One canal isn't going to let them win the prestige game in the long run.
[X] Plan Oshha

As far as debts go, I'd much rather they expire naturally unless we get a better way to repay them that doesn't take 1 influence per loan.

I think negotiating a trade deal with Khem next turn may work, but in the long term building ties would be better.

Lastly when we do have the spare influence, I'd like to see us supporting each province at least once to speed up their recovery and cement their loyalty. That can be spread out over several years though.
Thunder Plateau is the least stratified place in our kingdom, its governors will be elected even. Any such ideas would likely come from there, and are specially likely to make it to implementation if a governor of Thunder Plateau becomes King.

Why would the idea occurs to them and not in the core? The core experienced the most problem with the lack of clerks because their pool only includes the nobility, and then once we have enough nobles, we sent them to the Western Wall. The core also have the most experience with having to elevate commoners to replace the lack of nobles.

Granted TP has to reckon with training people from scratch, but there no reason for them to think to train people how to read and write just in case.
Why would the idea occurs to them and not in the core? The core experienced the most problem with the lack of clerks because their pool only includes the nobility, and then once we have enough nobles, we sent them to the Western Wall. The core also have the most experience with having to elevate commoners to replace the lack of nobles.

Granted TP has to reckon with training people from scratch, but there no reason for them to think to train people how to read and write just in case.
It might be because in practice, it is current already being done over there...
Edit: They elect people for the position, which means they may need training, while elsewhere it goes from noble to noble, or people who got the education anyway
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Spec for stability, get western wall recovered from its self-immolation

[X] Plan Closer to Home
-[X] Influence: Support Province (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--[X] Western Wall
-[X] Influence: Forgive Loan (100%, 1 Year, -.1 Income, +Opinion, Possible ± Prestige, Narrative effects)
--[X] Amber Road
-[X] Influence & Influence: Math Reform (45%. 5 Years. Extremely Expensive, -1 Authority while in progress, +2 Income)
-[X] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)

And for good measure:
[X] Math and provinces
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It might be because in practice, it is current already being done over there...

It is certainly not universal training. Meanwhile, people who are entering the guilds are probably given some training in reading and writing and math just so they can one day operate their own business.

Tangentially related, I wonder how much the BS gutted the old bureaucracy.
OK, so here's the idea for universal literacy and math: it opened up the illiterate's world. So, you have all these new clerks and they're all talking to teach other about their experience in learning to read and the books that they can now read.

Eventually, that idea carries to the core. And it got guild trainee talking about how learning to read open up the world to them. Then someone finally thought about universal literacy, and how it's such a gift and why not everybody learn to read?
So my current plans for the near future are the following:
1626 = Double Influence on the Pamplona Sacred Warding & an Influence on Highlander Diplomacy.
1627 = Authority on Build Ties with Khem, maybe offer them a loan again. Support Western Wall. Possibly start looking into diploing Styrmyr or one of the Kus nations.
1628 = Definite start looking into diploing Styrmyr or one of the Kus nations. Support Greenshore.

None of this is hard set since we don't know what is going to come up or how our actions are going to turn out, just a tentative set of things I want to try and do if circumstances permit.
We want to spend ten year building tie with an authority?
Yes. It is more effective than using double Influence and I feel the benefits of the action make it worth taking. I feel it is more likely to improve our long terms relations with the Khem than just bribing them.