"The Peacocks are dead! Time to do a bunch of things the Peacocks wanted us to do!"

I mean, not that I disagree or anything. Two more Banners and boats in every shipyard, please.
It's stuff we have wanted to do all along, but refused out of pure spite at the warmongers.

We want a strong military. We want it commanded by people who won't go running off with it to start pointless fights.
It's stuff we have wanted to do all along, but refused out of pure spite at the warmongers.

We want a strong military. We want it commanded by people who won't go running off with it to start pointless fights.
Why are we wasting income on banner companies we don't need? It's extra income that could be used for something else, such as funding more warships or support province.
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Why are we wasting income on banner companies we don't need? It's extra income that could be used for something else, such as funding more warships or support province.
The goal is to get 4 banner companies so we can employ 2 for diplomacy and self defense alongside the army while renting out two of them on rotation to pay for the whole thing. If we raise 2 more banner companies we can get an effective +1 income without reducing our ability to, for example, send one up to Amber Road to protect them.

We can also choose who we rent out the banner companies to, giving us a hand in shaping events in Saffron and Kus without having to get directly involved or spending influence.
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Ok, we rolled really low most of the time this turn - but I suspect the hidden rolls went in our favor.
I was worried that the Khemetri loan would lead to significant problems, instead we solved one of the problems we had over the last decades.

The goal is to get 4 banner companies so we can employ 2 for diplomacy and self defense alongside the army while renting our two of them on rotation to pay for the whole thing. If we raise 2 more banner companies we can get an effective +1 income without reducing our ability to, for example, send one up to Amber Road to protect them.

We can also choose who we rent out the banner companies to, giving us a hand in shaping events in Saffron and Kus.

That is dependent on constant wars and the ability of Kingdoms to pay.
That is dependent on constant wars and the ability of Kingdoms to pay.
There is almost always a war somewhere, and I suspect that kingdoms will fork out the money for really good mercenaries with good discipline.

It's a bit of a gamble, but worse comes to worse we are out some income for a bit.

I want ships too, but ships don't directly have the ability to bring in income unless we dominate a sea, and at our cost to build ships that will be really really hard.
Deploying banner companies to [generic war] has issues similar to selling weapons, no? Like, in support of allies or people we want to be friends with is one thing, but deploying mercenary companies that can beat minors by themselves to a war is pretty explicitly taking sides and people who are into the whole 'balance of power' thing might be upset that random German Minor #4 can beat up random French Minor #7, because they applied for a contract first and took out enough loans to afford it, which they plan on paying back with plunder.
Deploying banner companies to [generic war] has issues similar to selling weapons, no? Like, in support of allies or people we want to be friends with is one thing, but deploying mercenary companies that can beat minors by themselves to a war is pretty explicitly taking sides and people who are into the whole 'balance of power' thing might be upset that random German Minor #4 can beat up random French Minor #7, because they applied for a contract first and took out enough loans to afford it, which they plan on paying back with plunder.
Sorta kinda.
I expect it to upset people for a while, but they may get used to it were we to do it long enough and remain neutral enough.
Sorta kinda.
I expect it to upset people for a while, but they may get used to it were we to do it long enough and remain neutral enough.
I expect the salt of the friends of the people we beat up to last longer than the goodwill of the people we rent them out to, especially with the costs in question. Over time, we're likely to get a negative reputation as 'those assholes who get involved in all the wars and beat us up' and I don't really want that.
I think we want our next Banner Company to be light cavalry, hopefully recruiting a bunch from the Black Sheep.

Then the urban poor caught wind of the attempt to remove Brynn and reacted with fury. They saw the attempt to replace her with a man who would pursue aggression against KMT as a repeat of the mistakes that caused the Collapse. They would not let it happen again. The Kingdom almost came to a halt as the mob refused to co-operate with any noble known to be a peacock.
Also, huh. Did we just have a General Strike?
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If we were to establish another banner company what would our war chief recommend it be? Also who is our war chief now that Dafydd has retired?
The plan discussed earlier was another pike and shot company and a company of Black Sheep light cavalry to maintain their martial tradition and fill out our military roles save for a dedicated big guns division we may not have the tech for.

I think we want our next Banner Company to be light cavalry, hopefully recruiting a bunch from the Black Sheep.

Also, huh. Did we just have a General Strike?

Not a general strike. This was more targeted than that. It was totally a strike though. I bet a number of nobles woke up and discovered that nobody was there to cook for them or empty their chamberpots.

And cooking is not an easy thing in the era of charcoal stoves.
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Deploying banner companies to [generic war] has issues similar to selling weapons, no? Like, in support of allies or people we want to be friends with is one thing, but deploying mercenary companies that can beat minors by themselves to a war is pretty explicitly taking sides and people who are into the whole 'balance of power' thing might be upset that random German Minor #4 can beat up random French Minor #7, because they applied for a contract first and took out enough loans to afford it, which they plan on paying back with plunder.
banner companies will 100% be seen as an extension of Ymaryn foreign policy.
banner companies will 100% be seen as an extension of Ymaryn foreign policy.
This can be an advantage, of course, in addition to our new defensive pact the fact that our banners are their makes Pulska and Norsca less likely to take a swing, as could the hypothetical deployment to, say, Pamp. Just, they're not deniable assets, those come later.
Peacock: REE! Get rid of Brynn!
Priest: No.
Military: Why would we support you?
Urban poor: Fuck. That. Noise.
Darfyd: Oh good. No rebellion. That means I don't have to unretire.