edit: and we should offer a loan to the KMT - they're spending heavily a.t.m. so likely to accept, they're long term good for repayment and a +opinion with them would be pretty sweet if the dice cooperate.
That is a good idea that is worth trying.

[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--[] Hathytta
-[] Influence: Offer Loan: The Melkut Ymaryn is rich beyond measure, but other polities need money too. You could offer to lend them cash when they need it. (Narrative%, 1 year, -1 Treasury, unlikely +Opinion)
--[] Khemetri
-[] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)#
That is a good idea that is worth trying.

[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--[] Hathytta
-[] Influence: Offer Loan: The Melkut Ymaryn is rich beyond measure, but other polities need money too. You could offer to lend them cash when they need it. (Narrative%, 1 year, -1 Treasury, unlikely +Opinion)
--[] Khemetri
-[] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)#
My only worry with this is that the Peacocks will pitch a fit over not just being ignored, but in the Melek taking action to help the canal along.

Now, it may be not the worst thing to spur them into action while we are not in the middle of a crisis for once. I don't think they have that many shots in their gun at this point, but I do think we should keep the internal politics in mind as we take actions.
OK, if the Settler region is in the Core they're both close to amenities for positive reinforcement and close to our stronger concentrations of military power in case of trouble. Good enough.
My only worry with this is that the Peacocks will pitch a fit over not just being ignored, but in the Melek taking action to help the canal along.

Now, it may be not the worst thing to spur them into action while we are not in the middle of a crisis for once. I don't think they have that many shots in their gun at this point, but I do think we should keep the internal politics in mind as we take actions.
If the Peacocks want to make a fuss, now is one of the best times for it. We can afford to knock them down a peg even if means delaying the Math Reform or whatever else we want to do. They don't have Personal Stewards of Nature or a ticking timer of doom to back them anymore.
My only worry with this is that the Peacocks will pitch a fit over not just being ignored, but in the Melek taking action to help the canal along.

Now, it may be not the worst thing to spur them into action while we are not in the middle of a crisis for once. I don't think they have that many shots in their gun at this point, but I do think we should keep the internal politics in mind as we take actions.
Once we have some actions to spare we can do some shipbuilding. Military spending that shores up a genuine weakness, literally flies the flag but doesn't commit us to a war - just what the doctor ordered.
Once we have some actions to spare we can do some shipbuilding. Military spending that shores up a genuine weakness, literally flies the flag but doesn't commit us to a war - just what the doctor ordered.
Maybe. The more we strengthen the Peacocks the more power they have to pitch a fit to get what they want. If we do too much they can force us to take an action to run a war mission without us having any ability to say no.

Also - While we CAN cycle giving and forgiving loans to somewhere like Amber Road to pump opinion, after giving it a think I have decided it would be an awful idea. I can't imagine that wouldn't cause massive inflation in the target region leading to all number of bad things. Everyone loves Mansa Musa when he comes through with gifts of gold. It still wrecks the economy.
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No change (aside from previously-pending), I think.

Keep in mind that if we spend only one Treasury this turn, then this turn we will end up with either 9 Treasury or 9.5 Treasury depending on whether the cap is hit (probably yes, leading to the former).

From there, if Train Thunder Plateau Administrators fails this year's roll (30%), next turn's income would bring that to either 9.8 Treasury or 10.3 Treasury--next to or over the cap).

As such, we probably want to spend 2 Treasury this turn.

[Calendar has changed income schedule] If we spend 1 Treasury this turn, next year's guild income will bring us back to 9.5 Treasury. If we spend 2 Treasury this turn, 8.5 Treasury.


31/1624 Start Snapshot of frequently-changed stats (30/1623 Initial Results)

Base Influence: 5 Influence, 2 Authority

Naval Status (Yllython Mor): 14 (Average)
Naval Status (Saffron Sea): 2 (Anemic)
Naval Status (Salt Sea): 4 (Weak)
Naval Status (Monsoon Sea): 6 (Poor)
(Combined Yllython+Saffron Naval: 16 [Good])
Total Naval Score: 26

Professional Army Formations:
Iron Flower Banner Company (Pike & Shot [crossbow]) - Deployed to Amber Road
Heaven's Hawk Banner Company (Heavy Cavalry) - Not Deployed

Treasury Status: 9.5/10
Income: +.8

Provinces and Loyalty

Core: Rock Solid
Memory of Spirits: Rock Solid
Txolla: Unshakable
Hathytta: Decently Loyal
Western Wall: Solid, for now
Greenshore: Solid
Tinshore: Rock Solid
Thunder Plateau: Transitioning to Civilian Control, Rock Solid

Client States:

Tin Tribes

Opinions of you:

Khemetri: 4/10 [C] R
Magyar: 7/10
Ealam: 7/10
Vynta: 6/10
Ruma: 5/10
Pamplona: 8/10
Abyss: 5/10
Hung: 8/10 [C]
Rexum Germanum: 5/10
-Hasum 4/10
-Behryvar 4/10
-Ochrur ?/10
Tarta: 5/10
Styrmyr: 5/10
Amber Road: 10/10 [C], 2/5 [A]
Norsca: 4/10
Berba: 5/10
Hellas: 3/10 [C] R
Pulska: 4/5 {B}

Melkut Ymaryn: 83

Additional Stats (31/1624 Start)
Prestige:: 83
Authority: 1
Influence: 1
Estimated Stress (unknown start point): 14.6
Other Notables: None

Num Profitable Markets: 3 (2 without Probable -Amber Road Opinion)
Num Semi-Profitable Markets [Estimated Treasury]: 4 [1.875]
(These estimates are probably out of date. see 1613 Start for latest updates)

Next Guild Income Within: 32
Treasury: 9.5 (+0.8 mid-1625,1630,1635; +1.8 mid-1640,1645... ; +1 mid-1622,1624) (new calendar adopted)
Treasury: 9.5 (+0.8 mid-35,40; +1.8 mid-45,50... ; +1 mid-32,34,...)
Loans Taken: 4
Unoccupied Banner Companies: Both
(-1.4 income on completion of Train Thunder Plateau Administrators)

Action [Investment]: Scheduled Investment Return Year (Estimated Return Year)
Build Ties, Rus [1 Authority]: 1627 (1627)
Deepen Ties, Amber Road [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625)
Train Thunder Plateau Administrators, Elective [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625)
Calendar Reform [1 Influence]: 1625 (1625) {+1 Influence when done}
Touch The Cow, Western Wall [1 Influence]: 1626 (1627)

Revaunchists ("Peacock") Weakenings: 5 + (1 "gravely") + (1 Rus)? - 1
  1. Tin Tribes Independence
  2. White Peace with Hellas
  3. Amber Road Independence
  4. Refrain from conquering Stymyr to mountains
  5. Strengthening: Blame Western Wall
  6. "Gravely weakened": Khemetri Concession
  7. Leave the Highlanders

Not sure: Rus independence?

3 weakenings likely reduces "antsy": no more half-measures -> reduced half-measure roll weights

Sacred Warding Notes: Can provide to three polities (Source) [Currently 1/3]

All dates are tentative estimates; they can change in response to circumstances (e.g. failures, crits). +/-1 in [year] means that an extra +/-1 will be available for us during Turn [year]. I believe that income is added during the Initial Results part of a year, though the exact ordering within that stage is unclear.
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@Oshha maybe have one the banner companies look for a contract? There's usually a war in the offing in central Syffryn.
We don't need the money right now and we would greatly appreciate having them free if Pulska decided to aggressively expand between us and Amber Road. Giving out a banner company for free as a "loan" to the Rus tribes is less of a spicy move than sending in the army when we have not claimed the land.


Ohhh... We also have a diplomatic corp now. I would like to suggest a new action

Establish Embassy - Now that Ymar has administrators who's job it is to deal with foreign countries it has become an option to establish a permanent presence in other country's capitals. It would be expensive to provide for what basically amounts to an estate in another country, but not so much that Ymar cannot afford to flex it's financial muscle and show the world how rich we are. (Expensive, +25% chance to diplomatic and intrigue actions with the targeted polity. Greater chance the polity will come to Ymar with requests and deals, possible +opinion)
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@Oshha maybe have one the banner companies look for a contract? There's usually a war in the offing in central Syffryn.
I would rather save them for when Pulska invades the Rus or if Amber Road gets into another war.
Once we have some actions to spare we can do some shipbuilding. Military spending that shores up a genuine weakness, literally flies the flag but doesn't commit us to a war - just what the doctor ordered.
Normally I would agree, but my concern is doing that strengthens the Peacocks and if we strengthen the Peacocks too much, they will force us to take a War Mission against the Khem.
Also, if the peacocks get strong enough, they'll be able to force a war mission.
Ohhh... We also have a diplomatic corp now. I would like to suggest a new action

Establish Embassy - Now that Ymar has administrators who's job it is to deal with foreign countries it has become an option to establish a permanent presence in other country's capitals. It would be expensive to provide for what basically amounts to an estate in another country, but not so much that Ymar cannot afford to flex it's financial muscle and show the world how rich we are. (Expensive, +25% chance to diplomatic and intrigue actions with the targeted polity. Greater chance the polity will come to Ymar with requests and deals, possible +opinion)
We already sort of got that. It is how we maintain our diplomatic relations with foreign nations.
Also - While we CAN cycle giving and forgiving loans to somewhere like Amber Road to pump opinion, after giving it a think I have decided it would be an awful idea. I can't imagine that wouldn't cause massive inflation in the target region leading to all number of bad things. Everyone loves Mansa Musa when he comes through with gifts of gold. It still wrecks the economy.
We have been warned about pushing buttons that we find. Just because something seemingly works out due to mechanics doesn't mean it will actually work out.
Offering a loan to Khem is pretty daring and I think our doing so with their canal has a higher chance of +Opinion than usual... but we're low on dice and already need a single-year Influence dice in case the Revaunchists throw their 10% tantrum.

I think doing it in a few years would be better:
  • We'd have more dice to spare, in case of a likely tantrum
  • Their Treasury will (presumably) be more depleted so they want the loan more
  • Our own Treasury will be more below the cap.

    This is important because Khem will take the loan as a sign we're willing to support the canal, and so might come to us to buy more tools. If they do so next turn, we could still be at the Treasury cap and gain no benefit from their doing so. (If we refuse, they would think the Ymaryn are sending out mixed signals again, "wtf" out, -Trust.)
In the meantime, can repay a loan.


Edit: Third point doesn't take into account Calendar rescheduling. We can accept a 1 Treasury sale next turn (and more once Math Reform is started).
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Offering a loan to Khem is pretty daring and I think our doing so with their canal has a higher chance of +Opinion than usual... but we're low on dice and already need a single-year Influence dice in case the Revaunchists throw their 10% tantrum.

I think doing it in a few years would be better:
  • We'd have more dice to spare
  • Their Treasury is (presumably) more depleted so they want the loan more
  • Our own Treasury will be more below the cap.

    This is important because Khem will take the loan as a sign we're willing to support our canal, and so might come to us to buy more tools. If they do so next turn, we could still be at the Treasury cap and gain no benefit from their doing so. (If we refuse, they would think the Ymaryn are sending out mixed signals again, "wtf" out, -Trust.)
If we offer the Khem a loan we are unlikely to be at the treasury cap.

What I more likely suspect is that the Peacocks will pitch their fit at that influence and steal it, expending some of their power to stop us.

We have been warned about pushing buttons that we find. Just because something seemingly works out due to mechanics doesn't mean it will actually work out.

On the other hand, if there is someone we want to like us, but don't particularly like in return....
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If we give Khem a loan (and spend the other Treasury on something) we'll have either 8 or 8.5 Treasury at the end of this turn. If Train Thunder Plateau Admins fails (30%), income will bring us to 8.8 or 9.3 Treasury. If the Khem then (or just prior) want to buy 1 Treasury worth of tools, that brings us up to 9.8 or 10.3 (over cap).

There's also a 40% chance that Calendar Reform won't finish, so Math Reform can't be started next year. In that case, the 1626 year's +1 Treasury from guild income risks also being wasted by the cap (though we could probably avoid that by spending more in 1625).
Edit: didn't take into account Calendar rescheduling. We can probably sell Khem 1 Treasury worth even if they come next turn.

On the other hand, if we offer them a loan in a few years, after Math Reform starts, we'll have a relatively large buffer before hitting the cap even if they want to buy stuff (in addition to other advantages listed above). It's just more convenient then.

(Also yes, the Peacocks.)
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If we give Khem a loan (and spend the other Treasury on something) we'll have either 8 or 8.5 Treasury at the end of this turn. If Train Thunder Plateau Admins fails (30%), income will bring us to 8.8 or 9.3 Treasury. If the Khem then (or just prior) want to buy 1 Treasury worth of tools, that brings us up to 9.8 or 10.3 (over cap).

There's also a 40% chance that Calendar Reform won't finish, so Math Reform can't be started next year. In that case, the 1626 year's +1 Treasury from guild income risks also being wasted by the cap (though we could probably avoid that by spending more in 1625).

On the other hand, if we offer them a loan in a few years, after Math Reform starts, we'll have a relatively large buffer before hitting the cap even if they want to buy stuff (in addition to other advantages listed above).

(Also yes, the Peacocks.)
I thought that our Income schedule had changed to match the new calendar which is why we got Income last turn and that would mean we get income in 35 AC or 1628 AD?
I thought that our Income schedule had changed to match the new calendar which is why we got Income last turn and that would mean we get income in 35 AC or 1628 AD?

Oh, that makes sense I think...?

Okay, I'll probably have to rework some of the snapshots. And rethink the scheduling above.
Building ships is the sort of thing that pleases the Peacocks but it isn't something they've demanded so I don't think it strengthens them too much. If you worry that it might look like prep for a Khem war (which they are demanding) then build them on the Salt Sea - we don't control all that coast or the tributaries and it lead right to the best lands of TP and MoS.

Long term, Peacocks will always be an influential part of the People because the People are human. Consistently snubbing them will eventually cause problems of its own beyond the drain on Influence dice. Nor will they always be wrong because all the other states are hungry and looking to get stronger - if we aren't actively improving we're letting our advantage shrink.
Building warships in the Salt Sea is absolutely and completely pointless, because we are literally the only ones there.
Long term, Peacocks will always be an influential part of the People because the People are human. Consistently snubbing them will eventually cause problems of its own beyond the drain on Influence dice. Nor will they always be wrong because all the other states are hungry and looking to get stronger - if we aren't actively improving we're letting our advantage shrink.
The peacocks aren't an inherent part of Ymar. Some sort of militarist tendencies and pride, yes, but not necessarily this particularly toxic group. If we suppress them enough that they fall apart, we'll get a new sort that will hopefully be a bit more reasonable in its goals and methods.

Building warships in the Salt Sea is absolutely and completely pointless, because we are literally the only ones there.
We don't control the entire salt sea, so there's probably a little bit of opportunistic piracy directed at fishing villages and such. The two points of naval we have there may already be enough to suppress this, but maybe we could use a point or two more.
I was thinking about the mega projects. Maybe we should reform the law before we get stuck in with any of the big building projects. I kind of worry that it's even available is a sign that it needs to be done, and below our level of abstraction there's all kinds of legal problems building up and gunking up our efficiency behind the scenes.
I was thinking about the mega projects. Maybe we should reform the law before we get stuck in with any of the big building projects. I kind of worry that it's even available is a sign that it needs to be done, and below our level of abstraction there's all kinds of legal problems building up and gunking up our efficiency behind the scenes.
I worry that reforming the laws will create a series of decision points that have options we want to take, but will require us to spend influence like water to overcome the entrenched system of nobles to implement.

I want to do it, but I want to do it with a ton of influence.
I was thinking about the mega projects. Maybe we should reform the law before we get stuck in with any of the big building projects. I kind of worry that it's even available is a sign that it needs to be done, and below our level of abstraction there's all kinds of legal problems building up and gunking up our efficiency behind the scenes.

I consider making sure that the TP governable and increasing connectivity more important than reforming the Law at this time. Everytime there's an emergency, we're in danger of falling apart. The wagonways and signal tower systems help us militarily, meaning we can better support our million men army and communicate faster for logistics and military info, while supporting governance and trade in peacetime.

Plus, the connectivity megaprojects are probably something we can absolutely speed up. I am not sure if rushing the law reform project is wise.
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I consider making sure that the TP governable and increasing connectivity more important than reforming the Law at this time. Everytime there's an emergency, we're in danger of falling apart.

Plus, the connectivity megaprojects are probably something we can absolutely speed up.
I want to do the stalionpen wagon way at least. It isn't even a megaproject in of itself.
That is a good idea that is worth trying.

[] Plan Oshha
-[] Authority: Support Province: Give one of the provinces considerable sums of money to assist in their current infrastructural projects. (85%, 1 Year, Expensive, +Province Loyalty)
--[] Hathytta
-[] Influence: Offer Loan: The Melkut Ymaryn is rich beyond measure, but other polities need money too. You could offer to lend them cash when they need it. (Narrative%, 1 year, -1 Treasury, unlikely +Opinion)
--[] Khemetri
-[] Personal: Relax with Family (-Stress)#
Khem are doing the canal for Prestige, to keep ahead of us and retain King of the Hill. Taking a loan from anyone - much less the Ymaryn - would damage their Prestige. They will refuse and we will likely offend them.