There could be a delay of up to 2 years, if we're lucky (1 for them to give us an ultimatum, 1 for them to move their troops). But it's safest to assume an instant attack.
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I'm guessing they'll probably try something to publicly shame us somehow, which we can choose to accept (and piss off the revaunchists) or go to war.
Do we need to fight the Khem as soon as we surpass them?
The QM has made dire statements about us needing loose influence when we surpass the Khem in prestige.

There could be a delay of up to 2 years, if we're lucky (1 for them to give us an ultimatum, 1 for them to move their troops). But it's safest if we assume an instant attack.

Depends how weak we look. If we look strong they may make a statement and insult us to draw us into war away from our homeland. If we look weak they may just send an army our way to show us what for.

Ideally I would love for the TP campaign to be wrapped up or wrapping up as the 670k troops should be enough to stop the Khem from getting up to TOO much trouble.
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I want to take out a couple of loans next turn. We need the money, they only take a single turn and the lower prestige buys us some more time.
I want to take out a couple of loans next turn. We need the money, they only take a single turn and the lower prestige buys us some more time.
I am thinking

Loan - Hong
Loan - Someone else
Authority - Reorganize troops to bring 150K home from TP to fill out other fronts and rebuild the reserve.
Work king hard to ether build navy or do some other thing that pops up.
Loan - Hong
Loan - Someone else
Why Hung?

I was thinking Pamplona and either Vynta or Abyss.

Authority - Reorganize troops to bring 150K home from TP to fill out other fronts and rebuild the reserve.
No. We need our forces in Thunder Plateau to help ensure a speedy success and I would rather spent our Authority on something useful and beneficial. We do not need to change our Mass Levy commitments, we need to get more warships (and money to pay for those warships).
500,000 was the minimum, we don't know how much is actually necessary. I say don't peel off more then 100,000 total, leaving them an extra 70,000 buffer in the East.
Why Hung?

I was thinking Pamplona and either Vynta or Abyss.

No. We need our forces in Thunder Plateau to help ensure a speedy success and I would rather spent our Authority on something useful and beneficial. We do not need to change our Mass Levy commitments, we need to get more warships (and money to pay for those warships).
We are running out of reserve at home and the TP campaign is going fine. We can't supply the troops we have well and are about to need to supply local forces who raise arms to help us.

We need to bring some troops home or we risk the core to Hellas or Highlanders or Khem trechery. That we cannot afford. TP can continue with less troops no problem.
We are running out of reserve at home and the TP campaign is going fine. We can't supply the troops we have well and are about to need to supply local forces who raise arms to help us.

We need to bring some troops home or we risk the core to Hellas or Highlanders or Khem trechery. That we cannot afford. TP can continue with less troops no problem.

I believe you're being too optimistic about the Thunder Plateau, but I agree that starving troops in the Thunder Plateau does us no good. We still want to ensure rapid success.
We are running out of reserve at home and the TP campaign is going fine. We can't supply the troops we have well and are about to need to supply local forces who raise arms to help us.

We need to bring some troops home or we risk the core to Hellas or Highlanders or Khem trechery. That we cannot afford. TP can continue with less troops no problem.
We are already dealing with the Highlanders and if the Khem attack, then a hundred thousand soldiers won't cut it. I am also sceptical that the Thunder Plateau campaign will just continue to go smoothly if we take away the excess troops. It was always going to be the hardest fight and required a minimum of five thousand troops. Just because it is going well now doesn't mean it will continue to go well if we start to take away our advantages in that front.

The problem right now is our strained logistics and that is fixed by building more warships to help our supply lines. We get some loans this turn to lower prestige and get money and then start to build warships next turn.
Snapshot Treasury has been corrected from 4.5 -> 3.5 (I forgot about the warships)


The reason for the Hung is to minimize the Probable -Influence for our first loan (and to take advantage of goodwill, still fresh in memory, from our Sacred Warding).
The first loan should probably be from the Hung:
  • First and most importantly: they're the lender least likely to trigger the Probable -1 Influence cost. Taking out a loan from the Supreme Power is a much easier sell than taking a loan from some random country; once that initial step is taken, it's much less of a leap to taking a loan out from our ally Pamplona, then a small leap from them to some randomer.
  • We probably still have goodwill available from the Sacred Warding (I don't want to lean too hard into this, however. It's okay, perhaps even preferable given our limited Influence, to wait until least 1616, tough it is after the Sacred Warding finishes, as it comes after the income tick.)
The reason against taking a loan from the Hung (at all) is that they're far away from our affairs, and may not be forgiving if we fail to make payment due to the imminent Khem blockade. (They're kind of snobbish; we barely managed a trade enclave and there aren't many ways to raise their opinion.) This depends on a lot of things (are the Hung sending the ships to collect, or are we sending our own?)

Also, there is the possibility of us prepaying the first 3 interest payments in case of such a blockade--effectively, the net loan is 0.7. That means the next due payment is in 1635, and if the blockade is still active by then, something has gone very wrong.


I think we should be looking for at least 5 loans. If we need the Mass Levy against the Khem, then we should be looking more at 10 (previous thought-experiment). Preferably from Naval powers, or those who can otherwise annoy the Khem. (None of this counts the cost of any Expensive actions; we'd have to raise to cover for those too.)

Which reminds me:

The Khem cannot form a Mass Levy of their own. They can raise a City Levy, but only the Ymaryn Core (and the Hung) have the urbanisation and wealth to pull off a Mass Levy. Just like Western Wall is unable to do a Mass Levy, the Khem cannot either. Now that isn't to say that they cannot match our Mass Levy, but they cannot do so directly and Khem's threat comes from their superior navy and ability to equal our city levies. They lack the prerequisites to do a Mass Levy just like Western Wall does. They can beat us on the sea and can match us on the land, but they do not have our super move.
That was my initial assumption (that 300k--about a City Levy--could hold them off on the defense), but then Aranfan responded to that by saying "Basically, KMT's ability to raise armies has not seriously degraded since PoC" which implies, I think, that my initial estimate was such a degradation.

If they really only match 1-2 city levies, we should be able to hold them off under the likely levels of blockade. Cost is the issue.
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Snapshot Treasury has been corrected from 4.5 -> 3.5 (I forgot about the warships)


The reason for the Hung is to minimize the Probable -Influence for our first loan (and to take advantage of goodwill, still fresh in memory, from our Sacred Warding).

The reason against taking a loan from the Hung (at all) is that they're far away from our affairs, and may not be forgiving if we fail to make payment due to the imminent Khem blockade. (They're kind of snobbish; i.e. there aren't many ways to raise their opinion.) This depends on a lot of things (are the Hung sending the ships to collect, or are we sending our own?)

Also, there is the possibility of us prepaying the first 3 interest payments in case of such a blockade--effectively, the net loan is 0.7. That means the next due payment is in 1635, and if the blockade is still active by then, something has gone very wrong.


I think we should be looking for at least 5 loans. If we need the Mass Levy against the Khem, then we should be looking more at 10 (previous thought-experiment). Preferably from Naval powers, or those who can otherwise annoy the Khem. (None of this counts the cost of any Expensive actions; we'd have to raise to cover for those too.)

Which reminds me:

That was my initial assumption (that 300k--about a City Levy--could hold them off on the defense), but then Aranfan responded to that by saying "Basically, KMT's ability to raise armies has not seriously degraded since PoC" which implies, I think, that my initial estimate was such a degradation.

If they really only match 1-2 city levies, we should be able to hold them off under the likely levels of blockade. Cost is the issue.

A city levy proper is only about 100k. But that's still an impressive army by pre-train standards. And it gives the king a source of military power that is not dependent on the gentry or horse nobles.
Okay, we will have 1 Authority and 2 Influence to work with next turn and if we really need to ,we can get another Influence from overworking our King.

I'm going to wait and see what actions are available, but as we are going to need more warships, we will need to take out a loan or two to pay for said warships.

Are you sure you want to tie up so much influence in multi turn actions when your so close to overtaking the Khem in prestige?
That was my initial assumption (that 300k--about a City Levy--could hold them off on the defense), but then Aranfan responded to that by saying "Basically, KMT's ability to raise armies has not seriously degraded since PoC" which implies, I think, that my initial estimate was such a degradation.

If they really only match 1-2 city levies, we should be able to hold them off under the likely levels of blockade. Cost is the issue.
How familiar are you with PoC? Because back then, the Ymaryn were able to take on the Khem, the Thunder Horse and the Highlanders at once by using the Button (and Trelli mercs). That post wasn't agreeing or disagreeing with you, it was just stating that the Khem's ability to muster up troops had degraded from the Classical capabilities. I don't know how you got the idea from that post was a comment on how right or wrong you were when the QM was just saying the Khem had retain their capability to raise large armies instead of losing it to feudalism.

The danger with Khem isn't that they can use the Mass Levy, it is because they can do City Levies or the equivalent when practically no one can. Look at how Hellas struggled to muster up ten thousand while Western Wall was able to rally together three hundred thousand. Khem isn't like us where they got the dense urbanisation to provide the populace and the Guild Industry to equip them all. You don't need a Mass Levy to be dangerous when your armies are tenfold those of the powers of feudal Europe.

Khem cannot do a Mass Levy, it is impossible for them the same way that it was impossible for Western Wall and for the same reasons. As it is, just being able to do a City Levy makes them a major threat. Just look at how dangerous Western Wall has been or how easily we took Hellas and Styrmyr with a City Levy. Having the biggest navy around and being able to pull off a City Levy makes the Khem very dangerous on their own.
Are you sure you want to tie up so much influence in multi turn actions when your so close to overtaking the Khem in prestige?
Loans and the like are one turn actions and by the time we get to building warships, we should have some more actions freed up from previous actions completing.

Thinking about that... why did we tie up an Influence for at least 4 turns spreading the Sacred Warding to Amber Road?
We only got the information after the plan had been made and several people had voted for it. I didn't consider it worth changing the plan when we can lower our prestige with loans and we would be getting Authority and Influence from other actions completing.
I have a crazy idea about how to manage the Khem situation.

We push a loan from the Hung alongside a Hung favorable trade deal next round. We could use the -2 prestige and I imagine the loan request will be viewed favorably in light of the trade deal. This should push the Hung to 9/10. Then the turn following try to find an action to push them to 10/10.

Then when the Khem do their tantrum we ask our best buddies the Hung to denounce and embargo them, and push to get as many Asian countries as possible to also embargo them.

I can't imagine that would do anything other than seriously hurt the Khem, getting cut out of the silk road.
Thinking about that... why did we tie up an Influence for at least 4 turns spreading the Sacred Warding to Amber Road?

Presumably because cultivating a friendly not!russia instead of having a hostile not!russia on your borders is super fucking important long term. And the Ymaryn have gotten to where they are by always planing for the super long term instead of optimizing for the present.

We do not need to change our Mass Levy commitments, we need to get more warships (and money to pay for those warships).

While more warships will help, the current logistical difficulties is more of result of fighting a five front war with an only barely adequately staffed bureaucracy.
Presumably because cultivating a friendly not!russia instead of having a hostile not!russia on your borders is super fucking important long term. And the Ymaryn have gotten to where they are by always planing for the super long term instead of optimizing for the present.

While more warships will help, the current logistical difficulties is more of result of fighting a five front war with an only barely adequately staffed bureaucracy.
Also I would love if, someday, when the matter of administration of far away provinces is settled by things like railways, a not-russian king finds himself heir to the Ymaryn throne in return for Not-Russia returning to Ymaryn administration.

After all, we accepted that they are currently outside of our administration range. We have not rejected them as part of the Ymaryn people. If we can get them at 10/10 opinion and maintain cultural domination over them long enough they could quite possibly simply fold into our empire.

Cultural dominance could take the form of us spending money to extend our guild industries into their lands, rebuilding the sacred forests, and otherwise ensuring our cultural institutions take hold to their benefit.

And can we get a update from our general hero about how many troops he thinks he needs to take the TP? I wonder if his estimate has gone up or down, and if he thinks decreasing his troop count would decrease the supply burden significantly enough to make up for the reduced troop count.
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Does our general thinks that taking off some soldiers from his front(as long it isn't too many) will increase battlefield performance?
I wonder if next turn we can press for peace in the TP. They have to realize they are losing badly. The terms can be "We won't chase you if you take what wealth you can carry and flee to the Magyars to be nomad lords there." but the alternative is to die fighting or have their whole families pressed into half-citizenship to repay the damage they have done to Ymaryn land.