Sorry if I was a bit vehement, but I can't see how we're going to get along. The system of their society is fundamentally a wealth extraction machine built on the backs of the oppressed and supported by their virulent racism. Ours isn't going to oppress the neighbors at all and also we've made efforts to limit the racism. We are natural enemies, ideologically speaking.

I think The Tower is willing to relent provided a viable alternative can be brokered. I am not sure that Tharbad is absolutely committed to the policy.
Maybe the warden is but if we show the people of Tharbad the benefits of working together with the middle men instead of against them we can bring them around to our way of thinking.
That's going to necessarily involve violence, see basically every other revolution in history. The Tower's system is fundamentally imposed by pure, naked force, and works incredibly well for the Numenoreans at the top. You're never going to get them to support reform without force, because by necessity it will cut into their profit margins and incredible social privileges.
I think The Tower is willing to relent provided a viable alternative can be brokered. I am not sure that Tharbad is absolutely committed to the policy.
Dude is an racist profiting immensely from suffering. He isn't pursuing this policy because he has to, he's doing it because it works to his advantage. Fuck Tharbad.
Honestly fuck Thurbad and imperialism. And fuck making any decision to support them without listening to the stories of the actual oppressed people in this situation. All the information we get from the Numenoreans is incredibly unreliable.

Obviously, we can't march on Thurbad, and calling down the king on them would just make everything worse for everyone. But agreeing to anything with them sticks in my craw and (more importantly) would naturally piss off all our neighbors who we intend to have good relations with. Think about it from their perspective! They go to the new Numenorean prepared to submit, get a small hope spot, and then they find out that we made a deal with Thurbad to divide the land between us?

I understand the emotion to a degree but, with all due respect, I do have to ask: what are we supposed to then?

You said yourself that getting the home island involved was a bad idea and that we wouldn't win a war with Tharbad. Keeping the current situation going simply mean more encroachment on the Enedwaithen.

Realistically we don't have the means to do better then the deal as it is proposed to us and that is assuming the people currently under Tharbad would even want it aniway. That they joined the politie, for lack of a better term, that Tharbad built unwillingly doesn't guarantee that their current inclusion in is unwilling and, as you said yourself, we don't know what they are thinking. For all we know they might just look at the Commander and his lieutenants as equivalents to aristocrats most of Middle-Earth currently live under without much fuss, even if they don't fit modern sensibilities, mine included.

I do agree we shouldn't believe him at his word but what we have seen doesn't contradict what he said, his story his damning enough for him and Tharbad to be unwise as a lie and the fact we are Numenoreans ourselves does increase the odd he is telling the truth here so I wouldn't dismiss it either.

As for what the Enedwaithen would think I would expect them to be happy to at least some degree, as our diplomacy would have saved them from conquest.

Sorry if I was a bit vehement, but I can't see how we're going to get along. The system of their society is fundamentally a wealth extraction machine built on the backs of the oppressed and supported by their virulent racism. Ours isn't going to oppress the neighbors at all and also we've made efforts to limit the racism. We are natural enemies, ideologically speaking.
That is both withewashing us and darkening Tharbad perhaps more then would be warranted. Our Men of the West outlook is probably due to circumstances more then anything else in-universe and we cannonically have part of our own people being rascist against the Men of Tharbad for being of mixed descent themselves.

As to Tharbad's conduct, obviously you have an ethnically distinct elite rulling over the place and that is distatefull to say the least. Moreover, it is clear that great crimes were commited in building Tharbad as a politie. In the present, however, I feel it is worth mentionning that we don't have anything to indicate that the people currently under Tharbad are more opressed then those under your bog standard Feudal monarchies who rule over most of Arda and that the wealth taken does, at the very least, stay in the region.

This isn't Leopold's Congo or even the British Raj, the situation is more akin to what China had under the Manchu Dynasty or something along those lines.

Mind you, this is by no means good, very far from it, but it is still far less bad then many other entities around us are so better to keep our focus on them and take the deal that realistically achieve what we can achieve IMO.
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There is also the consequences of what happens if Tharbad refuses to come to terms. They have eight hundred numenorians soldiers armed with the most modern (If somewhat dilapidated) equipment Numenor has.

We have been offered hush money, this is true. But all the land south of the Gwoltho and North of the Isen is a vast amount of territory which is now effectively protected from Tharbad. This we get without a fight.

If however, he refuses to adjust his policy (due to a low roll) the only way he would be able to ensure our silence is threatening, or actually conducting open war. A war we would lose, at least without appealing to the Eldar or the king. One of which is VERY uncertain, while the other is something we definately don't want to do. As he'll likely replace Tharbad with a new ruler, likely a new garrison. And orders to continue the tribute but pay the king his due.

Accepting the deal as it stands today doesn't lock our policy in for all time. But it is the surest way to have some good be definately done at all
Haven't really talked in this thread before, but I might as well throw my own thoughts in on all this while I'm here. When it comes to the dwarves, I'd much prefer siding with the Blacklocks over Durin's Folk. Not only do we have exactly what they need to win their fight, but we would earn a lifelong ally in doing so. I don't think it would be worth the effort to win Durin's Folk over to our side.

As for Tharbad, I think our best bet is to take his offer. While it's certainly not a prefect solution, I do think it's the best one available to us. We do not want to get the king involved any further then he is, and I don't think we will get very far trying to negotiate a better solution.
There is also the consequences of what happens if Tharbad refuses to come to terms. They have eight hundred numenorians soldiers armed with the most modern (If somewhat dilapidated) equipment Numenor has.

We have been offered hush money, this is true. But all the land south of the Gwoltho and North of the Isen is a vast amount of territory which is now effectively protected from Tharbad. This we get without a fight.

If however, he refuses to adjust his policy (due to a low roll) the only way he would be able to ensure our silence is threatening, or actually conducting open war. A war we would lose, at least without appealing to the Eldar or the king. One of which is VERY uncertain, while the other is something we definately don't want to do. As he'll likely replace Tharbad with a new ruler, likely a new garrison. And orders to continue the tribute but pay the king his due.

Accepting the deal as it stands today doesn't lock our policy in for all time. But it is the surest way to have some good be definately done at all
I'd only call on Eldars to fight Numenoreans at our side if we have no other choice and it is a question of life or death for us. Even at this stage of Numenor's fall I simply can't see how it wouldn't have disastrous consequences for us!
I'd only call on Eldars to fight Numenoreans at our side if we have no other choice and it is a question of life or death for us. Even at this stage of Numenor's fall I simply can't see how it wouldn't have disastrous consequences for us!
Oh I'd certainly prefer to call the Eldar to our side, but would they say yes? They have no real reason to interfere in what they likely see as (and realistically is) internal Numenorean politics. They at least I imagine, wouldnt stay, preferring to go home after the battle. They would definitely want to avoid angering Numenor however, so its likely a moot point.

Edit - misread your statement
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Oh I'd certainly prefer to call the Eldar to our side, but would they say yes? They have no real reason to interfere in what they likely see as (and realistically is) internal Numenorean politics. Even if they do see us as better than Tharbad, they would definitely want to avoid angering Numenor.
Indeed, my point was simply that, even if we end up with the option, before we push that button we need to think on things long and hard as there will be important consequences if we do it. Make no mistake, for the King's Men we would be traitors to take down if we do that.

Short of embracing the Darkness fully we will pish them off, that is unavoidable, but I'd rather keep that moment as late as possible.
On a slightly different note, how much support is there for starting shipbuilding soon?
We purchased the Shipwright perk at immense expense during chargen -- we should, by all rights, make good use of it. Part of that is not only the construction of ships, but also the infrastructure and institutional knowledge to build more once the Shipwright himself passes from Arda. Our best bet to get that is to build many ships (and in so doing inevitably spread knowledge of their construction from just one old man).
I'm all for building a small fleet. I just want to make sure we don't piss off the ent when we cut down the trees to build it. Should take 2 - 3 diplo actions to allow it to share some techniques for tree husbandry. During which we can build the docks required for ship building.
Gundabad: Once called the Mountain of the Dwarves, Gundabad was among the most revered sites of all the dwarven race. A thousand years ago, it fell under the Shadow. Orcs rule there now, goblin-princes and uruk-kings who dwell in the defiled halls of stone and tunnel their vast empires in the dark under the world. A place of filth and ruin it has become, blackest of all the mountains of the world -- save that one which lies in Mordor. A power has arisen there now, a Master with dominion over the squabbling orcs, a Power whose hand might soon stretch out over all the west. Gundabad stirs.
Love to see the Gundaboys independent, but who could that new Power be? Early Angmar Start? It wasn't supposed to happen for centuries, but the Nazgul are around, I suppose? A balrog? Some boldog orc chief of old that managed to get some artifacts? Honestly, eager to see this plot thread, non-Sauron dark rulers is often an interesting topic.
We should not involve the King at all, but I don't think we should accept the deal initially. Rule one as a minor power is never call in a bigger fish into your affairs. The last thing we want is the King's attention in this part of the world. If Tharbad's been forgotten about, good, we should keep it that way. We do however have the Warden by the balls, so to speak. The question is how much we want to squeeze. To that end we should not accept the deal until after we survey Enedwaith. We need to know what he's saying is our because for all we know it might be sparsely inhabited, so he can keep control over the locals without much changing. Never buy property without seeing the site for yourself.

We should also speak to Brun Gledd, the local men of the area, get their side of the story and include them on the process. I don't think the Warden of Tharbad is evil, simply inherited an unjust system he hasn't changed. He's of mixed ancestry and perhaps could be open to diplomacy with the locals if we open the door, possibly. We picked Men of the West, so they should be included in their own affairs. We can't just agree to divvy up their lands without their knowledge of consent. Tharbad has no right to give us anything because they have no right to any of it. We should also survey the lands of Gwathlo to see how Tharbad rules outside its immediate walls.

That's why we must survey the Enedwaith, conduct diplomacy with Brun Gledd, and explore the Gwathlo. I feel like that will give us better insight into the situation and possibly open up new options. We picked Men of the West and I feel that this is the most pressing concern facing our colony. It's a three pronged goal to gain information, and thus leverage, over the Warden of Tharbad, that way we can negotiate a better settlement. There's an enormous amount of synergy in these options, so reject deal and gain information, then we re-approach him.

On the matter of dwarfs I could go either way. We don't want to side with one over the other at the moment, and the Gate Captain's request was fairly reasonable. We already want to ease the burden on the locals. We want knowledge, trade, and allies. The Blacklocks wander, so they might move off if they get what they came for, which would be bad for us. The last thing we want is to get into a war with dwarfs.

The Shaping Hall is attractive. It grows their influence, but would potentially allow us to work multiple projects at once. That'd be huge. It'd allow faster growth. I do want that Lore-Hall, eventually, since we want to build up the knowledge of Numenor in preparation of the fall. The granary or pasture both sound good to me, honestly.

We should speak with Ironbark if we want to make ships. We need wood and we don't want an angry ent attacking us because we clear cut the entire region. I wouldn't want to start construction on the shipyard until we know we got Ironbark's approval, otherwise war with the forest itself. That's something we don't want. The Wide Woods options mentions there being another steward, one with bright eyes, so possibly more ents to deal with. That's why I think no shipyard until after we deal with the ents. It's a secondary issue to the matters of the locals however.
On a slightly different note, how much support is there for starting shipbuilding soon?
We purchased the Shipwright perk at immense expense during chargen -- we should, by all rights, make good use of it. Part of that is not only the construction of ships, but also the infrastructure and institutional knowledge to build more once the Shipwright himself passes from Arda. Our best bet to get that is to build many ships (and in so doing inevitably spread knowledge of their construction from just one old man).

I read through the quest again the other day, and came to the same conclusion. So, I'm very heavily in favor of maximizing use of the Shipwright. We're lifetimes of wealth in debt for gaining his expertise, so a plan not using said expertise, or at least bee-lining toward making use of said expertise, isn't acceptable in my opinion.

Not only is it a huge opportunity cost loss, but we have inspectors coming in, so having them show up and see we effectively wasted an infinite amount of their money on something we're not even using is a very, very bad look. We need the shipwright working until the day he dies to have made the choice worth it, his brain is worth more than everything else in this colony combined.

I get the desire to avoid pissing off Ironbark, and agree with it, so if we're incapable of using local wood sources for now, then we can trade excess stone to get it from somewhere else. Both Lond Daer and Umbar were called out as being hungry for stone, so we know we can fill a demand.
I read through the quest again the other day, and came to the same conclusion. So, I'm very heavily in favor of maximizing use of the Shipwright. We're lifetimes of wealth in debt for gaining his expertise, so a plan not using said expertise, or at least bee-lining toward making use of said expertise, isn't acceptable in my opinion.

Not only is it a huge opportunity cost loss, but we have inspectors coming in, so having them show up and see we effectively wasted an infinite amount of their money on something we're not even using is a very, very bad look. We need the shipwright working until the day he dies to have made the choice worth it, his brain is worth more than everything else in this colony combined.

I get the desire to avoid pissing off Ironbark, and agree with it, so if we're incapable of using local wood sources for now, then we can trade excess stone to get it from somewhere else. Both Lond Daer and Umbar were called out as being hungry for stone, so we know we can fill a demand.

That's a great point. I think we might be able to fit those actions and the ones I suggested into a single plan. We should have enough action slots to do it. I'd draft a proposal myself, but I'm not sure how to handle the Expedition details and other stuff, but I'll give it a try.
Единственная проблема с Тарбадом - это командир башни, он не наследует его де-юре. Нам нужно только заменить его другим нуменорцем. Мы пригласим его в город и предложим либо уйти в отставку, либо пойти на аудиенцию к королю. Пусть оправдывается за неуплату налогов. Нападение на полуразрушенную башню легко осуществить, наняв нуменорцев или пару местных угнетенных племен. Нельзя просто сказать людям, что мы ударили Тирана по оружию из башни, и он пошлет сборщиков дани с меньшим количеством оружия.
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He was stout and ruddy-faced, with a high nose and a bright red beard bound all in brass bells that fell to his waist and jangled as he moved. A thick circlet of iron sat about his head, though it fitted him ill. He whistled as he walked.

"Ullo there," he started in slow, halting Adunaic. "I'm Froin. Captain of the Gate."

She pulled herself up to her great height. "Hail, dwarf. I am Ûrîphêl, Razanaur's daughter and Núnadië's child. I come over the western seas in the name of Tar-Calmacil the King, and my voice is the voice of the Land of the Star."

The Dwarf whistled appreciatively. " I said, I'm Froin."

Ûrîphêl glowered down at him and set her eyes with imperious steel. He did not seem to notice.

"Captain of the Gate," he pitched in helpfully, as if she had maybe forgotten. "And my voice is none but Froin's. The traders said there was one of the tall folk making noise outside the gate, and now I'm here. What d'you want?"

"I would break words with your king."

"Well then, I'm afraid you've come a long way for nothing. The gates are shut. And 'tis not my place to speak for the King, but I dare imagine that Durin's heir does not oft running for every Man who knocks at his door."

Ûrîphêl frowned. This was growing frustrating. "I come on behalf of Númenór, and the King of the Men of the West."

Froin glanced about pointedly, the bells on his beard jangling. "I do not see a king anywhere, do you? And since you are not your king, and I am not mine, what say you tell me what you came to ask, and I shall see if it's worth his time."

Ûrîphêl had had enough. Her mouth was a thin line of impatience. "I am the second-born of Razanaur the Golden, who was Lord of Orrostar in a line unmingled from Tazayâr the First, who was a Prince of the Star and himself the blood of Elros Tar-Minyatur. I am a Lord Shaper and a holder of one of the seventeen Rods of Making, and I am counted thus among the Zimrailai. I come in the name of the Lords of the West. I am worth your time, dwarf."

"And I," the dwarf repeated slowly and with patience, as if to a child, "am Froin. Ori's son, if you wish, though he was a coppersmith and bit of a fool. I am Captain of the Gate. And the Gate is shut. None may pass, and certainly not you, unless you speak your business."

Ûrîphêl stared for a long moment, her jaw tight as a spring. Froin son of Ori whistled a light tune.
Arrogant Pride meets Disdainful Apathy. Comedic gold.

"War? I fear Razanaur's daughter has been ill-informed. There is no war in Khazad-Dum."
There is no war in Ba Sing Se. :V

Froin snorted. "Oh, you mean our unwelcome visitors. Nay, that affair is no war, and they know it well as we. They beat at our walls above and below, but they have not the numbers or the means to overcome them. The Gate-Guard alone holds them at bay. It is well-fought, I will give them that -- and honor on the folk of Vâr that even their daughters are so fierce -- but it is no war by the reckoning of the Longbeards."

Ûrîphêl narrowed her eyes. "There are scars on the mountains. The earth is rent up for many leagues, and fires smoke under the earth. And you tell me that the invaders have not stepped a foot into Khazad-Dum? That all of this is -- what, them beating upon your doors?"

Froin son of Ori, Captain of the Gate of Khazad-Dum, rolled his shoulders. The bells on his bright beard danced in the sun. Something proud glinted in the stone-grey eyes.

"Do not mistake me," he growled,"The Blacklocks are fearsome indeed. Were we elves, or tall men out of the sea who put our strength in ships and wooden things, we might perhaps tremble and wail to see them at our door, and gird all our kin for battle. But our doors are of dwarf-make, and their stones were laid by Durin's hand. The sun itself might fall from the sky before the first of the walls of Khazad-dum fell. There is no power above the earth that could bring them down. The West-wall holds. The Gate is shut. None may pass who are not friends."
Not... lying, per say, but not entirely honest either I think? Pride and/or mistrust breaking through perhaps.

He heaves a long breath. Clearly, he did not expect the audience to take this turn. "There was need."
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

"Your people?"

His mouth works a moment, and then he nods, and the green eyes flash bright. "Yes. Yes, my people. I am Lord of the Tower and master of the Greyflood. I have done the duty."
...So from this, I'd gather that this man sees Tharbad and the lands of Eriador as his home. Not the ever distant and uncaring King he pays lip service to on an island he's never seen.

Gundabad: Once called the Mountain of the Dwarves, Mount Gundabad was among the most revered sites of all the dwarven race. A thousand years ago, it fell under the Shadow. Orcs rule there now, goblin-princes and uruk-kings who dwell in the defiled halls of stone and tunnel their vast empires in the dark under the world. A place of filth and ruin it has become, blackest of all the mountains of the world -- save that one which lies in Mordor. A power has arisen there now, a Master with dominion over the squabbling orcs, a Power whose hand might soon stretch out over all the west. Gundabad stirs.
Sometimes, foreshadowing is obvious.

With orcs and rumors of orcs about the land, you begin to inquire into the matter of the bold young hunter who so recently led the hunt for the branded orcs. Barazîr is his name, you learn, a man some sixty-three years old, lean and lanky with muscle, yet short for a Númenórean -- just under six feet. Dark of skin and hair with a sharp face, he seems as one born to flit through the forests sight unseen, wing-footed and wood-sure. When you question him on where he learned his skill with the bow, he shrugs simply and tells you that there are still wolves in the forests of Hyarrostar, and many are the herds of his people which need safeguarding. But still, there is something strange about him, something you cannot quite place, at least not until you look into his eyes.

A Man may change in terrible ways over a hundred years of war, something your people have learned well. Some break, some fail, some go mad and suffer worse fates yet. Precious few last more than a century on the front lines, and it is said of these oldest veterans (who have survived horror and fear and fire for three lifetimes of lesser men), that there is a certain cold stillness to their eyes. It is known to soldiers as the Eyes of Mandos -- the grim look of one who fears neither doom nor death, but seeks only to bring them to their foes. You have seen that gaze but twice in your life: once in the eyes of a two-hundred and ninety-seven year old captain who had seen exactly a thousand battles in her day, and was readying for her thousand-and-first...

...and again, here and now, in the eyes of this shephard turned hunter.
Númenórean Tanya? This pleases me.

Seafaring has been unlocked!

The only problem with Tharbad is the tower commander, he doesn't inherit it de jure. We only have to replace him with another Númenorean. We will invite him to the city, and we will suggest either resigning from office, or going to an audience with the King. Let him justify himself for non-payment of taxes. The assault on a dilapidated tower is easy to pull off by hiring the Numenoreans or a couple of local oppressed tribes. You can't just tell the people that we hit the Tyrant in the arms from the tower and he will send tribute collectors with fewer weapons.The only problem with Tharbad is the tower commander, he doesn't inherit it de jure. We only have to replace him with another Númenorean. We will invite him to the city, and we will suggest either resigning from office, or going to an audience with the King. Let him justify himself for non-payment of taxes. The assault on a dilapidated tower is easy to pull off by hiring the Numenoreans or a couple of local oppressed tribes. You can't just tell the people that we hit the Tyrant in the arms from the tower and he will send tribute collectors with fewer weapons.
I think you copied it down twice by accident.

Also I think the point here is to avoid a war at all cost, and I doubt his people would just sit and do nothing if we tried that kinda bullshit.
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The only problem with Tharbad is the tower commander, he doesn't inherit it de jure. We only have to replace him with another Númenorean. We will invite him to the city, and we will suggest either resigning from office, or going to an audience with the King. Let him justify himself for non-payment of taxes. The assault on a dilapidated tower is easy to pull off by hiring the Numenoreans or a couple of local oppressed tribes. You can't just tell the people that we hit the Tyrant in the arms from the tower and he will send tribute collectors with fewer weapons.The only problem with Tharbad is the tower commander, he doesn't inherit it de jure. We only have to replace him with another Númenorean. We will invite him to the city, and we will suggest either resigning from office, or going to an audience with the King. Let him justify himself for non-payment of taxes. The assault on a dilapidated tower is easy to pull off by hiring the Numenoreans or a couple of local oppressed tribes. You can't just tell the people that we hit the Tyrant in the arms from the tower and he will send tribute collectors with fewer weapons.

Never involve a great power. That's rule one as a small nation. Machiavelli gets incorrectly invoked from time to time, but this is something he was absolutely right about. If we involve the King then the King has reason to turn his eyes towards us. He may take a closer interest in distant colonies, if only to ensure they pay their taxes, and may place them under tight control to root out the Faithful's influence. The Warden would likely be replaced by a King's Man and its walls reinforced, possibly to serve as a fortress against elves and elf-friends. It could also impress the King enough to suggest other colonies become even more imperialistic and force neighbouring men into paying tribute.

It means he'll know our name and suddenly wonder if we're dodging taxers too. We're planning on getting close to our neighbours, and the Warden tried to bribe us giving us domain over the lands he extracts tribute from. It puts us under scrutiny. I don't think it's a trick option that will cause a bad end, but the last thing we want is the King to have reason to be suspicious of us, more so than they will be centuries down the line.

Italian city states allied to France invited it into a war that wasn't going good for them. It didn't lead to said city states establishing a hegemony over Italy, but France barging in and acting in its own interests by using the invitation as an excuse. They got to expand their power without looking like a warmonger diplomatically. That's what we want to avoid.
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As we invited the Guild of Shapers to check on our progress, and we're in deep enough with them that we really want to make sure they stay happy and keep the shinies flowing our way, it seems worth checking back on what they care about the most:
[] The Guild of Shapers: The largest of all the guilds save for the Venturers, the Guild of Shapers arms the hosts of Númenór, designs the high towers and sloped domes of her cities, and has made many fair and mighty works in the centuries since your people landed on the Blessed Isle. In recent years, their influence and power has grown enough that they now seek to establish colonies on the mainland and exert their influence on the world. Like all the guilds, they are supposedly apolitical, and are not ill-disposed to alliances with elves or dwarves should it help them better their craft. They seek ever and always new sources of metal for their crafts, and old knowledge of crafting long lost to the world. Having sponsored no colonies before, the Guild has thrown all of it's considerable resources behind your new venture, but has deeply angered the Guild of Venturers, who view this intrusion into their dominion in an ill light. With few colonists and few ships, your main resource will be the wealth of your sponsors in the Guild and their knowledge of crafting.
They seek ever and always new sources of metal for their crafts, and old knowledge of crafting long lost to the world.
This seems fairly clear: They want metal, and they want lore. Since this is their first sponsored colony presumably they will also want to see general signs of prosperity, and since they paid for that absurdly expensive shipwright they'll logically want to see that we're actually putting that investment to use instead of wasting it.

We have the following build options which would clearly favor their interests:
[] Build A Shaping Hall: A domed hall of cast stone, where the Shapers may plan, gather, and study. Most every colony has one. It would allow for a greater variety of construction projects, they assure you, and allow for several projects to be worked on at once. (Grows Shaper Influence)
[] Build A Lore-Hall:
Here may be gathered and laid ancient works of lore and prized scrolls from over the sea -- the collected knowledge of a people. A library would have many benefits, and allow Research once you had enough scholars.
[] Build A Ranging House: A place where your Rangers may rest their heads, gather supplies, and string their bows. It would allow for more extensive explorations.
[] Build A Shipyard: To properly utilize the Shipwright you brought with you, you begin construction on a great shipyard where vessels in the Númenórean style may be built.
A Shaping Hall is obvious easy points with the Shapers since it gives them a base of operations but I'm not sure that we actually need one for its effect right now, and that may be sponsor points that we can save for some future inspection since presumably these will be recurring events. A Ranging House is extremely attractive to me because we're using the same people for exploring sites of potential ancient elvish lore and for keeping an eye on external threats, specifically Gundabad. This means that building it will simultaneously please our sponsors and boost our defenses. Accomplishing two high-priority objectives at once like that is hard to turn down. A Lore-Hall is likely to be essential for analyzing any ancient knowledge that we do manage to recover, but obviously exploration comes first in order to get that lost lore to analyze. The massive investment we made in that Shipwright means that it will almost certainly displease the Shapers if we don't have a Shipyard at least under construction when their rep shows up, and we want to get that up and running anyway because of the incredible importance of commerce to our colony's future prosperity; we can likely do preparatory actions (such as negotiating with Ironbark) this turn and start building it next.

Aside from building, these actions are probably the ones most obviously worth Shaper kudos points:
[] Begin Construction on the Harbor: Begin using your stores of Númenórean Iron to build a great harbor that will stand as a wonder of the continent. (Requires Shaper Hero, will take 10 turns/six years, whichever comes first)
[] Explore Enedwaith:
There is still much in the lands around your city that you do not know. Send searchers to find valuable natural resources or ancient treasures, and map your new home fully. A sizeable share of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
[] The Land of the Ringmakers:
Eregion, to your north, was once one of the great Elvish realms until it's destruction by the Dark Lord in the War of the Elves and Sauron long ago. Here dwelt the elf-smiths whom the Enemy tricked into creating the Rings of Power, and amid the ruins of their halls and cities lie ancient artifacts from the glory days of the Elves. You send explorers and riders into this land to map it further. (2/6)
[] Nargil-Dûm:
A manse in the wilderness, built by the elves in better days for their friend Thain, a son of Durin III and a prince of the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum. Overgrown and dilapidated, it stands still imposing in the wild, a memory of a finer time. The dwarf-hall's doors were sealed, and, as far as your explorers can tell, have not been opened in a thousand years. (Hero Required)
The harbor is desirable for obvious reasons- the Shapers paid for that iron and want to see it used, and once the harbor's built it lets our city become a key trade node and shipping location, which is likely to snowball into a successful colony. It might not be the optimal action from an administrative point of view, but it's highly visible and the Shaper representative is likely to approve of highly visible things.

Exploring Enedwaith needs little explanation- the Shapers want resources, and that's the action to look for resources. If there are potential sources of metal to be found in our immediate area they will be 110% behind any attempts to exploit them, and frankly we should be too because we voted for a forge-city and that's just not going to happen without mines somewhere nearby, plus we need decent weapons before getting into any sort of fight. Similarly, the Shapers want lore, and exploring Eregion to find potential sites of shiny lore is exactly what they want to see us doing. An expedition to Nargil-Dûm is a bit more of a gamble, but with a potentially very high payoff- if the site's a bust we get nothing, but if we went there and were able to actually recover some kind of useful artifacts or lore, it would be a huge feather in our cap in the Shapers' eyes. A big enough one, I suspect, to guarantee further support from them in hopes of replicating such results. Being able to show that we've got maps with potential exploration sites marked out is valuable but nowhere near as valuable as having the results of such looking through such sites in hand.

The question to me is how many of these actions we can push into our plan while still managing our city properly, poking at the brewing Gundabad problem, and dealing with diplomatic endeavors.
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Okay, this is a draft of my plan. I'd be willing to swap out the Militia for something else, but it seemed like a sensible decision. Plus with sending the Seastriders away we probably want more people to defend the colony.

I think we should get the Shaping Hall up so that we can do multiple projects. They're also our backers, so it'd look good to have a place to house them. I was tempted to pick pastures, but I didn't want to lock us our of a project slot when the Shaping Hall might unlock even more projects. Meep is right that we need to get started on that Shipyard to make use of the Shipwright, and at the same time we need to settle things with Ironbark. I was tempted to put Widen the Wood in case it triggered an interaction but that seemed like it'd piss Ironbark off. We don't want war with the woods.

I didn't know what to do with Barazir, so searching for orcs and their allies seemed like a good use of his abilities. Might as well make use of him, after all. The Mariner's route doesn't favour King's Men or Faithful, so it seems like a neutral path to take that let's us sale stone in exchange for wood.

Brun Gledd, Enedwaith, and Gwathlo give us a better sense of what's going on, and I believe that will open up more diplomatic options with the Warden. They got amazing thematic synergy. He was quick to offer us a deal, so he's trying to buy our silence and bind our word. We need to know more, and we picked Men of the West, so we must include the locals in decisions that regard them. We won't dictate their lives to them. It gives us more leverage over him too, which is always useful. It could turn him into a valuable ally if we show him force isn't necessary. We need not harden his heart.

This will also help lay the diplomatic groundwork to gather resources without completely pissing off the locals in the process.

[] Plan Surveying the Land

-[] Build A Shipyard:
To properly utilize the Shipwright you brought with you, you begin construction on a great shipyard where vessels in the Númenórean style may be built.
-[] Build A Shaping Hall: A domed hall of cast stone, where the Shapers may plan, gather, and study. Most every colony has one. It would allow for a greater variety of construction projects, they assure you, and allow for several projects to be worked on at once. (Grows Shaper Influence)
--[] Uriphel
-[] Scout Gundabad:
Beyond the Misty Mountains lies a mountain the dwarves mourn in their hearts. Evil stirs there now. Send rangers to scout the Mountain, and see what wakes in the north. A sizeable population of your people support doing this -- 4 Speakers are behind it.
--[] Barazir
-[] Search For Signs of Gundabad's Influence:
There are whispers. Shadows in the dark. Shapes in the waters. Eyes in the forests. Evil awake in the lands of men. Orcs are about all Eriador, from the wide woods of Minhiriath to the ruins of Eregion. Seek them, and uncover their vile purpose. (Takes Two Turns)
-[] Send An Envoy to Brun Gledd:
Several leagues north of the city lies Brun Gledd, a town built into and under six seperate hills. It was dug by the dwarves long ago, but it's first name is now long lost, and it is ruled by the Enedwaithrim and their aging lord Braelor. Send an envoy to break words with the Middle-Men.
-[] Send An Envoy To Rivendell: Imladris, or Rivendell, is an elvish stronghold deep in the heartlands of Eriador. Founded and ruled by the Elf-Lord Elrond Halfelven, it serves as a bastion of wisdom and learning in these later days of the world, projecting Elvish might into all eastern Eriador. The elves of Rivendell are force to be reckoned with, and are great traders and loremasters besides. It would not be unwise to make their acquaintance. A very large portion of your people support doing this -- 6 Speakers are behind it. 1 is stringently opposed, representing the farmers.
-[] Ironbark:
In the deeps of the Iron Forest dwells an ent, an old thing with old eyes. He is no foe, not yet. But he is no friend of men, you do not think. Not anymore. Break words with him, and see if the strength of oak and yew might be bent in friendship. (requires hero)
--[] Imrazor
-[] Explore Enedwaith:
There is still much in the lands around your city that you do not know. Send searchers to find valuable natural resources or ancient treasures, and map your new home fully. A sizeable share of your people support doing this -- 3 Speakers are behind it.
-[] The Gwathlo:
You have made contact with the master of the Gwathlo, and the ford is held, as it has been for ten thousand lifetimes of the small men, by Númenór. If you so wish it, your men may pass beyond the ford, and see how Minhiriath has changed in ten centuries. The men of Tharbad speak of myraid towns and villages, and of civilizations flourishing in the wild. Venture past the Greyflood, and see what has become of these lands.
-[] Plan An Expedition:
---[] The Pillar of Heaven
---[] Inzilbeth Seastrider
---[] (Special) (Requires Inzilbeth) Reunite the Crew of the Pillar:
Inzilbeth's old crew have been sailing the rivers and serving as an impromptu city guard. Have them trade the sword for the seaspray. (Temporarily disbands the Seastriders)
--[] The Mariner's Route:
This path travels from Lond Daer to Romenna on the Blessed Isle, and finishes at Pelargir. (Costs 1 supplies)
--[] Trade
---[] Stone:
You have a small amount of surplus stone left over. You have heard they hunger for it in crumbling Lond Daer and ever-besieged Umbar.

What do people think? It prepares for our survey/audit, gets us a lead on branded orcs, and info on the local area. We can begin construction on the Harbour itself next turn, which the Shaper Hall might possibly help with.

Edit: Switched out "Expand Militia" with "Envoy to Rivendell."
Edit 2: Moved Barazir from "Search for Signs of Gundabad's Influence" to "Scout Gundabad."
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If we don't take actions to meet with elves, the faithfuls might get pissed ya know. They really want to do that.

Use the expedition for Elf diplomacy perhaps? Elrond and his gang might also known about Gundabad. We also don't need Expand militia.
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If we don't take actions to meet with elves, the faithfuls might get pissed ya know. They really want to do that.

Use the expedition for Elf diplomacy perhaps? Elrond and his gang might also known about Gundabad. We also don't need Expand militia.

Rivendell is tempting and highly demanded. The militia seemed like a good neutral option to take, especially while the Seastriders were away on expedition. I could switch it out though.

Any thoughts on the rest of it? It's the first time I've proposed a plan for the quest, so I'm hoping people like it.
Rivendell is tempting and highly demanded. The militia seemed like a good neutral option to take, especially while the Seastriders were away on expedition. I could switch it out though.

Any thoughts on the rest of it? It's the first time I've proposed a plan for the quest, so I'm hoping people like it.
I pretty much agree with everything you are doing. Though, the downside of going for Elrond is that we may also need to do something to make the farmers happy this turn or the next:V.
Edit: Switched out "Expand Militia" with "Envoy to Rivendell."
Well in this case, what do the farmers want?

It's likely that one of the other options chosen probably includes them. At the same time raising Militia doesn't actively piss anybody off, and of all the people to not piss off the guys who grow your food is pretty high up the list.