- Location
- United Kingdom
[X] Plan Setting the Foundations
-[X] Hyarnustar (Warriors)
--[X] Gather a sizeable amount of colonists from here. (2 Ships)
-[X] Rómenna (Shipwrights)
--[X] Gather a few colonists from here. (1 Ship)
-[X] Forostar (Miners)
--[X] Gather a sizeable amount of colonists from here. (2 Ships)
-[X] Andustar (Faithful / House of Beor)
--[X] Gather a large amount of colonists from here. (3 Ships)
-[X] Mittalmar (Farmers)
--[X] Gather a few colonists from here. (1 Ship)
-[X] Hyarrostar (Woodsmen / Scouts)
--[X] Gather a few colonists from here. (1 Ship)
-[X] The Shapers
-[X] Númenórean Iron
-[X] The Captain
-[X] The Knight
-[X] Minas Giliath, The Tower of Stars (Elvish)
So the objective of this Plan is to give us a solid foundation to build from while minimising troublesome and potentially corrupting elements.
For the Colonists I've gone fairly heavy on the House of Beor from Andustar, they tend to be Loremasters and Shapers but they're also capable (if not the best) warriors and most importantly they're stable, their hearts are sure and pure. I've also grabbed two ships of warriors and one of the scouts/woodsmen. I think that gives us a solid foundation for our defenses.
With that done I've also gone for a ship of Mariners as I feel they're useful to have, but probably not something we need to go all-in on. Next, I've gotten two ships of miners because as much as they might dislike us as a Shaper I feel we can overcome that and we're going to need the miners. And lastly one ship of the farmers because while they are Kings Men they're outnumbered enough that they shouldn't be able to cause issues and their skillset is incredibly useful.
For Purchases, I've gone for Shapers and Númenórean Iron because combined they improve and accelerate the construction of the core of our City, probably the Citadel? I've chosen not to select a third purchase because it's important for us to remember that these are purchases, and they come with corresponding debts and while the ships are appealing they're massively expensive. Also, it's important to remember that while we're unlikely to get an influx of people as substantial as this again we're not going to be completely cut off from Numenor so it is still possible to get more people in the future.
Lastly for the companions, I've gone for the Captain and the Knight. The Knight because he covers our obvious weaknesses when it comes to combat and command, we need someone to lead our forces. Also, while I've opted not to also pick up his twin sons I think by selecting the Knight we have a chance of getting them in the future. As I said before it's not like we're cutting off all contact with Numenor and if they decide to go adventuring in a few decades they could easily decide to base themselves where their father is.
Additionally, because we have the ships and an incredible captain its not like we can't make a return trip in the future for more colonists.
As for the others I've decided to ignore. The Last Lord of Eldalondë I just think is more harm than good honestly, I'm just not convinced 300 men who hate the elves is a good idea given they're one of the major powers in the World.
The Lady Shaper I have to say I wasn't tempted by at all. The fact that - at best - she can be described as 'not quite an enemy', combined with her higher rank within the Guild and her independent power base simply makes her too big a risk in a fledgling colony. The years we have in front of us will already be a massive challenge without adding such an obvious potential threat to the highest level of our colony.
-[X] Hyarnustar (Warriors)
--[X] Gather a sizeable amount of colonists from here. (2 Ships)
-[X] Rómenna (Shipwrights)
--[X] Gather a few colonists from here. (1 Ship)
-[X] Forostar (Miners)
--[X] Gather a sizeable amount of colonists from here. (2 Ships)
-[X] Andustar (Faithful / House of Beor)
--[X] Gather a large amount of colonists from here. (3 Ships)
-[X] Mittalmar (Farmers)
--[X] Gather a few colonists from here. (1 Ship)
-[X] Hyarrostar (Woodsmen / Scouts)
--[X] Gather a few colonists from here. (1 Ship)
-[X] The Shapers
-[X] Númenórean Iron
-[X] The Captain
-[X] The Knight
-[X] Minas Giliath, The Tower of Stars (Elvish)
So the objective of this Plan is to give us a solid foundation to build from while minimising troublesome and potentially corrupting elements.
For the Colonists I've gone fairly heavy on the House of Beor from Andustar, they tend to be Loremasters and Shapers but they're also capable (if not the best) warriors and most importantly they're stable, their hearts are sure and pure. I've also grabbed two ships of warriors and one of the scouts/woodsmen. I think that gives us a solid foundation for our defenses.
With that done I've also gone for a ship of Mariners as I feel they're useful to have, but probably not something we need to go all-in on. Next, I've gotten two ships of miners because as much as they might dislike us as a Shaper I feel we can overcome that and we're going to need the miners. And lastly one ship of the farmers because while they are Kings Men they're outnumbered enough that they shouldn't be able to cause issues and their skillset is incredibly useful.
For Purchases, I've gone for Shapers and Númenórean Iron because combined they improve and accelerate the construction of the core of our City, probably the Citadel? I've chosen not to select a third purchase because it's important for us to remember that these are purchases, and they come with corresponding debts and while the ships are appealing they're massively expensive. Also, it's important to remember that while we're unlikely to get an influx of people as substantial as this again we're not going to be completely cut off from Numenor so it is still possible to get more people in the future.
Lastly for the companions, I've gone for the Captain and the Knight. The Knight because he covers our obvious weaknesses when it comes to combat and command, we need someone to lead our forces. Also, while I've opted not to also pick up his twin sons I think by selecting the Knight we have a chance of getting them in the future. As I said before it's not like we're cutting off all contact with Numenor and if they decide to go adventuring in a few decades they could easily decide to base themselves where their father is.
Additionally, because we have the ships and an incredible captain its not like we can't make a return trip in the future for more colonists.
As for the others I've decided to ignore. The Last Lord of Eldalondë I just think is more harm than good honestly, I'm just not convinced 300 men who hate the elves is a good idea given they're one of the major powers in the World.
The Lady Shaper I have to say I wasn't tempted by at all. The fact that - at best - she can be described as 'not quite an enemy', combined with her higher rank within the Guild and her independent power base simply makes her too big a risk in a fledgling colony. The years we have in front of us will already be a massive challenge without adding such an obvious potential threat to the highest level of our colony.