We Are the Gods of a New World Order [Warhammer 50K ~ Warp God Simulator]

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A game of being a god in the Fifty-Second Millennium

1) Yes, there is a Discord, no, it's not a source of privileged information so much as it's a drafting tool I use to help order my thoughts. Unless I explicitly clear it for release, any information claimed to be from it should be taken with a grain of salt.

2) This is strictly a PG-13 game. I don't want any creepy behavior infesting the thread.
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Soul of Fractured Petals (Expended)
Soul of Fractured Petals

Sephena Invillis was born on Equinox, the fourth child of two unremarkable farmers who had spent their entire lives working the seemingly endless fields of the agri-world. They raised her well, taught her right from wrong, to always follow the Imperial Faith and the will of the God-Emperor. It was a peaceful childhood.

She spent many a day in her youth watching her three elder brothers tend the fields, sowing seed throughout the season of planting, picking grain within the season of harvest. But she always knew, somewhere in her little heart, that her brothers yearned for more, to serve the Imperium as something more than simple farmers.

Thus, Sephena was not truly surprised when, one by one, year by year, her brothers declared their desire to join the local PDF and become Imperial guardsmen. Her parents tried to talk them out of it, each attempt more desperate than the last, but time and dedication wore them down to at least tentative acceptance.

Yet Sephena was not swayed with her parents, she couldn't understand why brothers were so intent on leaving the farm behind, leaving her behind, to join the army. Did they not believe their current service to the Emperor was enough?

She asked this of her eldest brother, questioned his decision with tear-stained sleeves and quivering eyes. He told her that it was not something that could be explained, only experienced. But Sephena was resilient, and eventually, her brother agreed to try.

So, one day, the two of them ventured to see the local PDF out on parade, marching across the world in perfect formation, guns and armour worn rugged with signs of battle, their thousands of feet shaking the ground with every step.

It was like nothing Sephena had ever seen in her life, so many people as to appear endless, so much force as to seem untouchable, so much strength, to become a will unbreakable.

She saw, and she understood.

It was not long after that day that Sephena announced that she too wished to join the Imperial guard.

She had expected her mother to be resistant but received only an exasperated sigh in response. She had expected her father to be immovable, but he had openly laughed at her declaration.

Upon clarifying that she had been serious, her father had simply smiled and told her that if she had so much energy to be thinking of such things, then she should be working the field more, like her brothers.

Time passed, and as the eldest brother left to join the PDF, the second oldest took up his duties. The youngest brother, in turn, filled the jobs the middle brother left behind, leaving Sephena with the work of the youngest brother.

So did the cycle continue, the brothers leaving one by one, shifting more and more work upon their sister's shoulders. The work grew harsher, but Sephena persevered without complaint, after all, how would she become an Imperial Guard if she couldn't even handle fieldwork?

Her dream remained nestled in her heart, a flame of hope and dedication that kept her moving through storm and rain, through feast and famine.

One day, after a period of particularly poor harvests, Sephena had gone to the market to trade meagre goods for even smaller profit, leaving her parents to rest after the most recent harvest season.

When she returned, she was halted by a wall of guardsmen.

They told her directly, without preamble or remorse, that the area behind them had just been victim to a Xenos attack, and that all civilians in the area had been killed before the PDF could repel it.

She had not believed them, demanded in rage to see proof, to see her parents. She was denied, told that all the bodies were being collected to be burnt and that she would be allowed back to the remains of her home within the month.

Asking got her nothing, so instead Sephena began to scheme.

Two days later, she broke into the 'crematorium warehouse', a massive building that government had claimed in order to store all the corpses from the attack pre-cremation. The area was off-limits to most civilians, but it was also not considered important enough to guard, so Sephena simply walked in…

And immediately wished that she hadn't.

The first thing that struck her was the smell; putrid rotting flesh hit her in a wave of nauseous fumes. Her legs buckled and only quick reflexes kept her for cracking her head open on the floor, so great was the sheer disgusting force of the stench.

The sight of the corpses only made things worse, limbs were torn, cleaved from torsos as if the worlds largest blender had fallen upon them in a whirlwind of serrated blades. Most bodies resembled large chunks of bloody meat then they did humans, flesh marked with sharp imprints as if the Xenos monsters had tried to devour the dead, tried, and failed.

Sephena left, unable to find her parents, unable to recognise their bodies among the crush of the deceased.

She did not sleep that night.

She did not sleep well for a long time after that night.

Just a few days later, one of her brothers visited, the youngest of the three. He visited her in the garb of a guardsman, face carved in expressionless stone, his grief visible only in the corner of his eyes as he told her that they were the only ones left.

The two older brothers had died trying to hold the line against a sudden surge of blood-covered Xenos, just a few days before the attack that killed their parents. News of their death had been simple one among thousands in the Imperial war machine.

Sephena's last remaining brother didn't stay, couldn't stay. He returned to his garrison shortly afterwards, leaving her to grieve alone in an empty house.

She went through the motions of life more machine than human from that day onward, acting without feeling, sleeping without resting, surviving, but not truly living.

When the Publicani arrived, Sephena quietly noted to herself that she, like most of the planet, would not survive the coming crises. But even the threat of encroaching death could not break her melancholy, for her heart had been dead for a long time now, and she was not afraid to finally be buried with it.

That is what she thought. Until a miracle occurred.

Like a lightning bolt piercing through the darkest night, the Priestess appeared. Garbed in robes of the Imperial church, she preached not of salvation through devotion to the emperor but of the coming of a saint, a Maiden of Verdance who would deliver them from starvation.

Sephena, like most people, ignored the Priestess. Until the miracle occurred.

Potatoes began to grow where they should not have been able to, nestled between the roots of grain plants, hidden from the greedy eyes of the Publicani.

Then, the High Priestess spoke of the Flayed ones, who had threatened Equinox for far too long, and would surely destroy all life on the planet without the PDF… or without a miracle.

The Priestess promised a second miracle in the Maidens name, and for the first time since her parents' death, Sephena's heart began to stir. The thought that the Xenos who had slaughtered her family would soon face the same fate…

Her heart began to beat again, slow and bloody, but purposeful in its rhythm. A flame of vengeance was lit, a broken wilted thing, small and flickering in her heart, but alive enough to answer the Priestess's call, and follow her to salvation.

There, Sephena saw the first Belladonna, saw the birth of the first Flower Knight, and knew in that moment that there was only one path left for her.

She joined the First Maniple, took up arms with other likeminded Maidens of War, and soon found herself running training drills in a large bio-mech.

The feeling of piloting her Belladonna was… euphoric. She became so much more than a tired broken-down girl with no hope left.

Now, she was a tired broken-down girl driving a giant whirling biological death blender.

The flame of vengeance in her heart blazed brighter with every step, feeding on her old long-lost desire. The desire born from the mind of a little agri-world girl watching an army match by.

The desire to be strong.

The desire to be unbreakable.

The desire to be a part of something impossibly greater than herself.

The flame grew, sparks of hope tempering the rage of vengeance into a burning blade of righteous fury, poised to strike at the first target that came her way.

Sephena got her chance when the Xenos attacked once more. The High Priestess led the charge, the rest of the Knights either striding aside her or following in her wake.

The Flower Knights surged forth into the alien horde, joining the battle in an awe-inspiring demonstration of destruction.

The monsters fell quickly, one good strike was all it took for the power of the Verdant Maiden to overcome the abominations. They fell to the ground like children's puppets with their strings broken, felled in a bloody harvest of scything lances and reaping blades alike.

Sephena's Belladonna romped through the carnage, an unfamiliar grin spreading across her face as the alien forces began to retreat before the might of the Maiden.

'We can fight them.' Her charging lance speared through a Flayed one's torso

'We can bleed them.' She crushed a crawling Xenos underfoot.

'We can kill them!' Her blades eviscerated the cowardly monsters that tried to escape her wraith.

'Praise the Maiden!' Her spirit cried out, burning brighter than ever.

Her soul might be broken, but Sephena Invillis would gladly give all of her fractured self to the Maiden in return for this wondrous blessing.

AN: Got inspired to write an omake about a random Flower Knights backstory, hope it turned out okay.
To Gild a Lily (Expended)
To gild a lily

Her name was Leliana. She supposed she had a family name at one point, not that she bothered remembering it. You have to keep the important things close to mind trying to survive the slums of Equinox. It wasn't always that bad. Her father was a well-to-do member of the planetary adminitorium. Her only memory of him was his death at the hands of the arbities. He was found guilty of embezzlement. It was quick and loud. The loud bang of the autogun's report carved into her mind forever.

Her mother tried to take care of her for a time, the useless fool that she was. She didn't work before her father died, living off her husband's ill-gotten gains. After a few weeks struggling in the gutter she sold her own child, Leliana, to a workhouse, where she toiled twelve, sometimes fourteen, hours a day making widgets and gizmos for some kind of contraptions. Or as Leliana would say, "Steady work."

It was a normal childhood really, Leliana lied to herself, three good meals a day, no bugs or rats - for food or in her bed - and a warm place to sleep. All of which was an improvement from the slums. Still, it wasn't pretty, quotas are quotas, and her fellow children were cruel - she had teeth kicked out, nose broken enough it would never look right. She took to wearing a scarf of red to cover much of her face. Even though it was more a stinking rag, it was better than getting heckled.

When she was old enough she managed to land better work as a stocker in one of the massive facilities that managed the farming equipment necessary for an agri-world's needs. Leliana was a hard worker she thought, or at least diligent enough to pass the cut. It was at this point her life would change. She was still pushing and carrying around many of the same widgets and gizmos she made as a child. So much for progress.

If, at this point, one were to believe that Leliana was a miserable creature, existing only to escape the pain of death, one would find themselves only half right. Despite her taciturn, pragmatic, and downright antisocial behavior Leiana was a glass-half-full kind of lady, and capable of surprisingly foolish choices. A delightfully human quality.

Leliana found herself at what any clear-thinking person would have recognized as a not-properly-imperial cult meeting - or five. All because Tahm Sadova from maintenance was talking it up during lunch break. She would silently curse his easygoing smile, but well, she was only human.

So there she was, standing in the deep groves of Equinox's central forest, with her smelly red scarf and scratchy oversized workmans coat, and her messy white hair, the only one dumb enough to follow Tahm of all of her coworkers. Honestly, if this was a story, she'd be dead before the end of it for sure, but she knew it was too late for cold feet. A well dressed woman, high priestess Dana herself, walked up to the pulpit and began to preach, "And thus, the maiden spoke to me!" It was a pretty good presentation all-in-all, in Leliana's humble opinion. Despite this, some people were hesitating, even Tahm was agasp at those sharp looking tendrils meant to connect the pilot to the plant creature-armor-thing.

Then Dana stepped into the Belladonna, showing it was safe, and asked for volunteers to follow her, to fight against the flayers. Leliana examined Tahm, the only member of the cult she really knew, and he was searching about his fellow cultists, looking for a sign of what would happen. Suddenly one girl stepped forth from the small pack of heretics, boldly declaring, "I volunteer!" then another, and another.

Leliana tugged on Tahm's sleeve, getting his attention, "Good Speech", and before she could worry about the consequences of her boldness, she walked forth up to the line, up with the other young women, her hand held high alongside them, declaring at the top of her tiny voice, "Me."

Leliana liked to imagine she cut a striking image up there, so brave and bold.

After some ceremony she clambered into the Belladonna's, well, pilot seat, for the lack of a better word, and joined with the strange miracle monster, and in a moment, her world changed. For the first time in her life she felt a true connection to the inner world of other minds. Admittedly, even up until that point, Leliana only had one foot in the cult, ready to bolt if things went south. Or so she told herself.

Not anymore. She couldn't even process it. She didn't know the words...

Leliana followed along with her new sisters, silently, the goal was to train with their new warforms, but before they could get much of anything under their belts, they found themselves charging into battle against the dreaded flayers. She was no fighter, she wasn't even what you'd call scrappy. But now she was striding into battle encased in multiple tons of goddess grown warflora, and she feared no evil.

They spotted the settlement, bursting past the treeline at a full sprint, lances in hand, and descended upon the unsuspecting alien menace. Her Ironbark lance impaling one, bursting through it, skewering a second lurching horror in its robotic neck, before the weapon snapped at the haft from the incredible force of her charge. Without hesitation Leilana deployed her curved sickles from her forearms.

All her life, Leliana had a hard time expressing herself, she knew that now more than ever, but here, on this battlefield, she found herself an artist, her brush: The Reaper blades gifted to her, the paint was the viridian energies bestowed upon them, and her canvas was the metal corpses of her foe delivered before her!

She found joining with her sisters warcry through the heart-link, shouting with all her mind, body, and soul.

Victory was theirs, and when she returned to camp and emerged from her Belladonna, she immediately noticed something was wrong. No, not wrong. Changed? Healed? Her hands, her arms. Gone were the many scars and calluses born from a lifetime of factory labor. That lurking sharp pain in her left knee, gone, her skin, radiant and healthy. She felt her face, her nose with her hands, felt her new teeth with her tongue. Leiliana ran her fingers through her new silky smooth hair, all restored - no - made better than they would ever have been. With the right dress she could walk into the highest echelons of the spire and no one would think her above her station...

What a pathetic reason to sell her soul, she thought. A pretty face? A pretty smile... While all her battle-sisters celebrated, she silently wept. Leliana was swept up in the emotion of the moment, until that moment she forgot the most important thing. Her soul belonged to the Verdant Maiden now.

AN: shucks votes were closed before I got off work. I had this idea in mind all day but low and behold something very much like it was written by Burn-The-Candle, and I think his or her work, Soul of Fractured Petals, is much clearer and more to the point. I admit I am not much of a writer, but I really wanted to give it a go. I hope it is taken well.

I had too many ideas to fit into this little story. I wanted to incorporate the idea that based on the descriptions of the Belladonna, if someone went into it with a preexisting condition, there is no reason they wouldn't come out healed of it! Nifty I think. Plus if we're going to do anime hijinx, we need a Rei Ayanami Expy, they are practically obligatory, unless things have changed a lot since the last time I seriously followed anime, lol. My goal was to create a hardworking, taciturn, young woman who isn't quite as cold and calculating as one might think, and who wasn't 100% onboard the cult train until she got to be a 10 foot tall, multiton badguy wrecking machine. Even then, there is no getting off this train once it is rolling. So she would have to deal with it going forward. Can she find true happiness? She is selfish and petty as well. It was my attempt to add a little personality? Of course over a longer narrative arc she could grow out of the foolishness, pettiness, etc. I smashed this out in about three hours start to finish so I apologize in advance for... everything really. I hope I managed to keep everything in the same tense, mostly?
Preacher of the Weave (Expended)
Preacher of the Weave

There are fools who say 'There is no strength in flesh, only weakness.' I say it is what we have, what we have been blessed with, this flesh has survived billions of years to reach this state, to become as we are now! To ignore what we have endured is arrogance! Each day that we live is a day that we grow stronger!

They say 'There is no certainty in flesh but death' I say that Death is a natural part of life, all things that live, must also die. To forget Death is to forget how to Live. To ignore that, is to ignore the most basic wisdom of The Seven Fold Flower Herself!

They say 'There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal' I say that Truth cannot be found in unfeeling and unyielding metal. Truth can be found within us all! In the Weave that lives within us, every creature born of Holy Terra finds its home! I ask you sisters, brothers why would they reject this blessing!?

They say 'There is no constancy in flesh, only decay' I say that flesh may decay, it may age it may grow old and die. But it can change, and this is the greatest gift. The Flesh can be changed, if you but learn how! Flesh can be our greatest power, if you only look closer, bothers and sisters! The Unfeeling Steel was no match for The Green Lady's Knights, to this I was witness and so too were you, my brothers and sisters! We too can shape the Weave as She does! She has given us the knowledge! She has given us the will!

I say There is Strength in Flesh, it Endures.
I say There is Truth in Flesh, it is Within.
I say There is no Life in Flesh without Death.
I say There is Certainty in Flesh, It will always Adapt!


Recorded Transcript of Street Preacher, Cult of the Verdant.
EXCERPT FROM: ON CULTS MOST FOUL a Trestie by H. No-Sin-Shall-Fall-Upon-Thy-Head of the Ordo Hereticus
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Good Soldiers Follow Orders (Expended)
[X] Plan A Shield For Our Faithful

Don't know if we can have more than one omake per turn, if not then I can just tack it onto next turn.

Good Soldiers Follow Orders

Captain Sheridan Woods of the Planetary Auxilla's 3rd Company frowned as he stared at the most recent intel reports from Goldsheaf Province. He had been doing this for months: ever since the first reports of the xeno incursions had made their way out of that benighted land. 'Bearing witness when I should be acting!'

Time and time again, he had inquired of the Colonel if a company, Emperor, even a few platoons of the Auxilia might be spared to at least keep the provence from descending into complete anarchy. While he was well aware that his duty was to protect the Emperor's Chosen Representative of the planet, the Governor, surely it would be better to burn the xeno out at the root rather than let them spread all the way to Lambent. 'And isn't protecting innocent people the right thing to do?'

Every time, however, the Colonel had simply sighed and repeated the same words: "A good soldier follows orders, and our orders are to stand in defense of the capitol." 'But they'll die without our help!'

So, even as a provence writhed under the attacks of the alien, held back only by the desperate courage of men and women who knew they would soon be called away from their homes to spread the Emperor's light in the Void; Sheridan obeyed his orders. Even as reports of oncoming famine began to trickle down from on high, Sheridan obeyed his orders. Even when the first whispers of a cult began to spread, Sheridan obeyed his orders. 'I should be helping them save their homes.'

Now, as reports were saying that the xeno had been defeated, perhaps even annihilated by the cult, now there was talk that the Auxilla might be called out to fight. To destroy the people who (Emperor forgive him for the seeds of treasonous thought), had gathered the courage to stand up and fight when all others had abandoned them. No excuse for heresy or treason, of course, but one could respect bravery even when condemning the the one wielding it. 'Condemn them? They're doing our job for us!'

Sighing, he leaned back at his desk and looked out over the company's main hall (his office was strategically placed so that he could keep an eye on his charges at all times to prevent any straying from the Emperor's Light.) Men were talking, drinking, arm-wrestling, all the typical actions of soldiers who had nothing better to do with their time. 'We do, we should be out there saving the planet, but Command won't let us!'

Frowning, Sheridan stood to stare at one of the side walls, where one of his Lieutenants was chatting with some minor Administratum functionary, her hand gently caressing his arm. This was unusual, but not unheard of: there was some truth to the old saying that women love a man in uniform after all. However, Sheridan happened to know that distinctive flower-woven braid: hadn't he happened upon her having a rather similar interaction with a woman from Fifth Company just last week? With the exact same familiar brush on the arm as the Corporal babbled and blushed? 'Aww...'

He hadn't mentioned it at the time; neither of them were in his chain of command so it was not his duty to report on them so long as they were not doing anything too terrible, but it was odd... and Lieutenant Ramirez was one of his. Really, Sheridan should investigate... the reports did say that the cult was enamored with flowers... might be trying to infiltrate the Auxilla... 'Yep, that's exactly what's going on. She's a spy. Good luck to her.'

But he had not been ordered to try to root out the cult, had he? The Governor's orders were to carry on with the normal protective duties of the Auxilla, and surely that should be Sheridan's focus. There were plenty of Arbities and investigators who could root out any corruption on their own: it was not his place to interfere with their divine mandate. 'May they never find that brave girl...'

After all, good soldiers did not deviate from their orders, did they? 'Especially if that helps in the only way I have the courage to.'
AN: Invixsitext represents Sheridan's repressed good nature.
Fishing For Teachings (Expended)
Fishing For Teachings

How did one start trying their hands at genetic manipulation of a plant-crop that didn't exist a year ago, when one wasn't sanctioned by the Imperium to do so, didn't have more than the barest theoretical understanding granted by lackluster general education and stolen dataslates, and so the list went on, with the cherry on the top being the equipment sanctioned by the Adeptus Mechanicus outside of their cult being limited to only certain professions and strictly controlled?

It turns out? That most of those problems weren't that insormountable when you had a direct line to literal divine knowledge on the subject to draw upon.

Even if the... person? Being? Anyway, even if the one who was on the other end of the line was somewhat...

"And that is how the babies are made on the cellular level for humans! Just don't try to get me explain the macro-scale biggy-stuff, because yuck! I know it falls under my divine portfolio, but that is not just something you speak about in polite company, you know."

An airhead. A spooky giant god ghost lady airhead, but still an airhead.

Layla Current, daughter of the famous Percival Current, sighed. She was once again wondering how she had ended up in this situation with a giant lady, who was invisible to other than her and couple of others, lecturing her about how humans inherited and passed on their biological heritage to the from generation to generation. It was interesting! Enlightening!

It was just that she was constantly being brought out of her focus by the occasional odd comment or observation made by her new goddess, and the need to adjust their heading on the sea when the said goddess gave her new directions.

"So", she began hesitantly, unsure how to address the intangible giant staring curiously down at her. "You never really explained what we were looking for." Two giant green eyes blinked owlishly a couple of times, before the blonde goddess slapped her hands together. "Oh! I almost forgot! We are searching for a certain red algae that has a component that can be made into this jelly-like stuff. I know its the same stuff that originated on Terra, from when it still had its oceans that is. Still not exactly sure how those dissappeared, haven't managed to dip my toes into the atmosphere shenanigans." A crimson fan appeared into her hands, which she then snapped closed and started gesturing with.

"Anyways! We need the jelly stuff for primitive DNA-analysis methods to train people in large enough scale. Just some common stuff you can find easily for things like making those itty-bitty-life-strands visible for the naked human eye, some relatively easy preparations the sample, and you can run it through the jelly along with reference sample, and see what the cut DNA fragments are made out of with a little bit of logic!" A small pause as the fan was transformed into a pipe, from which a deep breath is drawn. "I mean, its horribly slow and inaccurate method. Even the simplest piece of technology that your Imperium has does it better and faster for the normal human DNA."

"Then why do all this stuff then? I mean, its probably only a couple of hours of my time to find it and mark it for the cargo-ships if what you said was true, but still a couple hours when we are constantly busy." A literally shining smile was directed towards her. "An excellent question! You are a Good Girl too, it was so lucky we found you so soon after visiting your home!" A giant hand gently touched her head. This was not good! She had always been embarrassed about her height, and being done so by a giant woman who, um, exceeded her in other ways not too, it was all too-

"Oh, thats not good. Does this-" And then the giant woman was gone. Where did she-? "work better?", her voice continued from her left. Layla turned sharply around, but still didn't catch her image. "Oy, over here! On your shoulder!" Layla stopped, and slowly turned her head to look, only to see a miniature-version of her goddess.

"As I was saying, this method doesn't have much pratical use, but we can use it to train new people in the basics of many theories. It will be a really good and cheap way of vizualizing things, especially as I won't be able to assist my followers directly as easily for a little- Hey! Are you even listening?"

She was- She was-



And so the disciple was enlightened further, and brought home to her people the ways for people to see the truth of flesh with their own mortal eyes. For sometimes, seeing is needed for believing.

Verdant Apocrypha, Discussions XII
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Health and Dental (+5 to a Charity Action)
Well time to toss my hat into the ring.

Health and Dental

"So is there something in the water here in Goldsheaf or does our Lady have certain criteria when it comes to choosing her followers?"

Dana blinked at the sudden non-sequitur and looked over at Layla Current, the pirate currently sprawled out like a lazy cat in the afternoon sun. It had been a long day for all and the two women had been taking a moment to breath before the next inevitable issue arose.

"I'm....not sure what you mean, miss Current."

"Captain or Layla, not a 'miss'. And please. The wind in my sails might not blow that way but I can understand why each and every one of you Flower knights has the boys tripping over their own tongues just by walking past, with or without those bodygloves on. And the huntsmen? Nothing but Prime-grade beef underneath the armor. Mills is good. Damn good, but even he couldn't turn a bunch of random recruits into that with the time he's had. So like I said, what's the deal?"

Dana was quiet for a moment before looking at each of the Flower knights nearby. Of course there had been the two that had done pin-ups of all things to help recruitment but they were simply better looking then the majority right? However now, comparing the one of the pair present and others; they looked about equal in appearance. Looking down at her hands in confusion she noticed two more oddities. She had been seeing the development of wrinkles on her hands (no doubt stress induced) ever since she had first heard of just what the Publicani intended to tax from Equinox. Not only that, but she'd long since had a scar running half the legth of her right little finger caused by an accident when she have been young. Now both were gone, nothing but smooth pristine skin that looked at least five years younger.

"M'lady, what did you do?"

"Nothing, really. The symbiote helps but this is what you are supposed to be. It's nothing odd."

As usual, the Verdant Maiden had appeared from nowhere, fan in hand and a guileless smile on her face. It said something about how often this occurred that Dana didn't even twitch anymore. Layla meanwhile, raised an eyebrow in response.

"Last I heard that shrub-glove gave a bit of protection and healing. How's that equal them looking like they all got pumped full of high grade juvenat and got a Biologis to do some work?"

"Do you have any idea just how much of the aging process is simple wear and tear along with tons of little errors piling up? It's a LOT and the symbiote heals the messes while enabling your body to sort out the problems. Same thing for conditioning. The human body needs far too much prodding to get in gear about that so the symbiote speeds things up while ensuring no damage occurs. Sure you'll need to eat more but it's got to get the energy and materials from somewhere right?"

At this Layla rolled over looking at the Verdant Maiden with interest. "So you're saying if I squeeze into one of those things, I get to stay young and tight forever while not having to do more then sitting on my ass?"

"Oh no, I'd never inflict immortality on you. All things must be born, live and then someday die. It's the proper way of things. You'll still age but it would be about two hundred, maybe two hundred and fifty year life span? I haven't really done the math. And you'll need to move around, just no more then what the average active lifestyle demands in order to start seeing benefits. You simply don't need to torment yourself to get results."

At this a bray of laughter erupted. "Frack. If you'd told me about that, I'd have signed up even without you sticking it to the Governor. Now I've got to get one of those to try on. Hey Dana, maybe you should change up the pamplets: Join the Cult of the Verdant Maiden. Complete Healthcare plan included for free!"

Dana want to facepalm, Layla continued to laugh and the Maiden simply smiled; happy that her followers were in such good spirits.

AN: To continue with the anime bulls**t in this quest I'm going off a few tropes. The female leads (particularly those wearing the bodysuits/tight space suits etc) are always very attractive+fit (while even the pure civvie guys are athletic enough to join mecha fights etc with little conditioning). Seriously, you see very few fat/out of shape people that aren't also old. And the other 'fat' individuals tend to be either acrofatic or in the stout strength category. Combine that with the mention in turn 6 of the Belladona pods fixing 'minor blemishes' and the 'To gild a lily' omake I figured why not? Mills is happy since he can shove the Huntsmen into truely over-the-top anime-style training montages and get even better results. The Huntsmen are less happy about it. But yeah, everybody with the symbiotes look like fitness models while living longer and healthier lives then anybody who doesn't have the cash of an Imperial noble could hope for. Cue more Ordo Malleus Report fodder.
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For As Long As I Shall Live (+5 Kinetic Action)
For As Long As I Shall Live

Her name was Leliana, and these last few weeks have been a whirlwind of emotions. She sat in meditation, in a particularly beautiful spot in the natural domain of her new Goddess. Flowers, trees, a gentle stream - she was surrounded by the grace of her goddess as she prayed. The great battle with the robotic flayers was still fresh in her mind. She reflected on the final assault, concentrating to keep the stress of combat distant, and her mind fell deep into memory.

Leliana was at the head of the van - she was the tip of the spear. The charge was glorious, tearing into the necron ranks with overwhelming force. Her Reapers scything through the clawed horrors as they threw themselves at her in a homicidal craze. Ironbark lances would spike through the gaps between her and the other Flower Knights holding the front line at her side, leaving massive holes through the skeletal torsos of the flayer menace.

A bolt of green slammed into her Belladonna's face, disintegrating all of its sensory organs, and for a heartbeat, Leliana was blind to the battle raging around her. Then the world came into focus, and she saw through her sister-knights eyes. A composite view from all of their perspectives gave her a clear view of her own actions. It was surreal, but effective. She redoubled her technique, refusing to be anything other than her best - gouging one of these metal monstrosities from eye socket to sternum, ripping its face in half as she sickled through its alien talisman before hooking another flayer with each of her Reapers as she pulled them apart, slicing it in half in a single shearing motion.

She felt invincible, her Belladonna's eyes were regenerating, and she knew no fear.

It was then that a second volley of green blasts roared from the flayer horde, wielded by other skeletal monsters. Pain, Leliana's world was pain - not the informative, useful sensations from the Belladonna's link, but from her own human body.

Leliana fell. The last thing she saw was her fellow knights leaping over her prone form, driving into the Necron line to prevent them from swarming over her.


She startled back into consciousness, at first seeing only the unusually faint bioluminescent interior of the Belladonna through the breathable liquid contained within the , before her connection snapped back into reality. Not to be found wanting, but with a clever idea quickly transmitted to a fellow knight who was dropped, they played dead, allowing their Belladonnas to recover fully before striking out into the turned back of some of the necron gunmen. It was a crush of twelve foot tall, five ton guardians of life, against the black metal monsters of death. They didn't stand a chance against them.


If this battle was the portents of their future, Leliana could not be more at peace even in the midst of battle. The flower knights crushed their enemies, saw them driven before them, and bore witness to the lamentations of their twisted god as the howling of dying stars filled the dark cavern.

A miracle.

It was hard to build real faith at first, she didn't believe people would just help each other like this so freely. Freely. Not for no reason, they helped for many reasons. Good reasons. Kind reasons. It was so unlike the brutal workshops and warehouses she has known all her life. Leliana was almost overwhelmed how joyful everything was. She often found herself smiling - her actually smiling - at the antics of her fellow heretics. Heretic is such a mean word. Her fellow cultists? No that sounds sinister.

There wasn't a sinister bone in this whole movement. Spooky, yes, sinister no.

Coreligionist, she settled on for now. Two of her fellow knights even organized a "calendar shoot" to drive up recruitment. They asked her to join, it sounded interesting. Leliana was one of the winter months. Her fellow knights said it fit her white hair and icy personality. She wasn't offended; she knew she wasn't very emotive, or talkative. And it was a lot of fun having pictures taken in her fancy new uniform. It was a snug fit even on her slender frame, yet wonderfully comfortable, and best of all it smelled delightfully of flowers. A literal godsend. She was even able to cajole it to grow a long red "scarf". It had the look and texture of a flower petal, but was reasonably tough, and a distinctive white lily as a "brooch" to bring the whole look together. The Verdant Maiden was quite the fashionista.

That being said the subtle bioluminescence glow that brought attention to, and accentuated her womanly curves did lead Leliana to think that her Goddess might be a little lewd. It also led her to wonder what Tahm would think of her place in the recruitment calendar. A delightful thought - she would seek to ask his opinion on them later that day.

This magical, impossible wonderful life she found herself living was better than she thought life could ever be. Leliana loved being a Flower Knight, she loved being good at - certainly top five in her Maniple. She loved her new comrades. She loved the vision of her future she saw on the horizon. She prayed that she would never forget this moment. That she could protect this future. For herself. For everyone.

It was then that her Knight-Captain found her.

Her casually professional voice broke the natural quiet of the woodland paradise, "Leliana, the Governor has deployed the 3rd company to slaughter the people of Graycliff. We can only get six Belladonnas there in time to stop them. I want you to be in one of them. Can I count on you to fight?"

Leliana stood up quickly, saluted dramatically with a fearless smile on her face, "For as long as I shall live."

AN: I had a bit of trouble trying to catch Leliana up with current events. In all honesty I am hoping to build something a little like this for our cult, but very different. Going forward it would be neat for Leliana to get an ace custom Belladonna (The Simbelmynë if I could choose, but I am not so vain as to be picky) to suit the new role (which I know will be very hard to achieve) so she can be a char clone as well as a Rei clone. I'll get her through the battle of Graycliff next time and work hard to spend more time focusing on characterization and dialogue rather than summarizing multiple updates worth of events from her perspective. I am not super happy with how much of a summery this is, but I hope it brings a human angle to our girls in armor. I wanted to have a blurb of her helping people in her Belladonna per update note, they are accepted everywhere in the cult, and can help with things.

Have I collected enough death flags?

, it I apologize in advance that it is still a little rougher than I would like. I'll try and do better next time.
An Old Man's Resolve (Expended)
An Old Man's Resolve

Joran of Danar's Resolve was a tired old man. He had seen, and done, much in his many long years of life, much of those things still haunt him to this day. He like many of his fellow guardsmen of Equinox didn't like to talk about their lives before they came to this world. Joran less so considering how he was doing everything in his power to distance himself from what he was. But as he sat next to his injured sleeping granddaughter's bed he felt the old stirrings start to rear their head again.

He wants to confront that girl prancing around putting all these ideas in peoples heads. Try and shake some sense into her, and make her see that what she is doing will doom them all. To at least try and stop her from going down this path that could see them all killed, but then he looks at his brave, stupid, Little One. His little Ollana the last piece of his daughter that he still had, and he also felt the need to shake Priestess Dana's hand in gratitude. Because if it wasn't for her one of the few lights in his life still remaining would have been snuffed out. A chuckle passes under his breathe as his grandson on the bed over is trying to make a grazing shot seem more impressive for the pretty nurses tending to him.

Boy's lucky that his suit took most of the blow, and that he was dealing with only decently armed militia. The scrapping sound of a chair being slid next to him makes him glance as Horatio takes his seat. Even after all these years Joran can still recognize him for his regulation style hair cut, and clean shaven face that did nothing to hide the small scar he gave him in their youth. An awkward silence descends between them as the two once friends try to find something to break the silence.

"The boy has his grandmother's aim," Horatio says nodding toward Jorah. "And the girl has her grandfather's stubborn fortitude."

"Yes, but they've become prettier now that they've joined that cult. Don't know where they got those looks from cause I sure as shit didn't look like that when I was his age."

At this the silence returned becoming a palatable presence in the room. The both of them could only sit through it one whose face was made of stone. While the Joran glared at the emerald rose medallion that was hanging from Horatio's neck.

"I'm going to ask you two questions Horatio, and depending on the answers you give. I'll either be taking what little remains of my family off this rock and running for an uncharted world. Or I'll just sock you in the jaw and go back to my farm." Horatio seems to consider this before nodding his head in acceptance. "Alright my questions are this, is this cult anything like that cult on Dallaran VII? And why did you join them, and drag my grand niece into it?"

Horatio seems to pause mulling his words over in his head. "Well I can assure you that this group is nothing like those damned Reaper Cults, more into life flourishing than seeing wither and die on the branch. As for my granddaughter joining the cult, if you can believe it she joined first." A small tired chuckle escaped from his mouth as a sad smile etched its way on his face. "Damned girl's to willful at times. I can only do my best to teach her and her friends what they need to know so they can hopefully live.

"As for why I decided to join... to put simply I lost my faith in the Emperor on the same day you did."

At those words a chill ran down his spine, at the edge of his hearing he could still hear the desperate screams. Clasping his hands together to stop the shaking took a few minutes to gather himself. Both men just sat in silence remembering the days they would both rather remain buried upon those ash strewn fields.

"Why are you here. It isn't just to dig up old ghosts, and reminisce about old ghosts."

Horatio sighs clearly not going to enjoy what he was going to say next. "Joran what I'm going to ask of you I want you to consider before you immediately turn it down. I'll give you till tomorrow to give me your answer. Just know that I won't hold it against you if you decide you never want to see me again." Joran felt his body tense in a way it hadn't done in years already dreading what he knew Horatio was going to ask him. "I would like you to train the next generation of Blood Hounds."

Joran couldn't speak, his mind seeing faces that he hadn't seen in decades appearing around him. He felt Horatio place his arm around his shoulder offering support. "I know this will be difficult, but if you won't do this for me then I ask you to do it for my sister. And the love you two had for your children."

At that Horatio stood up giving Joran one last pat on the shoulder before moving on to check on his Huntsmen. Joran himself could only sit in silence staring at his hands, now stained red with blood. Yet when he looked up at his grand-children he found that he couldn't immediately throw the words away. If it meant that they could have a shield of blades to protect them. Then he would bare his sins again, and he would bare them gladly.

AN: The idea for this was to give the option of a close quarters contingent to help protect the squishier units. In my head canon the Blood Hounds were meant to be a group of disposable shock troops that the generals would throw at the enemy to weaken the enemy while the rest bombarded them from range. The only problem was that they turned out to be to effective. Being able to deal massive casualties to normal human and regular xenos forces. This brought them into the eyes of an inquisitor who was having a bit of a Chaos problem in the flavor of Nurgle(just a bunch of regular mortals no Space Marines). So when the Blood Hounds took to the field they ended up being a bit too effective. Drawing the suspicion of others who then proceeded to do a purge in the form of decimation followed by a bit of interrogation. Joran here is one of the survivors so yeah he has some baggage.
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How to Kill an Angel (Expended)
How To Kill An Angel

"Sticky-web-grenade-launchers with fast-metal-corrosion properties? Maybe, could be good against those scary transhuman warriors, maybe slowing them down for a second or two, enough to be actually hit by other weapons, while also wearing down that shiny armor and their weapons a little itty bit. Gum up those high-tech death-dealing machines of theirs down for good! Bone melting acid-hose? Nononono, too short-range to work effectively. Unless maybe the pressure could be generated by... But in that case- Or what if I made...?"

Dana glanced at her goddess out of the corner of her eye, who was currently wearing down a circle at the floor of their war-room. Or would be, if her avatar wasn't just about intanglibe most of the time, that is. Still, her morbid murmuring was getting on her already-tight nerves and disturbing her concentration.

"What are you muttering about?" She demanded from the giant woman who should have had to walk bowed with how relatively low the ceiling was- Nope, not thinking about the impossible perspectives, I have already enough on my plate.

The Maiden stopped and turned towards her, still looking unnaturally nervous when considerng her usual demeanor. "Oh, just that nasty business of making some kind of weapons for the Flower Knights to use against the incoming Angels of Death. I mean, while they are coming to kill you all and banish my presence from here, thus also effectively killing the poor old me, you gotta admire the work ethic that went to making them so unstoppale! To start with, in practice untiring, almost unkillable through the combination of thoughness, reflexes and training, worryingly rapid recovery from injuries that they do suffer, incredible resistance to just about most toxins and poisons, and have an implant that lets them bond to their power armor to a degree that is almost maybe potentially a liiiittlle bit better than what the Belladonnas have for their Knights. All that, and their armor and armaments are just a vessel and tools for extensively trained, throughly implanted transhuman killer instinct tested in countless campaigns, combined with the capability for human reason that has also been extensively sharpened towards killing just about anything! It is really quite amazing!"

The high priestess of a heretical cult blankly stared at the being of Warp who had started her on this road. "Ah. Just needed a reminder what we are facing against. As if I didn't have enough nightmares already with-" "Oh, and they can spit acid and eat your brain to absorb parts of your memories, especially recent ones. Kind of forgot that for a moment."

The blank stare was reaching a new level of existence. Soon, it would see through the present and view with vivid clarity the future where giant men in shining armor were taking off their helmets, reaching for their knives, all while she lay helpless to move-

"So!" A very loud snap of the fan in the hand of the Maiden cut through the worryingly realistic picture about the future her priestess was seeing, at the same time making said priestess jump up a little. "I think the best bet would be the webby-grenade-shooter with a little bit of acid in the mix! Kills anything lightly-enough armored and slows down better armored opponents without needing that much accuracy against a moving target, which means that the Knights can more easily close in for the kill if the opponent isn't obliging to die at range! And it makes fighting those that do close range into the melee willingly easier, hard to hit anyone when you can barely move your arms, appendages or whatever you happen to have for hitting somebody with your vital-fluid--separating-mechanism! And as a bonus, if you have some fancy-pancy gear that doesn't work while gooped up without exploding, well though luck!"

Suddenly the Maiden was sitting next to her, eyes meeting between hers and a small but warm smile gracing the goddess's lips. "I would like to say don't worry, but against opponents like this that would be quite foolish, now wouldn't it? Instead, just focus on the present to prevent that picture from coming reality, and do your best. Nobody, certainly not me, is asking more from you. We have beat back the threats to your people before, and we can do so again if everybody works together."

Dana slowly nodded, life returning back to her motions as she did so. "Yes, you are probably right about that. In that case, let me return to looking over these plans on how to ensure that we have enough harvest that we can endure this particlular invasion." As she turned away from the Maiden, and back to the table to look at the latest reports, she heard one quiet, fading sentence at the edge of her perception.

"I am so proud of you Dana, my first, and always will be. For the rest of the eternity."
Artifice? What is that? (Expended)
Artifice? What Is That?

The Verdant Maiden was in a pickle. And not a delicious normal sized one! More like a rotten giant one that you couldn't eat without tummy aches. Which confused her (like many of the things that her followers said or thought) because she had yet to see such a specimen, and certainly not any human stuck to one.

Mortal silliness with their metaphors aside, she and her cult were still in trouble. Even with all the advancements they had made, were making currently, and would be making in the future, some of the most optimistic results they could potentially gain were still looking worryingly uncertain and fuzzy. There was the need to shelter their people, look into ways to train soldiers who could face their foes on the open field instead being all sneaky-sneaky while taking them out from the shadows, and oh my so much stuff to do.

But most worrying, and the most frighteningly-fuzzy-blank-future-picture was the Flayer Vessel. They had finally decided to try to reap some benefits from their first conquest, sending both Dana and Layla along with the a few of the most promising members of the Weaver sect along with a small-ish security detachement (if you could Belladonnas small, but the Rangers were, so maybe it balanced out?).

The moment she could see the clearest, that of what the silly mortals called "present", gave the clearest sight of what was going to happen, and it didn't look good. Dana was trying to get out a sample to study out of the wall on the inside of corridor in the cavernous ship still disguised as a cave, but wasn't having much luck.

She had first tried to have the Flower Knights carve out samples of the dull-silvery walls with their ironbark reapers, the whole thing periodically decorated with strange symbols glowing in (now) healthy green. The Reapers had chipped and broken down after multiple futile attempts, not making even a scratch to the surface.

Next, she had ordered one of the Belladonnas to open fire on the wall with their newly-spangled shoulder-mounted plasma weaponry. The spot that was stuck with a couple of brigthly-shining rapid-fire shots glowed yellow for a fraction of second, then went back to the dull-silver look. The heavy-option lead to the spot glowing for a whole couple of seconds.

By now slightly-spooked Dana ordered the Knight carrying a Sunfire Launcher to lob giant blob of plasma at the wall before moving with the rest of the group to safe distance to observe. Okay, this was getting ridiculous and at the same time hurting her feelings! Her work had been brilliant! But then how in the heckity did the stuck wall glow only fraction of a second this time around!? And she was sure that it was a fraction, her followers were writing that to their notes while glancing at the wall before them nervously, which meant that no, she wasn't losing track of that headache-inducing linear time again!

Layla was in turn trying to get a look inside one of the smaller turret-weapons integrated to the wall nearby to Dana's group, with having one of the Belladonnas following her do the same thing that Dana's group had tried to one of the guns that wasn't a green-glowy-transparent-crystal-glass-container, meaning prying it open with hand-sickles, but this time with some actual success!

It was a pity that by the time Layla had jogged from behind the nearby corner, behind of which she had been hiding for in the case of explosion or some other non-Belladonna-survivable event, the silvery substance that they used almost everywhere here had closed itself at the base of the gun where the Knight had spent minutes carefully trying to pry it open. Huh.

She herself wasn't having much more success, even with all that good stuff she was getting through the even-now growing number of her followers. She didn't have the slightest how any of this stuff worked! Sure, she could feel its existence linked to her through the virus, and saw with almost perfect clarity where it was. She had even some idea what it was doing, worming itself to everything it could touch and slowly corroding the original functionality and directives to replace them with more of itself while warping those things it was infecting to serve its own goals!

But beyond that? Her eyes started to cross themselves when she tried to map out the inner workings while trying to use the virus as a reference point, especially as those references points seemed to be constantly shifting their places slightly. The dull-silvery metal acted like it was living, but it was really neither that, or even dead-stuff that had been once alive.

And she didn't even want to get started with those guns! Her new sunfire guns were a thing of beauty and ingenuity, but those things? The echoes of death they were carrying were kind of disturbing in how ancient some of those said echoes were, but also in the sheer scale of the amount of things they had ended since they were made. On top of that, even that didn't help in making any sense of the whole dratety thingy! At this rate, she was going to, oooohhhh goodness gracious she was going to-!

Ummm. What was vibrating close to her chest? She reached down to her clothes and fished around, before she came across something hard and wheel shaped with- Oh! The thing the person she had come across had dropped as a gift (probably) for her before departing! And yes, it was vibrating while radiating warm, steady pulses. Hmmm. What if she....

Yes! Success! The whole thing became immediately more active when she brought it closer to the wall! And those vibrations had turned into making some sounds! Score! Though it was still a little bit unclear in what it was saying, and it was trying to say something. Clearly, she had to integrate this somehow to her being, however temporarily because she could already see miniscule wear and tear on the cog-wheel. It wouldn't last long, but maybe it would last long enough to help her with this dratted thing.

And she knew just the way to take this clever little thing into her being!



A small cracking sound was heard in the corridor that had gone silent a while ago as various members of the cult stared at the walls and the weapons with various negative emotions on their faces. Strangely, only two of the highest ranking members seemed to react to it in any manner or way.

Dana looked wildy around, trying to locate the source of the sound, but didn't see anything out of place. And none of the Knights or the Rangers seemed to be reacting. Well, one of the Rangers was looking funnily at her now. "High Priestess, is something wrong?" She frowned. Had she imagined it? The Rangers had far better senses and situational awareness than her, honed even further in their symbiotes.

Then she noticed Layla doing the same at the other end of the large corridor they were in, and getting the same kind of reactions from her escorts. And immediately after that, the Maiden in the middle of the same corridor at her usual giant size, staring at the walls, completely frozen in place.

Without any further thought, she bolted towards her god, seeing the Layla do the same over the questions of her own group. As they came closer, the Maiden still didnt' move. Instead, she was just staring at the wall with her eyes clearly unfocused and crossed. Dana was starting to feel panicked at this point, and Layla didn't look like she was feeling much more confident right now. Had this vile thing of xeno origin done something to her? "Speak to me! What ails you? Can I do something?! Dammit we cannot lose-!"


Eyes were blinked. Panic gave away for perplexed confusion. Layla seemed to find her voice again first. "Hey, is everything... Umm, okay? Did ya stare too deep into this thing from that godly perspective of yours and saw too much, going mad while doing so? Because if you did, it would be nice if you told us before you started demanding that we- Umm. Nevermind. Just, is everything okay?"

A giant head was timidly shaken.

Glances were exchanged between the two Chosen of the Verdant Maiden. "Well," Dana started. "Can you tell us what the problem-?"

"I hurf my teef."


The teaching of Living Artifice is one of the rarest gift of the Maiden, given only to her most senior Weavers at the times of great need. A fleeting burning vision of insigth that can be gained by studying devices of complex nature by looking through a symbolical bronze cog by those deemed worthy, this wisdom was gifted the first time by the honored Azure Magus to Maiden herself, as a path to salvation during the Fouding Colony's darkest hour. She in turn passed it to her faithful, the light pulling back the shadows concealing the vile vessel's secrets, which were then crafted to more enlightened forms, ready to defend the innocent.

As alway, remember that even the simplest truths hold wisdom in them. And that there is Strength in Unity.

Verdant Apocrypha, Discussions IX