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Fantastic update, loved how you built the tension of the fight @Neablis.

I've always wanted to say this.

"Let's be about it, people."
I feel this deeply, well done :)

As for the vote. It might be cold, but the industry is more important than the people on the station. Both in terms of preservation and preventing the enemy from using. That much BP could churn out problems quick if we let it, and we know Chaos has figured out a perverted version of OMC.

[X] Aetherion

The manufacturing capacity present at the gas giant is important for Denva's future - if it can be saved. Additionally, the Cultists might figure out some nasty tricks if you give them too much time with all of that manufacturing capacity.
Mercifully, the forces of Chaos are fractitious enough that them sending out a warning or heads up to other warbands is unlikely as shit.

The one who knows is the Champion. If the Four rez his ass, he'll come for us again, but he's not gonna risk anyone else having a chance for "glory" unless pressed on it.

Anyways, those Space Marines sure were scary, only 6 of them and they managed to massacre over a hundred bots in our own ship. But in the end we still managed to prevail.
On the flipside: There were only six (twelve, if you count the half that was gunned down in surprise) of them and it merely cost us a hundred and change bots to put them down. By this setting's standards, that's a terrific exchange rate where basic infantry versus Astartes is concerned.

We also need to remember what our actions will look like from the people of Denva's point of view.
If we go for materialistic things such as the manufactories then that might give us a hit to the perception of us.
Notify W that we're going to try and ensure the Chaos worshippers don't get to rush the warships currently being built into service. With any luck, we'll retake the manufactories intact enough to provide more relevant numbers for other ground campaigns going forward.
[X] Aetherion

Would this be preferable? I understand your point, but I'd rather not have this become any more of a protracted war than it already is.
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The one who knows is the Champion. If the Four rez his ass, he'll come for us again, but he's not gonna risk anyone else having a chance for "glory" unless pressed on it.

On the other hand he's not getting rezzed for free which means that whichever daemon holds his leash now has that information and it probably has other contacts, but yeah they do not necessarily have the resources to send a ship out here in the near term
We also need to remember what our actions will look like from the people of Denva's point of view.
If we go for materialistic things such as the manufactories then that might give us a hit to the perception of us.
If we were just worried about Chaos scuttling the shipyards I would agree with you. But this is about depriving an active enemy of war manufacturing capabilities.

That station has at least 1000 BP of production, given Denva's roll likely much more. If we leave that in enemy hands then they get to start using it during the turn. That can churn out a lot of war fighting material.

It might seem cold, but depriving Chaos of those factories will save more lives in the long run.

Edit: and I trust W and the other leaders will understand that.

Edit edit: even worse than fighting material, they might finish a warp capable ship and escape.
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If we were just worried about Chaos scuttling the shipyards I would agree with you. But this is about depriving an active enemy of war manufacturing capabilities.
Absolutely. I'm not saying that attacking the shipyards is the wrong move, merely that our actions possibly will be scrutinized from the worst angle.
There's also the Aetherion manufactories & refineries which are disturbingly radio silent - it seems like the cult completely replaced the workers out there with their own people, or those they corrupted. If you want to salvage all of the manufacturing capacity you should get out there as soon as possible. At least you're confident the ships in dock can't move yet, and won't be able to for at least a year. Likely more, now that you've cut off their supply of fresh recruits.

I am concerned about them managing to get a ship ready.

[X] Aetherion
Chaos definitely knows how to build warp drives and they don't have that navigation issues that were keeping the locals stuck here.

Chaos definitely has the navigation issues, they need actually trained sorcerers or diviners for that thing, the ones that came over on the Echo of Apotheosis likely went down with the ship. You don't just pray to the Big Blue Bird and wake up able to Navigate.
That station has at least 1000 BP of production, given Denva's roll likely much more. If we leave that in enemy hands then they get to start using it during the turn. That can churn out a lot of war fighting material.
Our OMC operators can do 1 build action per turn i assume the is also the case for chaos OMC. If we go to the shipyard with an order next turn we can take it or blockade it before they can produce a meaningful amount. Per Turn 28.5 the Chaos ships are still years from being finished. As long as we handle Aetherion next turn it should be fine. Even if they focus all their BP on one ship it is 1vs1 and while their size isnt described i doubt they are building heavy cruisers.
a new set of shipyards floats next to them, with a set of ships you don't recognize under construction within. They're still years-off from completion
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I almost feel sorry for Bongo. Almost.

Is next turn the right time to do the Destructive Scrapcode Investigation? It seems like a good turn for recovery and Chaos/Psychic defense research.
Why would we go through all this trouble to keep chaos from helping Bongo escape just to free it ourselves? No, binding is the way.

[X] Klyssar's Nest

Manufacturing can be rebuilt.
Chaos cults can be rooted out.
Information leaks cannot be undone, and that station is ripe for it.

We'll have to get The Taste of Chaos this turn. Build a bunch of bots, too.
Chaos definitely has the navigation issues, they need actually trained sorcerers or diviners for that thing, the ones that came over on the Echo of Apotheosis likely went down with the ship. You don't just pray to the Big Blue Bird and wake up able to Navigate.

I thought I recalled it being said that they could bind daemons to guide them through the warp, which seems significantly quicker and easier, if more expensive in terms of souls.

Well yes but locals didn't and chaos warbands are generally not equipped with blueprints for shit like warp drives.
They can copy the one from cruiser they arrive on but it may be of dubious functionality.

They've been working on these ships for years with their own ship to use as a template even discounting that they captured the local industry intact and it's entirely possible the blueprints for warp drives were present there to be captured along with it, Denva wasn't building warp-ships yet but they planned to start as soon as we came back with the designs for void abaci.

Our OMC operators can do 1 build action per turn i assume the is also the case for chaos OMC. If we go to the shipyard with an order next turn we can take it or blockade it before they can produce a meaningful amount. Per Turn 28.5 the Chaos ships are still years from being finished. As long as we handle Aetherion next turn it should be fine. Even if they focus all their BP on one ship it is 1vs1 and while their size isnt described i doubt they are building heavy cruisers.

We're a big slow ship, regardless of how much we outgun them, it's entirely possible they could slap together one or more fast destroyers, sprint to the edge of the system, and warp out before we could reposition to stop them if we don't block that possibility ASAP.
I thought I recalled it being said that they could bind daemons to guide them through the warp, which seems significantly quicker and easier, if more expensive in terms of souls.

They've been working on these ships for years with their own ship to use as a template even discounting that they captured the local industry intact and it's entirely possible the blueprints for warp drives were present there to be captured along with it, Denva wasn't building warp-ships yet but they planned to start as soon as we came back with the designs for void abaci.

We're a big slow ship, regardless of how much we outgun them, it's entirely possible they could slap together one or more fast destroyers, sprint to the edge of the system, and warp out before we could reposition to stop them if we don't block that possibility ASAP.
Denva did not have warp drive we intentionally left it out of database.
Anyways, those Space Marines sure were scary, only 6 of them and they managed to massacre over a hundred bots in our own ship. But in the end we still managed to prevail. We just gotta hope that was the worst of them. And after this, I definitely want to work on improving our bots with Armor Articulation and Melee Combat, b/c these Combat losses sure are something.

On the flipside: There were only six (twelve, if you count the half that was gunned down in surprise) of them and it merely cost us a hundred and change bots to put them down. By this setting's standards, that's a terrific exchange rate where basic infantry versus Astartes is concerned.

It should be noted that Chaos Astartes are oftentimes way more bang for their buck than Imperial Astartes. Their selection process is even more brutal and lethal if you can believe it, and the time fuckery of living in the warp means some of them are much older warriors than you'd expect to see. Add the blessings of the Four atop that and you've got a hell of a package. No pun intended.

[X] Aetherion
Our OMC operators can do 1 build action per turn. If we go to the shipyard with an order next turn we can take it or blockade it before they can produce a meaningfull amount. Per Turn 28.5 the Chaos ships are still years from being finished. Even if they focus all their BP on one ship it is 1vs1 and while their size isnt described i doubt they are building heavy cruisers
Never forget that the enemy has a vote too, and can be clever. There are any number of things they could build to cause us grief. I'd prefer to deny them that opportunity.

Information leaks cannot be undone, and that station is ripe for it.

What information leaks do you see here that Chaos hasn't already got from the publicly available information?
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+20 surrendered chaos cultists.
Let's put them in with Bongo. What could possibly go wrong?

Given all the dangerous stuff we're acquiring and giving their own rooms, are we now AI Trazyn/SCP?

Anyways, we're going to want to spend 4-5, maybe more, turns here, and that's fine since this is our HQ and it just got demolished by Chaos. This place is a mess, rebuilding is necessary, as is doing (some?) of the upgrades we originally wanted.

[X] Aetherion

Oh, and the prod is the most important here. Chaos getting a foothold there would be beyond catastrophic.
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... You know what. I think that we should defer to someone who knows the local conditions better than we do - W. So, if a write in is possible:

[X] Ask W for which area she thinks we should deal with first

Edit: @Neablis is this legal?
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