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From what I understand what has been said before by our QM, both IC in the updates and OOC outside of them... These are not in any way, shape or form actually useful psykers. But they are psykers that know how to not explode into a warp-portal. Or get possessed. Or not just suddenly keel over as their brain fries itself. Probably.

So they likely spend all of their time meditating (or something like that) and full-time learning how to supress their powers, and never use them outside of learning better how to supress them and any whispers from the warp.

We rolled their understanding about psychic traditions (among all other major aspects), and we got 3/6 as a result, for all three sets of rolls we could later choose from in "Neighboring Civilization Options". So they likely know just enough to not to be a big problem, but nothing more.

This isn't Fantasy, a psyker cannot be mostly fine if they don't use your powers, the Chaos Gods are much, much more dominant. Without training a psyker will go mad from Whispers in the Warp. Knowing how not to explode requires real and quite difficult training with a high fail rate of people who explode anyway. Since there are no records of monasteries going up in warp portals I still think they have outside lore from somewhere.
I don't see why, if they just kept the stuff they use to keep the pykers from going mad while waiting on the black ships then they don't need outside sources. And it's been awhile they might have figured some stuff out we don't know what's going on there.
I don't see why, if they just kept the stuff they use to keep the pykers from going mad while waiting on the black ships then they don't need outside sources. And it's been awhile they might have figured some stuff out we don't know what's going on there.

Imperial containment methods for psykers run the gamut of inhumanity and cruelty, but 'just teach them how to meditate' isn't one of them because they simply do not train enough psykers to be teachers in remote locations. If it were that easy random astropaths being able to train psykers even to the standards of not exploding one of the major problems the black ships come up against, noted in several novels, would not be the governors killing all the psykers they should have gathered. It is so pervasive that is provides cover for cults that gather psykers which then have their patsy say 'oops we killed them'. A paranoid inquisitor might see though it, but most would just accept it.
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[] Orders: Command existing units in a given theater of operations.
You could send your bots out to grab people from the outskirts of the city, but that seems like a quick way to get attention. And you need

Cuts off at the end.
Imperial containment methods for psykers run the gamut of inhumanity and cruelty, but 'just teach them how to meditate' isn't one of them because they simply do not train enough psykers to be teachers in remote locations. If it were that easy random astropaths being able to train psykers even to the standards of not exploding one of the major problems the black ships come up against, noted in several novels, would not be the gouvernors killing all the psykers they should have gathered. It is so pervasive that is provides cover for cults that gather psykers and which then have their patsy say 'oops we killed them'. A paranoid inquisitor might see though it, but most would just accept it.
...So, could this turn out to be really dark if Neablis decides to go with this canon intrepration of things (or already has decided that things work as you say)? Because, well.

The psykers go into the monastries. But nobody likely sees them go out.

Meaning that we cannot know if this is just a very clever way of luring the psykers into killboxes. But on further thought, even that is not probably sustainable, because you just need one relatively powerful psyker not being killed instantly and causing enough havoc while also dying to collapse the charade.

Hell, there is a possibility of some of them having an uncontrolled vision where they see the form of their rapidly approaching death if they tell any of the governments they are psyker. And then just not telling anyone, and later most likely dying in one of many catastrophic warp-related ways.

And that is my conspiracy theory for the day, most likely not what is really happening here.
...So, could this turn out to be really dark if Neablis decides to go with this canon intrepration of things (or already has decided that things work as you say)? Because, well.

The psykers go into the monastries. But nobody likely sees them go out.

Meaning that we cannot know if this is just a very clever way of luring the psykers into killboxes. But on further thought, even that is not probably sustainable, because you just need one relatively powerful psyker not being killed instantly and causing enough havoc while also dying to collapse the charade.

Hell, there is a possibility of some of them having an uncontrolled vision where they see the form of their rapidly approaching death if they tell any of the governments they are psyker. And then just not telling anyone, and later most likely dying in one of many catastrophic warp-related ways.

And that is my conspiracy theory for the day, most likely not what is really happening here.

I thought about that too, but the thing is some of those psykers are telepaths. All you need is one of them to scream loudly enough as they are dying and the jig is up. It's been over a hundred years and the system is still going, there has to be something to it.
I mean it is also possible that Pykers can be taught to suppress their powers and the Imperium just doesn't bother cause murder is less effort then education
[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought

I'd like to float the idea of using diplomacy to legally purchase the land we are under next turn if we plan to stay hidden much longer. that way we don't have to keep building underground and it can serve as a point of first contact if we need to do any of that social engineering that's been mentioned
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I mean it is also possible that Pykers can be taught to suppress their powers and the Imperium just doesn't bother cause murder is less effort then education

We know that is the case, the imperium is incredibly wasteful with the lives of psykers, but that being the case there is a difference between a path existing and that path being accessible with a few astropaths in a backwater planet. If the latter were the case we would be seeing fewer dead psykers overall is my point because this would have happened dozen, hundreds of times over the ten thousand years of imperial history to the point where many if not most gouvernors would do it simply because they do not want psykers collapsing into warp rifts in their general area.
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[] Orders: Command existing units in a given theater of operations.
You could send your bots out to grab people from the outskirts of the city, but that seems like a quick way to get attention. And you need

Cuts off at the end.
Fixed. I don't remember what I was going to say - probably "You need units to command." But you have those now!

Separate note: Metagaming with canon will only get you so far. Warhammer is infamous for its lack of consistency, and hard-and-fast rules are rare. You can certainly make inferences from lore, but beware logical leaps that depend on incomplete information and controversial (or even mildly disputed) interpretations of canon.

A good example is how scary necrons are. In some contexts they're absolutely unstoppable killing machines whose lowest-tier grunt stomps on the Imperium's finest. In other interpretations they're a pretty normal faction that's about balanced with everybody else. Which is it here? You dunno what necrons are. Go poke some and find out.
[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought

[X] Aesthetic:
Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )

[X] Aesthetic: Basically lower end Xenosaga, absent the more reality breaking shit that is present on the top end that are practically Craftworlds in themselves, look, that might be a bit too far along the lines of "Super Advanced", but damn is it stylish.
[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought

Hmm, My biggest worry is to figure out a way to get proof on the nature of warp denizens that our protag can't explain away. When a powerful Player comes along, Chaos tends to get a ton of milage out of people waving away the possibility that it IS enemy action in the warp. Just having information on Spiritual/warp stuff from the databases could be waved away as "look at the poor primitives"

An AI in 40k IS a dangerous piece on the board, If Chaos follows it's normal patterns, Their going to try to lay relatively low/deniable until they have their killing stroke ready. Then again, Maybe we aren't a big enough threat to be worth pulling that play yet, which ironically might be better.
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[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought

[X] Aesthetic:
Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )
[X] Aesthetic: Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )

Man, BE is so underrated. Sure, it's no Alpha Centauri 2, but honestly what could in this day and age? And art direction was more than solid.
[X] Aesthetic: Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )
[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought

[X] Aesthetic: Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )
[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought
-[X] Construction
--[X] Complete Underground Manufactory (100 CP)
-[X] Research x3
--[X] Hack into secure governmental databases (100 RP)
--[X] Hack into Mechanicus databases (250 RP)
--[X] Avatar (200 RP)
--[X] Psychic shielding: (50 RP)
ah , a new 40k quest , well time to start nit picking
Well that's pretty messed up. Aliens are just people! And genetic disorders need treatment, not pogroms!
yeah no , old daot mankind where not the Federation from star treck (the sheer number of WMDs and super weapons they had makes that clear in no uncertain terms) , they were not as gung ho and ideologically driven towards xenocide as the imperium but they wouldn't shy away from it either I am pretty sure they tried to wipe out the Khrave , Rak goul and Slughth multiple times on the grounds that they viewed humans as both livestock and slaves and acted on that whenever they could to give an example
which make you both sad and happy. On one hand, the Eldar are still aroud, which is nice.
Wrong reaction , this is the eldar from just before the fall of their empire and the birth of slaanesh , eldar from back then were the worst , they were like proto dark elder but worse , like imagine if every single dark eldar was psyker and had a private army of psymaton (psy powered warp automatons so deadly they made eldar Warith guard look like imperial guard conscripts), the only reaction a human from 15,000 would have towards the eldar would be impotent hatred for the atrocities they committed and commit for their amusement (it took thousands of years of eldar being the literal worst to make Slannash into reality after all)
[X] Plan: Oh no it's worse than I thought
[X] Aesthetic: Sharp, angular designs in black and grey, with orange highlights to add a shock of color as appropriate. If you've seen Civilization: Beyond Earth's Supremacy Ideology, you've got a decent idea of what I'm getting at. That being said, there's a certain allowance for aesthetic in Vita's designs that wouldn't be present in a design of pure mathematical perfection--tanks look like tanks rather than blocks of armor. Infantry look like infantry instead of the most mathematically perfect war machines for light battle duties--she is ultimately an adventurer at heart, and there's no fun in watching metal boxes shoot at things. Notably, the design principles do share commonalities with those employed in available STC-derived mechanisms, showing their common point of origin--there is no mind breaking defiance in any of her designs, and they work on sensible design principles aside from how their chassis might look. It may also help to look to the Metal Gear franchise for other samples here and there--the point is "Advanced without seeming outrageously so" Other Examples (Starship, Cybernetics )

[X] Aesthetic: Xenoblade chronicles X for our mech designs and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Blades and Nier Automata Android for our more pretty robot designs.
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Wrong reaction , this is the eldar from just before the fall of their empire and the birth of slaanesh , eldar from back then were the worst , they were like proto dark elder but worse , like imagine if every single dark eldar was psyker and had a private army of psymaton (psy powered warp automatons so deadly they made eldar Warith guard look like imperial guard conscripts), the only reaction a human from 15,000 would have towards the eldar would be impotent hatred for the atrocities they committed and commit for their amusement (it took thousands of years of eldar being the literal worst to make Slannash into reality after all)

No it is not, Vita is not from just before the Fall, she was born/made several thousand years earlier, she might well have met sane Eldar, especially since it's not like she sailed right into the heart of their Empire (you can tell by how she's still around) . The Fall was not a long slow slide for 65 million years, it went almost imperceptibly slowly at first and then ramped up exponentially Eldar from as little as five thousand years before the Fall would likely have considered it unthinkable.
ah , a new 40k quest , well time to start nit picking

yeah no , old daot mankind where not the Federation from star treck (the sheer number of WMDs and super weapons they had makes that clear in no uncertain terms) , they were not as gung ho and ideologically driven towards xenocide as the imperium but they wouldn't shy away from it either I am pretty sure they tried to wipe out the Khrave , Rak goul and Slughth multiple times on the grounds that they viewed humans as both livestock and slaves and acted on that whenever they could to give an example

Wrong reaction , this is the eldar from just before the fall of their empire and the birth of slaanesh , eldar from back then were the worst , they were like proto dark elder but worse , like imagine if every single dark eldar was psyker and had a private army of psymaton (psy powered warp automatons so deadly they made eldar Warith guard look like imperial guard conscripts), the only reaction a human from 15,000 would have towards the eldar would be impotent hatred for the atrocities they committed and commit for their amusement (it took thousands of years of eldar being the literal worst to make Slannash into reality after all)
are... are you nitpicking about fanon/in quest difference of the author?

We know next to nothing about the pre-age of strife humanity, and while not federation from Star Trek, it could probably see that not all aliens are orks. Also, I do want to point out that the AI is from just before the cybernetic revolt/reblion of men of iron, but from early daot so circa 15M-16M eldar were not as bad at the time (as we get lore from craftworlds that people on them were horrified how quickly degeneration progress)
ah , a new 40k quest , well time to start nit picking

yeah no , old daot mankind where not the Federation from star treck (the sheer number of WMDs and super weapons they had makes that clear in no uncertain terms) , they were not as gung ho and ideologically driven towards xenocide as the imperium but they wouldn't shy away from it either I am pretty sure they tried to wipe out the Khrave , Rak goul and Slughth multiple times on the grounds that they viewed humans as both livestock and slaves and acted on that whenever they could to give an example

Wrong reaction , this is the eldar from just before the fall of their empire and the birth of slaanesh , eldar from back then were the worst , they were like proto dark elder but worse , like imagine if every single dark eldar was psyker and had a private army of psymaton (psy powered warp automatons so deadly they made eldar Warith guard look like imperial guard conscripts), the only reaction a human from 15,000 would have towards the eldar would be impotent hatred for the atrocities they committed and commit for their amusement (it took thousands of years of eldar being the literal worst to make Slannash into reality after all)
Excuse me, is this your quest or mine? If you're going to sit here and nitpick stuff for no other reason than to well actually I would ask that you stay quiet.

Especially when those things are arguable! I don't think that the Federation started with xenocide with the rak'gol or any of the others. They moved to it after they realized that the other side wouldn't respond to anything else - and that was probably a vanishingly small percentage of the total interactions with Xenos, of which there were hundred of at least. And maybe this AI traded only with the exodites or the less-corrupted Eldar from before the fall. You don't know, and you're making assumptions that are making you dismiss actual clues & characterization in the quest.

If you want to point out where the quest disagrees with (the famously monolithic) lore, do it from a place of humility and respect or not at all.
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Voting will open in 1 day, 8 hours