[x] Plan: Trust but Verify
-[x] [Comment] Uses the construction plan from
Plan: Trust the People of Denva, and starts with
Plan: One Station, Hold the Chaos's research plan, but uses the default "no" option for the
simpler 5 year station handoff to get more RP to throw at the warp research.
Build order updated based on this answer.
-[X][DATABASE] We've got Klyssar Station, and it was a place for Navigators, right? See if you can get an idea of where the transit logs are, get an idea of where points of interest in the local galactic region might be in the future.
-[x] Construction x1 (3500 GBP->VBP + 550 VBP = 4050 VBP)
--[X] 1x Small Shipyard (-1000 VBP, -50 CP)
--[X] 11x Orbital Manufactories (-2750 VBP, -440 CP)
--[X] Danger Vault! (-100 VBP to isolate the Scrap Code Generator somewhere well out of reach in orbit with no access to production material, and a warning to tell us if the shield drops below, say, 70%. Maybe Machine Spirits too if we can? We've got a little excess wiggle-room in the budget if we need it.)
--[X] Repair Psychic Shielding (-150 BP)
--[X] Restore Combat Losses (-120 BP)
-[x] Research x3 (600 + 25 RP)
--[x] Secrets of Machine Spirits (15 RP, Completed!)
--[x] The workings of a Void Abacus (125+25 Anexa RP)
--[X] The Basics of Psytech (200 RP)
--[x] Warp Fundamentals (all remaining RP)
-[X] [ANEXA] Research (Void Abacus)
-[X][VICTAN] Communications
-[X] [SCRAPCODE] Keep It--in a 100 BP vault many, many clicks away in orbit, with no production abilities, locked behind psy-shielding and hopefully defended by our first batch of homebrew Machine Spirits, and with only a single beacon that will light up if it hits 70% integrity for us. We'll get to it sooner rather than later.
-[X] [STATION] No. You're going to hold onto the control of the station for now and make sure everything is running smoothly and they all understand the technology before you hand over the keys to the castle.